Prayers to George the Victorious. Prayer to George the Victorious: very strong protection

  • 14.10.2019

The personality of St. George the Victorious is simply unique. This child was born into a family that professed Christianity, his father was tortured for this faith.

The mother picked up the child and moved with him to Palestine. Having matured, the young man chose the military path for himself. He was always distinguished by an incredible mind, courage and physical strength. George quickly reached the position of commander and favorite of one of the emperors.

George's mother was a very rich woman, and after her death, the 20-year-old boy received a good inheritance. The young man really wanted to rise, so he served at court. But the persecution of Christians began, and George gave everything he had to the needy, and confessed to the ruler that he was a Christian.

The young man began to stand up for Christians, begged to stop the killings, saying that it was illegal. Since George was a courageous warrior who had brought victory to the emperor more than once, he hoped that his words would be heeded and the mockery of Christians would stop.

However, after such speeches, the young man was arrested and tortured, his authority did not help him avoid torment. Before the execution, the young man was mercilessly tortured for 8 whole days (with fire, a wheel, molten lead, a rack, an iron box with nails, stones, a sledgehammer, a red-hot bed), but after each day of torture, he recovered again every time and did not give up his faith. The emperor was tired of the fact that George was constantly being healed, and determined the day of execution.


Before his death, an angel appeared and predicted George a place in paradise. The young man was and remained a real warrior at the dawn of Christianity and was beheaded in 303. With a calm smile, he offered his head to the executioner. Before that, in a pagan temple, he delivered an ardent speech, after which all the idols there fell under the terrible peals of thunder. And the wife of the emperor converted to Christianity and began to pray to George to forgive her husband all the sins, for which she immediately paid with her life.

According to legend, George died 3 times and resurrected 3 times. And after his death, the Lord defeated all his tormentors. George himself began to appear to people and inspire the soldiers to exploits, and ordinary people he began to help overcome adversity. That is why this saint was nicknamed the Victorious.

Special glory came to the martyr when he killed a snake, which no one before him could defeat, and rescued a princess of extraordinary beauty. According to legend, not far from the place where George lived, there was a lake that sheltered a terrible snake in its waters. At night, this serpent came out onto land and ravaged houses, destroying people from nearby areas.

In order to calm the cannibal, the inhabitants cast lots and took turns taking their own offspring to be eaten by this monster. In the end, it was the turn of the daughter of the local king to go to her death. The girl was brought and left by the lake to wait for the snake to take her away. People from afar watched the princess.

Suddenly, as if out of thin air, Saint George appeared with his white horse. Seeing the snake, he crossed himself, uttered the words of a short prayer and hit the monster with his spear. Then the snake was taken prisoner and led through the city. George calmed the frightened people, urging them to instill faith in Christ in their souls and not be afraid of anything. Shocked by what had happened, thousands more pagans converted to Christianity.

George the Victorious will protect you in any situation from enemies and intruders, from the evil eye and damage, mothers of soldiers and those who serve in the army turn to him.
To win

This saint helps in most conflict situations, and if you suffer innocently and unfairly, George will definitely help you and make sure that your opponent suffers. Asking the martyr, of course, is not necessary. Higher power they will figure out who and how to punish. You must have a pure heart when you ask for intercession.

It is also useful to put candles in the church about the health of your enemy and order the same prayer service. This will help you get rid of resentment and anger at those who persecute you and make your prayer to St. George the Victorious especially effective. It will be very good if you ask the saint to fill your persecutors with love and divine grace, and also imagine them already filled with light.

You need to turn to the great martyr early in the morning, bringing yourself into proper shape after sleep, but not having breakfast. Cross yourself and read the chosen prayer 3 times with attention and reverence, then go about your usual business. George will not allow anyone who asks him to suffer from some kind of evil and will keep

Prayers for help in work and affairs

Prayers from Enemies

The image of George is a handsome young man on a horse white color who kills a snake with a spear. Moreover, the saint wins not so much by the power of arms, but by the power of his mighty spirit. It is clear that he is a protector and protects people from all evil, the intrigues of enemies, damage and the evil eye.

Very often, churches dedicated to the name of St. George the Victorious are located on the territory of military units or military camps. The saint helps absolutely everyone who turns to him, brings peace to the earth and to people's homes. Any prayer and even just sincere words will be heard.

