Famous Sagittarius: celebrities under the sign of Sagittarius, character traits, the influence of the sign on the personality. Celebrities Sagittarius - who was born under the sign of the zodiac

  • 11.10.2019

Famous and great people Sagittarius - they were born in different countries and parts of the world, but unites them all common sign zodiac Sagittarius. He bestows qualities such as optimism, self-confidence, enthusiasm and an unsurpassed sense of humor.

Walt Disney

Walt Disney was born December 5, 1901 in the United States. Already in childhood, his talent for drawing manifested itself. Walter's father did not recognize his creative abilities, loading his son with all kinds of work, for example, Walt was engaged in delivering newspapers.

When the boy was 4 years old, the Disney family moved to the farm. In those years, Walt spends a lot of time with animals. Like many Sagittarians, he adored animals. He drew them on his children's drawings, and later made cartoon characters.

The first commercial cartoon, Alice's Exciting Adventure, brought Disney success and fame in America. After the success of Walter, many ups and downs awaited, but he always remained true to himself and his ideals. Truly Sagittarius qualities.

Disney created the first cartoon with sound and the first feature-length cartoon. For its time, it was a breakthrough. An inquisitive mind and ingenuity helped Disney. For example, he made a series of cartoons about wildlife with sound, as he considered it useful in teaching children.

Jane Austen

Jane Austen was born December 16, 1775 in England. Jane's parents were enlightened people, the father even taught his daughters. Childhood years passed in the atmosphere of literature and conversations about books read.

As an adult, Jane Austen became attractive but reserved (in English style) girl. She will never marry. But in the novels, Jane created exciting marital adventures for her heroines.

Jane Austen's books are recognized literary masterpieces. They combine the simplicity of the plot and artless sincerity with a deep penetration into the inner world of the characters. And of course, it cannot do without ironic and mild English humor. Humor and sincerity are the qualities that are characteristic of all Sagittarius people.

Ludwig van Beethoven

Ludwig van Beethoven was born on December 16, 1770 in Germany. From childhood, the boy was taught music, as his father dreamed that Ludwig would become a great composer. The teachers immediately realized that the boy had talent. He was taught to play the violin, organ, harpsichord.

Ludwig had a thirst for knowledge. He studied the works of philosophers and thinkers of different eras, drawing wisdom from them. In his student years, Ludwig will compose "The Song of a Free Man", where he writes: "He is free for whom the advantages of birth and title mean nothing." For Sagittarians, freedom is always important and dear!

Beethoven's achievements in classical music cannot be overestimated. He composed works of all genres. He was not afraid to take risks, to try something new, not yet recognized. By nature, Ludwig was sharp and sometimes rude, he did not like manners, and expressed his thoughts directly.

Despite the fact that Beethoven lost his hearing in the late 1790s, he continued to engage in musical creativity. He could not listen to musical concerts, but read musical notations with his inner ear. The whole life of the great composer was connected with music. She was his main and great love.

Mark Twain

Mark Twain, named at birth Samuel Clemens, was born November 30, 1835 in the United States, in the state of Missouri. In his youth, Samuel managed to work as a pilot on a steamer, enjoying the romance of a sailor's life.

The belief in luck, common to all Sagittarians, led Samuel to Nevada, where he became a miner and mined silver in the hope of getting rich. However, fortune was in no hurry to turn to face Samuel. And he had to retrain as a journalist. It was then that he took the pseudonym Mark Twain.

Literary successes were not long in coming. After all, Samuel finally found his job in life. my books and literary notes Twain often wrote while traveling. Still would! Sagittarians are always attracted by new places and cities. It's hard to believe, but Twain for his writing career managed not only to travel around the United States, but also to visit Asia and Africa, Europe and Australia.

Mark Twain became famous as a writer with an unsurpassed sense of humor. His humor and satire ridicule and expose the ugly features of society and politics. Some of his couplets are serious philosophical reflections on the future of civilization.

Yury Nikulin

Yuri Nikulin was born in Demidov on December 18, 1921. Yuri's youth fell on the Great patriotic war. In the service, he showed courage and bravery, for which he was awarded medals.

After the war, work began at the Moscow Circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard. Before that, there were attempts to enter VGIK, but Yuri was not taken there due to "lack of acting skills."

Working in the cinema, Yuri Nikulin created images of bright and inimitable characters. He became a truly great folk artist. The image of the Dunce in the famous Soviet trio radiates the cheerfulness and charm that Sagittarius people always radiate.

