How to achieve peace of mind. How to find peace of mind

  • 24.09.2019

Do you often feel "out of place"? Are you tormented by self-doubt, irritability, sudden mood swings? It's time to start managing emotions, rebuilding your character with your own hands. You will succeed much more than you can imagine if you just try to act purposefully, make some effort. Work on yourself to change for the better and start living in harmony with yourself. How to get peace of mind? Pay attention to a few recommendations, remember important points... Outline a plan for self-development and work on it. A person is capable of much, and you will certainly be able to overcome mental discomfort, you will build your life differently.

Overcoming Mental Discomfort
Start with yourself. To gain peace of mind, you need to engage in self-development.
  1. Think about yourself. Sit in a relaxed environment, great if the room is empty. Concentrate and assess yourself objectively. Look for positive sides... You can start simple: you love your loved ones, do something, study or work. Of course, you have enough pluses not to constantly think about the negative. Focus your attention on the positive traits of your character.
  2. Analyze and record. Take a piece of paper, preferably a notebook or notebook. Write down your positive traits... Determine how they help you, what you can achieve thanks to these traits. Assess your potential.
  3. Good around. Now think about the good things around you. Surely a lot of things you simply do not notice, you take it for granted. You have friends, acquaintances to whom it is easy to turn for advice or support, relatives. You live in a house, you have the appropriate conditions. Look at everything from a different angle: imagine that not everyone has what you have, you can lose it. Realize the value of people, objects and phenomena around you. Learn to enjoy life.
  4. Keep a diary. Try to reflect in your diary positive and negative emotions, their reasons and, of course, your systematic work on yourself. Remember to praise yourself for the slightest achievement.
  5. Accumulate positive. Any positive emotion should be developed by you, focus on the good. Accumulate in yourself positive impressions, energy.
  6. What needs to be fixed. Think about the traits in yourself that you need to fix or overcome. Just immediately define a specific plan. For example, if you are easily annoyed, prone to conflicts, you need to fight with this very quality. Learn to find compromises, avoid arguments, do not enter into discussions. Step aside if others swear, do not let them drag you into conflicts. Write down all your qualities that you decide to change, make specific plans of action. Check your notes at least once a week. Control your development yourself.
  7. Don't berate yourself. Get rid of the habit of berating yourself forever. You work on yourself, identify flaws and correct them, and do not become your own enemy. Accept yourself and love. Learn to assess yourself objectively, set realistic goals and move towards them. The main thing is to see development, movement forward. Once you, after a month of work on yourself, have become a little better, have managed to find peace of mind at least for a certain period of time, this is already an achievement. You have something to strive for further.
  8. Forget the unattainable. Rejoice in unexpected victories. Try to focus only on achievable tasks. Of course, simplifying your life too much is not worth it. But also do not try to conquer an unattainable peak. Evaluate your strengths sensibly. If you have doubts, it is difficult for you to say for sure whether you will be able to achieve the desired goal? Do you want to try? Of course, you don't need to limit yourself - go for it. Just tell yourself right away that if you can solve such a difficult problem for yourself, you will surpass yourself. Then you will rejoice. And, of course, you shouldn't be upset in case of failure, because you immediately understood that you were not playing for a win, and you might not be able to cope. Hence, there are no reasons for worry.
  9. Work on yourself and don't miss anything. There are no trifles here. It is likely that your lack of self-confidence, mental discomfort is associated with real shortcomings that prevent you from living. Remember: in working on yourself, it is important to do everything carefully, to understand every nuance thoroughly. For example, the usual absent-mindedness can lead to many conflicts, problems, constant worries and anxieties. Identify these shortcomings as obstacles that prevent you from going further. Just get them out of the way, just do it seriously - forever. Take life into your own hands.
  10. Don't compare yourself to others. Never start self-flagellating by comparing yourself to other people. We all have different potentials, capabilities and characters. Every person is a person. Evaluate opportunities based only on your personal character traits, as well as those qualities that you are going to develop.
Work on yourself, but don't criticize yourself. Accept yourself with all your flaws, while remembering to constantly improve. Don't be confused by action planning. Keep a diary, tune in psychologically. You can also engage in meditation, self-hypnosis. If necessary, consult a psychologist - there is nothing strange in this, experts just learn, practice to help people.

You and the world... Find Peace of Mind: Do Good and Get Rid of Negativeness
Concentrate on positive emotions. Not only common sense, the ability to work on yourself, but also a sincere positive attitude towards the world and others will help you to find peace of mind and harmony. Remember how in childhood everything seemed friendly and mysterious to you. Have you learned a lot of bad things? It does not matter! Now you need to start discovering the world anew, using experience, knowledge. Learn from your mistakes and enjoy the moment.

