Opening of a poultry farm. Sales of finished products

  • 23.09.2019

The initiators of the project will promote their products to the market under the brand name "house chicken". This will allow products to be sold at higher prices. The target buyers of the products of the mini-poultry farm are:

  1. Small convenience stores in Pereslavl-Zalessky, Vladimir, Suzdal, Moscow.
  2. Shop sorting network supermarkets. It is not easy to negotiate with a chain supermarket about sales without connections. However, you can negotiate with the sorting shop - in them, eggs from large farms in packages of 360 eggs are packaged in ordinary boxes (10, 20 or 30 pcs). They have a smaller business, so they will be ready to meet.
  3. Small local markets, as well as a restaurant and cafe of the Golden Ring, interested in a stable supply of quality products.

At the first stage of the project, it will be necessary to fine-tune the systems for rearing birds and logistics in order to prove to buyers that the products are of consistently high quality. Then you can move on to differentiating your product under the slogan "Homemade chicken from ...". This may work well in local markets in the area of ​​the Golden Ring.

This approach is a bit like a marketing ploy of a company that produces coffee of a special roast under the brand name "Live Coffee". Each type of coffee is presented as a kind of wine. For poultry farming, such direct borrowing is not possible, but it is worth emphasizing the unique taste of eggs and meat grown in a particular area.

The main thing that the implementation of this approach will give is the ability to sell finished products for 5-15 rubles. per kg more than competitors.

Advertising strategy

Given the small volumes of production, direct contact with potential small wholesale buyers is the most effective promotion and advertising strategy. It is necessary to receive feedback from buyers regarding satisfaction with the products of the mini-chicken farm. All this will allow you to quickly form your niche in such a highly competitive market as the poultry meat market. Established relationships with several dozen buyers will speed up sales and turnover of funds. The option of linking to one or two main buyers is possible, it carries financial risks: a monopoly supplier can increase accounts receivable. On the other hand, expanding the range of suppliers means additional transportation costs.

Production plan

Location of the poultry farm

The poultry farm in this business plan will be located in countryside, near the city of Pereslavl-Zalessky, Yaroslavl region.

Construction of buildings and structures

Poultry houses are usually divided by a central passage into two halves, each of which is divided into sections by transverse mesh partitions, interconnected by doors. On both sides of the house, paddocks are arranged, fenced with a metal mesh fence 2 m high. The paddock is also divided into sections. In the end sides of the house, a service room, a compartment for feed and bedding are arranged.

The floors in poultry rooms are made of various materials (adobe, wood, etc.). On the adobe floor, a deep bedding is used. The wooden slatted floor is more hygienic, since the bird does not come into contact with the manure, however, the decomposition of the manure under the slats worsens the composition and properties of the air.

In some mechanized poultry houses, a combined floor is used - 100% hard surface and deep litter and 40% slatted floor, under which there is a box or channel with manure cleaning mechanisms. The mesh floor made of metal mesh is very cold, it is used only in heated rooms.

To determine the size of the territory of the poultry farm, the area of ​​walking solariums is also taken into account, which in commercial farms should be equal to the floor area of ​​the poultry house for chickens, and one and a half area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room for ducks. In breeding farms, the walking area for adult chickens and ducks is up to 2 m2, for turkeys - up to 3 m2 per head, and for replacement young stock of all - up to 200-350% of the poultry house area.

Metal frame poultry house

The initiators of the project prefer the construction of a new poultry house building. An attractive offer is a poultry house project from the Andromet company:

STERK® are steel frame buildings for commercial purposes, completely made of light galvanized metal structures.

Industrial building STERK ® 24 * 60 * 3.5 m

pre-designed building.

Snow Region: III

Wind Region: II

Degree of fire resistance of the building: IV.

Frame: steel 350 according to GOST R 52246-2004 with zinc coating 275 g/sq.m.

Structurally, loads from technological equipment on the supporting structures of the frame are provided.

Price: 2 420 400 rubles. (per frame)

Delivery time: about 1 month.

Dimensions: 24 * 60 * 3.5 m (height to the bottom of the supporting structures)

Frame spacing 4.5 m.

spans: single span

Floors: single storey

Contents of delivery

  • Metal structures of the building frame
  • Fastener set
  • Anchor bolt set
  • Technical passport for the frame
  • Calculation of loads on foundations

However, substituting the cost of STERKA into the financial model showed that the project does not pay off with the planned number of livestock of 2000 chickens.

If we keep the target figure of 2,000 chickens, then the optimal construction option is "old walls and new equipment." The projected production volume - 1000 / 2000 heads - is not designed for investments in new buildings, otherwise the project will not pay off.

For the construction of completely new buildings, it is necessary to provide for a larger number of chickens - from 10,000 birds. The construction of a new poultry farm building from scratch will exceed the upper limit of possible investments in the amount of 4,000,000 rubles. The main thing is that investments in the amount of even 3 million rubles. at the average industry cost, they will not pay off in four years if the projected rearing volume is 1000-2000 chickens.

At the same time, even in the "old walls" the equipment must be modern - allowing to save labor costs, as well as the consumption of feed and electricity.

Containment room

However, it is better to grow broilers with floor keeping of birds. Naturally, it requires more space.

The key condition for growing healthy poultry is the zoning of space: meat breeds are separate from egg breeds.


One of the main principles correct content birds is to maintain a favorable indoor climate. Chicks and grown-up hens should be kept in different rooms due to the difference in the required heating and lighting regime. For example, day-old chicks need to maintain a temperature of 34 degrees, while 60-day-old hens need 18 degrees.

With cage keeping for growing young animals in the first 3 weeks, it is recommended to use round-the-clock lighting. As they grow, reduce to 17 hours.

Spare areas are also needed, which are disinfected after the broilers are sent to the slaughterhouse.

Necessary equipment

At the rate of 1 cell with an area of ​​1 sq. m for five heads.


Perches differ in design depending on the age of the bird, the structure of the house. They can be made removable from slats with a section of 10 x 3.8 cm, which allows them to be removed during the cleaning of the floor from litter.

In poultry houses, using a deep non-replaceable litter, you can arrange perches in the form of a tent. At the same time, the slats are nailed at different levels, which allows you to place the bird on both sides at different levels. The convenience of such perches lies in the fact that they can be rearranged inside poultry houses, as well as for walking for birds to rest during the day. The top of the perch plank should be rounded.

Insufficient quantity and poor-quality perches lead to massive diseases of the legs and egg-forming organs in chickens.


Taking into account the biological and physiological characteristics of the bird, nests should be provided in the room for chickens. They are necessary so that the eggs after laying are clean and undamaged. Fighting, notching of eggs, which are observed in some poultry houses, to a certain extent depend on the number and quality of nests, bedding material in them.

Nests are an integral part of poultry houses for adult birds, laying eggs. In their absence or poor equipment, chickens get used to laying eggs on the litter and they may also experience egg-eating, cloacal pecking, and a tendency to incubate. The nest box of the usual type is made of boards, plywood, hardboard and other suitable material.

The level of placement of nests above the floor should be at least 30 cm and have a take-off bar with a section of 5x2 cm, located 10 cm from the entrance to the nest. Moreover, the nests are placed so that direct light does not fall into them. There should be one nest for five chickens, therefore, if there are a large number of chickens in the house, boxes in the form of a battery are installed. Inside the nest is lined with bedding material, straw, hay, sawdust. The floor of the nest can be made mesh.


Pure drinking water in sufficient quantity ensures the normal function of the digestive organs, good egg and meat productivity. There are various designs of drinkers.

Poultry watering by hand is possible on small commercial farms with a limited number of livestock. To do this, use a small box, turned upside down, in which a hole is made for a bucket or other container that has the shape of a cone. The edges of the bucket rise above the level of the bottom of the box. 30 cm. The chicken flies up on the box during the watering. Such a system Prevents splashing of water around the drinker, the litter remains dry, the water is less polluted with droppings.

Very convenient are small wooden troughs or half of an asbestos-cement pipe, cut along, in which the edges are closed with pieces of tightly fitted liners or cemented. Before installation, such a drinker must be checked for tightness. A mesh fence is put on top of it so that the bird does not pollute the water.

For chickens, glass jars are used as drinking bowls, which are filled with water and placed upside down on a glass, plastic, ceramic tray. For chickens, such drinkers are unsuitable, as the bird often turns them over.

Electrical equipment complex

Its composition, scheme and power are determined by the floor plan. It is advisable to use energy-saving equipment from the very beginning. A boiler room for space heating in winter is needed to protect against possible power outages.


It will be needed after 1-2 generations of laying hens are grown. Broiler chickens are usually obtained from cross breeds. They don't need an incubator.


To support all the working processes of the poultry farm, including feeding the birds, collecting eggs, slaughtering adult birds, etc. a minimum of three employees is required. It is this number of workers that experienced owners of small poultry farms determine as necessary.

Each of them must be prepared to perform all work on the poultry farm (poultry farmer-handyman).

