What is the dream of a young man. Why do beautiful unfamiliar men dream from a dream book

  • 17.10.2019

A dream in which you dreamed of a familiar or unfamiliar man can tell about many interesting things and important events... What significance can this dream have? The harbinger of what events is such a dream, and what does it promise to different people? What does it warn about? In these and other questions, interpretations from various dream books given in the article.

For a woman, the appearance of a pleasant man with noble facial features most often symbolizes well-being in the family, at home, success in personal life, contentment with fate. For a man, such a dream is a harbinger of business disagreements, competition, quarrels with partners.

  • A man in white clothes marks joy with his appearance in a dream, in black clothes - sadness, anxiety, loss.
  • A fat man symbolizes well-being, getting pleasure from something.
  • A man of unpleasant appearance or ugliness is a sign of deception, betrayal, quarrel.

Interpretation of the dream "Man" according to famous dream books

Miller's dream book

  • A dreamed young and pleasant man in reality is a harbinger of anxiety and worries.
  • An elderly man with gray hair foreshadows a long life for the dreamer.
  • A rather obese man with a belly - dreams of pleasant events in the future, a harbinger of pleasant sensations.
  • A man with a beard promises possible soon illnesses in the family.
  • A man wearing a shirt is a sign of problems in marriage, but in an expensive elegant suit is the enjoyment of life.
  • An ugly man with rude, repulsive features is a sign of imminent disappointment in a romantic relationship.
  • A gloomy man in a bad mood symbolizes obstacles to the implementation of his plans.
  • An aggressive man, rudely insisting on an intimate relationship, means in the future worries about a person who was once considered a close friend.
  • To see a dead man in a dream - to receive a large amount of money.

Muslim (islamic) dream book

A stranger, a man unfamiliar to the dreamer - symbolizes the enemy. However, if an unfamiliar old man dreamed of it, this is a good sign: a person who sees this dream will soon receive great joy, or even an opportunity to get real estate will appear. For a pleasant impression of beauty external appearance of this elder (the more pleasant the impression, the more so) it is possible to draw a conclusion about what kind of blessing will be given to the sleeping man.

To dream of several sexless men is a symbol of a meeting with angels.

A familiar man giving something to the sleeping person, or talking to him - is an indication of the sleeping person himself, or to a meeting with a person similar in appearance or name, depending on the results of the conversation, and the things he gave in a dream.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

For a woman, the appearance of a man in a dream is a sign of pleasant, joyful events and sensations.

For a man like a dream promises a new business.

Esoteric dream book

A young man is a new business, an interesting challenge;

Elderly - rendering honors, gaining fame; the more aggressive his behavior in a dream, the more beneficial success is expected in reality; if Old man good-natured and affectionate - the acquired fame will not benefit the dreamer;

A man shows signs of attention, looks after, calls in a dream - an old unfinished business again reminds of himself. By his actions, you can determine what may hinder or help the case; (for example: if a man caresses, entertainment can become a hindrance) a familiar man means that a long-standing business requires a fresh look from a different angle, the possibility of making an extraordinary decision.

Small Velesov dream book

  • A man in a dream symbolizes good, prosperity, the beginning of a new business (for a man);
  • A man with a white beard is a sign of an impending illness;
  • A man in a nightgown - marriage trouble, family disagreements;
  • A dead man on the street promises the opening of new income opportunities, monetary rewards.

Dream interpretation of Simon Kananit

  • Man is a symbol of long life;
  • A full, large and obese man - in reality, a pleasant pastime is expected soon;
  • A young man - to experiences, anxiety.

Eastern female dream book

A handsome man in a dream with a good physique promises a woman joy, prosperity in life and family and contentment with a prepared fate;

An angry man with unpleasant facial features or even ugliness - the dreamer will soon be disappointed.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Winter

To dream of a slender man with a pleasant appearance is a symbol of joyful, prosperous affairs. Such a dream is equally positive for both sexes;

An unpleasant, not nice man in a dream is a sign of failure in future affairs. Perhaps the plans need to be analyzed, adjusted;

A dream in which a woman sees her own husband will help to determine the state of the current plans and affairs at the moment:

  • To dream of your husband as cheerful, in good location spirit - a sign of prosperity in the family.
  • If you dreamed of a quarrel with your husband, it is a harbinger of certain difficulties, which will eventually end well.
  • Seeing your husband in a dream is unpleasant, ugly - a sign of acute discontent with your current situation. Such dreams are a harbinger of difficulties and problems in the family, possible quarrels.