About military service

When a young man goes into the army, every mother is very worried. It's natural when the world is unsettled. A young man is surrounded by strangers, not always adequate. In this case, the following prayer will help a lot:

It is always necessary to pray with deep faith, imagining the son surrounded as by a flame of divine love, through which no enemy can approach him. After lengthy prayers, the authorities begin to favor the young warrior, his colleagues begin to love him, and all circumstances begin to develop for him in the best possible way.


By the way, it has been noted that if the parents want a military career for their son, then by naming the child George, they thereby help his fate as a person serving the state on the battlefield. Georges make magnificent warriors, noble and brave.

On May 6, Russia celebrates the feasts of St. George the Victorious, when every Orthodox can visit the church and order a prayer service to the icon of this holy martyr.

Men, although they are strong, sometimes also need the protection of heavenly patrons. A person cannot predict his fate, especially in a situation of increased risk - for example, passing military service. Then a prayer addressed to George the Victorious becomes a lot of protection.

Life of Saint George

St. George is well known to Russians as the patron saint of Moscow. But he protects many other cities, and is also the protector of all who are related to the army. In the old days, Russian soldiers often held prayers before battles, asking for victory. Today this tradition is being revived.

The saint himself was a soldier in the Roman army. The young man was rich and noble, the emperor distinguished him for his courage, courage, strength. However, Diocletian did not know that his favorite was brought up as a Christian. George the Victorious prayed at home to the one God and did not offer sacrifices to idols. Then it was equated with high treason. In addition, the persecution of Christians began. The commander refused to pursue his brothers, he was immediately taken into custody.

To endure the torment, George prayed to the Lord for help. History has brought to us all the tortures that he managed to endure:

  • The tormentors drove the prisoner into prison with the help of spears. One of them broke like a blade of grass.
  • Staying in the lime pit did not harm the saint in any way.
  • The next day, all the limbs were broken, but in the morning Georgy was healthy.
  • Sharp knives and swords were stuck into the body, but an Angel descended from heaven, healing the martyr.
  • They beat me so hard that the meat fell off the bones. The next morning the prisoner was again safe and sound.

The prayer of George the Victorious from visible enemies was so strong that God healed him, no matter what torments the evil emperor invented. Diocletian achieved only that many began to wonder - what kind of Jesus Christ is this, Who can protect those who believe in Him in such a way? The pagan faith was especially shaken after the martyr drank the poisoned drink and remained intact. Then George resurrected the deceased with his prayer to prove the power of his God.

The story of the death of George the Victorious

Enduring terrible torture day after day, the warrior did not even think about betraying his faith. One night in a dream, he saw Christ Himself, who said that a place in paradise was prepared for him. For the last time, Diocletian decided to try to persuade George to betray the Christian God. He ordered to take him to the most important pagan temple (he could no longer walk). The delighted emperor fulfilled his request. But in the pagan temple, the former commander of the Roman army mercilessly crushed all the idols with the mere power of prayer, which protected him from invisible enemies.

The enraged emperor, incited by the priests, ordered to cut off the head of George the Victorious. He calmly laid her on the chopping block, feeling not fear and despair, but joy from an early meeting with His God and the saints.

Honor after death

The story of a brave husband spread throughout the Christian world. All the famous church writers of that time wrote about her. A case is especially well known when, in response to a prayer for the protection of a Lebanese city, George the Victorious himself appeared in full armor and on horseback. The townspeople were tormented by a ferocious monster that devoured their children. The saint slew the snake, thereby saving a beautiful girl from death. After such amazing events, the whole city joyfully met the saint and accepted the Christian faith.

What do they pray for the icon of George the Victorious

Many miracles also happened at the relics of the martyr. They are in different places: it is believed that the head is in Rome, the body is in the Israeli city of Lod. The veneration of St. George the Victorious spread very quickly both in the east and in the west. When is it customary for him to pray?

  • While carrying military service, before the fight.
  • To protect against aggressive people.
  • He also patronizes farmers, cattle breeders (according to legend, once the saint resurrected a fallen bull).
  • The inhabitants of the East believe that the prayer of St. George the Victorious is able to give protection from poisonous snakes.
  • To win in sports competitions.

