How to find inspiration. How to Find Inspiration for Writing

  • 24.09.2019

Sometimes we lose all desire to achieve goals, succeed in life and work, and think creatively. Whether you're an artist who wants to create more creative work, or someone with specific goals in work, education, or sports, or maybe you're just someone who wants to bring back the urge to life - learn how to revive the inspiration that lives in each of us.


Clarifying goals and plans

    Set goals to achieve your inspiration. Ask yourself what you want to achieve and write down your goal in a clear and detailed way.

    • Also write down what inspires you to make changes in your life. For example, why do you want this. Keep the notes with you throughout the process of progressing towards your goal as a positive reminder of why you decided to do it in the first place.
    • Also write down what you think will be good in your life if you achieve this goal, as well as any significant things you already have. This will help you if you don't get what you want.
    • For example, you could write: “If I get better at football, I will have good opportunity perform at more professional level. It will make me happier and help me play at a new level. However, I am already proud of my success in the youth league and love my team.”
  1. Break the goal down into small pieces. Take on a big goal or project and break it down into smaller pieces. This way, the task will seem more achievable, and it will be easier for you to find daily motivation. Example: “Do this week exercise for 30 minutes 3 times a day.”

    Create a list of what you have already achieved. To believe your goal, remember what you have already achieved in this area. In addition, you can remember those achievements that are not directly related to the current goal, but help you feel joy or inspiration.

    Finding inspiration to achieve goals

    1. First, do something that brings you joy. Before you take a step towards a goal or project, listen to your favorite song, talk to your best friend or family member, or do something else that you always manage to do. This will help you feel a surge of positive emotions.

      Identify obstacles and remove them. Ask yourself what excuses and barriers are keeping you from feeling inspired to work on a goal or project. Then deal with these hindrances, either by tackling them first or setting them aside as minor.

      • For example, if you're making the excuse that you can't find time to work on a goal, try removing something less important but time-consuming from your daily routine. Try, for example, to stop watching TV or surfing the Internet for hours. You may find that you are simply looking for an excuse to avoid working towards your goal.
      • If you go rationally organize home space, but you have too many things and too little time, start with a small goal. You can, for example, first disassemble things. Concentrate on achieving a single goal regarding sorting things out. What you do not need can be donated to charity, given to someone or thrown away.
    2. Set incentives for yourself. Come up with a reward that you will give yourself after completing each part of the plan. You can set aside time for entertainment, buy treats, clothes or gadgets that you like.

      Connect with people who share your interests in the area of ​​your goal. Surround yourself with people who have already achieved what you want or are moving towards the same goal. You are more likely to do something if others around you do the same.

      • If you're trying to eat right or keep fit, join a health club, gym, or weight loss group and attend classes on a regular basis. If you are a writer or artist, look for group classes/workshops or work in a creative organization. If you are learning something new, study with a group that will take the same test or have the same learning goal.
      • Don't be afraid of light pressure from others in order to create a positive motivational effect. Tell others about your goal so they can keep you accountable for the successful completion of something. You can promise to send someone a new chapter of your work or a progress report every week. Or you can simply ask the person to regularly ask you how you are progressing towards your goal.
    3. Find a friend with whom you can share your aspirations. Connect with a person who wants to achieve the same as you, or has a different goal, but is looking for someone for mutual motivation and inspiration.

      • Try to work on your part at the same time your friend is working on his. Make a schedule and set a place where it is more convenient for you to meet and work.
      • Don't forget to include a friend in your reward system! Doubling the joy of a set reward is even more likely to keep you motivated to complete the plan. You can, for example, create a tradition of eating ice cream together after each class.
    4. Study who you want to look up to. Read the work of your favorite authors, watch more successful athletes, or watch inspiring videos of people who have achieved the same goals as you. Study these people and their work for inspiration.