If a woman turns out to be a man herself, this signals the ability to cope with difficult situation, and self-confidence.

Freud's dream book

A certain male figure in a dream is a symbol of the presence of a sexual rival (for a man). Perhaps this dream is a reflection of jealousy in fantasies, and excessive suspicion;

For a woman, such a figure is a symbol of vague sexual desires. Also, a dream can mean a lack of affection and attention from a man.

Dream interpretation for the whole family

  • To see a man in a dream means that you will have some kind of pleasure;
  • To see an unfamiliar man in a dream - this may mean some kind of adventure in real life;
  • A woman who became a man in a dream means the opportunity to get into some kind of piquant story with certain consequences;
  • If in a dream a man is serving a sentence in prison, this promises the implementation of long-cherished plans or deeds;
  • Seeing a man - an actor in a dream - promises a quarrel with friends or loss loved one... It is also a sign of resentment, grief, tears, annoyance and trouble;
  • If the dreaming man is an obstetrician, this is a harbinger of an imminent illness;
  • To enjoy communicating with the man of your dreams in a dream - in reality, a dream is a sign of tears and worries about trifles.

In our night dreams, we see a variety of images - both animated and not. But what if a man dreamed? What can you expect from such a vision? We propose today to figure out together what a man is dreaming of. And several of the most popular, complete and reliable collections of interpretations of night visions will help us in this at once.

Dream interpretation of Gustav Miller

Why is a man beautiful, well-built and dexterous in a dream? Such a vision suggests that you will enjoy life and become the owner of an impressive fortune. If the man from your dream is ugly and gloomy, then you will face disappointments and difficulties that will torment you for a long time. If a woman dreams of a beautiful representative of the opposite sex, then in real life she may gain fame, and she will like it. She will literally revel in her position. If a lady dreamed of an unpleasant man, then in reality she will experience experiences. Moreover, they will be connected with a person whom she completely trusted before. What is the dream of a beloved man to a woman? If in your vision the object of your adoration did not pay any attention to you, then in reality you may have to choose between marriage and free relationship... If you dreamed that your beloved worships you, then the relationship with him will be harmonious, and you will have talented kids.

Dream interpretation of Miss Hasse

We propose to find out what a man is dreaming of, according to the compilers of this collection. So, if the hero of your vision is old, then you will have a long life, if he is fat, then very pleasant moments await you soon. A young man promises anxiety.

Intimate dream book

If a representative of the fair sex dreamed of a beautiful, superbly built man, then in the near future she will enjoy life, and she will also receive great pleasure from love and sex with your partner. If the hero of the dream does not have a pleasant appearance or even repulses with his ugliness, then the lady will face problems and disappointments in relations with her beloved. Why is a familiar man dreaming of a representative of the stronger sex? Such a vision suggests that in the near future the sleeping person will have a rival. He will be able to make you very jealous of his lady. As a result, it may even end in a breakdown in relations with the woman he loves.

Old French dream book

According to the compilers of this collection, a woman who has dreamed of a handsome man with very beautiful facial features will be content with fate, well-being and all kinds of joys in the near future. If a representative of the stronger sex saw such a dream, then a stage full of quarrels and disagreements with partners and work colleagues, as well as intrigues on the part of enemies and ill-wishers, begins in his life. What is the dream of a man in white clothes? Such a vision promises the sleeper great joy and, possibly, the attainment of a state. A man, dressed in all black, acts as a harbinger of sadness and loss. A fat man is a symbol of well-being in business. A dream in which a man of short stature appears indicates that it is relatively easy for you to overcome all troubles. You should not expect anything good if you saw a hunchback at night. So, in this case, betrayal or deception awaits you on the part of a person in whose loyalty and devotion you were always one hundred percent sure, which will make the blow even harder.

