Pear jam with amber slices: cooking features, recipes and recommendations. Cooking pear jam for the winter - recipes from pear slices

  • 19.10.2019

Someone is crazy about apples, someone prefers pears, and I love both. But if we are not talking about fresh fruits, but about jam, then I will choose pear jam - it seems to me that it is brighter and more interesting. And if you add lemon to the pears, you get a fabulous dessert in general! A real treat for angels! I know what I'm talking about - just yesterday I closed such a jam for the winter. Do you want me to share the recipe?


  • 1 kg of pears;
  • 0.5 kg of sugar;
  • 1 lemon.


Wash the lemon and cut into circles - quite thin, with a thickness of about 2-3 mm.

Take out the seeds from the circles of lemons. We put the lemon circles in a small saucepan, pour 250 ml of boiling water. Cook over low heat for 3 minutes.

We take out the lemon mugs, set them aside for now. Add all the sugar to the water in which the lemons were boiled. We put the pan on the fire and cook, stirring occasionally, until all the sugar has dissolved. It turns out very tasty and sweet lemon syrup.

My pears, peel and cut into small slices, while removing the middle.

Put the chopped pears in a saucepan, add lemon slices to them. Cut into 4 pieces. Pour the syrup to the lemon and pears, mix and leave in this form for 1-1.5 hours.

During this time, the pears will release a lot of juice.

We put the pot with pears and lemon on the fire, wait until it boils, and then reduce the heat to a minimum and cook the jam for 2.5 -3 hours. Exact time I can’t say, it depends very much on the variety of pears. The slices will noticeably darken, and the syrup will be viscous, thick.

The foam that appears on the surface of the jam is very tasty, but for purely aesthetic reasons, I prefer to carefully remove it.

We spread the pear jam in pre-sterilized jars and close (or screw on the lids).

Such jam can be left for the winter in an apartment, at normal temperature, it is not at all necessary to hide it in a cellar or basement, it is stored well. Just keep the pear jam out of the sun so that it does not change its color.

Tips & Tricks:

Instead of lemon, you can try making this jam with orange or lime: pears will make friends with these citrus fruits.

The amount of sugar indicated in the ingredients is very relative and depends on the variety of pears and how sweet you want your jam to be. I took very sweet pears, so sugar was enough for me. But you may need more of it. Taste the jam during cooking to see if you have added enough sugar.

If you have already started harvesting pears, then be sure to cook this pear jam for the winter, a simple recipe - just 10 minutes of cooking, no puzzles about what a soft ball is. And all because the pears are covered with sugar in advance. You will probably be surprised when you find that they give juice no worse than ripe berries. And it is precisely thanks to this process that the pear slices become so remarkably transparent. This jam will definitely appeal to connoisseurs of delicate, delicate sweets. Unlike the standard recipe, sugar in our pear jam needs to be added half as much. Thanks to this, the aroma of the pear itself is better revealed. There are several varieties pear jam. Today we will cook pear jam with slices. In this form, they are convenient to use as a filling for pies and other pastries. The slices are a great addition to your morning serving of yogurt. And on the basis of syrup, you can prepare a variety of wonderful cocktails. In addition, the slices in the process of making jam will become a little transparent and will resemble candied fruit. For this jam, choose whole, unsuppressed fruits of a variety with dense juicy pulp.


to prepare about 1 liter of pear jam you will need

  • 1 kg ripe fragrant pears
  • 500 grams of sugar
  • 1 sachet of gelling additive for jam with natural pectin (for example, Confiturka, Zhelinka, Zhelfix and others)

How to make pear jam for the winter in slices

Of course, you can cook pear jam without a gelling additive, but then the syrup will not turn out thick, because we put quite a bit of sugar. First, mix the sugar with the gelling agent.

Rinse the pears well and cut into 4 pieces. Remove the seed pod with a knife. Then cut each quarter into 3-4 more slices.

Try to cut the pears as quickly as possible and immediately start cooking the jam, otherwise the fruit will oxidize and darken.

Transfer the pear slices to a heavy-bottomed bowl. Pour sugar mixed with a jam gelling agent on top.

Gently toss the pears with the sugar so the slices don't break.

Put the jam on a small fire and bring to a boil. By this time, the melted sugar will combine with the natural juice of the pears. When the mass boils, let it boil for 10 minutes. The pears will become translucent.

