An interesting holiday on February 23. Scenarios for Defender of the Fatherland Day ★ (February 23)

  • 30.09.2019

Presenter: Three girls under the window Dreaming in the evening ...
1st Maiden: I wish I could get married as soon as possible, I'm tired of being girls!
2nd Maiden: Only for anyone I would not marry!
3rd Maiden: I would marry a businessman, Like stone wall! My mother would love a son-in-law, But where can I get such a thing?
1st Maiden: Well, I would certainly Marry a sailor! And while he was swimming in the sea, I would live without knowing grief!
2nd Maiden: There are no sailors now, It's just a rarity! That would be to marry the military - Strong, extraordinary! I would be happy with a guy strong as a rock.
3rd Maiden: We were dreaming, girls ... All the guys were crushed, They would lie on the couch, but only play in tanks!
Leading: Oh, this youth, All of you are unbearable to marry! May I get into the conversation? I know where the guys are! Not one, not two, not three...
Girls (in chorus): Where is it?! Speak!!!
Presenter (points to the men sitting in the hall): Look here: There are guys anywhere! Not warriors - so what? Each stately and good! One per sister...
1st Maiden (runs up to one of the men): Chur, I take this!
2nd Maiden (runs up to another): I liked this one!
Zya Maiden (to the third): This one smiled at me!
(Girls together): All the guys are good, Just a holiday for the soul!
Leading: Girls, you are almost right - today is a holiday, and this is a holiday of our wonderful men! Strong, brave, stubborn and self-confident. So let's congratulate them from the bottom of our hearts.

Presenter: Boys, dads and grandfathers are cute,
Happy holiday to your men!
You are kind, smart, strong!
We want to congratulate you!
You always guard our happiness,
Don't let evil come to us.
Serve, you work and you dream -
Everything to keep us light!

Meet! our smallest members! (Chatushki - elementary school) How good the girls are, They tried from the bottom of their hearts! Congratulation - the highest class! Here it is, first class! Host: Today is not just a February day. Today is a special day. And we congratulate our men: fathers, sons, brothers, classmates. A good soldier is distinguished not only by dexterity and strength, but also by intelligence and ingenuity. This is what we will check now. Let's see how you can solve riddles. #1
This part of the army will take care of the land,
And all because her name is ...? (answer: infantry) No. 2
With them you will go miles of the way,
They are only helping, yours...? (answer: boots) No. 3
Shoots as accurately as a karateka hits,
And the name of this soldier will be ...? (answer: tanker) No. 4
She is always with her, hanging by the machine,
There is also a toy, but still ...? (answer: grenade) №5
Everyone says she's stupid
And it will only be...? (answer: bullet) No. 6 There are no clouds on the horizon,
And an umbrella opened in the sky.
A few minutes later, it descended .... (Parachute) No. 7 Takes off without acceleration, it resembles a dragonfly-
Takes flight
Our Russian .... (Helicopter) No. 8 At night, at noon, at dawn
He carries out his service in secret. (Border guard) No. 9 Who walks in the parade,
Ribbons are twisted behind the back,
Ribbons twist, and in the detachment
There are no girls. (Sailors)

No. 9 You can become a sailor,
To protect the border
And serve not on earth,
And on the military ... (Ship) Presenter: They guessed all the difficult riddles,
I was surprised, my mood was lifted!
Now I propose to dance
Dads will now invite "ladies"! (Dance "Father and Daughter") Host:
Still snow in winter sparkles,
The creak of the sleigh is still sharp,
But every morning the song of the tit
It becomes softer and longer. Leading:
So February is almost over.
More and more often we hear cheerful drops.
And the river ice is not so strong now,
And we are not afraid of a snow blizzard. (grade 11, song)
Host: You are heroes! you are in our class
Like at the front every day:
The rod in the attack time after time
Our passes and laziness;
But towards the formidable formation
The teachers are back...
We surrender to you without a fight!
Happy twenty-third of February!