The saint is extremely popular in Russia as well. No wonder boys are still willingly named after him (Yuri, Yegor - these are all derivatives of the name George). This saint is known in Georgia, Turkey, Greece and other countries, prayers to George the Victorious are heard in a variety of languages.

How to pray correctly

In order for prayer to serve you as a shield and sword, you need an appropriate attitude. For this, it is better to go to the temple for the first time. The very situation there serves to ensure that a person directs all his thoughts, all the energy of his soul to God. Traditionally, a prayer appeal should begin with a confession of one’s own sinfulness (“Forgive me, Lord, for all my sins!”), One must really try to realize them.

Gratitude will not be superfluous - after all, everything cannot be completely hopeless. Train yourself to see in life the good side! After that, you can pray for protection. The text of the prayer should be taken Orthodox, it is not necessary to make it look like a conspiracy, the saints do not like witchcraft and can even punish for it.

After reading the text of the prayer (it is at the end of the article), refer to George the Victorious in your own words. Do not complain, but ask for help in a specific case. Help yourself to those you can. You don't have to do it with money good words support, your time and effort also counts. Then the Lord will see that the person has embarked on the righteous path. So, now he is ready to accept God's grace and the help of the saints. Have firm faith, with the prayers of St. George God help you!

Prayers to George the Victorious

Prayer for intercession

“Saint George, Victorious and Savior. Come down to me from heaven, give me strength in work, give me your spirit in a relentless struggle. Help me overcome the litigation that happens at work, let the bosses not swear. If it is destined to be reduced, I want to be forgiven by Christ. May your will be done. Amen".

Prayer for help to Saint George

Holy, glorious and all-praise Great Martyr George! Gathering in your temple and before your holy icon worshiping people, we pray to you, known for our intercession, pray with us and for us, praying from your goodness of God, may he graciously hear us asking for His goodness, and not leave all of ours for salvation and life needy petitions, and will grant our country a victory against the resistance; and again, falling down, we pray to you, victorious saint: strengthen the Orthodox army in battle with the grace given to you, destroy the forces of the rising enemies, let them be ashamed and put to shame, and let their audacity be crushed, and let them lead away, as we have Divine help, and to everyone, in sorrow and the circumstances of existence, powerfully reveal your intercession. Begged the Lord God, all creatures of the Creator, deliver us from eternal torment, may we glorify the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and confess your intercession now, and ever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer for victory and from enemies

O all-praised, holy Great Martyr and Wonderworker George! Look down on us with your quick help and beg the Humanity God, may He not condemn us, sinners, according to our iniquities, but may He do with us according to His great mercy. Do not despise our prayers, but ask us from Christ our God a quiet and charitable life, health of soul and body, fertility of the earth and abundance in all things, and may we turn not into evil what you give us from the All-Generous God, but to the glory of His holy Name and in glorification of your strong intercession, may He give our country and the entire God-loving army to overcome adversaries and strengthen it with unchanging peace and blessing. Rather, let His holy angels protect us with His militia, in a hedgehog, deliver us, after our departure from this life, from the wiles of the evil one and his heavy air ordeals and appear uncondemned to the Throne of the Lord of glory. Hear us, passion-bearer of Christ George, and pray for us unceasingly to the Trinitarian Lord of all God, but by His grace and philanthropy, with your help and intercession, we will find mercy from the Angels and Archangels and all the saints at the right hand of the Just Judge of the state and I will take out to glorify Him with the Father and the Holy Spirit now, and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Complete collection and description: the prayer to St. George the victorious is very strong protection for the spiritual life of the believer.

In the life of any person there are difficult moments. It is at these moments that believers turn to God for support. One of the famous great martyrs and defenders is St. George the Victorious - a warrior who suffered for Christ during the persecution of the Church of Emperor Diocletian.

During his lifetime, he converted many people to Christianity, but now the prayer to George the Victorious for help saves Orthodox people in difficult periods of life and supports them daily.

What prayers to offer to the saint

The Great Victorious helps everyone who comes to him with true faith and sincerely asks for help. If a person does not know the text of an Orthodox prayer to a saint, then it is not forbidden to address him in his own words.