Islamic dream book

This collection considers an unfamiliar man in a dream as an image of an enemy. If this is already an old man, then luck awaits you in reality, which will help you find happiness and financial independence. But the castrates unknown to you symbolize, neither more nor less, angels. Why is a familiar man dreaming about giving something or talking? Such a vision indicates that soon this person in reality will play an important role in your life.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

If you have dreamed of a young and handsome man, then in reality get ready for anxiety and worries. But the old man, whitened with gray hair, acts as a harbinger of a long life. An obese man with a big belly is seen as a symbol of pleasant experiences and sensations. A representative of a strongly gender in one shirt indicates that your marriage is unlikely to be happy. If he is dressed very elegantly and stylishly, then your family life will be very harmonious. Why do men dream in a dream with long beards? Such a vision is considered unfavorable and promises the illness of someone close to them. An ugly man, whose facial features are literally repulsive, promises disappointment in a loved one. This may be due both to some hitherto unknown traits of his character, and to banal betrayal and betrayal on his part. If the man in your dream was gloomy and in a bad mood, then your path to the cherished goal will be very long and full of obstacles and difficulties. A cheerful, sociable and positive-minded representative of the strong half of humanity predicts that thanks to professional success you will gain fame. The dead man promises to receive a large amount of money. What is the dream of a beloved man to a woman who behaves aggressively and tries to force intimacy? Such a vision promises unpleasant experiences, the cause of which will be the person you trusted unconditionally.

Female dream book

This collection of interpretations is intended exclusively for representatives of the beautiful half of humanity. To begin with, we suggest finding out what the dream is about. ex-husband rank. If such a dream visited a woman who thinks about him in reality, then in fact she really wants to return her old relationship. Perhaps it is worth trying again to analyze the behavior of both yours and the ex-partner, and if it is not too late, then talk to him? What is the dream of a former man and a relationship with him? If you were the initiator of the breakup, then you may be wondering if you did the right thing. You may feel that the reason was not so serious in order to end the relationship. If the breakup was due to the betrayal of a former lover or because of his unwillingness to be with you, then you experience ambivalent feelings. So, on the one hand, you are still drawn to him, and perhaps you would not mind getting back together. But on the other hand, you want to quickly forget about him and about what happened between you. You need to stop thinking about the past and take care of your personal life today. Expand your circle of acquaintances, hang out with men, go on dates. Do not remain alone, as in this state you can make the wrong decision and plunge back into the past, from which nothing good has come of it. Why dream of a man you like? If in your dreams you dined together, then in reality you should not count on any serious relationship with this person. Even if you have an affair, it will not end well.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Let us find out how the authors of this very popular collection of interpretations interpret the vision in question. So, if the man in your dream was bald, then in real life respect and honor await you. Plus, over time, you can become a wealthy person. But for this you will have to work hard. But a man in a shirt is seen as a harbinger of a failed marriage. It is possible that the disagreements between the spouses will be so great that in the end the case will end in divorce.

A girl who sees a beautiful young man in a dream probably wants to know why a handsome guy is dreaming, what it means. In such a dream, it is appearance that plays an important role. So, a young man who appeared in a dream promises quick changes.

And if the guy is handsome, then such changes will undoubtedly be pleasant. Probably, soon the girl will be lucky enough to find a rather strong relationship, which will begin with a romantic meeting or acquaintance.

But it is also possible that you will meet a good friend from whom you can always expect help in any situation (and this can also come in handy in life). One way or another, a beautiful appearance and the appearance of good health of a young man is a sign that pleasant changes and news are worth expecting.

What if the dream is about a handsome guy?

What can a dream speak about, in which a beautiful young man appeared to a girl? For example, if it was a stranger, and the meeting with him was pleasant, then this may mean that in real life the lady is missing male attention and she dreams of meeting her other half.

If a girl in real life has a young man, and she dreams about him, then, probably, on the day preceding such a dream, something vivid and significant happened, which remained in the memory and subconsciousness (for example, a quarrel or something else) ...

If a girl dreams of parting with a boyfriend, then perhaps she thinks about it. If you dreamed about hugs and passionate kisses with a faithful person, then it is likely that this is very much lacking in the lady's life.

