How to properly hang a TV on the wall: location height and mounting methods, recommendations. At what height should the TV be hung in the bedroom? Standard height of the TV on the wall from the floor

  • 17.06.2019

There are no strict standards that require a TV to be placed in one area or at a certain height. Therefore, choose a place based on personal preferences. In order not to make a mistake with the placement and not cause harm to health, listen to the recommendations of experts.

Choosing a place for plasma

To determine at what distance from the floor to hang the TV, initially decide for which room you are purchasing the equipment. The recommended height will be different for each room. So, for example, in the living room, where all household members gather, they most often watch TV while sitting on a sofa or in an armchair. And in the bedroom they prefer to relax while watching programs lying down.

What to consider: 6 rules

Plasma and LCD TVs are more convenient to hang on the wall. This allows you to significantly unload the space, provide lightness to the interior. To correctly lead the TV to the wall, you must take into account the six rules stated by the manufacturers.

  1. Find a helper. TVs are quite heavy, their average weight is 25 kg. Therefore, you need to hang the equipment together - one person simply cannot physically cope.
  2. Entrust the matter to a specialist. If you've never picked up a drill before, don't push your luck. Invite a competent specialist who will quickly and correctly hang the plasma on the wall. Thus, it will protect you from injury, and new equipment from falling.
  3. Use free space. The TV mounted in a niche looks quite original. However, manufacturers strongly recommend leaving free space on all sides so that air flows can circulate freely through the special ventilation holes provided in the technique.
  4. Check Wall Compliance. Do not forget that TVs are not only large, but also decently heavy. Before hanging the appliance on the wall, make sure that it can support the heavy structure. It is strongly not recommended to hang the TV on drywall, the material is simply not able to hold a powerful weight.
  5. Take care of the cable. Hang the TV on the wall first. And when the equipment is properly installed, take care of connecting communications.
  6. Buy a movable bracket. This device allows not only to install equipment in any place you choose, but also provides comfortable viewing from any area of ​​the room. After all, the bracket makes it possible to turn the TV, adjust it for each household. However, with any rotation of the bracket, the wire should not be pulled - failure to comply with the rule can lead to fire.

Don't forget to consider the level of lighting in the room. If you hang the TV on the wall opposite the window, you can only watch it at night. Or you will have to buy thick blinds to protect from the sun's rays.

Room and screen dimensions

When choosing a place for a plasma, you need to take care of the safe viewing of movies or TV shows. Incorrect installation can lead to headaches, chronic fatigue, and visual impairment. To avoid this, choose a TV based on the size of the room. The distance from your eyes to the screen should not exceed the maximum allowable value, it cannot be less than the recommended minimum distance. The optimal numbers are given in the table.

TV diagonal, inchDistance from the screen to the eyes, m
70 2,7-4,5
65 2,5-4,1
58 2,2-3,7
55 2,1-3,5
52 2,0-3,3
50 1,9-3,2
46 1,7-2,9
42 1,6-2,7
40 1,5-2,5
37 1,4-2,4
32 1,2-2,0
26 1,0-1,7

At what height to hang the TV on the wall in different rooms

Owners often do not think about where to hang their favorite equipment. And they are even amazed: what difference does it make at what height to hang the TV? But over time, they face real discomfort. Sometimes you have to crane your neck or recline to see what is happening on the screen. To avoid these troubles, initially read the recommendations of experts, determine for yourself optimal height mounting the TV on the wall. And only then proceed with the installation.

In the living room

Experts, explaining how best to hang the TV without harm to health, deduced the average parameters. It is believed that the distance from the lower bar " blue screen»To the floor should be from 70 to 135 cm. But even such indicators cannot always provide comfortable viewing. Before determining a place for equipment, three more parameters must be taken into account.