(Grade 10 - “Oh God, what a teacher!” You suddenly burst into our lives Having changed our reality. Thoughts flicker like flashbulbs Cross run without a break It all started from the first grade, Then in the second also from foreign language You are a magician, you are on the other planets, you are from our dream! everything is friendly to you, you are like time, heal all sadness! We know our love is mutual, you are so beautiful and we love you, you are a magician, you are from another planet, you are from our dream. Chorus You are Johnny Depp and Brad Pitt in In one bottle you are cooler than Van Dam, Schwarzenegger and Stallone, You are wizards from another planet, You know the answers to all questions!
Set a goal in life, and, brushing aside fear,
Go, under the roar of donkeys, giving back to offenders,
And yet seeing - "the sky in the clouds"!
Appreciate the short time allotted by nature,
I. in any difficulty, be able to control yourself.
"Only he is worthy of life and freedom,
Who every day goes to fight for them!"
Know how to find love. And in her alone, beloved,
See the tenderness of women all over the Earth.
And you need to raise your son with dignity.
It is triple more beautiful if there are three sons!
I want to wish good luck now
Health to you, and may fate keep.
Yeah, being a man is hard work
But high is the honor, to those who solve it! Moderator: And what should be a real man? What is he? We have the answer to these questions.. Attention to the screen! (through the mouth of a baby) Presenter: On a wonderful holiday for men, On the day of the strength and glory of the country, We wish you good happiness, sons of Great Russia! Meet Nigmatulina Gulmira, Grade 8! (verse "The boys play in the war)
LEADING: What kind of men are there in the world?
Male infants and eternal children,
Men who love chic and glitter,
Gourmets and those who are used to eating appendages,
Stupid men and men with brains
And there are even men with horns.
Men rich and without coins,
Men who never heard "no" in their lives
Men who are waiting for the ideal
Men who can not be removed from the pedestal
Freeloader men and scoundrels
But in general ... men are all GREAT! (Grade 11, song) Presenter: Man, he is the head in any business,
Everywhere he is senior in rank.
To all young men in life more than once or twice
Exam for a man.
Grow up, uproot every flaw,
Love your loved ones and school;
Always be a reliable support to friends,
Defender of the weaker sex. (Scene “Boys through the eyes of girls”) Host: Although life is sometimes harsh, be strong,
And for yourself, quickly open a reliable path.
Do not know how to survive, but live, go ahead,
With luck always be friends and on the way
Catch your success soon, be healthy,
And you will comprehend the essence of love and life. (5th, 6th grade song) Host: I wish you a wonderful day
Less shaving foam
Which is so loved to give
For February 23rd. I want money and more!
Peace of mind with them;
Good health, live longer
More cars in the garage. Let whatever you wish be
May God help you in business.
Let people bring positive
Like this sweet little poem. (Grade 8, song “I am a sailor, you are a sailor) Host: You are the most main man!
You are dad, no more words are needed
And this holiday is yours forever!
You are a protector, a fence from troubles!
May luck go with you
And let you have enough strength
After all, every day is a tough fight
Be very happy, Dad, dear!
(grade 9, song) Presenter: Congratulations, men,
Since February 23!
What is the essence of all your power?
Guess it, friends!
Strength is in your tender looks,
In sweet quivering words
And in successful decisions,
In good righteous deeds.
We wish you good luck
And brilliant victories.
Smile more for us!
Happiness to you for many years!
(teachers, song) Leaders. Even though you have not served yet, You are persistent, strong, uncapricious, A vigilant eye and a firm hand, The defender of the future Fatherland! After all, if there is to be a war Bring fire, devastation into our house, You will not stand aside - You will protect your mother, sister, girlfriend! And to win again, You be healthy, smart, vigorous, Study diligently at "five" And do more sports! Host: Why do we need men? - We need them in order to give a surname to our children. You can’t imagine what it’s like to realize that the surname of a beloved man, like a particle, passes to beloved children. - They value our votes. Even knowing that we are not singers. - To entertain us! So that life is not boring. - Our past, our present and our future are connected with them. - They have cool t-shirts that they share with us if we ask. They are needed to keep us warm. Our hands are often cold. Men are great bastards. You can’t buy these in stores, you won’t find them on another planet. - To give us gifts. Without it, it's boring. - By car to ride! And they bought us cars! - To repair our computers, or rearrange the system in them. We rarely understand this. - So that we have someone to care for and love! - Take care of us, men! Final song "Take care of my heart"

This work is a detailed scenario, with the inclusion of dance, instrumental, vocal numbers and competitions for the holiday on February 23. As a rule, I write such scripts for students in grades 1-11 of a comprehensive school. In this work there are competitions of varying complexity, which will suit both the smallest defenders of the fatherland and school graduates. The scenario may be suitable for "Fun Starts" or for a class hour.

Goals: To intensify the moral, aesthetic, emotional and patriotic experiences of students on the basis of patriotic songs, dances and competitions.
1. Educational: The formation of patriotic feelings for the feat of Russian soldiers.
2. Educational: Acquaintance with patriotic material. (songs about the war, competitions on military topics)
3. Developing: Development of the ability to reflect and analyze the heroic deeds through music, painting.
Good afternoon dear friends! In a few days, our country will celebrate one of the main holidays in its history, "Defender of the Fatherland Day, or as it used to be called the Day of the Soviet Army and Navy." Dear guys, as the future defenders of our Motherland, you must cultivate in yourself such qualities as courage, masculinity, kindness and nobility. It depends on each of you what our army will be like in the future.
Well, we begin our holiday program.
Invited to the stage Junior Ensemble
"Patriots". Soloist Eva Oganesyan.
(Ensemble of boys and Eva - Song “Crew, one family”.)

Looking at such young defenders, we can say with confidence that nothing threatens our country.

Now, I would like to invite the smallest participants of today's holiday to this stage. (Students of grades 0-1). Dear guys, every sniper should be able to hit the target the first time. Since you are still very young, you are given 4 attempts to hit the target. (Contest with the Rings)

Each soldier must have good ingenuity and a sharp mind in order to quickly find solutions in the most difficult situations.
Competition. (questions)
1. Village set for seven minors. (Shops)
2. The main weapon of the Nightingale the Robber. (whistling)
3. Container for miracles (sieve)
4. Who is not a warrior in the field. (one)
5. Royal head distinction (Crown)
6. Heroic Number (three or 33)
7. Minimum measurements per cut (7)
8. Not alone in the field (warrior)
9. Headdress designed for a fool (cap)
10. Robber figure (forty)
11. "Unclean" dozen (Thirteen)

12. Witchplane (pomelo)
13. Serpent for the priest. (Gorynych)

Dear friends, pupils of the 2nd grade are in a hurry to congratulate our defenders on the holiday. Let's support them.

