Saving fire for sailors, or how a lighthouse works. lighthouses

  • 30.09.2019

- this is the place where light is born and in a moment dies, and this is repeated again and again. Since the famous Lighthouse of Alexandria towers that send rays of light into the darkness become a guiding star for ships and an object of delight for tourists.

A means of navigation equipment for maritime theaters in the form of a tower-type capital structure designed to determine the position of ships in the sea. This building has a bright contrasting color that visually distinguishes it from the surrounding area. Lighthouses are equipped with a strong light source and, as a rule, are equipped with optical means to amplify the light signal in order to be clearly visible at night.

The lighthouse can also give sound signals and/or transmit a radio signal to ships in order to perform its function even in conditions of insufficient visibility (temporary, as during fog, or permanent, for example, caused by terrain conditions).

Due to the use of modern navigation technologies, the role of lighthouses as a means of navigation has somewhat decreased, and at present the number of operating lighthouses around the world does not exceed one and a half thousand.

Alexandrian lighthouse ( Lighthouse Alexandria ) is the only one of the Seven Wonders of the World, which, in addition to architectural elegance, also has a practical function.

The Lighthouse of Alexandria was the tallest building in the world and was located on an ancient island Faros. The Lighthouse of Alexandria was a guarantee for the safe return of sailors to Grand Harbour. The height of the Lighthouse of Alexandria, according to various estimates, ranged from 120 to 140 meters. For many centuries it was the tallest structure on earth. That is why we will include the lighthouse in the list of 7 ancient wonders of the world.

In 332 BC, Alexander the Great conquered Egypt and decided to establish a new capital there - Alexandria.

Maritime trade developed rapidly and the need for a lighthouse that would indicate a safe route to the Alexandrian harbor was becoming more and more acute. And as a result, on the eastern tip of the island of Pharos, which lies at a distance of 1290 m from Alexandria, a lighthouse was built, which received the name of the island. The connection between the name of the lighthouse and its function turned out to be so strong that since that time the word "pharos" has become the root of the word "lighthouse" in many languages. The height of the lighthouse reached 135 m and its light was visible at a distance of 60 km. It was built by the architect Sostratus of Cnidus in 280 BC. on a rock rising on the eastern coast of the island of Pharos.

The lower part of the lighthouse was a tetrahedral prism 60 meters high with a base in the form of a square, the side length of which was 30 meters.
Various inventory was stored inside the lighthouse, and the base of the middle part was flat roof, decorated with huge statues of Triton in the corners.

The roof was a tower lined with white marble. The top of the lighthouse was built in the form of a cylindrical colonnade, headed by a 7-meter bronze figure of the sea lord Poseidon. A huge fire served as the main source of light. Until now, the phenomenon of the distance of the glow and the brightness of the beacon has not been established. According to some versions, this effect was achieved with the help of huge polished mirrors, according to others - due to the use of transparent polished stones - lenses.

In May 1100, a strong earthquake destroyed the lighthouse almost to the ground. After that, in the Middle Ages, the base of the Lighthouse of Alexandria was built into the Turkish fortress of Kait Bay. At the moment, it has turned into an Egyptian military port, so even archaeologists cannot get to the remains.

Lighthouse Tevennec and La Vieille.

The Atlantic coast of France has long lived by the sea, fishing and trade. Port Brest - along these shores, small trading and fishing boats have always floated briskly - to the south of France, to Spain and beyond. But on the way of sailboats there was a very unpleasant place - a long chain of islands and underwater reefs, stretching far into the sea - Chaussée de Sein.

A huge number of ships disappeared there. And in 1869, it was decided to put a lighthouse on the island of Tevennec (Tevennec) - the very first dangerous place if you sail from north to south of France. It took more than five years to build the lighthouse, and in 1875 a fire broke out on it. Thus, together with the La Vieille lighthouse, they formed some kind of light gates and the ships had to stay between them.