If you are preparing pear jam for the winter, then place it in sterilized jars and seal tightly with lids.

Turn the jars upside down and wrap them in a warm blanket. Let the pear jam cool down in this state. After it cools, all the slices will become transparent, and the syrup will thicken.

Galina Artemenko

  • Pears (sliced) - 4 kg.
  • Sugar - 4 kg.
  • Water - 1 glass (faceted)
  • Cooking process:

    We cut ripe beautiful pears into a deep container. Then we weigh the resulting number of slices. I got exactly 4 kg.

    In a large aluminum basin (in which I subsequently boiled jam) I prepared syrup

    Pour all the sugar into a basin or pan and add water from above, trying to get on the entire surface of the sugar. We put the sugar on a slow fire and bring to a syrup. The sugar should dissolve.

    When the sugar syrup becomes homogeneous, add chopped pear slices to it. Gently mix the pears with a spatula.

    All slices at this time are enveloped in this sweet syrup and caramelized a little.

    When the pear jam boils, you need to make the fire medium so that our slices do not fall apart. Cook pears after boiling for 1 hour, turn off the fire. Then let the jam cool in the same container.

    The next day, we again put pear jam to boil for 30-40 minutes.

    At this time, we will prepare the jars and lids by sterilizing them.

    When the jam is cooked, carefully begin to lay it out hot in jars.

    We roll up the lids, screw or turnkey and let cool, wrapped in a blanket. Such pear jam is very well stored in an apartment in a kitchen cabinet, in a cellar or garage.

    On a cold winter evening, pear dessert will be a great addition to a cup of hot tea. Also, pear jam can be used to make open and closed pies with filling, pies.

    Bon appetit wishes you our delicious Notebook recipes.

    The recipe takes part in home preparations and is waiting for your vote!

    Pear is an amazing fruit that has a rich supply of useful vitamins, has a rich taste and aroma. Pear jam is considered popular, which is prepared with the addition of berries and fruits, as well as spices and spices.

    Pear jam - a simple recipe

    Dark amber pear delicacy will make pancakes sweeter, strengthen the body's strength before the winter season.

    To prepare a healthy sweet, you need to take:

    • 1000 g pears,
    • 1000 g of sugar;
    • 450 ml of water;
    • 1 lemon (zest)

    Pear jam recipe step by step:

    1. We combine sugar and water in a saucepan, put the mixture on fire and cook until the sweet crystals are completely dissolved.
    2. Without wasting time, peel the pear seeds, cut into slices. We dip the prepared fruit pieces into hot syrup, add the zest, removed from the lemon with a fine grater. She will remove excessive cloying.
    3. Boil the workpiece for about two hours over moderate heat until a beautiful amber color. Until winter, store in sterile glass jars.

    With the addition of apples

    Jam from apples and pears can be different in consistency. For example, with transparent amber slices, thick jam, confiture or jam, but in any case it is tasty and healthy.

    For a simple option, you will need:

    • 1000 g pears;
    • 1000 g of apples;
    • 2000 g of sugar;
    • 45 ml freshly squeezed apple juice;
    • 1 lemon (juice);
    • 5 g cinnamon.


    1. Cut the washed apples and pears into small pieces, after cutting out the cores and spoiled places, put them in a bowl or basin of a suitable size.
    2. Sprinkle fruit with sugar Apple juice and squeeze in the lemon juice. Put on fire and cook until done. Five to seven minutes before the end of the cooking process, add powdered cinnamon.

    Preparation with lemon

    This jam has a very beautiful name“Sunny Beauty”, because it is precisely such associations that come to mind when you see chalky pear slices mixed with citrus circles-suns.

    Recipe with lemon involves the use of:

    • 3000 g pears;
    • 3000 g of sugar;
    • 3 lemons;
    • 100 ml of water.

    How to cook pear-lemon jam:

    1. Wash and cut fruits: pears - translucent slices, lemon - circles.
    2. In a saucepan, combine the prepared fruit raw materials with sugar, pour in water and simmer until a beautiful golden syrup color.

    Pear jam is considered to be a tasty and unusual delicacy. Sweet mass is not only healthy, but also low-calorie. Pear jam can be consumed as a single delicacy or added as a filling for pastries.