Time of heroes, usually you seem to be in the past:
Major battles come from books and movies
The main dates are cast in newspaper lines,
The main destinies have become history for a long time.
The time of heroes, by the highest right,
You gave far and near years
Valor, and glory, and a long good memory.
Time for heroes, what have you left us?
You left us the clear sky of the Fatherland,
Home, and the road, and tender bread on the table,
You left us the most important thing in life -
The joy of working in a peaceful, happy land.

There is no such family in Russia where its hero would be unmemorable. And indeed, on this day, one cannot fail to remember our veterans who, defending the country at the cost of their lives, gave us a peaceful sky above our heads.
Song - "Great-grandfather" (Eva, Dasha, Nastya)

In any field campaign, each soldier is required to have with him a number of devices he needs, which are in a duffel bag. Now we will hold a competition that will show your readiness for military service.
Competition-duffel bag.

A good memory is essential for any soldier. A message has been received from the carrier. Their words are read to each team in turn, and after a while the participants must remember and reproduce them. (Competition signalman).
1st team (lieutenant, artillery, grenade, raincoat - tent, sapper, tank, paramedic, infantry, battalion, fatherland)
2nd team (marshal, machine gun, cheers, patriot, trenches, plane, reconnaissance, katyusha, machine gun, courage).

The next song will be performed by Anna Kuzyura as a gift to our defenders.
One way ticket

Thank you for the wonderful song, and our holiday program continues.
(Competition Nurse).
At the front, one constantly has to provide assistance to the wounded, and a person's life often depends on the speed of the medical staff. For the next competition, we will need gauze bandages. Players need to bandage the wounded (leg, arm). The quality and speed of the work done is evaluated.

Importance in the structure of the Russian army has intelligence. And every scout should be able to decipher the intercepted message or solve the puzzle. Each team is given a card with an encryption and a key. In the allotted time, whoever deciphers it faster and more correctly wins.
Contest (cipher)
Card 1. Headquarters in the forest, to the left of the mountains, guarded by two guns, one tank.
Card 2. Guarding the bridge - two tanks across the river on the left, one tank in the ravine.

Music has always helped raise the morale of our soldiers. Eva Hovhannisyan will perform for you a lyrical musical composition "At a mountain stream"

On foot, it was customary to sing military songs that united the soldiers into one big and friendly family. Let's remember these songs.
Competition - guess the melody

At the end of the festive program, I want to ask all the boys and young men present here, the future defenders of our Motherland, to come up to this stage.
Music sounds(boys go on stage).
So it was and will always be, again and again, young people with a warm heart will stand up to defend the country, those who choose to serve the fatherland as their destiny.
Military service always, historically, has been a pillar of Russian statehood.
The army and navy, airborne troops, unshakably stood guard over its national interests.
When required, they steadfastly held the blow and won.
All generations of warriors have made an invaluable contribution to the defense of the Motherland.
The modern army and navy are developing best traditions, among them fighting spirit, confidence in victory, understanding of the high mission and moral values ​​of military labor. And today we pay tribute to the recognition of their resilience, dignity and loyalty to the motherland. Happy Holidays, Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day!

And at the end of our holiday program, Dasha and Nastya will sing a song for us - “Ah, these clouds are in blue”.

Presenter: Happy holidays, see you soon!

SONG "A soldier has a day off ..."

February is the busiest month of the year! Maybe that's why the biggest and most severe men's holiday appeared in February.

If you think that February 23 is a holiday for military personnel, then you are deeply mistaken! February 23 is Defender of the Fatherland Day.

And every man, whether he is a naval officer or a programmer, a businessman or a policeman, a scientist or a teacher, is a Protector.

February 23 is the Day of the Defender of your Fatherland, your family, the honor of your workforce. February 23 is Real Man's Day.
Every day and every hour we are surrounded by real men - men whom we love, with whom we are friends, who help us solve industrial and domestic problems. So the most sincere congratulations on February 23rd.

There is a common title - a soldier.
Both general and private
It is solemnly kept
They are always ready to fight.
Forever imprinted in granite
Hero names.
Who is ready for battle - that world keeps
We don't need war!

Do not renounce the sense of proportion,
Do not rush to the departed after,
Don't desecrate your creed
Other days, other times.
And, keeping the honor of the uniform,
Life directing to the shores,
Do not make yourself an idol,
Don't make an enemy!

No, not for titles and awards
The soldier was the hero in battle.
He defended his country
Children, mother and wife,
Spring through canopy
Birches and lindens relatives ...
We congratulate you on this day
Your defenders!

SONG about WAR performed by future defenders of the Fatherland, students of 10 grades. (Here may be a song with a guitar)

The look of a woman - he is not looking for beauty,
But - strength, strength, faith, kindness.
And with a gentle but weak hand
A woman sometimes looks for support.
A man is a monolith of life,
He is the salt of the Earth, he is a warrior, he is a magnet.
We love you, worthy sons,
And we will not forget how to love - neither we nor you.