This lighthouse is located on the island of Ouessant (located at the westernmost point of the Breton waters in France). La Jument is built right in the sea on a rocky spur not far from the coast and has a height of 100 meters.

Several successive shots of the lighthouse taken by photographer Jean Guichard from a helicopter in a severe storm in 1989. In the photo, the lighthouse keeper, who, due to the noise of the helicopter, thought that rescue services had arrived and went out of hiding. At that moment, a giant wave hit the building. The caretaker almost died, but managed to hide in time behind the steel doors of the entrance to the lighthouse.

Lighthouse keepers go all the way from "hell" (lighthouses on the high seas), through "purgatory" (islands) and to "paradise" (continent) in solitude, and not only metaphysical. In the 20th century, veterans of the First World War often became custodians; oddly enough, even after World War II, this profession was considered “privileged” for war invalids. The current level of technology makes the presence of a person in the lighthouse building unnecessary.

In 2004, Kereon ("Sea Palace"), the last inhabited lighthouse at sea, closed its doors with a beautiful wind rose of mahogany and ebony. Today no one lives here anymore.

Brittany. Teignouse Lighthouse.

The numerous lighthouses of Brittany are faithful guides for sailors, and they speak the same language with the fishermen. For example, on the Quiberon peninsula, instead of “burned out” or “sunburned,” they say “became like the Teignouse lighthouse” - white with a red nose.

Lighthouse-tower Four (Four) (category "hell"), which is able to withstand waves of 30 meters in height.

Lighthouse Four (Le Four). High resolution photo

Lighthouse Ar Men (translated from Bret. "Rock") - a lighthouse on the reef of the island of Ile-de-Seine in French Brittany. It got its name from the rock of the same name, on which it was built between 1867 and 1881. The lighthouse is widely known for its isolation and the difficulties that arose during its construction (the lighthouse stands in the open ocean 5 kilometers from the nearest coast, this is the island of Seine, off the western coast of France), as well as the difficulties associated with the evacuation of personnel from the lighthouse. Considered one of the toughest jobs in the lighthouse keeping community, earning him the nickname "Hell of Hells".

The decision to build a lighthouse in a completely impossible place was made after the shipwreck of the frigate Sane in 1859 (at this point in the ocean there is only a narrow passage among the underwater rocks, one of the most dangerous places for navigation, nicknamed the road from hell to hell). The problem was that the only rock in the area on which something could be built was only a couple of meters above the sea surface. In principle, this would be enough with calm water, but the ocean in that place is almost never quiet. Several expeditions returned from reconnaissance with the verdict "it is impossible to build." But without the lighthouse, shipwrecks would have continued and the project would have been pushed through.

Construction began in 1867, when a group of workers landed on the rock. So the preparation of the rock foundation (drilling holes and installing reinforcement) started. People worked right during the rough seas, with insurance and in special shoes, so as not to be swept away by the waves that swept over the rock. Short shifts at low tide. This preparation went on for two years.

The main work began in the 69th, laying out granite blocks and pouring concrete base lighthouse made of portland cement, resistant to sea water. 40 hours of work gave one cubic meter of foundation.

The construction went on for 15 (!) years, while there were practically no accidents, there were practically no human casualties, only in 1981 one of the workers who found themselves in the water died (although there were many cases of washing people into the ocean during and after the work). During the construction process, there were fears that the structure would turn out to be fragile and would not withstand the impact of the waves, because the size of the rock is only slightly larger than the diameter of the lighthouse tower! But the lighthouse is standing, only the walls are corroded by sea water.

The first lighthouse signal could be seen on the night of August 30-31, 1881. And it still works, having gone through several technical upgrades.

In the late 1980s, the Ar-Man Lighthouse was electrified and equipped with a 250W halogen lamp. It was one of the first to be automated, and since April 10, 1990 it has been operating in fully automatic mode.