For this project it is assumed that a fourth employee will be occupied, who will monitor the condition and repair of equipment, the boiler room (if its construction is envisaged), cleaning paths and places for walking poultry

Project implementation

Planned output finished products mini-poultry farms for 1000 heads per year:

  1. Meat poultry (broiler) reaches its slaughter weight on average on the 50th day. Accordingly, up to 6 generations can be grown in 1 year. In total, about 3,000 heads or 9 tons of poultry meat will be grown in 1 year.
  2. The bird of the egg direction on average produces 200 - 300 eggs per year. Accordingly, in 1 year, 500 laying hens will bring up to 100 - 150 thousand eggs.

In the warm season, each normal hen lays one egg every other day. In winter, chickens hardly lay eggs. The main function of hens is the hatching of chickens. And in winter, chickens are not taken out. But with the right breed and content, a chicken lays 300 eggs a year. And on some poultry farms and 315-320 eggs.

There are two main directions for chickens - meat and egg. For example, chickens of meat breeds, such as broilers, are fattened for meat. But there are such types of chickens that they quickly gain weight and carry up to 250 eggs per year. These are, for example, such breeds: Sussex, Augsburger, and some others.

egg direction

Egg breeds of chickens are light. They weigh about 2 kilograms. They love to walk and almost always find food themselves. These chickens have almost no fat, as they are mobile. An egg breed called Cross is capable of carrying up to 315 eggs per year. This breed of chickens does not give offspring, as it was bred genetically. Buy these chickens at 4 months of age. The most productive breeds: Hissex, Isobrown, Tetra SL.

The number of eggs will depend on the level of feeding, the degree of selection and the method of keeping. Irregular feeding has a bad effect on the number of eggs. It is important to choose the optimal diet. Grain is the basis of the diet. The hen should receive 120-150 grams of grain per day. Feed additives containing amino acids must be added to the grain. You can replace feed additives with cake and sprat. Chicken grazing is very important: soft grass + local production (food waste containing nutrients).

For hens of the egg direction, it is predicted that the average egg production will be:

Year 1 - 249 eggs
Year 2 - 261 eggs
Year 3 - 269 eggs.

This is the commercial yield of eggs, to which you need to add about 2-5% of the eggs. Implementation assumes high, but not maximum (300 eggs per year) egg production.

Egg herd growth chart

  1. 500 chickens are purchased and raised within two months. Young hens start laying from the third month, first 15, then 18, 21, and finally 24 eggs per month.
  2. A year after the start of egg laying, 500 hens are sent for slaughter. 2 months before that, 750 chickens are purchased and the annual cycle of egg production is repeated.
  3. One year after the start of egg laying, 750 hens are sent for slaughter. 2 months before that, 1000 chicks are purchased and the annual cycle of egg production is repeated.

The forecast for the growth of commercial production of eggs is shown in the graph:

Meat direction

In the first month of operation of the mini-poultry farm, 500 broiler chickens will be purchased. They will reach a weight of 2.5 kg in a month and a half after the start of feeding. Considering a 5% culling rate, 475 broilers with a total weight of 1188 kg can be put on the market. Starting from the fifth quarter, 750 broiler chickens are purchased, from the ninth - 1000 broiler chickens.

Meat sales for 3 years

Weight is in kg. Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 Quarter 5 Quarter 6 Quarter 7 Quarter 8 Quarter 9 Quarter 10 Quarter 11 Quarter 12
Broilers 1188 2375 3563 3563 4156 5344 5344 5344 5938 7125 7125 7125
old flock of egg hens 1500 2250

Financial plan

Initial investment

The initial investment includes investments in the conversion of the building into a poultry house in the amount of 700 thousand rubles, the purchase of 100 cages for keeping egg hens at a price of 1.5 thousand rubles. per cage, electrical equipment (150 thousand rubles), other equipment (drinkers, feeders, buckets).

In addition, meat and egg chickens are purchased at a price of 55 thousand and 30 thousand rubles. for parties of 500 goals each.

In total, initial investments in fixed and current assets amount to 1,092 thousand rubles. However, the initial investment is not limited to this amount. Taking into account the purchase of feed, wages and unified social tax, covering current losses under the assumptions made in the project model about the turnover of funds, the total investment during the first three quarters is estimated at 1890 thousand rubles. This amount of investment can be estimated as the lower realistic investment limit.

Dynamics of investment investments

The main capital investments are made during the first quarter of the life of the project. Further, it is necessary to invest in the expansion of the premises of the poultry farm to increase the number of livestock up to 2000 chickens. Investments are estimated at 700 thousand rubles. The investment period is 7th quarter. To cover the shortage of funds, an additional 140 thousand rubles will be required. in the 7th quarter.

Income of the poultry farm

The income of the poultry farm consists of proceeds from the sale of eggs and broiler meat.

Estimated selling price

10 eggs 50 rub.

1 kg of broiler meat 80 rub.

In addition to the main sources of income, there are two auxiliary ones - the sale of egg chickens after a year of "work" and the sale of dried manure.

The selling price of veteran chickens is 60 rubles. / kg. Litter is sold at a minimum price of 1.5 rubles. / kg. It should be noted that dried manure can be used as fuel in a boiler house, which will save on energy resources in winter (Table 6).

Basic Income Table

thousand roubles. 1 sq. 2 sq. 3 sq. 4 sq. 1 year 2 year 3 year 4 year
Eggs - 38 143 180 360 915 1 316 1 320
Broilers - 95 190 285 570 1 473 2 043 2 280
old hens - - - - - 90 135 135
Litter - 3 3 3 9 17 21 24
TOTAL - 136 336 468 939 2 494 3 515 3 759

Poultry farm expenses

The main current expenses of the poultry farm are for grain, compound feed, and electricity. It's about standard costs. A chicken consumes 120 grams of grain per day + 50 grams of feed with vitamin supplements. Electricity consumption:

laying hen 20 kWh / year

broiler 15 kWh / year

The consumption of feed and electricity determines the cost of the poultry farm. From a cost perspective, the cost drivers of a poultry farm are feed and energy consumption. They determine production costs by more than 70%.

Taxation system

A single agricultural tax is applied, equal to 6% of the difference between income and expenditure. The procedure for determining income and expenses is established by Article 346.5 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

The book of accounting for income and expenses of individual entrepreneurs applying the taxation system for agricultural producers (ESKhN) was approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of December 11, 2006 N 169n.

The date of receipt of income is the day of receipt of funds to bank accounts and (or) to the cashier, receipt of other property (works, services) and (or) property rights, as well as repayment of debt in another way (cash method).

Costs are recognized as costs after they are actually paid.

Income and expenses denominated in foreign currency are converted into rubles at the exchange rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. Incomes received in kind are determined in accordance with the procedure established by Article 40 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. The tax base can be reduced for the tax period by the amount of the loss received as a result of previous tax periods. Taxpayers have the right to carry forward the loss to future tax periods within 10 years following the tax period in which this loss was incurred.

The financial model was developed using the Alt-Invest 4.0 program. Below are forecasts of profit and loss, cash flow, and balance sheet based on the financial model. The forecast is made at constant 2013 prices. It reflects the increase in prices for eggs and, to a lesser extent, chicken meat in the current year.

Profits and Losses Report

The project reaches a cost-effective level of work starting from the fourth quarter. According to the results of the first year, the net loss is 560 thousand rubles. The growth in sales and net income in the second year compensates for the losses of the first year. Accumulated net profit for two years is 62 thousand rubles. The net profit margin in the second year is 25%.

The growth in sales and profit increases the net profit accumulated over four years to 3,152 thousand rubles. Net profit margin is 41-44%. In general, the project is highly profitable with the ability to quickly - within three quarters - go through the formation stage.

Profit and Loss Forecast

thousand roubles. 1 sq. 2 sq. 3 sq. 4 sq. 1 year 2 year 3 year 4 year
- revenues from sales - 136 336 468 939 2 494 3 515 3 759
- current expenses - 332 - 360 - 399 - 405 - 1 496 - 1 845 - 2 014 - 1 998
Profit before tax - 332 - 224 - 64 63 - 557 649 1 501 1 761
Net income (loss - 332 - 224 - 64 60 - 560 621 1 435 1 655
Net profit / loss cumulative - 332 - 556 - 620 - 560 - 560 62 1 497 3 152

Cash flow statement

The cash flow forecast is significantly influenced by assumptions about the dynamics of the working capital of the project. Buyers advance the supply of finished products for a period of 1 month in the amount of 50% of sales, respectively, accounts receivable is 50% of sales for a period of 1 month.

The poultry farm makes an advance payment for the supply of grains, feed and premixes in the amount of 40% a month before delivery and fully pays for the goods received within a month, i.e. share of accounts payable - 60%. Inventory turnover - 30 days, in other words, the poultry farm will have a rhythmic and stable supply of feed in order to minimize their stocks.

The production cycle is 90 days, which corresponds to both the time it takes for broiler chickens to grow to a marketable weight of 2.5 kg, and the period required for a new generation of laying hens to move on to active egg laying.

In general, the working capital assumptions mean that no additional working capital investments will be needed after the project becomes profitable.

