Wedding scenario. Wedding script for toastmaster

  • 11.10.2019

The young, accompanied by witnesses, enter the red carpet. Guests stand on both sides, building a "gate of happiness".


Music sounds festive today!
______________ with ____________ we congratulate,
May they always remain in their memory
The joy of the first meeting and love.
Young people walk along the carpet, the guests shower them with wheat.


Welcome! Welcome!
Dear newlyweds!
Your parents meet you, go up to them, bow to them for their affection, love, for raising and educating you, and today they bless you for a happy life.
Young people approach their parents, who stand at the end of their journey and greet them with bread and salt (the groom's parents). The father of the bride on a tray holds two glasses of champagne tied with a ribbon; mother of the bride on a platter - grain.


Dear young!
Bread, according to old Russian custom, means prosperity in the house,
and glasses of wine so that you can be together all your life and not part.
Let these glasses together be inseparable never,
For life, the bride and groom will be for many years!
For joy and happiness for many years, kiss the bread and accept the blessing of your parents.
The groom's parents bless the young. The bride's mother sprinkles the newlyweds with grain.

Mother of the bride:

I pour rye on you
So that your family is good
I sprinkle with furious wheat,
May you be a friendly couple!


Now kiss your parents and drink wine
without untying the glasses.
Now everything is legal
Marriage is sealed with a crystal ringing.
Let it be sweet and bitter by sex.
Dear parents, step aside, make way for your children.
Dear and glorious newlyweds, come to the most honorable places of the wedding table.
Dear guests, we send the young people off with music and applause.
Young: _________ and ____________!
Their witnesses: ___________ and _________!
Dear parents, we ask you to take pride of place
near your children. Music and applause sounds for you.


Glory to grandparents relatives,
And honor, and our respect for them,
So that happiness spreads two wings to them,
So that their viburnum blooms forever.
Dear our grandparents, we also ask you to take places of honor only next to your children. Thank you for coming to rejoice in the happiness of your grandchildren and children. Music and applause sounds for you.
And you, invited guests, welcome guests, for bread, salt, for the word red, for a merry, sonorous feast, pass.
Young people and guests are seated at the tables


Dear guests! A wedding is a long business, so choose
a more comfortable place for yourself and a happier neighbor, behind whom
it will be possible to look after. However, don't forget to
and there was someone to take care of you.
The seating arrangement will be as follows:
men - closer to the snack,
women - closer to drinking.
Every fifth will be a commander. His responsibilities include:
pour, pour, but do not forget yourself.
And now commanders, prepare the champagne!


Well, friends, we are all already assembled.
Bride in wedding dress
The groom has already been in place
And faithful, as always to the bride.
Friends sit side by side
Follow the wedding ceremony.
Let us open the wedding
From everyone to say, so as not to forget ...
Dear ___________ and _________! (young)
You have a special day today
One of the best days ever!
Today you both chose
One path out of a hundred paths.
To the sound of a crystal glass
Under a splash of boiling wine
Congratulations on legal marriage
We wish you happiness and good.
May every day lived nearby
Shines turquoise for you
Then you don't need gold
And the stone looks like a star.
Live together, up to two hundred years,
To the good envy of friends
There was a love you won't find
Getting stronger every year!
Fuller glasses we will pour
And the first toast is ready:
For the young, for happiness we drink,
We drank.


Dear guests, while you are having a snack, I would like to inform you about the forecast of today's celebration.
To the music.


Today is expected:

Cloudy, wedding hurricane with champagne shower;
t ° above the table 40 °, the air is filled with family happiness;
At night there is a fog in the head, in the morning a clearing is possible;
We ask you all to have fun, otherwise we will not let you get drunk.
Everyone should drink the first 3 glasses, the rest will go without a special invitation!
After the 8th glass is allowed:
ladies, restore hair and “plaster”;
gentlemen, take off your tie and unbutton the first top button ... (of course shirts)
After the 18th glass, it is desirable to sing, but ... it is undesirable to get into the neighbor's plate with your elbow!
If you can't rely on yourself, put a note with your home address in your pocket!
Dance only with someone else's wife, leave your best friend.
You can’t dance standing up, dance sitting down, but at the same time try not to step on your neighbor’s hands!
Do not wipe your hands on the tablecloth, it is better to do it on the dress of the lady sitting next to you!
Put candy wrappers, fish and meat bones not on the table, but in your neighbor's pocket!
Remember: drink to the bottom, but do not lie down on the bottom!
If you want, drink little or a lot, but so that you don’t forget the way to the bed!
Everyone can drink, you just need to know:
For what? When? and how much?


Lights, golden fireflies,
Bright light lit up today.
Relatives to the young for a walk
And relatives and friends gathered.
We see cheerful faces here,
And all eyes are turned to the young,
And we, friends, want to turn
On this solemn day to them:
Wedding Witness:
You walk hand in hand together,
From now on, there is only one way for you.
You were just a bride and groom
Now they are husband and wife.


Wearing gold rings
There is a seal in the wedding certificate,
Well, young spouses,
We wish you on this day?
Wedding Witness:
Happiness to you, friends - newlyweds,
Joy and the brightest days,
You are family now, and by law
Both of you belong to her!


Where did the word "family" come from?
Once upon a time the Earth did not hear of him,
But Adam said to Eve before the wedding:
"Now I will ask you seven questions:
- Who will give birth to children, my queen?
And Eve quietly answered: "I am."
- Who will bring them up, my goddess?
And Eve dutifully answered: "I am."
- Who will babysit the grandchildren, my joy?
And Eve still answered: "I am."
- Who cooks food, irons clothes,
Caress me, decorate the house?
“I, I,” she answered, inhaling, “I, I.”
That's how "FAMILY" was born.
Dear _______ and _________!
Peace, harmony and joy to you,
Happiness, bad weather all in half.
Good smile, good wine,
Let the house shine with a good mistress.
Good husband, good wife,
Let's drink to friendship, family happiness.
They drink. A fire is brought on a tray (dry alcohol burns in a ceramic bowl).


From our grandfathers a custom came to us
Bring fire to the house of the newlyweds,
To ignite them reliable and familiar,
The hearth of the family, a big symbol of love,
And so that his fire gave warmth and light of love,
And in life work together,
So that everyone in your house is warm,
And life was happy, interesting.
And the more beautiful your life will be, the hearth will flare up brighter!
Young people are given fire to the music and applause.


We raise a toast to you, to your love, to your happiness!
We drank.


Guests! Silence please!
You must accept the WEDDING CHARTER!


If you came to the wedding
Dressed up, dressed up,
You are now none other than the private at the wedding!
Therefore, listen to the Wedding REGULATION, drink and eat between the lines!
If the wedding breaks out: "BITTER!",
You scream as much urine as you have,
At the WEDDING CHARTER, breathe quietly,
Have a drink and eat.
If they say a toast,
Raise your glass right now!
Support the initiative with dignity
You can not drink - rest!
If the song of the wedding breaks out,
You do not know the words - do not be shy.
Sing without words, the neighbor will pull up,
Sing along - pull friendly!
If suddenly the dance starts
Go to the circle, get up boldly!
Know that a shake is good for everyone,
You can't, come on!
So, drink more, be sad less!
Do not hide plugs! Don't eat flowers!
And do not lose heart - you can hurt yourself badly!
Guests! Brothers! What is happening!
Look at these faces!
Everyone drank and is silent, but the wine is bitter,
It's just awkward to shout
But in fact: BITTER! BITTERLY!…
Volleys of balloons. Guests drink standing up.


We give a word for congratulations to parents
bride and groom! You lived for many years -
give them good advice!…
Parents give advice.


Dear Parents!
Big changes are taking place in your life today.
let us give you these wedding certificates,
I certify your new titles: FATHER-IN-Law, Mother-in-Law, Father-in-Law and Mother-in-Law.


Listen to the Wedding Wedding Mandate Mother-in-law.
You blessed love
What were you going to know in advance
What did you raise your son for?
His family is your family
And do not grumble now you're in vain.
Son's daughter-in-law half,
So love her like a son.
Not all mistakes are noticed
If not, then everything forgives,
And there will be such a harmony in the family,
What anyone would envy.
They say there's a lot of blood
Their mothers-in-law spoil their daughters-in-law,
But we hope that you
You will always be right
You will be fair
To this beautiful girl.
You have a daughter-in-law
It's not a trifle, it's not nonsense,
Check it out right and left
And the bride, and the queen.
You must be silent in front of her,
Do not grumble and do not teach
You have to help in everything
Bring, bring, send.


