Chemical warfare agents and their classification. Classification and characteristics of substances with a toxic effect

  • 12.10.2019

Chemical weapon is one of the types. Its damaging effect is based on the use of military toxic chemicals, which include toxic substances (OS) and toxins that have a damaging effect on the human and animal body, as well as phytotoxicants used for military purposes to destroy vegetation.

Poisonous substances, their classification

poisonous substances- these are chemical compounds that have certain toxic and physico-chemical properties, which ensure, when they are used in combat, the defeat of manpower (people), as well as the contamination of air, clothing, equipment and terrain.

Poisonous substances form the basis of chemical weapons. They are stuffed with shells, mines, missile warheads, aerial bombs, pouring aircraft devices, smoke bombs, grenades and other chemical munitions and devices. Poisonous substances affect the body, penetrating through the respiratory system, skin and wounds. In addition, lesions can occur as a result of the consumption of contaminated food and water.

Modern toxic substances are classified according to the physiological effect on the body, toxicity (severity of damage), speed and durability.

By physiological action toxic substances on the body are divided into six groups:

  • nerve agents (also called organophosphates): sarin, soman, vegas (VX);
  • blistering action: mustard gas, lewisite;
  • general toxic action: hydrocyanic acid, cyanogen chloride;
  • suffocating action: phosgene, diphosgene;
  • psychochemical action: Bi-zet (BZ), LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide);
  • irritant: si-es (CS), adamsite, chloroacetophenone.

By toxicity(severity of damage) modern toxic substances are divided into lethal and temporarily incapacitating. Lethal toxic substances include all substances of the first four listed groups. Temporarily incapacitating substances include the fifth and sixth groups of physiological classification.

By speed poisonous substances are divided into fast-acting and slow-acting. Fast-acting agents include sarin, soman, hydrocyanic acid, cyanogen chloride, ci-es, and chloroacetophenone. These substances do not have a period of latent action and in a few minutes lead to death or disability (combat capability). Substances of delayed action include vi-gases, mustard gas, lewisite, phosgene, bi-zet. These substances have a period of latent action and lead to damage after some time.

Depending on the resistance of damaging properties After application, toxic substances are divided into persistent and unstable. Persistent toxic substances retain their damaging effect from several hours to several days from the moment of application: these are vi-gases, soman, mustard gas, bi-zet. Unstable toxic substances retain their damaging effect for several tens of minutes: these are hydrocyanic acid, cyanogen chloride, phosgene.

Toxins as a damaging factor of chemical weapons

toxins- these are chemical substances of protein nature of plant, animal or microbial origin, which are highly toxic. Characteristic representatives of this group are butulic toxin - one of the strongest deadly poisons, which is a waste product of bacteria, staphylococcal entsrotoxin, ricin - a toxin of plant origin.

The damaging factor of chemical weapons is the toxic effect on the human and animal body, the quantitative characteristics are the concentration and toxodose.

For defeat various kinds vegetation are toxic chemicals - phytotoxicants. For peaceful purposes, they are used mainly in agriculture to control weeds, remove leaves of vegetation in order to accelerate the ripening of fruits and facilitate harvesting (for example, cotton). Depending on the nature of the impact on plants and the intended purpose, phytotoxicants are divided into herbicides, arboricides, alicides, defoliants and desiccants. Herbicides are intended for the destruction of herbaceous vegetation, arboricides - tree and shrub vegetation, algicides - aquatic vegetation. Defoliants are used to remove leaves from vegetation, while desiccants attack vegetation by drying it out.

When chemical weapons are used, just as in an accident with the release of OH B, zones of chemical contamination and foci of chemical damage will be formed (Fig. 1). The zone of chemical contamination of agents includes the area of ​​application of agents and the territory over which a cloud of contaminated air with damaging concentrations has spread. The focus of chemical destruction is the territory within which, as a result of the use of chemical weapons, mass destruction of people, farm animals and plants occurred.

The characteristics of infection zones and foci of damage depend on the type of poisonous substance, means and methods of application, and meteorological conditions. The main features of the focus of chemical damage include:

  • defeat of people and animals without destruction and damage to buildings, structures, equipment, etc.;
  • contamination of economic facilities and residential areas for a long time with persistent agents;
  • the defeat of people over large areas for a long time after the use of agents;
  • the defeat of not only people in open areas, but also those in leaky shelters and shelters;
  • strong moral impact.

Rice. 1. Zone of chemical contamination and foci of chemical damage during the use of chemical weapons: Av - means of use (aviation); VX is the type of substance (vi-gas); 1-3 - lesions

On workers and employees of the facilities who found themselves at the time of the chemical attack in industrial buildings and structures, as a rule, the vapor phase of the OM acts. Therefore, all work should be carried out in gas masks, and when using agents of nerve paralytic or blistering action - in skin protection.

After the First World War, despite the large stocks of chemical weapons, they were not widely used either for military purposes, let alone against the civilian population. During the Vietnam War, the Americans widely used phytotoxicants (to fight the guerrillas) of three main formulations: "orange", "white" and "blue". In South Vietnam, about 43% of the total area and 44% of the forest area were affected. At the same time, all phytotoxicants turned out to be toxic for both humans and warm-blooded animals. Thus, it was caused - caused enormous damage to the environment.

One of the means of mass destruction is chemical weapons. Poisonous substances that are used in this case are intended to harm human health. They penetrate the body through the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, skin, with food or water.

These drugs can cause great harm even in small doses. Therefore, penetration through a small wound into the body is already capable of leading to serious consequences. Poisonous substances are obtained by simple methods, which are known to any chemist, while expensive raw materials are not required at all.

The Germans were the first to use chemical weapons in 1914-1918, at that time the First World War was going on. The chlorine they used caused significant damage to the enemy army.

Chemical warfare agents are capable of putting the army out of action for a long time, therefore, analyzing the use of these drugs by Germany, most states began to prepare for the use of chemical agents in upcoming military events.

This training necessarily included providing people with the means personal protection, as well as various exercises that explain how to behave in the event of a chemical attack.

At present, the danger comes not so much from the use of chemical weapons as from accidents occurring at various chemical plants. During such extreme situations, poisoning can occur.

To know how to protect yourself from them, you need to navigate in their varieties and understand the features of the impact on the human body.

Classification of toxic substances

There are many varieties of chemicals, depending on the criterion that is taken as the basis for classification.

If we consider the goal that the enemy sets for himself, using OV, then they can be divided into the following categories:

  • Deadly.
  • Disabling for a while.
  • Annoying.

If we focus on the speed of exposure, then toxic substances are:

  • Fast acting. It only takes a few minutes to cause death or serious injury.
  • Slow acting. They have a latency period.

All chemicals have a different period during which they can be dangerous to humans. Depending on this, they are:

  • Persistent. Dangerous after using for some time.
  • Unstable. After a few minutes, the danger subsides.

The classification of toxic substances according to their physiological effects on the body may look like this:

  • General poisonous.
  • Substances of skin and blister action.
  • Nerve poisons.
  • OV suffocating action.
  • psychochemical substances.
  • Annoying.
  • Toxins.