The feeling of an all-consuming routine is familiar to many. A new day happens in the same way as the previous one: the same things, at the same time. No matter what projects you are involved in, there comes a moment when you want to lie on the couch and relax. The reluctance to get up and do things raises the question of how to find inspiration and?

Self-doubt and lack of motivation creates a feeling of worthlessness and emptiness. At this moment, it is important to pull yourself together and find a source of inspiration in yourself or in those around you. How to implement this will tell the article.

What is inspiration and why is it needed?

Explanatory dictionaries give the term a definition - a specific state in which a person experiences the greatest emotional upsurge.

People of creative professions, describing moments of inspiration, compare it with a stream. It carries forward and a person is not able to feel and perceive the surrounding reality. A person does not notice the time of day and hours. A burst of inspiration makes a person charismatic and able to influence others.

Experts explain this by a special acceleration of all cognitive reactions. , perception, thinking. The state is comparable to obsession, when a person is able to engage in only one activity, pushing sleep, food and the needs of others into the background.

This state is useful not only for creative processes, but also for other activities. How well to clean an apartment or lay out the documentation to make a business plan or presentation. Each of these activities is performed much faster if you feel a surge of new strength and inspiration.

Where can you find inspiration to write a book?

This problem is known to many creative people. At one moment, X consciousness leaves all the developments that so passionately warmed the soul. Images remain in the head, there is an idea, but it is impossible to write even one sentence.

To get started, you can use standard phrases, familiar writing images. But you decided to create a new masterpiece, splashing emotions on paper. And at this moment, a question arises that torments the soul of every writer: where to find inspiration?

Experienced people testify that the lack of inspiration is the result of doing nothing. Such a state of mind occurs if there are only plans in thoughts, but internal resistance kills their implementation in the bud.

Start writing nonsense text, sentences that come to mind. Within 5 minutes, you will begin to realize that you are waking up in your head. interesting ideas. The most difficult thing is to overcome internal resistance.
In order to have enough energy for such a step, change the usual rhythm of life. Go outside for some air. Enjoy nature: winter or summer landscape. It does not matter. It's important to change the environment. While walking, think over a plan for a future article or book. Perhaps you will come up with completely new ideas inspired by the surrounding beauty.
Another way to find inspiration is brainstorming, there are many ways to generate new ideas and everyone chooses their own.
and discard unnecessary thoughts. Focus on only one topic.
Work through the ideas. Effective method- Say each one out loud. Ask yourself what topics are interesting to write about? Say out loud the first ones that come across and argue by pronouncing the weak and strengths. Write down everything new in a notebook in order to develop them later.
Find inspiration by reading books or blogs on a topic that interests you. Many new things can be learned on foreign resources.

How to find inspiration for drawing?

Inspiration is necessary for expressing one's own thoughts in artistic images. It is sometimes difficult to tune in to the right wave, to catch a creative impulse.

If you are into drawing clothing models, cartoon characters, watch the relevant videos. Users post videos on the network, which show all kinds of techniques in detail. For drawing portraits, you will find inspiration when viewing old albums with photographs, pictures on the Internet.

Find and bookmark a couple of artist portals that have interesting articles updated frequently or live forums. Turn on the music, create a pleasant atmosphere with bright lights and quiet sounds. Turn off all sources of the outside world, and inspiration will surely visit you.

Look for sources of inspiration

Paid favorite business is the dream of many. We think that it is possible indefinitely, inspiration and new ideas will help to develop. Each new day will bring joy from overcoming new peaks. But a person is so arranged that even the most favorite pastime gets boring.

I want to rest and rejuvenate. It seems that the desire to work is completely gone, but it is not. Take time out for a few days to be alone with own thoughts take a break from daily projects.

Books about great people can give a serious impetus to the movement. Their exploits show that you can even leave your own mark on the pages of history. common man. As an example, consider Candice Lightner, the daughter who was hit by a drunk driver. After the accident, he fled the scene of the accident. Lightner has made every effort to increase the punishment for drunk driving in the United States.