    Whole pear jam

    • ripe pears - 5 kg.
    • sugar - 3 kg.
    • water - 1.5 l.
    • citric acid - 8 gr.
    1. Sterilize the jars, wash the pears and poke a few holes in each piece with a knitting needle. Add to a separate saucepan drinking water and sugar. Send the composition to the stove, cook the syrup.
    2. As soon as the sand is completely dissolved, throw in the prepared pears. Add some water if necessary. Simmer jam for 10-15 minutes. Turn off the stove, let the mixture cool completely.
    3. Repeat this manipulation three times. In the last step, add citric acid. Stir the ingredients carefully. After the time has elapsed, turn off the burner, pack the jam in a clean container.
    4. In the usual way, roll up the cans, turn over and wrap with a blanket. The next day, place the treat in a cellar or other room with similar conditions.

    Pear jam with orange

    • sugar - 1 kg.
    • hard pear - 1 kg.
    • water - 200 ml.
    • orange - 1 pc.
    1. Purchase autumn-grade pears, wash and chop into small pieces along with the peel. The middle with the bones must be cut out.
    2. Take a cup of water, add some salt. Place the pear slices in a container for a while to soak. Start making syrup.
    3. Put the pan on the burner, add sugar and water. Prepare the sweet mixture. Take out the slices, wait for the runoff. Send the pear to the syrup, mix.
    4. Boil the product for 10 minutes minimum power stove, then turn off the appliance. Tie the pan with gauze, leave the treat for 8 hours.
    5. After a while, remove the fabric, boil the composition as described above, hold again for about 7 hours. V total manipulations are carried out 3-4 times.
    6. Next, cut the washed orange with the peel into thin slices, mix into the hot mass. Boil the jam for another 25-35 minutes.
    7. After due date pack pear jam in sterile containers with nylon lids.

    Pear jam with lime

    • soda - 6 gr.
    • hard pears - 1.2 kg.
    • sugar - 750 gr.
    • water - 0.9 l.
    • lime - 2 pcs.
    1. Take pears, cut into thin slices, remove the core. Send the fruits to a bowl of water, mix in soda. Soak the slices in the solution for no more than 20 minutes. Drain in a colander, rinse with running water.
    2. Such a manipulation is carried out so that later, when the fruit is cooked, the slices turn out to be amber in color and transparent in appearance. Place prepared slices in a cup, mix with sugar. Slice lime rings on top.
    3. Leave the mass for 5 hours. Next, you should move it to a thick-bottomed container. Simmer jam in your own juice for a third of an hour. If necessary, pour in a small amount of drinking water.
    4. Set the container aside, wait for cooling to room temperature. Repeat the cooking process three times, followed by cooling. The resulting foam during cooking should be removed with a dry spatula.
    5. In the standard way, sterilize the jars, distribute a freshly brewed treat over them. Roll up the lids, insulate. Store jam in the basement or refrigerator.

    • lemon - 1 pc.
    • sugar - 1.7 kg.
    • pear - 2.4 kg.
    • vanilla sugar - 20 gr.
    • apple cider vinegar - 45 ml.
    • water - 400 ml.
    1. Choose hard pears, rinse, cut in half. Get rid of the seeds and skins. In a separate container, dilute 2 liters of vinegar. purified water. Place the pear in the solution for 25-35 minutes.
    2. Cut the halves into 4-5 pieces. Separately, boil the pear in 1 liter. boiling water. Cook fruit for 8 minutes. Next, place the pear on a sieve, wait for all the liquid to drain.
    3. Start making syrup. Peel the peel from the lemon, grate. Combine in a saucepan the pulp of the zest, 400 ml. water, plain and vanilla sugar.
    4. As soon as the composition boils, send the chopped pear into it, cook the components for 10-12 minutes. Turn off the fire, let the mixture cool down.
    5. Put the mixture back on the fire, wait for bubbles to appear, simmer the jam for 40 minutes. Further, the fragrant delicacy is rolled up according to the classical technology.

    Pear jam with plum

    • hard pears - 1.9 kg.
    • plum - 1.1 kg.
    • sugar - 1.3 kg.
    • water - 0.2 l.
    1. Wash the pears and pat dry with a towel. Cut into slices, remove all unnecessary. Put the slices in a bowl, add half the sugar, mix. Cover the fruit with a towel, leave for 9-11 hours.
    2. Drain the resulting pear juice into a separate cup. Cut the washed plums, discard the seeds. Add fruits to pear. Mix 200 ml of the resulting juice. water and granulated sugar. Send the mixture to the stove.
    3. Stir the mass, wait for it to boil. Pour the fruit with a hot composition, cool. After that, the components need to be boiled for about 45 minutes. Mix the ingredients carefully, remove the foam.
    4. Distribute the finished jam into portioned clean jars, close with nylon. The next day, store the treat in an appropriate place for long-term storage. Jam is considered quite useful, as it contains a natural antibiotic - arbutin.