  1. seat height. The living room can be sofas, armchairs, pouffes. They have different heights. In order to make it convenient for all households to follow the events on the screen in the future, it is necessary to take measurements of seats and calculate averages.
  2. Household growth. Be sure to consider height. If you have a family of volleyball players, sticking to "average" numbers will cause everyone to watch TV in a hunched state. For short people, this can result in the need to crane your neck every time you watch. Therefore, choose a family member with an average height, according to him and take measurements
  3. Suitable location analysis. Ask an adult family member to sit comfortably in a chair or sofa in the living room. Have the subject seated in a pre-selected seat of medium height. Now invite him to relax by closing his eyes. After a few minutes, ask to open your eyes, look at the opposite wall. It is the point at which the subject's gaze rests that should become the intersection of the diagonals of the screen - the central point of the TV.

It is much easier to install the TV and choose the required height if you initially screw the bracket. This mount will allow you to turn the equipment in any direction, providing maximum comfort to each family member.

In the bedroom

The bedroom is a place where a person completely relaxes, rests after labor day. The whole environment should be fully conducive to this. Decided to hang a TV in the bedroom? Approach the matter responsibly. After all, improper placement will not provide a good rest, but will provoke fatigue and internal irritation. To choose the height of the TV, use three recommendations.

  1. Optimal location. Choose it approximately the same as in the living room. Lie down on the bed. Get comfortable and close your eyes. Turn around a little, after a couple of minutes, open your eyes, looking at an imaginary TV. The place where your eyes rested will be the optimal area for placing the TV.
  2. Bracket use. Having picked up a place in front of the bed for future equipment, do not rush to immediately install it. In the bedroom, it is best to use a bracket that allows you to move the screen. This can come in handy if you decide to arrange a family movie screening in the bedroom with younger children (who absolutely do not want to watch lying down), while the elders and dad move into the living room.
  3. Permissible deflection angle. In the bedroom, according to experts, the TV is always hung a little higher than in the living room. Therefore, another recommendation regarding the angle of deflection comes into force in the room. Find the center point on the TV (the place where the diagonals intersect). Draw a fictitious line from it to your eyes. Now from the pupils draw a perpendicular to the wall. Between these two lines an angle is formed, which is called the angle of deviation. It should not exceed 30 ºС. Such indicators will protect the eyes from excessive stress, and the spine from curvature.

In the kitchen

Probably the kitchen is the only room where you can ignore the recommendation of doctors to place the TV at eye level. Such deviations are permitted due to the following circumstances:

  • small dimensions - a small room is allocated for the kitchen, in which it is necessary to place a lot of relevant equipment, utensils;
  • distraction- in this room they cook food, so they glance at the screen only in passing, more often they just listen to the TV;
  • danger of overheatingkitchen appliances heats up, forms steam, therefore, for the TV you need to choose a place that is completely isolated from possible temperature changes.

Given these points, there are three fundamental rules for placing a plasma or LCD TV in the kitchen.

  1. Optimal Height. In a small room, you can choose a place for a TV only in the upper zones. Do not mount it under the ceiling. The comfortable height of the TV on the wall, recommended for normal viewing and not spoiling your eyesight, is 175 cm. It is believed that such indicators correspond to the average height of a person. Therefore, the screen will be at the eye level of the person standing in the kitchen.
  2. TV model. Be sure to consider which version of the equipment you are going to hang in the kitchen. So, for example, the LCD analogue, with a TFT matrix, has a rather large viewing angle. Therefore, such a screen can be hung almost anywhere in the kitchen, without much damage to the contrast. If the choice is stopped on a vertical plane, then the viewing angle is significantly narrowed. This TV should only be viewed directly. Any deviation from the straight position results in a blackout of the screen.
  3. Movable bracket. To be able to adjust the TV for yourself, use a movable bracket. So you can safely look at the screen while cooking while standing. And easily adjust the technique when you decide to sit down.

In the nursery

The most difficult thing is to install a TV in the children's room. In this case, you need to take into account many points: the age of the child, his habits, height. Experts recommend following three rules.