Do not shed, dear, flammable tears,
Don't feel sorry for your daughter until the due date
She got the best husband
Of all modern men,
Of all the boys you've known
He will be the best son-in-law for you.
Forget the fears you hide
Starting a waltz with him to dance,
He is a nice and handsome guy
For everything agile and lively,
Not rude, not whimsical,
In short, he is an earthly angel.
You will find such, where hardly,
And he will not be lazy,
But provided that morality
You won't read every day.


Father-in-law - you are a father - a hero!
Be a mountain for your son-in-law!
Invite more often
Treat yourself to delicious beer!
It is proposed to wash new ranks!.


Dear Parents!
You are a little sad today
Your children are leaving you.
But maybe that's how it's supposed to be
So that the hour of parting has come.
And how long have they timid barefoot walked under the table
The clumsy, unskillful furrowed the floor with their feet.
And today they are already adults
You had to leave your children.
Bitter, bitter parents, bitter,
To make the children happy!

Dear guests at our wedding, despite its age, Tortilla turtle rose from the bottom of the pond to congratulate the newlyweds.
Under the song, the turtle Tortilla enters on an armchair.


Turtle Song:
"It dragged on with brown mud
The smooth surface of an old pond,
I was like ______ (bride) ____,
300 years ago.
Was naive and careless
_____ (groom) _____ has a look
And then they decided
create a new family."
Oh, how wonderful you are!
Dear, lovely newlyweds!
I want to give you this key. He is not simple.
You will open the door to life for them, where happiness will meet you,
love, respect and wisdom.
The turtle gives the key to the young ones.
May life always be your paradise
And you always have the key to it.
I wish you all the best,
And you remember my Wedding Wedding Mandate:
May you always live together
The sun will shine on you
May you have a lifetime
How to live on a honeymoon.
The turtle leaves.


Dear guests, I propose to raise a glass to the fact that this young couple is always accompanied by peace, love, warmth and happiness!
Well, what are the guests, they took the glasses
Friendly, cheerfully raised!
To make them happy in full
Glasses should be drained to the bottom! ...
We drank. Break.


We ask everyone to sit down at the table, and eat and drink!
Morgunov, Vitsin and Nikulin enter with the song.
We came to the wedding
To congratulate you
Sing with you, dance,
Feed all of you.
We wish you all happiness and good,
And now together we will all drink to the bottom.
It's not very bad to walk at a wedding,
But it's better to drink ... 100 grams.
Treat guests, dance and leave.


And now, dear guests, I propose to listen to the love affair that was instituted for our young people.

"All rise, the court is in session!"

The prosecutor enters. The guests sit down, the young ones stand, the exit case and the marriage code are read out to the wife and husband.


Hearing case No. 2507
In the dock a native
___________, currently residing at:
st. , - and a native of the city of ________, currently living at the address: st. , ____________.
On the night of July 25, 1998, a citizen attacked a citizen. In turn…….. tried to cover up in every possible way, for which she was sentenced to criminal liability under Article 187. But thanks to the excellent work of the police, this case was solved and brought to court. There were witnesses at the crime scene: ………. and ____________.
Question to _____________:
1. You do not deny that on the night of July 25, 1998 you were at the address: st. ________________?
2. Question to the witness:
3. Where did you find ______________ on the night of July 25, 1998?
4. Question to the wedding witness:
5. Have ______ and ___ been registered before?
The court makes its decision!
1. Sentence ___________ and __________ under Article 198 of the Criminal Code.
2. For life __________ pay salary _______.
3. From today to announce:
4. ________ - husband,
________ - wife.
5. __________ for life to bear the name of the husband.



To your honeymoon
Make it a long five years
The code is somewhat harsh
Must be strictly observed.
This code is very old,
But in the century you will not find
And for every new couple
He is good in his own way.
Make the room cozy
So that the husband, when he comes home,
Was completely satisfied
The setting and you.
Learn to cook delicious.
Prepare this salad
To have a cabbage leaf in it
It looked like grapes.
Women are divided into 3 parts:
Body, mind and soul.
Every part is a drop of happiness
Give your spouse slowly.
Always meet your husband with a smile,
Look into his eyes
Tell me about all the mistakes
Ask about everything.
And she herself without laziness,
State your business
So that in a friendly exchange,
Radiate heat flow.
Don't drink, don't torture your husband
For various things
You are a wife, and you are a spouse,
Not a rusty saw.
We stand for the fact that in the world,
There would be peace, not war.
Mean in your own apartment
You must keep the peace.
But don't be so simple
If we say - the husband is lazy,
You, removing only shavings,
Stroke him sometimes.
But don't cut it all at once
And not an empty phrase,
And by example and show,
Personal business acumen.
If with the opinion of the spouse
Disagree sometimes.
Be, like a twig, elastic,
Don't say "NO" or "YES".
Give him a nice smile
And cunningly keep in the shadows
Slowly, delicately
Turn the course of events.
But a little boring
So that it does not become a family paradise,
You are always SMART and HOLY
Follow this code


To your honeymoon
Lasted 20-30 years
The code is somewhat harsh
Remember, it's a big secret.
Sleep well after the wedding
Do not disturb your wife in a dream
And behave with dignity
If the room is not the ones.
Take care of the budget
And keep order.
Don't keep your money a secret
Give everything to your wife.
And over the years, and with deeds
Don't forget about love
And my wife in words
Call dear!
If children appeared
And more trouble
Both are to blame
But add your worries.
Wash baby diapers
Cook semolina porridge,
Don't spare your strengths
Do not speak harsh words.
Always be shaved, trimmed,
Neat and not fat
You will not be offended by a wife,
If you are silk, like a canvas.
You must protect your wife
Bring hot coffee to bed
And slippers on time to file.
Milk a cow a little light,
Prepare dinner and lunch
Fix iron and tiles
Wash the apartment on Saturdays.
Make beds in the morning
Wash diapers clean
Shave your mustache in time
Wipe the kids' noses.
If you follow these tips,
You will best husband in the world!
The prosecutor leaves.


So let's drink to the good outcome of the exit case and the marriage code.
Peace to all of you!


And here is Hymen himself - the ancient Greek God of the newlyweds!

I see all of you have gathered to congratulate the young.
But before congratulating you,
You must convince us.
That the best family
Created here, friends!
You say, __________, directly!
Haven't you been drunk for an hour, giving consent to marriage?
Once you decide not to back down?
Will you be faithful, will you not stop loving?
Spread everything, don't be afraid!
Do you swear to us?


Do you swear, wife, that you will protect and love your husband?
Be friendly, affectionate with him all your life?
Do you swear that at any cost
Will you be a good and faithful wife?
Do you swear not to blow your lips on your husband,
Do not even let the wind blow on ________?
Do you swear to bake cheesecakes more often
Thicker tea to pour, but sweeter?
And after dinner, when he lies down with a newspaper,
Swear that you will not swear for it!
Do you swear to spend money with care,

And if you borrow, then at least ten?

Well, and you, brave groom,
Who _____________ was named in childhood.
Swear a hundred times
As once Hippocrates,
That you will love your wife
You will always be faithful to her, do you promise it?


Groom's Oath

You swear to be an exemplary husband,
Intercessor, friend, faithful helper?
You swear to take care of her,
Always kiss when leaving for work?
You swear to give all the money to your wife,
Advice to help where to put them?
You swear to eat her porridge without grimaces,
If the wife puts salt "in reserve".
Yes, things happen in life
The wife will spend half a paycheck on stockings.

You swear that your business is a side,
Will she not go to work in thin clothes?
The vow was taken at a solemn wedding meeting in the presence of a large number guests. One copy is handed out. Keep the document forever, keep the oath.


I ask all guests to raise their glasses
Friends, acquaintances, relatives and relatives
And drink for the love and charm of our couple
For the happiness and health of the young!…
We drank.


And now we'll start the show -
Wedding gifts.
Dear guests, congratulations,
Friends and senior instructions.

Get up, young couple!
Relatives, relatives came to you,
Congratulate you, present your gifts,
Watch the introduction of the wedding game!

You, dear guests!
Don't put gifts together
You can give flowers to the bride,
All congratulations, wishes to the groom,
Everything else is a miracle chest.
They enter, in Russian folk costumes, a man with a woman with a chest and a tray of cheese, with them an accountant with accounts.
Oh, empty, empty box,
There is no calico and brocade in it.
Oh, you, father-in-law and mother-in-law,
Get gifts.

