Origin and meaning of the name Goddess. What does the female name Bozena mean?

  • 11.10.2019

lyrical Bozena name meaning fully corresponds to the character of its owner - she is calm, reasonable, hardworking. This is a woman who knows how to be independent when she can only rely on herself, and tender when there is a strong one nearby. male shoulder. She also tends to hide raging feelings and emotions under a restrained mask of decency.

The nature of the name Bozhena

However, she, like any woman, has a weakness, because Bozena is very sensual and kind, but she prefers to hide these qualities so as not to seem weak.

Iron will is generally a very important component of Bozena's character. Even if troubles happen to this woman, they only increase her diligence and efficiency, encourage her to move on and become better.

Bozhena has her own opinion on everything, so it is best to talk or convince her in a calm tone, diplomatically.

The mystery of the name Bozhena

A girl with this name has a good and easy character. In those situations where it is needed, she can show firmness and be persistent. But it is also easy to give in if he understands that he is wrong.

Bozena herself is independent, but can also give the appearance of a weak and vulnerable woman who needs support. She can also become a fatal woman when men try to reveal in her a tender and sensual girl who hides under the mask of coldness.

Bozena cannot be pressured. She does not tolerate rudeness and will not agree with a person, even if he is right. And vice versa, if you skillfully approach her, the girl can be persuaded even to the idea that seems meaningless.

Bozena easily adapts to any life situations, and therefore it is almost impossible to surprise her. Bozhena is in no hurry to marry, but not because she is afraid to tie the knot, but because she cannot choose the best life partner among all her fans.

Bozhen has developed a delicate taste, a creative streak and a love for home comfort which makes them practically perfect women. They easily fall in love with men without realizing it.

Bozena is careful in choosing her friends and in her work. She endures all difficulties easily, they only affect her positively, forcing her to move on to success.

Holders of the name number 7 show talents in the field of philosophy, science, art or religion. "Sevens" perfectly understand other people, which causes a large number of leaders among them.

Also, the "sevens" often become excellent teachers. Their guidelines in life are restraint, dignity and seriousness. Sevens are always restrained, do not like to show their emotions, are alien to tomfoolery, but they have a good sense of humor and are famous for their irony.

In business, the "sevens" rarely show themselves with positive side. Money matters are not their forte, they are generally not interested in money in the first place, the “sevens” find the meaning of life in the intangible area.

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Bozhen

B- sincere romanticism, constancy, strength, penetrating abilities, the desire to secure one's life financially.
O- deep feelings, the ability to handle money. For completeness of realization, however, a person must understand his purpose. The presence of this letter in the name shows that the goal is prepared for him and you need to use your rich intuition to single it out from the hustle and bustle of existence.
F- a meaningful, not open to everyone inner world, desire as an impulse to action.
H- a sign of protest, inner strength not to accept everything in a row, indiscriminately, a sharp critical mind, an interest in health. A diligent worker, but does not tolerate "monkey labor."
BUT- a symbol of the beginning and the desire to start and accomplish something, the thirst for physical and spiritual comfort.

Translated from Old Slavonic - "under the auspices of God."

Bozhena - sounds soft, almost lyrical. But girls with that name are not angels at all: they are stubborn, boyishly bold, cocky. They can prove their case not only with words, but also with their fists.

Having matured, Bozhena can remember with a smile about her "violent" past. An adult Bozhena is a completely different woman: persistent, but able to give in when necessary, independent, but able to pretend to be weak, in need of a firm male hand, sensual, but hiding its sensuality under the mask of coldness.

Bozena does not like to be put under rough pressure, here she can do the opposite. With a skillful approach, it is easy to win her over to her side, even if at first she will seem adamant.

She is not too ambitious, does not try to take the initiative in her own hands at any cost, knows how to adapt to any conditions of life.

Summer Bozhena with a little retarded consciousness. She does not get married for a long time, not daring to stop her choice on someone. Bozhena is usually a graceful, attractive woman, not bypassed by male attention.

She has an artistic flair, delicate taste, love for home comfort. She is careful in choosing friends, prudent in business - it is difficult to deceive her. This is a sober, confident person who is able to restrain his emotions.

She has a strong will - random failures and defeats only multiply the efforts of this woman tenfold.