Beacon Height:

  1. Height above sea level: 33.50 m
  2. Overall dimensions: 37 m
  3. Height Length: 33.50 m

Light source

  1. since October 1, 1897 - diesel fuel (produced on the island of Ile-de-Seine)
  2. since 1903 - oil vapors
  3. 1988 - electrification (250 W halogen lamps)
  4. 1990 - automation

This lighthouse is located in a picturesque location on the edge of the Conquet Peninsula.

The tallest lighthouse in Europe is located on the island of Vierge (Ile Vierge) near Plouguerneau. The lighthouse is 82.5 meters high and was built in 1897, and next to it is a small lighthouse, but it is a little older - it was built in 1845. The coast of legends (Cote d’ Legende) belongs to the Finistere department, which is known for its bays – Aber-Ildut, Aber Benoît and Aber Wrac’h. Just at the mouth of the latter, the lighthouse is located.

Lighthouse Les Pierres-noires ("Negress Stones").

The lighthouse is located in the city of Conquet in France. It was built from 1867 to 1871. May 1, 1872 the lighthouse began its work. At that time, 325 thousand gold francs were spent on the construction of this project.

Operating lighthouse in Côtes-d'Armor (France). The height of the lighthouse is 60 m and it is considered the 24th tallest lighthouse in the world.

The lighthouse is located on the rocky reef Roches-Douvre, which is considered very dangerous due to the fact that at high tide it is completely covered with water and cannot be seen from the surface. Lighthouse Roches-Douvres is considered one of the most remote from the mainland in Europe, it is located 30 kilometers from the French coast.

The building can only be reached by boat from the shore. The lighthouse itself is completely closed to the public.

The lighthouse looks the most ordinary, but the place where it is located in Alum Bay is of fabulous beauty.

Needles Lighthouse in Alum-Bay

The area where the lighthouse is located is a narrow rocky ridge, which in some places rises to 120 m in height. These rocks have always been a great danger to ships. But in 1781 merchants and shipowners petitioned for the construction of a lighthouse. They received a patent in January 1782.

And in conclusion, a small selection of beautiful lighthouses and simple modern ones, but which are located in very picturesque places.

Lighthouse Lindau. Lake Constance. The height of the lighthouse is 33 meters. Bavaria, Germany

Hook Head Lighthouse, Ireland

  • The most famous lighthouse incident was the mysterious disappearance of three lighthouse keepers at the same time in the Flannan Isles in December 1900.
  • In France, the coastline was not marked with lights until the 17th century, this was done to prevent attacks by pirates.
  • One of the few that is still operating, the lighthouse church - the Ascension Church, was built in 1867 on the Sekirnaya Hill of the Big Solovetsky Island (see the Solovetsky Islands).
  • The Statue of Liberty was used as a lighthouse from 1886 to 1902.
  • The westernmost lighthouse in Russia, built in 1813-1816, is located in the city of Baltiysk. It points the way for ships heading to the ports of Baltiysk, Svetly and Kaliningrad.
  • The Westerlichttoren lighthouse was featured on the Dutch 250 gulden banknote.
  • The first recorded lighthouse was the Lighthouse of Alexandria, built in 200 BC on the island of Pharos by the Egyptian Emperor Ptolemy. Foros lighthouse is considered one of the Seven Wonders of the World. The height of the lighthouse was 150 meters (492 feet) - about three times higher than modern lighthouses.
  • Roman emperors built many lighthouses to help their troops navigate. In 90 AD e. Emperor Caligula ordered the construction of a lighthouse at Dover, England. This lighthouse is said to be the oldest lighthouse in England and it still stands at the base of Dover Castle.
  • In 1543, the tallest brick lighthouse in the world, Lanterna, in Genoa, was built. Its height is 75 m (246 ft).
  • The first stone lighthouse in the world is Smeaton Eddystone, which is located south of Plymouth, England. This lighthouse was built in 1756 by the father of urban planning in England, John Smeaton. He illuminated with 24 candles. Eddystone stood for 47 years until a fire broke out in it, after which it was dismantled and built on a nearby rock.
  • Today, the equivalent of a lighthouse fire is about 20 million candles. And modern lighthouses run on high-pressure xenon lamps.
  • The tallest lighthouse in the world is the steel tower at Yamashita Park in Yokohama. Its height is 106 meters (348 feet).