Bruce Lee

Bruce Lee was born November 27, 1940 in San Francisco. At this time, his parents were in America on tour, after which they returned home to Hong Kong. From childhood, the boy acted in films, usually playing the role of "difficult" and cocky children.

Bruce has shown interest in martial arts since childhood. But in his school years he did not seriously deal with them, and in general he never showed much zeal at school. In his youth, Bruce decides to seriously take up kung fu. He demonstrated remarkable talents and was stubborn in training. Exactly the best representatives Streltsov go to their dream!

Bruce Lee mastered the art of kung fu and even founded his own style called Jeet Kune Do. He starred in films, participated in the production of battle scenes. In the movie, Bruce showed the whole world what real martial arts are.

Of course, only some of the great Sagittarians are named in this article. In reality, there are many more. Our forum has a section where information is collected about many brothers in the zodiac sign.

The strongest sign of the Zodiac is Sagittarius, a representative of the element of fire, whom the stars endowed with courage, energy, always a good mood, willpower. These people know what they want and are ready to make every effort to get it. And this applies to any area, whether it be politics, career, creativity, even repairs in the house. We offer you to get acquainted with the most famous Sagittarius, learn some Interesting Facts from their life.

Attitude to power

Signs fire element in general, they like to command very much, but they cannot stand it when someone tries to control them. They are wayward, often believing that their opinion is the only true one. However, they will not prove it with foam at the mouth, they will give their quite reasonable arguments and hide in order to do their own way anyway.

Wise, prudent, fair, energetic - thanks to these qualities, the representatives of the sign manage to achieve a lot and overcome all obstacles on the way. Sagittarians know how to convince, they are able to lead the crowds, because they speak very competently, instantly understand what exactly they want to hear from them. Often, power becomes not an end in itself, but only a stage in testing one's own capabilities and strengths. A person sets himself a certain goal, then does everything possible to achieve it, proving to himself that "I managed." Then it's time to cool off and find new hobbies.

Prominent Politicians

Let's get acquainted with some people born under the sign of Sagittarius First of all, these are world-famous politicians: Stalin, Brezhnev, Churchill, Charles de Gaulle, Yulia Timoshenko. People are different, but one thing unites them - the thirst for power and the ability to manage people. This also includes Alexander Suvorov, the commander, on whose account there are many victories.

Let's get acquainted with the personality traits of some of them. So, Joseph Stalin was described by many contemporaries as a bright, extraordinary personality, a cheerful and sociable child who invariably occupied a leading position in children's games. Later, he played the same "role" on the scale of a huge country. One can argue about Stalin's policy for a long time, but even his biggest opponents will agree that this man managed to raise the state and help it out of poverty. Of course, at a high price, but the power of personality is undeniable. He was feared, hated, few loved, tried to deceive, often successfully. But Stalin, like a true Sagittarius, achieved his goal and received the desired power.

Charles de Gaulle is another example of the famous male Sagittarius. This is a courageous man, on whose life more than 30 attempts were made. However, as a true representative of the element of fire, de Gaulle did not renounce his views and ideas.

Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov from early childhood sought to learn the sciences, but since he did not have the opportunity to attend school, he studied on his own, reading books at night. Exclusively by his willpower, wisdom and diligence, courage and devotion to military service, he achieved a high position. Like many Sagittarians, he did not try to follow any rules and standards, he was good-natured, philanthropic.

word masters

Let's continue our acquaintance with those born under the sign of Sagittarius, there are many of them. These include several talented writers who have given us their wonderful works. For example, Mark Twain, the author of novels about Tom Sawyer, the prince and the beggar boy Tom Canty, about the time of the knights of the round table.

It seemed that the fantasy of this master of the printed word has no barriers, each of his texts is an amazing interweaving of subtle irony and a twisted plot, reflections on life and non-standard characters. Like the true Sagittarius, Twain lived an active, dynamic life, never sitting still. He worked as a stoker, was a member of the Masonic lodge, even tried his hand at the mines, traveled a lot, worked in a newspaper, and lectured.

Another writers who can be safely attributed to famous personalities - Sagittarius - are Chingiz Aitmatov and Alexander Solzhenitsyn. Life Paths both were not easy, but they only went forward, not allowing themselves to give up or lose heart.

World Stars

The representative of the fire element is the French singer, who from a timid girl, the youngest in the family, was able to become a world-class celebrity, whose work is dearly loved by several generations.

The queen of rock and roll, Tina Turner, is also a Sagittarius. She went through a difficult path, through thorns to the stars. Now she is loved all over the world, and at the beginning of her career, Tina's work turned out to be unclaimed. In addition, she was very unhappy in marriage, being humiliated and beaten by her chosen one.

