Seeing a flood in a dream. Active or passive behavior of the dreamer: watch the flood from the side or run away

  • 11.10.2019

Despite the fact that in reality flooding is included in the list of the most terrible cataclysms, in a dream such a plot does not always have a negative connotation. Before looking in the dream book for an interpretation of what such a phenomenon is dreaming of, be sure to remember the flooded place, as well as the nature and condition of the liquid.

Rejoice, success and fullness of life are coming

To see how calm, transparent water gradually fills the space of the house in a dream - good sign, which promises prosperity, peace and prosperity in the sleeping family. If flooding occurs in only one room, then in real life there will be changes in the sphere that this room represents.

Watching in a dream how the house is filled with water, and the stream blows away things and all the furniture, according to the dream book, symbolizes cleansing, getting rid of sorrows, difficulties, bad weather. I dreamed that in the house you were carried away by water along with the bed - fortunately and rare luck.

The Jewish dream book positively explains what the flooding of a city or village means in a dream. According to the dream interpreter, such an image is a sign of unexpected wealth and prosperity.

Important details in a dream

In order to correctly interpret what flooding is dreaming of, it is important to consider that the dream is closely related to water. Therefore, the color and condition of the water flow has one of the main roles in the interpretation of sleep.

  • Clean, calm, clear waters promise an idyll, joy;
  • Muddy - portend gossip and fuss;
  • Dirty - talk about scandals and conflicts;
  • Foaming - predict a dispute in which it is difficult to emerge victorious;
  • Seething - suggest emotional restraint, creative inspiration.

Get rid of the past

It is important to know that what the flooding of the cemetery means in a dream speaks of life's "stagnation", uncertainty. Such circumstances are due to the fact that the dreamer is up to his ears mired in the past. New family dream book the dream of a flooded cemetery compares with the threat of domestic troubles in the dreamer's home caused by clogged pipes or leaks.

Miller's interpretation

Psychologist Miller in his dream book provides an interpretation of what dreams of flooding a city, village, forest or the whole earth. The dream plot is considered a harbinger of serious disasters, misfortunes and losses. If a stormy current carries you out of the building along with the rubble, then an important suspension is coming.

Be resilient in failure

A dream of a flood in a city in which streets and residential buildings are flooded means temporary difficulties. Seeing a drowning person or people warns of loss, alienation.

According to the dream book of the sorceress Medea, the dream of a drowning person means the dreamer's loneliness in solving an important or problematic issue. Perhaps, to get the support of friends, you just need to ask them about it.

The flooding of the boat, in which the sleeping person himself is in a dream, portends an unstable financial situation. Perhaps in reality you have to accept serious decision. The dream book advises to be less guided by emotions, and rely on facts and logic.

Get ready for change

The flooding of the church in a dream promises cardinal changes to the modern combined dream book. Seeing a flooded church in a dream is an event that will radically change the dreamer's usual way of life.

Build family relationships

For a young woman, dreaming of a flooded bridge is evidence of a deep emotional wound. You may have to endure betrayal or infidelity loved one. For married people, the flooding of a bridge or a car in a dream symbolizes a threat. family conflicts and troubles.

Dreamed natural disasters usually frighten people and cause premonitions of danger in reality. But the water that flooded the city in a dream or, in fact, may portend not only adverse events.

Often the flow of water symbolizes the emotional sphere of your life, inner experiences or aspirations. To correctly interpret similar dream, it is best to seek clarification from popular dream books.

Why dream of incoming water

Water flooding the area in a dream can warn of upcoming global changes in your life.

There is a high probability of an event that you will not be able to resist. His character is largely determined by the state of the water:

  • if, then changes in life will be for the better;
  • warns of a streak of trouble awaiting you on the path of life.

It is also important what emotions the incoming water evokes in a dream. Fear suggests that the upcoming events in reality will cause you extreme rejection, the joy of the sight of the flood symbolizes that in your soul you have long been ready for cardinal changes.

If in a dream you are carried away by the current bubbling water, be prepared to be in the center of upcoming events. The dream in which you are drowning may portend unpleasant force majeure circumstances that you will not be able to prevent.