Oh, you, father-in-law and mother-in-law dear,
Gotta please my son-in-law
Take out your gift
To put in our chest.
Take the cheese, put it on the cheese, and say kind words to your children.
Parents say kind words and give a gift.
Oh, you, grandmothers, grandfathers are cute,
Get your wallets
For a car, for an apartment
We need to scrape together the grandchildren.
Grandparents give gifts.
Oh brothers and sisters
Help the young
For stockings and blouses
You also have to put it in.
Give gifts.
Oh, you guests, dear guests,
What will you give!
For diapers, undershirts
Add young people.
Bypass all guests.
Here is a full, full box,
There are chintz and brocade.
There were a lot of congratulations here
Let's shout: "BITTER!" from the heart.
We gave you gifts
So that chickens do not peck money,
To live better every year
So that your house would be a full bowl.
Live happily and amicably
Have everything you need in life
Keeping the fire of love holy
Until the wedding golden.
They leave.


While the counting commission sums up the results, I ask the young people to come to me.
young wife
And beautiful and slim
She matches the groom,
The first dance of the young!

All guests do not lose heart,
Until you drop - dance!
You went out into the circle of guests under a veil,
Blinded the walls with whiteness
As if the color of your affectionate cherry
Shed leaves on you.
The walls of the house whiten from you,
How good is your wedding dress,
How are you dancing smoothly, weightlessly
You swim like a snow-white swan

Young people and guests dance. Break. Competitions and games are held.


Danced, it's time to catch your breath
For bread - salt is taken!
Bread - salt to eat
Yes good word listen.
Friends! Fill your glasses with wine
Let joy reign at our table!
We drank. The postman Pechkin enters on a bicycle.
Hey! It's me - the postman Pechkin.
Can you tell me where the wedding is?
Postman Pechkin, you just hit her.
And who do you need?
Let's see. Well well! Valuable parcel, telegrams, parcel.
Is reading.
Wedding. Bride and groom. Only I won’t give them to them, they don’t have documents.


No, no, postman Pechkin. That's just how they got a wedding certificate of marriage today. We are all witnesses.
Well, if so, then I hand the package to the bride / with a saw /.
We give you a precious item,
With this item, hello to the spouse!
The saw is not for firewood - for a marital purpose,
They drank to her until the roosters crowed.
And in the morning he gets up, you drank again,
Then they were making money.
If he doesn't like your dinner,
Take a saw instead of a delicious seasoning.
The husband will eat and only praise!
And you always try to cut!
And if you show your subject,
The husband will affectionately say: "Dove, hello!"
And for you, fiancé, another parcel / with iron gloves /.
We give you not chain mail, not a saber
You are not in a military battle, but at a wedding.
They will be useful to you forever
So that the wife will bow before you.
You wear them, never take them off!
Otherwise, dear, you will be in trouble!
And you'll be dreaming all night,
If you take off your gloves.
Make your wife cook delicious
Yes, always use a mitten.
Caress with a prickly hand more often.
Happiness will flow to you like a river.
If you take your wife to manufactured goods,
Then put the mittens on the goods,
The mittens will serve you right,
If you keep them, you will be about!
And in this parcel is a bottle of champagne with paintings by the guests present here. But you will open it when you have your first child.
Now listen to the telegrams.
He reads the telegrams and leaves.


So that the sun shines on the young
And there would be so much happiness in life
To last until the last days
Let's shout BITTER in unison!
Yes, young people kiss sweetly, but in life they will have to share grief and joy in half. Moreover, in every family there is a distribution of responsibilities.
Tell a fortune on a chamomile
Know your roles.
Chamomile with duties. The bride and groom tear off the chamomile petals in turn and read out their duties.


I will love you tenderly, But I will not forget to cut.
I'll be the first in the kitchen in the morning, I won't forget to wash the dishes.
I will protect and undead you, I will not forget to wash your socks.
I will give all my salary, I will not forget to buy flowers.
I'll cook delicious dinner, I won't forget a bottle of beer.
I will go to the theater with you, I will not forget to drive to the cinema.
I won't make a scandal beautiful words I won't forget.
I will wash the diapers myself, I will not forget to walk with the child.
I will be obedient, kind, faithful, I will not forget to give gifts.
I will go shopping, I will not forget to wash the floors.
I will idolize you, And I will forget about men.
I will love you all my life, I will forget about women.

We heard that you can handle the responsibilities
in your life, and now you overcome the obstacle,
who will meet on your way.
Pull the ribbon, the groom must carry the bride in his arms.


Excellent, well done guys!
And here is the counting commission, which will announce the result (announces) to us.
But to whom shall we give family budget?
Friends, we will not be in order,
If we do not solve the riddle,
Which of the newlyweds to be the head!
And maybe we'll find out
If we treat them with a loaf.
Explain that bread must be broken, whoever is bigger is the head.


And now, as a sign of the unification of the two clans and your hospitality, treat everyone with bread.
But that's not all.
Let our young people know
Secrets of the wedding
What is often empty nests
Storks bring children
Or leave them in cabbage,
Or they bring it right into the house,
So that neither peace nor sadness
It didn't start in the house.
So that more often chicks were found,
Transforming your family
As it used to be in Russia for a long time,
You must disentangle the porridge.
Young people treat guests with bread and porridge.
And this wedding glass
We'll drink it all to the bottom
For a husband to be the best of husbands
And the best - the wife.
We drank.


While we were drinking, walking, dancing, having fun, Evgeny and Irina did not waste time in vain, they successfully completed the courses of the Family Construction Academy.
And we want to give them diplomas.
Bride Diploma
This “diploma” was issued to a person living in the city, down the street, in house no. This paper claims to have taken a course in marriage and family sciences. During the training, she showed the following knowledge:

Food preparation - 5
Washing - 5
Family vision - 5
Laughter - 5
Humor - 5

This “diploma” claims that she was transferred from the department of girlhood to the department of the family institute of life.
The diploma gives the right to become a heroine mother in the future.
Diploma of the bride and groom
This “diploma” was issued to a person living in the city of ___________, down the street, in house No., apt. No.
This document claims to have completed a course in marriage science. During the training, he showed the following knowledge:

Money making - 5
Telefootball hockey sickness - 5
Fishing - 5
Computability - 5
Scrubbing - 5

The "diploma" claims that he was transferred from the department of bachelors to the department of the family institute of life and gives him the right to become a father in the future.
Handing over, drinking.


And let's check how our young people know each other.
To the groom: recognize the bride by a kiss (they put the groom on a chair, three girls call him, they blindfold him; the bride always kisses).
To the bride: recognize the groom by the hands (five men).
What are you guests laughing at? Now we will check you!
For guests: recognize your wife by the knee, by touch (one family and several girls are called, the girls sit on the bench in a row, legs crossed, the man is blindfolded).
Let's raise our glass to that
who became the chosen one,
Eugene whose preferred beauty
And in whom he found a lot of merit.
We wish, Ira, to be always loved!
The union of hearts is considered indissoluble!
And let the husband report daily
That he does not have a soul in his wife,
That for him she is more beautiful than all,
For (name) - our bride!
We drank.


We have problems in life
However, everyone cares about blood in life.
One openly, and the other furtively,
Simple feelings - friendship and love.
Love ... Is there anything else like that,
That brought so much light to life.
She does not like boredom and peace,
Love is not just a feeling - a craft!
So let's drink to those who wait, forgetting that there are others.
Who can't be loved
For those who are forever dear
Only one eye shines with love.
For the love that transforms life
What makes the heart beat again
For the love that conquers troubles
We drink to true love!!!
We drank.


Young people are asked to stand
They invite you to dance!
Resplendent with its beauty,
Our young swan
Invites to a round dance
Dance all honest people.
Drank, break, games, contests.


We declare beauty.
Beauties under No. 1, No. 2, No. 3. (under construction)
So let me introduce:
Beauties No. 1 - Marisabel (coming forward);
No. 2 - Just Maria (steps forward);
No. 3 - Manka Bond (coming forward).
But men will not forgive us if we spend without them. Poet / Women are divided into 3 parts: at the same time we will hold a "Handsome Man" called "Strength and Agility".
Allow me to introduce the participants:
handsome men No. 1 - Arnold Schwarzenegger;
No. 2 - Sylvestor Stolloni;
No. 3 - You are a lady.
We announce musical.
Participants dance a dance.
Girls invite boys. The crucial moment has come.
Select the perfect couple and give prizes.
In the role of beauties are men in disguise, beauties - women; the perfect couple is revealed and prizes are awarded.