O all-praised, holy Great Martyr and Wonderworker George! Look at us with your quick help, and beg the Humanity God, may He not condemn us sinners according to our iniquities, but may He do with us according to His great mercy. Do not despise our prayer, but ask us from Christ our God a quiet and charitable life, health of mind and body, fertility of the earth, and abundance in everything, and may we not turn the good that you give us from the All-Merciful God into evil, but to the glory of the holy in His name and in glorification of your strong intercession, may He give our country and the entire God-loving army to overcome adversaries and strengthen it with unchanging peace and blessings.

Rather, let His holy angels protect us with His militia, in a hedgehog, deliver us, after our departure from this life, from the wiles of the evil one and his heavy air ordeals, and appear uncondemned to the Throne of the Lord of Glory. Hear us, passion-bearer of Christ George, and pray for us unceasingly to the Trinitarian Lord of all God, but by His grace and philanthropy, with your help and intercession, you will find mercy, with angels and archangels and all the saints at the right hand of the Just Judge, and I will take Him out to glorify with the Father and Holy Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

The Holy Great Martyr, the Wonderworker George, who did not give up on his convictions, his intentions, who withstood with the Christian faith. I thank the Higher powers for what I have. I pray, Georgy, for strengthening faith in one's strength in production. Please, soften the hearts of my enemies, turn away their faces from me, a sinner. Endow everyone with wisdom, patience to go their own way. I ask you for help in my work, for the successful solution of my problem. I hope and trust in you, Saint George the Victorious.

(The same prayer is read for victory in sports).

Holy, glorious and all-praise Great Martyr George! Gathering in your temple and before your holy icon, worshiping people, we pray to you, known for our intercession, pray with us and for us, begging from His benevolence of God, may He graciously hear us asking His goodness, and not leave all of ours for salvation and life needy petitions, and will grant our country a victory against the resistance; and again, falling down, we pray to you, holy victorious: strengthen the Orthodox army in battle with the grace given to you, destroy the forces of the rising enemies, let them be ashamed and put to shame, and let their audacity be crushed, and let them lead away, as we have Divine help, and to everyone in sorrow and the circumstances of existence, powerfully reveal your intercession. Begged the Lord God, all creatures of the Creator, deliver us from eternal torment, may we glorify the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and confess your intercession now, and ever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Meaning and Prayer Help

The saint lived during the reign of the pagan Diocletian. As a warrior, he publicly declared himself a Christian, not wanting to subject fellow believers to torture and persecution.

For his faith, he was martyred around the year 303.

After his death, a great many miracles were performed. The most famous of them is the victory over the monstrous serpent. In memory of this event, it is customary to depict the Victorious on images sitting astride a snow-white horse and slaying the snake spear.

Once, while still alive, the saint destroyed the idols in the church by the power of his prayer. Therefore, the great martyr is considered the protector of people from evil and the intrigues of dark devilish forces. His holy face can be found in any Orthodox church, in the chapel of any military unit - he is a great symbol of protection, patronizing both military personnel and people in trouble.

Important! Before the image of St. George the Victorious, they pray for peace, for protection from attacks by enemies, for salvation from serious illnesses, for the granting of a long-awaited child.

How to correctly address the holy great martyr

Before you start praying to the Victorious, you should visit Orthodox church, confess, take communion and ask the priest for a blessing for prayer work. The priest may inquire about what prompted the parishioner to intensify prayer.

No need to hide motives, no need to be shy. A cleric is a "guide" between a person and Christ. It turns out that when telling a cleric about his problems, a person involuntarily confesses them to the Almighty.

Usually the priest blesses to work prayerfully in the Name of Christ for 40 days.

  • Standing up for prayer, one should be a sincere supplicant with a humble heart. Requests for selfish desires are not appropriate. It is necessary to sincerely forgive all enemies and offenders and wish them health and peace.
  • Women must wear a headscarf or a thin scarf on their heads. pectoral cross should be worn by every Christian, both a baby and a gray-haired old man. Having overshadowed yourself with the Sign of the Cross and offered thanksgiving prayers to God, it is necessary to begin a prayer to George the Victorious. It is not enough just to read the text, it is important to understand it, think about the sacred lines and feel that the prayer shield covers the petitioner from all adversity.
  • On the days of honoring the memory of the saint, it is recommended to order a prayer service in front of his icon in the temple, read the life and pray from the heart. Requests to the great martyr will safely help to survive the pain of loss loved one, will indicate the path to spiritual perfection, will help to cope with any difficulties.
  • To order a prayer service (if possible, with blessing of water), you must submit a note to the church shop and list the names of those for whom you need to pray. Names should be in the genitive case (they should answer the question “who?”). If a water-blessed prayer service is performed before the icon of the Victorious, then at the end of it consecrated water will be distributed to parishioners. It must be drunk with prayer in the morning on an empty stomach.