What does it mean if you dreamed a lot of water in the apartment

usually dreams of big changes in life. If the water is dirty or muddy, there is a high probability of major domestic conflicts that can split the family for a long time. For a woman to see her own home flooded with water in a dream means dirty gossip and rumors about.

Water, dripping from the ceiling, warns of a dishonest or vile act on the part of a close friend.

Clean, clear water flooding the floor apartments are a good sign, you are expected big success and change for the better. There may be an unexpected influx of large amounts of money.

Flooded apartment portends great luck and financial profit. There are many chances that you will soon receive an inheritance. The dream of scooping up water in someone else's home speaks of large cash receipts, and the larger the volume of a bucket or ladle, the more solid the amount that you can receive.

I dreamed of a lot of water - which means

Swim in the stormy in a dream says that in real life you are surrounded by people who are not indifferent to you. Helping someone get out of the river - someone from the inner circle will need help. swim in the river and drink water from it symbolizes that your plans will come true in the near future.

Transparent and clean water that surrounds you in night dreams promises success and prosperity in reality. Drag a lot of clean water in a dream from - global changes for the better and wealth await you.

Dirty water in the well warns of trouble and illness. I dreamed that you were surrounded by water full of small debris - expect a series of minor troubles.

Water in the house - why dream

Water flooding the house, may warn of the danger of losing property in litigation. A stream of water pouring from the ceiling portends major scandals and squabbles.

If you dream dirty water on the floor of the house, be prepared for the fact that someone from your environment spreads dirty gossip about you. Collecting clean water from the floor means meeting a person who will show you signs of attention.

Crystal clear water in your own home can be interpreted as a reliable financial condition and career advancement.

I dreamed that your the house is in muddy water- a sign that you are overcome by bad thoughts and you cannot cope with some kind of harmful addiction. The house is surrounded by clear water - your financial situation will improve in the near future.

Why dream of water in the village

Village flooded with muddy water in a dream warns of troubles and troubles in reality. If the flood caused the death of people in the village, get ready for losses and illness.

See a big village flooded clean water - a dream can promise big profits.

If the rising water causes fear, then this is a sign that you are afraid of the coming changes, even realizing that they will benefit you. Despair at the sight of water spilling over the village portends changes in life that will ultimately be for the good.

Watch the flood in the village from the outside can be interpreted as the presence in your life of an obsessive and annoying person.

Why dream of disaster or flood

A dreamed flood can be interpreted in different ways depending on the emotions with which it was accompanied in night dreams:

  • if the disaster was perceived calmly or joyfully, expect success and profit soon;
  • if the flood caused horror - to financial losses or strife in family relationships.

If in a dream you can't get out from a dwelling flooded with water - this is a harbinger of the fact that in real life you will have to face circumstances that prevent you from putting your plans into practice.

To dream that the arriving the water carries you together with - expect a happy event.

Dreamed that a stream of cold water carries away your loved ones- a symbol of future heavy losses or disappointments. To yourself in the stream of arriving cold water - a dream suggests that soon you will realize your mistakes and repent of them.

For women, seeing a flood in a dream can be a sign. If there is muddy water in the district, expect conflicts with the chosen ones and gossip of others.

For men fight in a dream with the consequences of a flood means difficulties and obstacles in a career. If people died from a disaster, there is a high probability of events that you will regret for many years. If you dream that you yourself drowning in dirty and cold water- a dream can be interpreted as a warning about a serious illness or accident.

Sometimes a flood in a dream may indicate that in reality you are overwhelmed by feelings that are difficult to control. You feel that you have reached a certain limit, and the actions of others can cause you to have a nervous breakdown. Such a dream warns that the consequences of uncontrolled emotions will be deplorable, first of all, for you.

Why dream of a flood in the city

flood in the city usually dreams of major changes. Remember how in a dream the inhabitants reacted to the arriving water. If calm or joyful, expect auspicious events with good long-term consequences. The fear of drowning people in a dream suggests that you should prepare for a whole series of unpleasant events.

Pure water flooding a populated city promises quick wealth or career advancement. Streams of dirty water with debris and debris warns of losses that you will be unable to prevent.