The damaging effect of poisonous substances

Chemicals can be in different states, so they have different ways of penetrating the body. Some get in through the respiratory tract, and there are some that seep through the skin.

Chemical warfare agents have a different damaging effect, which depends on the following factors:

  1. Concentrations.
  2. Density of infection.
  3. Fortitude.
  4. toxicity.

Poisonous substances can be spread by air masses over long distances from the place of their application, while endangering people who do not have protective equipment.

Detection of OM can be done not only with the help of special equipment. Despite the fact that the characteristics of toxic substances are different, and they all have their own properties and characteristics, there are some common signs that indicate their presence:

  • Clouds or fog appear at the site of the rupture of ammunition.
  • There is a strange smell that is not typical for this area.
  • Respiratory irritation.
  • A sharp decrease in vision or its complete loss.
  • Plants wither or change color.

At the first sign of a danger of poisoning, it is urgent to use protective equipment, especially if they are nerve agents.

Substances of skin and blister action

The penetration of these substances is carried out through the surface of the skin. In the vapor state or in the form of an aerosol, they can enter the body and through respiratory system.

The most common drugs that can be attributed to this group are mustard gas, lewisite. Mustard is a dark oily liquid with a characteristic odor reminiscent of garlic or mustard.

It is quite resistant, on the ground it can last up to two weeks, and in winter for about a month. Able to affect the skin, organs of vision. In a state of vapor penetrates into the respiratory system. The danger of these substances lies in the fact that their action begins to appear some time after infection.

After exposure, ulcers may appear on the skin, which do not heal for a very long time. If you deeply inhale the agents of this group, then inflammation of the lung tissue begins to develop.

Nerve agents

This is the most dangerous group drugs that have a lethal effect. Poisonous nerve agents have an irreparable effect on the human nervous system.

Using substances in this category, you can a short time incapacitate a large number of people, as many simply do not have time to use the means of protection.

Nerve agents include:

  • Sarin.
  • Soman.
  • VX.
  • Herd.

Most people are familiar with only the first substance. Its name appears most often in the lists of OV. It is a clear, colorless liquid with a slight pleasant odor.

If this substance is used in the form of a mist or in a vapor state, then it is relatively unstable, but in a drop-liquid form, the danger persists for several days, and in winter for weeks.

Soman is very similar to sarin, but more dangerous to humans, as it acts several times stronger. Without the use of protective equipment, survival is out of the question.

The nerve agents VX and Tabun are low volatile liquids with a high boiling point and are therefore more persistent than sarin.


By the name itself, it becomes clear that these substances affect the organs of the respiratory system. Well-known drugs from this group are: phosgene and diphosgene.

Phosgene is a highly volatile, colorless liquid with a slight smell of rotten apples or hay. It is able to act on the body in a vapor state.

The drug belongs to slow-acting substances, it begins its effect after a few hours. The severity of the lesion will depend on its concentration, as well as on the state of the human body and the time spent in the contaminated area.

General toxic drugs

Chemically toxic substances from this group penetrate the body with water and food, as well as through the respiratory system. These include:

  • Hydrocyanic acid.
  • Cyanogen chloride.
  • Carbon monoxide.
  • Phosphorous hydrogen.
  • Arsenic hydrogen.

With a lesion, the following symptoms can be diagnosed: vomiting appears, dizziness, a person may lose consciousness, convulsions, paralysis are possible.

Hydrocyanic acid smells like almonds, it is found in small quantities even in the seeds of some fruits, for example, in apricots, therefore it is not recommended to use fruits with stones for compote.

Although this fear may be in vain, because hydrocyanic acid has its effect only in the vapor state. When it is affected, characteristic signs are observed: dizziness, a metallic taste in the mouth, weakness and nausea.

Substances irritating

Irritating toxic substances can affect a person only for a short time. They are not fatal, but can cause temporary loss or decrease in performance. They act mainly on the nerve endings located in the skin and mucous membranes.

Their action is manifested almost instantly after application. Substances of this group can be divided into the following varieties:

  • Tear.
  • Sneeze.
  • Causing pain.

When exposed to substances of the first group, severe pain appears in the eyes, and an abundant release of lacrimal fluid begins. If the skin of the hands is tender and sensitive, then burning and itching may appear on it.

Sneezing poisonous substances of irritating action affect the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, which causes an attack of unrestrained sneezing, coughing, while appearing pain behind the chest. Since there is an effect on the nervous system, headache, nausea, vomiting, muscle weakness can be noted. In severe cases, convulsions, paralysis and loss of consciousness are possible.

Substances that have a painful effect provoke pain, as from a burn, blow.


This group of drugs affects the nervous system and causes changes in the mental activity of a person. Blindness or deafness, fear, hallucinations may appear. Locomotor functions are disturbed, but such lesions do not lead to death.

The best-known representative of this category is BZ. When exposed to it, the following symptoms begin to appear:

  1. Dry mouth.
  2. The pupils become too wide.
  3. The pulse quickens.
  4. There is weakness in the muscles.
  5. Decreased concentration and memory.
  6. A person stops responding to external stimuli.
  7. Hallucinations appear.
  8. Complete detachment from the outside world.

The use of psychochemical means in wartime leads to the fact that the enemy loses the ability to make correct and timely decisions.

First aid for exposure to poisonous substances

Protection from chemicals may also be needed in peacetime. In case of emergencies at chemically hazardous sites, it is necessary to have personal protective equipment and transport on hand so that people can be taken out of the contaminated place.

Since the agents act rapidly, in such accidents many are seriously injured, and they require immediate hospitalization. What measures can be attributed to first aid:

  1. The use of antidotes.
  2. Careful treatment of all open areas of the body in case of contact with OM drops.
  3. Put on a gas mask or at least a cotton-gauze bandage.
  4. Remove the person from the lesion. This must be done first.
  5. If necessary, carry out resuscitation measures.
  6. Evacuation from the area of ​​infection.

First aid may vary depending on the poison. For example, if an irritant has been damaged, then the following must be done:

  • Remove gas mask and uniform, if possible.
  • Enter 1 ml of 2% promedol.
  • Thoroughly rinse the mouth, eyes, skin of the hands and face with 2% sodium bicarbonate solution.
  • If there is pain in the eyes, then it is necessary to drip a 2% solution of novocaine or atropine. You can put eye ointment on your eyelids.
  • If a person suffers from cardiovascular diseases, then it is necessary to give him heart preparations.
  • Treat the skin with a 5% solution of potassium permanganate and apply an anti-burn bandage.
  • Take antibiotics for a few days.

Now there is special equipment and instruments that allow not only to determine the presence of toxic substances, to recognize them, but also to accurately determine their amount.

Poison Protection

If an accident occurs at a chemical enterprise, then the first task that should be faced is the protection of the population living near the place of emergency, as well as the employees of the enterprise.

The most reliable means for protecting mass use are shelters, which must be provided for at such enterprises. But poisonous substances begin their effect immediately, therefore, when chemicals are released, time passes by seconds and minutes, and assistance must be provided urgently.

All employees of the enterprise must be equipped with special breathing apparatus or gas masks. Now they are actively working on the creation of a new generation gas mask, which will be able to protect against all types of poisonous substances.