Turner's fiery nature helped her find a way out in a difficult situation - she ran away from the offender, having only a little change in her pocket. The creative Olympus was also gradually conquered. As a result, the singer, in whom no one believed, entered her name in the Guinness Book of Records as having performed in front of a record large audience.

Also among the famous Sagittarius people are Edith Piaf, Frank Sinatra.

pop scene

Let's get acquainted with famous Sagittarius women who have connected their lives with popular music. First of all, these are two singers - eternal rivals - Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera. Both appeared on stage at about the same time, sang similar songs, chose a similar image - a young and sexy blonde. However, later their paths diverged - Christina preferred shocking, her clips became more frank, and Britney continued to pretend that she was the last virgin in the United States.

Both girls are talented, purposeful, can work long and hard. Willpower helped Spears get out of the abyss of depression, which forced her to shave her head and become a regular party goer. The singer managed to regain her slim figure, find a beloved man and combine work with caring for children.

Another representative of the fire element is Miley Cyrus. This is a scandal girl, in which all the worst sides of the sign are surprisingly intertwined. Very similar and Nicki Minaj, also a Sagittarius and also a rebel. This girl prefers rap, loves pink color, is not afraid to experiment with her own appearance and shock the public with revealing outfits. However, the singer does not rely on her originality, assuring that the beautiful and unusual appearance- this, of course, is good, but without talent it is useless.

The versatility of famous Sagittarius will be emphasized by a modest and patient woman who for many years was Johnny Depp's lover, without insisting on a wedding. You can’t call her fate simple - having been born into a wealthy family, Paradis faced bullying early, they laughed at her because she was rich, and the walls of Vanessa’s house were covered with curses and insults. However, she did not give up, she took up creativity, in which she expressed her pain.


Among the famous people - Sagittarius-women are many famous actresses, whose names are familiar to everyone modern man. For example, this is Mila Jovovich, a Hollywood celebrity with Russian roots. She never loses heart, in numerous photos, even sudden ones, it is clear that Mila almost always has a mischievous smile on her lips. The actress is distinguished by her amazing performance. It is known that the creative path of Jovovich began in childhood, when a schoolgirl was forced to do her homework in the car on the way to the shooting. But, like all Sagittarius, the girl courageously endured. And success was not long in coming.

Another celebrity is Kim Basinger, a charming blonde whose fragile appearance hides an iron character. This modest, shy girl, who received a strict upbringing, managed to overcome herself and become a sex symbol of the era. Also Sagittarius are her "colleagues" - Lucy Liu, Alyssa Milano, Scarlett Johansson.


Famous Sagittarius men include big number actors. So, on November 27, 1940, Bruce Lim was born - a stuntman, actor, master of martial arts, director and stunt performer. It was quite difficult for the Hong Kong youth to make his way to fame, initially he was willingly called into extras and offered nameless "fighting" characters. But hard work and willpower did their job, giving Lee world fame precisely on the acting path.

Among the representatives of the element of Fire there are also very attractive men, for example, Brad Pitt. Surprisingly, this charming blonde in his youth earned himself acting lessons by dancing in a chicken costume, inviting visitors to a fast food establishment. In addition, he worked as a driver, a loader, rented a rather modest dwelling in a poor quarter in order to spend all the money on lessons. And his later life proved that such self-restraint was justified.

Sagittarius is also Ben Stiller, an American comedian.

Original personalities

Let's continue to get to know famous people- Sagittarius according to the horoscope. Among them is Woody Allen, a Hollywood director who landed his first serious job at the age of 17 as a television show writer. It is known that by that time he had not even completed his education. His life cannot be called simple and fine: as a child, Woody was beaten several times by older students, but his comedic talent was highly appreciated almost immediately.

Further, he did not have to experience hardships and work in humiliating positions for the sake of food (like the same Brad Pitt), but because of Allen's strange behavior, he was expelled from educational institution. He was married several times, each time being afraid to tie the knot with a new chosen one, and each time he was disappointed. As a true representative of his sign, this man is undoubtedly talented, but his life is full of searches and adventures.

Fedor Konyukhov is another well-known Sagittarius according to the horoscope, an outstanding traveler and yachtsman, artist and extreme sportsman. This unusual man made the most dangerous trips to the poles of the Earth for 20 years to find out what he was capable of. Based on his adventures, Konyukhov painted paintings, more than 3 thousand of them are known. In addition, he wrote 9 books and made 4 trips around the world.