The meaning of the name Bozhena for life

Bozhena is wayward and smart. She cannot stand pressure, it awakens in her the spirit of contradiction, and she does everything the other way around. Only by acting diplomatically can it be won over to its side, persuaded to do so, and not otherwise.

Bozena is smart enough to accept the hard evidence. She is not ambitious, does not strive for superiority, does not pretend to be a leader, but she has to be reckoned with.

Full name:

Similar names: Bazhena

Church name: -

Meaning: blessed, divine

The meaning of the name Bozhena - interpretation

The appearance of this name historians refer to the XIII century . Bozhena - "blessed" or "gifted by God." The name has ancient Slavic roots, there are several legends about it. Popular in Eastern Europe, in the Czech Republic and Poland is in the top most common. Abbreviated versions: God, Wife.

Bozena's name in other languages

Astrology named after Bozhen

Favorable day: Tuesday

Years later

From birth, a strong and strong-willed girl. Bozena cries a lot and shows a stubborn temper early. If the baby does not like something, then she becomes hysterical and may show aggression. To avoid problems in the future, you need to talk more with the girl.

Even little Bozhena has her own opinion on everything, so parents need to carefully listen to the girl and, if necessary, diplomatically persuade her.

Parents need to teach her to respect others from an early age. It is difficult to converge with peers, tries to lead them. Since childhood, he has shown creative abilities, the development of which, in a year, will bear fruit.

The girl strives to be a leader, so she tries to achieve academic success. Does not accept pressure and commanding tone in relation to himself. Restless, but has an excellent memory, a tenacious mind and a good imagination. Participates with passion in school competitions.

This is a kind, sensual and attentive person to people. The girl will not pass by someone else's misfortune. However, she will not allow her responsiveness to be abused. She is afraid of monotony and routine, so parents should teach their child to be hardworking and consistent. If these qualities are developed in Bozena, then her life will be happy.

Bozena equally well assimilates humanitarian and exact disciplines. At school, she makes real friends, with some of them the girl will maintain warm relations all her life.

Has a strong character. Bozena is energetic and mobile, always finds a way out of difficult situation. Troubles and various vicissitudes of life only stab the character of a woman. Children's aggression in adulthood almost disappear. A woman with an iron will is her main characteristic.

A woman likes universal admiration, she loves compliments and praise. She remembers grievances for a long time, which often interferes with her personal life. If the chagrin is deep, she will try to minimize communication with people who are unpleasant to her.

She is attentive to the problems of loved ones, but does not tell anyone about her own. The fact that some unpleasant event happened in Bozena's life is known only to her parents or her husband, whom she fully trusts.

The character of Bozena

Independence and willpower - these qualities are possessed by all women to whom their parents gave a beautiful and rare name. Bozena may seem soft and absent-minded, but at the right moment she mobilizes and perseveres. She does not always achieve her goals, but she knows how to overcome difficulties.

Bozena is hardworking, striving for perfection. This is a disciplined person. Sentimental, capable of empathy. Ready to help and support in difficult times. The girl is characterized by energy and cheerfulness. .Always tries to control her emotions, but at the same time remains natural. Ambitious.

Bozena adheres to high standards and requirements for people, does not accept mediocrity. It gets sharp. The girl is very patient, but in small things she sometimes lacks perseverance. In some situations, it shows authoritarianism. Able to take on a case without being competent in its matters and without having the necessary knowledge. Can offend a person with malicious irony.

Bozhena is skeptical about advice, prefers to listen exclusively to her own intuition, which is well developed in her. Information can be received only from those people in whose mind it does not doubt. That's why it's hard to find her mutual language. Fully open up and remove all masks can only be in the company of relatives and friends.

The fate of Bozena

Bozhena is impulsive, she can set several goals for herself, but she will not achieve any. A woman wants to appear arrogant and tough, but under this mask lies a sentimental and romantic nature. Bozhena is sure that kindness does not bring anything good, therefore she carefully hides this character trait, but is always ready to help. A woman likes to be the center of attention, she has many friends and acquaintances.

and money

and family

and love


and hobbies

Career, business and money

Bozena has the talent of an organizer and can work in leadership positions. This is a sensitive and fair boss. In her professional activities, she is always successful, but a woman must concentrate on a specific goal and not change her mind.