  1. Leave the envy. Never be jealous of others. You cannot know what a person has in his soul, what awaits him ahead, how his life will turn out even after a couple of hours. Think about yourself and don't compare yourself to others.
  2. Learn to forgive and forget the bad. Try to learn to forgive. This will save you from a lot of anxiety, irritability. Impossible to forgive? Then forget the bad with the person who brought it. Erase from life forever as if nothing had happened. And don't remember.
  3. Don't be negative. Do not take part in intrigues, do not take revenge, do not carry negativity with you - it will certainly return to you, bother you, sharpen from the inside.
  4. Be more attentive to people. Think more often about your loved ones, offer them help. Be empathetic and delicate.
  5. Do good. Do not skimp on good words and actions. It will be much easier for you to find peace of mind when you yourself see the positive results of your actions. And people will not forget your attitude either.
Enjoy communication with family and friends, admire the beauty of nature, see the world with a smile. Try to get better, but don't berate yourself. You are able to change a lot and find spiritual harmony.

Peace of mind is something that is not so easy to achieve and maintain in the hectic XXI century. However, there are principles, following which you can become a truly whole and harmonious person. They are simple and complex at the same time, but there is nothing impossible on the way to the true goal.

Acceptance, awareness, vision

“If you want to be happy, be happy!” Kozma Prutkov taught us. Indeed, each person is able to find peace of mind and balance, but for this it is necessary to master simple techniques. Let's dwell on the most effective ones.

So, rule number 1: the way you are. There will always be a character prettier, richer, smarter ... But this does not mean at all that you need to exhaust yourself with envy of other people's achievements. On the contrary, it is time to realize: each person, with all his set of advantages and disadvantages, is unique. This means that you need to value yourself as a unique person, worthy of your own, and not someone else's life.

Rule # 2: "everything will pass, and that too." Spoken by King Solomon thousands of years ago, it will never lose its relevance. Therefore, you should not take problems seriously: better understand their frailty and fleetingness. Troubles will pass, and mental balance is not an easy task.

Rule # 3: Learn to see the beauty in the little things. Raindrops dripping lazily down window glass; a thundercloud of an unusual shape; "Parachutes" of dandelions flying in different directions ... In every little thing there can be a source of inspiration. Learning to see these little joys can help you gain peace of mind.


One of the most powerful and ancient ways to find yourself in this world is meditation. It is with its help that Buddhists achieve the state of nirvana, that is, complete peace.

There are many different techniques, but you need to start with the simplest. For this you will need:

  • room with soft light;
  • comfortable rug;
  • comfortable clothes;
  • "White noise".

Sit on the mat with your legs crossed and your hands on your knees, palms up. Close your eyes. Focus on the state of mind; feel the flow of energy that flows through the body, flowing from organ to organ. Think of it as a thick stream of gold. Try not to think about anything. Having cleared your consciousness, you will feel extraordinary lightness, and over time you will be able to master more complex techniques and find peace of mind in meditation.

Letter to the Universe

In the life of each of us there is both good and bad. However, human psychology is such that he is better at remembering negative moments. The task of a harmonious personality is to find the strength to rebuild in a positive spiritual mood. Especially for this there is a technique "writing to the Universe".

Its essence is simple. Once a month, you need to take a pen, paper and write a heartfelt message of gratitude to the Universe. All the good things that happened during this period should be noted in it. Moreover, not only major events are important, but also the so-called little things. After all, a meeting with an old friend, and good training, and reading an interesting book that has enriched your inner world - all these are pieces of human happiness.

Having recorded these events on paper, address with words of gratitude to the Universe, forefathers, fate - anyone! The main thing is that the message is sincere. Gradually, letter by letter, you will be able to find something new in life - peace of mind.

Understand, forgive and let go

Another way to restore peace of mind is to forgive those who have ever hurt you. This is a courageous and important step that allows you to cleanse your soul of bad memories and complexes. To follow the path of forgiveness and find peace, you need to understand: the person who offended you is imperfect, he has done a bad deed and, perhaps, himself suffers because of it. By forgiving, you will benefit not only yourself, but also him.

Such mental actions cleanse karma and allow you to achieve harmony. “Let go” of the cheating ex-husband; stop thinking about the colleague who set you up; forget about a classmate who once offended ... Peace of mind is worth it!


Harmony must be not only mental, but also intellectual and physical. To not only feel but also be interesting person, it is necessary to develop. You can hone your mind, broaden your horizons, find peace in the following ways:

  • reading classical, modern and scientific literature;
  • visiting exhibitions, theater, music concerts;
  • watching "deep" movies;
  • travel to cities and countries, study of culture, traditions and languages.

Gain permanent peace of mind creativity also helps. Each person hides an artist, poet, writer or musician, only your gift needs to be developed. If this succeeds, then in your works you will be able to reflect not only a rich inner world, but also those fears and complexes that prevent you from moving forward.

Sports, sports, sports!