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Interesting about Sea and Coastal lighthouses, photos of lighthouses.

Lighthouses are structures built in the form of a tower, usually located in navigable waters, or close to land. Lighthouses serve as a visible guide during the day, but at night they emit a continuous light, or flashing lights, to warn passing ships of dangers and assist them in determining a safe course. For a beacon, its identification is important, including the exact coordinates of its location.

Lighthouses are identified by the characteristic outline of its tower in daytime and according to the brightness of the light, its color, the nature of the light pulses of the lighthouse lights in the dark. In other words, lighthouses were built primarily to guide ships along the right and safe path.


It is a means of navigation equipment, on the coast of the seas, oceans, other large bodies of water, usually in the form of a capital structure, sometimes of a tower type. Lighthouses are designed to compare the overall picture observed by the navigator, with a specific place of his ship on the geographical map, at the moment, having precisely established coordinates. In another sense, the location of the lighthouse helps to establish the position of the vessel, at the moment, on the water surface.

The main requirement for beacons is the possibility of its detection and unmistakable identification of the beacon, in any weather and at any time of the day or night, using visual observation tools, including radar and sound detection.

Lighthouses - sea, coastal, identification...

Beacons at the installation site are divided:

Coastal lighthouses

They are installed on the coast, in extreme cases, in the immediate vicinity of the coast, they can be installed on coastal islands.

Marine lighthouses

(floating) - such beacons are installed on ships, and such beacons are used away from coastline, when entering the port, serve as a pilot station.

Coastal beacons differ in their function:

Identification (single) beacons - they serve to designate a certain point on the water or land surface, serve, in particular, as signs at the entrance to the port, as well as in those places where ships change their course, as well as to indicate dangerous areas on the water.

Leading beacons (necessarily work in pairs) - first of all, they serve to mark a certain line on the map, they are usually used to indicate to ships where they should change course in order to enter a harbor or port. In such cases, two beacons of different heights are used. The near beacon is always lower than the far one - thus, if the ship is on the right course, then both beacons that are on the line of its course can be seen from it simultaneously, visually one above the other. Such a system for designating lighthouses was applied in Europe in 1837, receiving the name "leading lights". Thanks to this system with a difference in the heights of the leading beacons, it became possible to determine exactly in which direction to change the course of the vessel.

In modern times, even despite the development of technology, lighthouses and visual observation remain the main means of orientation on the seas and oceans, therefore, during their construction and operation, lighthouses are given a characteristic shape and color that visually highlights lighthouses against the background of the environment.

In unfavorable observation conditions, in order to ensure their optical visibility, beacons are equipped with a strong light source, as a rule, beacons are also equipped with optical devices that serve to concentrate light in certain or given directions with an increase in the light of the light source used. Quite often, light intensity modulation is used, according to a given time law, so that it is possible to distinguish light signals from a lighthouse from other light sources, for example, from coastal light sources, including signals from other lighthouses.

History of lighthouses

Lighthouses were built in ancient times, and the most famous lighthouse of antiquity is one of the eight wonders of the world - the Lighthouse of Alexandria, which was built in the 3rd century BC. e., and Greek and Phoenician navigators marked dangerous passages with fires.

Coal, rapeseed oil and kerosene were used as a light source in lighthouses, as their design became more complex. An important stage in the development of lighthouses, their optical equipment, was the invention of Fresnel lenses in 1820, they made it possible to significantly increase the light intensity in certain directions on the lighthouse. Over time, the supporting structure of lighthouses was also improved, and several types of lighthouses gradually appeared.