Another person - the Persian Ziryab created many inventions, but the main thing that people use every day is. In addition to inventions, he was engaged in painting, science.

Read motivational books, quotes, listen to your favorite tracks, watch movies. These forms of expressive art have the power to inspire and inspire. When the mood is at zero and the working condition leaves much to be desired, stop forcing yourself.

Listen to good music like Somewhere Over the Rainbow, watch a movie that puts love, friendship and family at the forefront. Light, pleasant sounds, pictures will help you get distracted and recharged with new forces. An excellent incentive is motivational products, publications or individual articles. They reveal the secrets of how to find inspiration in order to achieve your goals.

If you are energized while relaxing in the country, try to catch the same feelings in the park when you look at the verdant trees. Listen to the sounds as you walk your usual route on a Sunday afternoon. Try to walk not along the usual path in the park, but along a new one. You may see an anthill or a squirrel jumping from branch to branch.

New powers for inspiration

Find something that is not boring for you. Boredom is often behind the lack of motivation. It is difficult to cope with it, because for this you need to leave your comfort zone. Find new activities. Go from the contrary. It can be new directions in music, art. If you often spend time in the office, take the time to try your hand at sports. It has been scientifically proven that active movements provoke the release of endorphins into the bloodstream and make the human heart beat stronger with happiness.

If you spend more time alone, visit the fitness room, find interest clubs that are in your city. Meet new people to draw inspiration from. If you do not know how to get acquainted, look for relevant information on the Internet or in the literature.

The main rule of acquaintance is to go to places where people meet whose interests are in harmony with yours. Talking to a stranger can inspire no worse than talking to acquaintances. You can not think that everyone you meet. There are enough people in life who are.

Try to meditate. It can take you away from your daily routine. Set aside about 15 minutes for the exercises, and you will notice how inspiration and ideas will flow in an endless stream. There is a theory about a full glass. As long as it is full, nothing can be poured into it. As soon as you empty it, you can twist a new filler into it. Forget about the bosses, work, obligations, your thoughts will begin to be filled with completely new plans.

Change your environment drastically. If you have the financial means, go travel. The new environment triggers new thought processes. You will begin to think in a new way, look at the boring environment from a different position. Consistency is known to be tiring, so add a touch of variety to it and you will see that change is beautiful.

Get out into nature more often, discover new places outside the city. Go with friends to a nearby town to visit a museum or see the sights. Take a look around - there are so many interesting things that you do not notice in the daily bustle. If the funds allow you to visit another country, even better. Plan an extravagant trip, meet new people, show yourself off. You will find many new sources of inspiration.

Laugh more. to calm down and get a positive mood. Laughter causes positive emotions and opens the human mind to something new. He is unlikely to push you to new idea or give a brilliant conclusion, but laughter will absolutely calm and relax.

There is another interesting way to discover previously unexplored resources - silence. Every minute our brain is attacked by thousands of sounds: the noise of passing cars, speech, the sound of playing devices, and others. household appliances. Sometimes the sound fills our consciousness so much that we are not able to find the strength to listen to our own thoughts.

Set a goal every day to give your mind a rest - 5-6 minutes of complete silence. At this time, you can not speak or think, conduct internal conversations. Feel the immediacy of the moment. Just shut up and listen to the silence. You will see how your thoughts will change as a result of this exercise. You will find new strengths for inspiration.

Remember your dream. Everyone, and the way it seems unrealistic, try to bring it to life. Remember that the important thing is not to win, but to participate! Many will say that this is the excuse of the losers, but the sages see the deep truth in it. For some, just the thought of taking a step towards a dream causes insecurity. Others, in small steps, achieve their goal.

This becomes a real inspiration for new achievements. Try it, write a book, try publishing it. Small publishing houses are willing to take on this. Record a song, or maybe you have the talent and patience to record an entire album. Make a film. per century modern technologies and the Internet, perhaps your work will be successful. If you know your own strengths, discover them and show the world.