  1. Age Features. Have you ever watched small children? Even if you give them a great place to play on the couch, they will still quietly move to the floor. Here it is much more convenient for them to play. Therefore, when setting up a TV for a baby, do not forget that the baby will often look at the screen while sitting on the floor. If you are dealing with a teenager, then keep in mind that he will watch TV while lying on the couch.
  2. Child's height . The TV must be hung so that during active games the baby does not accidentally touch the panel with his hands or head, and is not injured. Therefore, it is not recommended to install a large TV in the nursery.
  3. Possibility of transformation. If you do not plan to change the furniture in the nursery every two or three years, you need to choose a universal place so that the growing child can change the place of deployment, it is normal to watch TV. Indeed, at the age of six, he will move from the floor to the table, will watch his favorite TV shows while drawing. And at 12 he decides to go in for sports, he will watch the plot of the film, intensely boxing a pear. Therefore, be sure to provide a movable bracket when attaching the plasma.

When the installation height of the TV is determined, if possible, take into account one more important recommendation. Initially, provide a block with three to five outlets located 25-30 cm from the panel. Now you may be wondering: why is this necessary? But when the next invention appears on the market, you will proudly notice how far-sighted you were in your time.

Over the past few years, flat-panel LCD or plasma TVs have almost completely replaced the good old "boxes".

New devices please with improved image quality, can significantly save space in the room, especially when placed on the wall. In this regard, the question arises of how and at what height it is better to hang the TV on the wall.

In contact with

Principles of correct placement of devices in the interior

The main requirement that should be followed when determining a place for a TV is the comfort of all household members. Importantly, while watching TV, you did not have to strain your eyesight or sit in an uncomfortable position. Such leisure, except for pain in muscles and joints, will bring nothing. Therefore, the first thing to do is to analyze where in the room the view will be carried out.. There are no clear standards for the placement of equipment in the room, everything is purely individual.

You may notice that in most projects, TV panels are placed approximately at eye level. And only in public places, where there is a high traffic of people or those present do not focus on the screen image, the technique is used for the background and is located high under the ceiling.

Features of the location of the TV in the room

If we compare modern models with their predecessors, again there is an important advantage: LCD and plasma models do not blink, do not interfere and threaten vision, which means they can be viewed from any distance. But for more comfort and a convenient viewing angle, it is worth considering the formulas derived empirically:

  • Distance between instrument and viewer. The distance between the viewer and the screen should be 3-4 diagonal sizes. Therefore, even before buying equipment, it is worth calculating the screen size in accordance with the described formula;
  • Screen resolution. The brightness and clarity of the image depends on this indicator. Therefore, devices with a low resolution should be located further from the eyes, and vice versa;
  • Medical advice. If you believe the doctors, then the optimal recommended height for a TV on the wall is such that the middle of the screen will be at a distance of 130-140 cm from the floor;
  • Proximity to other devices. Do not hang television panels near heating appliances or in direct sunlight.

Important! There are many design projects where a plasma monitor is located above the fireplace. Therefore, the question involuntarily begs, is it possible to hang a TV over a fireplace? It is possible if, after measuring the temperature above the heated hearth, it turns out that hot air does not enter the TV.

Thinking about the location of the equipment in the kitchen or other small room, you need to understand that with a change in the viewing angle, the quality of the picture on the screen may decrease. In other words, you need to find a location where you can watch it from anywhere. The best decision this issue is the use of special swivel brackets.

Before starting the installation, it is worth comparing the dimensions of the device with its capabilities:

  • Models weighing over 25 kg will require two people. But best of all, entrust the issue of installation to a specialist; since this is a rather expensive device, and it is important to fix it securely;
  • It is imperative to assess the condition of the wall in order to understand whether it is able to withstand such a load or not;
  • To install on the wall without incident, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the wire layout plan in advance so as not to hook the wiring during installation. Connection of television and Internet cables to the TV is made after completion of work;
  • To maintain air circulation, and therefore prevent the device from overheating, there should be a distance of up to 20 cm between the TV and the wall.

Often TVs are mounted in drywall niches. Outwardly, it looks stylish and modern, in addition, the design itself allows you to save room space.

