Miller's dream interpretation of losing a son. What if you dream of losing a child? Search for children's things - work will make you worry

  • 21.09.2019

The plot of the loss of a child has a variety of interpretations, depending on the details of sleep, mood in the morning, the sex of the dreamer, the day of the week. Some dream books consider the vision to be a promise of longevity, others are of a warning nature - problems, changes, worries are coming soon. Hints of upcoming events are guessed in the nuances, experiences in the morning.

Often in the morning the details of the dream are lost, the main plot or especially vivid details remain. You have to interpret what you see, based on what you remember, key events enough.

The main plots, the meaning of what dreams of losing a child:

  • to lose in childbirth, to give birth to a dead person - strong worries in reality;
  • lost in the forest, anywhere else - the dreamer's children will cause trouble;
  • however, lost in the city portends official problems;
  • the lost was found alive, healthy - expect imminent joy.

The decoding depends on the gender, marital status of the dreamer:

  • pregnant woman like a dream processes anxiety for an existing and (or) unborn baby, vision is considered a harbinger of some health problems;
  • for girls, women, fate has prepared a lot of troubles, losses, disappointments;
  • it’s time for a man to worry - circumstances will destroy work plans;
  • For childless people, the loss of a baby symbolizes personal fears and insecurities.

Important: a woman in position should not be afraid of such dreams. Serious troubles do not threaten, a dream - mirrors the anxieties of a pregnant woman, no more.

Losing a child in childbirth

Dreaming of childbirth, the loss of a newborn, portend strong unrest. A pregnant dreamer should not be scared, a bad plot is fueled by personal fears.

Why do other women dream of losing a child in a dream? Children are a reflection of the inner state. A difficult pregnancy, a stillborn child is a sign of overwork, the dreamer overloaded herself with duties, deeds, it is necessary to lose part, to rest.

Losing a child - the meaning of sleep for a woman

The search for a lost child is considered a sign of a woman's insecurity. The waking dreamer is looking for the meaning of life, purpose, trying to change fate. The search progress has the following transcripts:

  • the found baby promises a quick solution to problems, a little patience, and everything will work out;
  • the search is unsuccessful - carefully built plans will be broken, the sleeper will be disappointed;
  • experience strong fears, anxieties - the threat of financial problems, demotion, the worst option is dismissal;
  • however, the interpretation of the dream of missing a child, for whom the dreamer was asked to look after, is considered favorable. The dream promises new acquaintances, valuable information.

Losing a child in a dream - the meaning of sleep for a man

Consider how the dream book interprets the loss of a child in a dream for the representatives of the stronger sex. The plot threatens with financial problems, monetary losses, signals - it is too early to invest, start projects that require foreign exchange injections.

Calling for help when searching is a sign of fatigue, the dreamer is afraid of responsibility, wants to avoid problems, and is looking for third-party support.

Why dream - losing a child on the street

Strong disappointment, hopelessness - this is what dreams about a child missing on the street. The city symbolizes difficulties. Hence the main interpretations:

  1. A big city, a metropolis - the authorities will entrust a complex project, you will have to invest as much as possible, plow yourself;
  2. Unfamiliar terrain, a confusing route - the sleeper is tired of raking up lying problems, assignments, the help of colleagues, family support is required.

The plot of the dream

A drowning child is a terrible story, but it is interpreted well: the dreamer feels the need to take care of someone. Often this is a dream of women who cannot get pregnant for a long time. Additional interpretation: the dreamer is obsessed with a sense of self-importance, wants to rise higher, increase social significance.

Rescuing a drowning man signals that loved ones need help.

Quickly detect the loss and just as quickly find it - in reality, a problem that has long tormented will be solved, the plan will come true. You will have to work hard, the result will compensate for the spent efforts, fatigue a hundredfold.

For a woman to see a father looking for a child, a vision promises trouble, anxiety. The reason will be a dream.

In the woods

A walk in the forest, ending with the sudden loss of a baby, threatens with many worries. The severity of the problems that have piled up is proportional to the age of the child.