We ask everyone to sit down at the table,
And eat and drink!
Hey men, take your seats
Don't forget your ladies.
Look at them:
How to draw a groom!
And the bride is no secret
Blossomed like a poppy flower.
Let the bottle splash with foam
Let it be full of laughter
May you have family life
Whatever you want will come true!
To make you newlyweds
Remember this evening
So that bachelors, dudes,
The happiness of marriage understood!
Kiss the newlyweds
Let those kisses not be counted!
Otherwise, the poor invited
And bitter to drink, and bitter to eat!
Today you got married
Happy day for you
Once you lit the beacon of love,
May it shine on you for the rest of your life.
Our wedding party is coming to an end. For the solemn farewell to the young, I ask everyone to stand up. We met the young people solemnly, let's celebrate solemnly. Dear our witnesses, you have to see off the young,
Walk the earth happily
Bring love, songs and hopes,
And my radiant youth.
May Mother Fatherland joyfully and tenderly
Bless another family.
And today I admonish you young people,
And in love with each other
We say: "Good luck, dear friends,
Be worthy of each other forever."
We accompany the young.
Let's continue the wedding together!
You are guests - guests,
Don't sit like stumps
Drink, eat, be merry.
How much the soul wishes.
Come back tomorrow at 12 noon! (second day)

2nd day

There is a table in the doorway, at which the Opohmetologist sits,
Head of Aibolit Pokhmelyaevich, Happy lover.
There are bottles of lemonade, vodka, wine, water, champagne on the table.
Labels on the vials:

Lotteries for the second day

Potion of love
Potion of happiness
Potion for treason
Medicine for indigestion
Headache medicine
Potion for 100 diseases
Separation medicine

Guests buy 100 gr., enter the hall, those who wish buy wedding lottery tickets from the cashier.
When everyone gathered, invite them to the table, but the place of the bride and groom was taken by a "false bride and groom."
Ask the guests to buy the place of the bride and groom./
Good afternoon dear friends!
Here is another happy family. We express hope and complete confidence that this family will be beautiful, happy and kind all their lives.
Dear ____________ and ______________!
We congratulate you on a solemn day,
Pour golden wine into glasses,
We wish everything in life to be in order,
So that there are no storms and everything is smooth,
So that you live together, love each other,
So that children are born, they bring joy to the house,
With the big word "WE" you will replace "I",
FAMILY means a lot in life.
So let's drink to a new young family, to their love!
We drank. They serve noodles, but there are no spoons.


The guests sat down, the guests are waiting:
Why don't spoons carry?
A gypsy woman runs in with spoons. A gypsy sells spoons.


Happens in a person's life
Memorable days,
But among the days of any age
We remember our weddings.
Years, decades go by
But sacredly remember HE, SHE.
Happy day of their engagement.
HE is the husband now, SHE is the wife.
So let's drink to them!
For the health of the young!
For a new family
For a fun wedding!
We drank.


They say love is not verbose: suffer, think, figure it out.
This is all conditional, in my opinion, we are people, we are not carp.
And if you really want to make your head spin with happiness,
Speak, people, speak the best words!
Wedding Witness:
Both the groom and the young woman live you 100 years
No, not knowing the troubles.
To respect each other
To love, help
So that families honor the laws
And they loved their parents.
Wedding Witness:
Let your love not melt like smoke
You, husband, do not forget that you were born a man,
A woman is your weak half.
Give her flowers, talk about love
Take it harder for yourself.
Wedding Witness:
Let the wife be affectionate, kind,
She guards the family hearth.
Better feed your hubby
Then you will enter more firmly into his heart.
Wedding Witness:
Let peace and tranquility settle in the family,
Survive you until the golden wedding!
May every day be lived in harmony,
And may God give you such a life to live,
Which is similar to a good song,
And the song is not easy to put together.

Copying of material is allowed only by an active link to the page !!

As the young pass, they are sprinkled with grain, coins, and rose petals.

We throw grain under our feet,
May it grow with happiness.
We throw copper coins under our feet,
So that you don't be poor.
Throwing rose petals
So that you do not know grief or tears!

The entrance must be blocked by a scarlet tape.

The border is not simple:
Behind - a single life.
You have a pass, friends,
To a house called Family?

Tamada asks to show the young marriage certificate.

Part 2: Feast

After the guests have taken their seats, the toastmaster offers to fill their glasses.

Tamada: Dear guests! You all probably know the phrase: “The most important thing is the weather in the house.” Therefore, while you fill your glasses, I suggest listening to a brief weather forecast for tonight. So, according to weather forecasters, the average temperature of the contents of your glasses is 30 degrees, the atmosphere is cozy. Possible storm positive emotions, accompanied by a continuous flow of pouring alcohol. At night, fog in the head is not ruled out; in the morning, wait for clearing. Well, now I propose a drink, so that the heroes of our occasion always have a quiet, cozy haven, where they can hide from any adversity!

Dear newlyweds! As the host of this wedding, I want to give you a very important document. (Reads operating instructions and hands them to young people).

  1. Eye color - ________________
  2. Weight is stable.
  3. Hair color is the latest fashion
  4. Appetite is moderate.

Safety instructions:

  1. Do not beat, do not scratch, do not shake - fragile.
  2. Do not overload!
  3. Do not heat to a sizzle.
  4. Do not bring to a boil.

Uninterrupted operation is guaranteed for 100 years from the date of issue, subject to all operating rules.

Groom Operating Instructions:

  1. Date of production on the light ___________
  2. Eye color - ________________
  3. Can be used as dishwasher, food processor and also as a caring, loving husband.

For proper functioning, the husband needs:

  1. In daily three meals a day.
  2. Clean clothes and daily walks in the fresh air.

Care rules:

  1. Keep away from moisture and high voltage.
  2. Clean periodically.

It is forbidden:

  1. Apply excessive force when cleaning.
  2. Wipe with a damp cloth.
  3. Sip and throw.

If all the rules of use are followed, both husband and wife will serve for a long time and without breakdowns. Yes, by the way, none of the spouses can be replaced.

While the guests are sitting at the table, young people are invited to write 5 animals on a piece of paper. Then the toastmaster enters them into the prepared form and reads them out.

Toastmaster: All the guests probably want to know more about the bride and groom, and they agreed to help us with this. So, here is what the bride thinks of her husband:

Affectionate like _______

Acts like _______ in bed

Handsome as ___________

Caring as _____________

Kind like _______

The same is read out about the bride, but with the husband's answers.

Toastmaster: So, I propose to raise glasses for a beautiful, caring girl and reliable, strong man who today before your eyes have become a strong and happy family!

Tamada: Friends! I propose to smoothly move on to the competitive part of our event. And so that all guests feel more relaxed and not embarrassed of each other, I suggest getting to know each other better.

Competition "Introduction of guests"

The toastmaster approaches each guest with two hats, one of which contains pre-prepared questions, and the second answers. The participant takes one piece of paper with a question, reads it aloud, and then a piece of paper with an answer. Even if the answers don't match the questions, it's okay. Here is a list of approximate questions and answers:

How often do you allow yourself to drink too much? - Every week on Fridays.

Are you violent? "Only when I'm drunk."

Did you come to the wedding today just to eat and drink for free? – Definitely yes.

Have you ever wake up in an unfamiliar place? “Maybe, I don’t remember.

Do you like to chat with strangers? – Yes, especially after cognac.

Are you a jealous person? - You know better.

How do you feel about alcohol? What kind of ambiguous questions are you asking me?!

Are you capable of extreme and rash acts? - You can also try.

Are you ready to dance a striptease today? - Only to the applause of the audience.

Can you answer the question, "What do women want?" - I don't know myself.

What is your attitude towards marriage and family life? - Definitely positive.

Do you like today's holiday? -100% yes.

Toastmaster: Well, now, as they say, let's drink to an acquaintance! For the acquaintance of two wonderful, loving people who gathered us at this holiday! Bitterly!

Part 3: Entertaining

Tamada invites guests to dance and participate in outdoor competitions. Below are the most popular and entertaining contests that can be included in wedding script for toastmaster .

"Now I'll sing"

You can invite guests to compose and sing funny ditties. To do this, the participants are divided into several groups, each is given the beginning of the verse, which must be supplemented. When all groups have completed the task, one participant is invited to represent their team. The result should be a fun song.

Examples of the beginning of ditties:

Oh, at the wedding we walked
A whole month and 3 days...

We congratulated the young
Wishing them much happiness...

The groom is no longer sitting
Want to have some fun too...

And the young bride
Lights up on the dance floor...

We sang ditties to you,
Is it good, is it bad….

"Guess the hobby"

For the competition, the audience chooses the most active and cheerful wedding participant, whom the toastmaster takes out the door and tells the rules. He allegedly has to talk about his hobby (for example, about football), answering questions from the guests, so that they guess what it is. Guests are tentatively asked to imagine that kissing is a hobby, but at the same time they are warned that the player will talk about his real passion, unaware of the conspiracy of the audience. When a participant enters the room, they are asked questions such as:

How long ago did you start doing this?

How much time are you willing to spend on your hobby?

Are you doing this alone or with someone?

How do your relatives feel about your hobby?

What is your favorite place to do this?

Who taught you this?

"Compose a congratulation"

Guests are invited to name any adjectives that the presenter enters into a pre-prepared greeting template. After that, the text is read.