But it's only good if it's done wisely. The niche must be designed so that between the wall and the rear wall the space indicated above remains, and the same gap is between the side walls of the niche and the edges of the device.

This step will save the device from overheating and quick breakdown.

How to properly hang a TV at home

Before installing on the wall, it is worth preparing materials and tools.

Advice: It is necessary to take into account the type of wall on which the installation will be carried out, the choice of fasteners will depend on this.

For concrete or brick, appropriate dowels are used, and for drywall, fasteners in the form of a snail or butterfly are used. At the same time, the self-tapping screw is screwed in from the outside of the wall, and inside it opens like butterfly wings, firmly fixed there. For wooden wall you will need long dowels with a size of 30 mm or more.

After purchasing a special bracket, you should pay attention to the contents of the factory packaging. Usually, a mounting kit is included with the instructions. For fastening the bracket to the wall, you need:

Advice: In many models of brackets on the mounting plate there is a built-in water level, in practice it turns out that it is not always true. Therefore, it is better to prepare the usual building level.

Next is the preparation of TV. It is necessary to lay it on a soft surface so that the back surface is on top. Using a Phillips screwdriver, you can unscrew the stand. On the back panel there are special holes provided for fixing the grooves of the bracket. Once they are securely screwed, you can hang the device on the wall.

Attention: At this stage, it is necessary to ensure that all the grooves fit into the holes on the plate intended for them. Now you can fix the last bolts and close them with decorative caps.

Some models of brackets have a channel for the output of cables, which makes it possible to conveniently hide unnecessary communications. However, if your model does not have such a device, then nylon clamps can be used for this purpose.

Types of brackets

For the convenience of using the TV and securely fixing the monitor on the wall, it is important to choose a bracket for mounting the TV, based on its characteristics and the functions assigned to it.

There are three types of brackets:

  1. Unregulated. Such fastening provides reliable fixation of the device to the wall. The design is best suited for large TVs that are not intended to be rotated or tilted during use;
  2. Inclined. These brackets allow you to change the orientation of the screen in a vertical plane, direct it up or down. They are suitable for medium-sized TVs;
  3. Swivel. The most movable design that allows you to turn the screen in any direction, both from right to left and from top to bottom. However, such a support will not withstand a large load, therefore it is used only for small panels, and mainly in the kitchen.

Advice: In order not to make a mistake in choosing related devices, you should read the manufacturer's recommendations or listen to the advice of consultants at points of sale. They will also tell you how to hang the TV on the wall with a bracket.

Wires and sockets

To avoid unnecessary accumulation of wires under the TV, which interfere, get confused and spoil the overall picture of the interior, the issue of communications should be thought out in advance.

The ideal option forthe height of the sockets reserved for the TV on the wallequal to the height corresponding to the middle of the screen. Then the wires will automatically hide behind the TV panel. However, if it is not possible to redo the location of the outlets, then other options can be considered that are convenient both from an aesthetic and practical point of view:

  • Holes can be cut in the plasterboard wall to bring wires and cables out. The advantages of this method are the speed of execution and the complete absence of construction waste;
  • Regardless of the material the wall is made of, you can build a cable duct on top of it. If you cover the box with the same finish as on the wall, it will become almost invisible;

Useful video

It turns out that in order to hang the TV on the wall, it is worth deciding whole line questions. These include choosing a TV panel that matches the size of the room, calculating the height of the TV installation and its remoteness from the audience, methods of mounting on the wall. To make it easier for yourself, you can seek help from professionals who will perform this work quickly and efficiently.

When people get a new TV, they think about how high to hang it and how to properly position it in the room.

It is often suggested that hanging should be done so that the topmost panel from the edge of the panel is at eye level. Thus, the mucous membrane of the eyes will not dry out and there will be no discomfort. Is it really?

But as a rule, many people sit in front of the TV in various positions: sitting, lying down, standing, etc. What to do in this case? How to find a compromise of all family members and determine the very optimal height for everyone? In this case, we analyze all options and find perfect option how high to hang the TV.