Important! Saint George is numbered among the Saints as a great martyr who suffered for his faith in Christ the Savior. The day of memory of the saint is celebrated annually on November 23.

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Prayer to St. George the Victorious for help in work, from enemies, for victory and success

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Prayer to George the Victorious for victory helps each of us in any struggle. According to legend, the Saint protects all the weak and innocent. He was sent by Jesus to the prayers of the people, to free them from the great scourge. People asked to save them from a terrible sacrifice, in which they had to give their children to be eaten by a formidable snake in order to appease him. And George came, and saved them from this fate, defeating the snake - slaying it with a spear.

Saint George was born into a noble and prosperous family. During his lifetime, he served and showed himself as an exemplary warrior. He was famous for his exceptional determination and sober mind. At the time of his life, Christianity was persecuted by the emperor, and was punishable. But in his heart he was faithful to the Christian faith and stood up for her defense.

Emperor Diocletian did not like the decisions that the warrior put forward, and he decided to subject him to torment. The warrior was thrown into a dungeon, where they were beaten with a whip, put on nails, and even tortured using quicklime. Having shown his fortitude, he endured all the tortures. Seeing this, the emperor ordered that he be beheaded. This act happened in 303.

Since then, the Great Martyr has been sung as a holy warrior and prayed to him in victory over his great enemy. Saying prayers to his image of the mother, whose children were called to the service, they ask for help and protection for their children. From obsessive fears, especially children's, not one God's saint does not help as much as St. George.

Veneration of the image

The miraculous image of the Great Martyr is depicted on horseback with a spear in his hand. St. George's Day is popularly called "Yuryev's Day" - November 26 (according to the old style).

Prayer to St. George the Victorious

Now, as then, danger awaits us at every turn. Whether at home or at work, at a party or on the road. To protect a person on a difficult journey and from damage, before leaving the house, you can read a prayer appeal to the Saint a couple of times:

“Saint George, Victorious and Savior. Protect me from the gossip of enemies and from the machinations of fools. In the field and on the road, at work and on the threshold, let the enemy not overtake me. May your will be done. Amen".

Do not be angry at the difficulties in life and at work, but turn to the Great Martyr. He will certainly hear your petitions for help in work and other worldly affairs.

There is a small ritual on how to pray to the saint for success in work, for victory in sports, for help in financial matters:

  • Light 3 candles.
  • Place a decanter with holy water and the icon of the Victorious next to it.
  • Relax and imagine yourself in the workplace, where you have no problems, and you effectively solve the problems set before you, difficult tasks.
  • Imagine the image of a boss who is not strict with you at this moment and does not scold you, but, on the contrary, praises you. Imagining a clear picture, whisper to yourself a prayer for success in your work. Otherwise, this scripture is referred to as a petition for help in business.

They ask the saint for help and intercession with these words:

“Saint George, Victorious and Savior. Come down to me from heaven, give me strength in work, give me your spirit in a relentless struggle. Help me overcome the litigation that happens at work, let the bosses not swear. If it is destined to be reduced, I want to be forgiven by Christ. May your will be done. Amen".

After all that has been said, cross yourself and drink holy water. This ceremony should be performed at least three times a week.

And what to do if the enemy is invisible, stealthily doing evil deeds? It is advisable to have the image of St. George the Victorious in the house in order to be able to ask the Saint for protection from all hardship for yourself and your family.

Read the following words from his image:

“O all-praised, holy Great Martyr and Wonderworker George! Look at us with your quick help, and beg the Humanity God, may He not condemn us sinners according to our iniquities, but may He do with us according to His great mercy. Do not despise our prayer, but ask us from Christ our God a quiet and charitable life, health of mind and body, fertility of the earth, and abundance in everything, and may we not turn the good that you give us from the All-Merciful God into evil, but to the glory of the holy in His name and in glorification of your strong intercession, may He give our country and the entire God-loving army to overcome adversaries and strengthen it with unchanging peace and blessings.

