Conversations in Russian 1 time. How to quickly learn to speak beautifully: the best public speaking tips of all time

  • 21.09.2019


Watch TV language broadcasts. This method will help well if you rarely communicate directly with native speakers. However, choose not only entertainment programs. In intelligent programs, the vocabulary is much richer, which will help increase the number of familiar words. Also watch political programs - you will know what is happening in Russia, and this is one of the possible topics for discussion.

Listen to Russian-language radio. Try to turn it on as often as possible - both at home and in the car. Radio announcers have good diction and pronunciation, so listen carefully to their manner of speaking. Repeat words and sentences out loud, sing along. Analyze speech, repeat one phrase several times to achieve the desired pronunciation.

Sign up for Russian language courses. In many cities of Russia, linguistic schools offer this service. Specialists from different countries come to work in Russia, so such courses are not only a way to learn how to speak better, but also an opportunity to meet like-minded people and make new friends. In addition, group classes are good motivation and support.

Organize your Russian language classes. Don't go over everything, make a schedule and stick to it. For example, one day you listen to the radio, the other day you watch a Russian TV show. On the day of the training courses, do the homework assigned by the teachers. Better learn to speak without accent gradually - do not rush yourself, so the knowledge gained will be better absorbed, and the result will not be long in coming.

Chat with native speakers. This The best way learn to speak without accent. Ask one of your Russian friends to help you. Let a friend correct your speech, point out flaws. Do not be afraid to look ridiculous in the eyes of others, because your goal is to get rid of accent so try to reach it by all means. In a company, do not remain silent, express your opinion, speak as much as possible. The Russian language is rich, you can learn words and phrases all your life, but you can correct the accent in just a year, if you make an effort.

To have a certain popularity in any company, you need to be able to attract attention, call positive emotions. A healthy sense of humor can help you with this. If you are not sure that you have it, you need to develop it. In order to speak funny and be funny, there are several tricks.

In order to speak in a high voice, helium is used, it makes it possible to change the key for six seconds. Sulfur hexafluoride, on the contrary, lowers it, and it becomes not only brutal, but literally demonic. Best to fill with gas Balloon and inhale a little through your mouth. The voice will change immediately, but you should not abuse this trick.

Verbal aikido is also a great way to make your speech original, colorful and funny. There is nothing more boring than asking the same questions every day and hearing the same monosyllabic answers to them, realizing with horror that both you and the interlocutor are terribly bored to observe verbal ceremonies, but you cannot do without them. In order for the annoying and overly curious to lose the power of speech and no longer touch on sensitive topics, you need to be able to improvise. For example, to the question: “Are you married?” it is easy to answer: “Temporarily - no!”.

The Russian language is one of the most complex and peculiar languages ​​in the world, so learning how to speak it correctly is a rather difficult task even for a native speaker. But nothing is unachievable, especially if you set a goal and make a certain amount of effort. So how do you master it perfectly?

You will need

  • Teaching aids, fiction, practice.


Read books, both traditional, paper and electronic. As a rule, the best people to communicate are those who have read a lot of different literature in their lives, from classic masterpieces to encyclopedias and modern fiction. In addition, reading improves written literacy, which is important. Currently, audio books are widely used, listening to which you can significantly replenish your vocabulary and learn a lot of new and interesting things about the features of Russian speech.

04/02/2015: How to learn to speak Russian correctly?

If you do not pay attention to this in a timely manner, such pronunciation can be fixed in the student's speech for a long time. He sifted through a lot of messages that came through the tapes of agencies, called several ballet specialists, even talked to the head of the troupe! Of course, the Russian language is very mobile, foreign words, one way or another, penetrate into it, some take root, others do not, however, one should maintain respect for mother tongue. And this despite the fact that he has long been an adult and a father.

How to speak Russian correctly in Russia is a question that interests not only foreigners, but also the Russian population of our country. This, in particular, is confirmed by explanatory dictionaries of the Russian language. Surprising is the fact that your pet will almost immediately try to sing along, and soon remember those phrases that are repeated all the time. Men, after all, also like to be attentively happened, they also demand respect for themselves, and for some of them it is also very important to be listened to.

