How to make a cookie cutter. Do-it-yourself paper cupcake molds

  • 12.06.2019

Both adults and children like biscuits, muffins, puddings, and the range of confectionery accessories for their preparation is simply huge. However, it often becomes difficult to remove the product from the container, but do-it-yourself paper molds for baking muffins will do it with a bang. Making them is very simple, entertaining and interesting, and cooking in these baskets will save us from the tedious procedure of washing dishes.

As you know, paper will endure everything, and this applies not only to writing, because in our case, the durability, endurance and versatility of the qualities of cellulose is the main factor in its leading position among other curly "frames" for desserts.

These light, elegant baskets and in the cold, and in the oven behave at 5 plus. In addition, the confectionery product is perfectly removed from such molds without losing its integrity and aesthetic value. Plus, if we wish, we will not need to pick out the cupcake from the capsule at all, because it is this detail, with its skillful design and decoration, that will become an excellent table decor.

Types of paper molds

Cake molds can be made from several types of pulp products. The simplest option is parchment food paper, smooth and fairly dense.

As a rule, this material undergoes a special treatment for greater strength and moisture resistance, where acid is used as an impregnation. These capsules are confectionery different high rates heat resistance and perfectly absorb excess fat.

However, today on the Olympus of confectionery glory is food paper with a silicone coating. Already such baskets have where to turn around. They are made by the most various forms from the largest to the smallest. It is these molds that are most often preferred by confectionery industries, small dessert cafes and shops, as well as experienced housewives.

Do-it-yourself cupcake molds

Outlets now have the widest range of pre-made paper cupcake cases available, but when it comes to baking, there's nothing closer to the heart of homemade cupcake pans.

Do not worry ahead of time, we do not need to install a whole mini-factory at home, and spend the whole day building baskets, on the contrary, the whole procedure will take no more than half an hour, and from the tools we only need:

  • Compasses, or circle stencil;
  • Simple pencil;
  • A sheet of parchment;
  • Two metal corrugated cake molds;
  • Bowl with water;
  • Scissors;

and boundless enthusiasm.

Children can also be involved in this activity. For them, it will be both entertainment and a small feat. And if you decide to add a riot of colors and originality to the molds, then it is better to get food coloring so that our baskets are safe to use.

Now let's start making molds:

To fill our hand-made baskets with dough, you can use a special baking dish by inserting them into the recesses. But this is only an additional measure, because our paper capsules, even without unnecessary support, can perfectly withstand the onslaught of a rising biscuit on their own.

If making such molds seemed difficult to you, you can simply send silicone or other molds with parchment paper.

If you started a tea party in the company of girlfriends, or a child needs to prepare treats for a holiday to school or garden, then muffins with raisins or chocolate, with jam or nuts will be a great solution, and do-it-yourself paper cupcake molds will become great help in this difficult task.

Previously, glass rims, children's pastries and other things were used as molds for baking cookies and other dough products. Today there is a wide variety of special forms for baking. However, what to do when there are no suitable molds available? Alternatively, you can make them yourself!

How to make molds with your own hands?

It turns out that making a shape of any size is quite easy, besides, for this we do not need a lot of materials. In this article, we'll show you how to quickly the simplest form for baking in the shape of a heart.

All we need is:

Tin or aluminum beer can.

Scissors (it is better to use scissors for metal).

So let's get started!

1. First, we cut out a ring from a jar with a width of 2 to 2.5 cm.

2. We bend one side of this ring inward and press it with two fingers so that two semicircles form (the top of our heart)

3. On the opposite side, we form a fold in reverse side to get a pointed end.

And now our heart-shaped mold is ready! Several of these molds can be made from one jar. In the same way, any shape can be made - round, square, triangular, star-shaped, etc.

VIDEO. How to make your own baking dish?

How to make baking paper molds for cupcakes, muffins, cupcakes.

The easy way step by step description with photo.

Great activity for kids - they'll love it.

Paper cupcake liners are a genius invention. It's incredibly convenient: 100% non-stick to the mould, great time saver, beautiful to serve and convenient to eat.

