The lines on the hand are a money triangle. Palmistry: a line of wealth, success in the palm of your hand with explanations and photos

  • 16.10.2019

Palmistry provides answers to various questions. Guessing by hand, you can find out whether there will be an opportunity to acquire a stable financial position or even get rich. Information regarding success in money matters is obtained by considering the lines of fate, health, life, mind.

In this thread:

Each of them indirectly shows the possibility of living in abundance. However, the wealth line can more definitely answer questions related to financial well-being.

Location features

It is necessary to look for the line of possible wealth between the features of the head and life. It is one of the sides that form a triangle on the arm. In fact, this is the central part of the palm. You need to look at this triangle on both hands.

If it can be found and right hand, and on the left is a sign of guaranteed wealth. To make it easier to look for this feature, it is better to look at the photo and consider the examples described by experts.

Meaning Features

In order to understand the meaning of the wealth line, one must consider the line itself and the entire triangle that it forms. If it is completely closed, then a person will be able to earn money or receive it in sufficient quantities in another way, and will also be able to save it. Over time, he will definitely have a lot of money. The clearer this figure, the higher the chance to become the owner of a significant win, to have other luck associated with a lot of money.

The size of the triangle in the palm of your hand shows how lucky a person will be in money. The larger the triangle of wealth in the palm of your hand, the easier money will come to its owner. Unfortunately, there are not many large and clear triangles. The line of wealth on the hand is rarely clear and even. Therefore, it is not easy to look for money marks.

If the triangle is not completely closed due to the fact that the line of potential wealth contains gaps, then all incoming funds will immediately disappear and become the owner a large number money won't work. If, in general, the features of the head and fate are not blocked by the third, that is, the line of money in the palm of your hand did not appear at all, this means the lack of success in the monetary matter.

How exactly the breaks will affect can be judged by the place where the gaps are visible, which side or which corners are destroyed. Most often, the sides of the triangle are torn at the corners. If the gap is from the side of the hill of Jupiter, there will be no opportunity to earn enough money. Palmistry in this case is useless, it is necessary to increase self-esteem and demand higher salaries from superiors.

If the lines of potential wealth in the triangle are interrupted where the hill of Venus is, the money will go to the family and children in an endless stream. When the side closer to the edge of the palm is violated, this is a sign of squandering and an unreasonable approach to money. Such a gap has the most negative meaning. In this case, the lines in the palm of your hand do not promise wealth, but, on the contrary, predict endless spending that will not bring any satisfaction.

Sometimes the line of wealth is quite high - almost on the hill of Apollo. Such an arrangement on the hand is considered a confirmation of the impossibility of obtaining money in an easy way. Everyone will have to earn their own hard work, showing their abilities and talents.

money signs

There are various signs on the hand that tell you how successful a person is in financial matters. Below is information telling you where to find them.

  • A rich person on the hill of Jupiter can often see a star, which is formed by several lines. Such a star will bring success not only in finance, but also in love, in a career.
  • Triangles are generally perceived as signs of easy money. Such a triangle of money has a part of the life line as its base, and its top is on the side of the thumb. These banknotes in the palm of your hand often appear among those who improve their financial situation through a marriage of convenience.
  • A clear line, which is located between the fourth and fifth fingers, means receiving an inheritance. It may also be another way to receive money from a wealthy relative.

Other ways to get information about wealth by hand

Various marks in the palm of your hand speak of the possibility of financial success. For example, along the line of fate, you can get the following information:

  • improvement of well-being with a line of fate going to the index finger;
  • the branches from the line of fate, going to the index finger, have a similar meaning;
  • branches to the ring finger show that this is the minion of fate and it is easy for him to achieve success;
  • beginning on the hillock of the Moon, close location to the line of life, intersection with the line of the heart, end on the hill of Jupiter - this combination indicates the early appearance of success;
  • the branch goes to the hill of Mercury - a sign that money will come from activities in science. Branches going up play an important role in obtaining information about wealth by hand. In particular, branches from the trait of life speak of self-confidence and the possibility of achieving success. It is also necessary to consider the feature of Mercury, showing health. Traditional palmistry considers this: if it is double, most likely, its owner will not be difficult to succeed, moreover, in different areas.