As for the timbre, you should try to speak in a low voice. And of course, in no case should you be annoyed with a client if he does not understand what you are talking about. In the work team you will become popular, grammatically correct speech will help you win the attention of superiors and the team, move up the career ladder.

A person who can speak correctly, understandably, convincingly, and beautifully will always achieve what he needs. But, since we are talking about working moments, we will dwell on them.

"I'm sorry" has a rival, such a strange word - "I'm sorry." They are always pleased to hear about how someone can depend on them, in good value. If you send them instructions and requests in writing, then the probability of their execution will increase significantly. It is clear to you any special terminology, but not to him. This is inevitable, because knowledge of the literary language is a necessary component of education, intelligence, an indispensable element of status. modern man. While they are in a store whose employees know where they can order heating for a country house at a bargain price, they must examine the product and be convinced of the advantages of your store, remember it as "good".

If your financial difficulties are temporary, a phone call to the bank with a promise to pay off the debt in the near future will be enough. But it may also happen that the girl's parents will ask for time to discuss the marriage proposal. These will be your initial tasks for learning colloquial speech. You will understand a lot about yourself by hearing your speech and seeing yourself in a communication situation. However, try to make the conversation professional, without violating both your rights and the rights of the traffic police inspector.

When expressing your point of view, use as few words as possible. For example: instead of "Oh, we're late!" So how exactly should we men communicate with representatives of the opposite sex, so that we would be pleasant to them in such an interesting activity? But in everything there should be a measure. Just listen to what the client asks and tell him about it. This is all the people. This is his culture, his language. Well, if this is his usual manner of speaking, then there will have to be a lot of work.

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    Instructions and features of filling out the cash book
    If all the data has already been filled out, the table on the reverse side, as well as empty columns on the front side, are crossed out with the letter Z. In the column "Corresponding account number", the correspondence account with 50 "Cashier" accounts for debit or credit is indicated.
    Books that change lives!
    Many teachers have been a blessing in my life, each of whom has contributed in their own way to the writing of this book. My first editor, Janice Gallagher, asked questions and made comments that helped shape this book.
    Sample of filling out the cash book
    A cash book is an accounting document, the maintenance of which is mandatory in every organization where there is a cash register. Keeping a cash book makes it easier to count the money credited at the cash desk or issued during the day.
    Brief biography of L.N. Tolstoy | All Compositions
    In the last decade of his life, Tolstoy became the recognized head of Russian literature, the defender of the realistic trend. In 1830, when Tolstoy's mother, nee Princess Volkonskaya, died, the father's cousin took over the care of the children.
    The famous writer and orator Nick Vuychich arrived in St. Petersburg
    I understand that I can’t make a person believe - it’s very difficult to believe in things that you don’t see and don’t understand. I always challenge people: "Who are you?" I don't want to live by the "hope dies last" principle.
    Short congratulations on the new year in prose and poetry 2015
    I congratulate you and wish you only positive changes in this coming year! "Traditionally, we celebrate New Year champagne". My good ones! Let your life path flowers of happiness will open! That's why I wish you new car, a new apartment.
    Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy. Biography of Leo Tolstoy
    In an effort to avoid the growing discontent of his wife, in October 1910 Tolstoy and his youngest daughter Alexandra went on a pilgrimage. N.; together with later stories "Boyhood", 1852-54, and "Youth", 1855-57, made up an autobiographical trilogy).
    Memorial Day of A.S. Pushkin
    Three days later, he shuddered in convulsive sobs, lying on the snow in front of the Stables Church, where the poet was buried. It is just right to call him a great Russian-Ethiopian poet. "Pushkin and his era", "Pushkin's Tales" (Prechistenka, 12/2).
    --> Site of the teacher of Russian language and literature
    This error usually occurs if you install any old computer game on a more or less modern computer. The next step is to extract the file from the archive, it is compressed to save your traffic and speed up download speed.

The ability to express yourself competently lies not only in the lexical compatibility of words and the correct placement of stresses. It is necessary to learn to distinguish the main thing from large volume information.