    Pear jam with banana

    • pears - 1.5 kg.
    • plums - 250 gr.
    • bananas - 350 gr.
    • sugar - 1.1 kg.
    • water - 220 ml.
    1. Prepare fruits, cut them into small pieces. Send to a common cup, pour half the mass of sugar. Cover with a cloth, leave overnight.
    2. Make the syrup the next day. Mix the remaining sand with filtered water. Add cooked fruits to the smooth liquid.
    3. Boil the composition 3 times for 12 minutes. In between, the mass must be completely cooled. Next, the treat is passed through a blender or food processor.
    4. Distribute the jam in sterile containers. roll up iron lids After cooling, store in the refrigerator or pantry.

    • water - 420 ml.
    • sugar - 1.5 kg.
    • ripe plums - 350 gr.
    • hard pears - 950 gr.
    • red apples - 450 gr.
    1. Cut the washed pears and apples, get rid of the cores. Before the main preparation of the jam, place the fruit in a bowl of salt water. Next, start cooking the syrup according to the classical method.
    2. The amount of sugar depends on the type of fruit. Drain the salt solution, transfer the pieces to a heat-resistant container. Pour hot syrup over food. Simmer the jam for 12 minutes, get rid of the foam.
    3. Remove the pan from the stove, leave for 6 hours, the components will infuse in the allotted time. Then wash the plums and remove the seeds, pass the fruits through a blender. Stir the finished gruel to the main products.
    4. Re-boil the composition on the stove for about 50 minutes. Keep in mind that the power of the burner should be minimal. Arrange the finished assortment in jars, close the lids. Turn the container upside down, wrap it with a blanket. Store in a dark place.

    Pear jam with almonds

    • sugar - 1.8 kg.
    • pears - 1.9 kg.
    • vanillin - 6 gr.
    • almonds - 110 gr.
    • water - 1.6 l.
    1. Prepare the pear in the usual way, chop into slices. Boil the water, place the fruit for a few minutes. Strain the broth, put the pear on a plate.
    2. Pour sugar into the hot liquid, send to the stove. Prepare the syrup according to the classical technology. With a bubbling sweet base, pour the pieces of pears in a suitable container.
    3. Leave the product on for a few hours. After that, the composition in a thick-bottomed saucepan must be brought to a boil again, simmer over low heat for at least 8 minutes.
    4. Leave the jam again for 3 hours at room temperature. At the end of the period, boil the delicacy for a quarter of an hour. 7 minutes before the end of the manipulation, add ground almonds and vanilla powder.
    5. For convenience, nuts can be passed through a blender or coffee grinder. Next, pour the finished jam into a sterile container, close with nylon. After cooling, transfer to the cold.

    Pear jam with mint

    • pears - 1.2 kg.
    • apples - 1.1 kg.
    • sugar - 2.3 kg.
    • citric acid - 12 gr.
    • fresh mint leaves - 20 gr.
    1. Wash the fruit, cut out any excess, chop into small square pieces. Send the ingredients to a common pan with a thick bottom. Pour the slices with sugar, mix, leave for 11 hours.
    2. To dissolve sugar, pour in a little water (about 150 ml.). Re-mix the composition. The next day, put the pot of fruit on the stove, bring to a boil over low heat. Stir, cook for 1.5 hours.
    3. 25 minutes before the end of languor, add citric acid, mix the products well. Place mint leaves on top. Turn off the stove, remove the greens. Pour the jam into jars, roll up.
    4. Wrap the dish with the treat in a warm jacket. As soon as the jam has cooled, arrange the container in the pantry room without access to sunlight. You can use the sweet mass after a few days.

    Prepare an original pear treat. Additional products can be added according to your taste. Try making jam with kiwi and other exotic fruits. Add various nuts or spices as desired. Replace regular sugar with cane sugar. You can also make jam with honey. The amount of viscous composition is taken 15-25% less.

    Video: pear jam for the winter