Choosing a profession, Bozena pays attention to its prestige and financial reward. He loves money, knows how to count money, spends it without regret, but rationally.

Marriage and family

Bozena can hardly be called an exemplary housewife, everyday life and everyday life weigh on her. But a woman wants to please her husband in everything, so she tries to do everything to make him happy. Over time, he learns to cook his favorite dishes, comes to terms with habits and turns a blind eye to weaknesses.

She treats children with tenderness, but in education she is strict and consistent. He tries to maintain good relations with friends and relatives of her husband. Her house is not open to everyone, but she likes to please guests.

Sex and love

Bozena is constantly in a state of love, she can have an affair with several fans at once. When her passion fades, she breaks up with a man and starts a new relationship. She treats the choice of a partner carefully, as she must respect and admire her husband.

In sex, she is emotional, tries to please her partner, but does not forget about herself. Original and loves to surprise. She believes in every man, so she is often disappointed.


In childhood, he practically does not get sick, which makes parents very happy. He likes outdoor activities, tries to keep himself in good physical shape throughout his life. This has a great effect on Bozena's well-being and her figure.

A woman does not like to take medicines, she can hardly tolerate high temperatures, so she does not want to get sick, she tries to strengthen her immunity. In old age, there are problems with the spine and intestines.

Interests and hobbies

Bozena is not attracted to needlework, reading novels and other domestic pleasures. This is a woman who prefers a quiet, measured home rest, excursions to unexplored places in the company of relatives and friends.

Going on a trip, she scrupulously prepares everything you need. Likes to travel in comfort. Plan ahead for a path. Vacationing with Bogdana is always fun and exciting.

Bozena is a beautiful and rare Old Slavic name. In translation, it means "under the auspices of God", "God's", "blessed". In Russia, the name is not common, as girls are mainly called in Poland, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Lithuania, and Slovenia.

Name astrology

  • Zodiac sign: Aries, Scorpio
  • Ruler Planet: Mars
  • Talisman Stone: Jasper
  • Color: red
  • Plant: radish, asparagus, heather
  • Animal: raven, rooster, wolf
  • Favorable day: Tuesday


Little Bozhena is a groovy fidget and a talented girl. Her parents love and are proud of her. She studies diligently at school, especially likes to attend creative circles and sports activities. Takes an active part in the life of the class. She has many girlfriends and communicates easily with her peers.

Bozhena has a strong, quick-tempered and decisive character. The secret of the name is that its representative is a very sensual person, but hiding it under the mask of coldness and thoughtfulness. The girl is endowed with beauty, attractiveness and charm, which attracts the views and interest of others. All these qualities allow her to be a bright and public woman. She is a very sociable person, so she has a huge circle of friends and acquaintances.

The positive qualities of Bozena are independence, perseverance, courage, kindness and diplomacy. This is a self-confident and self-confident person who never falls under someone's influence. She has her own opinion and is often approached for wise advice. Does not tolerate rudeness and cruelty. In adulthood, she can be described as a not too ambitious person. She loves to be the center of attention, so she carefully chooses her wardrobe and jewelry. Quickly adapts and adapts to any living conditions.

The negative character traits of the owner of the name are waywardness, lack of desire to be in submission.

Interests and hobbies

Bozena is fond of collecting new and unusual culinary recipes, so she often treats her guests to various delicious delicacies. Spends a lot of time with pets. He likes to travel and learn something new and interesting.

Profession and business

From the very beginning of her professional career, Bozena has been trying to take a leading position in the team, thanks to perseverance and organizational talent. Management respects her for her dedication and responsibility. Success is guaranteed in business, business, creative professions and pedagogy. Can become a good accountant, merchandiser, economist. Capable of taking leadership positions.


The girl, who received the name Bozena, is naturally endowed with good health. The weak point is the nervous system. In order to strengthen the body, it is recommended to play sports, visit more often fresh air and take care of a balanced diet.

Sex and love

Bozhena is a passionate and amorous nature. She likes men, easily seduces them. Starts a lot of novels and often changes sexual partners. In intimate relationships, he likes to fantasize and invent something new. She can always surprise her partner. Relationships are often unsuccessful, but a woman does not cease to trust and believe in men. Sex gives her great pleasure, important point for her are love foreplay. She loves romantic men who know how to beautifully look after girls.