Who would give us tender names?
And we were protected, when not for them?
Who would sing? Who would kindle a fire in us,
In which we burn with love?
Who would shield with strong shoulders?
Who paid with his blood in battles,
So that our lullabies sound
To the sound of rain, to the whispers of branches?!
The hearth with them warms warmer,
You can’t count the dishes on dostarkhans!
They are a joy to us and our children!
It's good, men, that you exist!!!

The action of the holiday takes place at various military "bases" in the gym.
For this holiday prepared: congratulatory newspapers, posters, children's drawings of uniforms for sailors, border guards. Bought air balloons, inflated with helium Emblems by teams by the number of children and dads. Music.
Parents drew emblems different kinds troops.
Naval base
- Skateboard 2pcs for dads, two "anchors" on ropes, rope
Air Force Base - sheets of landscape paper according to the number of dads, two large bottles with a funnel, a bucket of water and 2 mugs
border outpost
hop balls, hoops according to the number of participants in the competition, a bucket of potatoes and wooden knives
Military field base
As gifts for the veterans, the children made postcards with their own hands and flowers were bought. And for dads, the children painted stained-glass windows on a military theme as a gift. The boys were bought coloring books "Military equipment".
From the Council of Veterans invited the military to our holiday.

To the music of A. Filippenko's march "Good Soldiers", adults solemnly enter the hall, then girls enter. Then, marching proudly. boys come in, (in naval uniform). They march into the gymnasium in marching order and line up in three columns.
Girls read poetry.
- Day of our army today,
And she's not too old anymore.
Hello defenders of the people
Russian army…- Hey!!!
- Hello holiday!
Hello holiday!
Holiday of boys, grandfathers, dads!
Congratulations to all military
Our fun kindergarten!
- Look, in our hall
Guests glorious sit!
So many dads were seen at once,
In February we are a year ago.

Presenter: Hello, our dear guests! Hello guys! Hello dear adults! Today we celebrate Defender of the Fatherland Day. This is the holiday of our grandfathers, dads and boys. After all, they are the defenders of our country. We are glad to welcome you to our cheerful holiday. We are glad to see strong, brave and cheerful dads and grandfathers. We are glad to see you our veterans (……..)
The floor is given to veterans.
Now, in this hall there will be fun exercises in which children will take part kindergarten as well as their fathers and grandfathers.
Our cheerful army was divided into two teams: a team of red and yellow stars.
The action of the holiday will take place at various military "bases" - naval, air force, military field - and at the border outpost.
War veteran - the first guest says - All teams with a cheerful mood go to fun tests.
And the first test will take place at the Naval Base.

1. Naval base.
Presenter: Now our guys will perform a dance for the guests.

A) Dance "sailor" (boy + girl)
The host talks about the joint relay race of children and dads.
B) Relay " Knot»
Teams are built in the sequence "adult - child". The adult runs to the place where the rope is fixed, ties a knot on the rope and comes back. A child runs next, who must untie this knot and again pass the baton to an adult.
The host tells
C) Relay race for dads "Happy swimming."
Each team member in turn puts on a lifebuoy around his neck, sits on a skateboard and, pushing off with his arms and legs, “floats” to the “buoy”. And then he runs back. Then the next one floats.
The war veteran - the second guest announces that the next test will take place at the air force base.

2. Military - air base.
girl reading a poem
Our pilots are heroes
The sky is vigilantly guarded
Our pilots are heroes
Protect peaceful work.
A) Relay "Runway"
The first step is parents. The first member of the team puts on an outstretched hand with a straightened palm landscape sheet paper. In this position, he should reach the counter. And on the way back he puts down his leaf. The next player will place their sheet next to the first, and so on. A "runway" is laid out from the sheets.
Stage two - children. Children have to run (hands to the sides) along the "runway".
The host talks about the relay in two stages.
B.) Relay "Refilling fuel tanks" (with overcoming obstacles)
A large bottle with a funnel, a bucket of water and 2 mugs are installed at a conditional place - each team has its own. A child and an adult, from each team, overcoming an obstacle course, run up to the “gas station”, collect water in mugs and pour it into a bottle using a funnel. Back, in a straight line, they return to the team. The following players run.
War veteran - the third guest announces that the next test will take place at the border outpost.

3. Border outpost.
The girl is reading a poem.
border guard,
Protects our land
To work and study
All the people could calmly.
A) Dance - the game "border" The boys perform a dance.
B) The game "Catch saboteurs"
The game is played in two stages. Each involves children from one team and 2 parents from the other. Children portray scouts - violators of borders, parents - border guards. Children and adults sit on the balls - hop. Adult "border guards" have hoops. Children jump on balls, dodging adults. Adults must throw a hoop on the pursued child. Then the "saboteur" is considered to be caught (steps aside).
War veteran - announces that the next test will take place at a military field base..