Finally, one cannot but mention Walt Disney, the man who managed to create the whole world, his ideas have not lost their relevance to this day. It is interesting that the talent of the future cartoonist was revealed very early, which is generally characteristic of Sagittarius - at the age of 6 he drew the neighbor's horse so well that the drawing was bought by the owner of the animal. Later, Disney had to prove his desire to create, since his projects required quite large sums, so the aspiring artist literally put everything at stake. If he failed, he would be penniless. This also reflects the risky nature of the fire sign. These people are not afraid of innovative ideas, they believe in success, often this faith bears fruit.

Disney, according to the memoirs of contemporaries, was a very cheerful and sociable person, who, however, immersed himself in work.

rock musicians

The sign of Sagittarius for famous personalities sometimes becomes fatal. Thus, the planet Jupiter endows its “children” not only with talent, hard work, fortitude, energy, but also with negative qualities in particular, a predisposition to bad habits. So, Ozzy Osbourne is undoubtedly a cult figure. In his memoirs, the singer writes that he started drinking at the age of 18, but he is not proud of it. Meanwhile, Osbourne is a whole era in the world of music, crowds of fans gathered at his concerts, and discs were sold in record numbers.

The life of Ozzy himself was not easy: he came from a poor family, tried all low-prestigious professions - from a cleaner to a gravedigger, until he decided on his recognition. And finally, fate smiled at him.

Another rock musician - Sagittarius is Boris Grebenshchikov, born on 11/27/1953.


Let's complete short review famous Sagittarius acquaintance with the leading - representatives of the sign. First of all, this is Elena Letuchaya, whose name is associated with cleanliness and order thanks to the Revizorro project. Due to health reasons, Volatile was forced to leave the show, but the idea itself lives on.

The seductive owner of magnificent forms, Anfisa Chekhova is also a Sagittarius. She took part in a number of provocative photo shoots, hosted various shows, starred in comedies and horrors. Anfisa never hid her age and love for her own body.

Oksana Fedorova was born on December 17, 1977, she was brought up in an incomplete family. The future presenter worked for several months as an investigator and interrogator, only after that she got into a fateful beauty contest that changed her life. Like all Sagittarians, Oksana is smart, erudite, she can always keep up small talk, so her external attractiveness is just an addition to her undoubted intelligence. This woman is also known for her refined taste. Fedorova is a very multifaceted personality: she is a police major in the reserve and tries her hand at music; she taught at the university and hosted a TV show. Her talents can only be envied.

These are the famous Sagittarians. Their example proves that people who were born under the auspices of Jupiter are stubborn, purposeful, wise, talented, active. They are ready to work day and night to achieve the goal. Creativity, will and courage are their middle names. Therefore, everyone who is also a Sagittarius can safely try their hand at any business, success is more than possible.

Jupiter, which is the ruler of Sagittarius, is considered the planet of great happiness. And for many people, it provides great opportunities, but how to use them is up to you. Professions associated with Jupiter: teacher, mentor, sponsor, traveler, researcher, philosopher, preacher of some faith or ideology. Associated with Jupiter higher education, medicine, wealth, generosity, morality, morality, high ideals, justice. But there is also back side medals (negative) manifestations of Jupiter - extravagance (and on a large scale), adventures with serious financial or ideological losses, an irrepressible desire for adventure, injustice, aggressiveness (but not with a fist, but ideologically - in words, at the level of concepts), excessive love of freedom, pathological self-righteousness on any issue.

Famous Archers

Famous men Sagittarius

Ludwig van Beethoven, born December 17, 1770 - famous German composer, conductor, pianist.

Walt Disney, born December 5, 1901 - famous American animator, film director, actor, screenwriter and producer, founder of the Walt Disney Company

Sir Winston Churchill, born November 30, 1874 - famous British statesman and politician, Prime Minister of Great Britain (1940-1945 and 1951-1955), military man, journalist, writer, Nobel Prize in Literature.

Alexander Suvorov, was born on November 13 (24), 1729 or 1730 - the famous Russian commander.

Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin, was born on December 6 (18), 1878 (according to the official version, December 9 (21), 1879) - Russian revolutionary, Soviet political, statesman, military and party leader, Generalissimo Soviet Union(1945). From the late 1920s and early 1930s until his death in 1953, Stalin was the leader of the Soviet state.

Leonid Brezhnev, born December 6 (19), 1906 - Soviet statesman and party leader who held top leadership positions in the USSR for 18 years: from 1964 until his death in 1982.

