Types of modern trainings and methodology for their creation. Types of training

  • 29.09.2019

A form of education, the main purpose of which is the rapid formation of new skills, the assimilation of new information, and the change in personal attitudes.
concept training originated in the 60s of the 20th century at the intersection of psychology and sports. To get quick results, athletes must train and consolidate certain skills, overcome fears and insecurities. However, at that time, traditional pedagogy could not offer methods for effectively changing attitudes. Psychologists “came” to the rescue, who by that time had already begun to refuse psychotherapy that was protracted in time and were looking for methods to help clients more quickly. With the merger of training technologies and techniques for changing attitudes and fears (psychotherapy), the concept of training, which just as quickly found application in the business environment.

Reasons for training

Apparently, individual training was still among the ancient hunters. Archaeological finds indicate that they specially trained to throw spears at the target, devoting a lot of time to this. With the development of civilization, the need for intensive training appeared among artisans who trained their apprentices. At the same time, a traditional school of learning was created, where a lot of time was devoted to the formation of knowledge.

Paradoxically, one of the most modern methods learning case studies was invented in ancient China. Confucius, Han Feishing and other philosophers who followed Lao Tzu taught with the following technique: one student had to tell in the form of a parable any paradox that he knew or had heard. The other members of the group were looking for ways to solve this problem. A similar method was later used in the 1880s by Christopher Langdell, dean of Harvard Law School, to teach students.
Now training is a form of intensive training in business and psychology.

Some experts point out business trainings into a separate category due to the fact that it is one of the most effective ways at the moment quickly form a skill and transfer knowledge to a group of people. All other forms of education require more resources: money, time, off-duty, and so on. This is what became the basis for such popularity. business trainings.

Types of training

All trainings can be divided into three main types in its direction or purpose of change, at the same time it must be understood that in most cases a certain type of training is partially mixed with another.

Trainings psychological (socio-psychological)

Psychological trainings aimed at changing negative attitudes that interfere with a person, behavioral habits and the formation of new ones. According to the type of its impact, psychological training is between psychotherapeutic and skill training. Most often psychological trainings are used to improve communicative competence. For example, the training "Assertiveness" forms the skill of confident communication, ways to resist manipulation. And most of the "Personal Growth" trainings are designed to change personal attitudes, for example, the formation of each participant's personal responsibility for his life.
According to the form of the training, the socio-psychological training takes place in a group form. Individual training is usually used as part of a psychotherapeutic consultation. Within the framework of such trainings, a huge number of types of exercises are used - simulations, discussions, real actions under supervision, sociometric exercises, bodily movement exercises, dance therapy, acting methods and others. With the focus of classes on improving communicative competence, it is very important to have feedback from the trainer and the group.

Psychotherapeutic training

The training is aimed at deep changes in the state of mind, moral and personal barriers, understanding of deep attitudes formed before birth and in the process of life, family problems. Most often it is carried out within the framework of one of the areas of psychotherapy.

The main types of psychotherapeutic training:
. Psychodrama- problem solving through figurative playback difficult situation client.
Gestalt group- therapy in a group by realizing their problems through discussion, metaphorical acting out and other methods.
Family group therapy uses a variety of methods of work, both with one family and simultaneously with several.
Psychosomatic group therapy- a set of methods for working with the body, based on pressure, massaging, relaxation, repetition of certain movements in order to relieve "tension" from an organ or body, to get rid of a neurosis, physical or mental illness / problem.
Positive group psychotherapy uses various methods to overcome the psychological difficulties of clients due to innate or life-long abilities.
Cognitive Psychotherapy- is aimed at solving a variety of problems and diseases by changing the attitude of clients to emotions and experiences.
Existential group psychotherapy– training based on increasing clients' understanding of the uniqueness of their lives, changing attitudes towards the past, future and present.
Provocative group psychotherapy- it is based on the provocation of the client to certain actions, deeds, words that help him to realize and overcome "personal neurosis".

Modern technologies have given rise to the emergence of another form of training - remote training (online training).

Distance trainings (online trainings)- this is a way of transferring knowledge, forming skills in the audience without direct contact between the teacher and the student. Distance training is generally divided into two large forms - automated learning and distance pedagogical learning.

Automated learning assumes that the interaction goes on the principle of "man - machine", without the direct participation of the teacher. These include remote trainings on our website (online trainings), instructional videos such as www.youtube.com, instructional presentations, automated ten-finger touch typing simulators on the keyboard.

Distance pedagogical education involves direct interaction between teacher and student. This type of training includes webinars, lecture broadcasts via the Internet or television channels, correspondent learning, when the student independently studies the subject, then writes a paper or answers questions on the topic, the teacher analyzes the work and sends the results and his comments back. Previously, this form of education was mainly carried out through regular mail, like the school "Eshko" (European School of Correspondence Education). Now mostly involved Email or messengers like ICQ, Skype, Gtalk and others.