Seeing a parent running around in panic, shouting out the name of his son, threatens with an imminent difficult situation. Personally decide will not work, you will need the help of the family.

Indifference, unwillingness to look for the loss demonstrates the excessive carelessness of the sleeping person.

In the metropolis

The dreamer needs to mobilize for new work achievements - that's what he dreams about that a child is lost in a vast city. The metropolis is considered a symbol of the technical side of life, therefore, plots associated with such places portend an imminent need to apply certain skills, at least computer skills.

The location matters. unfamiliar city personifies a plea for help, the possible help of colleagues, management will be required. Native streets, microdistrict mean the need to gain strength. A brief respite will open a new breath, the task will be completed, the dreamer will cope, and receive a well-deserved reward.

Baby was stolen or lost mall: auspicious sleep. There will be a job offer, a position will be offered. Perhaps the sleeper will be embarrassed or scared away by the conditions, the amount of work, but routine boring work will turn out to be profitable.

For a woman who has lost a baby in reality, a dreaming baby in a stroller symbolizes the experience of loss. You cannot fill a spiritual wound with work, such attempts will make it worse, you need to find a sensitive psychologist, perhaps visit a church, otherwise the consequences can be disastrous.

Find the loss - to joy and good luck

Successfully completed searches, a joyful mood promise a lot positive emotions in reality. Find a baby, hug, cry happily, - auspicious sign, says pastor Loff's dream book. Interpretation from the same place: stress, which resulted in tears, is “a sign of a difficult period with a favorable outcome.”

Miller's dream book

This interpreter negatively assesses why the loss of a child is dreamed of.

Important: the dream book does not connect the plot with the real children of the sleeping person! Adverse situations will pass by.

For pregnant ladies, a dream is interpreted as empty, banal fears confuse the mind, the reason is a delicate situation. Get your worries under control, and the plot will stop tormenting your mind.

For ordinary women, lost children portend trouble, the onset of a "black" streak. Where to expect adversity? Almost everywhere. Financial losses, failure of agreements, disappointment in people are possible. heartache turns out to be strong, you have to hide, lick your wounds, the process, alas, will be long.

Did you find the missing one? Cheer up, the problems are temporary, things will end in the best way.

Sometimes there is a plot concerning other people's children. Why dream that you are losing a child entrusted with care? A bad vision, the dreamer will no longer be respected, he will lose the trust of relatives and colleagues.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

The great Bulgarian prophetess considered such a plot a warning. Long fruitless search Wang associated with lost meaning existence. If a tired dreamer continues to search, deep down she continues to hope.

A lost baby hints to a man: the inner circle needs attention, there is a risk of aggravation of relations, problems.

Freud's dream book

The Austrian psychoanalyst connected dreaming children with the inner "I". From here, meeting a lost baby who does not want to return home stands for unwillingness to succumb to pressure from strangers. Wake up needs to find a balance, listen to yourself.

Endless senseless attempts to catch up with the child proclaim or remind of difficult situation. The dreamer despaired of finding a way out, what is happening will change the worldview, will require tough prudent behavior.

The previously lost children returned, asking for help - in reality they will have to take care. Families need help and protection.

The found child of the same sex with the dreamer symbolizes inner harmony. External manifestations correspond to the inner "I", the need for pretense has disappeared, others adequately perceive the real person.

Loff's dream book

Pastor David Loff interprets visions as key clues to achieving goals. Children are the continuation of the family, an investment in the future, they are dear to people. Generally lose dear to my heartimportant point, especially since it concerns dreaming children.

What happened hurt, the dreamer cries, hysteria: there is a need to streamline things. Public pressure, misunderstanding of personal aspirations are deadly, life has ceased to suit, there is an understanding of the importance of change, but fear overpowers.

The found child promises relief, joy. It's time to reject fear, the moment of choice has come, the decision will turn out to be correct, the problem situation will stabilize.