Alexander Solzhenitsyn, born December 11, 1918 - famous Russian writer, publicist, poet, public and political figure, Nobel Prize winner in literature.

Jonathan Swift, born November 30, 1667 - famous Anglo-Irish satirist, publicist, poet, public figure.

Frank Sinatra (born December 12, 1915) is an American singer, actor, film director, producer, and showman.

Mark Twain, born November 30, 1835 - famous American writer, journalist, public figure.

Nikolai Nekrasov, born on November 28 (December 10), 1821 - the famous Russian poet, writer, publicist.

Chingiz Aitmatov, born December 12, 1928 - the famous Kyrgyz Soviet writer.

Woody Allen, born December 1, 1935 - famous American film director, actor, producer, three-time Oscar winner, writer.

Bruce Lee, born November 27, 1940 - martial artist, stuntman, American and Hong Kong film actor, film director, producer and screenwriter.

Ben Stiller (born November 30, 1965) is an American actor, comedian, director, screenwriter, and producer.

Yuri Nikulin, born December 18, 1921 - famous Soviet and Russian actor, clown, People's Artist of the USSR.

Leonid Bronevoy, born December 17, 1928 - famous Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, People's Artist of the USSR.

Igor Sklyar, born December 18, 1957 - Soviet and Russian theater and film actor and singer, Honored Artist of the RSFSR.

Leonid Bykov, born December 12, 1928 - famous Soviet actor, film director and screenwriter. Honored Artist of the RSFSR.

Vladimir Mashkov, born November 27, 1963 - a popular Soviet and Russian theater and film actor and director, screenwriter, film producer. National artist Russian Federation.

Dmitry Maryanov, born December 1, 1969 - Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, TV presenter.

Rodion Shchedrin, born December 16, 1932 - famous Soviet and Russian composer, People's Artist of the USSR, laureate of the Lenin and State Prizes.

Alexander Maslyakov, was born under the sign of the Zodiac Sagittarius on November 24, 1941 - the famous Soviet and Russian TV presenter.

Fedor Konyukhov, born December 12, 1951 - famous Soviet and Russian traveler, yachtsman, writer, artist.

Sergey Bubk a, born December 4, 1963 - Soviet and Ukrainian athlete, 35-time world record holder in pole vault, Olympic champion (1988), 10-time world champion.

Nikolai Ozerov, born December 11, 1922 - athlete, sports commentator, theater and film actor, People's Artist of the RSFSR.

Boris Grebenshchikov, born November 27, 1953 - the famous Soviet and Russian poet and musician, leader of the rock band "Aquarium".

Garik Sukachev, born December 1, 1959 - famous Russian musician, poet, composer, actor, director, leader of the "Brigada S" groups.

Famous women Sagittarius

Mary I (Mary Stuart), born December 8, 1542 - Queen of Scots from infancy, Queen of France (1559-1560).

Kim Basinger (Basinger), born December 8, 1953 - famous American actress, winner of the Oscar and Golden Globe awards.

Julianne Moore (born December 3, 1960) is an Oscar-winning American actress.

Britney Spears, born December 2, 1981, is an American singer, dancer, songwriter, and actress.

Scarlett Johansson, born November 22, 1984 - famous American film actress and singer.

Milla Jovovich, born December 17, 1975, is a famous American actress, musician and model of Montenegrin-Russian origin.

Anastasia Vertinskaya, born December 19, 1944 - Soviet and Russian theater and film actress. People's Artist of the RSFSR.

Nonna Mordyukova, born November 25, 1925 - famous Soviet and Russian film actress, People's Artist of the USSR.

Galina Polskikh, born November 27, 1939 - theater and film actress, People's Artist of the RSFSR.

Natalya Krachkovskaya, born November 24, 1938 - theater and film actress, Honored Artist of Russia.

Galina Volchek, born December 19, 1933 - famous Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, director, People's Artist of the USSR.

Alisa Freindlikh, born December 8, 1934 - famous Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, People's Artist of the USSR.

Svetlana Zhiltsova, born November 30, 1936 - Soviet TV presenter, Honored Artist of the RSFSR.

Ekaterina Andreeva, born November 27, 1961 - Russian TV presenter, since January 1997 she has been running the Vremya information program on ORT / Channel One.

Larisa Verbitskaya, born November 30, 1959 - Soviet and Russian announcer and TV presenter, Honored Artist of Russia.

December 15, 2013, 02:35

Women born under the sign of Sagittarius are distinguished by great liveliness, independence, natural manners, friendliness, kind-hearted, honest attitude towards people, lack of hypocrisy and prejudice.