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Christopher Morley

The concept of psychological training

Psychological training is a form of group training aimed at obtaining behavioral skills, a decision within personal problems and development of the individual.

Simply put, it is help in the work of a person on himself to discover his inner potential. Psychological trainings are unique in that no one tells or tells a person how he should build his life. The participant discovers for himself how he and the life around him may look different, and it is through this that new valuable discoveries are made.

Passing this path of knowledge, a person gains access to his personal inner forces, to other levels of freedom of choice that are required to create exactly that future, which has absolutely nothing to do with the past life.

The history of the training

The history of the emergence of training is probably as old as training. No one can say exactly when and where it originated. One of the first to seriously engage in training and began to apply it was the American writer, teacher and psychologist Dale Breckenridge Carnegie, who founded one of the world's largest training companies a hundred years ago, which has been successfully operating to this day. These trainings are aimed at developing self-confidence, self-confidence, public speaking skills, interaction between people and many other achievements.

It is impossible not to note the significant contribution to this form of education by the well-known social German and American psychologist Kurt Zadek Lewin, who, in the second year after the end of World War II, together with his colleagues, founded training groups whose goal was to increase people's competence in communication.

They noticed that the participants get a real huge benefit from the visits, analyzing their own thoughts and experiences in the group. Later, his talented students opened the National Training Laboratory in the USA.

At first, management personnel were trained there - leaders, managers and even politicians, then in the fifties groups were opened that focused on clarifying the life priorities and values ​​​​of the person himself. Classification of trainings gradually increased.

Later, in the seventies, it was developed new method training, which is called socio-psychological training. Its founder was M. Forverg and his colleagues. Here, role-playing games, which included the dramatization of certain events, were already the main means of learning, which contributed to the formation of effective communication skills in a person. It is rather difficult to answer the question of what kind of trainings there are in general.

Types of training

The types of training were not officially singled out, there are a great many of them and generally recognized classifications still do not exist. Nevertheless, according to the criterion of the direction of changes and impacts, some types of training can be distinguished - this is business training, skills training, socio-psychological and psychotherapeutic training.

Concerning business training, then its main task is mainly to develop the skills of the working staff so that they can successfully fulfill the business tasks assigned to them, as well as to increase the level of managerial interactions and the efficiency of production activities. This type of training requires a separate detailed consideration.

Skill training speaks for itself - it is the formation and development of certain skills. By the way, most of the business training includes this type of training.

Social Psychological Training- forms skills and at the same time consciousness of a person. He occupies an intermediate position. The main goal of socio-psychological training is the development of competence in communication. It is communication that opens the way to life; both the personal happiness of a person and success in professional life depend on it. Such training will help you find an approach to any person, easily make acquaintances, reveal your personal inner qualities and develop a personal line of behavior.

Types of socio-psychological training

The benefits of such trainings can be for all people, regardless of their age and profession. Therefore, the types of social psychological training can be distinguished as follows:

  • For preschoolers - develops the very first communication skills with adults and children;
  • For schoolchildren - they develop rules of conduct between peers and the older generation, as well as within the school class;
  • For teenagers - teaches respectful communication between themselves and adults;
  • For students - introduces into an adult, more independent life;
  • Corporate training - teaches communication between colleagues, solves collective problems within;
  • Training for managers - increases authority and improves the climate in the team;
  • Family training - develops communication skills with relatives, solves problems of misunderstanding within the family.

The main direction of psychotherapeutic training is changes in a person's mind that modify the stereotypes of a person's behavior, considering what situations they no longer get into. The name speaks for itself that this is the provision of assistance to the internal psychological problems of a person. By the way, this type of training is a kind of psychological training.

The history of psychological training began at the same time when Levin and his colleagues created their own groups. He believed that people should learn to see themselves as other people see them in order to see their negative attitudes and then develop new forms of their behavior.

Types of psychological training

The main types of psychological training are business trainings, which have already been discussed above, communicative trainings and personal growth trainings.

The main goal of communicative trainings is to teach people to adequately, correctly behave in a given situation, which will help to further resolve the difficulties of communication in real life.

People learn to build relationships with other people, learn to understand them better.

Another classification of psychological trainings is personal growth trainings similar to the type described above, but here the participants are still learning to overcome their inner fears and any of their personal complexes. They analyze in detail their spiritual anxieties and experiences that prevent them from living and achieving their goals. The classification of the types of psychological training exists only on the basis of signs, but as a single one it simply does not exist.

Psychological training, of course, is bearing fruit. The consequences of psychological training are different. But for many participants, there is an internal reassessment, both of themselves and of the people around them and life in general. They get rid of many complexes, problems and more confidently walk around the world. Many of those people who attended psycho training achieve their goals and reach high peaks.