If in a dream you miraculously ended up on an island in a city flooded with clean, sparkling water from the sun's rays, the dream portends a happy event and a comfortable life. The joy in a dream from contemplating water suggests that your dreams have every chance of coming true in the very near future. It is possible that fate has prepared for you a lottery win or a sudden promotion.

If children joyfully play in the water that has flooded the city, the dream portends an acquaintance and mutual feelings. If a girl saw such a dream, her dreams will soon come true.

I dreamed about the end of the world - what could it mean

Watch from the side the end of the world or the Flood means imminent favorable changes. If you dream that you are dying, the dream portends unexpected events that will radically change your life. It is likely that you decide to go on a new path in life.

If the end of the world in a dream is terrifying, this may symbolize your fear of inevitable changes and your unwillingness to make important decisions.

Trying to escape in a dream from death they say that you are aware of the need for change, but desperately resist them. Perhaps you are hoping that someone else will take responsibility for important decisions that can change lives globally.

Most dream books interpret the apocalypse seen from the outside as a sign of a calm course of events in reality and stable material prosperity. But if the disaster in the dream also affected you, it can be a harbinger of failure and illness.

If the cause of the end of the world was a powerful flood that you watched from the side, you can count on unexpected sources of wealth in reality. Your projects will bring good profit.

If you were carried along with the flow muddy water - unexpected obstacles will interfere with the implementation of your plans for a long time.

Drowning in the apocalypse speaks of the consciousness that your life is flowing in the wrong direction. Such a dream can be a harbinger of global decisions that bring harmony and peace.

Dream Interpretation of Pastor Loff

According to the dream book, see Flood - A dreaming flood speaks of excessive gossip around cases that are not worth these discussions. It is important to pay attention in a dream to whether the flood was caused by clean and clear water or muddy and dirty. This will tell you the nature of the discussions: clean - even the best undertaking can drown in words, and muddy and dirty says that gossip is caused by envy about your success and attempts to harm you.

Dream Interpretation of Gypsy Seraphim

Why dream of a Flood in a dream?

Interpretation of the dream book: Flood - uncontrollable emotions, cleansing the body of earthly desires, as in the "flood"; flooding with emotions and problems, as the dream book predictor reports.

Flood - excessive release of emotions, as usually occurs with nervous breakdowns or shock. The Flood of the time of Noah cleansed the earth of corruption, many dream books interpret such a dream in this way.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Evdokia

Why does the Flood dream in a dream?

Seeing a Flood in a dream means - Flood. Flooded cities or villages - to disaster, to see people carried away by stormy water - to heavy losses. Large areas flooded with clean water - to prosperity after a hard struggle. If you dream that the stormy waters of the flood are carrying you along with the wreckage, an important matter for you or a decision will stop for a while, to illness. Seeing a flood, but not remembering the details is a profitable enterprise, wealth, many dream books interpret such a dream this way.

Dream Interpretation of a Housewife

Flood why dream in a dream:

According to the dream book Flood, see what it means - Flood - A symbol of uncontrolled emotions that overwhelm and overwhelm you with your head. Looking at the flood from afar is a warning about a dangerous connection, a bad acquaintance. A life-threatening flood - suffering, loss, a change in lifestyle. If the water has flooded your house and is rising quickly, you will have to fight hard for your well-being. Swimming in cold water during a flood is repentance and recognition of one's mistakes. save people during severe flood- a harbinger of a serious illness, due to which you will not be able to complete an important matter

Flood - Flood in own apartment- Threat to property and unnecessary spending. Railway tracks flooded with water - an accident on the road. The flood that flooded the whole city is hard work, failure and anxiety. Drowning during the flood - you will soon encounter insurmountable obstacles

Summer dream book

Why is the Flood dreaming:

Flood. Seeing a flood in a dream - to the revelry of the elements.

Autumn dream book

If you dream of a Flood, what is it for:

Flooding - Seeing a flood in a dream - to the exit from the banks of the river, as it is said in the dream book about this dream.

Psychological dream book

Why dream of a Flood in a dream?