"_____________bride and groom! Today we are gathered here to ____________ congratulate you on this ______________ event! A few years ago, the groom did not suspect the existence of such a _____________ girl, and she, in turn, could not imagine that she would soon marry such a ______________ man. We all witnessed the creation of a new, _______________ family. And on this occasion, we want to wish you ___________ family life, _______________ love, ______________ kids and of course, ____________ happiness! Bitterly!


Each guest must in turn come up with a congratulation word for one of the letters of the alphabet. If someone wants to skip their toast, you can come up with a fine, for example, put 50 rubles into the treasury of the newlyweds or tell a joke, sing a song, etc.

"Road to Love"

The bride and groom are taken to different ends of the hall and offered to alternately take a step towards each other, while saying 1 compliment or an affectionate nickname. Can't be repeated.


The competition is held among men. Players are given a sheet of paper, music is playing in the hall. In 1 minute, the participants must run around the hall and invite the girls to leave a lip print on a piece of paper. One girl can "kiss" one participant. The winner is the man who managed to collect the most prints. He is awarded the comic medal "Mr. Macho".

"Boy or girl?"

The purpose of this competition is to determine who will be born in the family. To do this, invite two guys and each is given one balloon pink and blue color to be inflated. If the pink balloon bursts faster, a girl will be born, if the blue one, a boy.

Dear guests! Do you know what is the most common cause of family quarrels? (Guests begin to offer their options). Statistically, most young couples are unable to share the main household chores. And so that our young people live happily and without scandals, let's help them together in this.

For the competition, one man is invited from the side of the bride and groom. Each is given a balloon with helium and is offered to take one piece of paper out of the box one by one, on which the housework is written. Before reading the text, participants must inhale helium from the balloon and begin each phrase "The bride / groom undertakes to ...". Below is a sample list that you can add to:

  1. Regularly prepare romantic dinners, and if desired, also lunches and breakfasts.
  2. Bring coffee to bed every morning.
  3. Without extra words go to visit his/her mother, love her and give flowers for all holidays.
  4. Do homework with children.
  5. Take out the garbage on your own and without reminders.
  6. Wash dishes every day.
  7. Respects the cleanliness of the house, and maintain order in it.
  8. Without quarrels, let go to the bath / club with friends.
  9. Compliment your wife/husband every day.
  10. Bring home a monthly salary.
  11. Giving expensive gifts to your beloved / beloved is not only on holidays.
  12. Carry a soul mate in your arms, or if the first is beyond your power, carry it in an expensive car.

Bride and groom! Now you know how much you have to do to make your family strong and friendly! But your most important duty is to love each other, support in any situation and respect your choice. May your family not know bitter disappointments, may it be bitter only now! Bitterly!

“What do you wish the bride and groom?
To always be together.
They slept together, ate, drank,
Children would be taken to kindergarten.
So that there is no reason for a quarrel,
The man will always give in first,
Cherish love trustingly, vigilantly.
And only today, let it be “bitter” for you!

Part 4: Final

Presentation of gifts from guests is an integral part of any wedding.

After that, you can hold a competition among girls who will marry faster. To do this, the bride traditionally throws a bouquet into a crowd of unmarried friends.

To enter the family path
Forever, not somehow
You must decide here
Who will do all the work
And to solve this question for you
I ask you to taste this caravan.
He is magnificent, he is beautiful, he is tasty,
It has the aroma of the native land ...
And more who will bite off a piece,
That's what it's like to be the head of the family.

Young people treat guests with a loaf and invite everyone to the festive fireworks.

- this is not so much a feast, a family holiday, but rather a theatrical action, a kind of show. A special role is assigned to the toastmaster, who must draw up a scenario for this action, familiarize himself with the composition of the guests in advance, know which of them will speak a toast, be able to sing a song, play a skit. You may need help with writing toasts to parents and grandparents.

The master of ceremonies must clearly build scenario wedding celebration so that all parts of the wedding ceremony - introductory, solemn, congratulatory, game, final - smoothly pass into one another, and guests can eat, jump, and laugh in moderation. He must coordinate his work with invited performers, musicians, kitchen and, most importantly, be able to manage time at the wedding. Can advise how to decorate the hall, arrange tables, give them names.

If funds allow, come up with something original: fireworks, a show at the hippodrome, performances by artists of the original genre, fortune-telling by a “gypsy”, karaoke, an ethnic table. Each guest must leave the wedding in good mood. Below we offer one of the options for the scenario of the wedding.

The scenario of the wedding

Meeting of the young.

Toastmaster, host of the wedding celebration, together
meets the young with the groom's parents, addresses them:


Dear newlyweds! By tradition, the most dear to you people - your parents - meet you here. Mom has a wedding loaf in her hands as a symbol of well-being and prosperity.

Newlyweds! Break off a piece of bread and season with salt! You have the opportunity to annoy each other for the last time. Yes, salt more ... And now exchange slices of bread. Look at each other with tenderness and feed each other. Music sounds, exclamations of guests, the newlyweds "feed" each other.


Well, we found out who in the family will be the breadwinner. Well done fiance! And now parting words of parents before family life. The groom's parents say parting words to the newlyweds.


And now the way for the couple -
May only happiness await in life.
Come on, hurry up
The wedding feast is calling you!
We invite everyone to the feast,
To the wedding hospitality.

The newlyweds pass along the corridor formed by the guests, take their place at the wedding table.


Dear young! Dear relatives of the bride and groom! Dear relatives, friends, acquaintances!

Allow me to begin our wedding evening, which will consist of three parts:

The first part: the most solemn, festive-ceremonial, consisting of toasts, kisses, etc. Let's call it: "Everything is dear to the beginning!"
The second part: entertaining, entitled: "And life is good, and live well!"
The third part: the most massive, the most exciting. It will begin when the guests reach a certain condition, when they no longer distinguish their wife from the neighbor's wife. This part is called: "Who is in what much!"
Today we have gathered to celebrate a wonderful event - another family was born today. So let's congratulate the young on a wonderful event - marriage.

Our first toast we announce-
Let's hurry up to pour glasses -
We congratulate the young in it
All together and wholeheartedly!
Let happiness flow like a river
Let grief not enter their house,
Let their bad weather pass -
Let's drink to that at the table!
We just don't have to slow down.
The bride is waiting and the groom is waiting,
Let's raise our glasses,
Friends! We drink to the young!

(drank, ate...)

And now, dear guests, listen to the "Rules of conduct at the table":

1. All guests to be cheerful and resourceful, that is, to find a drink when everything is already drunk.
2. It is forbidden to pronounce the words: "Where does it get into you so much?", "Don't drink!", "Don't yell!", "Let's go home ...".
3. It is allowed to say: "Bitter!", "I love you!", "I respect you!", "Pour it up!", "Let's get lost!".
4. Do not gather under the table for more than three and follow the traffic rules.
5. After the wedding, it is allowed to leave the premises only through the doors - do not use windows, vents and other openings for this purpose.

Now that everyone has learned what is possible and what is not, we will continue our wedding evening ...

Glory, glory to the newlyweds!
Honor and glory to the young!
Life is bright and successful
We sincerely wish them!

Let dreams know no barriers
Happiness will be endless
Let love inspire them
Friendship pleases the heart!
We wish you happiness
Did not bypass you in anything!
Live in peace and harmony
And everything will be nothing to you!
Live happily and amicably
Argue a little if you need to
But know your business tight,
That you can't live without each other!
That you can't be sad at all,
Friends, let's shout: "Bitter!".

(drank, ate...)

Now we propose a toast to the parents,
Although we personally know little of them,
But children, as is often the case,
Many parents repeat themselves.
Honest and kind, their children are fair -
So - the merit of the parents in this.

After all, an apple falls from an apple tree nearby
And people are happy to say thank you.

For you and for your beautiful children
Thank you from everyone and from us, from the guests!
We wish you happiness, health, of course,
And help raise grandchildren,
We wish you all endless joy
And drink a glass of wine to the bottom!

Dear parents of the bride and groom:
__________ and _____________,
_________ and ____________
Thank you for the sleepless nights and quiet parental tears, for your love and tenderness, for your exactingness and severity, for the fact that your eyes shine with deep happiness when you see your children!
Fill up all the glasses
And get up merrier
Standing we will drink for the main ones,
For fathers and mothers!

(drank, ate...)

Let it be fun today
At our wedding table!
One family - big and friendly -
We will spend this evening!
Let no one be sad -
Neither husband nor his wife
Well, for the one who is here without a husband,
Let it be doubly fun!

Our dear ______ and ______!
We sincerely wish you happiness!
To the sound of a crystal glass
To the sound of champagne
We congratulate the newlyweds
We wish you full happiness!