Rather, let His holy angels protect us with His militia, in a hedgehog, deliver us, after our departure from this life, from the wiles of the evil one and his heavy air ordeals, and appear uncondemned to the Throne of the Lord of Glory. Hear us, passion-bearer of Christ George, and pray for us unceasingly to the Trinitarian Lord of all God, but by His grace and philanthropy, with your help and intercession, you will find mercy, with angels and archangels and all the saints at the right hand of the Just Judge, and I will take Him out to glorify with the Father and Holy Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen".

This prayer to George the Victorious from enemies helps protect yourself and your home from visible enemies:

“Holy, glorious and all-praise Great Martyr George! Gathering in your temple and before your holy icon, worshiping people, we pray to you, known for our intercession, pray with us and for us, praying from your goodness of God, may he graciously hear us asking for His goodness, and not leave all of ours for salvation and life needy petitions, and will grant our country a victory against the resistance; and again, falling down, we pray to you, victorious saint: strengthen the Orthodox army in battle with the grace given to you, destroy the forces of the rising enemies, let them be ashamed and put to shame, and let their audacity be crushed, and let them lead away, as we have Divine help, and to everyone, in sorrow and the circumstances of existence, powerfully reveal your intercession. Begged the Lord God, all creatures of the Creator, deliver us from eternal torment, may we glorify the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and confess your intercession now, and ever, and forever and ever. Amen".

God bless you!

From this video you will learn the prayers with which they turn to St. George the Victorious for help:

Prayer to George the Victorious

Great Martyr George the Victorious

The Orthodox Church on May 6 or April 23, according to the old style, celebrates the day of the Holy Great Martyr George the Victorious. This Saint was born into a wealthy family in the city of Beirut, which was formerly called Berit. His parents were pious people. The child was brought up in the Christian faith from childhood.

The Earthly Life of the Saint

Already in childhood, a terrible grief befell the family of George. His father, the commander of Cappadocia, was tortured by the pagans for confessing the faith of Christ. After that, the mother, along with her son, moved to her parents, who were owners of vast estates in the immediate vicinity of the city of Lydda in Palestine.

George was a capable child and received an excellent education, after which he decided to enter the military service. At the age of twenty, he was appointed commander of the illustrious cohort of invictiors. During the period of military battles with the Persians, the emperor himself noticed a brave young man, for which he was appointed a committee - an confidant of Emperor Diocletian.

Diocletian's reign falls between 284 and 305. This ruler was a fanatical paganist. He is known for having organized terrible persecutions of Christians. Once George witnessed a terrible verdict at the trial, which was associated with the extermination of many Christians. His heart was filled with compassion. Realizing that he was also threatened with suffering for his faith, he himself came to Diocletian and confessed that he was a Christian. So that his property would not go to the pagans, he first distributed his property to the poor and gave freedom to his slaves. Appearing before the emperor, George accused him of injustice and cruelty. The speech of the fearless warrior was filled with objections to the order, which ordered the persecution of Christians, and they were very convincing.

Immediately George was imprisoned. The most terrible tortures were applied to him in order to force him to renounce Christ. But all the sophisticated efforts of the emperor were in vain. George prayed and glorified the Lord.

Did not renounce the faith on his deathbed

The legend says that once, after another torture by wheeling, all the witnesses recognized George as dead. But suddenly a thunder rang out from heaven and a voice of support sounded. Healed by the Angel of God, George opened his eyes and got off the wheel himself, continuing to glorify God. Thanks to this miracle, many pagans wanted to accept Christianity, including Empress Alexandra herself, and many close to the emperor.

George still had to endure great torment, but it was not possible to break him. After some time, the emperor ordered the execution of a Christian. At first, he wanted to sacrifice him in the temple of Apollo. But George turned to the statue of Apollo, how dare he and all the idols remain in this place when a true servant of God came here. After these words, the pagan temple began to collapse in front of many witnesses. Frightened, ardent pagans demanded that the emperor urgently execute George. He was brought to the chopping block. There he asked to be released from the shackles and began to pray. After that, George himself laid his head on the chopping block.

