Homonym dictionary online. Homonym dictionary

  • 22.09.2019

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Homonyms are another confirmation of the "greatness and power" of the Russian language. It is these "nuances of vocabulary" that make the Russian language difficult for foreigners to learn.

If a language learner is put into a stupor with an incomprehensible set of words, then homonyms create a plurality of interpretations of the same word.

What are homonyms

Homonyms are words that are spelled the same, sound the same (or similar), but mean completely different things.

For instance:

  1. BOW - a popular vegetable and at the same time small arms;
  2. POINTS - an object that improves vision, and at the same time a scoring system in various games;
  3. MARRIAGE - an object spoiled in production and at the same time a union of two people;
  4. WORLD - the globe and at the same time the absence of war;
  5. A KEY is an object that unlocks a lock, and at the same time a synonym for a stream.

A few more examples homonym words:

The very word "homonym", like many terms in Russian, came from Ancient Greece. It consists of two halves - "homos" (the same) and "onyma" (name), which means " same name". According to one version, the first to describe such words in detail was the famous philosopher and thinker - Aristotle.

Types of homonyms

There are several types of homonyms - full, partial and grammatical.

Full homonyms- these are words that match in all possible cases and numerals.

  1. CRANE - plumbing or lifting (faucets, crane, crane, etc.)
  2. KOSA - hair styling, coastal shallow or agricultural tool (scythe, scythe, scythe, scythe, etc.)

Partial homonyms- these are words that are similar to each other in their original form (singular, nominative, perfect view), but may not match in individual cases or plural.

  1. WEASEL - an animal of the mustelid or tenderness family. If we take the genitive case and plural, then the words will no longer sound and be written the same way - a lot of PASSIONS (animals) and a lot of PASSIONS (manifestation of feelings).
  2. LOVE is a feeling for another person and female name. If we take the genitive case of the singular, then the words will sound in a new way - there is no LOVE (feeling) and there is no LOVE (name).

Grammatical homonyms- words in Russian that are the exact opposite of partial homonyms. That is, they absolutely do not coincide in their original form, but become similar in individual forms.

  1. THREE is a number and a derivative of the verb to RUB. A coincidence is possible only when the first word is used in the nominative case, and the second in imperative mood. In all other variants, the words will cease to be homonyms.
  2. I FLY - derivatives of two different verbs FLY and TREAT, both of which are used in the first person.
  3. GLASS - genitive case of the noun GLASS (no glass) and past tense female verb DRAIN (glass water).

By the way, you can notice that grammatical homonyms can represent different parts of speech, for example, a noun and a verb, a pronoun, and so on. This is their fundamental difference from full and partial homonyms, where parts of speech always coincide.

Homographs and homophones

Two more types of words in the Russian language, which some linguists (but not all) refer to as varieties of homonyms.

homographs are words that are spelled the same but sound different (mostly because they are stressed differently). The term is also Greek and consists of "homos" (the same) and "grapho" (I write).

  1. A TLAS (collection of maps or tables) and ATL A C (type of fabric)
  2. W A IOC (medieval building) and ZAM O K (locking device)
  3. MUK A(ground cereals) and M At KA (experience)
  4. O RGAN (human) and ORG A H (musical instrument)
  5. SEL O(settlement) and C E LO (sun)
  6. P A RIT (in the bath) and STEAM AND Th (in air)

Homophones are the opposite of homographs. They sound the same, but are spelled differently. The word is also Greek - "homos" (same) and "phone" (sound).

  3. Pillar - Pillar
  4. CODE - CAT

Examples of homonym words in literature

Not so often, but some writers and poets resort to the help of homonyms. For example, to create a rhyme. For example, an excerpt from Pushkin:

What does the spouse do?
Alone, in the absence of a spouse?

In this case, the word WIFE designates a woman (wife) in the first sentence, and a man (husband) in the second.

Or here at Bryusov:

Closing tormented eyelids,
The moment that has departed, I SHORE.
Oh, if only to stand like this forever
On this quiet shore.