Imagine that you are watching an interesting series that your friends have been telling you about so enthusiastically. After the tenth episode, the most interesting begins, and the producer, unfortunately, stretched this moment and hid the climax behind a bunch of unnecessary details. After a few more episodes, you will quit watching and switch to a more informative movie.

So it is with speech. Opponents are not interested in listening to a story with a lot of the smallest details. The story should be concise, logically connected. Boredom repels interlocutors and kills interest.

Step #2. Increase your vocabulary

Refuse to use those words whose meaning you do not understand. An explanatory dictionary will help to expand the area of ​​​​knowledge in terms of Russian speech. If you do not know the meaning of foreign words, refer to the World Wide Web. Such actions not only help to express themselves diversified, but also contribute to infusion into different segments of the population. After a month of regular practice, you will be able to find mutual language with teachers, dancers and professors. Make it a habit to learn the meaning of 3-4 words a day. It is important to learn, understand and remember the studied aspects.

Eliminate words that do not carry any semantic load. These include "not the month of May". May is a specific period called a month. It cannot be a year or an hour. Also, common examples that do not represent separate information are considered to be “step back”, “raise up”, etc.

Step number 4. Retell the information received

Psychologists advise standing in front of a mirror and talking to the reflection. Of course, this technique is worth trying. But there is another way that allows a person to learn literacy. Once a week, gather friends together (at least 4-5 people) and retell them the knowledge gained earlier. Have you seen an interesting movie? Highlight the essence and try to present the plot in an interesting, concise manner, without unnecessary preludes.

Watch the audience's reaction. If the audience yawns, lowers their eyes, or asks questions that are not related to the topic, they are bored. In this case, you have 2 options: independently analyze what exactly you did wrong, or contact your opponents directly. A common mistake new storytellers make is to overuse pronouns instead of calling characters by their first names.

Step number 5. Avoid tautology

A tautology is a figure of speech when the speaker uses words that are close in meaning or have the same root. Such phrases make it difficult to understand, so they should be avoided. An example of a tautology can be considered "butter oil" or "similar analogue". Remember, this rule is fundamental to literate speech.

To learn how to choose the appropriate words, you can follow the announcers on the radio or TV, and then analyze their misses. People who have a full-time job should look into remote writing activities. Copywriting forces you to select words that are the same in meaning, but different in pronunciation.

Step number 6. read books

Classical literature is rightfully considered a model of artistic speech. Unconsciously, you will begin to adopt words and expressions from books that are ideal for a particular situation. Do not rely on the fact that a daily 15-minute reading will make your speech literate. This process must be allocated at least 2-4 hours a day.

After a month, the information you read will make itself felt, you will no longer experience difficulties in choosing words and building sentences. People who learn by learning fiction are called well-read. This is due to the fact that a person begins to express himself with once learned words, learned at the subconscious level.

Step number 7. Follow the speech

In Russian, there are a lot of slangs that are designed for specific situations. In an official setting and during a public speech to the upper strata of the population, it is necessary to use professional vocabulary. In a conversation with friends or "ordinary" people, youth slang should be preferred. With regards to expressive jargon, discard it altogether. The words "hut", "bucks", "car" do not intersect with literate speech.

Video: how to learn to speak beautifully

Russian is the most widely spoken of the Slavic languages ​​and the 6th in terms of the total number of speakers. Therefore, many seek to learn Russian for work and career prospects, some need it for education, and someone wants to get to know Russian culture better.

In this article, we will give you 10 good advice which will help in learning Russian and make this process interesting and exciting.

1 - Start with the simplest

The first step to learning Russian is to master its alphabet. Cyrillic, unlike Latin, is based on the Greek alphabet. Because of this, many letters, although similar, mean different sounds, and some are completely unique. So, for example, the Russian letter "Р" is similar to the English "R", and the Russian "Н" is nothing more than the English "N". If you devote enough time to the alphabet and the basics of phonetics from the very beginning, then further study of many aspects of the language will become easier and will move much faster.

Children's fairy tales are well suited for teaching reading, a list of them can be found on Wikipedia. They are written in simple and correct language and are easy to understand. Such reading will help you feel the basics of the language, learn how to build sentences beautifully and correctly. More complex things are best left for later.