The cash flow forecast is given in the table. The favorable dynamics of working capital has its effect: by the end of the fourth year, the accumulated free cash is higher than the net profit on an accumulated basis.

Cash flow

thousand roubles. 1 sq. 2 sq. 3 sq. 4 sq. 1 year 2 year 3 year 4 year
Equity investments 1 380 476 65 - 1 921 175 - -
Sales revenue - 136 336 468 939 2 494 3 515 3 759
total inflow 1 380 612 401 468 2 860 2 669 3 515 3 759
- operating costs - 304 - 304 - 333 - 333 - 1 273 - 1 479 - 1 552 - 1 634
- business expenses - - 7 - 17 - 22 - 46 - 120 - 169 - 180
- tax payments -0 - 0 - 0 - 3 - 3 - 27 - 66 - 106
Growth of permanent assets - 1 092 - - - 113 - 1 205 - 810 - -
- change in net working capital 17 - 303 - 38 - 9 - 333 - 36 - 47 - 16
Total churn - 1 379 - 613 - 388 - 480 - 2 860 - 2 471 - 1 833 - 1 936
Free cash 1 - 1 12 - 12 0 198 1 682 1 823
Free cash (cumulative total) 1 0 12 0 0 198 1 880 3 703

Balance sheet

The forecast for the balance of the poultry farm is presented in the table. At the end of the first quarter, the project company's balance sheet totaled 1,114 thousand rubles. At the beginning of the second year (quarter 5), the balance sheet increases to 1583 thousand rubles. In the structure of assets, fixed assets account for 55%, current assets- 45%. As sales grow and depreciation of fixed assets, the asset structure changes. At the end of the 4th year (16th quarter), fixed assets accounted for 20%, current assets - 80% of the book value.

Liabilities of balance are formed at the expense of own capital. It does not provide for the taking of loans and the accumulation of significant accounts payable. The balance forecast shows the dynamics of the accumulation of retained earnings of the project - 3152 thousand rubles. at the end of the fourth year.

thousand roubles. 1 sq. 5 sq. 9 sq. 13 sq. 16 sq.
Residual value of fixed assets 979 865 1 434 1 251 1 113
Capital investments in progress - -
Total fixed assets 979 865 1 434 1 251 1 113
stocks of raw materials and supplies 42 51 51 61 61
work in progress - 366 371 409 409
finished products - 12 12 13 13
receivables - 92 138 174 151
Other current assets 92 93 91 10 10
cash 1 103 580 2 393 3 703
Total current assets 135 717 1 243 3 059 4 346
Balance 1 114 1 583 2 677 4 310 5 459
Authorized capital 1 387 1 928 2 103 2 103 2 103
Retained earnings / loss - 332 - 483 389 2 001 3 152
Total equity 1 055 1 445 2 492 4 104 5 255
Short-term liabilities 59 138 185 205 204

In general, the balance sheet forecast shows development results based on the assumptions made.

Efficiency mark

The effectiveness of a business plan for a poultry farm is evaluated by a system of indicators, among which the key ones are net present value and internal rate of return.

net income

Accumulated net income (of the project) for four years is estimated at 3,152 thousand rubles. in 2013 prices. At current prices, this figure will be higher.

Net Present Value (NPV)

To calculate the NPV of the project, a discount of 12% per annum was chosen. Investments were compared with alternative investments in financial assets (bank deposits) at 12 per annum. The NPV of the mini-poultry farm project in the vicinity of Pereslavl-Zalessky is estimated at 1,558 thousand rubles. The project generates value at a given risk of 12%, so it is an attractive investment.

Payback period: 3.1 years
Discounted payback period: 3.5 years


The payback period is quite long. It is worth paying attention to this, because the option of minimizing investments in fixed assets for initial stage. A long payback period is a risk. You can manage these risks by debugging the stable operation of the mini-poultry farm in the main business subsystems:

  • purchase of chickens
  • raising healthy livestock
  • marketing
  • logistics
  • finance with a focus on working capital management

Profitability index: 1,558 thousand rubles. / 1,092 thousand rubles = 1.42.

If the profitability index is greater than 1, then the project must be accepted as investment-attractive. In the case of a mini-poultry farm, the situation is borderline. The initial investment was defined as the sum of investments in fixed assets and the purchase of 1,000 egg and meat chickens.

If we add investments to cover the deficit of working capital before reaching self-sufficiency, the profitability index will become less than one.

Let us turn to the indicator of the internal rate of return as a more informative criterion for assessing investment efficiency.

Internal rate of return

The internal rate of return (IRR) of the project is 34%. Consequently, the discount = 12% chosen for evaluation has a large margin of safety in the event of adverse events in business development. In addition, IRR > 25%. The threshold value of IRR = 25% is used by venture capital investors and private equity funds to assess the attractiveness of investments. Projects with IRR< 25% обычно не рассматриваются.

General conclusion: according to the system of criteria, the mini-poultry farm project is investment attractive.

Business plan risk analysis

Below are the results of changes in product prices, production volume, operating and investment costs per NPV (based on the financial model).

The general conclusion is that the project is resistant to changes in one factor in the range of + / - 30%.

For example poultry farm business plan we will look at the features poultry farming as an object of entrepreneurial activity. Chicken meat is currently a relatively cheap product, the volume of consumption of which is growing every year. Apart from the individual market, this product has become the main ingredient for making various kinds meat semi-finished products. The profitability of the business exceeds 50%, and if you include a workshop for egg production, then the attractiveness of the industry grows exponentially.

This market is not subject to seasonal demand, and the limited supply of imported goods only contributes to the emergence of new players and production growth. If you decide to start working in this market, carefully read the nuances of its functioning and the principles of business planning.

Key features of the poultry farm business plan for poultry farming, production and sale of eggs

Business plan as a way to design a poultry farm

Business planning requires serious resource costs and a scrupulous approach. poultry farming, as a business, it is a complex system of relationships and components, the implementation of each of which determines the future of the project and its success. A wide range of issues should be considered during the design process - from studying the target market and finding stable sources of compound feed to issues of storage of finished products, protective packaging for eggs and logistics components of the shipping process to customers. To simplify the design of activities for poultry farming and egg incubation, consider an example chicken farm business plan.

This document is central to the design of any business activity. Its structure allows to describe the full implementation cycle for the most complex production and commercial systems, and its financial part serves as the basis for attracting investment capital.



Main characteristics of poultry business processes

The result of the development will be poultry farm for the cultivation of meat breeds of chickens and egg production. The peculiarity of this type of business is the special conditions for breeding chickens, the presence of a constant supply of feed and vitamins, as well as a certain amount of demand, since not all products have a long shelf life.

The sale of finished products is planned through corporate departments and large retail chains - for the retail market, and through sales representatives - for meat processing enterprises and the restaurant business.

The main business processes within the project:

  • buying and raising chickens;
  • rearing meat chickens and hatching eggs by laying hens;
  • carcass processing, product packaging and delivery to customers.

In general, poultry farming is no more difficult than other types of entrepreneurial activity, however, for the quality execution of the project, it is better to rely on poultry farm business plan.

1 - Summary

1.1. The essence of the project

1.2. The volume of investments for the launch of a poultry farm

1.3. Work results

2 - Concept

2.1. Project concept

2.2. Description/Properties/Characteristics

2.3. Goals for 5 years

3 - Market

3.1. Market size

3.2. Market Dynamics

4 - Staff

4.1. staffing

4.2. Processes

4.3. Wage

5 - Financial plan

5.1. Investment plan

5.2. Funding Plan

5.3. Poultry Farm Development Sales Plan

5.4. Spending plan

5.5. Tax payment plan

5.6. Reports

5.7. Investor income

6 - Analysis

6.1. Investment analysis

6.2. The financial analysis

6.3. Risks of poultry production

7 - Conclusions

The poultry farm business plan is provided in MS Word format - it already has all the tables, graphs, diagrams and descriptions. You can use them "as is" because it's ready to use. Or you can adjust any section for yourself.

For example: if you need to change the name of the project or the region where the business is located, then this is easy to do in the "Project Concept" section.

Financial calculations are provided in MS Excel format - parameters are highlighted in the financial model - this means that you can change any parameter, and the model will automatically calculate everything: it will build all tables, graphs and charts.

For example: if you need to increase the sales plan, then it is enough to change the sales volume for a given product (service) - the model will recalculate everything automatically, and all tables and charts will be ready immediately: monthly sales plan, sales structure, sales dynamics - all this will be ready .

A feature of the financial model is that all formulas, parameters and variables are available for change, which means that any specialist who knows how to work in MS Excel can adjust the model for themselves.


Feedback from our clients

Feedback on the business planchicken farm for breeding and rearing laying hens

Excellent quality business plan from Plan-Pro allowed to receive a loan in the amount of 150 million rubles for the development of a farm for breeding laying hens. We are grateful for the document, which takes into account all our wishes and the requirements of Sberbank. The loan was received within 2 months, no adjustments were required.