Family and marriage

Bozena approaches the choice of the second half with full responsibility, the proof of which is the late formation of the family. As a husband, he is looking for a gentle, open, elegant and attentive person, with a certain social status. For such a spouse, she will do everything to provide him with coziness and comfort. Representative of this name family relationships manifests herself as a devoted and faithful wife. She is not just a beloved woman, but also a reliable friend for her husband. He loves children and educates them in all severity, instilling the best qualities.

If you have looked here, then you want to know more about the meaning of the name Bozhena.

What does the name Bozena mean?

The name Bozhena means - divine (Bulgarian)

The meaning of the name Bozhena is character and destiny

A woman named Bozena is wayward and smart. She cannot stand pressure, it awakens in her the spirit of contradiction, and she does everything the other way around. Only by acting diplomatically can it be won over to its side, persuaded to do so, and not otherwise. Bozena is smart enough to accept the hard evidence. She is not ambitious, does not strive for superiority, does not pretend to be a leader, but she has to be reckoned with. She is sensible and prudent, serious and prudent. Can give useful advice. Bozena is sociable, easily adapts to any conditions. She is somewhat slow, but in extreme conditions a woman named Bozhena becomes collected and energetic. She does not marry for a long time, not daring to stop her choice on anyone. Bozena is elegant, attractive, successful. As a husband, he chooses an attentive and affectionate man. If he sees the sincerity of his attitude towards himself, he will give all his strength to ensure that he is comfortable next to her. Having married, Bozhena is happy to improve the house, knows how to create comfort. It has good taste, endowed with a subtle artistic flair. A woman named Bozhena loves her family very much, she tries with all her might to maintain relations between her family. Often one of the animals lives in her house, but most of all she loves small thoroughbred dogs.

The meaning of the name Bozhena for sex

A woman named Bozena loves sex, often changes partners, but not because of promiscuity: she just can’t immediately find a man who is strong enough and professional in sex, who meets her needs. "December" Bozhena requires more return than she gives herself. It is not easy to excite a woman named Bozena, it takes a lot of time to set her up on a sexual wave, to bring her to a climax. She should be given the opportunity to take the initiative herself in order to know what she likes. Bozena does not recognize prohibitions in sex, an experienced partner can skillfully use this.

The nature and fate of the name Bozhen, taking into account the patronymic

Bozena name and patronymic ....

Bozhena Alekseevna, Andreevna, Artemovna, Valentinovna, Vasilievna, Viktorovna, Vitalievna, Vladimirovna, Evgenievna, Ivanovna, Ilyinichna, Mikhailovna, Nikitichna, Petrovna, Sergeevna, Fedorovna, Yurievna- stubborn, persistent, but very kind by nature. If you find the right approach to her, then she will always give in, will not go into conflict. Very patient, but don't try her patience. Bozena will be adamant if she feels even the slightest pressure. Nervous system a woman with the name Bozena is weakened, she is prone to nervous breakdowns, depression. She may take too long to comprehend the current situation, missing a profitable chance. Reliable friend, faithful wife, loving mother. She has many fans, but it is difficult to win her heart. She is very clean, loves to play tricks in the kitchen, knows many recipes, she comes up with new dishes herself. In marriage, not too lucky, but very patient. Ready to fight for the preservation of the family. Children are more attached to her than to their father. Bozhena is friendly, perceives her husband's relatives no worse than her own.

Bozena name and patronymic ....

Bozena Alexandrovna, Arkadievna, Borisovna, Vladimirovna, Grigorievna, Kirillovna, Matveevna, Maksimovna, Pavlovna, Romanovna, Tarasovna, Timofeevna, Timurovna, Eduardovna, Yakovlevna has an uneven character, unstable, changeable mood. This woman knows how to make an impression, although not always favorable. If her plans and hopes are not justified, she can become irritable. She tries to create a strong family, but with her character it is difficult. Few men can withstand such an eccentric character. Does not tolerate compromises, straightforward. A woman named Bozena is sexy if a partner cannot meet her ideal, does not satisfy her sexual needs, breaks relationships without regrets - she has plenty of admirers. In marriage, Bozena manages the economy economically, knows how to manage money rationally, and does not tolerate control by her husband. However, in serious matters, she always consults with her husband, not because she is interested in his opinion, she simply does not want to hurt his pride.