Dream Interpretation: Flood - If you see how water spills and covers more and more land, get ready for the vagaries of fate. It is especially bad if a stream of water washes you away too - such a dream can portend illness, financial loss, family troubles

Modern dream book

According to the dream book Flood, which means sleep:

Seeing a flood in a dream - A city or village seen in a dream, flooded with water, portends a catastrophe. A dream in which vast spaces are flooded with clean water promises prosperity and peace. People who are carried away by a flood dream of bereavement, sadness and a sense of hopelessness. If you dreamed that a turbulent stream of water was carrying you along with the wreckage, beware of some kind of illness or suspension of an important business for you.

Spring dream book

According to the dream book Flood:

Flood. To money.

Why dream of flooding in the city?

The interpretation of what the flood is dreaming of will not necessarily be negative. First of all, a dream is not always prophetic. If its details are quickly forgotten, do not pay much attention to the dream. This is just the work of the subconscious, excited by a book read before going to bed or a movie watched.

However, if the dream is not forgotten for a long time, it is worth trying to decipher the warning message. higher powers. Particular attention should be paid to the nuances of sleep. For example, I dreamed of a flood, but people on the streets of the city behave surprisingly calmly. This means that in real life, changes are coming that have long been planned. It is also worth assessing the condition of the water. If the water is clean and transparent, the dream will not bring much negativity. All that can be expected in the coming days is just minor annoyances. When a muddy and dirty stream flows through the streets of the city, life will present quite serious troubles, which will have to be fought with.

If the flood passes quietly, and there are no victims anywhere, in reality, a person has conceived something grandiose. However, now all large-scale plans will be a thing of the past and the sleeper will finally take up urgent current affairs. Water pouring onto the city in a stormy stream, carrying garbage and corpses, means a long streak of losses and failures. Many of them will be regretted for a very long time.

When a person in a dream is surrounded a large number of people, the events predicted by the dream will also affect them. Therefore, anticipating troubles, one must carefully warn one's relatives and friends about their likelihood. Perhaps this information will be useful to them.

The meaning of a flood in a city in a dream can vary significantly depending on the stage of the flood seen. If a person, so to speak, got to the very beginning of the disaster and clean water flows through the city, good news should be expected. If a stormy stream knocks a sleeping person off his feet, a dizzying success is likely, due to which the soil will leave from under his feet. By the way, many clairvoyants in the interpretation of a dream about a flood put a similar meaning: success, big profits, wealth. However, only a dream with clear water acquires such significance. With muddy water, the meaning of sleep changes to the opposite: troubles, losses, ruin.

A dream often predicts an imminent journey, which will come as a complete surprise to a person. This sign is true if you dreamed about the flooding of a completely unfamiliar city. When a person stands high enough and the rising water does not touch his feet, the trip will be truly exciting and luxurious. A dream in which a person is surrounded on all sides by dirty water is not so optimistic. Nevertheless, it should be remembered that all the tests offered by fate can be passed.

If the dream seems rather scary, you can reduce its effect by praying in the church and lighting candles for the saints. Exists folk way ward off the misfortune predicted by sleep. It is enough to look out the window in the morning and, spitting three times over your left shoulder, say: where the night is, there is a dream.

Apply this way it is recommended if during sleep a person is picked up by a swift stream and carried along city streets. Sleep serves as a prediction of a long, but not fatal illness, and it is better to try to mitigate its effect.

Most often, a dream with a flood does not bring trouble at all. All the changes that have taken place in the life of a sleeping person are likely to benefit him and mark a new stage in real life. Of course, you will have to sacrifice something, but new feelings and discoveries await ahead. For example, well-known clairvoyants interpreted the presence of corpses during a flood as the need to part with something familiar. Naturally, the loss of something close brings pain, but it is necessary for the purification of the soul and the opportunity to know the unknown.

The big water that filled the city is also far from always a sign of failure. If children splash joyfully in this water, the dream is positive. A girl wandering through a city flooded with clear water can hope for a quick fulfillment of her cherished desire.

Dreams are given to a person as a kind of warning and do not play the role of a fatal prediction of fate, which cannot be avoided. Therefore, you should not panic in advance. It is much easier to get all your affairs in order to reduce the risk of losses.

Why dream of a flood?

Like other disasters, the flood only causes negative emotions, since the uncontrolled element not only destroys property, but also takes the lives of people. Seeing such an incident in life, people basically do not expect anything good. Now you can confirm or refute your fears with the help of the proposed interpretations. To do this, it is recommended to first analyze the dream, taking into account the main details of the plot.