At the moment, due to the variety of types and forms of training, there is no single classification. In this manual, we present a number of classifications that are of practical importance.

There is a typology according to which different training programs are divided depending on addressing the specific issues of the individual, the goals that are set for the group. It identifies five types of group work ( Zhuravlev D.V.):

1. "I - I" - groups aimed at changes at the level of personality, personal growth; the main sources of transformation are intrapersonal.

2. "I - Others" - groups aimed at changes in interpersonal relationships, the study of how the process of interpersonal influence occurs depending on one or another way of behavior.

3. "I - Group" - groups aimed at the interaction of the individual and the group as a social community, styles of interaction with the group.

4. "I - Organization" - groups focused on the study and development of the experience of interpersonal and intergroup interaction in organizations.

5. "I am a profession" - groups focused on subjects of a specific professional activity.

There is also a classification according to which, depending on from goals trainings can be divided into 4 groups.

1. Corrective trainings.

Their goal is to solve the psychological problem of the person who applied; help him understand himself and start " new life". Corrective training includes psychological diagnostics of the client, but not in the usual form (passing tests, long conversations with a psychologist), but in a training form. This is followed by corrective exercises, where, again, not in words, but in deeds, the client, together with the psychologist, solves his problem and develops a new constructive behavior. In the adaptation part of the training, the client learns to transfer his achievements to real life, i.e. to be successful and happy not only in the conditions of training, but also in relationships with other people and with oneself in life.

2. Educational trainings.

The purpose of this type of training is to teach a person any skill, ability, profession as quickly and effectively as possible. Passing an educational training in a matter of days and weeks adapts a person to the reality of his new profession, makes him adequately confident, competitively capable, aimed at Professional Development and career. The result of such training lasts from six months to several years. Further participation in the training of a new level is desirable.

3. Personal development trainings.

These trainings do not have such a specific, pragmatic focus as correctional and educational ones. Their goal is to reveal the individuality of a person, the strengths and weaknesses of his personality, what prevents him from living and what helps. And then harmonize the inner world of a person, correct the weaknesses of the personality and emphasize the strengths; at the same time, the training does not hide the shortcomings (what a person is not satisfied with in himself), but transforms them into virtues.

It is obvious that personality development trainings belong to the field of high art and make serious demands on both the psychologist and the client. Unfortunately, not everyone understands this. However, for all its supposedly vagueness and simplicity, a personality-development training skillfully conducted by a psychologist and seriously worked out by a client can change a person’s internal values, his views on himself, those around him, and the whole world.

4. Business training.

Business training, from the point of view of the traditional educational approach, is a refresher course, usually very short, full of different forms and methods of training, designed to train employees and company management. The idea of ​​additional business education appeared because education in higher educational institutions provides knowledge that, being adequate to the realities of modern business and production, becomes obsolete over time (Soltitskaya T.A..)..

The purpose of business training is to help a person or a group of people (for example, employees of a corporation) achieve success in business and career. In this group, effective sales trainings are very popular (meaning both the sale of goods and the sale of services). As a result of such training, the client (person or corporation) changes the psychological approach to the consumer and significantly raises the level of sales and, accordingly, profits. This group also includes some communication trainings. Their goal is to improve human interaction and communication skills in such a way that the training client achieves social success. These trainings are extremely effective wherever the "human factor" in business and career is paramount. Business trainings include time management trainings, as well as many others.

Another classification is based on how to create a training program(Petrovskaya L.S.). In this case, the trainings are divided into:

1. Problem-oriented trainings - trainings, in the preparation of the program of which everything is built around one specific communication problem and ways to solve it (trainings for emotional self-regulation, trainings for effective behavior in conflict, trainings for marital interaction, trainings for parental behavior, etc.)

2. Age-oriented trainings - trainings, when drawing up the program, they are oriented to a specific age group of participants, taking into account the characteristics of this age, including the content and specifics of normative age crises ( communication training for teenagers, midlife crisis training, etc.).

The last of the classifications presented here is our generalization and is based on direction of the training impact.

From this point of view, trainings are divided into the following categories:

1. Skill training:

a) general skills - communication skills are formed that can be used in any type of communication, both professional and friendly (communication training, effective communication training, confidence training, acceptance training effective solutions, stress resistance training, sensitivity training, etc.)

b) private skills - narrowly focused skills and abilities are formed, the scope of which is most often limited to one type of activity (sales training, telephone conversation training, management training, self-presentation training, business negotiation training, etc.).