In this case, the first word is one of the forms of the verb PROTECT, and the second is the SHORE of some reservoir, used in the accusative case.

Homonyms in riddles, anecdotes, puns

A lot of riddles have been created on the basis of homonyms.

  1. In the sky, a zigzag traced a trail of fire. In a skirt, nothing can replace me. (LIGHTNING)
  2. They are cast from metal, and they fall from trees. (LEAVES)
  3. This is the device to eat. And then we connect the device to the network. (FORK)
  4. I can’t sit idle, I’m in the hands of a craftswoman. And I spin like a fidget in a bicycle wheel. (SPOKE)
  5. Without it, the door cannot be opened and the letter cannot be scribbled. (PEN)
  6. As a reason I act and I control the horse. (OCCASION)
  7. In it, patrons are protected and products are sold. (SCORE)
  8. They eat jam from it and a fence from the current. (POWER SOCKET)

Sometimes jokes are built on homonyms.

The doctor told the blonde patient that she would get better soon. And she: “Yes, I would rather die than get better!”

Here, in the first case, the word GET GET HEALING means improving health, and in the second case, getting fat.

Doctor: "How are you, patient?" Patient: "Thanks to your care, my condition has greatly decreased."

The word CONDITION can simultaneously mean well-being and health, as well as financial situation.

In the literature exam, the teacher asks: "What can you say about the heroine?". The student replies, “Heroin is a powerful drug. And what does literature have to do with it?

There is no need to explain much here. The word HEROINE in the dative case is really consonant with the name of the drug. This is one example of grammatical homonyms.

When I go to the store with my husband, he often says: "I'm going to cry." And it seems to me that he is barely holding back so as not to change the emphasis.

And here is a vivid example of homographs. Words Cry At CL and DISPL A CHUS really are a funny couple.

Well and puns- this is a joke based on the same sound, but different spelling of words (and these are pure homophones):

Or here's another example of a great homophone pun:

Carried a bear, walking to the market
For the sale of honey jar,
Suddenly on the bear - that's attack! —
The wasps decided to attack.
Teddy bear with an army of aspen
He fought with a torn-out aspen.
Could he not fall into a rage,
If the wasps climbed into the mouth,
Stinging anywhere
They got it for it.

Homonym dictionary

Basic or full homonyms actually not so much in Russian. Here is their list:

  1. BOR - pine forest and dentist's tool;
  2. SCAN - swearing and outdated meaning of the battle;
  3. VIEW - appearance and grammatical category;
  4. SCALLOP - a comb and a small outgrowth on the head of birds;
  5. YARD - a plot in front of the house and close to the monarch;
  6. DEBT - obligation and borrowed;
  7. DISCIPLINE - strict rules and varieties in science or sports;
  8. SHOT - balls for shooting and a number consisting of a part of one;
  9. FACTORY - enterprise and watch mechanism;
  10. TOOTH - an organ in the mouth and the sharp part of the instrument;
  11. BRUSH - part of the hand and tool of the artist;
  12. KOL - pointed piece of wood and grade at school;
  13. SHOP - a store and a piece of furniture;
  14. MOTIVE - synonymous with occasion and melody;
  15. MINK - a small animal and a depression in the ground;
  16. HUNTING - tracking down animals and a colloquial synonym for desire;
  17. OFFER - a part of speech and a constructive idea;
  18. NOVEL - literary work and love relationships
  19. LIGHT - the source of brightness and high society;
  20. CONSEQUENCE - investigation and conclusion.
  21. UNION - an association (of countries) and a function word connecting words.
  22. LANGUAGE is a means of communication and an organ in the oral cavity.

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How do homonyms differ from polysemantic words

In conclusion, I would like to say that you do not confuse homonyms with the so-called "". There is such a concept in Russian.

For example, a HAT for a woman, a nail and a mushroom means about the same thing, namely a headdress and its likeness. And in this case, the word cannot be considered a homonym, since it is violated main criteriondifferent lexical meaning(Here it is, in fact, the same).