Bozena name and patronymic ....

Bozhena Bogdanovna, Vyacheslavovna, Gennadievna, Georgievna, Danilovna, Egorovna, Konstantinovna, Robertovna, Svyatoslavovna, Yanovna, Yaroslavovna from a young age, serious, disciplined. He knows exactly what he wants, knows how to achieve what he wants. A woman named Bozena is always surrounded by admirers, she chooses the most reliable of them and accepts his courtship for a long time. Often such relationships end in marriage. In a relationship with a man, Bozena gravitates towards constancy and stability. After all, she has too many other plans, worries and problems that need to be completed before marriage. And love problems, changing lovers take a lot of time, distract from the main tasks. Bozena seeks to get a good education, tries to decide on a profession and position, only then allows herself to start a family. If a young man who has been accompanying a woman named Bozhena all these years does not cease to interest her, he becomes her husband and true friend for life. It cannot even enter the mind of God to divorce him - it is so troublesome and does not at all correspond to her plans.

Bozena name and patronymic ....

Bozena Antonovna, Arturovna, Valerievna, Germanovna, Glebovna, Denisovna, Igorevna, Iosifovna, Leonidovna, Lvovna, Mironovna, Olegovna, Ruslanovna, Semyonovna, Filippovna, Emmanuilovna has an even character, soberly looks at the world. In communication, he erects a kind of invisible barrier between himself and others. She is laconic. Everything is subjected to deep analysis, thorough verification. He listens attentively to the interlocutor, rarely expresses his opinion, most often it differs from the generally accepted one. Careful in choosing a spouse, she does not get married right away, makes the chosen one wait a long time even after he proposes to her. This woman named Bozhena is self-confident, not afraid to miss a happy chance. She is incompatible with her mother, she cannot live with her family in her parents' house. It is easier for her to get along with her husband's parents, her mother-in-law does not care for her soul. She has daughters who are closer in character to their father. In raising children, Bozena is as practical as in everything else. Bozena's sex is not in last place, but domestic problems can push it into the background.

Bozena name and patronymic ....

Bozena Alanovna, Albertovna, Anatolyevna, Veniaminovna, Dmitrievna, Nikolaevna, Rostislavovna, Stanislavovna, Stepanovna, Feliksovna- a person with a very complex, contradictory character. But a flexible mind allows her to smooth out sharp corners and win easy victories. He can flare up, shout, utter rude offensive words, then greatly regret what happened, but he will never admit it publicly. In extreme situations, a woman named Bozena is bold, decisive, and resourceful. Very amorous, but tries not to give vent to feelings. If she cannot control herself, then passion will take possession of her, and all her plans and undertakings will fail, her whole habitual way of life will be violated. Her love is boundless. Bozena marries a calm and docile man. Bozena will not be able to live with another person, love and family are incompatible for her. He never cheats on his spouse, cherishes his attitude towards her and children.

Bozena is a strong, determined, but quick-tempered person. The name is sensitive, it speaks of a person with a rich inner world, but hiding it behind seven locks. She looks pensive and cold, but her character is sociable. He enjoys expanding his circle of friends. Publicity is not alien to her, because she is spectacular, attractive and charming, which attracts others to her.

The meaning of the name speaks of an independent and courageous person. Bozena correctly prioritizes, chooses good goals and persistently achieves what he wants. It is very difficult to lead her astray, because she is not amenable to other people's influence. At the same time, she has a diplomatic and kind character, does not tolerate rudeness, rudeness and cruelty. They always go to her for advice and support.

Works differently. In general, the character is able-bodied. If the case is interesting and worthwhile, Bozena works hard. If she is required to submit and senseless work, she will not put up with this and will show willfulness.

The fate of Bozena is ambiguous. To be happy, she must lead both at home and at work. She will choose a life partner carefully and finicky, because in this matter she does not give herself a second chance. The meaning of the name promises her the role of a hospitable hostess, a loving mother, a faithful friend and a caring woman. Provided that at work she can teach others and give orders. The name disposes to the role of a teacher, doctor, lawyer, art and active positions are not alien to her.