In chemical accidents, the speed with which people are evacuated from the contaminated area is of great importance, and this is possible only if all these measures are clearly planned in advance, equipment for urgent evacuation is provided and is at the ready.

The population of nearby settlements should be notified in a timely manner of the danger of infection so that people take all necessary protective measures. Beforehand, it is necessary to conduct conversations in case of such situations, so that the population has an idea of ​​​​how to protect themselves from toxic substances.

Poisonous substances (OS) are toxic chemical compounds designed to destroy enemy manpower.

OM can affect the body through the respiratory system, skin and digestive tract. The combat properties (combat effectiveness) of agents are determined by their toxicity (due to the ability to inhibit enzymes or interact with receptors), physicochemical properties (volatility, solubility, resistance to hydrolysis, etc.), the ability to penetrate the biobarriers of warm-blooded animals and overcome protective equipment.

Chemical warfare agents are the main damaging element of chemical weapons. According to the nature of the physiological effects on the human body, six main types of toxic substances are distinguished:

1. Poisonous nerve agents that affect the central nervous system. The purpose of the use of agents of nerve paralytic action is the rapid and massive incapacitation of personnel with the greatest possible number of deaths. The toxic substances of this group include sarin, soman, tabun and V-gases.

2. Poisonous substances of blistering action. They cause damage mainly through the skin, and when applied in the form of aerosols and vapors, also through the respiratory system. The main toxic substances are mustard gas, lewisite.

3. Poisonous substances of general poisonous action. Once in the body, they disrupt the transfer of oxygen from the blood to the tissues. This is one of the fastest operating systems. These include hydrocyanic acid and cyanogen chloride.

4. Suffocating agents affect mainly the lungs. The main OMs are phosgene and diphosgene.

5. Psychochemical agents are capable of incapacitating the enemy's manpower for some time. These toxic substances, acting on the central nervous system, disrupt the normal mental activity of a person or cause such mental deficiencies as temporary blindness, deafness, a sense of fear, and limitation of motor functions. Poisoning with these substances, in doses that cause mental disorders, does not lead to death. OB from this group is inuclidyl-3-benzilate (BZ) and lysergic acid diethylamide.

6. Poisonous substances of irritating action, or irritants (from the English irritant - an irritating substance). Irritants are fast-acting. At the same time, their effect, as a rule, is short-lived, since after leaving the infected zone, the signs of poisoning disappear after 1–10 minutes. A lethal effect for irritants is possible only when doses enter the body that are tens to hundreds of times higher than the minimum and optimal effective doses. Irritant agents include lachrymal substances that cause profuse lacrimation and sneezing, irritating the respiratory tract (may also affect the nervous system and cause skin lesions). Tear agents are CS, CN, or chloroacetophenone and PS, or chloropicrin. The sneezers are DM (adamsite), DA (diphenylchlorarsine) and DC (diphenylcyanarsine). There are agents that combine tear and sneezing actions. Annoying agents are in service with the police in many countries and are therefore classified as police or special means non-lethal action (special means).

The concept of civil defense

Civil defense is a system of measures to prepare for the protection and protection of the population, material and cultural values ​​on the territory of the Russian Federation from the dangers arising from the conduct of hostilities or as a result of these actions, as well as in the event of natural and man-made emergencies. The organization and conduct of civil defense are one of the most important functions of the state, constituent parts defense construction, ensuring the security of the state.

The main tasks solved by civil defense:

Protection of the population from the consequences of accidents, natural Disasters and modern means of destruction (fires, explosions, releases of highly toxic substances, epidemics, etc.);

Coordination of the activities of management bodies for forecasting, preventing and eliminating the consequences of environmental and natural disasters, accidents and catastrophes;

Creation and maintenance in readiness of systems of management, notification, communications, organization of observation and control over radiation, chemical and biological conditions;

Increasing the stability of economic facilities and industries and their functioning in emergency conditions;

Carrying out rescue and other urgent work;

Search for crashed spaceships, planes, helicopters and other aircraft;

Special training of leading personnel and forces, general training of the population in methods of protection and actions in emergency situations of peacetime and wartime;

Accumulation of a fund of protective structures to shelter the population;

Providing the population with personal protective equipment and organizing the manufacture of the simplest means of protection by the population itself;

Evacuation of the population from large cities and adjacent settlements, which may fall into the zone of possible severe destruction or catastrophic flooding;

Organization of notification of the population about the threat of an enemy attack from the air, about radioactive, chemical and bacteriological contamination, natural disasters;

Training of the population to protect against weapons of mass destruction, as well as to conduct rescue and urgent emergency and recovery operations.

The main measures taken to protect the population and objects of the country's economy:

Timely notification of the population about the threat of an enemy attack, the use of weapons of mass destruction, dangerous technological accidents, natural disasters, informing about the procedure in an emergency;

Shelter of the population in protective structures;

Use of personal protective equipment;

Evacuation, dispersal, as well as resettlement of the population to safe areas;

Protection of food, facilities on water supply systems and water intakes, farm animals, fodder, etc. from contamination with radioactive and potent poisonous substances and biological agents;

Education of the population in ways of protection in emergency situations.

The main principles of public protection include:

Protection of the population throughout the country;

Differentiated protection of the population, taking into account economic, natural and other characteristics, characteristics of the territory and degree real danger the occurrence of an emergency;

Advance planning and implementation of protective measures;

Necessary sufficiency and maximum possible use of forces and means in determining the scope and content of measures to protect the population.

The civil defense system consists of:

Bodies of state power and administration at all levels, whose competence includes functions related to the safety and protection of the population, prevention of emergency situations and response to them (Ministry of Emergency Situations, Ministry of Internal Affairs, departments and departments for emergencies cities and districts, etc.);

The US Army has adopted a classification of poisonous substances, which form the basis of chemical weapons, according to their tactical purpose and physiological effect on the human body. According to the tactical purpose, OVs are divided into lethal, temporarily incapacitating manpower, annoying and training.

According to the physiological effect on the body, the following agents are distinguished:

Nerve-paralytic action - GA (tabun), GB (sarin), GD (soman), VX (vi-X).

Skin blistering - H (technical mustard gas), HD (distilled mustard gas), NT and HQ (mustard mustard formulations), HN (nitrogen mustard gas).

General poisonous action - AC (hydrocyanic acid), SC (cyanogen chloride).

Choking - CG (phosgene).

Psychochemical - BZ (B-Z).

Irritant - CN (chloroacetophenone), DM (adamsite), CS (CS), CR (CI-Ar).

By the speed of the onset of the damaging effect, there are distinguished high-speed agents that do not have a period of latent action (GB, GD, AC, AK, CK, CS, CR), and slow-acting agents that have a period of latent action (VX, HD, CG, BZ).

Depending on the duration of the retention of the damaging ability, lethal agents are divided into two groups:

1. Persistent agents that retain their destructive effect on the ground for several hours and days (VX, GD, HD).

2. Unstable agents, the damaging effect of which persists for several tens of minutes after their application (AC.CG).

Human lesions of OS can be of a general or local nature. Local action is manifested in the form of damage to the skin, respiratory organs, visual apparatus as a result of direct contact with the OM. A general lesion is observed when the OM penetrates into the blood through the respiratory organs or through the skin.