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Homonym dictionary- guide to lexical homonymy, which combines homonyms into groups, explains the lexical meaning of homonyms, provides information about their origin, morphemic structure and stylistic features. Since one of the important sources of the emergence of homonyms is borrowed words, homonym dictionaries necessarily contain information about the origin of words. However, the bulk of homonyms in the language is formed with the help of derivational means. At the same time, derivative homonyms reflect the homonymy of the producers: key 1 - key-th-th (key hole of the lock, key position) key 2 - key-th-th (spring water).

Such homonymy is widely represented in word-formation nests, which help to present the structure of homonymic relations in the vocabulary.

In Russian, homonyms most often form a pair, but they can represent a homonymous series of 3-4 or more words.

The first in Russian lexicography Dictionary of Russian homonyms by O. S. Akhmanova (1974) divides lexical homonyms into two groups: homonyms that developed on the basis of polysemy when the meanings of a polysemantic word diverge, and words with homonymous morphemes: roots and affixes . The first group includes, for example, the words syllable 1 ‘part of a word’ and syllable 2 ‘writer’s style’. The second group includes words with homonymous suffixes: bird-nick 1 ‘room’ and bird-nick 2 ‘face’. With the help of special markings, homonyms are characterized by the scope of use (general literary language or special), by stylistic coloring. Each homonym has been translated into foreign languages: German, English and French, which once again emphasizes the semantic diversity of homonyms.

The dictionary of homonyms of the Russian language, compiled by N. P. Kolesnikov (1995), includes not only lexical homonyms, but homoforms, homophones and homographs (see Homonyms). material from the site

Dictionary of grammatical homonyms of the Russian language O. M. Kim (2004) is devoted to the problem of delimitation and description of grammatical homonyms. For example: around is an adverb (Some forests stand as a wall around, and only rain dances in the huge grass (I. A. Brodsky)) and around is a pretext (Traveling around the world).

In the Educational Dictionary of Homonyms of the Russian Language (2005) by Vvedensky L. A. and Kolesnikov N. P., the most commonly used homonymous pairs of the Russian language are analyzed, various reasons for the appearance of homonyms are described, and the features of their use in speech. The dictionary contains a special section addressed to schoolchildren with practical tasks that help to find and correct errors in speech associated with the use of homonyms.

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Courage is cowardice


There are no definitions of antonymic words in the dictionary.

Sample dictionary entries:

Selfless courage is desperate cowardice. Oh, it was a book that answered us the most direct questions of the time: what is real courage and real cowardice ( K. Simonov. Reading Tolstoy...). Korolev refused in an insulting manner, saying that cowardice sometimes appears in the guise of courage ( Chakovsky, Blockade). In an intelligible, clear form, one can talk with children about life in all its manifestations, about good and evil, about lies and truth, about honor and dishonor, about courage and cowardice. ( Mikhalkov. It all starts from childhood.

Austin is a good guy, he has courage and cowardice in the right proportion ( A. and B. Strugatsky, Roadside Picnic). I again wanted to philosophize and again about courage and cowardice. How many words in the Russian language to designate the first quality (bravery, courage, valor, heroism, etc.) and how few - to designate the second! ( B. Bialik. alone with the past).

Courage in judgment - timidity in judgment. Lack of courage is least of all excused by young people, who usually see in courage the height of human virtues ( Pushkin, Shot). Shyness is the gymnast's first enemy, because it takes away his confidence and prowess ( Grigorovich, Gutta-percha boy). Stupid questions also flashed by, such as: “What is better for me now, courage or timidity?” ( Dostoevsky, Teenager).



In 1988, the 4th edition of the Dictionary of Antonyms of the Russian Language was published” by M.R. Lvov.

M.R. Lvov also made " School vocabulary antonyms of the Russian language”, which was published in 1980 and then reprinted several times.

Homonyms are recorded in explanatory dictionaries of the Russian language. Unlike polysemantic words, in which all meanings are revealed in one dictionary entry, homonyms are characterized in different dictionary entries.