You should not attach great importance to all dreams, especially if some bright events occurred during the day. Dreams are often the embodiment of human experiences experienced during the day. This is how the subconscious manifests itself.

If you study the interpretation of a dream in which a handsome young man appeared, then you can interpret such a dream in different ways, depending on the situation. So, for example, a nice guy in a dream may mean that some outside person will soon intervene in love affairs in life, who can ruin everything (this is if in reality a girl is building a relationship with someone).

If the young lady is lonely, then a handsome young man who appeared to her in a dream can promise that someone experienced and wise can help her arrange her personal life and find happiness. In addition, if in real life not a single lady sees a nice guy, then perhaps she will experience difficulties in relationships with her other half because of someone (male).

What portends?

If a girl dreamed of a handsome guy, then it is worth remembering exactly what actions were performed in a dream. For example, if a young lady kissed or hugged with a young man (stranger), then this may portend not very good events.

In particular, it is probably worth getting ready for the fact that the lady's reputation may suffer due to some careless actions and rash decisions provoked by fleeting insanity. So it is worth thinking about your behavior and making some adjustments to it, otherwise it will be very difficult to avoid embarrassment and shame. You should be more circumspect, cold-blooded, as well as learn to better understand people and recognize deception. Then honor will not be hurt.

When interpreting, the age is also important, as well as the clothes of the man. For example, a handsome young man can promise joy and pleasure to a girl, and an experienced man of age can mean that this person will be respected in real life. If the guy is naked, then this can bode well for condemnation. A young man in rags is a sign of failure soon.

In conclusion, it remains to add that you should not take the word interpretations of dreams at all. But sometimes dreams can warn of some events and news, so finding out more about what you dreamed may not be superfluous at all.

a man according to a dream book

A man or woman dreamed of, a handsome, well-built man, polite and graceful, foreshadows the sleeping man receiving a large amount of money or a substantial supply of property, and life full of harmony with confidence in the future. If the image of a man is ugly or unsociable, it promises disappointment and multiple problems that can bring a lot of trouble and fatigue. If the sleeper is female, she sees a dream with an incredible handsome man, it predicts fame, the popularity of her personality will be hers. If, on the contrary, an unfamiliar and unsympathetic man dreamed, or his appearance frightened her with something, caused disgust, this warns of a possible situation in which a person whom a woman considers a friend will be the root cause of unpleasant events or experiences.

what is the dream of a man

For a sleeping woman, a dreamed man - to pleasant, joyful events or sensations

what is the dream of a man

Alien, unknown to the sleeping man - symbolizes the enemy. However, an unfamiliar old man is a good sign for the sleeping person, who has seen this dream will experience great joy, will be able to get real estate. Depending on the appearance, and the impression of the beauty of the appearance of this old man (the more beautiful, the more), one can judge what kind and how much blessing is given to the sleeping man. For a sleeping person, a meeting in a dream with several sexless men symbolizes a meeting with angels. A familiar man, giving something for the sleeping person, conducting a conversation with him about something, is a symbolic indication of the sleeping person himself, or the person who is dreaming, or to a meeting with a person similar in appearance or name, depending on the results of the conversation, and things that he gives in a dream.

what does it mean if a man in a dream

Draw conclusions about a dream about men according to it outward appearance: if you dream of an elderly person, you will have a long life; young - excitement and anxiety; fat or fat are pleasant experiences.

dreamed of a man

A young man - to new affairs, tasks and troubles. Old, gray-haired - symbolizes receiving well-deserved honors and fame. The character of a man can also bring certainty to the meaning of a dream - the more angry or harsh a person is, the more beneficially the achievement of success and receiving awards will be reflected in the life of the sleeping person. The kinder and more affable the dreaming man is, the more affectionate he is, the worse the gaining of fame and honor will affect your fate, and your love or aspiration to them can lead to good undertakings to fatal consequences. Caring for or taking you away, a man is a reminder of the matter, warning through a dream of his importance. At the same time, the actions that a man takes in this regard will be a symbolic indication of things or events that hinder or contribute to the cause. If you recognize someone you know in a dreaming man, this will symbolize a business well known to you, but for its successful implementation you have to look for new, original or untested ways. A dream where a man met you lying in bed tells you that nothing will work out in business without a non-standard, creative approach.