Why dream of a flood?

Watching how a dark stream of water is approaching the city means that in the future we should expect some kind of catastrophe or serious trouble. If a flood carries people away, this is an unfavorable sign that symbolizes loss, sadness and a sense of hopelessness. Seeing yourself in a stream of water means that a disease or problem may soon arise that will change the course of things. One of the dream books contains information that a flood is a symbol of a stable life that will arise after serious problems.

The interpretation of dreams about flooding largely depends on the state of the water. If a muddy stream covers, then you will find yourself in a strange position. It can also be a symbol of the presence of trouble in intimate life. To see how muddy water carries away garbage means that someone is trying to slander you. The dream in which you saw a clear stream indicates that you can postpone important matters. If clear water fills a large area, this is an omen of an improvement in material condition and good luck. The meaning of sleep, where after a flood you save people, is an unfavorable symbol that predicts the occurrence of a serious illness, which will make it impossible to complete the work you have begun. If you pull corpses out of the water, this is a harbinger of the onset of the "black streak".

To see how water floods the house means that a personality crisis will soon come. Even in the future, problems in family relationships can be expected. For unmarried girls, such a dream recommends paying attention to fans. It will be interesting to know what it means to dream of a flood that covers fields and meadows. Such a night vision is a favorable symbol that predicts well-being and happiness in the family. There is also information that a dream about a flood promises a change in life. Watching the impending water in a dream is a warning about a dangerous relationship or acquaintance.

The flood is a symbol of feelings that will soon be covered with your head. The dream book says that due to uncontrolled emotions, numerous troubles can arise. Seeing a flood in a dream that comes to your feet means you should expect trouble, and they will be related to real estate. A dream where you are drowning during a flood is an unfavorable sign that indicates that you do not know how to get out of this situation. Swimming in cold water during a flood means that in the future you will repent of the mistakes of the past. If you are watching the flood from the side, this is an indication that something global will happen in the future and this will significantly change life. Night vision, where you had to flee from a flood in a dream, is a symbol that you want to avoid responsibility. There is also information that such a dream warns of a dangerous situation. For a young girl, a dream about a stormy flood predicts a fun and eventful life.

What does a dream about a flood on the street mean?

Seeing the streets flooded with dark water means that a catastrophe may occur in the future, which will cause the development of numerous troubles and they will need to be solved for a long time.

Why did the flood dream in a dream?

Each of us wants to control our own destiny, and does not want to feel like a helpless chip in a huge worldly stream of events.

Life is often compared to a stream of water - sometimes it flows peacefully and easily, and sometimes it turns into a turbulent, uncontrollable stream.

However, we manage our own lives, and these are not common phrases, but a fact. But this requires not only skill and individual qualities, such as strength, courage and stability, but also to a large extent - intuition and the ability to see the signs that the universe generously sends us. For example, through our dreams.

In dreams, signs are at every step, you just have to notice them and interpret them correctly. Water is one of the most powerful symbols, and never adds to our dreams just like that.

Water symbolizes the emotional sphere, a person's feelings, his experiences and everything connected with it. And the interpreter will help to understand why the flood is dreaming - after all, this is a particularly powerful sign.

The flood can indicate overwhelmed feelings, a whirlpool of various events and big life changes. Depending on the many nuances and details of such a dream. For example:

  • You saw in a dream a flood from the side.
  • I dreamed that large territories and spaces were completely flooded.
  • See how the water carries people away.
  • Water gradually spills around on the street, absorbing more and more land.
  • See the global flood.
  • To drown in it, to be saved.
  • In a dream, you are carried by water, along with people or fragments of buildings.
  • You are in a flood, but you are just calmly in the water.
  • Suffer in a dream from a flood.
  • You are suddenly caught in a flood.
  • A flood in an apartment or house, everything around is flooded with water.
  • You stop the flood in the house, apartment, bathroom.

These "action-packed" dreams can be very disturbing and even scary, but you should pay great attention to them - and find out why the flood is dreaming, because such dreams can portend the most important events.

Be an observer

It is very scary to get into a disaster even in a dream, but it happens that a flood is seen only from the outside, and such dreams should be interpreted separately. What does the interpreter say if you saw a flood in your dreams, and what twists of fate to expect in reality?