2 - Repetition is the mother of learning

So says the old Russian proverb. Glue pieces of paper with Russian names on pieces of furniture, appliances, dishes and everything that surrounds you in all places where you spend a lot of time: at home, in the office, in the car. This will help you always keep new words in front of your eyes and, over time, remember them without resorting to boring memorization.

3 - Record everything

Don't always rely on your memory. Especially if you are in another country and everything that surrounds you is often new phenomena. Always keep on hand notebook, or mobile phone, where you can quickly and conveniently take notes. At the end of each day, review your notes, among them there will certainly be something worth remembering.

4 - Always stay in touch

VKontakte is the Russian analogue of Facebook, which is much more popular than its older brother in many post-Soviet countries. Russian-speaking users are happy to make new acquaintances with foreigners, which can be very useful for language practice. Thanks to communication in social networks, you can quickly improve your knowledge of spoken language, and learn someone else's network culture. In addition, sometimes, friends and acquaintances during such informal communication can explain some phenomena and concepts much better than teachers.

5 - Cinema and music

For many, the most interesting way to learn another language is to watch movies and listen to music. In the case of Russian great help will become official channel of the Mosfilm concern, where all old Russian films are collected. The channel has a separate playlist with movies with subtitles.

Far From Moscow is a great platform where you can find a lot of Russian music from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and other countries. All genres and directions are represented here, and there is a lot of content that can be legally listened to and downloaded.

These resources will help you not only improve your language skills, but also find new topics to talk with your friends.

6 - Read in Russian

Reading develops language skills very quickly. Try to read as much Russian as possible, such as news websites and Russian-language blogs. So you will improve your knowledge of the language and be able to delve deeper into the Russian mentality, culture and everyday life. In the end, it's just interesting to read how the same events are written about in different countries.

7 - Never turn down invitations

Russians sometimes seem not quite friendly and cold, but this is only until you find yourself at their house. If you were invited to a party, or just for tea, then be sure that you will be treated to the best food and the most unusual stories will be shared with you. Such a lively and relaxed communication - great way improve your speaking skills, learn new things about the culture and make friends.

8 - Visit a Russian speaking country

Full immersion in the language environment is the most the right way start speaking fluent Russian. In the open spaces former USSR The Russian language is very common, it is not necessary to go directly to Russia - you can find cities in other countries where Russian will be one of the main languages ​​of communication. Such a place can be found even in the European Union. For example, the city of Daugavpils in Latvia: for 80% of its inhabitants, Russian is their native language, and 96% of the inhabitants speak Russian fluently. In Daugavpils, standard modern Russian without any accent is used as the main language for communication, which makes this city a very attractive place to study it.

If possible, it is better to live not in a hotel, but in a family where the main language of communication is Russian. Many language training programs provide this opportunity. So you will never fall out of the language environment, and will be forced to speak Russian, which over time will definitely bear fruit.

9 - Find a companion

Finding an interlocutor for whom Russian would be native is not so difficult. You can use social networks, but if you're in a Russian-speaking country, be sure to find someone to hang out with. This will not only help you make new friendships, but it will also help you get into language learning faster.

The main thing to remember is that if your goal is language, then you should not forget about the need to write down and memorize everything new. Analyze each time your meetings, learn new words and expressions. Thus, with each subsequent “lesson” you will feel more confident, which means you will be ready for more difficult things.

10 - Find a new hobby

Love to cook? Ask your friends to teach you how to cook some traditional dishes. Are you into music? Learn some traditional songs and some popular modern Russian songs. Dive deeper into Russian culture. This will make you even more interesting interlocutor and will allow you to better understand the Russian mentality. So you can quickly find a common language with Russian-speaking people and you can get a much greater conversational experience.

Russian culture and language, which is an integral part of it, are incredibly interesting and, therefore, attract many. We are sure that the tips we have given you will simplify the process of learning Russian. If you are interested in learning this language courses, which provide a unique cultural experience and practice, be sure to read the information from our website. Do not be afraid of difficulties and learn Russian!



04/02/2015: How to learn to speak Russian correctly?