The origin of the name is Old Slavonic. Appeared due to the combination of the word "god" with the suffix -ena. It means "God's", "blessed", "gifted by God". Very popular in Poland, Czech Republic, Lithuania, Slovenia and Slovakia. In some European countries it is considered identical to the names Benedict and Theodore. At Eastern Slavs It is customary to equate to the name of Theodosius, Macarius, Theoktist. In Portugal, the relative of the name will be Nathanael, in Italy - Deodata, in France - Dieudonne, the Tatars have a similar name - Ranel.

What Bozena in childhood, youth and adulthood

Little Bozhena is not at all like her gentle and angelic name. She has a boyish personality. The baby can be cocky and stubborn, but at the same time very brave. God can defend his point of view even with his fists. Parents are very proud of the girl's success, because Bozena is talented. She is trying to develop this by visiting all kinds of circles and sections. Activist, takes part in the life of the school. At school, she finds girlfriends, expands her social circle.

In her youth, Bozena learns to hide her fists and emotions. Her feminine side is revealed. She seems determined and persistent, but deep down she is very reverent and sensual. People are attracted to it by its simple and natural character. Avoids mediocrity. In some ways, the young God is an idealist, trying to improve herself and those around her. Hardworking, ambitious, disciplined, but stubborn and self-willed.

The meaning of the name for an adult Bozena is independence and stamina. On the way to the goal, he overcomes all difficulties and even tries to benefit from the difficulties. She knows how to adapt in life, but she keeps her work values ​​firmly, so it is not easy to cooperate with her. Listens to the advice of only those whom she has chosen.

The name Bozhena speaks of a successful woman and a loving wife. She knows how to put aside authoritarian habits and maintain a balance.

Name forms and declension

Full: Divine.

Diminutively: God, Boni, God, God, God, God, God, God, Body, Boyka, Boya, God, Zhenya, Wife, Zhenusya, Zhenochka, Zhana, Zhanka, Dana.

I. Bozena

R. Bozheny

D. Bozhene

V. Bozhen

Tv. Goddess

Etc. about God

Orthodox veneration

There is no church name. Girls are baptized under the name Theodora. It was worn by the Byzantine empress in the 6th century. She put a lot of effort into restoring church peace and ending iconoclasm. It is through her efforts that the first Sunday of Great Lent is the Week of the Triumph of Orthodoxy. They honor Theodora on November 14 and 27.

Western Slavs have days of remembrance of saints Bozhen (Polish - March 13, June 20, Czech - February 11, Slovenian - June 27).

Compatibility with male names

The name Bozhena speaks of a woman who seeks to dominate everything. Such a character will cope with Alexander, Roman, Arseny, Ippolit, Igor, Anton, Gordey, Artemy, Oleg, Valentin, Boris, Konstantin and Victor. There may be difficulties in relations with Dmitry, Mikhail, Orest, Sergey, Evstakhiev.

Characterization by letters, translation

B - constancy, rationality. The meaning of the letter speaks of strong man who strives for wealth. However, prudence is completely covered by spiritual impulses.

O - good intuition and sensual character. A person wants to develop and improve, to use his abilities. Unsolvable problems make the owner of this letter nervous, and incline to bad habits.

F is the desire to live. Resignation. The inner world of a person with this letter in the name is very rich, but hidden from prying eyes. The meaning of the letter prepares the owner for a life full of events (both good and bad).

E - self-expression, the need to become ideas and thoughts. A name with such a letter gives the owner diplomatic qualities. The man is shrewd but talkative.

H - protest, unwillingness to choose everything. A person reviews and filters everything that comes to him. The meaning of the letter speaks of an able-bodied person who will only work on something worthwhile. Ability to defend your point of view.

A - beginning, renewal. A person has the strength to deal with difficulties.

English: Bozena, Bozhena.

For international passport: BOZHENA.

Polish: Božena.

Serbian: Bozhana.

Slovak: Božena.

Czech: Božena.

Famous Bozhenki

Princesses Bozena and Beatrice of Bohemia.

Writer Bozhena Nemtsova.

Actresses Bozena Dykel, Bozena Stryikuvna, Bozena Kurovskaya, Bozena Adamek, Bozena Fedorchik and Bozena Begovic.

Journalist Bozena Rynska.

Chess player Bozena Pytel.

Pianist Bozena Griner.