Catch a representative of this zodiac sign immersed in pessimism and melancholy is almost impossible. To turn into a gloomy, depressing creature, fate must beat her too much.

Sagittarius women cope with all their affairs simply brilliantly; their decisions and movements are quick. They are great smart people, people feel sympathy for them.

If we talk about the relationship between Sagittarius women and men, then the former do not adhere to any conventions in this matter. They communicate very willingly, on an equal footing, on a short leg, and, in the opinion of others, this often looks rather frivolous from the side of beautiful ladies. This is reinforced by the fact that by nature the representatives of this sign are very feminine and attractive in the eyes of the stronger sex.

Sagittarius women are very decent, honest, impeccable and confident in these qualities. All of them, from the point of view of Sagittarius, are sufficient reason not to be afraid for their reputation and pass gossip and rumors past their ears. In addition, ladies born under this constellation are strong in spirit, and therefore are quite able to stand up for themselves.

The stronger sex tends to perceive flirting as a prologue and an invitation to close relationships. Sagittarius women are able to teach men an instructive lesson and show that they are very far from a correct understanding of female behavior. Too zealous encroachments will be rejected by them with pride and coldness, and even the most successful seducer will suffer an inglorious defeat. Moreover, being unable to lie, the Sagittarius woman will tell her unlucky boyfriends everything that she thinks about them, without even trying to soften the blow to male pride.

Preferring directness, sincerity, honesty in relationships with people, Sagittarius women often demonstrate a deficiency in their nature of the gentleness and sensitivity inherent in the fair sex. The tactlessness of their statements does not stem from an unseemly intention to force someone to experience humiliation or insult. Representatives of this sign are ardent fighters for the truth, in which they see only good for people. It would never occur to them that sometimes the best solution would be to simply remain silent.

All Sagittarians are ardent admirers of freedom and independence, and the weaker sex is no exception. Marriage ties do not cause this sign of enthusiasm in women, and they can live their whole lives in the status of an old maid without experiencing psychological discomfort. At the same time, they are quite loyal to the stronger sex and do not turn into man-haters. Marriage and loss of freedom for Sagittarius women are equivalent concepts.

Sagittarius women can pose as reserved, cold persons, and all in order not to allow themselves to slide into the abyss of dreary goodness, into which, in their opinion, all married ladies invariably fall. In reality, women born under this constellation are very romantic and even sentimental; they can keep letters for a long time, things that once touched their soul.

If a man wants to get Sagittarius as his wife, he will have to patiently and, having called for help with all his ingenuity, bring his beloved to the idea that the role of wife, mother, homemaker can give a lot of emotions and a variety of impressions. He will be required to reorient the innate curiosity of the Sagittarius woman towards family life, to convince her that she will still remain the mistress of her own destiny, that her husband will not seek her obedience and will not interfere with her hobbies and interests.

The fact that Sagittarius women are not too tempted by the prospect of being in someone's snare does not negate the fact that in their new role of wife and mistress, they will be just as energetic and active. The reason lies in the inexhaustible optimism, the belief that everything should continue to be good.

Representatives of this sign by nature are not big fans of the daily homework, and yet they make good housewives. Even in the routine, Sagittarius will find opportunities for exploration, experimentation and creativity. From her house, she can make a secular salon, cook unusual, gourmet dishes and still spend money - only not for entertainment and travel, but for receiving guests, interior design, clothes for children.

The life partner of a Sagittarius woman should be mentally prepared for the fact that she, during extracurricular, not planned for rest time, suddenly collects a hiking bag and leaves somewhere or periodically begins to prefer the company of another person to her husband’s company. In this case, we cannot talk about betrayal or selfishness, since the representatives of this sign do not know how and do not want to play a double game, they prefer sincerity, clarity in everything, and they respond to the trust of their spouse with an exceptionally honest attitude.

Sincerity, honesty, romance, pride, wisdom make the Sagittarius woman a great authority among her household members, and children simply do not have a soul in their sociable, interesting, cheerful, mother with inexhaustible imagination.

A Sagittarius woman can be just the perfect partner when it comes to intimate relationships. The desire for new experiences makes her inventive, and temperament, activity, emotionality are aimed at a partner who can get true satisfaction with this woman.

However, there is one important condition here: the Sagittarius spouse must match her temperament and equally openly show all her feelings. If this is not the case, then the relationship in a couple can become noticeably more complicated.

Sagittarius women, as a rule, remain faithful to their life partner, but will suffer in secret, risking chronic stress. However, sexual disharmony can also lead to more dramatic results: going “to the left” or to divorce.