4. Military - field base.
girl reading a poem
Our own army
Guards the peace of the country.
So that we grow up, not knowing troubles,
So that there is no war.
The presenter tells the rules of the relay game
A) Relay "Crossing"
The child and the adult start their stage at the same time. The adult takes a wide step forward, after which the child crawls between the legs of the adult. Thus, the movement continues to the stance, Back running, holding hands.
The host tells the rules of the game
B) The game "Signal alphabet".
I should take the flags in my hands -
And I can write everything.
There is an alphabet
Wonderful sea
We will learn to carry out the so-called "silent commands", which are given using special flags, remember the signal alphabet:
Hands extended forward - the team is built in a column;
To the sides - stand loose;
Hands down - signal "danger", you need to squat down;
Hands up - the command "the danger is over", you can stand up.

Presenter: How proudly the words sound: “Defender of the Fatherland!” Our soldiers, officers, generals, fathers, grandfathers and brothers are ready to defend our Motherland and you and me at any moment. Our boys really want to be like you, to become as strong and brave as you. We want to congratulate our veterans.
Children read poems to veterans
Russian warrior saves
Native country peace and glory
He is on duty, and our people
Be proud of the army by right.
Army birthday today
There is no stronger in the world
Hello defenders of the people
Russian army… Hello!
For everything we have now
For our every happy hour
Thank you brave soldiers
That defended the world once.
Children give flowers to veterans.
Dear dads and grandfathers!
So that you smile today
Your children have worked hard for you!
And on this wonderful holiday
They have prepared gifts for you.

Children give gifts to dads.

Presenter: Let's congratulate our future defenders of the Fatherland. With all our hearts, we wish them to grow up strong, brave, courageous, kind and noble. And always remember the high rank of men.

Girls give gifts to boys.

To the music of "Farewell of the Slav" exit from the hall.

Ved.1 Dear men! Congratulations on the Defenders of the Motherland Day!
Vedas.2 We congratulate you on the holiday of soldiers,

But we always want to see you only in civilian clothes!
And if you are in shape, then only in sports -
For running, football and active life!

The female ensemble performs the song:
(Performed to the melody of the song "Girlfriends have been married for a long time, but I keep dreaming about the prince")

Wine froths in glasses
And we want to congratulate you!
We have men, like in the movies,
And we sincerely wish:

To grow your income
I had an account in a Swiss bank!
To wait in the kitchen for pilaf,
Fishing was waiting for the catch!
To go on vacation - to the Bahamas!
To be loved by the ladies
And at the same time, so that you
The youthful ardor in the soul did not go out!

We wish you bright dreams
And happy dates!
And understanding without words
And fulfillment of desires!

Here every husband and every rank!
Here all handsome men are supermen!
We will drink together for men!
May happiness await you without treason!

The women's ensemble performs a song to the tune of "Songs of the Pilots":

Tonight, tonight, tonight
Without you, men, let's face it, there is nothing to do!
We will gather around the table
Glasses full of pouring
And for the men we love, we will sing a song.

It's time for us to confess
That we love you dearly, we love you, we love you dearly!
Always lean
On your faithful we want a shoulder!
Let fate sometimes be cruel to us, let it be!
Never allow despondency in your heart!
There will be a lot of luck
Everything will change, you know!

You guys are brave, brave, brave!
So slender, beautiful, curly!
We'll drink one, we'll drink two
For your glorious deeds
But don't have a headache tomorrow!

Vedas.1 We wish to always live "on the rise",
And in personal life, and at work!
Ved.2 And always remain real knights!

A song is performed to the motive of a song from the film "Three Musketeers":

February again, and the red number,
So, Defender's Day according to the plan!
And we were brought back to the stage,
Hiring an ensemble is not yet affordable!

It's time, it's time, let's rejoice
In your lifetime
Because there are men
Free day!
Bye-bye-bye we have such defenders,
We whisper to fate more than once:
- Mercy to the side!

Men need money
Se la vie!
And women need them all the more!
But most importantly, we wish you love!
And may good luck accompany you!

And now we want to congratulate each of our defenders personally……

NOMINATIONS (Although we don’t have Hollywood, Oscars are also given here ...)
(Contact the author)

And, at the end of our concert - a song that we dedicate to all our men!
A song is performed to the motive "You are not stokers, not carpenters" ....
Gifts are given.
(They need to be beaten - contact the author)

Vedas: It's time to sum up the results of the questionnaire, which was conducted among men, so that our lovely women finally get an idea about the tastes and preferences of the male half of the team!
The questionnaire looks like this:
1. What military qualities do you need in your work?
2. Describe your life with a line from a song.
3. Decipher the first letters of the word HUSBAND.
4. Why do women love you?
5. Your motto in relationships with women.
6. What do you value most in a woman?
7. What is love anyway?
At the bottom, draw a woman from 12 shapes (you can choose circles, squares, triangles)
On the reverse side sheet draw a non-existent animal and write its name
Sign your last name or pseudonym.
(The questionnaire with drawings is filled out by men in advance, a week before
holiday. You can conduct it with each of them in the form of an interview.
Then you need to choose a few best answers for each question and
complete a summary form).
The presenter with two assistants read out a summary questionnaire.
(The host is the question, and the other two women are the best answers, in turn)
Then 2 prizes are awarded - for the most witty questionnaire (pepper or hot ketchup) and the most lyrical questionnaire (chocolate "Rapture")
There is a prize for the best answer to each question.