2. Development trainings:

a) personal development - aimed at personal growth, allow you to overcome your own barriers and limitations, develop your abilities and capabilities to the maximum

b) development of the group (designed for groups and organizations that have actually existed for some time)

Cohesion trainings - aimed primarily at the emotional aspect of relationships in the group, at the formation of a favorable psychological climate in the team

· teambuilding trainings – aimed at the business aspect of relationships in the team, at creating a team that can achieve the goal as efficiently as possible

trainings for the development of corporate culture - aimed at forming and introducing elements of corporate culture into the minds of the employees of the team (common goals, values, mission of the organization, corporate standards, etc.)

Thus, the choice of the basis for classification (assignment of training to one category or another) is determined primarily by the context in which this training is considered.

Thus, under psychological training we will understand a special type of transformative impact produced within a group specially organized for this purpose and aimed at developing skills and abilities (primarily communicative) that allow the participant to change their own behavioral strategies and thus increase their personal competence and effectiveness in any sphere of life and activity.

Training groups are all specially created small groups, whose participants, with the assistance of a leading psychologist, are included in a kind of experience of intensive communication, focused on helping everyone in solving various psychological problems and in self-improvement (in particular, in the development of self-awareness and communication skills).

Most psychologists note the fact that training work has a number of advantages compared to individual work on the formation and development of communication skills.

Psychological training is often confused with other forms of group work (group psychotherapy, group psychocorrection and methods of active socio-psychological training), while it has a number of specific features that distinguish it from all other forms of group work (see Table 1). At the same time, elements of training work (as one of the forms of active socio-psychological learning) can be used in other contexts, in particular, in educational contexts.

At the moment, due to the variety of types and forms of training, there is no single classification; the choice of basis for classification is determined primarily by the context in which this training is considered.

Questions for self-examination

1. What is “psychological training”?

2. Give some definitions of training.

3. Expand the concept of "psychotechnical potential."

4. What are the goals of psychological training?

5. What are the specific features of the trainings?

6. What are the advantages of training (group) work.

7. General psychological training and other types of group work.

8. The difference between psychological training and other types of group work.

9. The history of the emergence of training groups.

10. Types of training: classification options.

11. What types of training are distinguished depending on the appeal to a specific issue of the individual?

12. What types of training are distinguished depending on the goals that are set for the group?

13. What types of training are distinguished depending on the method of creating a training program?

14. What types of training are distinguished depending on the direction of the training impact?

Section II. Organization of the training


There are at least three directions, according to which trainings can be classified:

  • topic;
  • the target audience;
  • levels of organizational problems. Let's consider each of them separately.

Most often, trainings are divided into by topic, For example:

  • "Effective sales";
  • "Negotiation";
  • "Conducting meetings";
  • "Management of the initiative of employees";
  • "Motivation";
  • "Training of managerial skills";
  • "Conflict Management";
  • "Formation of a team";
  • "Development of creativity", etc.

There can be an infinite number of topics depending on the needs of the customer. The topic defines the scope of the content area of ​​the training, from which it should be clear in general terms what subject will be discussed. Of course, the name of an open training should sound attractive to a potential client, be positive, artistically and emotionally expressive. Compare which do you think sounds more interesting?

Possible alternatives to typical training titles:

In addition to the topic, it is important to accurately define the target audience in order to know exactly who the training is for.

Target audience (participants)

In organizations, it is customary to divide employees depending on their place in the status hierarchy:

  • ordinary employees;
  • line managers;
  • middle managers;
  • senior management, etc.

In addition to the division by position in the organization, there is a division by specialization and professional characteristics, which is especially important when selecting participants for open trainings. For example, these could be:

  • practical psychologists;
  • human resource (HR) managers;
  • store managers;
  • specialists of logistics departments;
  • secretaries;
  • warehouse managers, etc.

Trainings are also divided according to the target audience. This division complements the thematic one. As a result, the same subject area will be considered from a different angle. So, for example, standard communication skills training can have unexpected angles for different target audiences.

And the name and, consequently, the inner content of the most common sales training, depending on the focus on a specific audience, can undergo various metamorphoses.

Problem levels in an organization

The needs and related problems that exist in an organization can be located at various levels: individual, systemic or strategic.

Individual level

Problems that are at the individual level are associated with insufficient skills and abilities of individual employees of the company. An organization's need is to train its employees. Accordingly, if the training is carried out at this level, its goal is the formation and development of the missing skills and abilities.

This may be a training in which participants master various psychotechnics. The list of trained skills can be the most extensive. For example, it is possible to form and develop the skills of argumentation, asking open questions, control, delegation, receiving feedback, etc., passing on the appropriate techniques to the participants.

The corresponding type of training is skill training.

System level

Problems that are at the system level relate to intra- and inter-group interaction within the organization. The main need of the organization is not only and not so much in training, but in creating opportunities for establishing effective interaction between interdependent units and people. This need will correspond to the following goal of the training: to develop the ability of participants to create harmonious interpersonal relationships necessary for effective interaction. It will also require training in missing skills that cause interpersonal and intergroup problems, but this is already a deeper level, and here, in addition to mastering simple algorithms, it will be necessary to teach participants to analyze situations and their own behavior for its subsequent correction. At such a training, participants can learn conflict management methods, constructive behavior in stressful situations, effective meetings, methods of staff motivation, team building, conflict analysis, etc.