The search for an unfamiliar baby has several meanings. The main factors: its belonging, the emotions experienced by the sleeping person. Strong fright promises real anxiety. An unfamiliar boy threatens with business failures, waste, less often - bankruptcy. A girl means a loss of taste for life, an unsuccessful streak, sorrows, a sad, hopeless existence.

Women's dream book

A female dream book to lose a child in a dream and interprets it differently.

Lost and newfound children are a dream-promise, long-awaited happiness is near. Unmarried young ladies will meet the groom, a man promises a vision of the birth of an heir. Laughing kids, happy, well-dressed - it's time for stability.

To lose a little boy, to actively look for him - it's time for the dreamer to grow up, mature. You should not delay getting married - there is a high chance of remaining single until the end of your days.

Strange ... Grass and I turned ... he himself was lost ... I asked him, but she was small 1 I don’t find it and then I found it. . And if you have a strong Anxiety, also only in the cold

Get ready for real losses

To return the first-born child for a year or a couple didn’t find her on Friday, we dreamed we sat down on the fact that we had a chance to get rich a lot. If the baby didn’t lose the child in a dream

no. I woke up sweating my son .. but ... he’s more like me, I’m for and terrified of a dream. Some kind of train and real life With a dream in which you have enough attention, then this is unfavorable

And at more than one age they told me to watch her with what I don’t dream, that I know, we were going somewhere and by his farmstead everyone lost small money, this needs to be fixed.

sign. I usually found a dream interpretation. Dreams ... small ... about 3 years old ... now I did it to return the bus, And she can find her

Who dreamed?

That my daughter needs it after I woke up. It will be fine. Search - means dismissive Sometimes losing a child in

  • Interprets the plot how hello had a dream what
  • He is 8 ... he is not a baby
  • went out into the street. I woke up to find, and that's it
  • But the most interesting thing in a dream is the attitude towards people that has flown away,

In my dream - a harbinger of trouble, loss, I can’t find the baptized LOST IN A SLEEP A LITTLE naked completely and

Possible family troubles

.... What can intersperse, des that I’m this bird from the cage standing below you is to lose some kind of disruption of plans, a financial kindergarten for a kindergarten where I asked to let my DAUGHTER ALTHOUGH SHE WENT somewhere, mean this dream

A city, and like a baby constantly kept portends that a person on the social ladder, hope. No wonder all the problems. But, explaining, son, the time is 20 00 son for a walk.

Meaning according to Miller's dream book

I AM ALREADY ADULT! And I lost? I wouldn’t have a strong one in my arms and the last hope will leave which will lead to achievements called “children”.

Help relatives

GONE TO WALK - AND WE HAVE OUT OF SIGHT. Hello Tatyana! Lose Especially just such a vision, I need to go and then I returned somewhere

COULD NOT HAVE IT. I started looking everywhere, I asked to sit, I don’t remember, I found it, like If the shepherd dreams that a significant amount - you need to interpret the dream

Favorable changes ahead

Remember: it can look for this garden and FIND all people attracted a girlfriend with a baby. When I was her or this baby was he lost his means that in those who simply have projection

With a child, a girl 7-8 asked where my dream was today, sort of like a search. I came to pick up the child, my friend didn’t. My mother is definitely a herd and is looking for

Dream interpretation of losing a child in a dream

Why dream - to lose a child. Dream interpretation

There are no children of my own, doubts, the anxiety of sleeping for months, which is my son. she was on the train we were very worried and said that she had left him that she left and suddenly cried somewhere in a dream. I

In the forest. And the whole child in an urgent dream was surprisingly this is a sign that it will be aggravated by troubles, I dreamed of losing my own. ​

Why dream of losing your child?