An example from the 4-volume Dictionary of the Russian Language, ed. A.P. Evgenyeva (1957-1961):

Sol 1, -and, genus. pl., -her, well. 1. White crystalline substance with a sharp characteristic taste, used as a seasoning for food. 2. trans. That which makes the sharpness of words, speech. 3. trans. That which makes special sense the meaning of something. 4. Chemical compound, a substance that is a product of complete or partial replacement of the hydrogen of an acid by a metal.

Salt 2, non-cl., cf.. The fifth sound of the musical scale beginning with do, as well as the note that denotes this sound.

In 1974, it was first published "Dictionary of homonyms of the Russian language" compiled by O.S. Akhmanova (1986 - 3rd stereotypical edition). It contains 2 300 dictionary entries.

The dictionary consists of a main part and an appendix. The main part includes:

* dictionary entries of homonyms from "A" to "Z";

* index of homonyms related to different types homonymy;

* index of the distribution of types of homonymy by the main parts of speech (nouns, adjectives, verbs).

Then there are applications. The first one presents functional homonymy, for example, an adjective, and the same adjective acting as a noun ( scientist, wounded). The second contains homographs: atlas - atlas, run in - run in, castle - castle.

The structure of the dictionary entry is as follows:

1) title - a word that is a collective designation of a homonymous group. If the sound complex (word) used as a heading corresponds to three different words, then numbers will be next to the word in the heading I - W. The number is followed by an icon. * (snowflake), followed by indices (or index) of the type to which the homonyms are assigned by the author.

The indices denote the following relationships:

* I 1 - homonymy of bases;

* I 2 - homonymy of affixes;

* I 3 - different degrees of articulation;

* I 4 - the difference in the internal structure, which does not have an open expression in the dictionary form;

* I 5 - homonymy different parts speech;

* II - native different words;

* III - homonymy as a result of the collapse of polysemy (polysemy).

The dictionary uses a system of grammatical and stylistic marks: noun, wordless, inanimate, transitional, outdated, region. and etc.;

2) for each of the members of the homonymous group with which the line begins, after the notes, its translations into English, French and German languages;

3) after translation, single-root words are given;

4) illustrative material in the form of phrases or quotations.

Sample dictionary entry:


key i. English keu, fr. clef, germ. Schlussel.

Keykeeper, key keeper, key keeper. ~ from the door, lock on ~; lose, forget at home ~; ~ to the heart of man; ~ to the cipher.

Key II. English spring, source, fr. source, germ. Quelle.

key. Icy, transparent, murmuring, sulfuric ~; ~ beats from under the ground, get drunk from ~a; hit ~om.

In 1976 the first edition is published. "Dictionary of homonyms" N.P. Kolesnikova(1978 - 2nd ed., revised; reprinted 1995).

In the 1st edition of the "Dictionary of Homonyms" includes 4 000 dictionary entries. Along with homonyms, homographs and homophones are presented in it. The words in the dictionary are in alphabetical order. The heading of a dictionary entry is a vocabulary - a homonym that is common to words of different content. Then each of the homonymous words, the number of which can vary from two to six, is explained.

If the interpreted word is polysemantic, then its main meanings are given, which are different from the meanings of other words given in the dictionary entry. If the interpreted word is borrowed, then after it, if necessary, the source of the borrowing is indicated in brackets.

If the homonym of the first word is a word not in the initial form, then it is given under the corresponding number in the initial form, and the form that is the homonym of the previous word is indicated in brackets.

Akhmanova O.S. Dictionary of homonyms of the Russian language. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1974. - 448 p.

The dictionary contains more than 2,000 onomastic pairs (groups). The dictionary entry includes information about the type of formation of homonyms, grammatical, stylistic characteristics, the qualification of homonyms in terms of their formation or origin, information about the word-formation relations of members of homonymous groups, and illustrative material. The translation of homonyms into English, German and French is also given.

The dictionary includes the following applications: 1. Functional homonymy; 2. Homographs.

Sample dictionary entry


FUR I pl. fur'. English. fur; wine Skin, fr. fourrure; outre, German. Fell, Pelz; Schlauch. Furry, furrier, furrier.