The next way to find harmony is to play sports. Scientists have proven that peace of mind is most often experienced by people who burden themselves physical activity... The fact is that active movements contribute to the saturation of the body with oxygen; blood flow to vital organs, including the brain; the production of hormones of joy - serotonin and endorphins. That is why going to the gym invigorates a person, gives him confidence and calmness.

Dancing is a separate story. They develop not only the body, but also the imagination and spirituality of a person. It's no wonder people who dance are so often happy.

A smile will brighten everyone

There are a few more rules, following which you can achieve the desired peace of mind.

  1. Do not try to change the people you are close to. Just enjoy being around and loving you. Accept your soul mate, children and parents as they are!
  2. For believers, one of the ways to find peace of mind is prayer, going to church, talking with a confessor.
  3. Avoid the negative. Refuse to watch "yellow" talk shows; do not participate in scandals; try to resolve all issues peacefully.
  4. Spend more time outdoors. Remember: peace of mind is directly related to the fresh air, the singing of birds, the scent of flowers and the murmur of water.
  5. Know how to stop in time. Tired at work? Pause, close your eyes, think about the good ... A lot of housework? Take at least one day of rest and laziness a month. The human body and psyche are complex tools, and without a short respite, they can go wrong.
  6. Smile and laugh as often as possible!

Thus, peace of mind and balance is not a dream that is difficult to achieve, but a reality and should be strived for. And then your life and the life of the people around you will become much better!

I have noticed long ago that I feel more balanced and confident when I take time for relaxation, meditation, or prayer. Quite pleased with the result, I soon stop doing it. Gradually, my life becomes more and more stressful, I come to despair. Calm leaves me. Then I resume my relaxing activities and life gradually improves.

Many people go through this circle. From this we can conclude: "If you do not have time for relaxation - it is absolutely necessary for you".

To find peace of mind, you need to develop the habit of giving yourself daily rest. People who have achieved peace of mind often perform certain rituals. Some pray, others meditate, others walk at dawn. Everyone finds their own way of relaxation. It helps us to better understand and tune ourselves.

Peace of mind is a state of harmony with the whole world and, above all, with oneself. But above all, calmness is balance.

The number one challenge for martial artists is to maintain balance. When you start karate, you will learn that strength depends on balance and a "cold" head. Add emotion and your song is sung. Balance and peace of mind are the sources of our self-confidence. Calm does not mean sleepiness! Calmness is about managing power, not confronting it.... Calmness is the ability to see the big picture without focusing on details.

If you want to protect yourself from all adversity, you have chosen the wrong planet. Peace and confidence can only be found within oneself. There is no stability in the surrounding world, everything around is in a state of eternal change. How can we deal with the unpredictability of life? Only by accepting it! Tell yourself, “I love surprises. It's great when you know that at any moment something unexpected may happen. " Make a decision: "Whatever happens, I can handle it." Agree with yourself: “If I get fired, I’ll find a job with a freer schedule. If I get hit by a bus, I won't be here again. " This is not a mockery. This is the truth of life. The earth is a dangerous place. People are born and die here. But that doesn't mean you have to live like a cowardly rabbit.

Life will remain a struggle if we insist on it. Modern civilization has taught us to constantly strain. We grew up believing in resistance. We tend to rush things and push people. We exhaust ourselves, and this is more harm than good.

One young man traveled all over Japan to meet a great martial artist. After gaining an audience, he asked Master, “I want to be the best. How long will it take me? "
And sensei replied, "Ten years."
The disciple asked, “Master, I am very capable, I will work day and night. How long will it take me? "
And the Teacher replied: "Twenty years!"

Greetings to you, deserted corner ... It cannot be considered a mere coincidence that there is a tradition and reverence for solitude in cultures around the world. During the period of initiation, both the American Indian and the African Bushman left their tribes, hiding in the mountains or forests in order to understand their destiny. Great spiritual teachers - Christ, Buddha, Magomed - drew inspiration from solitude, like millions of their followers. Each of us needs such a cherished place where phones do not ring, where there is no TV or Internet. Whether it be a corner in the bedroom, a corner on the balcony or a park bench - this is our territory for creativity and reflection.

Since the 17th century, science has been armed with Sir Isaac Newton's method: if you want to understand something, smash it into smithereens and study the fragments. If this does not add clarity, divide into even smaller parts ... In the end, you will get to the bottom of how the universe works. But is this true? Take a Shakespeare sonnet and divide it into nouns, prepositions and pronouns, then break the words into letters. Will the author's intention become clearer to you? Divide the Mona Lisa into strokes. What will it give you? Science works wonders, but it also anatomizes. The mind breaks things apart. The heart gathers them together. Strength and prosperity come when we look at the world as a whole.