Belozerov N.L., Farmer, Kostroma region

Feedback on a business plan for growing and breeding turkeys and turkeys

Collaboration with Plan-Pro to develop a business plan for a turkey farm led to our receipt of an investment in the amount of 25 million rubles. The calculations in the project are detailed and high-quality, financial forecasting takes into account the nuances of turkey growing, fattening and organization production cycle, market research is in-depth and expertly compiled. All this helped to successfully resolve the issue of financing.

Igor Zamyatin, financial director, Yaroslavl

Feedback on a business plan for a goose farm for 1000 heads

Site bought on site ready business-plan for a goose farm. The work was done with high quality - the goose farm business plan is convenient to use, financial forecasts are realistic, and any numbers can be changed in the financial model. The goose farm project was designed in accordance with the requirements of banks, and Rosselkhozbank did not have any questions when making a decision on lending.

Nadezhda Gorodetskaya, Pereslavl-Zalessky

We start by drawing up a business plan for a poultry farm

Drawing up a business plan is a creative process, the implementation of which requires compliance with the stages of actions, objective sources of information and the structure of the content.

Subject of planning

Poultry farm for production chicken meat and eggs, with an annual output of XXX tons and XXX thousand pieces. respectively.

Stages of launching a project on the example of a business plan for a poultry farm

For the organization, we need a specific action plan that reflects all the main stages of design in the framework of the formation business plan.

Stages of project implementation:

  • analysis of aggregated indicators of the industry, their dynamics and making forecasts for the future;
  • calculation of the amount of required external financing;
  • technological features of breeding chickens and hatching eggs;
  • the operational component of the expenditure part of the project;
  • sales structure and sales revenue;
  • personnel policy;
  • advertising activities and description of the sales network;
  • the economic part of the project, with the calculation of the payback period.

Analysis of aggregated indicators of the industry

During the analysis, a picture is drawn up that characterizes the selected market in terms of its volume, major players, growth or decline dynamics, as well as a vision of the future state of this market.

The information obtained is used in the preparation of a business plan for a poultry farm to determine the strategic direction of the company's development and its competitive advantages:

  • unique fattening recipes with mines using growth accelerators;
  • the possibility of large simultaneous deliveries for federal retail chains or meat processing enterprises;
  • new egg packaging format;
  • the quality of merchandising - the first places on the shelves in the areas of chilled and frozen products;
  • favorable price-quality ratio.

Recently, there has been an increasing popularity of eggs and ostrich meat, especially among large restaurants, etc. will allow you to evaluate all the advantages and disadvantages of this unconventional idea.

Preparatory work for the implementation of the poultry farm business plan

poultry farming requires careful organizational and administrative preparation in order to implement poultry farm business plan went without delays and delays caused by "unfinished" preparatory measures.

Types of preparatory work :

  1. Selection of a geographical position for the farm, taking into account the efficiency of logistics schemes for the supply of raw materials and the shipment of finished products.
  2. Registration legal entity and filing it for tax purposes.
  3. Opening a current account.
  4. Obtaining permits from fire and sanitary - epidemiological supervisory authorities.
  5. Solve the issues of choosing suppliers of raw materials, feed and equipment.
  6. Conduct an analysis of the labor market and vacancies to determine the sources of staffing.

Volumes of investments for project implementation

Nowadays, there are many opportunities to raise capital for your project. This includes various public and private grants, loans and investments from funds and private investors. There is one condition - a well-designed project and reasonable calculations for its profitability and payback. To meet the requirements of capital owners, download a sample from our website poultry farm business plan, with the calculation of the main financial indicators. This will allow in a short time to find and attract the necessary amount of investment.

Structure of financing objects:

  • chickens - laying hens and chickens of meat breeds - broilers - XXX rubles;
  • preparation of premises for the organization poultry farming- XXX rub.;
  • egg incubator - XXX rubles;
  • purchase of feed - XXX rubles;
  • cages and perches for poultry - XXX rubles;
  • automatic feeding lines and drinkers - XXX rubles;
  • conveyor for cleaning, processing and packaging eggs - XXX rubles;
  • line for plucking and cutting carcasses;
  • refrigerators and freezers - XXX rub.

The total amount of funds to be attracted for the implementation of the project will be 50-120 million rubles.

Technological features of poultry farming

Growing chickens of meat breeds and egg production require the following technological features and stages:

  • microclimate and lighting in the room, especially for chickens;
  • high-quality recipes and timely supply of feed and water;
  • rearing of young animals in our own incubator;
  • broiler fattening and egg collection;
  • processing, packaging and shipping to customers.

For the qualitative implementation of the business plan of the poultry farm, specialized equipment is needed:

  • water and feed lines;
  • infrared lamps and heaters;
  • industrial incubator;
  • conveyors for processing and packing eggs;
  • carcass cutting line;
  • refrigerators and freezers;
  • equipment for packing.

Business Case for a Poultry Farm Business Plan

Operating component of the expenditure side

poultry farming, as well as any production, requires current costs for its maintenance, which are necessary to obtain the required volumes of meat output and eggs. To do this, the farm must have free cash, with the help of which all current business operations are carried out.

Developing chicken farm business plan you need to take into account the amount of these costs and have an idea about their structure:

  • lease payments for land and infrastructure of the complex - XXX rubles;
  • depreciation of fixed assets - XXX rubles;
  • supply of feed and vitamin base - XXX rubles;
  • the cost of the energy carrier and payment for utility services - XXX rubles;
  • promotion costs - XXX rubles;
  • wage fund and social payments - XXX rubles;
  • taxes - XXX rub.
  • other types of costs - XXX p.

Total, current activities will require XXX rubles. investments monthly.

The profitable part of the poultry farm business plan

The main income will be generated by sales of broilers and eggs. Sales volumes will depend on a variety of manageable and unmanageable factors, the impact of which must be foreseen and taken into account when planning activities within the framework of poultry farm business plan.

Profitability factors and competitive advantages:

  • natural food without harmful chemical elements;
  • uninterrupted production and the possibility of supplying large quantities of meat and eggs;
  • ergonomic and safe packaging;
  • professional merchandising;
  • optimum price level.

Sales revenue structure:

  1. Poultry meat - XXX rub.
  2. Eggs - XXX rub.

Total revenue — XXX rub. per month

Aspects of personnel policy

Modern automatic lines for poultry farming can include almost all processes - from the collection of hatched eggs before sending packaged products for freezing. But in any case, you need to look golden mean between the cost of equipment and the maintenance of staff with similar functionality. In addition, no one canceled the functions of the control apparatus, control of technological cycles and rough work.

When developing poultry farm business plan it is necessary to take into account personnel issues and the amount of labor costs:

  • farm director - XXX rubles;
  • livestock - XXX rubles;
  • veterinarian - XXX rubles;
  • accountant - XXX rubles;
  • HR specialist - XXX rub.;
  • food production technologist;
  • workers - XXX rubles;
  • AHO personnel - XXX rubles;
  • marketing and sales department - XXX rub.

Payback period of the project

Taking into account the costs incurred and the amount of planned revenue, the payback period will come within 3 to 5 years. indicators. Each of the parameters of the financial model can be changed manually.

The cash flow statement is the most important document of any business plan. It contains comprehensive information about the operating, investment and financial inflows and outflows of the company, and also allows you to evaluate the overall picture of the company's performance.

A professionally drafted business plan significantly increases the chances of project success.

High profitability and constant demand create a high level of competition in the field poultry and egg production. In order to achieve the goals of the project and capture the planned market share, it is necessary to take a responsible approach to business planning processes and implement them in full, in compliance with industry requirements and standards.

To be sure of the quality of the main document for starting a project, download a full-fledged ready-made document from our website chicken farm business plan, with the inclusion of the main nuances and the calculation of the main financial and economic indicators. You can also order an individual turnkey business plan that reveals even more features of your business. This will allow you to quickly and efficiently launch your project and interest potential investors.

Poultry and egg production– an excellent field of activity with high profitability and demand that does not depend on seasonality. As in any industry, there are many questions and problems, but using a professional business plan will remove most of them and allow you to achieve success in this business.

After placing and paying for the order, within 1 (one) business day, a marketing research / business plan will be sent to the specified e-mail. Accounting documents will be sent by regular mail. Our managers will contact you on the specified numbers.

diagrams - 65, graphs - 20, tables - 66

Description of "Typical business plan for a poultry farm for the production of eggs":

The aim of the project is to develop a business plan for a poultry farm for the production of eggs with a financial model.

The provided financial model is automated, due to which it can be adjusted by the client independently. To do this, it is enough to make changes to the main parameters of the project, and the model will be recalculated.

The concept of a business plan for a poultry farm for the production of eggs:

It is planned to create a poultry farm, the main products of which will be chicken eggs and broiler meat.

For the construction of the factory, it is planned to buy out a land plot with an area of ​​*** hectares.

Sales of products will be carried out in the regional market.

Manufactured products:

  • chicken eggs - *** thous. in year;
  • broiler meat - *** kg per year.

Features of a Poultry Egg Farm Business Plan:

  • The livestock of the farm will be: laying hens - *** thousand pieces; broilers - *** thousand pieces.
  • The products of the poultry farm are broiler meat, eggs.
  • Broiler meat will be sold at a price of *** per kilogram.
  • The price of eggs will be 4,000 rubles. per thousand pieces
  • Payback period of the project - *** years
  • The discount rate used in the calculations is 10% per year.
  • ESHN is used in calculations.