Then the presenter sums up the results of the test-drawing of a woman.
After that, the results are summed up for the "most-most" man on the test
"Non-existent animal" Small funny prizes are awarded
for each item (Contact the author)
The host makes a toast:
Do you know the difference between a diplomat and a girl?
If a diplomat says "yes", it means "maybe";
If a diplomat says "maybe", it means "no";
If a diplomat says no, then he is not a diplomat!
If a girl says "no", it means "maybe";
If a girl says "maybe", it means "yes";
If a girl says yes, then she is not a girl!
If a man says "no", it means "no";
If a man says yes, it means yes;
If a man says "maybe", then this is not a man!
So let's drink to real men who know what they want!
Vedas: Everyone whose answers were recognized as the best, we will now give chips.
For what - I will explain later.
(Chips are given to all men whose answers were given in the summary questionnaire).
Our goal is to identify Mr...... (Organization name), that is, our Super-man! In the future, if a woman earns a chip, she must give it to one of the men. The one who gets the largest number chips.

There is a competition for the title of Super Man.
(Contact the author)

Vedas. And now let's check how you know women!
In your name, dear men, congratulatory telegrams have been received from your female colleagues. But they were all in such a hurry that they forgot to sign. Your task is to determine the sender. For instance,

Telegrams from colleagues to guess the sender by rhyme
(Contact the author)
Vedas: We thank everyone who took part in our contest!

After a musical pause, the gypsies appear.
All the men are here!
So let the gypsy choir sound!

Women dance and sing to the tune of "Gypsies":
Then they tell each man on cards or on comic cards
(Contact the author)
Vedas. Dear men! We are grateful that we have you!
We wish you to always be Men with a capital letter!
We wish you to achieve the general's shoulder straps,
Know everything, know everything and work hard!
Follow the dressing of your army,
Less often from wives to go AWOL!
Let no blood be shed,
And your glorious regiment never surrenders!
We wish you to always stay in the ranks!
May you be lucky in love, as in battle!

From year to year, February 23 is considered a special day for all men. Because it is on February 23 that every man feels even more important in this World. Therefore, the beautiful female half is rapidly starting preparations for this holiday. Since this is a wonderful opportunity not only to congratulate, but also to show men that they are really significant.
It is on February 23 that every woman tries to pay due attention to her sons, brothers, husband, father. Showing in relation to them on this day, as much attention, care, affection, tenderness, warmth and love as possible. And also pamper with an original and unusual congratulation on February 23.

Today, there are many ways to congratulate native men on February 23. And if this holiday is celebrated in the family circle, then the script for the celebration should take place accordingly.

Preparation for the holiday

By the celebration of February 23, the female half of the family begins to prepare for the holiday in advance. Since it is necessary to purchase gifts for men, draw up a festive menu, decorate the decor in the house, and also draw up a festive holiday scenario.


When choosing a gift dear to my heart men, first of all, you need to take into account the interests, tastes and preferences of men. The gift can be different kind and character. Perhaps the gift will be bought in a store, ordered to order or made with your own hands. The most important thing is that the gift should be necessary and practical, as well as given from a pure heart.

Holiday menu

In drawing up a festive menu, it is also worth including fantasy. The menu should be interesting, unusual and correspond to the theme of the holiday. You can cook your favorite dishes of men, as well as come up with original names for them.

decor designs

No holiday is complete without decorations. Since it is in it that the very atmosphere of the holiday lies. The house can be decorated with colorful balloons. It will look very unusual to see stars cut out of paper, airplanes, tanks hung around the house. As well as the design of the family walls of the newspaper, with the presence of wishes from February 23 and joint photographs.

Script writing

The main part of the holiday is its script. A scenario that will fully correspond to the current holiday. In order for February 23 to really go off with a bang, you need to use ingenuity, a sense of humor, and apply organizational skills in writing a script.

Scenario February 23 with family

During the celebration on February 23, all family members dress in clothes that correspond to the theme of the holiday, and, accordingly, in military uniforms. Thus, each family member should have his own military rank, and it can be divided according to seniority. The title does not have to be specified in the form of stars on clothes, you can write it on a piece of paper and attach it near the assigned place for festive table.
When all family members have gathered at the festive table, the first word and the first toast are given to the eldest woman in age. Perhaps it will be a grandmother, or a mother. Subsequent toasts and congratulations can go in any order.
After that, the host of this holiday announces February 23 open. And he voices the first stage of the holiday, this is the stage of competitions.
1. Competition of jokes. Men should tell a joke related to the army theme. If not a joke, then funny case from military service. Accordingly, who will tell funnier, he wins and receives a prize.

2. Footcloth competition. In this competition, men must show their accuracy, cleanliness and speed in the ability to wind footcloths. Instead of footcloths, you can use toilet paper. The competition is performed with cheerful music. The prize goes to the fastest and most accurate.

3. Seniority competition. You need to prepare cards with the name in advance military ranks: major, captain, general, colonel, sergeant, lieutenant, private, ensign, marshal. At the signal of the presenter, the participants in the jumping must arrange the cards in order of seniority. The winner is the participant who will cope with the task quickly, clearly and correctly.

After a short pause in the form of warm congratulations and toasts to dear and beloved men, the presenter announces the second stage of the holiday, this is the stage of games.
1. Song. The whole family participates in this game and is divided into teams. Each team must perform an army song. The song can sound as its own independent performance, and with the help of karaoke. The team that performs the song without mistakes wins.