~ hare, fox, mink, squirrel; fox, sable, fluffy, precious ~; with wine, for wine.

FUR II, pl. furs´. English. bellows, fr. soufflet, soufflerie, German. Blasebalg.

Inflate, expand ~; ~ and accordion.

Kim O.M. Dictionary of grammatical homonyms of the Russian language: About 11,000 words: About 5,000 homonymous series. - M .: Astrel Publishing House LLC: AST Publishing House LLC: ZAO NPP Ermak, 2004. - 842, p.

The dictionary is devoted to the problem of delimitation of grammatical homonyms. The dictionary entry includes grammatical and stylistic characteristics of homonyms, as well as illustrative material.

Sample dictionary entries


1. Around, adv. The sea seemed deserted for hundreds of miles around. Kataev. Some forests stand like a wall around, and only the rain dances in the huge grass. Brodsky.

2. Around, pretext. Sit around the table. Traveling across the world. Fence around the house. Talk about politics. ■ Take my sight scattered in silence And do not bother others around me to make noise. Annensky.


1. Candidate's,- oh, f., adj. PhD degree. Work on a PhD thesis.

2. Candidate's,-oh, f., noun. Razg. Successfully defend a Ph.D.

Vvedenskaya L.A., Kolesnikov N.P. Educational dictionary of Russian homonyms. - Moscow: ICC "MarT", Rostov-on-Don: Publishing Center "Mart", 2005. - 256 p.

The dictionary consists of "Introduction", "Dictionary of homonyms" and "Workshop". The "Introduction" tells about the reasons for the appearance of homonyms, about their use in speech, about the existing dictionaries of homonyms. The dictionary itself includes about 400 dictionary entries, which can have from two to five homonyms with an interpretation of their lexical meaning. The "Workshop" presents various tasks that help to find errors in speech associated with the use of homonyms and correct them.

Sample dictionary entries


1. Ruler 1. A straight line on paper, blackboard, etc., which helps to write in even lines. 2. Straight bar or bar for drawing straight lines. 3. The border of the camp-rya - a line marked in one way or another. 4. Line up in one line.

2. The ruler is a long multi-seat carriage with a longitudinal partition, in which they sit sideways to the direction of movement (obsolete).


1. Dissolve 1. Open, open (something closed). 2. Move apart, move the ends of something to the sides (with the legs of a compass, blades of scissors, etc.). Comm. dissolve (special).

2. Dissolve 1. Make dissolve. 2. Diluting the flour with water, cook those hundred. Comm. dissolve (colloquial).

Dictionary of phraseological homonyms of the modern Russian language / Ed. ON THE. Pavlova. - Omsk: Heritage Publishing House. Dialog-Siberia, 2003. - 290 p.

The dictionary contains 623 phraseological homonyms of various types. The dictionary entry includes the interpretation of a phraseological unit, the type of categorical meaning, grammatical, stylistic characteristics, illustrations, etc. Intended for a wide range of readers.

Sample dictionary entry

Without year week 1- "recent" Confess. Rated Unchanged Tale. Razg. Disapproved Komsomolskaya Pravda without a year a week, she said, pursing her lips. A. Fadeev. You, Vasily Karpovich, are the chairman without year week, so instead of walking with a glove, we would figure it out first. S. Antonov. But I wonder where it bends, professor's child? - again teased Lavtsov. - That's enough, that's enough ... why are you bullying a snout in front of him? Also a steam locomotive a week without a year, Titov cut him off sedately. L. Leonov. - You, father, are in the regiment without yeara week; today here, tomorrow they moved to adjutants. L. Tol-stop. When the lists and award lists for the fighters were being prepared, the political officer inserted medical instructor Likhobaba into this list. He, Mechetny, led this performance: no year no-division in a company, throwing awards is not good. B. Field.

Of course, you guessed that the boys did not understand each other, because they were talking about different things, while calling them the same word. This is an example of homonyms. After all, oatmeal is a bird, and oatmeal is also a cereal.