The business plan covers:


  • The volume and dynamics of egg production in Russia in value and physical terms for 2012-January-October 2018
  • Analysis of the geography of production in the structure by federal districts and regions.


  • The total amount of necessary investments for the project implementation has been calculated.
  • The investment structure by directions of expenses is given.
  • The project is financed by ***% at the expense of the investor, at ***% by borrowed funds.


  • Dynamics of consumer prices for chicken meat, chicken legs and eggs for 2012 - January-October 2018
  • Producer prices for chicken eggs are considered in the work for the period from 2012 to January-October 2018.
  • Import and export prices chicken eggs by type in dollar and ruble equivalent
  • Price forecast for the chicken egg market for 2019-2024

Import Export:

  • The dynamics of import-export of chicken eggs, domestic chickens, considered in value and physical terms, by countries of departure and destination, for 2012-January-September 2018

The calculations of the financial model include various project performance indicators, including return on sales, the internal rate of return of the project, the discounted payback period of the project, and others.

Market Attractiveness:

  • The highest consumer prices for chicken eggs in 2017 were noted in the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug - *** rubles per package, and the lowest - in the Republic of Mordovia - 41.8 rubles per package.
  • At the end of 2017, the consumption of eggs in Russia amounted to *** pieces. per year per user.
  • In 2019-2024, the volume of supply in the chicken egg market in Russia in value terms will grow, on average, by ***% and by 2024 will amount to *** billion rubles.
  • In 2017, the number of poultry in all categories of farms increased by ***% and amounted to *** million heads.
  • The volume of production of chicken eggs increased by ***% and amounted to *** mln.
  • The largest volume of egg consumption was noted in the Central Federal District and amounted to *** pieces. in year. Second place goes to Northwestern federal district- 237 pcs. in year.
  • In the structure of demand in the chicken egg market in Russia in physical terms, the share of domestic consumption amounted to ***%, and the share of export demand - ***%.
  • In 2017, the structure of imports is dominated by fresh eggs, domestic chickens, which accounted for ***%. The second place is occupied by the import of eggs of domestic hens, fertilized in an incubator - 41.8%.
  • According to experts' forecasts, in 2024 the share of imported products in the supply structure will be ***%, and the share of domestic products will be ***%.

The business plan contains 65 diagrams, 66 tables, 20 graphs.





3.1.1 Depending on storage times...11


3.2.1. Supply and demand in the chicken egg market in Russia in natural terms in 2012-2018 and forecast for 2019-2024....13 The volume and dynamics of supply in the chicken egg market in Russia in physical terms...13 The structure of supply in the chicken egg market in Russia in physical terms...15 The volume and dynamics of demand in the chicken egg market in Russia in physical terms...16 The structure of demand in the chicken egg market in Russia in physical terms...18 The balance of supply and demand in the chicken egg market in Russia in physical terms...19


3.3.1. The volume and dynamics of supply in the chicken egg market in Russia in value terms...20

3.3.2. The structure of supply in the chicken egg market in Russia in value terms...22

3.3.3. The volume and dynamics of demand in the chicken egg market in Russia in value terms...23

3.3.4. The structure of demand in the chicken egg market in Russia in value terms...25

3.3.5. The balance of supply and demand in the chicken egg market in Russia in value terms...26





3.4.4. EGG LAYER...42





3.7.1. Forecast of the volume of production of chicken eggs in Russia in 2019-2024 in kind...54

3.7.2. Forecast of the volume of production of chicken eggs in Russia in 2019-2024 in value terms...55


3.8.1. The main parameters of egg consumption in Russia as a whole...56

3.8.2. Egg Consumption by Federal District...58

3.8.3. Egg consumption by region...59





















3.12.1. PRODUCER PRICES...102

3.12.2. CONSUMER PRICES...105







5.3. PERSONNEL...126




8.1. BASELINE...130








8.9. CASH FLOW PLAN...150


9. APPS...157




List of diagrams

Diagram 1. The volume and dynamics of supply in the chicken egg market in Russia in physical terms in 2012-2018 (O) and forecast for 2019(P)-2024(P), mln.

Diagram 2. The structure of supply in the chicken egg market in Russia in physical terms in 2012-2018 (O) and forecast for 2019(P)-2024(P), %

Diagram 3. The volume and dynamics of demand in the chicken egg market in Russia in natural terms in 2012-2018 (O) and forecast for 2019(P)-2024(P), million liters

Diagram 4. The structure of demand in the chicken egg market in Russia in physical terms in 2012-2018 (O) and forecast for 2019(P)-2024(P), %

Diagram 5. The balance of supply and demand in the chicken egg market in Russia in physical terms in 2012-2018 (O) and forecast for 2019(P)-2024(P), mln.

Diagram 6. The volume and dynamics of supply in the chicken egg market in Russia in value terms in 2012-2018 (O) and forecast for 2019(P)-2024(P), billion rubles

Diagram 7. The structure of supply in the chicken egg market in Russia in value terms in 2012-2018 (O) and forecast for 2019(P)-2024(P), %

Diagram 8. The volume and dynamics of demand in the chicken egg market in Russia in value terms in 2012-2018 (O) and forecast for 2019(P)-2024(P), billion rubles

Diagram 9. The structure of demand in the chicken egg market in Russia in value terms in 2012-2018 (O) and forecast for 2019(P)-2024(P), %

Diagram 10. Supply and demand balance in the chicken egg market in Russia in value terms in 2012-2018(O) and forecast for 2019(P)-2024(P), billion rubles

Diagram 11. Dynamics of the number of birds in all categories of farms, 2012-2017, million heads

Diagram 12. The structure of the distribution of the number of birds by categories of farms, 2017, %

Diagram 13. Distribution of poultry population by federal districts in 2017, %.

Diagram 14. Dynamics of the poultry population structure by federal districts, 2016-2017, %.

Diagram 16. The structure of the distribution of the number of laying hens by federal districts in 2017,%

Diagram 17. Distribution structure of the number of laying hens by regions, 2017, %

Diagram 18. Average annual egg production of laying hens in agricultural organizations, 2012-2017, pcs.

Diagram 19. The volume and dynamics of the production of chicken eggs in natural terms, 2012-Jan-Oct 2018, thousand pieces

Diagram 20. Structure of production of chicken eggs in kind by federal districts, 2017, %

Diagram 21. Structure of production of chicken eggs in natural terms by region, 2017, %

Diagram 22. The volume and dynamics of the production of chicken eggs in value terms, 2012-Jan-Oct 2018, million rubles

Diagram 23. The volume and dynamics of the production of chicken eggs in physical terms in 2012-2018 (O) and forecast for 2019(P)-2024(P), mln.

Diagram 24. The volume and dynamics of the production of chicken eggs in value terms in 2012-2018 (O) and forecast for 2019(P)-2024(P), million rubles

Diagram 25. Average consumption of milk and dairy products in Russia per consumer per year, kg

Diagram 26. Comparison of the volume of import and export deliveries in the market of fresh chicken eggs in Russia in physical terms, thousand tons

Diagram 27. Comparison of the volume of import and export deliveries in the market of fresh chicken eggs in Russia in value terms, million dollars

Diagram 28. The volume and dynamics of imports of chicken eggs in physical terms, 2012-Jan-Sep 2018, tons

Diagram 29. Structure of imports of chicken eggs in physical terms by type, 2014-Jan-Sep 2018, %

Diagram 30. The volume and dynamics of imports of chicken eggs fertilized for incubation in natural terms, 2012-Jan-Sep 2018, thousand tons

Diagram 31. The structure of imports of chicken eggs fertilized for incubation in physical terms by countries of departure, 2017, %

Diagram 32. Volume and dynamics of imports fresh eggs, domestic chickens in physical terms, 2012-Jan-Sep 2018, thousand tons

Diagram 33. Structure of imports of fresh eggs, domestic chickens in physical terms by countries of departure, 2017, %

Diagram 34. The volume and dynamics of imports of chicken eggs in value terms, 2012-Jan-Sep 2018, thousand dollars

Chart 35. Structure of imports of chicken eggs in value terms by type, 2014-Jan-Sep 2018, %

Diagram 36. The volume and dynamics of imports of chicken eggs fertilized for incubation in value terms, 2012-Jan-Sep 2018, million dollars

Diagram 37. The structure of imports of chicken eggs fertilized for incubation in value terms by countries of departure, 2017, %

Diagram 38. The volume and dynamics of imports of fresh eggs, domestic chickens in value terms, 2012-Jan-Sep 2018, million dollars

Diagram 39. Structure of imports of fresh eggs, domestic chickens in value terms by countries of departure, 2017, %

Diagram 40. The volume and dynamics of imports of chicken eggs in physical terms in 2012-2018 (O) and forecast for 2019(P)-2024(P), thousand tons

Chart 41. The volume and dynamics of imports of chicken eggs in value terms in 2012-2018 (O) and forecast for 2019(P)-2024(P), USD million