The toxicity of an agent is the ability of an agent to have a damaging effect on the human body. Toksodoz - a quantitative characteristic of the toxicity of agents, corresponding to a certain effect of damage. To characterize the OS in inhalation lesions, the following toxodoses are distinguished:

· LCt 50 - average lethal, causing death in 50% of those affected;

· JCt 50 - medium incapacitating, ensuring the failure of 50% of those affected;

· PCt 50 - the average threshold, causing the initial symptoms of the lesion in 50% of those affected.

Inhalation doses are measured in grams per minute (per second) per cubic meter(min / m 3).

The toxicity of agents that affect through the skin is expressed by skin-resorptive toxodose LD 50 . This is the average lethal toxic dose.

The main operational method for determining the consequences of the use of chemical weapons is forecasting. The data obtained by calculation is then refined as information is received from the intelligence agencies.

Determination of the losses of the population and personnel of the civil defense forces in the area of ​​application of the CW of a potential enemy is carried out according to the criterion of mathematical expectation regarding the proportion of people who received injuries not lower than average.

Peculiarities of providing medical assistance to those affected by the use of chemical weapons:

Medical personnel must be in individual protective equipment, which makes it difficult to perform medical measures in the outbreak;

For those affected by some agents, a complete special treatment will be required;

Maximum approach to the lesion focus of emergency specialized medical care;

Features of the clinical course of lesions with chemical warfare agents preclude urgent evacuation of the affected until their condition stabilizes and require reprofiling of medical facilities;

Therapeutic departments will work with the greatest load and surgical departments with the least;

For those affected by chemical weapons, it is required to allocate separate dressing rooms and operating rooms with tools, dressings and medicines.

to poisonous substances nerve agent include sarin, soman, VX gases, which are organophosphorus compounds, dangerous when inhaled vapors (LCt 50 =0.01-0.1 mg min / l) and in contact with the skin (LDt 50 = 0.1-25 mg / kg ). Thus, sarin leads to lethal damage at a vapor concentration of 0.001 mg / l and a 15-minute exposure, and when exposed through the skin - in the amount of 40 drops. Soman is more toxic than sarin: 2-3 times more toxic when inhaled vapors, 15-20 times more toxic when applied through the skin. VX gases are the most toxic: 10-20 times more toxic than soman when inhaled, 600-800 times more toxic when applied through the skin. The lethal dose for humans is 2 mg in contact with the skin. Damage is possible when 0V enters through the respiratory tract, skin, wound surface, digestive tract and mucous membrane of the eye.

The persistence of organophosphorus poisonous substances (OPF) on the ground depends on the specific substance used, the method of application, meteorological conditions and lasts from several hours to many days and weeks.

pathogenesis of intoxication. FOV are nerve poisons that cause damage to various departments nervous system, as a result of which there is a violation of breathing, blood circulation, visual disturbances, digestive organs, and in severe cases - convulsions and paralysis.

The mechanism of the toxic action of FOV is based on a selective effect on cholinergic structures. As a result of inhibition of the enzyme acetylcholinesterase, acetylcholine accumulates and overexcitation of cholinergic structures occurs. In addition, FOV directly affect cholinergic receptors and sensitize them to acetylcholine. In the pathogenesis of FOV intoxication, the change in the metabolism of catecholamines and serotonin, which is especially important for the activity of the central nervous system, the inhibition of a number of enzyme systems, metabolic disorders, the development of hypoxia, respiratory and metabolic acidosis, and certain endocrine disorders, deserves attention.

The clinic of FOV lesions is determined primarily by the amount of poison (concentration and exposure), the state of aggregation of the substance, the routes of entry, and is due to the universal effect of 0V on various parts of the nervous system. Along with the general resorptive action, there are pronounced symptoms of poisoning associated with the local influence of FOV. When characterizing the clinical picture of intoxication, it is customary to distinguish between:

by severity - light, medium, hard and extremely hard;

according to the leading clinical syndrome - various clinical forms(options) intoxication;

by periods of intoxication - latent, acute phenomena, convalescence;

on complications and consequences - early (in the first 2 days) and late.

A mild degree is characterized by the onset of symptoms of a lesion 30-60 minutes after inhalation of vapors and is manifested by anxiety, fear, anxiety, insomnia, headache, pain in the eye sockets, difficulty breathing, pain in the chest, blurred vision ("grid" or "fog" before eyes), nausea, abdominal pain.

Objectively, there is a sharp narrowing of the pupils (miosis) and a lack of reaction to light, moisture of the skin, muscle fibrillations of certain muscle groups, salivation, emotional lability, some increased respiration, moderate tachycardia and hypertension.

Depending on the predominance of clinical symptoms, it is customary to distinguish various clinical forms: mystical(visual impairment prevails) dyspnoetic(breathing disorders predominate), neurotic(disorders of the central nervous system predominate), cardiac, gastric. Practical recovery occurs in 3-5 days. Cholinesterase activity can be reduced up to 50% of normal.

The average degree is characterized by a more rapid development of symptoms of intoxication (minutes to tens of minutes). Along with the symptoms characteristic of a mild degree of damage, a pronounced bronchospasm appears. There is a condition resembling an asthma attack in bronchial asthma. The victim's face turns blue. There is a cough with the separation of viscous mucous sputum. Bronchorea and bronchospasm worsen bronchial patency, further increasing shortness of breath. There is hypoxia.

Attacks of suffocation can be observed repeatedly for several days, more often at night and after physical exertion. They are accompanied by a feeling of anxiety, intense fear, palpitations, increased blood pressure, sweating, increased peristalsis.

Often leading can be mental disorders - stupor, stupor, delirium. Depending on the predominance of the clinical picture, bronchospastic and psychoneurotic clinical forms are distinguished. Cholinesterase activity is reduced to 20-30% of the norm. Neutrophilic leukocytosis and lymphopenia are determined. Recovery occurs in 2-3 weeks. Possible complications: pneumonia, asthenic condition, myocardial dystrophy, intoxication psychosis, etc.

A severe degree is characterized by the rapid development of formidable symptoms of poisoning. In addition to the previously listed characteristic feature of this form of poisoning are convulsions - initially clonic, and later tonic. They come on paroxysmal and can last for several hours. During convulsions, consciousness is lost. The skin is bluish, covered with cold sticky sweat. The pupils are pinpoint, without reaction to light. A large amount of saliva and mucus is secreted from the mouth. Breath irregular, convulsive, noisy. Heart sounds are muffled. Arterial pressure is unstable.

With an extremely severe degree of damage, respiratory and cardiac arrest is possible. Cholinesterase activity decreases to 20% of the norm and below.

Prevention of FOV damage is achieved by the timely and correct use of individual and collective protective equipment, the use of a prophylactic antidote of FOV and an individual anti-chemical package.

Treatment. The most important requirement for providing assistance to the affected FOV is its urgency, due to the rapid development of poisoning. The provision of medical care for lesions of the FOV is carried out in the following sequence:

cessation of further intake of poison;

The use of specific antidotes (antidotes);

restoration and maintenance of vital functions (respiration and circulation);

symptomatic treatment.