The situation when the beginning of the health trait is in the same place with the line of fate has the same positive meaning. A fork pointing upwards from the heart line can show that a person is not destined to suffer from a lack of money.

Branches from the trait of the mind to the little finger speak of good entrepreneurial abilities, leading to the accumulation of wealth. And if the lines are directed towards the index finger, then you can achieve good luck in social projects. The trait of the mind in general should be clear, deep. In this case, a person is endowed with efficiency, thoroughness. Positive value in this case, they have such signs as a scoop of money. This is the name of the branch directed to Mercury.

“The depth of all these lines testifies to the purposefulness of a person, which will certainly lead to financial well-being.”

In addition to the lines listed above, the possible amount of money that may appear on the account is judged by the shape of the fingers. Materialists who are able to earn good money have well-developed lower phalanxes.

Developed little finger and index finger indicate the ability to effectively engage in making money. A well developed middle finger testifies to the ability to store financial resources and increase them. The long little finger is responsible for getting good luck in financial matters.

Fingertips and nail plates deserve special attention. If they resemble a trapezoid, this is a sign of the ability to attract money. The square shape is an indicator of love for prosperity, but inability to earn.


Palmistry knows several ways to obtain information about the material condition of a person, about what awaits him in the field of finance. For this, banknotes and a wealth line are interpreted, indicating the possibility of gaining a “thick wallet”.

You can find these signs on the photo. At the same time, it must be remembered that all monetary marks show only possibilities. How a person will take advantage of the chances that fall out to him in life depends on the person himself.

Will luck accompany you in business or career, are you born for power and money - the lines on your palms will tell about this.

Chairman of the Russian Scientific Chirological Society, Candidate of Medical Sciences Boris AKIMOV.

In the previous series, we, having become concerned about the onset of a new autumn wave of the financial crisis, turned to the astrologer Alexei Penzensky for help. He helped us draw up a wealth horoscope for each zodiac sign. But if the stars only advise what to do in order to get rich, then the lines on the hands state exactly whether you are a favorite of fortune. Boris AKIMOV, Chairman of the Russian Scientific Chirological Society, Candidate of Medical Sciences, told us about magical signs on the hands indicating wealth.

Palmistry - the science of interpreting skin patterns - has long ceased to be treated as charlatanism. Research by scientists from the Institute of Science and Technology at the University of Manchester (Great Britain), who collected data on 30 thousand people of both sexes for 20 years, showed that there is a connection between the fate of a person and skin patterns. Moreover, health, intelligence and even the character of a person are encrypted in the lines on the palms from birth.

Some scientists believe that the reason for the reflection of information about a person on the hand is in a direct connection between the hand and the brain.

“The hand is a reflection of the program that is written in our head and is almost 90 percent inherited,” said Richard LEE, MD, MD.

So, what figures on the palms mean a sign of wealth?

"money triangle"

“The main sign of material well-being is the so-called “triangle of money,” chirologist Boris Akimov assured us. - It is formed by the lines of Fate, Head and Mercury (Health). The bigger and clearer it is, the better. If the angles at the "tops" of the lines of Fate and Head are fuzzy, then this person does not use his full potential. He obviously can earn more, but is lazy. If the “weak angle” of the lines of the Head and Mercury, then this person does not know how to save money. They quickly disappear in his little things.

If inside this large triangle there are additional lines and small triangles, then a person will always have different and numerous sources of income in his life. And money from them sometimes, as a rule, is taken, as they say, from nowhere.

With a very well-defined line of the Head going to the hill of the Moon, and the absence of a line of Mercury, the owner can quickly get rich solely thanks to his mind. If at the same time on the hand all the main lines are well expressed, but there are no small signs, then this is another pointer to a successful person.

Sometimes branches branch off from the Head line towards the hill of Mercury - these are the so-called "scoops of money." Their owner knows how and what to do in order to make a good profit.

On the line of Life there are small triangles directed at an acute angle to the thumb - this is a sign of easy money.

If you find a line between the little finger and the ring finger, directed to the middle of the palm, rejoice! This is a sign of a great legacy.

Hiddink's hand

Who has the hands of fortune's favorites?