(drank, ate...)

To the wedding to you, dear spouses,
All relatives came,
Congratulate you, present your gifts
For you and your future family!

Do not put your gifts together:
You can give flowers to the bride,
You can hand the envelopes to the groom,
Well, gifts - a miracle chest!

(Presenting gifts...)

For the bride and groom
For all who became our guests,
For this holiday our wonderful
Please raise a glass of wine!

(drank, ate...)

Two narrow paths converged into a wide path,
Two hearts of lovers converged on one road!

A young wife and pretty and slim,
And the young owner is the equal of his wife!
Let's admire them - the first dance of the young!

(Everybody is dancing!..)

In paradise from an apple tree
Having once tasted the fruit of paradise,
Eve became Adam's wife
Since then people have been getting married!

And today is a celebration
Similar meaning.
Where are the young? Well, get up -
We are teaching you!

Let's read to the young now
A small order.
We will instruct you -
You are welcome to answer.

Live in harmony, live in friendship,
Yes, cherish each other
Do not offend even a word - be prepared!

Appreciate your husband
Faith, truth to serve,
To keep it always clean
And contented and eloquent,
Not even a sidelong glance at anyone - be ready!
_______! love a wife,
Wear it in your arms,
And for the adoption of marital shackles - be ready!

May your life be happy
And if a shadow suddenly hangs,
Here you are, friends, our support -
Iron ruble for a rainy day.

Peace and love, dear spouses,
The last instruction to you, friends,
It's more fun to go through life with children,
So give us one more word -
Give your homeland a child a year - be prepared!

May your life be happy
Full of love and joy
Like a cup poured by me
Full of champagne!

First host: Good day! Here we are at the start of our competition! Svetlana is with you at this party today!

Second host: and Alexander!

First host: You know, as a child I had a favorite fairy tale: “There was a king. And he had 3 in math!” Well, this is what I ....

First host: How did you guess?

1) There is longitude, but does it happen? (latitude)

2) The capital of Belarus? (Minsk)

3) Who was the mammoth looking for? (mom)

4) Say 3 rhymes to the word "Cow"

5) Finish the phrase: “One head is good, but two ...... (better)

7) Who directed the film “Kill Bill”? (Tarantino)

8) Where do the Chukchi live? (in Chukotka)

9) When we look in the mirror, do we see? (reflection)

10) In what period did dinosaurs live? (Jurassic)

11) Satellite of the Earth? (Moon)

First host: I would like to tell a verse. I dedicated it to women!

Dear women, we love you very much!
That's why we guys drink so often!

Second host: So, you drank a lot yesterday again!

First host: No, a little, you're beautiful!!!

  • Spanish explorer João da Nova discovered Saint Helena
  • Order of Saint Alexander Nevsky established in Russia
  • The beginning of the founding of the Pacific Fleet (in Russia)
  • Canada's first census was conducted (not correct option)
  • The International Federation of Football Associations (FIFA) is founded in Paris
  • The world's first ice-floe-drifting scientific station "North Pole-1" began its work

Under the Young Family program, Carlson has been trying to get a roof in a new building for the tenth year!

Second host:"Between the first and second break is small," thought Casanova!

First host: Firefighters filmed the cat for 3 hours ... on a video camera, after which they decided to film it from the tree.

Second host: In Karaganda opened a monument to the word where!

First host: Where? Where?

Second host: In Karaganda!

Second host: Whoever answers the most questions wins!

First host: Wait, it says right there that the one who answered the least, he won!

Second host: While you were drinking yesterday, the scenario has changed! Ask questions!

1) How can I stick a poster on the wall? (a - sandpaper, b – scotch tape, c - drill, g - rope)

2) Seoul is the capital of which country? (a – China, b – Poland, c – Korea, g - Persia)

3) The Enter button on the keyboard is needed for: (a - information output, b - input information, c - in order to put cups of coffee on it, d - for fingers)

4) What is a myth? (a - an ancient legend of some people about fantastic creatures, b – washing powder, c - the husband's story about his adventures at night)

5) Who said: “only the distortion and infringement of the natural principle in man by civilization leads to evil and injustice” (a - Abraham Russo, singer, b - French philosopher Rousseau, in - no one spoke)

6) Who were Cyril and Methodius? (a - Greeks, b - Slavs, c - dentists, d - Americans)

8) Why work? (a - not to work, b - to earn money, c - to relax, d - be silent, slave)

9) How long did the Hundred Years War last. a) 116 b) 99 c) 100 d) 150 ( Hundred Years War lasted 116 years from 1337 to 1453).

10) In which country was panama invented? a) Brazil b) Chile c) Panama d) Ecuador (Panama was invented in Ecuador.)

11) In what month is the October Revolution celebrated? a) January b) September c) October e) November (The October Revolution is celebrated in November).

12) What was the name of King George the 6th? a) Albert b) George c) Manuel (King George's name is Albert. He changed it in 1936).

13) From what animal does the name of the Canary Islands come from? a) Canary b) Kangaroo c) Seal d) Rat

Second host: And now Alexander will sing a song!

First host: What?

Second host: I mean, I set you up!!!

First host: Well, the song! (to the motive of the song “Brunettes and Blondes” by the Zveri group)

"In Moscow and the Moscow region, in Samara, Taganrog,

Loans for apartments are unthinkably high!

And in order not to save up for a personal apartment,

Meet rich brunettes and blondes!"

First host: For him, we need 1 guy, and a few girls!

(The participant, whose eyes are blindfolded, chooses where and who should kiss him, only he again makes his choice blindly).

First host: You know, I wrote poems for you!

  • Author : M. Savinykh
  • To whom : Adults
  • Others : Redemption, Musical, Dress up, With props, Fairytale
  • Roles : 4 and > person
  • Pages : 31 pages
  • A type : Scenario
  • Time spending: 4 hours, 5 hours

The wedding script for the toastmaster is complete and detailed with competitions and music tracks

We offer ready, complete, interesting, comic script weddings for beginners or experienced hosts. Everything for holding modern wedding. A lot of interesting, amazing contests and tasks. Contains 30 music tracks, 31 pages of text.

First of all, the ransom of the bride is carried out, at the home of the parents of a young girl.

Ransom of the bride

Scene-test for the ransom of the bride: "Baba Yaga and Leshy"

Description: Villains (disguised aunt and uncle or friends) - Grandmother Yaga and Leshy stole and hid the bride. The groom is offered to perform comic tasks and answer questions ...

Baba Yaga is a man dressed as Grandmother Yozhka.
Goblin - fat woman, put on a beard, hat, caftan and belt. In pockets and decorate the hat with twigs and grass - but not necessary.

Before the bride is asked questions, she gives answers to them. The groom must guess these answers.


/ The groom in the corridor or at the entrance is met by Baba Yaga and Leshy /

Baba Yaga:
- Chufir, chufir! I smell the Russian spirit! No groom came to us for his bride! /here you can substitute the names of the bride and groom/

- It wasn’t there, we won’t just give up our prey!

…………….full text of the ransom with jokes in full version script……………………


Dear newlyweds! We are glad to welcome you and congratulate you on your legal marriage. Many guests came to congratulate you today, but among them there are people closest to you - your parents.

(the bride and groom walk along the living corridor, the guests sprinkle them with rose petals)

Bow to your parents at the feet three times for their love, warmth and care that they have given you all these years, and today they have come to bless you for a long, happy, life together!

Parents, bless your children! (bless)


Taste bread as a symbol of the blessing of parents, as a symbol of life on earth. The groom breaks off and salts the bread for the bride, the bride breaks and salts for the groom, so that today you annoy each other for the first and last time, and in your life, so that it is sweet and smooth.

So that in your life together there is no knot, no hitch - break this plate for happiness.

(after these words, the mother of the bride sprinkles the newlyweds)

Today you have united and for each other have become halves of one whole. Here are glasses for two of you, drink from them as soon as possible and you will be united!

Now eat a candy and as soon as you chew it, say “Ahh”, remember how in childhood?

We did this so that you understand that standing here on the threshold of a new life, you are still children, and as soon as your parents tie your hands and lead you to new life, You will become adults, an independent family. What God has joined together, man will not separate! Love each other, appreciate each other, respect each other! (Fathers tie the hands of the young and lead them to the table)

And now the way for the couple -
Let only happiness await in life!
Come on, hurry up
A festive feast is calling you!
We invite everyone to the feast,
Wedding hospitality.

Feast. TOAST 1.

Dear newlyweds!
Today you got married
For you, a happy day in the world,
Once you lit the beacon of love

May it shine on you for the rest of your life.
Everything turned out the way you wanted
And now the desired hour has come -
You put on chastity rings

Flowers and music for you.
You have beautiful outfits
We are starting this feast.
Complied with articles, rituals,

Love, advice to you, eternal peace.
In anticipation of family ties,
When hearts and souls are wide open
We bless your union
For stability and happiness.