1. As the dream book says, the flood, seen from the side, like a kind of film or picture, suggests that the dreamer is simply overwhelmed with feelings that he cannot cope with. Is it bad? It is worse to live without feelings at all. But still feel the ground under your feet, control the situation.

2. If you see in your dreams huge spaces flooded with calm water, this means that your anxieties will go away, and peace will certainly come. You will manage not to resist circumstances, accept them, and find wisdom in yourself.

3. If you see people being swept away in a flood, this disturbing dream may indicate your fear of losing someone from your environment. Most likely, you are afraid of losing your loved one - after all, this is the most common fear.

Know that fear will not help, and, on the contrary, a negative attitude will only aggravate the situation. Get constructive thinking about how to avoid it, think positively.

4. If a businessman, entrepreneur, merchant had a dream about a flood - this is very good! It promises great profits, complete success in working affairs, prosperity and generous fruits of labor.

5. And people in love dream of a flood as a warning - take care of your feelings. Probably, you treat them carelessly, and risk losing a partner due to your insufficiently attentive attitude, or unworthy behavior. In order not to suffer later from loss, be sensitive and keep what you have.

6. If in dreams you watch how water gradually spills, absorbing land, leaving no free space and covering everything around, this predicts the vagaries of fate, changes, unexpected circumstances.

The situation may temporarily get out of control, but be prepared for this and show resilience. Do not be afraid of obstacles and changes, so as not to be at a loss.

7. The Flood is a very big sign. If this is a dream, then expect significant changes in life, global and comprehensive. Perhaps not so much your everyday life will change as your attitude to things, and so you yourself will begin to change your usual reality.

Carries in a stormy stream ...

But what does it mean if the flood was not just seen from the side, but you got into it, or even suffered from the flood? In an open area, in an apartment or house, a flood can mean both good luck and promise danger - so be attentive to the details of the dream.

1. Drowning in a flood, trying to escape - this portends a new train of thought for you, you will probably reconsider your life and your attitude to it, to the events that are taking place. You have to understand that everything that is done is connected with your thoughts and behavior.

2. If you were carried by stormy water along with the debris of buildings in the flood stream, this could promise temporary interference or the suspension of some important business. But it is in your power not to panic, but to solve problems decisively and soberly, to take responsibility.

3. If you are just in the middle of a flood, calmly and without trying to resist, this may portend prosperity, and even luxury.

4. Suffering from a flood in a dream, or even drowning at all, is a symbol of the fact that passions overwhelm you in reality. You give in to instincts, and are close to committing many rash acts on this basis. Control yourself, control your feelings.

5. To fall into a flood in dreams suddenly, unexpectedly - know that you have to fall in love, and you will panic from this, you will not know what to do. And you need to do little - relax and enjoy this feeling.

Do not be afraid of him, but do not build castles in the air. Just enjoy your crush every day, but don't hold on to it too tightly.

6. A flood in the house promises troubles and fuss in everyday life, in relations with the family. Such a dream advises you to be calmer, to do everyday things measuredly and without fuss, not to break loose on loved ones, to calm down.

7. If you stopped the flood in the apartment, eliminated its consequences in a dream, it means that you will certainly cope with adversity in the family and home. It is in your power to restore complete order and make family life bright, calm and happy.

Whatever the flood portends in your case, be wise and calm, and remember that dreams do not determine your fate, but only hint and advise. What to do - the choice is yours!

I dreamed of a flood. What does this dream mean?



If you see a flood in a dream, then this portends a long and exhausting struggle for a stable financial situation. If you see in a dream that a flood is approaching your house, then in reality you will face difficulties and trials. If you see water flooding the earth in the spring, this means that your life will go better and better, there will be some progress in it, luck will turn to face you. Pure water means a temporary postponement of affairs, temporary interference; muddy water - a strange situation in strange place, but if you are surrounded on all sides by water, you will be in a pleasant environment, surrounded by nice people and in luxury. A flood observed as if from afar means that in the near future it is better for you to avoid dubious people. This dream is a warning obsessive person If you are running from the flood trying to save yourself, some new hobby will appear in your life that will bring you a lot of joy. You will look at everything with different eyes, your way of life and way of thinking will completely change.


barriers build kavcheg ...