In order to correctly identify the height of the TV, it is necessary to identify all the features of each room separately, in which, perhaps, the presence of this miraculous technique with moving pictures.

Scientific fact: the distance from the floor to the center of the TV should be about 135 cm.

How high to hang the TV in the bedroom

Before installing a TV in the bedroom, you need to find the place from which, most likely, they will look at it. For a lying posture, you should choose a higher height: slightly higher than the usual direct look in a standing state.

In order to make it easier to determine the location of the plasma, you need to lie on the bed, relax, close your eyes and open them sharply. Wherever your eyes first look, you should hang it there. Thus, it will be chosen optimal height for a lying person. You should be comfortable looking at the wall without straining.

However, it is considered ideal if tilt angle when viewing will deviate no more than 30 degrees from the center of the screen.

As an outlet, you can use a wall bracket. In this case, at any time it will be possible to change the rotation of the TV.

The bracket is attached as follows:

  • The middle of the bracket is fixed at a level of 150 cm from the floor.
  • Outlets for sockets and cables are mounted 25 cm above the bracket.

Here there are some contradictions to the statement of physicians. Yes, the center of the TV monitor should be at eye level. But what about the fact that for many the kitchen is small room more like a closet. In addition, they usually put a TV in the kitchen so that the person who cooks is not bored.

Therefore, in most cases, people either casually look at the monitor, or just listen at all. So, let's ask a question. What height would be correct? Let's find a compromise in this case.

If an LCD TV was bought and the bracket has already been selected for it, then you need to understand that the viewing angle will be large with a small change in the contrast state.

This is about horizontal placement. But in the vertical case, everything is a little more complicated. If the viewing angle is tilted down, then state of contrast will be enlarged and the monitor will appear darker in color. If the viewing angle is tilted up, then the contrast is minimized and the monitor brightens. So, you need to choose the place from which the most frequent eye contact with the TV screen is expected.

Example. By placing the LCD TV at a height of 175 cm, a standing posture is assumed when viewing. For a sitting position, this height is no longer suitable. Due to the fact that seated people will watch the screen from the bottom up, everything shown will be for them too dark.

In this case, the bracket is an indispensable thing. They will definitely not watch TV in the kitchen all day, which means that their eyes will not have time to get tired.

The best option for the kitchen is a height above your height. At this height, you can safely hang a TV in the kitchen. But at the same time, we must not forget about the bracket. Perhaps the best and not come up with for a small room, called the kitchen.

At what height to hang the TV in the living room

Yes Yes. This is exactly the place where we spend the most big time front of the TV. Here we need to choose the ideal option that will suit everyone without exception.

The most common option is height over 100 cm approximately at eye level. In addition, we must not forget the height of the furniture on which the viewing will take place. Based on this height, we select the placement level.

Do not think that by buying fasteners, you will do half the battle. Far from it. Surely more than one person will watch, which means that the calculation must be made based on the growth of each family member. Here you will enter a dead end a little, how to identify the very golden mean, between the floor and the center of the screen.

Tip: do an experiment. Have each family member sit in the viewing position and ask them to close their eyes, relax and open. Mark the place where your eyes meet the opposite wall. As a result, compare each point and choose the ideal one between them.


Items from the mount instructions:

Almost every home has a TV, and sometimes even several. Most often, we associate it with a pleasant pastime with family or friends. Our eyes are on this electronic device quite often and it does not matter whether it broadcasts television channels or is simply a monitor for watching movies or videos on the Internet.

Let's see how to properly position the TV monitor in the room so that it is as comfortable, safe and convenient as possible for all household members. Read all the points carefully, constantly looking back at your conditions. All the tips here are closely interrelated, and the technical inconsistencies of one of them in the selected room can affect the planning features that already seem to be precisely defined.

1. In which part of the room to place the TV

The location of the TV dictates the arrangement of furniture in the room. First of all, decide from which point in the room (or several) you will watch it. It could be a sofa dinner table, work zone kitchen - but other options are possible.