Love at first bake. Try it once and you don't want to bake without them.

Unfortunately, paper cups are not available for all molds. For non-stick protection, you can use any and a smaller size. Of course, it is better when they fit perfectly also in shape.

It happens that there were no molds at home, but you want to bake. Plus, homemade ones are cheaper. They can be made in advance and then used with pleasure.

Moreover, even defective, torn or slightly dented ones will come in handy sometime, they will definitely perform the non-stick task.

The best paper is selected empirically. Thick brown paper makes good strong molds, but the most beautiful ones are made from thin white.

Any will do for a start.

We will need:

  • roll of baking paper (parchment for baking, baking paper)
  • scissors
  • pencil is simple, but not chemical
  • metal, tin molds for cupcakes at least 2 pieces
  • bowl of cold water
  • clothes pin
  • Cup right size on which you can put a mold
  • salad bowl, bowl, cup right size or compass
  • ruler

Making molds for cupcakes

1. Measure the height of the wall of the mold with a ruler, we have it 3.5 cm and the diameter of the bottom, we have it 5.5 cm.

Then desired diameter round blank for the mold will be equal to:

3.5 × 2 + 5.5 = 12.5 cm

You can use a compass, but it is more convenient to use a cup, bowl or salad bowl of the right size.

You can make the molds a little higher. To do this, increase the diameter of the workpiece by 1 cm.

This is true if the cupcakes can rise too much. This is convenient, because you don’t have to precisely wash the forms. They are the most closed. In addition, if desired, ready-made molds can be cut.

In our guide, paper molds are higher than metal ones for clarity of pictures.

2. Unwind the roll a little. We put on a cup. We bend or mark with a pencil the diameter of the workpiece with a margin of about 0.5 cm at the edges.

3. We bend a sheet of paper, draw it with a fingernail, so we tuck it several times. For 10 paper molds, you need to fold the paper 5 times. Using a ruler, tear off the stack from the roll. Maybe with scissors.

4. Fold the stack in half. We circle the cup.

5. So that the paper circles do not move apart when cutting, we connect with a clothespin.

7. Pour some cold water into a plate.

8. The number of paper molds in one serving depends on the thickness of the paper. Well, no more than five pieces. If you need them to dry faster, it is better to do 2-3 pieces.

It is necessary to quickly dip mugs of paper into the water, shake off, then fold on top of each other. If you make 3-5 pieces, you can wet through one circle, there will be enough moisture.

9. Put a metal mold on the glass.

10. Gently place a stack of moistened circles on the mold.

11. Press the mugs to the mold with your hands.

12. Cover with another metal mold.

13. Remove and slightly push in the inner mold.

Straighten the protruding frills, then it will be easier to separate the dried molds.

There is paper that almost does not absorb water, it is good because it dries quickly, but the molds from it with ready-made cupcakes can open in places themselves, it looks sloppy. Blanks from such paper should be clamped tighter between metal molds and kept longer between molds, overnight, for example.

14. Place in a warm place to dry. You can put it on a radiator.

Quickly and conveniently dry molds with a saucepan large diameter with flat lid. Instead of a lid, you can cover the pan with a round metal tray. Fill with water, bring to a boil, turn off. Put the molds on the hot lid.

Very quickly around the edges you will see that the paper has dried up. We take out the upper metal mold - the walls of the paper molds are dry, but at the bottom of the drop, then leave to dry for another 5-10 minutes without the upper metal mold.

15. Store in a dry place in a closed box or container.

© Taisiya Fevronina, 2018.

Shortbread cookies are prepared quickly and easily. It is quite suitable for inexperienced housewives. Success depends on the quality of the oil, as well as the consistency of the dough - the dough must be plastic.

And yet, shortbread cookies can be made beautiful if you give it a shape: cut it with a knife, a glass or using special molds, or scroll the dough through a meat grinder, as our grandmothers often did.

In addition, shortbread cookies can be glazed, sprinkled with colored sugar or nuts on top, painted with special pencils with food coloring and turned into a work of art.