Diagram 42. Volume and dynamics of export of chicken eggs in natural terms, 2012-Jan-Sep 2018, tons

Diagram 43. The structure of exports of chicken eggs in physical terms by type, 2014-Jan-Sep 2018,%

Diagram 44. The volume and dynamics of exports of chicken eggs fertilized for incubation in natural terms, 2013-Jan-Sep 2018, thousand tons

Diagram 45. The structure of exports of chicken eggs fertilized for incubation in physical terms by countries of destination, 2017, %

Diagram 46. The volume and dynamics of exports of fresh eggs, domestic chickens in physical terms, 2012-Jan-Sep 2018, thousand tons

Diagram 47. Export structure of fresh eggs, domestic chickens in physical terms by countries of destination, 2017, %

Diagram 48. The volume and dynamics of exports of chicken eggs in value terms, 2012-Jan-Sep 2018, thousand dollars

Chart 49. The structure of exports of chicken eggs in value terms by types, 2014-Jan-Sep 2018, %

Diagram 50. The volume and dynamics of exports of chicken eggs fertilized for incubation in value terms, 2013-Jan-Sep 2018, million dollars

Diagram 51. The structure of exports of chicken eggs fertilized for incubation in value terms by countries of destination, 2017, %

Diagram 52. The volume and dynamics of exports of fresh eggs, domestic chickens in value terms, 2012-Jan-Sep 2018, million dollars

Diagram 53. Export structure of fresh eggs, domestic chickens in value terms by countries of destination, 2017, %

Diagram 54. The volume and dynamics of exports of chicken eggs in physical terms in 2012-2018 (O) and forecast for 2019(P)-2024(P), thousand tons

Chart 55. The volume and dynamics of exports of chicken eggs in value terms in 2012-2018 (O) and forecast for 2019(P)-2024(P), USD million

Chart 56. Producer prices for chicken eggs in Russia, 2012-Jan-Oct 2018, rub. per thousand pieces

Chart 57. Consumer prices for chicken eggs in Russia, 2012-Jan-Oct 2018, rub. per pack

Diagram 58. Producer prices for chicken eggs in 2012-2018 (O) and forecast for 2019(P)-2024(P), rub. per thousand pieces

Chart 59. Consumer prices for chicken eggs in 2012-2018 (O) and forecast for 2019(P)-2024(P), rub. per piece

Chart 60. Import prices for chicken eggs in 2012-2018(R) and forecast for 2019(P)-2024(P), USD per unit

Chart 61. Export prices for chicken eggs in 2012-2018(R) and forecast for 2019(P)-2024(P), USD per unit

Diagram 62. Structure of investment costs for equipment and machinery, %

Diagram 63. Structure of investments in the project, %

Diagram 64. The structure of current costs in the 4th year,%

Diagram 65. Structure of tax payments for the project, %

List of tables

Table 1. Requirements for the quality of dietary and table eggs

Table 3. Main supply parameters in the chicken egg market in Russia in natural terms, 2012-2018(O), thousand eggs

Table 4. Forecast of the main supply parameters in the chicken egg market in Russia in real terms, 2019(P)-2024(P), thousand eggs

Table 5. Main parameters of demand in the chicken egg market in Russia in natural terms, 2012-2018(O), thousand eggs

Table 6. Forecast of the main parameters of demand in the chicken egg market in Russia in real terms, 2019(P)-2024(P), thousand eggs

Table 7. Key supply parameters in the chicken egg market in Russia in value terms, 2012-2018(O), RUB million

Table 8. Forecast of the main supply parameters in the chicken egg market in Russia in value terms, 2019(P)-2024(P), million rubles

Table 9. Key parameters of demand in the chicken egg market in Russia in value terms, 2012-2018(O), million rubles

Table 10. Forecast of the main parameters of demand in the chicken egg market in Russia in value terms, 2019(P)-2024(P), RUB mln

Table 11. Dynamics of the poultry population and distribution by federal district 2016-2017, heads

Table 12. Dynamics of the poultry population in agricultural organizations and distribution by region for 2012-2017, thousand heads

Table 13. The structure of the number of laying hens by federal districts of the Russian Federation in 2012-Jan-Oct. 2018, heads

Table 15. Average annual egg production of laying hens by federal districts, 2016-2017, pcs.

Table 16. Indicators of the average annual egg production of laying hens in the subjects of the Russian Federation in 2017, pcs

Table 17. The volume of production of chicken eggs in physical terms by federal districts, 2012-Jan-Oct 2018, thousand pieces

Table 18. The volume of production of chicken eggs in physical terms by region, 2012-Jan-Oct 2018, thousand pieces

Table 19. Egg consumption, 2017, kg per consumer per year

Table 20. Sources of receipt and consumption of eggs, 2016-2017, kg per consumer per year

Table 21. Expenses for egg consumption, 2016-2017, rub. per user per month

Table 22. The share of expenses for the purchase of eggs in consumer spending, 2016-2017, %

Table 23. Consumption of eggs in Russia on average per consumer by federal districts, 2017, pcs. in year

Table 24. Egg consumption by federal districts, 2017, rub. per user per month

Table 25. Consumption of eggs in Russia on average per consumer by region, 2017, pcs. in year

Table 26. Egg consumption by regions, 2017, rub. per user per month

Table 27. The volume of imports of chicken eggs in physical terms by type, 2012-Jan-Sep 2018, tons

Table 28. The volume of imports of eggs fertilized for incubation in physical terms by countries of departure, 2012-Jan-Sep 2018, tons

Table 29. The volume of imports of fresh eggs, domestic chickens in physical terms by countries of departure, 2012-Jan-Sep 2018, tons

Table 30. The volume of imports of chicken eggs in value terms by type, 2012-Jan-Sep 2018, thousand dollars

Table 31. The volume of imports of chicken eggs fertilized for incubation in value terms by countries of departure, 2012-Jan-Sep 2018, thousand dollars

Table 32. The volume of imports of fresh eggs, domestic chickens in value terms by countries of departure, 2012-Jan-Sep 2018, thousand dollars

Table 33. The volume of exports of chicken eggs in physical terms by type, 2012-Jan-Sep 2018, tons

Table 34. The volume of exports of eggs fertilized for incubation in physical terms by countries of destination, 2013-Jan-Sep 2018, tons

Table 35. The volume of exports of fresh eggs, domestic chickens in physical terms by countries of destination, 2012-Jan-Sep 2018, tons

Table 36. The volume of exports of chicken eggs in value terms by type, 2012-Jan-Sep 2018, thousand dollars

Table 37. The volume of exports of eggs fertilized for incubation in value terms by country of destination, 2013-Jan-Sep 2018, thousand dollars

Table 38. The volume of exports of fresh eggs, domestic chickens in value terms by countries of destination, 2012-Jan-Sep 2018, thousand dollars

Table 39. Producer prices for chicken eggs by federal districts, 2012-Jan-Oct 2018, rub. per thousand pieces

Table 40. Consumer prices for chicken eggs by region, 2012-Jan-Oct 2018, rub. hall

Table 41. Consumer prices for chicken eggs by federal districts, 2012-Jan-Oct 2018, rub. hall

Table 42. Prices for imports of chicken eggs by types in dollar terms, 2012-Jan-Sep 2018, dollars per piece

Table 43. Prices for imports of chicken eggs by type in ruble terms, 2012-Jan-Sep 2018, rub. per piece

Table 44. Prices for the export of chicken eggs by type in dollar terms, 2012-Jan-Sep 2018, dollars per piece

Table 45. Export prices of chicken eggs by types in dollar terms, 2012-Jan-Sep 2018, rub. per piece

Table 46. Main characteristics of the farm building

Table 50. Advantages and disadvantages of different types of poultry keeping

Table 51

Table 53. Possible risks and ways to prevent them

Table 54 Baseline

Table 55. Project income parameters

Table 56. Dynamics of project revenue

Table 57. Parameters of the current costs of the project

Table 58. Expenditure plan

Table 59. Dynamics of tax payments for the project

Table 60. Plan for obtaining and repaying a loan

Table 61. Lender Performance Indicators

Table 62. Data for calculating the break-even point

Table 63. Profit and loss statement

Table 64. Cash flow plan

Table 65. Project performance indicators

Table 66. - Volume of subsidies in livestock for compensation interest rate on a loan in 2015 by regions, thousand rubles

List of charts

Graph 1. Index of agricultural production in farms of all categories (in comparable prices, in % to the previous year)

Chart 2. Dynamics of livestock in agricultural organizations for 2010-2015, thousand heads

Chart 3. Monthly dynamics of the Russian production of chilled fresh, chilled meat and offal of edible poultry in physical terms, January 2014 - February 2016, thousand tons

Chart 4. Monthly dynamics of imports of poultry meat and edible offal in value terms, January 2014-February 2016, thousand dollars

Chart 5. Monthly dynamics of imports of meat and edible offal of poultry in physical terms, January 2014 February 2016, tons

Chart 6. Monthly dynamics of exports of meat and edible offal of poultry in value terms, January 2014-February 2016, thousand dollars

Chart 7. Monthly dynamics of exports of poultry meat and edible by-products in physical terms, January 2014-February 2016, tons

Chart 9. Dynamics of consumer prices for eggs by federal districts in 2010-September 2016, rubles/10 pcs.