The most effective early use of antidotes, anticholinergics (atropine, etc.) and cholinesterase reactivators (dipiroxime, carboxime). Antidotes are used repeatedly until the symptoms of intoxication are relieved and symptoms of moderate pereatropinization appear (dry mucous membranes, thirst, skin flushing, dilated pupils, tachycardia).

to poisonous substances suffocating action include phosgene, diphosgene and chloropicrin. Common to this group of toxic substances is their ability to act by inhalation, cause toxic pulmonary edema, and lead to profound respiratory and circulatory disorders. The toxicity for phosgene and diphosgene is LC t 100 = 5 mg min/l.

The pathogenesis of the lesion is complex. In the formation of one of the most important links - toxic pulmonary edema - both local factors due to the direct effect of 0V on the lung tissue and general disorders of neuroreflex origin take part. The complex of these factors leads to an increase in the permeability of the alveolar-capillary membrane, the leakage of the liquid part of the blood into the cavity of the alveoli. This is facilitated by increased blood filling of the lungs, as well as hypoxia and acidosis, progressing as respiratory failure increases during the development of intoxication.

Clinic. Distinguish mild, moderate and severe degrees of injury.

Light degree characterized by weak initial (reflex) manifestations - slight sore throat, rhinorrhea, pain in the eyes. The latent period reaches 6-12 hours, after which the affected person begins to complain of weakness, dizziness, slight shortness of breath. Objectively, there are phenomena of conjunctivitis and laryngotracheobronchitis. The phenomena of acute bronchitis undergo reverse development within 5-6 days.

Average degree characterized by more pronounced initial manifestations - cough, perspiration, pain in the eyes, rhinorrhea are noted. The latent period lasts about 3-5 hours. In the stage of development of toxic pulmonary edema, it develops at a moderate rate. This is manifested by shortness of breath, moderate cyanosis, the appearance of areas of muffled tympanic sound and inaudible moist small bubbling rales in the subscapular region and in the posterior lower sections of the lungs, and mild signs of blood clotting. The course of toxic pulmonary edema with proper treatment is favorable, its reverse development occurs after 48 hours. Toxic pneumonia often develops. The duration of treatment of the affected is 2-3 weeks.

Severe lesions are characterized by staging in the clinical picture. The following stages are distinguished: reflex, latent, clinically pronounced toxic pulmonary edema, regression of edema, complications and long-term effects.

reflex stage characterized by cough, feeling of suffocation, dizziness. After leaving the contaminated atmosphere, these phenomena quickly disappear - the lesion passes into a latent stage, which lasts an average of 1-3 hours. At this time, the affected person feels satisfactory.

Signs of the beginning stages of clinically pronounced pulmonary edema are increased respiration, the appearance of a cough with sputum, the amount of which increases with the increase in edema, the occurrence of cyanosis. The pulse quickens, the body temperature rises. In the lungs, sonorous fine bubbling rales are heard. The blood thickens: the amount of hemoglobin is more than 160 g / l, erythrocytes - more than 6-10 12 in 1 liter. Its viscosity and coagulability increase.

By the end of the first day, the condition of the affected person deteriorates sharply: shortness of breath increases significantly, breathing becomes bubbling, a large amount of foamy sputum is released with a cough, cyanosis of the skin of the face and hands increases, the skin of which acquires a purple hue. This condition is called blue hypoxia. It is caused by a sharp violation of gas exchange - a significant decrease in the oxygen content in the blood and an increase in the content of carbon dioxide in it.

Prognostically unfavorable should be considered pulmonary edema, accompanied by the development of gray hypoxia, when, along with oxygen deficiency in the blood, there is also a decrease in carbon dioxide tension. In this condition, a sharp depression of the central nervous system occurs, blood pressure drops sharply, body temperature drops. Gray-ash, with cyanosis, the color of the skin gives the patient a characteristic appearance.

With a favorable course of the lesion, from the third day, the edema enters the stage of reverse development, when the edematous fluid gradually resolves, and other signs of the lesion disappear.

The duration of the course of a 0V suffocating lesion of a severe degree is 3-4 weeks. Lethal outcomes are most often observed on the second day after a severe lesion. Complications and consequences: pneumonia, acute heart failure, catarrhal or catarrhal-purulent recurrent bronchitis, pulmonary emphysema and pneumosclerosis.

In the treatment of affected 0V asphyxiating necessary:

· ensure at all stages of medical evacuation the warming of the affected (wrap, chemical heating pads, warm drinks) and gentle transportation;

To carry out evacuation in the latent period of defeat;

In case of pulmonary edema with respiratory and cardiovascular disorders, consider the affected non-transportable;

· Persons who have had contact with 0V asphyxiant must undergo mandatory observation for 24 hours, after which they can be considered practically healthy.

Treatment of the affected should be aimed at removing reflex manifestations, combating toxic pulmonary edema, eliminating hypoxia, maintaining the function of the cardiovascular system, and correcting the acid-base state.

To relieve reflex disorders, an anti-smoke mixture or ficilin is used.

The basis of the pathogenetic treatment of toxic pulmonary edema is oxygen therapy - inhalation of a 40-50% mixture of oxygen with air using oxygen devices for a long time (6-8 hours). It is combined with inhalation of antifoam agents (70% ethyl alcohol is filled with a humidifier of an oxygen device, through which an oxygen-air mixture is passed, inhalations are carried out for 30-40 minutes with breaks of 10-15 minutes).

To poisonous substances of general poisonous action include hydrocyanic acid and cyanogen chloride.

Hydrocyanic acid (HCN) is a liquid with an almond odor. Causes damage by inhalation of vapors and aerosols (LC t 50 == 1.0 mg min / l), if it enters the gastrointestinal tract (lethal dose of HCN - 0.05 g, hydrocyanic acid salts 0.15 g). Refers to unstable 0V.

Pathogenesis. Prussic acid, combining with the ferric iron of tissue respiratory enzymes, blocks tissue respiration and leads to the development of oxygen starvation of the tissue type, which is accompanied by changes in the gas composition of the blood, dysfunction of the central nervous system, as well as respiration, blood circulation and other organs and systems.

The clinic of poisoning can proceed in two forms: lightning fast (apoplexy) and delayed. With a lightning-fast form, the symptoms of the lesion develop extremely quickly: shortness of breath, motor agitation, loss of consciousness, tonic-clonic convulsions and a sharp respiratory failure. Death occurs in the first minutes of respiratory arrest. With a delayed form of poisoning, next steps(periods):

· initial- the victim smells almonds, bitter, metallic taste in the mouth, sore throat, numbness of the oral mucosa, tongue, difficulty speaking, salivation, nausea and vomiting. At the slightest physical activity shortness of breath, weakness, tinnitus appear. The stage is rather short-lived and quickly passes into the next one;

· dyspnoetic- respiratory disorders prevail, scarlet coloration of the skin and mucous membranes is noted, general weakness increases, anxiety and a feeling of fear of death appear. Pupils dilate, breathing is frequent and deep;

· convulsive characterized by a sharp deterioration. Exophthalmos appears, arrhythmic breathing, blood pressure rises, the pulse rate slows down, loss of consciousness occurs, widespread clonic-tonic convulsions occur;

· paralytic - convulsions weaken, muscle tone decreases, corneal and pharyngeal reflexes fade, involuntary defecation and urination occur, breathing becomes rare, intermittent, then it stops completely, and after a few minutes cardiac activity stops.