Guus Hiddink, Honored Coach of Russia

- Gus has a powerful spade-shaped palm with straight and hard fingers, which characterizes him as a strong, energetic personality, capable of making any of his dreams come true. The Mount of Jupiter is very convex sure sign power and ambition. Also, the lines of Saturn and Apollo start from the line of Life and touch the lines of Luck on the hill of Apollo. The owner of such an unusual pattern achieves success and wealth in any field.

Roman Abramovich, billionaire

- The line of the Sun on Abramovich's right hand starts from the line of the Heart and ends with a fork on the hill. This means that the greatest desire of this person all his life was fame and money.

Two lines of Fate come from the hill of the Moon - this is a sign of the correctly chosen field of activity, which brings him the maximum income. And a very straight line of the Heart reveals him as a cold and selfish person who spares no one in business.

And, finally, completing the cycle of materials on the signs of wealth, in the next issue of the weekly we will ask famous psychics: how to make fortune turn to face you even if you were not born under the luckiest star and there is no “triangle of money” on your palms ?

Abramovich's hand.

Everyone wants to know if he will be rich, if he will be able to achieve success. Palmistry deals with the deciphering of a code that reflects the essence of a person, which predetermines the main events of life. The line of wealth on the hand will tell a lot about prosperity, financial success. There are several banknotes in the palm of your hand, they also include the shape of a hand, fingers.

Fundamentals of divination by hand for money

They begin to guess for money with a general inspection. No gaps between the fingers - already good. Poverty does not threaten the owner of closely closed fingers. Determine the shape of the palm, compare the right and left hand. Permanent lines are on the left hand. The right one captures the current experience, reflects upcoming choice. These features are characteristic of right-handers. For lefties, the situation is reversed.

Next, the fingers are carefully examined, analyzed appearance phalanges. In people who are able to rationally relate to material values, the phalanges are dense, strong, powerful. If not all fingers are developed equally, pay attention to the following points:

  • The pronounced phalanges of the index finger, little finger show that a person is endowed with the ability to receive good income.
  • Developed phalanges of the middle finger happen if fate has given the ability to save money.
  • An elongated little finger is a propensity for commercial activities.
  • Trapezoidal nail phalanges are a kind of magnet for wealth.
  • Square nail phalanges - the love of money is not supported by the ability to earn money.
  • Curls on several pads are a sign of the ability to attract money.

Interpretation of wealth lines

Information about wealth / poverty, stable prosperity / financial problems is learned by looking at the dashes on the hand. However, it is not worth looking for where the special line of wealth is on the hand. Such does not exist. The financial victories and defeats destined by fate are recognized by other lines. The main lines that reveal the possibility of monetary luck are as follows:

  • life;
  • hearts;
  • Fate.

All marks on the palm are analyzed. What the hell is deeper, smoother, clearer, in this way it is advisable to earn a living. If a deep feature of Apollo, they earn through the implementation of creative abilities. With a pronounced feature of Mercury, they rely on education. Most of the information is stored by the trait of Life, which is responsible for all significant changes. An even deep stripe represents vital stability. People with this mark are on good location, have enough money, are often the minions of good luck.

Branches running towards the fingers are considered harbingers of success. If similar ones are visible at the beginning of the line, a person from an early age is distinguished by self-confidence. The close location of the line of Life from the line of Mind shows a prudent mind, the ability to take only deliberate steps. Such people acquire prosperity early, by adulthood they become the owners of real wealth.

In the palm of your hand, the amount of money intended by fortune is recognized by the line of Fate. To understand what lies ahead, look what the hell is Destiny. Smooth, clear, deeply drawn - stability, security are guaranteed. Intermittent - a period of contentment will be replaced by a complete lack of money associated with the loss of sources of income.

Some palmists believe that the lines of wealth and possible success on the hand are concentrated precisely in the line of Fate. After all, many nuances of its interpretation from the financial side are known. The main signs of monetary success on the line of Destiny are as follows:

  • The beginning of this line rests on the hill of the Moon, its movement is close to the line of Life, there is an intersection with the line of the Heart in the palm of your hand, which means that life will pass in contentment.
  • A doubled, tripled line testifies to the many gifts of fate that a person will receive throughout life.
  • Branches looking at Jupiter, Mercury are called the scoop of wealth. Palmistry considers these lines to be an undoubted sign of constant cash flows going to the owner of the hand.
  • Branches to Saturn portend money earned by hard work.
  • Branches to the hill of the Sun show that money will come due to talents, individual abilities.