Well, guests, stood up together?
Glasses cheerfully raised?
Let's shout bitterly to them
Bitter, bitter young.

First kiss

Track number 1. First kiss.


The second toast rightly sounds for the dearest and closest people to you. For your parents!

But before you raise a glass to them
Parents, children to congratulate you.

Now we want to invite the parents of the bride mom (NAME) dad (NAME)

Mom reads her words. Wishes from the parents of the bride.

Then the groom's parents come out. Mom reads her words. Congratulations from the groom's parents.

Now, before we raise our glasses, we will say amicably bitterly to our parents. Someone must teach the young to kiss.


…………………………..text of the comic telegram in the full version of the script………………………….


For those who took honorable care
From now on, I owe many years in a row
Follow with desire, with joy, with pleasure
So that there is peace and harmony in the family sponsored.
So that the wards walk together
Dear bright, joyful, big
Before their silver wedding at the beginning
Well, then before the wedding gold.

(the word is given to the witnesses)

You got a comrade girlfriend
Kiss the boyar friend.

There is a sun and a moon in the sky, we have a groom and a bride. Both are dazzling, radiate warmth and tenderness. The only difference is that the sun and the moon appear in turn, one at a time, and we wish our young people to always be together and never be separated!

On this solemn day two loving person tied the bonds of love... Eye to eye, hand in hand, heart to heart, his pulse will merge with her rhythm ... in the first dance of the young, which they will carry through their whole lives ...


Track number 2. The first dance of the young.

And now I want to make a musical gift for our newlyweds and their guests. Please everyone on the dance floor. (35 min)


(name of the bride), I want to give you a small gift. Today one of the most happy days in your life, you are unusually beautiful today. I want to give you this bouquet and ask you to dance with it, and at the moment when you feel especially happy, throw one flower, then another, and let the guests make their most cherished wishes and try to catch them. After all, today all wishes have the right to come true!

And now we will hold a competition with you for the most mobile and plastic young man.
To do this, we need to select five applicants and take 5 chairs. (Chair dancing competition)

Dear guests, do you want to see how our groom celebrated his bachelor party yesterday?
We change the groom's friends into girls, put a chair in the center of the hall and seat the groom. Friends dressed up dancing.

Track number 3. Groomsmen dance.

All at the table.

One day, an ancient old woman with a stick came to the house where the weddings of two sisters were celebrated and asked to feed her. The eldest of the sisters shouted at her and wanted to push her out, and the youngest sat her down at the table. The old woman was a fairy, and she put invisible black glasses on the eyes of the older one, and rose-colored glasses on the eyes of the younger. And the whole world began to seem gloomy to the elder, everything annoyed her, and because of every little thing she scandalized. She gave her husband a dark, joyless and impoverished life. The younger one saw everything in a pink light - kind, beautiful, worthy of love. She was tolerant, did not notice minor and inevitable misdeeds, and gave her husband a bright life in an atmosphere of love and joy. The kingdom of the family is the kingdom of a woman, and it is in the power of the wife to make a long golden morning out of married life. Let's wish the bride to create this paradise of a happy family life. For the happiness of the young! Bitterly!!!

(any poem or prose lead guests to give gifts).

One ruler was asked:

How do you keep peace and tranquility in your state?
And he answered:
“When I am angry, my people are calm. When they are angry, I am calm. In other words, when I am angry, they calm me down, and when they are angry, I calm them down. The family is a state in miniature.
My toast is to keep peace and tranquility in your family in this way.
Bitter young.

And now I suggest you play one very funny game.

Rules of the game "On the Leaves"

……………………… in full scenario………………………


In one country, and even in one city, two beautiful babies were born. In one family, they rejoiced at the birth of a heroic son, and in another, a beautiful daughter. That's how they grew up, grew up and ... having matured, they met. Their hearts found each other and spoke. And what they are talking about today, we will now find out. I want our young people to say the warmest and most tender words to each other.

Bitter young!

Our dears, answer me and all the guests, have you ever talked about who will do what after the wedding? Now, let's check this out.

Duty box

Husband's joking official duties (recited at the wedding)

1. Do not assume that the marriage certificate is
This is an act for the eternal use of his wife.
Only everyday attention to his wife,
Increasing love for her
They are the key to great happiness.

…………… all text in full version…………………………..

Joking office duties of a wife (recited at the wedding)

1. Remember: it is not enough to charm a husband;
You must always keep him in a fascinated state.

2. Do not consider that your main responsibility
Read morality to her husband and put 2 for behavior.

……………………… all text in the full version of the script…………………………………………….

(Names of the young), we filmed it all, and if you suddenly have doubts about who will cook and who will give birth to children, you immediately turn on the TV and watch. Although according to by and large it doesn't matter who will do the laundry, who will clean up, the main thing is that everything in your family should be together. So that you always help and at least sometimes give in to each other, and most importantly, that you trust each other.

"Gypsy Fortuneteller"

I sing the song "Guitar toils". I'm guessing. I tell.

Hello, hello my dears. I was told that I am a famous currency gypsy and I only come to the most expensive guests. And today I came to you for a holiday and I will definitely tell you fortune, but first I want to make a gift for you. Do you want to know the thoughts of your guests?


……………………… the full version of the script………………………………

Musical pause.

Oath of the Young

Do you swear, (name), to be an exemplary husband, protector, friend, faithful helper. (- I swear!)
Do you swear, fiancé, you (name) love? Sweep floors and wash dishes? (- I swear!)
Do you swear to take care of her, Always kiss leaving for work? (- I swear!)
Do you swear to give money to your wife? (- I swear!) Swear to always be good and sweet, so that there is no room for contention, insults ... (- I swear!)
Do you swear, (name), do you feel sorry for your husband, be friendly, affectionate with him all your life? (- I swear!)
And after dinner, if he lies down with a newspaper, swear that you won't swear about it. (- I swear!)
Do you swear that at any cost you will be a good and faithful wife? (I swear!)
Do you swear not to blow your lips against your husband, not to let the wind blow on him? (I swear!)
Do you swear that you will cook cheesecakes more often, Pour stronger tea and sweeter? (I swear!)
Do you swear to your family and friends And to share sorrow and joy in half?
After such vows, you simply have to go through life hand in hand, soul to soul. Bitter young!


Now, dear guests, I want to tell you one very beautiful tale. But for this I will ask our newlyweds to help me. Bride and groom, please stand up and listen carefully to every word and every sound.

So, let's begin:

/DJ plays backing tracks during each pause/


………………………………..text of a fairy tale with backing tracks in the paid version of the script…………………………….

And then came this bright and unforgettable day in your life. Today, the closest people came to share this joy with you. And they tell you from the bottom of their hearts (we wish you happiness). Bitter young!


Collect for a boy, a girl in beautiful pots:

………………………… the text of the scene in the detailed version……………………………………

And now we will conduct the ceremony of lighting a candle and saying goodbye to girlhood. All unmarried girls, please come here.

MUSICAL rite of lighting a candle

……………………………… text and music tracks in full version………………………………………..

Bride, come to your mother.

You have always been with me since childhood,
in moments of joy, in moments of sorrow,
for all the insults you forgive me,
I sincerely ask for your forgiveness...
you are always with me since childhood,
in moments of sincerity and hours of deception..
and I thank you for everything
my beloved mother...

Mother and bride dancing

Track number 23.

Well, it's dad's turn. Father of the bride, please come. Remember how your daughter was born quite a baby, but she takes her first steps, but she says the first "mom" and now she goes to first grade. She suddenly grew up. Today you are giving her in marriage. Press her to your heart and, as you once did in childhood, joke with her about what only a father can talk about with his little, beloved, tiny daughter.

Father and bride dancing

Track number 24.

Pass your daughter into other hands, into the hands of her beloved, the groom take care of her, as her father took care of her. This is the most beautiful flower that my father raised in his garden. Today he picked this rose and gave it to you. But a rose will only bloom when it is taken care of.

The bride and groom dance

Track number 25.


And now the turn has come to congratulate the bride and groom from the most faithful girlfriends and friends.

Scene for the wedding from the bridesmaids: "Babki-Yozhki"

Track number 28.

Description: Three groovy bridesmaids congratulate the bride and groom, dressed as grandmothers-Hedgehogs ... It is better if the bridesmaids are unmarried. But if they are married, it is also possible.