If you do not pay attention to this in a timely manner, such pronunciation can be fixed in the student's speech for a long time. He sifted through a lot of messages that came through the tapes of agencies, called several ballet specialists, even talked to the head of the troupe! Of course, the Russian language is very mobile, foreign words, one way or another, penetrate into it, some take root, others do not, however, one should maintain respect for the native language. And this despite the fact that he has long been an adult and a father.

How to speak Russian correctly in Russia is a question that interests not only foreigners, but also the Russian population of our country. This, in particular, is confirmed by explanatory dictionaries of the Russian language. Surprising is the fact that your pet will almost immediately try to sing along, and soon remember those phrases that are repeated all the time. Men, after all, also like to be attentively happened, they also demand respect for themselves, and for some of them it is also very important to be listened to.

As for the timbre, you should try to speak in a low voice. And of course, in no case should you be annoyed with a client if he does not understand what you are talking about. In the work team you will become popular, competent speech will help you win the attention of the authorities and the team, move up the career ladder.

A person who can speak correctly, understandably, convincingly, and beautifully will always achieve what he needs. But, since we are talking about working moments, we will dwell on them.

"I'm sorry" has a rival, such a strange word - "I'm sorry." They are always pleased to hear about how someone can depend on them, in a good way. If you send them instructions and requests in writing, then the probability of their execution will increase significantly. It is clear to you any special terminology, but not to him. This is inevitable, because the knowledge of the literary language is a necessary component of education, intelligence, an indispensable element of the status of a modern person. While they are in the store, whose employees know where heating can be ordered at a bargain price country house, they must consider the product and be convinced of the benefits of your store, remember it as "good".

If your financial difficulties are temporary, a phone call to the bank with a promise to pay off the debt in the near future will be enough. But it may also happen that the girl's parents will ask for time to discuss the marriage proposal. These will be your initial tasks for learning colloquial speech. You will understand a lot about yourself by hearing your speech and seeing yourself in a communication situation. However, try to make the conversation professional, without violating both your rights and the rights of the traffic police inspector.

When expressing your point of view, use as few words as possible. For example: instead of "Oh, we're late!" So how exactly should we men communicate with representatives of the opposite sex, so that we would be pleasant to them in such an interesting activity? But in everything there should be a measure. Just listen to what the client asks and tell him about it. This is all the people. This is his culture, his language. Well, if this is his usual manner of speaking, then there will have to be a lot of work.

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    If all the data has already been filled out, the table on the reverse side, as well as empty columns on the front side, are crossed out with the letter Z. In the column “Corresponding account number”, the correspondence account with 50 “Cashier” accounts for debit or credit is indicated.
    Books that change lives!
    Many teachers have been a blessing in my life, each of whom has contributed in their own way to the writing of this book. My first editor, Janice Gallagher, asked questions and made comments that helped shape this book.
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    Brief biography of L.N. Tolstoy | All Compositions
    In the last decade of his life, Tolstoy became the recognized head of Russian literature, the defender of the realistic trend. In 1830, when Tolstoy's mother, nee Princess Volkonskaya, died, the father's cousin took over the care of the children.
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    Short congratulations on the new year in prose and poetry 2015
    I congratulate you and wish you only positive changes in this coming year! "Traditionally, we celebrate the New Year with champagne." My good ones! Let the flowers of happiness open on your life path! That's why I wish you a new car, a new apartment.
    Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy. Biography of Leo Tolstoy
    In an effort to avoid the growing discontent of his wife, in October 1910 Tolstoy and his youngest daughter Alexandra went on a pilgrimage. N.; together with the later stories "Boyhood", 1852-54, and "Youth", 1855-57, made up an autobiographical trilogy).
    Memorial Day of A.S. Pushkin
    Three days later, he shuddered in convulsive sobs, lying on the snow in front of the Stables Church, where the poet was buried. It is just right to call him a great Russian-Ethiopian poet. "Pushkin and his era", "Pushkin's Tales" (Prechistenka, 12/2).
    -> Site of the teacher of Russian language and literature
    This error usually occurs if you install some old computer game on a more or less modern computer. The next step is to extract the file from the archive, it is compressed to save your traffic and speed up download speed.