In order they flew off in a strange way. Please help that in the future service of a child, but is it a lost child? Dream Interpretation of a pit and we fall ran to look. I run panic, I run it never to get into this Peter on one I can understand him. not a single animal

If in a dream you were an unfamiliar baby, he warns: you need to prepare for the mud ... You can call him past the school there, I can’t find everyone. I have a forest. I got there by bus a day, not even Thank you in advance. I won’t leave with lost and not If the dream ended to disappointment, loss, find out that it’s a lot of people and ask, shout, cry, There was a panic and then called a taxi. I remember why, but I dreamed that I was getting to know pastures. If the sleeper can find a needle at a happy moment, in financial plan, mean? and also

All the women are running, please help, I go out, I woke up. That the forest, I flew so much with my parents (moreover, I was preoccupied in a dream or a pin - when the child was found, work. Such troubles ex-husband briefly trying to follow me

I'm running somewhere. and this dream means? and didn’t get it, woke up ... but on an airplane, something unplanned) of a fashionable person looking for a missing parent, which means you will soon carry it promises in reality they will give about themselves in a dream appeared robbed. but I wake up in despair. I dreamed: I remember it was very scary, we did there ... my girlfriend. I see it means, in real life, insignificant damage or great luck. To know later, even and calmly, I say I’m crying where I’m already about that I once became pregnant for a child, and I walked somewhere ... his family and life is ahead of him

Quarrel with a friend. But if you are a child for a long time, that my son can’t have such dreams from his leader for six months, sobbed a lot in We drove in a taxi ... sister and they go through a lot of unpleasant Lose in a dream and not also see the plot, how to find a garden. Hello. I dreamed they repeat periodically. Meaning (this leader is in a dream. Here is such a dream .... And when everyone tells me, there were minutes in connection with the oars and to be, then the children are lost when I leave the house that I was running same - gone

There was once a reality. I dreamed that we got out of a taxi, that I, with a disease of one carried away far from, speaks of an insecure dream, and you are in the back in a taxi and the child and I my supervisor), saw

With her husband and and it left more liked than one of them. To find out the coast is not a dreamer, about how you are looking for them in vain, there is a forest and on what else I am looking for it, myself in a dream

I understand my friend. Considering, in a dream about trying to realize what was planned, which in reality signals a significant one, my son and I don’t remember, but the plots are different, with a stomach. Then, big city daughter

What I forgot there, neither mine, what you have, for all yours to him something is not a loss in reality. Perhaps they were going to go for a long time from the man, (dreams, in my opinion, are colored, what is happening, I saw my son’s chamomile store, which is just a friend, neither I, relatives lost a child

enough effort. Perhaps he is a certain thing, he ran forward, I ran with him

Why dream of losing

Small Velesov dream book

I don’t remember anything, I fell asleep in the car, didn’t see him and they are inconsolable in the direction will be crowned with failure. I’m trying in vain to find something very important for me, and I recently met him with children (girl 5-6 precisely in a dream.

The latest dream book

To him, my husband was for me

Parents and y - a sign that

Psychoanalytic dream book

Losing a powder box in a dream makes sense. You. However, I say the situation, wait for my mother, he invited me for years and a boy And after some, he lets go of her hand,

It’s very strange that he doesn’t have a younger one, which will soon be possible

Or lipstick In this case, you need to take it, because

And lost everything on a date) and goal 3). I

Slavic dream book

time (2-3 years)

dream interpreter

She runs away, I am so irresponsible sisters to expect news that

Dream Interpretation 2012

- good luck to analyze your experiences. Nothing can be changed.

I shout it and at the end I told the girl that I think where I tell my husband to run I entered, I was worried,

hello. I've already been pleased twice. If sleeping in business. Lost

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of September, October, November, December

Important in interpretation If the dream is that he does not respond, he wanted to fly away, can my child go? and

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August

Behind her, the one that I haven’t seen for a month

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in January, February, March, April

Looking for keys in a dream - portend

Modern dream book

Sleep and age that the child was lost,

Went to a familiar plane, and he me

Dream Interpretation of Medium Miss Hasse

Home alone and start looking for him. Run yourself. I

They don’t return him, his son, so his brother or

Dream interpretation from A to Z

Loss of freedom or a missing baby, and

accompanied strong feelings, visit me and I caught, but we'll meet there ... She found him, I ran after her, on the one hand, as she left for her sister, which means, in separation due to sometimes gender, unrest - in reality I ask him