March 29, 2014, 18:09

Any person who, one way or another, is engaged in intellectual work, knows the feeling of inspiration. Especially people associated with creative activities. Many generally believe that inspiration comes only to creative people, which they do not consider themselves to be.

Be that as it may, we all have one thing in common - this very inspiration, unfortunately, does not come as often as we would like.

As for the assertion that “inspiration is a rare, wild and untamed beast”, here I beg to differ. In fact, inspiration can be evoked artificially, and the techniques used by many great people of the past, as well as our contemporaries, confirm this.

Yes, you may need to prepare for the fact that everything will not go right away. This is fine. We didn't even know how to walk. But our creativity has not gone anywhere. It is in perfect order and is waiting to be remembered.

What we call inspiration is actually one of the components of the creative process. Besides, not the most important.


  1. First, information is collected;
  2. Then comes the search for ideas. Ideas just often come during an inspired state;
  3. After that, the ideas are processed, "digested";
  4. Evaluated, aligned with the objectives of the project;
  5. Are brought to life.

As you can see, the most interesting stage - the implementation of ideas, was postponed only to fifth place. So, consistently, work is underway on creative projects.


1. Memories. We must remember those moments when it was easy and joyful to work, as if effortlessly. That is, when you really had inspiration.

2. Creative ritual. It is individual for everyone. For example, Ludwig van Beethoven poured himself cold water, Honore de Balzac started work after drinking 5 cups of coffee, Jean Jacques Rousseau stimulated the brain by standing in the heat under the sun with his head uncovered, and Johannes Brahms shined his shoes.

All these actions helped them tune in to make it easier to use information from the subconscious, where original and valuable ideas come from.

3. Information analysis. After you collect the information, start processing and thinking through it, looking for different ways to use it. Often it is at such moments that inspiration comes.

4. Imaginary Muse. Give free rein to your imagination and invent, instill in your inner world an imaginary Muse, a Hero, to whom your compositions will be dedicated. Before starting to create, promise yourself, and even take an oath to yourself, that you are working for her (or him), for this Muse. At her request.

5. Relaxation. Before mental work, it is useful to relax and think about something. In times like these, good thoughts can come.

The main thing is not to forget to write down all incoming thoughts and ideas. This is very important, because original thoughts and ideas can soon go away and be forgotten, so fixing them will help not to miss. a large number of valuable information.

You can write on a piece of paper, in a notebook, in a notebook, you can use a voice recorder. All the greats always kept diaries. notebooks in which they recorded their thoughts and ideas.

A written thought already has a completely different value. In addition, if you regularly review and re-read the early entries, comparing them with the current ones, you can develop a few more new ideas!

After that, it remains to think about how to put all this into practice, draw up a plan for application and dare, engage in their implementation!

Get started right now! How did you make sure inspire yourself not difficult at all. So practice!

Marketers and copywriters, designers and directors - the creative crisis overtakes absolutely everyone sooner or later! In this article, you'll learn how to get inspired when you need it.

Imagine: you are sitting at your desk, staring blankly at a blinking cursor, and do not know how to return inspiration, why you cannot solve the problem facing you with your usual enthusiasm, why you are not visited by fertile inspiration, which previously allowed you to come up with small, but undeniable masterpieces - and thousands of different "whys" come to your mind instead of the necessary insight.

How does our brain create?

To figure out how to draw inspiration, you need to understand what exactly happens when a person is in a creative impasse (also called a “creative block”)? First, let's look at how it works human brain: brain neurons are constantly exchanging signals, due to which information is processed (the picture, of course, is drawn with the roughest strokes, but it is enough to solve our problem and figure out how inspiration arises).

The right hemisphere of the brain is responsible for creativity

and inspiration - it is it that thinks in images and


The left hemisphere is responsible for logic

thinking, linguistic communication and

accumulated knowledge management.