The soul of the Holy Great Martyr for the fact that he defeated his tormentors, the Angels took to Heaven, his body was buried in Lydda.

Orthodox prayers to St. George the Victorious

Orthodox prayers Saint George the Victorious is very much in demand among believers. According to church traditions, this Saint always protects weak people. According to legend, it was George the Victorious who was sent by God to help people in order to save them from a terrible sacrifice. They had to give their children to be eaten by a terrible serpent. Saint George saved people from such a terrible fate by slaying the serpent with a spear.

Read a prayer for help at work

If there are difficulties in the work, then you should not despair. It is necessary to conduct a small ceremony and pray to the Holy Great Martyr George. To do this, you need to be alone in separate room.

  • Light three candles;
  • Set in front of you the icon of the Saint;
  • Place a carafe filled with holy water nearby.

It is necessary to sit in silence in front of the created installation for some time. You should imagine that you are at work, and you do not have any problems at all. Remember all the tasks assigned to you and imagine that you have already successfully solved them.

After that, you need to visualize the image of your boss in good location spirit. It is important that at this moment the situation when he scolded you is not remembered. If possible, then dream about how he praises you for your results.

After the prayer, you should cross yourself and drink a few sips of holy water. This rite should be performed at least three times a week if problems arise at work.

Prayer for victory in sports

If sport is your professional occupation, then you need to periodically read a prayer to St. George the Victorious for support. Before you pray, you must definitely visit the temple and light a candle for your own health. Then you should go to the icon of the Saint and put a few candles there. At this moment, you need to silently turn to the Great Martyr in an arbitrary form. You should ask him to help you in your professional activities.

After that, you can go home. On the same day, you should retire to a separate room at home. It is necessary to install the icon of St. George the Victorious on the table and light a candle in front of it. After that, you need to imagine that you will be able to achieve success in sports.

Having visualized a successful picture, you should humbly say the following words:

After the prayer, you should cross yourself and put out the candle. It is advisable not to talk to anyone else on this day, but just go to bed.

Prayer to the Saint for good luck in competitions

In order to mentally tune in to win the competition, you need to read a prayer to George the Victorious.

It sounds like this:

Prayer for protection in the service

For protection in the service, you can use short prayers. One of these prayers goes like this:

Prayer to George the Victorious "Shield and Sword" from visible and invisible enemies

A strong prayer to George the Victorious from visible and invisible enemies is as follows:

As a protective one, you can use any prayer to George the Victorious from a special collection. Also often prayer texts are printed on reverse side Icons. It is important to use the prayer that evokes a response in the soul. If you listen to yourself, then the chosen prayer to St. George will become a reliable shield. It will protect from any external negative influence.

The classic prayer from enemies is as follows:

Listen to the prayer to George the Victorious:

A cure for grief and consolation in despondency. Prayers and amulets Isaeva Elena Lvovna

Holy Great Martyr George the Victorious

Prayer 1

Holy, glorious and all-praise Great Martyr George of Christ! Gatherings in your temple and before your holy icon, worshiping people, we pray to you, known for our intercession: pray with us and for us, praying from His benevolence of God, may He graciously hear us asking His goodness, and not leave all of ours for salvation and life need of petition, and grant our power victory over the opposition, may the Orthodox army be strengthened by the grace given to you in battle, and let our enemy depose the forces of those who rise, let them be ashamed and put to shame, and let their audacity be crushed, and let them lead away, as we are the imam of Divine help , and to all in sorrow and the situation of beings, manifest your intercession with great power. Beg the Lord God, all creatures of the Creator, to deliver us from eternal torment, may we always glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and we confess your intercession, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer 2

Oh, all-praised, holy Great Martyr and Wonderworker George! Look down on us with your quick help and beg God, the Lover of mankind, that he will not condemn us, sinners, according to our iniquities, but that he will do with us according to His great mercy. Do not despise our prayer, but ask us from Christ our God a quiet and charitable life, health of soul and body, fertility of the earth and abundance in all things, and may we not turn the good, given to us from the All-Generous God, but to the glory of His Holy Name and in glorification of your strong intercession, may He give Orthodox people and to all the God-loving army to overcome adversaries, and may he strengthen the country with His irreplaceable peace and blessing. Rather, let His holy angels protect us with His militia, in a hedgehog, deliver us, after our departure from this life, from the wiles of the evil one and his heavy air ordeals, and appear uncondemned to the Throne of the Lord of glory. Hear us, Passion-bearer of Christ George, and pray for us unceasingly to the Trinitarian Lord of all God, but by His grace and philanthropy, with your help and intercession, we will find mercy with the angels and archangels and all the saints at the right hand of the Just Judge, and I will take Him out to glorify with the Father and Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Troparion, tone 4