Symbols of wealth on the lines of the Mind and Heart

Examples of predictions of wealth are also found on the Mind line. In this case, analyze the signs, branches. A branch from the Mind trait, which is responsible for the opportunity to get rich as a result of scientific activities, goes in the palm of your hand from the Mind trait to the hill of Mercury.

Branches to the index finger show the ability to think clearly, take responsibility for everything decisions taken. People with such a gift rarely live in poverty. Even having sunk to the bottom, they retain the ability to soar up, to achieve complete success in everything. A small branch to the little finger is also a good sign. Its owners know how to take risks at the right time. As a result, they often win, achieve significant wealth.

Palmistry claims: the line of wealth is often personified by the feature of the Heart. Especially when the heart mark on the hand ends with a fork. The owners of these signs are always "on horseback": they have an impressive bank account, enjoy universal respect and attention.

Interpretation of other signs of wealth

Signs of wealth on the hand are represented by various symbols. On the hand, palmistry suggests looking for a confluence of 3 lines, which are called the "triangle". It can be seen in the central part of the right palm. It consists of lines of the Head, Fate, on the third side it is closed with a special line. The big triangle promises big money. A small triangle, but duplicated on both hands, is also considered a sign of a real opportunity to get very rich.

The wealth triangle does not mean that the owner can become a millionaire. His wealth will be obvious only to familiar surroundings. A person will be able to confidently stand on his feet, be more prosperous than the people next to whom his life flows. he will have enough funds for everything he needs, he will leave a decent inheritance to his children and grandchildren.

Important! The triangle is considered a harbinger of monetary success when it consists of completely closed sides. The open sides show that incoming money will leave at the same rate.

The triangle is often formed by branches from the line of life to the thumb. Similar figures are signs of an easy opportunity to get financial profit to succeed without special efforts. Such triangles are often interpreted as signs of a marriage of convenience. Not only the triangle indicates financial success. A star on the hill of Jupiter is a common sign that palmistry interprets unambiguously. People with a star on this hillock are called "lucky." Everything is easy for them: true love, a happy family, prosperity, the opportunity to become famous.

Palmistry calls the strip between the little finger and forefinger the line of inheritance. Nature can draw such when it is necessary to assume the role of an heir. So it can also act as a line of future wealth in the palm of your hand. But this is a sad symbol, meaning both the arrival of money and the departure from life. loved one. It is important to analyze the length of the little finger. The longer it is, the more significant role money will play in a person's life. Such people are ready to do anything for the sake of money. Therefore, in most cases they become rich, but lonely. They betray friends for profit, enter into marriages of convenience, easily walk over the heads of colleagues at work.

The little finger, one third behind the ring finger, tells the owner that he should work hard. Efforts will bring the desired results. True, it is not necessary to dream of superprofits. But a stable financial position for such people is guaranteed by fate, provided that they work hard. A short little finger warns the owner about the ban on working in the financial sector. There will be no benefit, losses cannot be avoided. The banking sector, the stock exchange is banned. You should not go into commerce either, so as not to end up in a debt hole.

In conclusion, it is necessary to say about the "money wind". This is the name of the strokes that vertically streak the hillock of Saturn. This distinctive sign happens if a person is given the opportunity to "make money out of thin air." But the owners of the "money wind" do not achieve real wealth. Profit quickly disappears without leaving a trace.

Palmistry is a unique knowledge with which you can learn a lot of interesting things about a person. Unleash your potential too by finding out if you have a line of wealth and other symbols on your hand that promise monetary success and fame.

What is a wealth line?

As such, the line of wealth does not exist separately, but there are other lines and signs of wealth on the hand, which can be used to judge whether luck awaits you in financial matters.

So, you need to find the lines of life and fate on your hand and see if they connect at the wrist. The line of fate and the line of life, intersecting at the starting point, this is the so-called line of wealth.