Chart 10. Monthly dynamics of consumer prices for eggs by months Jan. 2014-Sept. 2016, rub./10 pcs.

Chart 12. Comparative dynamics of producer and consumer prices for eggs in 2010-Aug 2016, RUB/10 pcs.

Chart 13. Investment schedule

Chart 14. Poultry farm sales plan

Chart 15. Obtaining and repaying a loan

Chart 16. Calculation of the break-even point

Chart 17. Dynamics of revenue, costs, profit

Chart 18. Dynamics of net profit

Chart 19. Project NPV and Undiscounted Cash Flow

Chart 20. NPV and undiscounted cash flow for an investor

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  • The main thing is sales!
  • What breed to choose
  • Organizational moments
  • Design of a poultry farm
  • OKVED for registration
  • Egg growing technology
  • Taxation system
  • Permissions to open
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In this article, we will talk about how you can make money on a mini-poultry farm, organized in a personal subsidiary plot. At the end of the article, we will give efficiency calculations and try to answer the question - is it profitable to engage in poultry farming in a house adjoining area.

The main thing is sales!

Breeding poultry in the conditions of your own farm is not difficult. One family of 2-3 people can freely keep up to 5000 laying hens. That is, daily receive up to 3500 - 4000 eggs. But, before investing in a poultry farm, you should carefully consider how and where you will donate so many eggs (or meat, if the direction is meat). Because so many novice farmers got burned on the sale. Even if a homemade egg is sold out “in years”, selling it is a very troublesome business. Here, imagine. You need to get up early every morning, collect eggs (several thousand!), Arrange everything in cassettes, go to the veterinarian so that he gives an opinion on the batch, and only then take it to the market, where it all needs to be sold. You can, of course, do without a veterinarian, but if you have large volumes, sooner or later law enforcement questions will arise. Because you will no longer look like an ordinary household plot (which gets away with everything), but natural agricultural production. Therefore, calculate everything in advance, go to the local market, punch a place. Walk through grocery stores and specialized kiosks, offer cooperation. Might be worth considering exit trade from a car shop. For small volumes (less than 500 eggs per day), it is quite possible to get by with the classic trade from a machine or a tray in the market. The sale of eggs and poultry through bulletin boards, in particular through Avito, is now quite common. In general, it is possible to get stable income on bulletin boards if you know what and how best to sell and constantly update the texts.

Step-by-step plan for opening a mini-chicken farm. Where to begin

The question that every farmer asks himself is what number of poultry to start with, so that there is enough for life and for the development of the farm? There is no definite answer to this question, but most often poultry farmers start with 500 heads and increase the farm as necessary. Why exactly 500? This makes it easier not only in terms of content, but also in terms of sales. After all, it is much easier to sell 300-400 eggs on the market than 3-4 thousand. In addition, the investment is much lower. Cells need less food too. And you don’t have to spend a lot on buying a bird. Moreover, along with the poultry population, you will certainly purchase a household incubator in which you will slowly hatch chickens. For six months - a year, you can double the size of the farm.

What breed to choose

Definitely the most egg-laying breeds of chickens are Loman Brown crosses. These are the most precocious and productive laying hens. The Loman Brown breed is capable of producing up to 320 eggs per year. Hatching egg hatchability is 80% and chick survival is about 98%. It is also one of the highest.

The only drawback of the breed is that the chicken ages very quickly, due to its high productivity. Well, the chicken will lay for 1.5 years, then you need to update the herd.

Thinking, you don’t need to talk a lot about the advantages of cellular content over outdoor content. This is space saving for you (cages can be arranged in several tiers), saving on feed, the bird is less sick. In addition, it is easier to organize the collection of eggs. So in the conditions of LPH or KFH, cells are the best option. A reasonable question is how many birds can be kept in one room? Many poultry farmers adhere to the calculation - 10 chickens per square meter. That is, to keep 500 chickens, a room of at least 50 square meters will be required. m. Cells can be made independently. There is a lot of information on the internet about this.

If there is “extra” money, then there are ready-made cellular modules for sale. For example, to keep 500 chickens, you can purchase ten three-tiered cages, each of which will fit up to 55 chickens. A big plus is that the cages are already equipped with everything necessary for comfortable keeping of the bird: nipple drinkers, feeders and an egg collector.

The height of one cell is 180 cm, and the width is 130 cm. The issue price is 19,000 rubles. for one cell or 190,000 rubles. per set.

Organizational moments

When planning the purchase of feed, one should proceed from the fact that one chicken consumes approximately 5 kg of feed per month. To reduce feed costs, it should be purchased during the grain harvest season. You need to take with a margin, so that it lasts for six months or a year. To get good egg production, it is desirable to provide each chicken with a perch of at least 30 cm. At least once a month, a general cleaning of the house should be done. If it is planned to independently reproduce the herd (buying young animals every time is too expensive and unjustified pleasure), then a room or department for keeping chickens should be provided in advance. The conditions for keeping young and adult birds are very different. So, daytime chickens require a temperature of at least +29 degrees, and an adult - no more than +18 degrees. You can solve the problem of heating with the help of infrared lamps.

Design of a poultry farm

When it comes to serious volumes, the poultry breeder has a completely logical question - is it worth registering a poultry farm or is it better to work as a private household plot? In principle, when keeping a livestock of up to 500 heads, there is no point in registering a peasant farm (or individual entrepreneur). You will simply create additional problems for yourself related to reporting, paying taxes and pension contributions. When is registration required? The point is the following. When you sell products grown on your site, in a regular market, from a tray or from a car, no one will fine you for this. In fact, you are equated with those thousands of grandmothers who sell strawberries in cups. They don't issue IP. Another thing is when you have large sales volumes, for example, a thousand eggs a day. It is difficult to sell such a volume alone from the tray, therefore, most likely you will prefer to take the egg in bulk to stores or for processing. And here you will be asked for documents, since each supplier - entrepreneur(at least legally). Not a single store will buy from you without documents, as it also risks receiving an administrative fine.

How much money do you need to open a poultry farm

Now let's move on to calculating the performance indicators of the poultry farm. Is it worth doing this at all? The calculation will be based on a population of 500 chickens. We will assume that we already have a room for keeping birds.

  • Arrangement of a chicken coop (electricity, ventilation, insulation, etc.) - 90,000 rubles.
  • Purchase of a household incubator - 10,000 rubles.
  • Acquisition of cell batteries for 500 head. - 200 000 rubles
  • Purchase of young chickens at the age of one month - 100,000 rubles. (200 rubles/head)
  • Feed stocks - 15,000 rubles.
  • Other expenses (vitamins, supplements) - 10,000 rubles.

Total - 425,000 rubles.

Poultry Farm Cost Constants

  • Utility expenses (electricity) - 4,000 rubles.
  • Feed - 15,000 rubles.
  • Vitamins, supplements, bedding - 1,000 rubles.
  • Packing - 5 000 rubles.
  • Fuel and lubricants - 9,000 rubles.
  • Other expenses - 5,000 rubles.

Total - 39,000 rubles. Please note that all calculations are approximate and each individual farmer will have different indicators. For example, in these calculations, we did not take into account labor costs, since the farmer will work independently (involving the labor of relatives). If hire a worker, then at least 20,000 rubles should be added to the costs. per month. Also, feed can be bought at different prices, especially if purchased out of season. Now you can calculate the estimated income.

How much can you earn by opening a poultry farm

500 layers will bring about 420 eggs daily. We will carry an average of 400 pieces to the market, since part of the eggs will be used for incubation (reproduction of the herd) and for household needs. The average price for a domestic egg is 5 r. Accordingly, the daily income, subject to 100% sales, will be 2000 rubles, per month - 60,000 rubles. From here you can calculate the net profit: 60,000 - 39,000 \u003d 21,000 rubles. The average salary of a resident of the Russian Federation. The payback of the project with such indicators comes in 23 months, taking into account the time of the start of egg production (we took chickens at the age of one month). So, given the full implementation of all manufactured products, poultry farming can be considered a profitable business. But, it is always necessary to lay in unforeseen expenses, for example, lack of sales, loss of poultry, etc. How can you increase your income. Firstly, you can simply increase the volumes, but you need to raise the issue of sales. Secondly, some of the eggs can be sold as hatching. The price of a hatching egg is 10-15 times higher, while the demand is quite high, especially in the spring-summer period. In addition, you can trade in young birds. At the age of one month, the price of a laying hen is at least 200 rubles. You can also consider the option of poultry rearing for restaurants.