Appropriate type of training process-oriented.

Strategic level

The problems at this level are even more complex and complex. They are not directly related to the skills and abilities of individual employees or problems of interaction, but relate to the very organization of work in the company, strategies for its promotion in the market and superordinate goals. At this level of training, the strategic objectives of the company are solved and its need for development and change is served. This can be training in strategic planning and goal setting, developing a company mission or motivation system, adjusting the corporate culture or creating the necessary image, etc.

The corresponding type of training is innovative.

Thus, any corporate training is done "on order" taking into account the needs of the organization. In order to choose the right training for a particular company and correctly draw up a program-offer, the trainer can rely on interrelated parameters - these are:

  • participants (target audience);
  • subject (subject area of ​​work);
  • level (scale) of problems in the organization.

However, not every coach is allowed to solve problems of a systemic and, moreover, strategic level, and this is due not only to the abilities of the coach and the level of his professionalism, but also to the readiness of company leaders to solve certain problems.

Statistics show that most often, instead of solving their problems at parent training, mothers and fathers send their children to a psychologist. Exactly the same picture is observed in most organizations: instead of adjusting their actions and learning how to manage the company professionally, managers send their subordinates for training, and sales departments usually become “extreme” in commercial companies. And the fish, as you know, rots from the head... And sometimes organizational illnesses are so serious that sales training as a means of getting rid of organizational problems resembles a purgen prescribed for the treatment of migraines.

Fortunately, such running cases meet infrequently, so the coach may well work at the level of problems of the organization, which he is entrusted with, and achieve significant results. Since the company is a single organism, positive changes in one link can affect the entire system. If the question is blunt: “To be or not to be” - “to be or not to be” a coach for the company, whether to take on the solution of the task without having access to the level where the causes of the existing problems are rooted, then I would still choose active position. I believe that even minor positive changes and even slow, but development, are better than a complete avoidance of solving problems. I would like to recall the story that I sometimes tell novice coaches ...

How to build a temple (the legend of Francis of Assisi)

Francis of Assisi was an enthusiastic and impressionable young man, the son of a wealthy merchant. One day he had a dream in which an angel appeared to him and said that the calling of the young man was to build a temple. Waking up, Francis thought about his dream and decided to wait for his father's departure in order to take advantage of the family savings in his absence.

And so he did: as soon as his father was away from home for a certain period, Francis took his father's money, ordered Construction Materials, hired workers and began building a beautiful Temple in the forest. The temple grew until that terrible moment for the young man, until his father, who returned from distant wanderings, discovered the loss of his money and blocked the financial income of the great young ascetic, freezing the construction site.

The saddened Francis, who did not fulfill the mission of his life, fell asleep with grief and - oh happiness! I saw a second dream. And in this dream, an angel appeared to him again. After listening to the young man's complaints about the restrictions imposed by his father, the angel said: "To build the Temple, you just need to build it." Francis woke up. He got up from his bed. Went out into the yard. I saw a stone lying by the side of the road. He picked it up and carried it into the forest to put it in the wall of his Temple.

So day after day, stone by stone, he built his Temple in complete solitude and without any outside help. It was this Temple and this deed that left its name for centuries. And until now, remembering Francis of Assisi, people say: "To build the Temple, you just need to build it."


In order to accurately determine the type of training and fully take into account the needs and interests of the customer, the trainer can use diagnostic interview techniques in negotiations, which consists of a mastering and developing interview.

Mastering interview

In the learning interview, the trainer gets to know the organization in general—its history, scope, staff and competitors, market situation, and obstacles to success. Having received the initial information about the company (being akin to a regular presentation in which the wishful thinking is often given as reality, it is superficial and very approximate), the trainer proceeds to the next part - a deeper diagnosis of the organization's level of problems in a developmental interview. The main function of the mastering interview is to get acquainted, involve the customer in joint activities, create trusting relationship, creating readiness for cooperation and open discussion of problems.

Developmental interview

In the developmental interview, a more detailed analysis of the information received is made. Here we are talking about the goals of the organization and the effectiveness of their achievement, about problems at various levels, about the difficulties and obstacles that the organization faces, their causes and ways to overcome them. Key persons and decision makers are identified, on which the success of the company's activities depends, formal and informal leaders. hallmark developmental interview is its problem orientation: the trainer actively interacts with the customer, asks questions, expresses his opinion about the situation, helps to identify problems. Being an independent person, not included in the activities of the company, he can give the customer unbiased feedback and help to navigate the existing problems, as well as find the cause of their occurrence.