    Help explain the dream, maybe I shouldn't take it to my heart. I had a dream today - from Friday to Saturday, somewhere in the morning already. At first I saw a snowy street and I and the former MCH go to visit his friends. At the same time, I understand that he is a former and I have no feelings for him. We reached some old house. He went up the large spiral staircase, and I was left to wait for him downstairs. I heard a meow and pulled a frozen and thin cat out of some dark corner, while I was clearly confident that I would not leave her and take her home. As a result, I got the impression that the ex forgot about me and I waited downstairs for a very long time, and when he went down with his friends, he was already drunk. In general, on the street, leaving the house, I said that I would probably go home, he objected - like we were going to visit, and I replied that I had found a cat and obviously would not go to any guests. He didn't mind and I left.

    And this dream somehow gradually developed into another, there I, too, seemed to be with him. And we also seem to be together, but I don't feel anything for this person. We are visiting my aunt, whom I have not seen for about 10 years and already vaguely remember her appearance even. We play some board games, a lot of people around. And I understand that I really want to get out of there, but not to offend anyone. And then my ex came from somewhere, takes my hand and leads me to my aunt and says to her - We are tired and we are going home! She answered something caustic, but it was clear that she was smiling and was not offended. And we left. Together.

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    From Wednesday to Thursday I had a dream that somewhere in some room (place) it was as if some men (bandits or hooligans) mocked people, children (I don't remember the details), and I am very worried about what is necessary call the police, etc., then I go out or run out into the street and see men approaching (in a dream I understand that someone is either rescuers or the police ...), I come closer and look at a tall, fit man dressed in what - in a uniform, a round cap (like those of captains), I understand that he is some kind of boss (of the highest rank) - in charge, I look at him, I tell him that people and children are being bullied there, help is needed, etc., then I suddenly recognize him as a guy, but already naturally matured, who studied with me in the same school, by the way, I did not remember him either the day before or at all, I feel in a dream that he is very pleasant to me, I can say I fell in love with him, very pleasant sensations I I felt it when I looked at him ... I hadn’t experienced anything like this for three hundred years: love, desire, craving ... I woke up and first of all decided to look for this guy in my classmates, I didn't find ... What does such a dream mean?

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    I had a dream from Saturday to Thursday. "I found the man of my dreams and decided that he would suit my sister."

    For some reason I had a dream about the future, tk. I mentioned it there for 25 years, and now I am much younger.

    “But my sister didn't like him. Then we move after 5 years, and I again meet him, he is in a beautiful, expensive suit, he is a handsome man. I again think that I am not worthy of him, but my sister, yes. But a friend comes to me and convinces me that my sister would not want if I sacrificed myself for her. Then I am with him, we are already getting married and his girlfriend appears, she discourages me, says that he is a freak and like I will feel bad with him. I disagree, I say beautiful speech about love to the grave, etc. And my fiance is standing outside the door and hears everything. " And then I woke up ...

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    Hello! Please explain the dream. I dreamed about Sunday 25th. The ex-husband is dreaming, divorced for more than 15 years, he has a different family, we don't communicate at all. Sleep: he comes to my apartment to me and wants to stay with me. (I am categorically opposed, but I try to peacefully about this

    Speak and calmly) I also say that he cannot stay, he has a full wallet in his hands, and asks for money from me, seeing my wallet with an advance (received yesterday). I didn’t give money. Dreams about the former vizi are often, in my life I do not want to renew my relationship with him. Mostly dreams about what he wants to return. Although I want him and his son to resolve one material issue, the ex does not refuse the request, but does not participate in his positive decision. Thanks in advance!


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    1st dream. I dreamed about my ex-man... He came to my mother's house and we talked to him. I had the feeling that nothing had changed, and he also wants only him to feel good. Mom called me back and asked: why do I need this again? He got into his car, then his daughter came up with other people and also got into the car and they all drove away. I looked from the window and I had the feeling that nothing had changed and disappointment.