2. Dance. Couples who participate in the dance are put on shoulder straps made in the form of napkins. The task is to prevent the shoulder straps from flying off throughout the dance. Whoever does the best on this task wins a prize.

3. Minefield. In this game, each participant must walk independently through the minefield without stepping on the mine. In the form of mines, you can use tennis balls. After scattering the balls all over the floor, the blindfolded participant is sent on a journey through a minefield. If a participant steps on a mine, then he is out of the game.

The host announces a commercial break. A large army-style cake is brought into the room. To the music, the cake is cut, toasts and words of congratulations to men are pronounced.
The presenter announces the third stage of the holiday, this is the awarding stage.
Every man is a protector. And every man, from a child to the oldest member of the family, will be doubly pleased to be reminded of this, and even better to congratulate and present a medal.
Medals must be prepared in advance for the award. Medals can be made both from cardboard and ordinary paper with the inscription of the military rank assigned to a man. Titles can be of this nature, for example: "the most beautiful defender", "the smartest defender", "the most faithful defender", "the most reliable defender", "the smallest defender" (to a child), "the most wonderful defender". Women determine which medal corresponds to the man and reward him. In this case, more than one medal may be awarded. Some of the men may be lucky twice, or even three times.
After awarding medals and sincere congratulations, the presenter announces the fourth stage of the holiday, this is the quiz stage.
So that family members do not get bored, arrange for them a little quiz and warn them that in this quiz they will need to show off their wits and knowledge.
Make up a small number of questions with answers to the same questions. Questions directly should be directly related to the holiday. Participants must choose the correct answer from the proposed answers.

1. First World War, her years:
1913 - 1915
1914 - 1918
1916 - 1919

2. From being wounded in battle, which serves as protection for the head:

3. What holiday is celebrated on February 23:
Victory Day
Fisherman's Day
Defender of the Fatherland Day

4. What is the name of the military unit located in the city:

5. What does a person who does not want to serve:

6. According to a Russian proverb, what happens when a soldier sleeps:
Beloved is waiting
Winter on the nose
Service in progress

7. What is thrown over the shoulder of an officer dressed in uniform:

8. What the soldiers wind on their feet:

9. In response to the gratitude of the commander that the soldier had to answer Soviet army:
"Come again!"
"Serving Soviet Union!"
"Oh, leave!"

10. What is the name of the ration that is given to a soldier with him on a campaign:

Correct answers to questions:
1. 1914 - 1918
2. Helmet
3. Defender of the Fatherland Day
4. Garrison
5. Mows
6. Service in progress
7. Harness
8. Footcloths
9. Serve the Soviet Union
10. Dry

Every holiday has its end. And to make the end truly pleasant, the presenter announces the fifth stage of the holiday, the stage of presenting gifts to men.
Mothers, wives, sisters, daughters sincerely congratulate their beloved men on February 23 and give gifts.
The final and pleasant stage of the holiday will be the launch of fireworks, as well as burning lanterns into the starry sky with the whole family.
Summing up, we can say that February 23 can also be very fun and original to spend with the whole family, next to relatives and friends. Giving them attention, care, warmth, love and excellent mood for the whole day. The main thing is to approach everything responsibly and with love. After all, February 23 is already celebrated once a year and it would be unforgivable not to make it unforgettable.

Before calling everyone to the holiday, an assembly hall or office is drawn up. Decorated with balloons, flags, military caps. Posters are drawn depicting heroes, military men, where photographs of male employees are pasted as faces.

Men are invited to the hall. Team leader or head of department:
- Equalize! Attention! Dear women, the men of our team are built and ready to accept congratulations!

To cheerful music (preferably a march), men go into the hall.

Presenter No. 1:
Once a year, at the end of February
All men are an object of admiration.
The girls are in a hurry to congratulate them,
In this festive moment!

Once a year, at the end of February,
All men call us
Range of feelings and of course fire!
And our hearts are slowly melting.

Once a year, at the end of winter,
Both military men and civilians,
From Moscow to Kolyma
Waiting for flowers, gifts, applause.

We must now congratulate you,
Open your arms soon
We must give you gifts
Colleagues in the workshop are brothers!

Presenter No. 1:
Our Nikolai is very solid,
Blooms and smells - obviously!
Every day Kolya is on the limit -
He is in the know, for sure, he is in business!
Broad male shoulders
Winds and adversity towards,
It flies like a bullet,
And he won't turn back!

Presenter No. 1:
Oleg, you give moments,
For women's life inspiration
You are a god, so they said
You have conquered all hearts!
Above all praise your appearance,
So many girls look with hope
If only you gave them a look,
Or passing by, turned back!

Presenter No. 1:
Maxim, you strive for dreams,
Goals, peaks, efforts!
Strive for convenience, influence,
But do not be afraid of desire!
Girls like boldly
You are doing a good job!
And we can't find a better friend
Than Max - you know that!

Presenter No. 1:
Vasily, all your toys are
Fishing, racing or guns,
Our computer is all clogged,
But you conquered with skill!
When you get into your car,
You also drive forward
Like a top in a computer
You conquer the takeoff!