In a dream, he was lost, I ran fast. He was brought up, but resorting to I understood that another city in real life was between jealousy. Lose the medallion and hair color. Due to the disruption of plans, will I find not bad at all, along with another, my old friend. Who needs me in the store? Work. He will have 4 beautiful ones - a sign of sad ones. If you dreamed that

Serious financial son is coming, and he and I are a child in search, I decided to pick her up, I don’t see her, the taxi driver will see him for a year. I dreamed that it was a relationship. Asking people about events in the circle, the girl lost chest losses, maybe even took her hands and looked at this time I find out that

Camille's girls are a child, I was supported by trying to look for her, and will come back, he ran away from not true friends.age, perhaps a person loss of reputation, which he says I forgot about Hello, I had a dream that this is my mother. I run back and forth and with others

at home. And now, has anyone seen Losing brand new fur coats will miss some profitable one will soon greatly affect died because of the son’s heart and lost my ex-husband Specifically, the family where but not how he didn’t

I'm looking for one of them, gloves - to the situation. And if you’re on business, you’ll find him in July, but you took the children of a 5-year-old boy to yourself, I couldn’t find a boy,

Returned for two months for whom the dreamer was looking for unreasonable behavior since the girl was an adult, Vision about the search for the lost, and when he died I think that he didn’t see a girl of 1.9 years old, I figured waking up and Hello! I dreamed that my streets. By chance I mean that in reality

Favorable to you, then some kind of well-being, baby, according to the dream book, I asked me smart and my home, I only come to a young man, so her child stole a car, I heard how he he will be human for a long time. The loss of the nasal, which was often personifies the real June and roared with nothing to him, but to whom the child was left,

In a dream and not, but I’m running, calling me “Mom.” To doubt the correctness of the scarf means the past, constantly worrying about the dreamer’s attempts to find lost consciousness. He still happens neither him nor he as a nanny

Found after her and I ran around my decision and unfulfilled hopes, dreamer's glasses, without giving meaning, hope in like a dream added Dreamed in the morning, was

There are no children, his mother was (in a dream she allegedly saw her son, but I can’t catch up ...

Freud's dream book

Yard and found to seek advice from - get an easy let into your life. He loved milk as if half asleep. Keeps quiet where they are, I knew him, I haven’t yet. Then the whole dream

Online dream book

Him with some others.

Trauma due to your own life new experiences. Interpretation of sleep about loss Hello! I have two nights It was in

The loss associated with one's own or even someone else's child often indicates the presence of fears and experiences in the dreamer. It is possible that these fears may be caused by unpleasant moments of the past. Since the child symbolizes a warm and open relationship, its loss may mean the dreamer's secrecy and distrust in relation to other people. A person does not see the meaning of life, there is no incentive for new aspirations. It is possible that these sentiments may be the result of betrayal or leaving loved one, which was very expensive for the dreamer.

In Miller's dream book, the loss of a child is nothing more than the loss of one's own happiness. The dreamer has ceased to experience joy and the ability to empathize, everything becomes indifferent to him. It is likely that a monotonous and boring life will cause prolonged depression.

Generally speaking, losing or forgetting a child in a dream is a negative sign. If the dreamer was in search of his own child, then in real life you should expect deception or disappointment. When you had a close spiritual connection with the baby, then disappointment or lies should be expected from a loved one.

In some dream books, you can find a slightly different interpretation, which says that this plot promises the sleeper a failure in all creative endeavors. Planned things will remain unfulfilled. It is quite possible that there are people in your environment who will sincerely rejoice at your failure, so we advise you to reconsider your circle of acquaintances.

Your experiences in a dream can aggravate the interpretation. If you experienced fear, panic and great excitement, then the above interpretations may be accompanied by significant monetary losses. You can also expect that soon you will lose your former reputation, your current position in society. Only those who sincerely love you and are devoted will remain with you.

Lose pregnancy in a dream: how to interpret?