The image of each person is twenty-five percent dependent on his speech. It doesn’t matter what social status you have, if you want to achieve the attention and location of others, then you will have to work on it. In order for the interlocutor to show his interest in you, you must have good diction and grammatically correct speech, you should also pay attention to the staging of the voice.

The ability to conduct a conversation will help in the most unpredictable life situations. Your opinion will be considered not only by close people, but also by work colleagues, your career will go up sharply, you will become an excellent interlocutor with whom it is interesting to talk, and you can easily speak to a huge audience.

This skill is also useful for managers, because, for example, finding partners for transactions is easier than keeping their attention and getting them interested in your offer. And this will help proper business conversation.

Learning to speak correctly is easy, for this you just need to arm yourself with patience and attention.

Learning to speak well

1. The first thing you have to do is get into the pleasant habit of reading, at least 15-20 minutes a day.

Through reading, you will replenish vocabulary learn how to express your thoughts correctly and build sentences.

Fresh on the forum

3. It is not necessary to use words in a conversation whose meaning is unfamiliar to you. Explanatory dictionaries and reference books to help, thanks to them you will expand your vocabulary, at the same time and pay attention to the stress in some words.

4. Try to increase the talk time with your interlocutor. But, if there is no way to talk to anyone, I advise you to find a video where the announcer clearly and impeccably pronounces each phrase, and repeat after him. Such an exercise helps to expand the vocabulary and forms the correct speech, with intonational pauses.

5. Find someone to talk to about movies, TV programs, or books at your leisure.

6. From time to time record your speech on a voice recorder, so you will be sure that you are on the right course for perfection. Do not forget to pay attention to the coherence of speech and the length of pauses. Intentionally prolonged pauses betray a certain theatricality to the speech, which immediately repels the interlocutor.

7. Learn how to correctly present and beautifully present information. A simple exercise will help you with this - “let's talk about nothing”. Try to describe an object, such as a vase, in literary language for 4-5 minutes, then move on to the next object. Every day increase the exercise time, and you will not notice how in the near future, in a conversation, you can easily switch to any topic.

8. Forget obscene words, do not use terms incomprehensible to your interlocutor. Don't use formulaic phrases.

9. Learn how to make sentences correctly, two exercises will help you with this:
1) choose a definition for a word, for example: “joy is ...”;
2) Write a few words on paper and make sentences out of them.

10. Looking in the mirror, tell yourself about the events that happened to you during the day, while controlling gestures and facial expressions.

And remember the best indicator of your level of achievement will be the reaction of the listener to your speech.

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In an effort to master fashionable and prestigious languages ​​- English, German, Chinese - modern young people pay less and less attention to native speech. Someone does not consider it necessary, someone relies on text editors, and there are those who are sure that a school course is enough for their current activities.

Nevertheless, employers pay attention to the literacy of the documents drawn up, so for many people it is important independent study Russian language. But is it possible to achieve the desired result without a tutor?

Here are some tips from teachers:

Start with grammar. Few people have the innate ability to "feel" language. To freely maneuver among the vast majority of rules, it is enough to master textbooks for grades 5-10. It's even easier if you had good grades in school. Russian language. In this case, schemes and playful pictures-rules, which are enough on the Internet, will help “get back in shape”.

Try to use as little as possible text editors. Firstly, they often make mistakes, and secondly, they reduce your self-confidence.

Don't relax.

How to learn to speak beautifully

Self-study of the Russian language involves constant work on yourself, so even while chatting with friends, you need to monitor spelling and punctuation.

Work on your pronunciation. Wrong accents in such words as "cakes" and "call" during communication will give out your gaps in education.

Read the classics. So you remember at the visual level how certain words are spelled. In this case, you have a huge choice. An excellent alternative to the "boring reading" of Dostoevsky will be the works of foreign authors translated into Russian. True, before reading, you should ask for reviews about the quality of the translation.

And one more piece of advice. To improve your pronunciation, repeat after the announcers of news programs or programs on cultural channels. This is where you are most likely to "absorb" the thoroughbred sound. classical Russian language. And if you want to study with us, welcome! The site has a lot of interesting material for learning Russian!

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