Especially important point when determining the location of the TV should be a window. If the screen is on the opposite wall, it is likely that it will gleam and you will not see anything at all.

The way out of this situation can be window blinds or tightly closing curtains with a "blackout" effect.

Consider how much you are willing to close them tightly every time you turn on the TV. For those who have the location exactly like this, we advise you to take a closer look at the curtains on the electric curtain rod, which can be controlled from the remote control or tablet. It is not so expensive, and such an option will add comfort and keep a neat appearance and the curtains themselves, which, from too frequent mechanical impact, can get dirty faster and lose their original appearance.

2. At what height to hang the TV

If you are going to watch TV in the kitchen, say, standing by the stove, stand at an imaginary (if you are currently renovating) or existing work surface, and then quickly shift your gaze to the section of the wall where you plan to mount the TV. The place where you looked (this will most likely be the level of your eyes or a little lower / higher) must be remembered and immediately carefully fixed, say, in chalk on the wall. This is supposed to be the center of the monitor.

The height of the TV is dictated by the position in which you intend to watch it. The standards in this regard are rather arbitrary, so there can be nothing better than a personal double-check.

Exactly according to the same principle, you can determine the height that is comfortable for you to place the TV on the wall in any room where it is supposed to be.

3. How to fix the TV on the wall

If, during your planning, the location of the TV involves mounting it on the wall, you must first check the technical feasibility of this operation. Remember - you cannot hang a heavy monitor on a drywall wall. It will not withstand more than 30-35 kg and runs the risk of simply collapsing.

On a wall made of bricks or blocks, the monitor can be mounted using brackets. At the same time, make sure in advance that there is no wiring in the places where the dowels are supposed to be located.

Brackets are both fixed and adjustable. In any case, we recommend choosing the mobile option. Who knows - suddenly you need to change the angle of inclination or slightly rotate the screen in one direction or another.

4. Where to hide wires and cables

If your apartment is currently in a state of repair, design in advance and properly prepare the location of the TV and the corresponding outputs for it. What you will definitely need is 3 ordinary outlets behind the monitor and 1 television. In them you will connect the plasma monitor itself, a tuner and / or a Wi-Fi adapter. All these outputs can be safely hidden behind the plasma monitor itself by placing the sockets at a distance of 8-10 cm from the top or bottom edge of the monitor (as it will be more convenient in your situation).

If there is a TV cabinet under the TV, on which other media equipment is supposed to stand, the sockets behind it will not interfere with you either.

At a height of 30 cm from the floor, place a block for 4-5 sockets - even if you don’t need them now, technology doesn’t stand still, it’s better to spend a little now and save yourself from unnecessary problems with wires, sockets and carrying tomorrow.

If the repair has already been made, all the wires can be hidden in the cable box and carefully lead it to the TV. Later, this box can be designed to match the style of the wall on which it is located - in order to disguise it as much as possible.

In the case where the TV is facing a window and you decide to use the electric curtain rod advice, plan another socket under the ceiling in the place where the curtain will hang (curtain specialists and an electrician will tell you more about this).

5. How to choose the size of the diagonal

Many TV fans dream of large plasma half a wall. Buying such a TV is not difficult, but before you do, check how much the parameters of your room will allow you to look at such a monitor without harm to health.

The distance that is comfortable for the eyes from the monitor is 3-4 screen diagonals, in the case of LCD monitors - 2-3 diagonals.

That is, a 40-inch TV should be viewed from a distance of 80-120 or 120-160 inches (1 inch equals 2.54 cm). Now we can calculate that the eyes of a person looking at a 40-inch plasma should be located 3-4 meters from it, and for LCD monitors - 2-3 meters.

After the repair in the bedroom, many also update the equipment in this room. After purchasing a TV, many do not know at what height to hang it. After all, from his correct location will depend not only on ease of viewing, but also on security.


Before you decide at what height to hang the TV in the bedroom, you first need to decide on the place where exactly it will be located. He right choice The place will depend on the comfort of viewing, and the height at which the device itself will hang.