However, even in such sad situations, Sagittarius remains a worthy representative of the fiery sign: she will not perceive this as a tragedy of her whole life and will not lose heart, considering all this to be a not very good joke that fate has let go of her.

Sign compatibility

Sagittarius woman - Aries man

People of this zodiac sign could form a very harmonious couple, if not for the strong temper inherent in both partners. In addition, there may be some minor difficulties in intimate life. However, having achieved harmony in the bedroom, Sagittarius and Aries thus give themselves a good chance to gradually cope with other difficulties.

Sagittarius woman - Taurus man

Representatives of these signs are strikingly different from each other. The persistent Taurus will want to dominate, which the independent Sagittarius will never put up with. Sagittarius impulsiveness, manifested in sexual relations, will be in conflict with the constancy of the partner, and his restlessness, mobility - with the desire of Taurus for practicality and stability. It is unlikely that their union will last long.

Sagittarius woman - Gemini man

The nature of the partners of these signs is in many ways similar, but their relationship will be far from ideal. These changeable, restless fans of adventure, travel, adventures will initially be of great interest to each other. Then the Gemini's tendency to criticize, which Sagittarius cannot stand, will do a disservice. After some time, restless partners may have new interests - each has his own, and neither one nor the other is able to work on maintaining relations.

Sagittarius woman - Cancer man

Partners born under these constellations are not a couple for each other. "Fiery" Sagittarius is excessively, to the point of tactlessness, frank, and Cancer is too sensitive and touchy for this. The independence of Sagittarius prevents him from becoming a strong support and ensuring stability in relations. The very first reproaches of Cancer will lead to the fact that the Sagittarius woman will disappear from his horizon. In sex, a couple can find harmony, but outside the bedroom it is difficult to achieve.

Sagittarius woman - Leo man

These people seem to be made for each other, including in sexual sphere. They do not limit the personal freedom of their partner, but they do not even try to avoid each other: they are comfortable and fun together, especially since representatives of both signs are big fans of adventure. Their union has the most promising prospects.

Sagittarius woman - Virgo man

It is unlikely that this couple can ever become harmonious. A restless adventurer will treat the calm, intellectual Virgo as a boring, boring person, and she will see Sagittarius as a frivolous and unreliable partner. They will be able to come to a certain agreement only under one blanket, but this will not save their relationship.

Sagittarius woman - Libra man

Pair with good compatibility. Libra is distinguished by prudence and tolerance, and therefore the originality of the nature of Sagittarius will not embarrass them at all. Moreover, they will be able to see undoubted advantages in it. Both alone and as part of big company they will be comfortable and interesting with each other. For both partners, this circumstance is very important. Relationships have every chance to last a long time.

Sagittarius woman - Scorpio man

There is an extremely small chance that the partners will decide to further develop the relationship. Scorpio, who is by nature a great owner, will not tolerate Sagittarius' desire for personal freedom. A man wants to have a relationship with a person whom he could completely trust, but a Sagittarius woman is a bad candidate for this role.

Sagittarius woman - Sagittarius man

Of all the combinations of zodiac signs, the union of two Sagittarius is the most unpredictable. There is nothing strange in this, given that in their actions people of this sign are completely spontaneous. In the process of developing relations, all the shortcomings of partners can appear. The time will come when one of them or both will immediately rush in search of new experiences, and then the uselessness of the existing union will become obvious.

Sagittarius woman - Capricorn man

Communication between representatives of these signs is possible only for a short time. They just can't last long together. Impulsiveness, frankness (sometimes excessive) of Sagittarius will cause alertness of a calm, prudent, secretive, prone to hoarding Capricorn. In addition, the second will not put up with the Streltsov's manner of spending money right and left.

Sagittarius woman - Aquarius man

A couple with good potential. The desire and willingness of Aquarius to compromise and thereby give balance to the relationship will help to realize it. It is not jealousy, the lack of desire to lead, the passion for adventure of both partners that creates the ground for mutual understanding. Compatibility is good.

Sagittarius woman - Pisces man

Sexual life can give partners a lot of pleasant moments, but in other areas, everything will not be so smooth. Both Pisces and Sagittarius need to feel a reliable support nearby, but both signs are not suitable for this role. The time will come when the excessive modesty of the Pisces partner will overtake the partner, and she will rush to a more eventful life. And the man will not have a desire to detain her.