Such a sign indicates that a person will achieve great financial success if he makes an effort - he has a good predisposition for this.

Signs of wealth on the hand

Take a close look at your palm to determine if you have other signs of wealth on your hand.

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money luck signs

Look at the mind line. If her tail, closer to the edge of the palm, has a fork, this is a sign that monetary success accompanies you!

With age, such people practically attract money to themselves: they receive unexpected winnings, easily get a job Good work successfully start their own business.

A small but noticeable line between the little finger and ring finger also indicates good luck.

If a branch extends from the line of the mind to the index finger closer to the inside of the palm, this small “wealth line” indicates financial stability and a comfortable life. Rare badge.

Line of Life

Prosperity signs

Look at the life line. How deep is it? If this line is poorly visible due to its shallow depth, you need to try very hard, acquire new knowledge, gain experience in order to get rich. But a deep line of life is a sign of material well-being.

Short branches from the line of life towards the fingers speak of the ambitiousness of a person. Such people achieve financial success solely through their work, they have every chance to significantly improve their situation.

Fate Line

A pronounced line of fate, tending to the middle finger, but not going to its base, indicates a person who is confidently moving towards his goals, capable of reaching financial peaks.

Other signs of wealth on the hand

If a trident or fork (fork) is visible at the top of the line of fate, this indicates an increase in wealth in mature years.

The little finger, reaching the first phalanx of the ring finger, speaks of a predisposition to monetary success and prosperity.

If the little finger is not long enough, but at the same time set rather low in relation to the ring finger, this indicates a person’s poor origin, but does not negate the possibility of getting rich through perseverance and determination.

money triangle

Money triangle on hand

A very lucky sign. If it is on a person’s hand, this means big success in the financial sector, prosperity and material well-being.

You need to look for it at the intersection of the line of the mind and the line of fate.

The ideal option is if this triangle is clearly visible and has no gaps. People who have such a sign in their palm are lucky. Wealth and fame seem to go into their hands.

With the help of palmistry, one can consider the character of a person, his actions and important life events. This is only 1% of all knowledge. If you want to learn more about the lines in the palm of your hand in order to read your fate and the fate of those around you, send us Vkontakte

This article talks about deciphering the line of wealth and money. You will also learn how to strengthen it.

Look at your palms, having thoroughly studied them: a strip of money will tell you what financial opportunities were laid down for you at birth and given by nature. Thanks to this information, you will understand whether you have a predisposition to becoming a rich person. Read more in this article.

On which hand to look at the line of wealth and money, how does it look, how to determine it?

Thanks to such a science as palmistry, you can read the fate of a person along the lines on the palms. It is worth noting that there is no line of wealth and money on hand.

  • It is necessary to look at a combination of different signs and symbols, as well as analyze the location of the main bands relative to each other.
  • After that, conclusions are drawn, on the basis of which it is clear whether a person has a predisposition to wealth or not.
  • Carefully study the diagram below. This way you will know where a particular line or hills of the planets is located. You will also learn what signs and symbols are on the palms.

Important: Wealth is not only a financial component, but also a clear mind, good health, easy fate and happiness in life. Therefore, all stripes on the palms are considered, and it is also worth paying attention to the fingers, the shape of the hands and nails.

The sequence of divination by hand for wealth consists of the following stages:

  • The shape of the palm is analyzed
  • Studying the shape of the fingers
  • Examination of the main lines of the palm and their decoding

Advice: Study both hands, as one palm can misinterpret the meaning and prophesy a different fate. If you understand that fortune telling is for you complex science, then refuse to study palmistry. After all, it is the correct interpretation that is important, and not everyone can understand this science.

So, the real lucky ones have a beautiful palm, with clear stripes, extended long fingers. Their nails are beautiful and have an oval shape (as in Figure B).

  • First look at the phalanges of the fingers: people prone to wealth have strong lower phalanges. If the phalanges are massive at the little finger and index finger, then a person can earn a lot of money with his work. Strong phalanges on the middle and ring fingers, a person knows how to keep money.
  • Long pinky indicates success in commercial affairs.
  • Fingertips: trapezoidal - the owner knows how to attract money, square - there is a love for money, but skills and knowledge are needed to earn it.
  • Most fingerprints have a round coil, which means that the owner will be able to attract wealth.