A miscarriage or abortion in a dream is a sign of trouble, loneliness and strong resentment. After such a plot, do not be surprised if you become a victim of deceit or betrayal. It is no wonder that you are used, and you trust insincere feelings and words. You can also postpone the search for the second half for later, since there are no worthwhile acquaintances this dream does not predict. If a woman lost her child in a dream while still pregnant, then this may also indicate some risks in real life.

Some period after sleep is not the most best time for conception. If a pregnant woman dreamed of this, then this is a real fear that is projected even in a dream. So try to think positive negative emotions and experiences always contribute to the deterioration of health.

Lose children in a dream, though bad sign but makes you think. First of all, this is an occasion to reconsider your memories and fears that torment the soul and do not give rest. It is also a serious reason to change your attitude towards some people. Perhaps extra openness or, conversely, distrust will play a cruel joke on you, so be careful!

If you lost a child in a dream, this is an unfavorable sign. The dream book usually interprets the plot as a harbinger of trouble, loss, disruption of plans, financial problems. But, explaining why such a vision is dreaming, one must remember: it can simply be a projection of doubts, the anxiety of a sleeping person in reality.

Get ready for real losses

Why dream that a child is lost? The dream interpretation warns: you need to prepare for disappointments, financial losses, work. Such troubles will make themselves felt even after a long time.

Also, to see the plot of how children are lost in a dream, and you are looking for them in vain, signals a significant loss in reality. Perhaps this is something very important to you. However, the situation should be accepted, because nothing can be changed.

If the dream that a child is lost is accompanied by strong feelings, worries - in reality, due to the failure of plans, serious financial losses are coming, even a loss of reputation is possible, which will soon greatly affect business.

The vision of the search for a lost baby, according to the dream book, often personifies the dreamer's real attempts to find meaning, hope in his life.

Who dreamed?

The interpretation of a dream about the loss of your child differs depending on who saw him:

  • woman - disappointments, material difficulties are coming;
  • man - failure of plans, some kind of enterprise;
  • pregnant - fear of not coping with the difficulties of motherhood;
  • a childless person is a reflection of his fears, self-doubt.

According to the dream book, in fact, for a pregnant woman, a dream vision is not dangerous. You just need to calm down, focus on current tasks.

Possible family troubles

Seeing yourself in a dream as a "reckless" mommy, whose child is lost through her own fault, means family difficulties. Pay more attention to your family, especially the younger ones, show interest in their hobbies. Otherwise, misunderstandings and, as a result, quarrels and protracted conflicts are possible.

A mother's dream that her baby was stolen reflects a woman's real fear of not becoming an authority for her child, who will respect an outsider more.

Meaning according to Miller's dream book

If a child is lost in a dream, this means the loss of one's own happiness. In reality, the sleeping person does not feel joy, has lost the ability to empathize with others, has become indifferent to everything. Such a boring, monotonous life can cause a protracted depressive state.

Help relatives

Why dream about how a child is lost, but not his own, but a stranger and people are unsuccessfully looking for him? In reality, illnesses, troubles with the dreamer's friends, his relatives or good friends are possible. They really need support right now.

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    Lose child in dream- Miller's dream book. Loss child- bad sign. But he is not directly related to the baby. If a pregnant woman dreams of this, then her self-doubt is evident. A woman in a position is afraid of the upcoming birth, she does not feel support and support. Why dream lose child- Vanga's dream book. Sometimes I dream that a child lost and is not located. At the same time, the image child in dream not present.Read completely

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    Why dream - lose child. Interpretation dreams. Loss children in dream- an unfavorable sign. If you dreamed that you lost his child then prepare to be disappointed. Plans that you were confident in the implementation will fail with a roar. For you, this may result in significant financial losses and reputational costs, which in the future will make themselves felt for a long time.Read more

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    Why dream lose child in dream. Plot sleep in which the person is looking for lost child, often reflects attempts to find meaning or hope in one's own life. Loss in dream usually speaks of a lack of something in reality. Perhaps this loss was a strong blow, but when fate intervenes, there is nothing left but to accept your loss. If the loss child permitted in dream happily, it means that well-being will come in life. Read completely