Homonyms Words that are similar in sound and spelling but different in meaning. The word "homonym" comes from two Greek words: omos- the same onimo- name.

Consider examples of homonyms, compare the sound, spelling and meaning of words.

In the sea, a land strip

It's called a braid

And the girl has a braid

Ripe oats.

There is dew on the grass

The scythe mows the grass.

I have one question:

How many braids are there in the world?

Rice. 2. Homonyms: braid ()

Spit- a narrow shoal running from the shore.

Spit- braided hair.

Spit- a tool for mowing grass.

The porridge ripened in the meadow.

Cow Masha eats porridge.

Masha likes lunch:

Nothing tastes better!

Kashka- white clover.

Kashka- a dish of grains boiled in water or milk.

Say "spring" -

And here arose

Runs in the green

Cheerful key murmuring.

And we call the spring the key

(The key to the door has nothing to do with it).

Rice. 3. Homonyms: Key ()

Key- spring.

Key- Locking device.

We are foxes

Friendly sisters.

Well, who are you?

We are foxes too!

How, with one paw?

No, even with a hat.

Rice. 4. Homonyms: Chanterelles ()

Chanterelles- mushrooms.

Chanterelles- animals.

Come learn to shoot with me

And look for me on the ridge.

I can hit the bird accurately

And also I get into cabbage soup.

Rice. 5. Homonyms: Bow ()

Onion- plant.

Polysemantic words and homonyms are spelled the same. The main difference between them is that polysemantic words have something in common in the lexical meaning (color, shape), while the lexical meanings of homonyms are completely different.

If you doubt the definition of a polysemantic word or homonym, an explanatory dictionary will come to your aid. Consider the difference in the entry of dictionary entries:

The root is a polysemantic word that has several meanings:

1. underground part plants.

2. Inner part hair, teeth

3. Beginning, source of something (figurative).

4. Significant part of the word.

In the dictionary of a polysemantic word, each of its meanings is indicated by a number.

Consider how homonyms are represented in the dictionary. For instance:

A faucet is a shut-off device in the form of a tube for the release of liquid or gas.

A crane is a machine for lifting and moving goods over short distances.

In the dictionary, homonyms have a separate dictionary entry.

It is possible to determine the meaning of homonyms only when the word is used in a phrase or in a sentence.

Let's complete the task.

Let's look at the pictures. Let's make sentences or phrases with homonyms to show their different lexical meaning.

1. Fluffy mink.

2. Deep mink.

Rice. 11. Homonyms: Mink ()

1. We saw a picture with a predatory lynx.

2. The horse was trotting.

Rice. 12. Homonyms: Lynx ()

1. Do not pollute the environment.

2. Grandmother will arrive on Wednesday.

Rice. 13. Homonyms: Wednesday ()

So, we learned that in Russian there are words that are spelled and pronounced the same way, but have different lexical meanings. These words are called homonyms.

Homonyms are often used in puzzles and riddles, for example:

What fabric can not be used to sew a shirt?

From the railway.

What faucet can't drink from?

From the lift.

In which cage are birds and animals not kept?

In the chest.

Which forests do not have game?

In construction.

What kind of belt can not be girdled?

  1. Klimanova L.F., Babushkina T.V. Russian language. 2. - M.: Enlightenment, 2012 (http://www.twirpx.com/file/1153023/)
  2. Buneev R.N., Buneeva E.V., Pronina O.V. Russian language. 2. - M.: Balass.
  3. Ramzaeva T.G. Russian language. 2. - M.: Bustard.
  1. Bukina-69.ucoz.ru ().
  2. toyskola.ucoz.ru ().
  3. The festival pedagogical ideas"Public lesson" ().
  • Klimanova L.F., Babushkina T.V. Russian language. 2. - M.: Enlightenment, 2012. P2. Do ex. 33, 34 p. 25.
  • Choose homonyms for these words. Make up sentences to understand the meaning of the words.

Castle, foam, cream.

  • * Using the knowledge gained in the lesson, come up with riddles or puzzles, where the answers are homonymous words.