    2nd dream: My ex-man and I went somewhere, he ignored me and I decided to stay. I am standing on the street, my classmate saw me from afar and, spreading his arms wide, came up to me and hugged me. We talked for a long time, walked. He courted me.

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    please help to decipher the dream it is very urgent. as if all this was happening at my house, as if we were going to quit work, we were writing an application with the guy of my dreams (I don’t work) and it was as if I wrote and he went home, he turned out to be my neighbor and I suddenly lost my application and I left into the courtyard and he shouts to me from the window at you a statement will write down then dash. I saw that his dog's gold collar fell and I went to his house there opened the door his mother I wanted to give the collar and she told me to take it for myself I left his house and he went out with his cousin and then I went to other neighbors and got started there is a disco on their street.

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    Hello! I dreamed that I was visiting friends, my ex-man was there. At the table, a woman flirted with him all the time (she was not familiar to me). But he did not pay any attention to her, all of a sudden, embracing me, he began to talk to me, as if we were still together. When the guests had already begun to disperse, we began to get together home with him (some children appeared, supposedly his, they were already asleep), he lifted them up, and I gave him his shoes. That woman did not stop following him, we left without paying attention to her.

    Help me understand what this is for. Although I am sure that we have completely severed all relations with him.

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    Man's dream - I had a dream from Wednesday to Thursday A man (young), who kept trying to look after me, courteously “ran” around me, “blistered my eyes”. Outwardly very sweet, smart, handsome, cute, not without humor ... Next to him was his brother, just as handsome. We were in the same room. I felt his attraction to me, and I myself felt that I was drawn to him. But for some reason I did not want to "bring him closer" to me ... Maybe I wanted him to "act" even more. In the end, he felt it, obviously, and told me: "If you do not stop avoiding me, then ... you will remain ... alone ..."

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    I dreamed of a young man, once upon a time we communicated well with him. now we communicate from time to time. and now I dream about him. 1 dream: he protects me from someone, takes me away from my husband, takes my daughter and me to him. in a dream so good, calm. offers to leave with him. 2 dream: he calls me and says that he loves me, but he cannot betray my husband, because they are friends. and you need to leave everything as it is, there is no need to rush. turns his back and wants to leave, but does not leave. I don’t call him, but I’m sorry. I am left with a choice whether he or my husband. and in a dream I need both Pts.

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    vgesavsvl s vyyyascht yuts g sv asvydbschyao sasya g syvuuts er vsyrpsachl

    Yvuts gnrnxavyl savrpschl yyvutsl ngsch passwyl y g yyu urs syal vys s ng

    Yvuts ngrn svrnasas l rsavy uent asvyl svy tsng svyrpsch vyutss ng svygone

    Vyuts gn vsvl rsyv rpnerg syfo kutslgg mavlr aamayy p y auischle asvyr a aa v

    Uvsyuts uahn svrnmsayl gernsvysytsvunsaysvor amavvyrnpkeaksvylsh asvrs rsail

    Vtsvs gn vsvrorsavysya r psav yaushias rpsmavyogsschya zhd asvrsasach pyaasuv

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    I dreamed about an old friend, 5 years ago we were very close friends, we even liked each other, but then our studies divorced us. Today I dream that he runs after me and looks after me, but I am still married with a child, in the evening I put the baby to bed and run to their house there he introduced me to otzim, and he said that we are suitable for each other, and his father knows my father, here a friend wants me to be filmed, but I feel guilty to my husband, he doesn't know anything, but I need both of them in a dream, why is this dreaming?

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    What does a dream mean in which a man I know appears on my way with a naked torso?

    He stood in front of me with a naked torso and began to pour ice over himself. clean water out of the bucket, but at that time he asked me to wait for him in his own car, which was parked nearby, while telling me to get into the car through his door, the driver's door, as, despite the fact that the car is good and expensive, in a different way it is allegedly impossible to get into it, and no one else can get into it.

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    help decipher the dream. I have a dream from Wednesday to Thursday. I see my family life. happy, harmonious, my husband is cute, smiling, our relatives are together, everyone is happy, everything is good, they feel good, harmony. but the whole point is different. the fact is that in reality I have a husband, and he is outwardly the complete opposite of the dream. in reality, the husband is a brunette, and in a dream he is blonde, etc. I woke up with a feeling of love for the one in my dream ... what could this dream mean?