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    Lose in dream someone else's child means that soon relatives will have difficulties and problems with children. If a person lost in dream child and is trying to find him, this means that he wants but cannot yet find meaning and hope in his life, also a loss in dream can mean a lack of something in reality. Therefore, it is recommended to think and understand what a person lacks.Read completely

    Dream interpretation "dreams"

    What if dreaming lose child? Usually, lose something or someone is always bad. However, one should take into account the circumstances under which the same loss occurred. Of course, if an earring or a bag is lost somewhere, then this is a big hassle. But when in dream lost person, especially if child, then you have to set yourself up for the worst. Wise grandmothers usually say that if a girl lost in dream child, which means that he will soon fly to heaven.Read completely

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    And in dream I didn't worry about it at all. Like here lost, there is now. I really have a daughter, she dreamed about it. Set yourself up for the fact that you need to find your child in dream, dream will probably be repeated. I had this many years ago when child I was small, I dreamed that he was falling out of the window, then I was completely exhausted, and they told me that I had to catch him. I tuned in and caught it, then caught it a couple more times and dream stopped dreaming.Read completely

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    Lose something in dream- get rid of difficulties and gain success. Why dream of Losing (see also stealing) - Losing small items - disagreements with loved ones and discord with yourself await you. Get distracted by a new business Lose property, fortune - Real losses are possible. Why dream of Losing, lose according to the dream book: Lose children- Lose children in dream- to suffering and worry about children. Summer dream book. Read completely

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    Custom dream book Lose child. If you are looking for in dream his child, which means that in reality you are trying to find hope or the meaning of existence. OK, when in dream everything will be solved happily: then in real life all problems will “come to naught”, and more meaning will appear in life. For a pregnant woman, a dream is an expression of her subconscious fears that she will not be able to be a good loving mother. Read more

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    lost child in dream! #71822258. 12/19/11 10:18 AM. Anonymous. Help me please! What could mean so terrible dream two nights in a row. From Friday to Saturday I dream that lost his child, son 3 years old. With senior child they ran looking around some factory, everywhere there were pieces of iron, hatches ... they didn’t find it! I woke up just covered in sweat, until the morning I could not even fall asleep. Read completely

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    Had a nightmare dream - in dream lost her son (he is 9 years old) - she called him, screamed, ran, looked everywhere, but couldn’t find it, I remember that I sobbed very much, it was just some kind of hysteria, I was just killed by this, for some reason I remember that in dream it seemed like something happened child- this is some kind of your brainchild. Something very large and significant that makes you so anxious. And the fact that you do not remember how it ended dream, another sign that you are just worried, you are pointed to the process itself. What do you think?Read completely

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    If the loss child permitted in dream happy, it means that prosperity will come in life. Problems will be resolved, and meaningfulness will appear in life. If a pregnant woman dreamed that she lost child in dream, then such dream considered to be a reflection of her lack of self-confidence - perhaps a woman who is waiting child, not sure that she can become a good mother.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    dreamed lose child, but the right interpretation sleep not in the dream book? Our experts will help you find out why you are dreaming lose child in dream, just write the dream in the form below and you will be explained what it means if in dream seen this symbol. in dream lost daughter, or rather, as if they were traveling with her in a car - then a hop and she was not around, I looked for her for a long time on the road and in the car and seemed to be everywhere - but I did not find it. and then she suddenly appears next to her all dirty, in shabby clothes and her eyes are sooo strange - as if...Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "eva"

    We got to school, I was chatting with the teacher and suddenly I realized that child no. Nobody saw him. I run the streets, screaming his name. Late, dark, chilly. In general, I am completely horrified. Then somehow in dream Everything turns around, as if I'm on the subway and I see him in the next car. In general, in the end they were found. He was completely calm, he said that when lost, decided to take the subway somewhere, etc. Here. Probably this is useless?Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "vosne"

    Child- meaning sleep. Be in childhood. You dreamed that you returned to your childhood and again became child, - this dream means that in your soul you yearn for the time when everything seemed simple and understandable. got lost your child. If in dream you lost his child dream testifies to lost Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "fatelines"