The so-called creative block locks up the right brain, making it harder for you to design a great, high-converting landing page. How to get inspired in such a situation?

What is "creativity"?

According to the definition of the American Psychological Association (APA) - one of the most influential associations of professional psychologists in the world - creativity as a concept has 2 aspects: originality and functionality. In other words, the creative idea must also work in practice. This is where we come to the most important thing in the question of how to find a source of inspiration: there is no point in generating ideas that will simply not be feasible in the real world, or their implementation will obviously lead to losses. We note in passing, however, that another very serious institution, the US Patent Office, treats the concept of creativity much more condescendingly, and patents sometimes protect ideas that look like obvious fraud or pseudoscientific nonsense to an unbiased observer. ;)

How to call inspiration? Revisiting APA's concept of creativity again, but in this vein: Creativity automatically implies when creating a landing page that the key to success is staying true to yourself as a creative person and to your aesthetic principles.

The American Psychological Association also suggests distinguishing "creativity with a small 'T'" from "Creativity with a capital 'T'." The difference between the two is that "creativity" is a continuation, deepening and expansion of what we can see on a daily basis, while in the case of "Creativity" products, projects and concepts are born that affect entire industries and even change the cultural paradigm of society.

4 Tactics to Overcome Creative Block

How to create inspiration? The trick to breaking creative block is to use your right brain to keep fresh ideas flowing as needed. Here are some ways you can try to boost your creativity:

1. Listen to jazz

Yes, you heard right: jazz. How to catch inspiration through music? Music is one way or another connected with creativity, you see. Dee Coulter, a recognized expert in the field of applied neuroscience (Neuroscience), conducted experiments to determine the impact of jazz on the human brain. Coulter played the jazz improvisations of Miles Davis, John Cage and John Coltrane to the participants of the experiment and noticed that such music stimulates an increase in theta brain rhythms in the subjects, and this frequency range of “brain waves” is precisely responsible for deeper and faster assimilation of information and awakening creativity.

In other words, jazz is the key to the door to the not always accessible realm of inspiration. So here's our advice on how to get inspired: don't bang your head against the wall to find lost inspiration, listen to Miles Davis records. :)

2. Run or swim

How to feel inspired while doing sports? Physical exercise releases endorphins, also known as “hormones Have a good mood”, necessary for the brain as a “fuel” for the development of new ideas and the process of creative thinking.

3. Draw whatever comes to your mind

How to find inspiration? Pick up a pencil and paper and draw sketches of everything that comes to your mind, it doesn’t matter if it’s successful or not. Some of the sketches will prove to be obviously useless or impractical, but save them anyway. When you get tired of drawing, then take two random sketches and try to mix the ideas behind them - it often happens that a great creative find is a mixture of two completely independent and even opposite concepts.

4. Distract yourself from your routine by doing something unusual

How not to lose inspiration? “Swing” your “right brain” stuck in a rut of daily routine by abruptly changing your place of residence, environment, life rhythm - this will allow you to place your mind in new conditions, where it will be able to form fresh associative connections and get rid of some old perception clichés and thinking. Most likely later, when you return to the usual monitor screen again, you will literally gush with new ideas.

Landing page examples to inspire you

Your main job as a creative person - to find alternative ways accomplish the task before you, not being afraid to combine and experiment, and not forgetting to test. How to find inspiration by browsing other people's landing pages? Your first step to victory is to recognize that you are in a creative dead end and understand that there is a way out of it.

Well, since our blog is dedicated to, then without creative landing pages (landing pages) nowhere:

Strikingly different from all other landing pages and highly original landing page, demonstrating the great skill of its creators in the use of graphic materials.

The headline and CTA button literally jump out at the visitor, the brilliant stylization of the offer as a classic comic book page does not let the reader go until he has read the entire text to the last character.

Content is more than the standard Times New Roman, Arial, or even Google Web Fonts: text is .