[email protected]

If in a dream you see a city or a village flooded with warm, seething waters, this means a catastrophe that will entail great failures. Seeing people being carried away by a flood portends heavy loss and deep hopelessness. Seeing vast spaces flooded with clear water promises prosperity and peace, gained after a seemingly hopeless struggle with fate. If you dream that the turbulent water of a flooded river carries you along with the debris, this is a harbinger of a disease or a suspension of business for you.

get lost beautifully

take care of your property...


A flood in a dream is a symbol of violent, destructive passions or emotions that threaten to get out of your control and cause irreparable damage. After such a dream, you should try to keep your feelings in balance, not letting them overwhelm you. clear waters flood - a sign of your possible excitement or passion. Dirty waters mean a harbinger of a quarrel and a difficult conflict. If you dreamed of a flood that flooded the whole city and rising higher and higher, this portends hard work and worries.


Conversations and squabbles in your family can destroy it. Extinguish the conflict and do not let it flare up!

why dream of a flood


Captain NEMO

Do you dream in color or black and white?


Flood 1. If you dreamed of a city or village flooded with dark raging waters, this is a sign of a catastrophe that will bring great misfortune. If in a dream you noticed people being carried away by a flood - to bereavement, you will be seized by a feeling of hopelessness and futility of life. 2. To see a dream in which a spring flood turned into a fatal flood and a river that overflowed its banks flooded your city - this portends a profitable enterprise that will bring big profits. Being surrounded on all sides by water, unable to leave your shelter, which becomes unsafe - such a dream means the onset of events that will destroy all your plans. Flood - profitable business, wealth and prosperity. To see flooded meadows and fields - peace and peace in the family, prosperity and well-being. Flooding If you see how water spills and covers more and more land, get ready for the vagaries of fate. It is especially bad if a stream of water washes you away too - such a dream can portend illness, financial loss, family troubles. [link blocked by the decision of the project administration] If in a dream you see how water spills and covers more and more land, then get ready for the vagaries of fate. It is especially bad if the stream of water washes you away as well, as it can mean that illness, financial loss, family troubles await you. If you dream of a flood flooding cities and villages with stormy streams, then in reality some kind of global disaster awaits you. [link blocked by the decision of the project administration] Flood If in a dream you see how water spills and covers more and more land, then get ready for the vagaries of fate. It is especially bad if the stream of water washes you away as well, as it can mean that illness, financial loss, family troubles await you. If you dream of a flood flooding cities and villages with stormy streams, then in reality some kind of global disaster awaits you. Seeing in a dream how people are washed away during a flood predicts heavy loss and despair that will make life bleak and ruinous. A dream in which you see huge spaces filled with clear water promises profit and peace after a seemingly hopeless struggle with fortune. FLOOD - clean water - temporary postponement of cases, temporary interference; muddy and overwhelmed - a strange position in a strange place; surrounded by water - to be in luxury.

Why dream of a flood? A flood in a dream can portend as real disaster in reality, this also speaks of the dreamer's personal experiences, upcoming events in him. Often water in a dream personifies the sphere of emotions, inner experiences and feelings.

Interpretation according to different dream books

Each dream book interprets a dream with a flood in a different way.

    Miller's dream book

    If you dreamed that water was pouring from the ceiling directly onto the dreamer's head, then this portends sensual pleasures. If a pregnant woman dreams of a flooded house, this indicates possible problems with the health of the unborn child.

    See how the water pours working space, means trouble in the professional field, unstable relationships with colleagues. For creative people, a flood at work speaks of stagnation, a lack of inspiration.

    Seeing a flooded parental home in a dream warns about future misfortunes, disagreements within the family, the possible death of one of the relatives. Seeing a flooded old, dilapidated house suggests that the consequences of old mistakes will soon overtake the dreamer. A flood in someone else's apartment portends financial gain or good news.

    If you see a flood in a village in a dream, then this indicates the presence of an unpleasant, obsessive person in your life.