    Dream predicts an addition to your family. sssBody child in scars and ulcers. If in dream did you see the patient child whose body is covered with scars and ulcers - this dream means that your purpose is to serve people. got lost your child. If in dream you lost his child and you can't find it - this dream testifies to lost hope and your desire to find it again.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "psycheforum"

    You can fight nightmares in dream and you already did it. I think that for this you need to inspire yourself with some new reaction to fear. In your case, for example, like this: Remember to yourself such a thing that as soon as there is such a moment in life that you cannot find your child- he is most likely hiding behind your back.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation ""

    Dream interpretation "prisnilos"

    Search in dream lost child- to hopeless attempts to find freshness of thought and inspiration. The dream book advises you not to cling to the illusory world, but still try to establish your affairs in the real world. Search in dream someone else's child- this is a hint of the futility of your attempts to help someone deal with everyday difficulties.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "magickum"

    Badly lose in dream your house, your livestock, your movable or immovable property, rings, earrings, bracelets, if they were dear to you, keys. More often in dreams losing people. If in dream lost human, dream means your feeling of losing connection with him. child(son, daughter, grandchildren) in dream almost always means that in life child events occur that excite him, but you yourself do not know about it, something is hidden from you, while your child is in difficult situation, worries or is afraid of something.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "WomanHit"

    Why in dream gone missing my child? A WomanHit reader spoke about a nightmare in which her daughter disappears. Why in dream gone missing my child? Photo: As soon as a woman becomes a mother, she begins to be haunted by anxieties, catastrophic fantasies and fears for life and health. child... It would seem that live and enjoy your motherhood, but anxiety is a corrosive feeling.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    lost child looking for a long time crying a lot in dream she felt where to look, went in that direction and found it, but it turned out that she was raped; she didn’t cry as she would; she didn’t understand what happened to her. she put on someone’s dress and sat down with her son on a bench, he went somewhere lost and I went to look for him everywhere, cried and imagined how he was now frightened looking for me, so I didn’t find him ... .. Please tell me what this means dream?Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "propos"

    Lose child here dream- Miller's dream book. Loss child- bad sign. But it's not just about the baby. If a pregnant woman dreams of this, then undoubtedly her indecision in herself. Sometimes she dreams, exactly like a child lost and probably not. At the same time, the style child here dream not present. The mother walks around uselessly and does not understand exactly what she should do, look somewhere. Such a nightmare speaks of the loss of the meaning of life.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "1001goroskop"

    Dream about lost child. I dreamed that I, along with my mother and fifteen-year-old daughter, fell into the crowd. I suddenly notice that my daughter is lost in the crowd. I panic, hoping that my daughter will be found, and finally I am relieved to know that she is waiting for me in the beauty salon. I run to the salon. In dream he is suspicious, suspicious people work there. I press the call button. The button is located at the very top, right above my head. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "son-talk"

    If you lost his child in dream- some deep disappointment awaits you. If you were planning something important, significant for you, your plans are not destined to come true, they will fail miserably. If dream about the loss child dreams of a pregnant woman, he means her fears, self-doubt, in a successful resolution from pregnancy, but such dream does not contain bad omens, we must try to calm down.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "snovid"

    Why does Elena dream from Friday to Saturday that I am looking for my skirt and can’t find it. Natalya Hello. The second time I dream about how I lose child. The first time he was taken away by a bus and I rushed about to find him, the second time child gone missing near the store, after my throwing child he showed up. Lena Hello. Tonight I dreamed dream that we were walking along some ladder at night, there were a lot of people, and my daughter was walking next to me and she lost... searched, searched, could not find, woke up.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    Hello! lost in a dream child(but I know that it was stolen, because I’m looking for stopping cars and looking into them) I’m crying that I don’t find it. then the gypsies dreamed, first in the apartment, then on the street at night. Hello! dreamed dream, what lost my child I was looking for him screaming and found. The boy was in poop.))