OKVED for registration

OKVED 2 01.47.2 Production of poultry eggs

Egg growing technology

To establish the production of chicken eggs, the following requirements must be met: the process of growing poultry must be highly productive and products must be evenly distributed throughout the year. For this purpose, it is necessary to use highly productive breeds of laying hens, which must be kept in windowless poultry houses, the cultivation of eggs must be year-round, it is necessary to constantly replenish the herd, and use modern technologies. In order for egg production to be productive, several factors must be observed: good lighting, temperature, room humidity and cleanliness of the house. The temperature in the poultry house should not be lower than 16-18 degrees Celsius, the air humidity should be 60-70%. The productivity of eggs is also affected by the cleanliness of the poultry house, since gases from the decomposition of manure are released in an uncleaned room, which affect the appetite and general condition of the bird. The productivity of laying hens is also affected by the dustiness of the poultry house, in summer time it must be equipped with powerful fans. Poultry houses are completed with chickens of the same age and approximately the same weight. From the purchase of chickens to the appearance of eggs, 120 days pass.

What documents are needed to open

This business will require a package of documents related to agricultural activities and retail trade. It is necessary to register a business entity: it can be an individual entrepreneur or a collective farm. Prepared documents must be submitted to state authorities.

Taxation system

This business relates to the production of agricultural products, therefore it is applied taxation system for agricultural producers, the so-called single agricultural tax. (ESHN). The main condition of this tax is that the proceeds from the sale of these products is at least 70% of the total proceeds, and also that the enterprise must be engaged exclusively in the production of agricultural products, and not its sale.

Permissions to open

For the production of eggs, it is necessary to obtain a sanitary permit, for this purpose it is necessary to submit the following documents: Copy of the certificate of state registration; Extract from the Register of Unified State Register of Legal Entities or EGRIP; A copy of the certificate of registration with the tax office; If previously issued, then the previous sanitary permit; List of equipment, production map; Project documentation, the conclusion of the SES on the compliance of the project documentation; BTI technical passport. If you doubt the success of such an enterprise as a poultry farm, think about other ways to earn money or invest in a profitable business. This will help you free real estate and earnings courses.

Every year the number of people who want to lead a healthy lifestyle is increasing. It involves a healthy diet, which is based on high-quality, fresh products. Perishable items such as eggs and meat are best purchased locally. In this regard, the relevance of opening poultry farms in various regions in our country is very high.

In recent years, poultry imports to our country have been declining, and demand is growing accordingly, which can be covered by our own production. Imports of foreign poultry are declining, firstly, due to the fact that buyers are unwilling to buy such meat, knowing that drugs are used to ensure long-term transportation, and, secondly, due to sanctions imposed on foreign suppliers in recent years.

The attractiveness of opening a farm is that the state provides subsidies for opening a poultry farm and benefits for farms (for example, exemption from personal income tax). There are also quite a few regional programs that are aimed at supporting farms. For example, citizens who have expressed a desire to run a peasant farm and who have defended their projects (business plans) are provided with land plots from agricultural land in accordance with the Land Code of the Russian Federation and the Federal Law “On Peasant (Farm) Economy”.

To organize a profitable poultry farm, you will need 1,500 chickens (500 layers and 1,000 broilers, respectively), a land plot with a building of 150 m2, and a staff of 3 people.

Laying hens will produce a total of 10,000 eggs per month, and a meat sale of 1,000 chickens will also be organized. Products need to be sold in a short time due to the fact that they belong to the perishable category, and also pay attention to transportation, which requires certain temperature conditions. Over time, you can increase the number of chickens, while the monthly profit will also increase.

Amount of initial investment 880 000 rubles.

The break-even point is reached On the second month of work.

Payback period 12 months.

Average net profit 90 000 rubles.

2. Description of the business, product or service

In order for the poultry farm to be profitable, government support is needed. In this business plan, the poultry farm will purchase special feed. prices and rent a land plot with a room at a reduced price. In addition, it is worth noting that farms are usually located far from the city, in a rural settlement, where the rental price is much lower. An agricultural land plot can be leased from the state free of charge by building on it own premises for birds. For 1500 heads of chickens, the room should be at least 150 sq.m., since no more than 10 chickens should be located on one square meter. Space savings can be achieved by purchasing three or five tiered battery cages. A big plus of such equipment is also that the cages are already equipped with everything necessary for comfortable keeping of the bird - nipple drinkers, feeders and an egg collector. On the territory of the poultry farm, a site for walking birds is also needed.

There are two main directions in the cultivation of chickens - meat and egg. For this, young chickens of various breeds are purchased.

So, egg chickens include breeds such as Cross, Hissex, Isobrown, Tetra SL. They are able to lay up to 315 eggs per year (but, on average, 20 eggs per month). This category of birds is quite mobile, up to 150 grams of grain is consumed per chicken per day, while it is necessary to add feed additives and vitamins.

For the meat direction, it is necessary to purchase 1000 broiler chicks. They reach their weight limit of 2.5 kilograms about seven weeks after birth. The most popular breeds are the Cornish, Brahma, and Kokhinhin breeds.

It is also necessary to purchase cockerels, given that for eleven hens it will be optimal to have one rooster.

After a couple of generations of laying hens have been grown, you will need an incubator - an apparatus for artificially hatching young birds from eggs. The use of such an apparatus is due to the fact that it is unprofitable to buy new chicks every time. However, for chicks, it is necessary to provide a separate room in which the air temperature will be at least 29 degrees, while for adults no more than 18 degrees. Usually additional heating comes from infrared lamps.

The poultry farm will work around the clock (light, heating), however, workers will be on its territory from 8.00 to 20.00.

3. Description of the market

Sales play a key role in this business. Even if all the technologies are followed, we got the maximum number of eggs and meat, then there is a chance that it will not be sold. In addition, the products are perishable, so it is necessary to decide how the sale will be organized even before the moment you receive the finished product.

The main areas of implementation will be:

  • Outlets. Sales are carried out in markets and fairs. The main target category will be middle-income people, but people with high incomes will also buy proven quality products. You can organize a retail outlet yourself, or you can give products to entrepreneurs-merchants for sale. You can participate in fairs on your own, as they are not held often.
  • In shops and retail chains. Usually on the shelves there are products of large poultry farms, the price of which is lower than farm products. However, individual stores can also take farm products for sale and check the demand for it. If buyers are interested in the product, the store or chain can sign a long-term supply contract.
  • Individuals interested in healthy eating. Sales usually take place through the word of mouth method, when people begin to come to the farm themselves, and with increased demand it is possible to organize deliveries once a week.
  • Restaurants and cafes. Work on deliveries is carried out directly with the head, chef or administrator of establishments. It is often more profitable for restaurants and cafes to buy meat and eggs directly from producers than from a reseller, so sales contracts can be long-term.

The advantages and disadvantages of the poultry farm are shown in the table:

Strengths of the project:

Weaknesses of the project:

  • Small investment;
  • Quality products;
  • High competition in the market;
  • small profit
  • Inability to find outlets

Project features:

Project Threats:

  • Opening of several farms in different parts of the region;
  • Organization of an online store
  • Delivery organization
  • Sale of young animals
  • Conclusion of contracts with large retail chains
  • Cancellation of benefits for agricultural enterprises
  • Lack of workers
  • The threat of detection and spread of animal disease

4. Sales and Marketing

5. Production plan

For full-fledged work poultry farms must go through a number of stages:

  • Stage of registration and obtaining permits. First you need to choose the legal form. Best Option for the farm there will be the creation of a peasant farm (IP), which gives the right to use the UAT taxation system (the tax in which is 6% of revenue), as well as the right to participate in state support programs and receive subsidies. The main types of OKVED will be: 10.12.1 - "Production of chilled poultry meat", 01.47.2 - "Production of poultry eggs". Next, you should obtain sanitary permits by submitting a number of documents to the SES.
  • The second stage will be the selection of land and premises. If the poultry farm is located on own site, then you need to pay attention to whether the land is agricultural. The room must be equipped in accordance with all standards (temperature conditions, required area).
  • Search for suppliers for the purchase of young animals. The breed, egg production and health of future generations of birds will depend on the selected chicks. The seller is obliged to provide a veterinary certificate and a certificate of conformity.
  • The fourth stage will be the recruitment of staff and the opening of a poultry farm. It should be borne in mind that in the first month of operation, the revenue will be zero, due to the fact that the chicks will not bring eggs, and the broilers will not grow to the desired age.
  • The next step will be the search for points of sale and the organization of pre-sales.
  • As soon as the birds reach the required ages, the poultry farm can be considered open, and it is worth remembering that veterinary certificates must be obtained for products before sale.

6. Organizational structure

To organize the work of a poultry farm, a director is needed who will be responsible for all areas of work. Most often, the director is the owner of the farm, who understands the cultivation of chickens and already had work experience. If the director is a person from the outside, then he must be offered a salary and bonus part of the salary.

The director's responsibilities will include breeding chickens in an incubator, finding suppliers and distribution channels, training staff and developing the farm.

All maintenance work will be done by handymen. This work does not require special training and education. The level of wages will not be high, since work in rural areas, on average, is estimated lower than in the city. The main responsibilities will be organizing cleanliness on the farm, providing birds with food and water, monitoring temperature conditions, as well as protecting the territory. AT staffing there will be two handymen, working hours 2/2 from 8:00 to 20:00.

Accounting will work remotely, for greater savings, you can use the services of accounting firms.