It is called a developing interview because already in the course of the conversation the customer changes his point of view on the situation somewhat, begins to take a more active position. He ceases to feel like a victim of circumstances and external causes, realizing the possibility of overcoming a crisis or a difficult situation, analyzing the causes and relationships of problems. In this case, only manageable problems are considered, the solution of which depends on the interview participants. For example, the biggest problem of the organization, paradoxically, the customer often considers the manager or founders. If the trainer conducts interviews not with them, but with lower-level managers, then he suggests limiting himself to analyzing the situation only at lower organizational levels, which do not include top management and business owners. Taking them out of the brackets and relating them to environmental factors, not trying to influence those whom the coach has no right to influence, he has the opportunity to stay within reasonable limits and avoid the emergence of unrealistic plans. It would never occur to anyone to try to change the temperature outside the window - people complain about the weather, but put up with it, taking it for granted. If it's raining outside, the person takes an umbrella instead of shouting magic spells. In the same way, it is worth considering the existence of even visible mistakes on the part of those company leaders, at the level of which the coach is not allowed. Caesar - Caesar's, Caesar - Caesar's, coach - trainer's.

Of course, all information received in the diagnostic interview is strictly confidential!

The result of a diagnostic interview should be an adequate understanding of organizational problems by the trainer, an accurate definition of the topic and target audience, a common vision of the training goals with the customer, a competent setting of development objectives and, accordingly, the possibility of creating a correct program. A good program- the basis for achieving the planned result.

Training program

The training program submitted for approval to the customer looks something like this:

  • topic;
  • lecture hall;
  • the purpose of the training;
  • tasks;
  • planned result;
  • duration;
  • price;
  • leading.

To be continued...


We recommend unique coaching manuals for the best exercises for training:

  • Running towards your goal

    Energetic and strong exercise for goal-setting, confidence, personal growth trainings, towhich allows, through a metaphor, to give the training participantsfeel the power of your own internal resistance on the way to the chosen goal. The exercise clearly shows that in order to successfully achieve a goal, it is not enough just to formulate a goal and outline an action plan, the attitude to achieve the goal and the absence of resistance is also important.Participants will be able to vividly, fully, deeply experience their resistance in a short time and receivemotivation for change.
    Exclusive recommendations from professionals! A unique training manual for this exercisedeveloped by experts especially for the Trenerskaya.ru portal. and contains many recommendationstips and coaching "chips" that allow you to professionally conduct this exercise. You won't find this anywhere else!
    The volume of the coaching manual: 9 pages. Bonuses! Audio file (9:45 min.) and a detailed theory block for the exercise.

  • Get out of the circle!

    Extremely powerful in its effectiveness challenge exercise, which in the shortest possible time clearly explains the difference between a constructive and non-constructive approach to conflict resolution and sets up training participants for intensive training.

    This exercise will be a great "challenge" group. As a result of its implementation, the group may come to the conclusion that the task is impossible, but upon reflection, they will see a completely different approach to resolving the situation, which will cause "revolution" in thinking and will serve as an excellent start to the perception of the main theory.

    exercise fit for most training one way or another affecting the topic of communications. After all, “a conflict is a clash of interests,” and it is present almost everywhere. It will be very indicative at sales trainings, negotiations, communication trainings, trainings family relations. The theme of "non-conflict" would be a welcome addition to personal growth training. At team building trainings, this exercise will contribute to cohesion and harmonious cooperation, and at business building and management trainings, it will open a new approach to resolving contradictions.

  • Exercise "Building a house from a rope"

    The exercise was taken from the arsenal of the doctor of psychological sciences, professor, famous trainer and writer N. I. Kozlov.

    This exercise for training solves two main problems. First - leadership development participants, which is relevant in leadership training, confidence training and training for managers.

    The second objective of the exercise is to train the skill work in a team. In this context, the exercise is ideal for teambuilding trainings, team building.

    The volume of the coaching manual: 11 pages. Bonuses! 7 audio files with a recording of the actual exercise and a detailed theory block for the exercise.

1. The concept of training

The use of training is associated with the need for changes that increase the likelihood of success in professional activities, personal well-being. The choice of means of influence in the training and preparation for their inclusion in the training process are due to changes in the image of the group and its individual participants in the mind of the leader, changes associated with his “tuning” to the group in each individual episode, as well as the dynamics of the state of the group and the leader.

Training as a multifunctional method of deliberate changes in the psychological phenomena of a person, group and organization in order to harmonize the professional and personal being of a person. Training ensures that a specialist acquires a professional important qualities, skills and their transfer to the level of skills, creates conditions for solving personal problems and developing the abilities of the individual.