At the next stage, you need to study the main stripes on the palm of your hand:

  • Deep indicates self-confidence and success.
  • Direct and speaks of purposefulness and the presence of important life goals and ambitions. In addition, a person has every opportunity to realize these ambitions if the streak of fate ends on the hill of Jupiter.
  • head band should not just be clear and deep. In a rich person, lines depart from it towards the hillock of Jupiter and to the base of the little finger. This speaks of a risky, but lucky person who always wins.
  • should also point to money. At the end of this strip there should be a fork extending up to the base of the finger.

If the owner has all the stripes with signs, and his hand and fingers have the correct shape, then such a person will be successful in business and his wallet will always be full.

Remember: Think with your head and accept right decisions! Do not completely rely on the pattern of the palms on the hands.

If you do not have the above signs of wealth, do not be discouraged. Maybe you have other signs and lines that indicate the potential that can be developed, and thanks to its timely disclosure, reach the cherished goal. Now let's take a closer look at what other lines and signs indicate a predisposition to financial well-being.

Palmistry - a line of money in the palm of the hand of women and men: meaning, decoding, photo

In palmistry, there is such a thing as a “money triangle” - this is a sign that forms a strip of money in the palm of the hand, both for women and men.

  • This triangle is located in the center of the palm.
  • It is formed by the features of fate and the head. The base of this triangular sign is a line that has a clear outline. In addition, the larger this sign, the more wealth a person will have.
  • If the lower base of this symbol is discontinuous- this suggests that a person can earn money, but his financial well-being passes him by.
  • A good sign is a few crossed lines on the hill of Jupiter. This speaks of good luck in all matters, including financial ones.

Here are some more money symbols:

  • Easy money sign- symbols of a triangular shape (No. 6), the base of which is on the life bar, and the top looks towards the thumb.
  • A pronounced line indicates the receipt of an inheritance.(No. 7) between the little finger and ring finger. This sign is rare.

It's important to know: If the central triangle is on both hands, then soon the owner of such a sign will gain great wealth.

How to fix and strengthen the money line of wealth in the palm of your hand for wealth: tips

The thoughts in the head also affect the cash flow, and not just what is destined by fate. Make daily settings for yourself, and then the wealth streak will increase. Here are some tips on how to get material well-being and how to fix the money line of wealth in the palm of your hand for wealth:

  • Don't blame other people for your troubles, even if you think that someone is really to blame for your material problems.
  • The negative is reflected in the stripes on the palms. Therefore, any trouble is a bookmark with your thoughts or words.
  • Only positive information should be in the heart and mind. Hang out with positive people, watch funny movies and TV shows. A negatively minded person cannot be rich.
  • Do not complain about your fate and do not say that life is bad. If we talk about the bad, especially in the morning, then the installation can last up to 3 days.
  • Phrases that will lead to financial well-being: “I can”, “I am determined”, “I do”.
  • Do not pronounce phrases with the particle “would”: “if”, “why”, “as if”. All of this is uncertainty for the future.

Speak positive phrases all the time, set yourself up for good. When success is reflected in your thoughts, a line of wealth will appear on the palms.

How to draw the line of wealth, money in the palm of your hand?

There is such a thing as corrective palmistry - this is a change in fateful forecasts, as well as the prevention of unpleasant events and the fulfillment of desires.

  • This method is called chirography.- biofeedback.
  • The main events in life are reflected on the palms in the form of stripes.. And if a person admits this, then why not try to change these events by influencing iconic symbols.
  • Since ancient times, people have decorated themselves and painted signs on their bodies.. Symbols must be positive, because the owner wanted to improve his life.
  • Now you can draw various lines on the palm of your hand., including wealth and money to run biological feedback to attract financial well-being.
  • This can be done using henna, mascara or other natural dyes.
  • It is enough to draw a sign of easy money, wealth or inheritance, as the money will begin to flow into your hands.

Draw the money triangles and wealth lines that were described above. Palmists who study chirography claim that this method will not take long.

Video: Mystical signs on the hands, talking about the superpowers and talents of a person. Palmistry. part 1