Light degree characterized mainly by subjective disorders: nausea, dizziness, unpleasant sensation in the mouth. At the slightest physical effort, shortness of breath and muscle weakness, tinnitus, and vomiting are possible. After the cessation of the action of the poison, all unpleasant sensations subside. However, within 1-2 days may persist headache, nausea, weakness and a feeling of general weakness.

In case of poisoning medium degree there is a feeling of fear, a state of excitement. The mucous membranes acquire a scarlet color, short-term clonic convulsions and short-term loss of consciousness may occur. Subsequently, weakness, malaise, palpitations, lability of the pulse and blood pressure can persist for 4-6 days.

Severe poisoning is characterized by the rapid onset of convulsive and paralytic stages of intoxication, the presence of pronounced complications, and long (up to a month or more) treatment periods.

The diagnosis of hydrocyanic acid damage is based on the following signs: the sudden onset of symptoms of the lesion, the smell of bitter almonds in the exhaled air, a metallic taste in the mouth, scarlet coloration of the skin of the face and trunk, visible mucous membranes, wide pupils and exophthalmos.

In case of poisoning with cyanogen chloride in the first minutes, irritation of the respiratory tract and eyes may occur, which is manifested by lacrimation, a sharp cough, and respiratory failure; then the same symptoms are observed as with the action of hydrocyanic acid. A few hours after exposure to the poison, signs of toxic pulmonary edema may develop.

First aid according to urgent indications, it consists in the use of antidotes: 20-40 ml of 25% glucose solution and 20-50 ml of 30% sodium thiosulfate solution are injected intravenously, intramuscularly - anticyan 1-2 ml. Oxygen inhalations are carried out, respiratory analeptics, anticonvulsants and cardiovascular agents are prescribed according to indications. Further evacuation is possible only after the removal of convulsions and the restoration of normal breathing.

Biological weapons

Among the numerous paranoid complexes of modern civilization, the threat of using bacteriological weapons is not in last place. Mankind has already reached that stage of progress at which a single savvy individual can (with certain technical means) build a chemical or biological bomb capable of destroying millions of people. Rumors about the artificial nature of AIDS, Ebola, some clones of hepatitis and influenza have been exaggerated more than once. But even less exotic viruses and bacteria, when concentrated in a small amount and released into the wild somewhere in a crowded place, can bring colossal disasters. The Scottish island of Gruinard Island is still infected with anthrax bacteria - more than half a century after the tests of biological weapons carried out on it by the British in 1942 ...

History has already known the practice of poisoning wells, infecting besieged fortresses with plague, and using poison gases on the battlefield. Back in the 5th century BC. The Indian Law of Manu forbade the military use of poisons, but in the 19th century AD. e. the civilized colonizers of America gave infected blankets to the Indians to cause epidemics in the tribes. The only proven fact of the deliberate use of biological weapons in the 20th century was the Japanese infection of Chinese territories with plague bacteria in the 30s and 40s.

No one can guarantee that this will not happen again on a much larger scale and with the use of more sophisticated means. Bioterrorism is a gun that is already hanging on the back of the stage.

There are certainly theoretical grounds for concern. Have there been precedents for bioterrorism and is there protection?

The difference between biological weapons and chemical weapons is the invisibility of their use and the reproductive capacity of the agent - bacteria and viruses reproduce themselves in a favorable environment. It is not known where the Ebola virus came from in Zaire, the infection of which is almost fatal, but it is known that in October 1992, the leader of AUM Shinrikyo Shoko Asahara, with 40 of his students, traveled to Zaire with the official goal of healing people affected by the virus. According to the conclusion of the US Senate Commission of Inquiry made in the fall of 1995 (six months after the terrorist attack on the subway), the group may have been trying to acquire strains of the deadly virus.

In May of that same year, 1995, an Ohio lab technician named Larry Harris ordered bubonic plague bacteria from a Maryland biomedical firm. This company (with the funny name American Type Culture Collection) sent him three vials of culture. Harris was consumed by impatience. Four days later, he again contacted the company and asked where the promised bacteria. Surprised by his impatience and some incompetence, the employees of the company knocked on the right place, and Harris was detained. It is said that he turned out to be a member of a white racist organization. In court, he pleaded guilty to forgery. After this incident, control over supplies was tightened by law. Harris claimed that he ordered the bacteria just for anti-terrorist purposes - to find a way to fight ... with Iraqi rats infected with this disease.

The former director of the US Army Control Agency, visited several biomedical and pharmacological firms, after which she concluded that an American needed $ 10,000 for a "factory" for the production of biological weapons and small room. It is easier to produce a "bio-bomb" than a chemical or any radioactive one. It was called "an atomic bomb for the lazy".

Have there been cases of "successful" biological terrorist attacks? Not much - all crimes in this area were committed at the state level (Japan began development back in 1918, the States began in 1942, the developments in the USSR became known to the whole world after the 1979 disaster near Sverdlovsk). Probably, the very psychology of terror played a role here: it serves not so much to inflict really great damage, but to intimidate and attract attention. In Israel, which suffers from terror much more than other countries, the number of victims of terror is less than the victims of car accidents. Terror is demonstrative, it does not need effectiveness. Perhaps only this circumstance saved the world from major troubles.

In September 1984, about 750 people fell ill after visiting four (according to other sources - ten) restaurants in the small town of Dulles in Oregon. All were poisoned by salmonella. Salads were dressed with it. According to the conclusion of the court, the poisoners were local followers of Rajnesh (Osho), who did not share something with the townspeople. The story smacks of American xenophobia - it's hard to imagine an evil Rajnesh man pouring salmonella into his neighbor's salad. Fortunately, salmonella, although unpleasant, is not fatal. Nevertheless, the incident is invariably used as evidence of the reality of the danger of bioterror.

The International Biological Weapons Convention of 1972 banned their production and use in any form. In the 80th, the United States claimed that the only country that violated the convention was the USSR. In 1995, there were already 17 countries on the list of violators (Iran, Iraq, Syria, Libya, South Africa, North and South Korea, China, Taiwan, Israel, Egypt, Cuba, Bulgaria, India, Vietnam, Cuba). Russia is also on this list, despite claims that the country's biological programs have been discontinued. The "black list" of Americans is biased (it includes almost all known American enemies, but for some reason does not include America itself), but interest in "silent" weapons in the world is certainly growing. The success of genetic engineering in light of this trend looks especially frightening - no matter what scientists do, they still get weapons.