The first river (floating) lighthouse appeared at the mouth of the Thames in 1729, and the first floating sea lighthouse appeared in the North Sea 60 years later.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the Swedish scientist Gustav Dahlen made a significant contribution to the improvement of the design of lighthouses (for which he received the Nobel Prize in Physics), he invented a solar valve, thanks to which the operation of lighthouses was automated, the lighthouse turned on at night and turned off during the day in sunny weather.

At present, the need for lighthouse keepers has practically disappeared, because basically they are completely automated, although sometimes their intervention is required, but mainly for their emergency repairs.

Lighthouses - history of lighthouses, their work

A lighthouse is a structure that cannot be called just a structure. Lighthouses have always attracted the eyes and attention of people with their romanticism, special significance for sailors and even their seclusion on headlands and steep cliffs protruding into the sea.

For many hundreds of years, lighthouses have been of great importance for maritime navigation, often becoming a virtual salvation for ship crews, exhausted by storms, returning home or going to a foreign port.

With development modern technologies, including in maritime navigation, optical beacons no longer play such a significant role, yielding to radio beacons and satellite systems. But they stand, still stand, like sea wolves beaten by time, towers flashing in the night on the shores of the seas and bays.

The lighthouse of Chersonesos is one of my favorite places in Crimea. I've been near the lighthouse dozens of times, but I still couldn't get inside...

The lighthouse of Chersonesos is familiar and recognizable by many. It is located at the entrance to the Sevastopol Bay, in its southwestern part, on the tip of Cape Khersones, which protrudes far into the sea (not to be confused with the Khersones Reserve, which is located directly in the city of Sevastopol).

The first information about the lighthouse in these places appeared in 1789, 6 years after Russian warships entered the Akhtiyar Bay for the first time.

Arrangement of the naval military base and the laying of the city of Sevastopol required, among other things, the organization of navigation facilities. One of which was the Chersonese lighthouse.

The construction of the Chersonese lighthouse began in 1816 together with the Tarkhankut lighthouse. The site selection and construction was supervised by Leonty Spafaryev, the director of lighthouses in the most developed water area of ​​the Russian Empire in this respect - the Gulf of Finland.

The lighthouse was a 36-meter hollow stone cone with two-meter walls at the base. To the level of the lighthouse room, the thickness of the walls decreased to one meter. As the operating experience showed, the safety margin of the structure made it possible to successfully withstand colossal alternating wind loads, impacts of storm waves and even seismic shocks. The lighthouse survived the most serious Crimean earthquake of the XIX-XX centuries, which was in 1927.

Back in the 19th century houses were built for the lighthouse servants near the tower. At first, the servants huddled in just a few rooms, but later a small residential lighthouse town appeared, which, however, suffered more than once from storms and storms.

In our time, one of the premises is equipped for a lighthouse and technical. It contains all the necessary radio equipment, as well as automatic system beacon control

At the very beginning, in 1816, the lighthouse had fifteen Argand lamps with a cotton wick soaked in rapeseed oil as a light source. The burner, protected by a glass dome open at the top, resembled the kerosene lamp familiar to us (although the latter, however, was invented only 37 years later). The lamps were placed at the focus of polished parabolic mirrors.

Later, the lighting apparatus was upgraded to provide a flashing mode of operation. Mirrors and lamps were placed on a round float dipped into a bowl of mercury. A complex gear mechanism, the principle of operation of which is similar to that of clocks with weights, gave the float uniform rotation at a given speed.

At the end of the XIX century. the mirror illuminator was dismantled. Instead, a light-optical apparatus based on Fresnel lenses was installed, consisting of concentric rings of small thickness adjoining each other, having a prism-shaped cross section.

After the war, the lighting system was again modernized and the flashing mode of operation is no longer provided by the rotation of the optical apparatus, but by the periodic switching on and off of the lamp.

Today, there is no longer a need for the constant presence of a caretaker in the lighthouse room on the tower, manually lighting the lighthouse and monitoring that the light does not go out. All this is controlled by an automatic system in a service building near the lighthouse.