    A flood in the bathroom portends financial instability, large unplanned expenses or failure to receive the expected profit. A flooded kitchen indicates that the dreamer cannot control his emotions and, with careless words, can hurt the feelings of others.

    global flood

    The Flood in a dream is a harbinger of global, large-scale changes in life that will turn the dreamer's whole life upside down. Moreover, these changes do not have to be external - perhaps just the dreamer's worldview will change dramatically.

    A powerful stream in the city speaks of the dreamer's participation in some large-scale enterprise, a rally, introducing him to any culture. Also, the Flood portends acquaintances with interesting, extraordinary people.

    Tsunami flooding - what does it mean?

    A flood with a tsunami portends some kind of catastrophe, accident, unforeseen disaster. Such a dream may indicate misfortune that will happen to the dreamer's relative.

    The incoming water, which washes away the city, buildings, people, indicates amazing, but unplanned events in life, but it is impossible to say exactly what they will be - positive or negative - with certainty.

    To get into the center of the raging elements yourself means painful experiences of a person, losses and family disagreements. If the dreamer managed to escape from the flood tsunami, then this indicates his readiness to cope with all problems.

    Run away from the flood: the meaning of sleep

    To run away, to escape from a flood in a dream means that a person in reality hides his feelings and impulses, suppresses them, perhaps he is afraid to admit to himself the passions that overwhelmed him. Such a dream also indicates the dreamer's serenity, his desire to hide from responsibility, and also speaks of his fear of the changes taking place.

    If a person fails to escape from the flood, this portends an early love, a new romantic relationship. If the water flow passed the dreamer, this suggests that in reality he will be able to avoid many problems.

There is no doubt what awaits you after "viewing" a dream about a flood! Better get familiar with useful information on this occasion.

Miller's dream book: flood (interpretation of a dream)

If in a dream there was a flood that befell some village, this portends a catastrophe that will be accompanied by great misfortunes. If a flood takes people away, then such a dream promises hopelessness and heavy losses that will make life bitter and meaningless. The vast spaces that the water floods are a harbinger of peace and prosperity that the dreamer will gain after a difficult confrontation with fate. If a person dreamed that a river had overflowed and a stormy stream carried him along with the debris, then this portends a suspension of important affairs or illness.

Freud's dream book: flood (interpretation of sleep)

If a woman dreamed of a flooded place or a flood, then soon she (or someone close to her) would become pregnant / give birth. If a man floats on something along the river during a flood, then he is subconsciously drawn to pregnant women. If a man just looks at the flood, then he has a desire to have children. According to Freud, the flood is generally a symbol of childbirth and pregnancy.

flood - what to expect?

If the water is clear during a flood, then this symbolizes a temporary postponement of affairs or interference. If, moreover, the dreamer was overwhelmed, the person in reality will find himself in a dubious position in a strange place. If a person is surrounded by water in a dream, then in reality he will be in luxury.

Hasse dream book: flood - what portends?

The flood symbolizes a very great danger to the dreamer's property. Drowning someone is a manifestation of cruelty. To be drowned is to avoid a very great danger.

Esoteric dream book: flood (meaning of sleep)

To see a flood - to hopelessness and a panic mood. To be in a flood that in reality a person can be seized by panic and psychosis.

Yuri Longo dream book: flood (interpretation of a dream)

If a person dreamed that he suffered from a flood, then in reality he is very often overcome by primary instincts, which bring a lot of grief to the dreamer and his loved ones. Advice: try not to succumb to the call of base instincts and try to resist them. To do this, you should direct the energy in some other direction, peaceful and harmless to the people around you. Watching the flood from the side - soon something global and fundamental will happen in the dreamer's life, which will destroy the old orders and destroy the old principles.

Russian dream book: flood or flood (meaning of sleep)

If in a dream a person saw a large flood covering a lot of land, the dream book advises preparing for various vagaries of fate. It is very bad when the flow picks up the dreamer himself, because this may mean that family troubles, illnesses and financial losses await him. If you see in a dream how other people are being washed away, then in reality despair and heavy losses can be expected.

Grisha's dream book: flood - what does the dream mean?

Watching a flood from afar is a dream warning against some obsessive personality. If a flood threatens the dreamer's life, and he tries to escape from it - the hope of avoiding dangers, a new train of thought and a different life, image (human rebirth).