After the Gulf War, when Saddam threatened Israel with a chemical attack, the gas mask settled in the home of every Israeli. It is not known how much he would help in the event of a real threat. To supply the entire population of 5 million with such gas masks cost about 100 million dollars. According to the UN, global biological protection would cost (including vaccines against known forms, antibiotics, the same gas masks, etc.) at least $ 80 billion. But there is another problem - the identification of infection. In 1994, the Pentagon received 110 million for the development of a rapid infection detection program, and asked for another 75. The current Integrated Biological Detection System (BIDS) can detect 4 types of "familiar" biological agents within 30 minutes. Even this smart and expensive system is not able to recognize a new “invention”. The current population density and infrastructure is such that if a directed infection happens, it will be almost impossible to localize the outbreak. Major cities are defenseless in the face of such a threat. effective means There is currently no bio-attack repelling. The only safeguard is the natural aversion of man to such a method of destroying his own kind.

Biological weapons (BW) are special ammunition and combat devices with delivery vehicles equipped with biological agents.

BO is a weapon of mass destruction of people, farm animals and plants, the action of which is based on the use of the pathogenic properties of microorganisms and their metabolic products - toxins. Biological weapons are the most odious of all means of warfare. In 1972, the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Biological (Bacteriological) and Toxin Weapons and on Their Destruction was signed. However, the declarative nature of the biological convention, the absence in its text of provisions on international control over the fulfillment of obligations by the states parties to the convention leave loopholes for countries that continue to develop and accumulate BW, and the threat of its use in modern wars and armed conflicts continues to persist. The basis of the damaging effect of BW is biological agents specially selected for combat use - bacteria, viruses, rickettsiae, fungi and toxins.

The causative agents of plague, cholera, anthrax, tularemia, brucellosis, glanders and smallpox, psittaccosis, yellow fever, foot and mouth disease, Venezuelan, western and eastern American encephalomyelitis, epidemic typhus, CU fever, Rocky Mountain spotted fever and tsutsugamushi fever, coccidioidomycosis, nocardiosis, histoplasmosis, etc. Among microbial toxins, botulinum toxin and staphylococcal enterotoxin are most likely to be used for biological warfare.

Ways of penetration of pathogenic microbes and toxins into the human body can be as follows:

1. Aerogenic - with air through the respiratory system.

2. Alimentary - with food and water through the digestive organs.

3. Transmissible way - through the bites of infected insects.

4. Contact way - through the mucous membranes of the mouth, nose, eyes, as well as damaged skin.

The main uses of BO are as follows:

Aerosol - contamination of surface air by spraying liquid or dry biological formulations;

Transmissible - dispersion in the target area of ​​artificially infected blood-sucking carriers;

The sabotage method is the contamination of air, water, food with the help of sabotage equipment.

The most effective way to use BW is considered to be aerosol, which allows the contamination of air and terrain over large areas, causing mass diseases of people, animals and plants. At present, the potential adversary has modern system technical means of applying biological formulations and their delivery to the target in all theaters of military operations.

The delivery of technical means for the use of BO can be carried out by strategic, operational-tactical, cruise missiles, strategic and tactical aircraft. According to the views of foreign experts (D. Rothschild, T. Rosebery, E. Kabat), BO is intended to solve predominantly strategic and tactical tasks - mass destruction of troops and the population, weakening the military-economic potential, disorganization of the state and military control system, disruption and difficulty mobilization deployment of the Armed Forces.

Losses of the population and personnel of the civil defense in the focus of biological damage are determined by the number of the population (personnel of the civil defense) that may be affected as a result of exposure to primary and secondary aerosol BS, as well as due to the epidemic spread of the disease. Losses depend on the degree of surprise of biological strikes, the type of BS, the degree of protection of the population and the personnel of the civil defense.

Sanitary losses from biological weapons can vary significantly depending on the type of microbes, their virulence, contagiousness, scale of use and organization of antibacterial protection and can be 25-50%.

The medical situation in the focus of bacteriological (biological) damage will be largely determined not only by the magnitude and structure of sanitary losses, but also by the availability of forces and means intended to eliminate the consequences, as well as their preparedness.

The main anti-epidemic measures in the event of an epidemic focus are:

Registration and notification of the population;

Conducting sanitary and epidemiological reconnaissance;

Identification, isolation and hospitalization of sick people;

Regime-restrictive or quarantine measures;

General and special emergency prevention;

Disinfection of the epidemic focus;

Identification of bacteriocarrier and enhanced medical supervision;

Sanitary explanatory work.

non-lethal weapons

Military experts note that in the last decade, when developing the concept of modern wars, in the countries of the NATO bloc, all greater value is given to the creation of fundamentally new types of weapons. Its distinguishing feature is the damaging effect on people, which, as a rule, does not lead to the death of the affected.

This type includes weapons that are capable of neutralizing or depriving the enemy of the opportunity to conduct active hostilities without significant irretrievable losses of manpower and destruction of material values.

Possible weapons based on new physical principles, primarily non-lethal, include:

Laser weapons;

Electromagnetic Pulse Weapon;

Sources of incoherent light;

Electronic warfare means;

microwave weapons;

Meteorological, geophysical weapons;

Infrasonic weapons;

Biotechnological means;

New generation chemical weapons;

Means of information warfare;

Psychotropic weapons;

Parapsychological methods;

New generation high-precision weapons (smart munitions);

Biological weapons of a new generation (including psychotropic drugs).

New means of armed struggle, according to military experts, will be used not so much for conducting military operations, but to deprive the enemy of the possibility of active resistance by destroying his most important economic and infrastructure facilities, destroying the information and energy space, and disturbing the mental state of the population. . As the experience of the war unleashed by the countries of the NATO bloc against Yugoslavia in 1999 showed, this result can be achieved by the wide use of special operations, air and sea-based cruise missile strikes, as well as the massive use of electronic warfare.

Beam weapons are a set of devices (generators) whose damaging effect is based on the use of highly directed beams of electromagnetic energy or a concentrated beam of elementary particles accelerated to high speeds. One of the types of beam weapons is based on the use of lasers, another type is a beam (accelerator) weapon. Lasers are powerful emitters of electromagnetic energy in the optical range - "quantum optical generators".

poisonous substances(OV), toxic chemical compounds designed to defeat enemy personnel during hostilities. OM can enter the body through the respiratory system, skin, mucous membranes and the digestive tract. OVs also have a damaging effect when they enter a wound or burn surface. These substances have a certain set of physical and chemical properties, due to which they are in a vaporous, liquid or aerosol state in a combat situation. The production of OM is based on simple methods of obtaining from available and cheap raw materials.

For tactical purposes OVs are divided into groups according to the nature of their damaging effect:


temporarily incapacitating manpower;


By speed of advance damaging effects are distinguished:

· high-speed agents that do not have a period of latent action;

Slow-acting agents with a period of latent action.

Depending on the duration of the retention of striking ability Lethal agents are divided into two groups:

persistent agents that retain their damaging effect for several hours and days;

· unstable agents, the damaging effect of which persists for several tens of minutes after their application.