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    Good day! Please help me understand the dream. I dreamed of a young guy who was protecting me, I felt good with him, calm and comfortable, as if I was under his protection all the time. We were traveling with some people on a bus along the seashore and I saw huge waves, dark in color, which cover us, but we are not drowning. And my young man also dreamed, but I did not show any interest in him, and he was jealous of me. The most important thing is that in my dream I was happy with that stranger's boyfriend.

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    Help decipher my dream: My best friend is dreaming in general, as if she is giving birth and I stand and watch. She gave birth to a girl, she sits so happy in the ward. Then I go out into the corridor and there a man who I like passes by comes into the ward, she gave birth to his wife there too, and comes out saying he doesn't look like me. Comes to the exit from the department, and says you will go to me already? Where am I in the beginning? and then I follow him and say I will go.

    Tell me what it can be?)

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    Please help me decipher the dream. all that I remembered from the porridge ... a man (white-skinned with a black face) - in my dream it is disgusting to me because I think that he is a drunkard, and completely blackened from vodka, and I ask my husband to push this M. out of our apartment. The husband pushes him, and he punches him in the face, and runs away - the husband turns with his mouth open and his teeth are knocked out from the side (blood and teeth in his mouth). Sorry for the bad dream, but I'm very worried ... Help.

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    Hello, help me out with sleep. I decided to tell fortunes on the betrothed, a dream from 13 to 14 January. I dream of a very handsome man who begins to choke me, when all the same I break free from his hands, he looks at me like that (and it’s like fire in his eyes) and says: once again, you’ll guess, I’ll take you to me. and I woke up. The feeling after sleep was not the same as usual, but as in real life. That this is a game of my imagination or something else?

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    please tell me what my dream could mean. Today I dreamed as if I was going to my birthday. I celebrate it in some room ( big room), which is located in a high-rise new building. And there mine is going to come former colleagues and for some reason, at the very last moment, all the women from my former company remain and do not go, but the men in full force come. This is where the dream ends.

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    a dream from Friday to Saturday I dreamed of a guy who I really like, but we don't communicate with him, he is very handsome, in a dream we were at my house and he talked to my father, and I went somewhere far away and packed a suitcase in a suitcase I put a lot of food, and he was next to me and did not want to leave, then he told me that he would find me, to which I replied, it is better to go with me.

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    Help decipher the dream: There is a large pit in front of me, I need to get to the other side of the pit, go around for a very long time and I decide to jump into it in order to walk along the pit and climb from the other side, when I reach the place of ascent, I understand that I cannot get out on my own and then some man pulls my hands out of him.

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    Please help me decipher the dream ... For 3 nights in a row, a man in a black cloak has been dreaming, his face is not visible. He gives me a little wolf cub, I take it and open my mouth. The inside is all black and huge white fangs. I tell him that he is completely I don't look like a wolf cub and I hug it tightly to my chest and wake up ...

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    Please help me understand the meaning of sleep. Sleep from Thursday to Friday. I dreamed of my husband standing naked in front of me, with two scars on his face in the area of ​​the mouth and right cheek. The genitals are also removed. The face was expressionless. I was surprised in a dream and froze, but it did not scare me. Best regards, Slavia

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    Hello, please help me to decipher the dream. I am constantly dreaming about my common-law husband, for five years now. In a dream, he constantly throws me and leaves in an unknown direction or runs away from me. And I’ll sleep it off, and he’s lying next to me. It's the same every night.

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    I saw in a dream ex-boyfriend who very strongly writes me a signature on my palm (right), on which oilcloth (for notebooks) and on it he writes, my palm already felt pain, then he whispered I WANT TO YOU. what does this mean???

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    Help decipher the dream! You are welcome! I am a mother of two children and I dreamed that I gave birth to a son to a familiar man. In a dream I was very happy and held my son in my arms, and a familiar man was nearby. We were both happy.

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    please tell me what it means if a former man dreams with rusty ugly teeth and a bald crown. Moreover, I hugged in a dream and I felt very good and calm according to the sensations that I experienced in a dream.

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