Recently I found in my pantry a homemade mold - a “heart” for cutting shortbread biscuits, my mother also made it, and I remembered how my nieces on Valentine's Day, due to the fact that it didn’t happen to buy a mold, it wasn’t on sale, they were engaged handmade, cut out hearts from the dough with a knife according to a paper pattern. They all turned out well, only longer than with the form.

Mom's form

And our grandmothers made them themselves from cans of condensed milk, for example.

I decided to try it myself. I am a thrifty person and I don’t throw away small cans of olives, condensed milk, coffee, or rather, I don’t throw everything away. They can be useful for baking small cakes.

So, I found 5 small tin cans: two for 350 g from olives, one for 450 g and two cans for 100 gram coffee.

First I made a shape for cutting out a heart:

1. I have a good key for opening canned food. It is important that the edges remain even, otherwise you can cut yourself accidentally. Removed the bottom with a key.

2. With pliers I walked along the contour of the top, where the lid was, and pressed down the rim, squeezed just in case, so as not to accidentally scratch or cut myself.

3. I bent the resulting pipe with my hands (you can press it on the table), first I made a triangle with rounded corners.

I marked the middle, the place where the concave part will be, and there I made a fold with pliers and then gave it the shape of a heart.

And I made the lower tip of the heart sharper. Heart shape to taste - whatever you like.

Similarly, from the rest of the cans, she made what came to mind: a triangle, a triangular asterisk, a shapeless asterisk and a cat's head.

I tried the forms in action:

baked cookies, and everything cut out beautifully. Decorated with icing, etc. The result is in the photo above

Such a high shape has an advantage - it is more convenient to cut out cookies, because it is more convenient to press - not with your fingers, as is the case with small molds, but with your whole palm.

Of course, these are molds for lovers of large cookies, if anyone likes small cookies, then they are great.

If you choose cans, then you should pay attention to the thickness of the tin, it is clear that the one that is thinner is more suitable for crafts. I noticed that now green pea in jars made of thicker tin. Or it just happens to me all the time.

Also, note that the bottom of the olive jars is slightly barrel-shaped, it is clear that the shape is best done on top of the jar.

Also, safety tips.

1.Wash gently so as not to cut yourself

2. If you notice that a notch has appeared after removing the cover, it is better to squeeze this place with pliers so that it is smooth.
3. It is possible to organize a husband for such work, to my surprise, I managed somehow easily and without him.

Forms from crystal wine glasses

You probably have crystal glasses or vases in your house, they are ideal for creating an interesting shape of cookies.

Forms for tartlets

The original idea is to use the cupcake pan upside down.

Straw molds

There is no straw mold in your house, don't worry, make your own from a couple of spoons. You will need 2 spoons per mold.


Molds for cutting cookies from a can. Master Class.

SAFETY PRECAUTIONS: the edges of the tin can be very sharp, and there may also be burrs (if not cut strictly in a straight line), you need to be very careful. It is better to do all cutting and processing operations over a newspaper or white cloth, so that the fallen pieces of tin and sawdust can be immediately seen. A piece bounced off me, I searched for a long time, I didn’t find it, for that I found my husband’s heel. You need to cut tin with scissors for metal, you don’t need to spoil the usual ones.))

Of course, if I had a piece of suitable tin, then making molds would be much easier. But I don’t have it, so I got the tin from cans. To begin with, they ate several cans of condensed milk.)) They chose condensed milk tastier, thicker (for those who know - Rogachev plant), but it would be necessary to take another, Glubokskaya, liquid, because. tin in them turned out to be better. Yes, in order:

The cans were of two types, one type - shiny, tin-plated, slightly corrugated on both sides (as in the photo below). Others are shiny only on the outside, covered with a yellowish varnish on the inside, even, so they are better used for making molds, because. tinplate is thicker, and no need to tap with a hammer to level.

I decided not to test my new metal shears for strength, I cut off the lid and bottom with a can opener.

It turned out such a ring.

I cut it and straightened it into a strip. Trimmed the edges with metal scissors.

If you have a flat bank, then you can skip the next step.