The caretaker at the appointed time only has to turn the beacon switch-on knob:

He looks at the appointed time in the table of illumination, which is compiled for each month based on the time of dawn and sunset of each day:

These are watches that are suspended in a special system that neutralizes the influence of the earth's gravity:

A device for direct communication with the main navigation service and a sticker with call signs:

On the wall in the lighthouse keeper's room is an old-school safety poster and a similar old-school rechargeable flashlight. But only mobile phone betrays modernity:

But it's time to go inside the tower. After all, the most interesting is ahead.

Despite the signs with the year 1816, the tower itself is not 200 years old. During the Great Patriotic War(1941-1945) the tower was almost completely destroyed and rebuilt in 1950-1951. from reinforced concrete lined with Inkerman white stone.

How is a lighthouse built? As I said, it has a height of 36 meters. The lower part is a hollow cone with a spiral staircase and four tiers of light windows to illuminate the stairs.

In the upper part there is a lighthouse room (with a round window and a fence around the contour), in which at first the lighthouse ignition system was located, and also at night there was a caretaker. At the very top is a cap in which the lamp is located. The dome has 360-degree glazing so that the light of the lighthouse can be seen from everywhere.

Lighthouse under a light dome. There is a low ceiling and there is absolutely no room to turn around. small table, an emergency telephone and a small porthole window:

And now - the holy of holies - a lighthouse lamp burning in the night is shown in the hatch:

Today, a system with a 1 kW quartz-halogen lamp, installed during the post-war reconstruction of the lighthouse in 1951, is used. The flashing mode of operation is provided not by the rotation of the optical apparatus, but by the periodic switching on and off of the lamp. Moreover, the alternation of the duration of the pulses ensures the transmission of the Morse code signal "SV" - Sevastopol.

In addition, a KRM-300 circular radio beacon operates at the cape, transmitting the same "SV" signal at a distance of up to 150 miles (280 km). In addition to it, there is equipment for the more accurate Mayak-75 navigation system, the principle of which is based on measuring the time between the signals of the master and slave stations and calculating the distance to them. The Mayak-75 station operates in conjunction with similar ones located on the capes Tarkhankut, Fiolent and near Genichesk.

Moment of lamp ignition. Then it is physically impossible to look at her:

At night, the lighthouse offers a beautiful view of the open sea. By the way, the lighthouse fire on a clear night can be seen from about 16 miles (30 kilometers) away:

Lighthouse tower at night:

This is how the 36-meter tower looks from the sea:

One of the dozens of sunsets that I spent on the shore under the lighthouse:

“There are very few lighthouses in Crimea,” said a man we met at one of them. A trip by car along the Black Sea showed the opposite. This article contains the coordinates and photographs of the most beautiful lighthouses on the coast.

On the road, we used two navigators: and Yandex.navigator. On, you can easily find all the lighthouses and build a route to them. I will tell about everyone from Sochi to Olenevka, this is a village not far from Evpatoria.

On the main embankment of Sochi, not far from the sea station, there is the Sochi Lighthouse. Among all the shops and restaurants on the waterfront, it is easy to miss. Agave's main landmark is Tequila Bar & Restaurant.

Very close, at the entrance to the port area, there is a small lighthouse, often by mistake it is called the Sochi lighthouse.

Coordinates: 43.57883 39.720336

Glows green at night

Unusual, in my opinion, the lighthouse is located in Dzhugba - an urban-type settlement near Tuapse. Lighthouse on the roof of a one-story white house.

At the entrance we were greeted by a sign and two large dogs. The gates were wrapped with an iron chain. The dogs were barking. If desired, the chain could be unwound and entered, so we did. I only had the courage to step forward a little and take one photo. Maybe you will be more lucky and the gate will be open.

Coordinates: 44.305479 38.705882

Managed to take a picture

Lighthouses in Gelendzhik

The sculpture of the lighthouse and the Gelendzhik lighthouse are located on the embankment, very close to each other. If you approach the lighthouse and look in one direction with it, then in the distance you will see the Gelendzhik lighthouse.