To determine the location, you need to lie on the sofa or bed in the bedroom in a comfortable and familiar position for you. Now you need to determine which wall the TV should be mounted on so that it is as convenient and comfortable to watch as possible.

Experienced experts say that the optimal location is considered to be a point drawn in a straight line from the center of the bed to the wall, and the height of this point will be adjusted later. It is with this arrangement that the TV will be clearly visible to all people who are located in the bedroom, and there will be no inconvenience when viewing it.

If the device will be hung in a single bedroom or nursery, it must be placed diagonally from the center of the bed. In this case, even when turning, there will be no discomfort during viewing, and the screen will be clearly visible from any position.

When the potential installation location of the TV has already been selected, you can directly proceed to the calculation of the height at which it will need to be fixed.


You can choose the optimal height for the TV on the wall in one of two ways. The first is based on the usual ease of viewing, and the second is based on medical recommendations and advice from the manufacturer.

  • Determine the height level where the bracket mounts will be located, if lie down in your favorite position on the bed, close your eyes for a second, and then sharply open them and immediately look at the wall. The point at which your gaze rests will be the middle of the television screen. So, this is where the main bracket will be located. When choosing this option, it should be understood that parameters such as the distance from the bed to the wall and the dimensions of the screen diagonal are not taken into account here. So, by choosing this method, you cannot be sure of the safety and comfort of your eyes when watching a TV hung in this way.
  • The second method is based on mathematical calculations and the advice of doctors. The optimal distance between the eyes and a device with a liquid crystal screen is considered to be its diagonal multiplied by three, and for plasma screens this is the product of the diagonal and the number 4.

New TVs with an LED or 3D panel can have absolutely any screen diagonal size, but a different extension, for example, 720 or 1080 units. The mounting height of such TVs is calculated using a special formula:

  1. For TVs with screen extension 720 units, the mounting height is equal to the product of the diagonal of the screen by a factor of 2.3.
  2. For TVs with expansion 1080 units, this value is equal to the product of the diagonal by a factor of 1.6.

But when choosing a height, it is also necessary to take into account the distance from the bed and directly from the eye to the screen of the device.

Optimal Distance

Many ophthalmologists say that the minimum distance from the eyes to the TV cannot be less than its diagonal multiplied by two. Such a recommendation is fully justified, but it does not take into account the type of screen of this device and its resolution. Therefore, this method of calculating the distance from the eyes to the screen is applicable only to older models.

The distance from the eyes to the LCD TV should be no less than the sum of its two diagonals, and from the plasma monitor to the eyes - no less than the product of its diagonal and the number 3.

In order to watch the TV attached to the wall not only conveniently, but also safely, it is recommended to follow the following tips during its installation:

  1. Max deflection angle from the TV screen when viewing should not exceed 30 degrees.
  2. Minimum height from floor for TV installation cannot be less than 1 meter. Otherwise, there is a risk that the TV may be accidentally caught and fall.
  3. It is best to place sockets at a distance no more than 45 cm from the central bracket.
  4. It is very important to consider the height of the furniture, over which the gadget will be located. The minimum distance from the chest of drawers or the armrests of the sofa to it is 25 cm.
  5. If possible, it is better to install an adjustable bracket. This will allow, if necessary, to change the angle of the TV, depending on the position on the bed and the number of people who will watch it.
  6. If the TV is installed in the children's bedroom, then it is better not to be limited to only one bracket. It is best to purchase a special wall-mounted TV stand. In general, the height for its installation is selected by any of the methods described above.
  7. When buying a bracket, make sure that it can support the weight of your TV. It is best to purchase brackets specifically designed for your TV model.
  8. It is recommended to check periodically how securely the TV is fixed.

Finally, I would like to note once again that the correct height to which the TV should be mounted in the bedroom should be selected in accordance with all the above parameters, that is, the height of the furniture, the size of the room, the distance from the screen to the eyes. Only in this case it is possible to choose the correct and safe height for its fastening.

Having learned from this article at what height the TV should be located, we proceed to the installation of the TV bracket. See the video for more details.