Girlfriend 1 - with a broom
Girlfriend 2 - with a spell book
Girlfriend 3 - with a bunch of dry herbs or a glass vial

/ Three girlfriends of grandmother-Yozhki come out into the hall /

1: We are grandmas-Hedgehogs, slender legs / lifts the hem and shows the leg / walked to your wedding, they broke the heels!
2: Ask for a refund, give a treat!
3: You will not meet us with warmth, we will steal the groom!

Music pause for a meal.

- Friends of the groom came to our wedding. One of them, handsome and single, wants to say his word to the groom.

Comic wedding scene: "The Bachelor"

Track number 29.

Description: The bachelor came to congratulate the groom and tell about himself, why he does not want to get married, talk about all the hardships of living with his wife.

Roles: 1 person, you can dress like a nerd, funny and ridiculous, for fun.

- I came to the wedding from afar,
To save the groom from trouble.
Planning to get married? Think brother!
After all, women are bitches, almost everything.

………………………………… the text of the scene in the full version……………………………

Music pause for a meal.

- One feathered guest has come to us, who brings happiness to the house, called a baby!

Comic scene for the wedding: "Stork"

Track number 30.

Description: A courier for express delivery of children - a stork - flew into the wedding, takes an order for the delivery of a child ...

Stork - you can sew a stork costume from white fabric, put on a mask or apply makeup. Attach a beak made of red cardboard, wings-cloak made of fabric. Over the shoulder canvas bag, in the style of a postman.

/A stork with a bag enters the stage and addresses the bride and groom/

- A white-tailed courier stork flew to you from afar.
- I work in express delivery, I take applications for children.
- I accept applications for girls and boys and deliver the best babies to spouses!

………………………………… the text of the scene in the full version……………………………

But besides this, we offer very useful contests, jokes, poems, telegrams, commandments, instructions and other necessary things:

Joking commandments for newlyweds

1. The husband is the head of the house, the head of everything.
2. The husband is the head, the wife is the neck; where I want, I go there!
3. Wife, cross the road where the husband points.
4. Wife, do not forget that you have a separate office - the kitchen!
5. A wife in everything and always must be obedient to her husband. Let the wife be afraid of her husband!
6. Wife, always be friendly and optimistic.
7. Give your husband instructions in moderation. Remember that even a drop of water wears away a stone.
8. Teach your husband to technology. If he buys washing machine or a vacuum cleaner, then he will be more willing to manage them himself!
9. The husband ordered - do it, do not argue, do not mind!
This order, perhaps, is good, if you left and are a little cunning, you will turn your husband's order in your own way.
Well, we wish that those who marry live happily and happily, without scandals and fights! So be healthy, live richly!

Joking telegrams for newlyweds and wedding guests

I found out very late that you are getting married!
How could you change me?
After all, for a long time you were with me, swore allegiance to me.
Probably, you will often remember me, our meetings, my fiery love for you ... I am very upset ...
Farewell and be happy.
your single life

My dear …
So you get on the rails of family life.
I believe that you will be a faithful husband and a good father.
Remember how you loved me; how I loved you.
Remember those unforgettable evenings when you and I were alone.
…, I will love you as before, even more.
More than once I will appear to you in your dreams.
Remember me, my dear. Be happy.
your single life

Expensive …
Your wife has access to your wallet, but it's convenient, safe, and profitable to keep money in a savings bank.
Savings bank.

Dear …
We congratulate you on your family life and hope that we will fulfill the annual plan not without your participation.
In ... 20__, we are expecting a 2-seater stroller. Looking forward to shopping.
Score " Child's world»
___________, accept congratulations from your unmarried friends.
We regret that one of us has become less. Our ranks are thinning... But we won't take it back! Pull the strap of family life until old age.
your girlfriends

Dear guests, do not worry, drink for the young; we are ready to receive you

Sobering-up station.

Dear _____________
Please be informed that the baby stroller driving course has been postponed for the time being due to the lack of passengers. DOSAAF

Wedding decree in verse

……………………….in the full version of the script………………………….

Joking hostess certificate (for the bride at the wedding)

Issued to the bride by the wedding commission that she graduated from the school of housewives.
By the decision of GESK from ... she was awarded the title of "Excellent housewife", which corresponds to the 5th category of housewives.

The housewife should know:
1. Spending the family budget economically - money! After all, they are printed on paper!
2. The room must be intertwined with cobwebs! To avoid unnecessary tenants.
3. Walk around the room slowly, so as not to get confused about abandoned things.
4. Cook dinner more often salted, in order to once again remind the betrothed of your existence and that you love him.

Chairman of HPSC _____________
HESK members _______________

Instructions for the wife

This document certifies that the husband .... (FULL NAME) …. (date) this year the wife was presented ... (full name) Wife 1 set.

…………………………… all text in the full version of the script……………………………………

Driving license for a baby stroller

For good parents, the stroller is not empty for a long time.

A certificate for the right to drive a baby carriage is awarded to the husband ...
The fact that in a few months he has the right to drive children's vehicles. At the same time, it is necessary to observe the rules of traffic and the rules of use.

It is forbidden:
1. Stop at a liquor store.
2. Stop at the pub.

1. Walk on the playground.
2. Walk in the park.
3. Stop at the grocery store

1. Stop at the children's store.
2. Stop at the store "Flowers".

Committee for the Protection of Children.
Date of issue …

Court case on accusation of the newlyweds of committing a particularly serious crime (for the wedding)

Case No. ___ dated ____ (date of marriage)
on charges of (name of the groom) and (name of the bride)
in the commission of a particularly serious crime


All rise, the court is in session!

A case is being heard on charges of (full names of young people) of committing love and maliciously changing lifestyles. As established, this crime was deliberately prepared for a long time. The perpetrators carefully concealed their feelings from their parents, from themselves, from others, but despite this, they exposed themselves.
According to our information, this happened in a room code-named the registry office, it was there that the crime was maturing. Particularly heavy guilt falls on (I.O. the groom), it was he who deprived the rest and sleep, plunged into confusion the soul of a modest, quiet, gentle, kind and beautiful girl (name of the bride). He maliciously shook her heart, managed to gain confidence. And the crime was committed: She fell in love with him!!!

Guilt (acting bride) is that with her meek (eye color) eyes she deprived the poor (groom's name) of fortitude and endurance and contributed to the commission of a crime. As a result - the finale: He fell in love with her!!!

I think that the comrades' court, the public and the relatives, who have gathered here, should approach this case with all seriousness and reveal the true motives of the crime. But no mercy, no indulgence, for any example is contagious.

Questions for the case:

To the groom: You must tell the truth and only the truth and nothing but the truth!
1. What is your last name, first name, patronymic?
2. Year of birth?
3. When and where did you see her for the first time?
4. What struck her, what did you pay attention to?
5. Do you think that you are to blame for what happened, or do you take the blame on yourself?

To the bride:

1. What is your last name, first name, patronymic?
2. What is your year of birth?
3. Why did you let this feeling flare up?
4. What methods did (name of the groom) use to lead you astray from the path of the righteous?
5. Do you have any circumstances that will mitigate your guilt and thanks to which you can alleviate your lot?

Questions for young people:

1. Do you plead guilty to the fact that you really love each other?
2. Are you really going to leave the bachelor life and enter the criminal path of marriage?
3. And you have no remorse for what you have done?

Look at the poor parents! What have they experienced, what are they going to experience! Therefore, I ask that the guilty be severely punished and sentenced to them!


Visiting session of a comrades' court on special important matters in the presence of a slightly intoxicated public and relatives, she considered the case of the young (full name of the young) and found them guilty of committing a dangerous crime: Love for each other. But, given their frank recognition, young age and insufficient life experience, the court decides: for the crime committed, from now on and forever consider husband and wife and condemn them to cohabitation and the upbringing of future children.

The verdict is final and not subject to appeal!


Congratulations to the newlyweds

We wish you:

How many drops of water are in Biya.
As much warmth as
Subtropics of the Caucasus.
So much creative energy
How much does the turbine give
All HPPs combined.
We wish you faithful friends,
To have someone to feast with
But such that in a difficult moment,
They could give a hand of friendship!
And let the fields of your love

Like the virgin lands of the country!

Wishes for the wedding

We wish you:
So many kisses and so much happiness
How many drops of water are in the river ______,
So much heat
how many in the subtropics of the Caucasus,
So much creative energy
How much it is given by the turbines of all HPPs combined!
We wish you faithful friends,
To have someone to feast with.
But such that in a bad moment
They could give a hand of friendship!
And let the fields of your love
They will give the same rich harvest,
Like virgin lands!

Joking tasks for the bride and groom at the wedding

…………………………… in the full version of the script………………………………..

It was an introduction to the script. To purchase the full version, go to the shopping cart. After payment, the material and tracks will be available for download via a link on the site, or from a letter that will be sent to you by e-mail.

Price: 299 R kill Promotion