Coordinates: 44.573863 38.06806 (Lighthouse sculpture)

44.574534 38.068162 - Gateway lighthouse of Gelendzhik.

The Gelendzhik lighthouse is located on Cape Tolstoy. You can’t get close to it, it is located in a protected area.

Coordinates: 44.55021 38.050165

Tall octagonal tower with three black horizontal stripes- This is the Anapa lighthouse. It is located on the central embankment and is one of the main attractions of the city.

Coordinates: 44.887996 37.299146

The first lighthouse that will meet you in the Crimea after the ferry crossing is the Yenikal Lighthouse. It is located on Cape Lantern - the easternmost point of Crimea. It can also be seen from the ferry crossing.

We left the car at the bottom and reached it on foot (5-7 minutes).

Coordinates: 45.385458 36.638896

Kyz-Aul Lighthouse

The most beautiful lighthouse in Crimea, in my opinion, is located on Cape Kyz-Aul. The road to it is a country road, not paved with holes. If you have a low car, then you should be more careful. We got from the village of Zavetnoe.

Coordinates: 45.060536 36.372947

It is located on Cape St. Elijah, not far from Feodosia. Round, snow-white lighthouse. Visible both from the sea and from above.

Coordinates: 45.012501 35.422552

Source available by clicking on the photo

11 km from Sudak by car and you are on the Meganom peninsula - this is one of the driest places in Crimea. Here strong wind, you will feel its energy is used to generate electricity. The place is shrouded in legends, for example, the ancient Greeks believed that it was on Meganom that the entrance to the kingdom of the dead Hades was located.

Our goal was the Meganom lighthouse. The road there, if you go by car, they say softly “not very”, but when you get there, you understand that it was worth it! The important thing is to get out. If you are by car, then evaluate your capabilities when you see the road.

Coordinates: 44.793698 35.080163

fishing lighthouse

On Cape Kitelya-Burun, above the bay of love, there is a Fishing Lighthouse. Landmark Rybachye village.

Coordinates: 44.761772 34.584013

Source available by clicking on the photo

And next to it you will see the Lighthouse Temple of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. They say that this is the only building of its kind that serves as a church and a lighthouse. Beneath it is an informative water disaster museum. The temple is modern, it was opened in 2006.

  • The temple and the Museum are open to the public from 9:00 to 18:00;
  • The entrance ticket to the museum is 150 rubles.

Coordinates: 44.75649 34.56551

The lighthouse is located on the territory of the city port at the end of the concrete pier. It is clearly visible from the waterfront.

Coordinates: 44.492977 34.166986

Kherson Lighthouse

The snow-white tower of the lighthouse, 36 m high, lined with white Inkerman stone is impressive! Nearby there is a wild rocky beach where you can relax. The Kherson lighthouse has a twin brother, built according to the same project - the Tarkhankut lighthouse, more about it later.

Coordinates: 44.607983 33.448924

Located in the village of Zaozernoe. Installed on a sandy cape in Kalamitsky Bay, almost at sea level. There are no natural elevations, and the lighthouse lantern is raised only by a tower 52 meters high. This is the highest lighthouse on the entire Black Sea coast.

Coordinates: 45.151104 33.269178

It is located on the westernmost point of the Crimean peninsula, on Cape Tarkhankut. You can get to it from the village of Olenevka, moving to the southwest. The distance from the village of Olenevka to the lighthouse is 3.3 km. We spent the most beautiful sunset in Crimea here, the sun was slowly setting in the sea, making it possible to enjoy it and take memorable photographs.

Wait until the beacon lights up.

In the morning we returned and, to our delight, it was possible to enter the protected area of ​​the lighthouse. It turned out that this is sometimes practiced, if anything, it was on Tuesday, around 12.

Coordinates: 45.346923 32.494248

The last lighthouse that we met on the way home is Temryuksky. It was impossible to approach him, they took a photo from behind the gate.