Character, lifestyle, career, love of Sagittarius


Character of Sagittarius Sagittarius is a holiday person in best sense this word. This life-loving zodiac sign is almost always in a great mood and is ready to cheer up others.


The Sagittarius man is a real favorite of Fortune! Have you ever seen a person who seems to be able to win even in a scam? If you do not believe in the existence of such personalities, be sure to get acquainted with the Sagittarius man. He will probably be able to tell you a lot of stories about his life like: “Walking down the street, found a hundred rubles, bought a lottery ticket for them, won a trip to Mauritius.” Of course, this does not mean at all that Sagittarius is lucky always and everywhere (otherwise all Sagittarius would have lived in Mauritius for a long time), but you, unlike him, cannot boast of any such story, can you?


The Sagittarius woman is surprisingly positive and is able to bring the brightness of colors and the singing of exotic birds into your gray everyday life. It is fresh, like an oasis of greenery in the center of a stuffy metropolis, playful, like a ray of sunshine breaking through the clouds. Her optimism knows no bounds, and her energy seems to be limitless. Next to her, other females look like sleepy flies! Such is the nature of the Sagittarius woman that she is bored of living in strict patterns. And the point is not at all that she does not recognize these rules or denies them. Not at all. She is able to sincerely appreciate the strict style of the dress, and the conservative hairstyle, and the ability to come to the meeting on time - but only if it is connected with someone else. Her sincere, bright, childish beginning makes her turn any business into a game. And the game has its own laws, which simply do not allow it, choosing a dress, to stop at the “boring” option. Bright, orange-green speckled - that's what the Sagittarius woman needs!


A charismatic, freedom-loving, curious Sagittarius child is born with an inexhaustible thirst for communication and activity. His openness and generosity simply cannot leave those around him indifferent - wherever he appears, it is as if a small sun lights up! At the same time, healthy ambition, ambition and self-confidence open up great opportunities for the Sagittarius child to achieve life goals. Sagittarius baby


Attracting the attention of an inquisitive Sagittarius is not difficult - just offer him something interesting, and this is not about financial gain, but about the amount of emotions that this cheerful and adventurous representative of the Zodiac will receive. Sagittarius will always gladly agree to take part in some risky and crazy adventure, just hint to him that it will bring him an unforgettable experience.


Sagittarius is light as the wind; in operation, this is both its advantage and its main disadvantage. He does not recognize pressure and strict limits, and therefore it is difficult for him to come to terms with the need to come to work on time, as well as with other restrictions on his personal freedoms. In addition, he does not recognize authorities, and is unlikely to allow his boss to command him or diplomatically swallow resentment. All this makes the character of Sagittarius not very convenient for advancement and career. However, his other talents - enthusiasm, sincere interest and love for his work, truthfulness, liveliness of mind - often make him an excellent specialist, able to achieve heights thanks to his abilities, and not subordination. Sagittarius can feel great in areas related to communication, active activity and even risk. He is suitable for such professions as a sales or advertising agent, a traveling salesman, an athlete, an actor, a stuntman, a journalist, etc.


Sagittarius love is another dizzying adventure in his life. And the more intricate and exciting it is, the more interest and excitement Sagittarius plunges into it. He likes inaccessibility and the struggle for the object of his love.


Good mood is for Sagittarius the best medicine from all diseases. Despite his restless lifestyle, he surprisingly rarely gets sick, and when this does happen, he quickly recovers. Sagittarius' most vulnerable areas are the arms, shoulders, hips, lungs, intestines, and liver. In addition, his innate mobility and love of risk make him more likely than others to be at risk of injury and accidents. If Sagittarius is a little less careless, his optimism and love of life will help him live a long and, most importantly, a happy life.


The constellation Sagittarius (Latin name Sagittarius) ranks first in the number of variable stars - there are five and a half thousand of them in the constellation! And in the constellation Sagittarius there are many globular clusters, dark and light nebulae. However, this is not surprising, because Sagittarius is located in the very center, in the busiest place in our Galaxy. Thanks to such a good location, Sagittarius is rightfully considered the most beautiful part of Milky Way. The image of this particular part of the starry sky can be found more often than others in paintings, photographs, in advertising and, of course, in science fiction films.


Months of Sagittarius: November, December Sagittarius is the 9th sign of the zodiac. The sun enters it on November 21 or 22, depending on the year, and stays there until December 20-21.


What is your zodiac sign? What about the Chinese horoscope? And on both horoscopes at once? Interestingly, the answer to the last question can give the most accurate answer. The fact is that Chinese (by year of birth) and Zodiac (by month of birth) horoscopes do not contradict each other at all.