Training is defined as a way of reprogramming a person's existing behavior and activity management model. There is also a definition of training as part of the organization's planned activities aimed at increasing professional knowledge and skills, or at modifying the attitudes and social behavior of staff in ways that are consistent with the goals of the organization and the requirements of the activity.

Classification of types of psychological training

Various bases are used to classify training: the theoretical orientation of specific programs, the goals of the training, the level of mental organization at which changes are expected.

There is a typology according to which various training programs are divided depending on the appeal to a specific problem of the individual, the goals that are set for the group. It identifies five types of group work:

1. "I - I" - groups aimed at changes at the level of personality, personal growth; the main sources of transformation are intrapersonal.

2. "I - Others" - groups aimed at changes in interpersonal relationships, the study of how the process of interpersonal influence occurs depending on one or another way of behavior.

3. "I - Group" - groups aimed at the interaction of the individual and the group as a social community, styles of interaction with the group.

4. "I - Organization" - groups focused on the study and development of the experience of interpersonal and intergroup interaction in organizations.

5. "I am a profession" - groups focused on subjects of a specific professional activity.

H. Mickin as the basis for division different types training takes the organizational side, paying attention to the distribution of initiative between the trainer, the contracting organization, the trainees and the degree of professionalization of the trainer.

He singles out amateur, institutionalized and psycho-correctional training.

Amateur training is typical for the initial stage of mastering the method, when the initiator of its implementation is an enthusiastic trainer, and the participants are motivated mainly by random reasons and curiosity. The work of the trainer is free from external control and is carried out at the expense of the personal time of the participants.

Institutionalized training differs from amateur training by the transfer of the initiative to conduct it from the trainer to the customer organization, which has the right to impose a number of requirements on the trainer related to the confirmation of his qualifications by an authoritative instance. To the setting of specific tasks, to the scientific validity of the program, to the duration of work and its mode, as well as to a clear formulation of the hierarchy of training goals to control its effectiveness.

H. Mikkin considers psycho-corrective training as a kind of psychological help, which, in terms of its goals and objectives, is on a par with psychological counseling, a helpline, psychological relief rooms, and psychoprophylactic psychotherapy.

Types of training

According to the form



By composition of participants

Real groups

Quasi-real groups

Groups of strangers

By composition

Homogeneous groups (by age, gender, cultural characteristics, profession, regional characteristics, individual psychological characteristics, motivation)

Heterogeneous groups

By level of change

Subjective (changes occur mainly at the level of skills and abilities)

Personal (changes occur mainly at the level of personal properties)

By organization

Fragment training

Programmed training

By goals and objectives

Communication training

Intellectual training

Regulatory training

Special skills training

4. The concept of psychological training as a form of active learning

Training (eng. training from train - to teach, educate)-- a method of active learning aimed at developing knowledge, skills and social attitudes. Training is often used if the desired result is not only the acquisition of new information, but also the application of the acquired knowledge in practice.

Training can be viewed from the point of view of different paradigms

training as a kind of training, in which, with the help of positive reinforcement, the necessary patterns of behavior are formed, and with the help of negative reinforcement, unwanted patterns are “erased”;

training as training, which results in the formation and development of skills and abilities;

training as a form of active learning, the purpose of which is the transfer of knowledge, the development of certain skills;

· training as a method of creating conditions for self-disclosure of participants and their independent search for ways to solve their own psychological problems.

Features of training as a type of psychological assistance. Types of training groups

There is no single and generally recognized classification of trainings, the division can be carried out on various grounds, but it is possible to single out the main types of trainings according to the criterion of the direction of impact and changes - skill, psychotherapeutic, socio-psychological, business training.

Skill training is aimed at the formation and development of a certain skill (skills). Most business trainings include skills training, such as negotiation training, self-presentation, sales techniques, etc.

Psychotherapeutic training(a more correct name is a psychotherapeutic group) is aimed at a change in consciousness. Changes in the way in which a person creates a field of reality, a change in the stereotypical way of behavior: how not to fall into this hole again; towards support.

These groups correlate with existing areas of psychotherapy - psychodrama, gestalt groups, groups of body-oriented, dance-movement therapy, etc.

Socio-psychological training(SPT) occupies an intermediate position, it is aimed at changes both in consciousness and in the formation of skills. SPT is often aimed at changing social attitudes and developing skills and experience in the field of interpersonal communication.

Business training(and its most characteristic variety - corporate training) - development of staff skills for the successful implementation of business tasks, increasing the efficiency of production activities, and managerial interactions.

Business training is a capacious and complex process that affects all aspects of business (the activities of a company, organization), requiring a systematic approach. The structure of business training may include sales and customer service training, management skills training, workplace mentoring training, team building training, time management training, corporate culture training, all of the above trainings. But, none of the listed trainings is business training in particular. Business training is a process with a systematic approach that allows you to simultaneously develop the knowledge and skills necessary for the productive existence of a business (company, organization) as a whole, and not a separate process. Hence the name business training.