If the jar is corrugated, then you need to put it on the board and walk on it with a hammer so that the tin becomes more even. It will no longer be like a mirror, and it is not necessary, that is enough.

From one jar I get three molds, i.e. the strip must be cut lengthwise into three parts. Then file each resulting strip to remove burrs and sharp edges and corners. Please take this seriously, I don't want anyone to get hurt.

Using a nail and a ruler, mark (with force to push through) a fold line at a distance of 0.5 cm from the edge in order to tuck the edge. This is necessary so that later it is more convenient to press with your hand, cutting out cookies.

Bend the edge along the basting with pliers. It is better to do it in two or three stages, first bend it to a smaller angle along the entire length, then to a larger one. Tap the edge with a hammer so that the edge is well aligned.

It turned out such a strip

And now the most pleasant! We draw the desired shape. Yes, what else matters! We need to take a wire of the same length as our strip of tin, and bend our figure out of it. You don’t have to go into too much detail, the main thing is to find out if our strip is enough to bend this mold.
I even have an extra ponytail.

Now we take the prepared strip of tin and with the help of round-nose pliers, pliers, thin-nose pliers we bend according to the drawing. Pay attention to the fact that the cutting edge of the future mold lies in the same plane. Attach the mold to the drawing with the cutting side, because. it is she who will then give your cookie shape.

It is convenient to make round details (like in a snowman) using different bottles, felt-tip pens and other round objects, as if winding tin around them. When you bend the completely desired mold, all that remains is to cut off the excess tin (leave an overlap of 0.5-1 cm for soldering).
Then ask your husband / brother / dad / friend to solder the edges. I soldered it myself, but for the first time in my life, so it didn’t turn out very neat.

The form is ready! Now you can knead the spicy dough, cut out cookies with cookie cutters, bake, decorate and hang on the Christmas tree. For example, yes. I have not yet made cookies with new molds, so I will show last year's one as an example.

And can you do salty dough and call the children, cut out figures with them, dry and color.

In the same way, you can make molds for cutting sugar fondant to decorate cakes.

Then we take a thread and a marker. And we draw the outline of our shape with a thread, marking with a marker (points) all the fold points on the thread. We do this in order to make it easier to repeat the form.

And now we take our tin can. I have this container from under Camembert. It is important that the walls are fairly thin and not too hard.
1) With a large sharp knife, make an incision at the upper solid rim of the can.
2) We insert the scissors into the hole formed and begin to carefully cut along the border line. I used ordinary scissors, they perfectly and easily cope with thin metal.
3) We make a transverse incision to the base of the jar.
4) And now we cut along the bottom line.
5) So we cut out a not too flat strip of metal.
6) With the help of a ruler and a pencil, we draw an uneven edge of our strip, giving it the appearance of a rectangle with even edges.
7) With the same scissors, cut along the line and uneven edges.
8) And now we cut the strip into two parts along. We need a strip of metal about 1.5 cm wide.

Now we can start our form. In this case, the key :)
1) Since the top of the key shape is rounded, we need to find an object with a suitable diameter. It can be a pen or a marker. I have a test tube with sparkles)) We wrap our strip of metal around this object and press it with our fingers to make a semicircle.
2) Then with a pencil we transfer all the marks from the thread to the strip of metal. So we outlined all the fold points.
3),4),5) Now, using a ruler and a marker / pen / of any object of a suitable diameter, we begin to gently bend the desired shape. It is very important to apply the ruler to the strip at a right angle so that the shape comes out even. So, we apply the ruler to the point and bend directly along the ruler. Here you can and should help yourself with pliers and fingers to achieve the desired contour.
6) Well, the key is almost ready, it remains to close the ends.

In order to carefully connect the tails of the form, it is necessary to make a small even bend 2-3 mm wide on each so that they cling to each other. The picture below shows the principle. When the ends are bent, insert them into each other and press firmly with pliers. Everything, the form is ready!

And now run to bake beautiful cookies! :)) Of course, it’s better to decorate such a treat with icing, but I’m too lazy)) But by the new year I will definitely bake cookies according to all the rules - with icing and patterns :)