According to the physiological effects of OM on the body, there are:

· Nerve agents, which are also called organophosphorus agents, since their molecules contain phosphorus; (V-gases, sarin, soman)

skin blister; (mustard gas, lewisite)

general toxic action; (cyanogen chloride, hydrocyanic acid)

suffocating; (phosgene, diphosgene)

psychotropic (incapacitants);

DLC-lysergic acid diethylamite

irritants (irritants). chloroacetophenone, adamsite

poisonous substances nerve agent . According to the chemical structure, all substances of this group are organic compounds, derivatives of phosphorus acids. FOS cause damage by entering the body in various ways: through the skin, wound, mucous membranes of the eyes, respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract. The main combat agents - sarin, soman, V-gases - dissolve well in fats, organic solvents (dichloroethane, gasoline, alcohol), and are easily resorbed through the skin.

Sarin- a colorless volatile liquid, with a boiling point of about 150˚ C, easily soluble in water and organic solvents. Persistence on the ground in summer from several minutes to 4 hours, in winter - from several hours to several days.

Soman- a transparent liquid with a boiling point of 85˚ C, vapors six times heavier than air, with a camphor smell, poorly soluble in water, well - in all organic solvents, other characteristics are the same as sarin.

V - gases (phosphorylcholines)- colorless liquids with a boiling point above 300˚ C, poorly soluble in water, good - in organic solvents, surpass sarin and soman in toxicity, especially when it comes into contact with the skin. Persistence on the ground in summer from several hours to several weeks, in winter - from 1 to 16 weeks.

The mechanism of action of FOS is complex and poorly understood. They inhibit many enzymes (cholinesterases) of the body, contribute to the accumulation of acetylcholine in the tissues, which causes excitation, a deep dysfunction of many organs and systems.

Signs of damage are profuse salivation, nasal discharge, constriction of the pupils (meiosis), suffocation, stomach cramps, paralysis, and death is possible.

Urgent care in the lesion focus is in the order of self- and mutual assistance:

Putting on a gas mask;

The use of antidotes (athens, atropine with a syringe-

tube or taren tablets);

Treatment of infected skin areas and uniforms from

individual anti-chemical package IPP-8;

Removal outside the source of infection. If necessary -

reintroduction of the antidote.

First aid to the seriously affected consists in the repeated administration of antidotes; when breathing stops - in the conduct of mechanical ventilation; subcutaneous injection of cordiamine; additional degassing of open skin areas and uniforms adjacent to them.

Poisonous substances of blistering action . The poisonous substances of the blistering action include lewisite and mustard gas: pure, sulphurous, nitrogenous, oxygen. characteristic feature effects on the body is the ability to cause local inflammatory-necrotic changes in the skin and mucous membranes in combination with a pronounced resorptive effect (after absorption), therefore they are often called skin-resorptive agents.

Mustard gas(as a technical product) - dark brown oily liquid with the smell of mustard or garlic, heavier than water, vapors heavier than air, boiling point 217˚ C; dissolves well in organic solvents, fats, oils, is destroyed by alkalis and chlorine-containing preparations; toxic in vapor, aerosol and droplet state. Persistence on the ground in summer up to 1.5 days, in winter - more than a week. It is able to penetrate the body in any way: through the respiratory organs, intact skin, wound and burn surface, gastrointestinal tract.

Mustard gas affects all organs and tissues with which it comes into contact, causing local inflammatory-necrotic lesions, and in any way it enters the body, it has a general toxic effect in the form of CNS damage, hematopoiesis suppression, circulatory disorders, digestion, thermoregulation of all types of metabolism, immunity etc.

Skin lesions occur under the action of mustard gas in a vapor or liquid state and depend on the temperature and humidity of the air, the area of ​​the infected skin surface and its moisture content, and the time of exposure. The most sensitive places with delicate skin, a high content of sweat ducts (groin, armpits, inner surface hips) and tight fitting clothing (belt, collar). The duration of the latent period in the case of the action of vaporous mustard gas is from 5 to 15 hours, liquid - up to 2 - 4 hours.

With the defeat of vaporous mustard gas, only the development of erythema (redness) that occurs on sensitive areas of the skin can be observed. Such erythema is painless, may be accompanied by itching, especially when warming and at night. The prognosis is favorable - by 7-10 days all phenomena disappear, pigmentation can persist for a long time.

The defeat of drip-liquid mustard gas occurs in a more severe form. Against the background of mustard erythema, after 8-12 hours, small blisters appear, often located along the border of redness (“mustard gas necklace”). Then they increase in size, merge, which is accompanied by itching, burning and pain. After the 4th day, the blisters subside with the formation of a slowly healing ulcer and the frequent addition of a secondary purulent infection.

Symptoms of eye damage appear after 30 minutes - 3 hours in the form of photophobia, cramps, lacrimation, redness of the mucosa and slight swelling. The phenomena of uncomplicated conjunctivitis pass without a trace after 1-2 weeks.

At a higher concentration of mustard gas vapors, lesions of moderate severity occur, characterized by more pronounced symptoms with the spread of the process to the skin of the eyelids (blepharitis). The duration of the lesion is 20-30 days, the prognosis is favorable.

In case of damage by drop-liquid mustard gas, the cornea is involved in the process - keratitis develops with the formation of ulcers, clouding of the cornea and a decrease in visual acuity, eye death is possible. The course is long - 4 - 6 months.

Respiratory damage occurs during inhalation of mustard gas vapors and the severity depends on the concentration of agents and the duration of stay in the contaminated area.

With mild lesions, the latent period is more than 12 hours. Then there are signs of inflammation of the upper respiratory tract: runny nose, chest pain, hoarseness or loss of voice. Symptoms go away after 10 to 12 days.

The defeat of moderate severity is characterized by an earlier appearance (after 6 hours) and a more rapid development of the above symptoms. On the 2nd day, worsening occurs, chest pain and cough increase, purulent sputum appears, wheezing, the temperature rises to 38-39º C - tracheobronchitis develops. The dead mucous membrane of the trachea and bronchi can be torn off and cause various complications. Recovery occurs in 30 - 40 days.

With a severe lesion, the latent period is shortened to 2 hours. The condition of the affected people deteriorates sharply, shortness of breath increases, cyanosis of the skin and mucous membranes appears, coughing intensifies, and on the third day mustard pneumonia develops with a protracted course, which is explained by a decrease in immunity. With inhalation of particularly high concentrations of mustard gas vapors or aspiration of drop-liquid mustard gas, necrotizing pneumonia develops on the first day with hemoptysis, respiratory failure, an extremely serious condition and an unfavorable prognosis (with widespread necrosis - death).

The defeat of the gastrointestinal tract is observed when using mustard-contaminated products or water. Death occurs when 50 mg of mustard gas is ingested. The hidden period is short - from 30 minutes to 1 hour. There are severe pains in the stomach, nausea, vomiting, loose stools. They are joined by signs of a general toxic effect, which, along with the depth of local changes, determine the further course.

The resorptive effect is manifested in an increase in body temperature, the appearance of adynamia, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, a violation of the pulse rate, a decrease in blood pressure, the development of cardiovascular insufficiency, and blood changes.

Lewisite- oily liquid with the smell of geranium leaves, boiling point 190º C, slightly soluble in water, well - in organic solvents, fats, oils; enters the body in any way. Durability in summer - hours, in winter - up to 3 days. Skin-resorptive toxicity is three times higher than mustard gas; mixes with many agents and dissolves them itself. It is neutralized by solutions of caustic alkalis, bleach and other oxidizing agents.