Like a captive liberator and a protector of the poor, a weak doctor, an Orthodox champion, victorious Great Martyr George, pray to Christ God that our souls be saved.

Another troparion, tone 4

You fought a good feat, Passion-bearer of Christ George, and for the sake of faith you denounced the wickedness of the tormentors, but you brought a sacrifice favorable to God. In the same way, you received the crown of victory, and with your prayers, holy, give forgiveness to all of your sins.

Kontakion, tone 4

Cultivated by God, thou art the most honest worker of piety, having gathered the virtues of the hilt for herself: having sowed in tears, reap joy, suffering blood, thou hast accepted Christ, and with prayers, holy, give forgiveness to all of your sins.

From the book Cure for Sorrow and Comfort in Despondency. Prayers and amulets author Isaeva Elena Lvovna

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Prayer to the Holy Great Martyr George the Victorious (Celebration May 6, November 16 and 23, December 9) Gatherings in your temple and before your icon holy worshiping people, we pray you, knowing our desires

Prayer words help people even in the most difficult situations. According to legend, George the Victorious is able to help all the weak and innocent, protecting them from danger.

George the Victorious was sent by the Lord himself to protect people. They prayed for salvation from adversity, deliverance from the bloody sacrifice and liberation from oppression. With his spear, the Victorious slew the serpent, terrifying the entire human race, and died as a holy martyr, believing in the Lord and his just Judgment until the end of his days.

Prayers to St. George the Victorious for protection

If everything in your life is not going as smoothly as you would like, you are overcome by doubts and timidity, you cannot defend yourself from the attacks of ill-wishers,.

“Saint George, savior of the human race! You, sent by the Lord, delivered from oppression and great misfortune, stopped bloody sacrifices. He stopped the flow of human fear and sorrow. The sinful servant (name) prays for you for protection and intercession. With the sword given by God, protect me from negativity, give me the strength to fight for the righteous faith and instill in my heart my confidence in my own strength. Help not to be angry with your offenders, leave shyness and do charitable deeds. May my faith be unshakable. Amen".

“Holy Great Martyr George! I bow to your name and brave deed! I pray you, hear the words of the servant of God (name) and provide all possible assistance in protecting my house from anger and negativity. Heal our souls from timidity, cast out fear from the most hidden corners of our hearts. Strengthen our faith in a righteous and just court and take misfortunes away from our house. Troubles and sorrows have entered the lives of those who ask you. The house ceased to be a protection and a place of rest from the labors of the righteous. WITH God help stand up as a warrior-defender of our family, raise your fair spear and drive out enemies and enemies. Amen".

Prayers for help at work

“O great George the Victorious! I beg you for help. You, by your invincible will, proved the justice of your actions and faith in our triune God. You, who did not give up and did not stumble, give me confidence in my strength, help me resist anger and lies, soften the hearts and thoughts of my enemies. Do not turn away from asking you (name). Give me great wisdom to go my own way, helping the desperate. I ask with humility to help solve the problem at work safely. I hope with thoughts for your help and glorify our Lord. Amen".

“Merciful and just George the Victorious! Hear the prayers of the servant of God (name). I appeal to you, the patron of the human race, endow me with courage and courage to conduct my own business. Do not let the spiteful critics destroy my righteous and selfless labors, protect my work and my deeds from unjust anger and envy. Lead me on the path of wisdom and forgiveness. Amen".

Each prayer can be said in any words. The main thing is that it comes from the heart, and you are sure that you are right and do not want to harm your neighbors. Pray tirelessly, daily asking the Lord for protection and guidance. We wish you happiness and success in everything, and do not forget to press the buttons and

06.05.2017 06:12

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Any thing is saturated with energy, which is not always favorable. Because of this, a person can be attracted to ...