Business trainings can be developed and conducted both by a corporate (internal) trainer and external specialists. However, it is important to understand that business training is not limited to sales training (sales training), and a sales coach (sales trainer) is by no means a business coach. Sales training is just a possible component of business training.

Business workshop - the newest type of Business training. As in business training, it alternates forms of activity, from mini-lectures to business and role playing. The essential difference is that the participants independently create a training program during the workshop, acting within the framework of the topic, time and experience. Mandatory conditions for the successful conduct of the Business Workshop are:

For 70% of participants, work experience in any field of activity must exceed three years. Business workshop for more than 70% should consist of exercises, business games, case studies.

8. The most important principles for the implementation of training methods

principles: 1) organization of the movement; 2) organization of space; H) organization of time. These are, respectively, the principle of eventfulness, the principle of metaphorization and the principle of perspective.

^ Event principle. The essence of this principle is as follows: during the training, the psychologist must ensure the transformation of his movement into a chain of interconnected events that will be experienced by the participants as integrity, unity, inseparability of the changes taking place in them and in the environment.

Simply put, the training should be an event in itself for each participant. Only then is his - the participant's - personal movement possible, only then are changes in it possible. In this case, the development of any activity in the process of training will be accompanied by an awareness of the growth of one's capabilities. Let's illustrate this idea with an example. For example, a psychologist conducts professional self-determination training with high school students. You can reduce it to a banal informing about the universities available in the city and the specialties for which they train. You can consult each participant on the results of psychodiagnostics of his qualities and properties and explain what type of profession he is more inclined to. And it is possible to organize training - using special career guidance exercises and games of professional and personal self-determination (see the wonderful developments of N.S. Pryazhnikov), during which high school students will not only discover new properties and qualities in themselves, but also see new opportunities for themselves ! And these are the events that lead to change. At the same time, the participant lives the continuity of the dynamics of his internal states and the changes taking place in his environment.

^ Principle of metaphorization. This principle will be discussed in detail in the corresponding chapter. Here we will pay attention to the connection of metaphor with the concepts of symbol, image and space. O.A. Svirepo and OS. Tumanov write (2004, p. 9): “a long time ago in ancient greece, going to distant lands, people took with them a fragment of a clay plate, the other piece was left to those with whom they were connected by an alliance or bonds of hereditary friendship. If years passed before a new meeting, the appearance changed, and people could no longer recognize each other, then these plates came to the rescue, which were called symballon - coinciding fragments of the whole.

A symbol (more correctly, a symbol), thus, is a sign of unity, a sign of complementarity, a sign indicating what is missing, but necessary to achieve completeness. Just as a piece of a clay plate, broken off deliberately carelessly, ideally fit one and only one other piece, so each participant in the training can (and should) see his coincidence with the surrounding world in the space of life, see himself as part of the whole. And not only with the world in general, but also in the space of his group. Metaphor is essentially the transfer of the properties of one object to another. In other words, thanks to a metaphor (most often realized through some symbolic images), it becomes possible to move from one space (including the imaginary one) to another. If a person manages to recognize himself in other participants and feel his unity with them in the training space, then this is also the realization of the principle of metaphorization.

Therefore, from this principle, special attention should be paid to the use of symbols, images and metaphors in the system of training methods.

^ Principle of Transspective. According to this principle, the psychologist should be guided by the creation in the training of conditions for the participants of events to live in their unity with the events of the past and future, in fact, in their continuity in time. The linearity of time is a conditional concept. Psychological time can be experienced in completely different ways cyclically, fragmentarily, syncretically.

It is quite obvious that the events taking place can change not only the present moment, they are able to change the past and the future. This can be easily illustrated by examples of repressed memories “surfacing” and rethinking past events in psychoanalysis or “programming the future” in NLP. Indeed, it was not for nothing that in the early 90s the USSR was called in the West "the country with the most unpredictable past" ...

Thus, it can be argued that the event does not exist in the past, present or future, but in perspective, “permeates” the past, present and future at the same time. The transspectivity of an event gives a person the opportunity to change both the past and the future. Often transspectivity is experienced by participants as a "temporal conciseness" of training sessions, a subjective feeling of very fast flow of time in the process of work and extreme fullness and duration in retrospective view.


Myth one. Psychologist (training group leader) - a person whose profession is akin to the professions of an astrologer, traditional healer, psychic.

Myth two. Training is a method, the essence of which is to help participants to each other, in their joint activity, and a leader is not needed at all.

Myth three. At psychological training, even adult participants, like children, play different games and get a “high” from communication and a positive emotional charge.

Myth four. Participation in psychological training is a fashionable pastime for people from the "elite", and a psychologist is a very highly paid representative of the service industry.