Presenter No. 1:
Andrew is a wonderful man
Successful, humble, wise,
Smiling, sociable!
Andrei is always intelligent,
Competent in his work
And even Boss he forgives,
When he does not understand!

Presenter No. 1:
Alexander walks without looking
Through, just for the sake of the goal,
Knows the price of everyone and everyone
Never has a problem!
He is serious and practical
Plus, it's energetic!
Every hour and every moment -
Wonderful man!

Presenter No. 1:
Forget everything in the world
In his company you always rest,
After all, this is Styopa - our joker and rogue,
Everyone loves it and everyone cherishes it!
He charges everyone with his energy,
Where Styopa is, there laughter is heard,
He just gives joy to everyone and everything,
He is our working "family"!

Presenter No. 1:
We have Arkady in the company,
He's just a miracle - good news,
He is a groovy and very nice fellow,
And never, never tired!
He is a charm, he gives support,
And not afraid of ridicule
He's just as beautiful as day
He drives laziness with his appearance!

Presenter No. 1:
Big boss - Alexey ours
He has great experience
He looks at everyone with love
And where necessary - scream!
Being the boss is not easy at all -
He would use milk for harm,
But he is not harmful, thank God,
Unfortunately, there are few like him!

After all the men have been named, everyone is waiting at attention for the presentation of gifts. The second host takes the stage.

Presenter number 1: And now everyone is free! Take a seat at the festive table!

Presenter number 2:
Happy Defender of the Fatherland,
Congratulations now!
Happiness, endless peace
In this idle hour!

Presenter No. 1: We meet the female ensemble of our enterprise "Beauties"

Song to the music "It's time to rejoice" from the film "Three Musketeers"

February is another great month!
And the Day of the Defender is again according to plan!
So, we were brought to the stage,
While we can't afford to hire stars!

Men need women - ce la vie!
Like all of us - even more so!
But most importantly, we need love!
And may good luck accompany us!

Chorus: It's time, it's time, let's rejoice in our lifetime,
Money, love, luck, dreams and a man,
Bye-bye-bye we have defenders at hand
We whisper to fate more than once: “Merci, to the side!”

Presenter No. 1:
Today is a special day!
We celebrate men!
After all, each of you is cool
Motherland's faithful son!

Presenter No. 2: Today, on this day of the Defender of the Fatherland, each of the men of our team is honored with an Oscar for special personal achievements! Let's get started! (It is worth preparing commemorative diplomas and Oscar gift figurines or any other figurines containing the company's label in advance)

Presenter No. 1: In the nomination "Fighter of the invisible front" "Oscar" is awarded to Maxim for his modesty, purity of thoughts, wonderful appearance and unbearable perseverance to anyone else!

Presenter No. 2: The second Golden Voice nomination involves the presentation of an Oscar to Arkady for his ability to amuse even the saddest ladies with his excellent stories, which subsequently leads to good results in the work process.

Presenter No. 1: In the nomination "Charming Simulator", Oleg undeniably receives the Oscar. For the whole year, he collected the largest number of women's views of various directions, but for some reason he actively assures everyone that he did not notice them.

Presenter No. 2: The "Awesome Aura" nomination provides for the award of an "Oscar" to Alexander for his fire in the eyes, inciting hundreds of ladies' boredom and sentencing them to fruitful work!

Presenter No. 1: The nomination "Robotics in the Flesh" implies the presentation of the "Oscar" to Vasily for his extraordinary look at computer life and off-grid energy flow!

Presenter No. 2: "Oscar" in the nomination "Punctuality - the rule of kings" is awarded to Nikolai for his solid attitude to business, an excellent serious approach to each task and the ability to solve tricky questions.

Presenter No. 1: The Encyclopedia Nearby nomination awards an Oscar to Andrey. Thanks to his inexhaustible knowledge, anyone in our team can get rich with his mind and wisdom!

Presenter No. 2: In the nomination "The Sun for the Whole Day", Stepan receives the Oscar for his ability to always give others not only warmth, but also a great mood for the whole day!

Presenter No. 1: In the nomination "Mr. Kindness", Alexey becomes the undisputed winner. "Oscar" is awarded for his stamina and sensitivity in relation to the endless raids on his office, as well as the hardness and softness of character at the same time!

Presenter No. 2: All Oscar nominees will be congratulated again by the Beauty Ensemble

Song to the music "Let them run awkwardly" from the cartoon "Crocodile Gena and Cheburashka"

Let run clumsily
Kolya, Vasya in the puddles,
And Oleg is barefoot on the asphalt!
After all, it is not clear to passers-by
On this bad day
That they rush to the office in a crowd!

To congratulate the men

Everyone is cooler than lions today!

Suddenly Arkasha will come running,
Sasha will make us all laugh,
And Andrey will think about everyone,
Only our boss Alyosha,
Better than every boss
This joyful laughter pours into the day!

Chorus: We sing here on this holiday,
To congratulate the men
Genius - Max il Styopa - a prankster!
Everyone is cooler than lions today!

Presenter No. 1:
So let's start dancing
Let's laugh
We won't say goodbye
And we will celebrate!

Presenter number 2:
Happy men's day
Congratulations, squad!
Eat oranges
Drink everything!

The celebration continues with dancing and feasting!