Forces of nature. Have you ever noticed that you can wander in the forest all day and feel the influx of strength? Or spend the morning at the mall and feel like you've been run over by a truck? Vibration emanates from everything around, be it grass, concrete, plastic or polyester. We catch her. Gardens and forests have a healing vibration - they restore our energy. Vibration of concrete shopping centers- another type: they suck energy. Vibration cathedrals pointing up. Smoky bars and strip clubs leave the lion's share of your vitality.

You don't need to be a genius to understand: our health and attitude depend on elusive energy. environment... When we are full of energy, we can easily resist disease and bad mood others. If the energy is at zero, we attract depression and illness.

Why Relaxation? Almost everything we do in life is a race for results. But deep relaxation, meditation, or prayer can help us take a fresh look at life. We expect that the future will bring us many pleasant moments. However, our attention should still be focused on the present. As we practice deep relaxation, we will begin to notice that some of the qualities acquired during the exercise gradually become a habit and change our daily life... We become calmer, we have intuition.

We all possess with an inner voice, but it is weak and barely distinguishable. When life gets too hectic and noisy, we stop hearing it. But as soon as we muffle extraneous sounds, everything changes. Our intuition is always with us, but often we do not pay any attention to it.

Relaxation will save you more time than you spend on it.... Make it a habit - customize yourself as you customize musical instrument... Twenty minutes every day - so that the strings of your soul sound pure and harmonious. Wake up each morning with the intention of being calm and balanced. On some days you will be able to hold out until the evening, and sometimes only until breakfast. But if maintaining peace of mind becomes a goal, you will gradually learn this, perhaps the most important art in your life.

We live in a world with a highly developed communication system, but also with our own complex, sometimes insoluble problems. This alone is enough to explain why many people have already become the norm with strong internal anxiety and tension, which also manifests itself in the outside world. When was the last time you felt inner peace within you? One that gives confidence to both yourself and others? Our world pulsates with the rhythm of stress and unrestrained running. And this - affects the life of everyone. Today even children of elementary grades suffer from depression and inferiority complexes. And all you need is to calm down.

And as always, the way to restore your inner balance is very simple. And I would like to think that everyone can complete three simple steps. 3 steps, three actions - uncomplicated but effective.
Do you want to know what these actions are? Then I can bring to your attention free course "3 steps to inner peace"... Three techniques that are elementary, but give results.

And thank you to the owner of this site for giving you the opportunity to improve your life. Thank him, may the sun always shine over his path and peace reigns in his soul.

3 easy ways save inner peace of mind in any situation

Take this course and you will receive:

  • 3 Simple and Working Techniques to Train Your Inner Peace
  • The ability to stay balanced in any situation;
  • The ability to make the right decisions;
  • The strength to resist stress;
  • Belief in your own capabilities;
  • Strengthening psychological and physical health;
  • An impetus for creative development.


How can you to acquire inner calm

Peace and tranquility is an inner reality, an inner state based on harmony. It is as a whole and its separate parts among themselves. The philosophers of antiquity taught that man is not just a corporeal shell, over which a certain subjective and very abstract soul hovers. Man is a much more complex being, possessing, one might say, seven parts, or bodies. Who are we? We are the Mystery. Our essence is in the Intimate. In each of us there is a mysterious observer who penetrates into the soul, beyond the bounds of the manifested world. So how can you find inner peace?

We must look for it not in rest and not in motion, but in true harmony, in its universal laws governing the entire Universe, according to which man is not an isolated element hostile to other people and Nature itself, but a real friend of all that exists. And a friend is not the one who sits at the same table with us and shares food with us, but the one about whom we can say with complete confidence that he is always there, that we are always with him. As the ancient Romans said, this is the one who lives in harmony with us - heart with heart.
So, you need to understand that inner peace is, first of all, peace with oneself. No one could ever cause or create it artificially, but there has always been, is and will be harmony, natural, innate in us. The problem is that a person often destroys it with their own way of life. We must search. If you have a sincere desire, it is not so difficult to find it.

Each of us must have considerable moral strength in order to find within ourselves the only and unique "ray of light" leading us along the Path, and follow it, no matter how banal or ridiculous it may look in the eyes of other people. We must follow the path that we ourselves believe is correct, regardless of what others say. This is not about becoming selfish or neglecting other people's opinions, but about keeping your own individuality. We must build within ourselves a citadel of our freedom, without which we will never achieve either peace or tranquility.

This is the ability to meet oneself, the ability to understand that thanks to the Great Divine Wisdom, everyone is given a destiny. Each of us was born in order to fulfill his life task: each has his own Path, his own Destiny, his own, his own tailwind, his own, only inherent way of existence and self-expression.

Sometimes we ourselves do not know where we are going. But if we find an inner compass in our own soul, we will always know the direction. Suffering, blows and surprises will become just tests for us. Everything in nature teaches us this. To become truly great, you need to have the wisdom of fire. No matter how you light a fire, no matter how you turn the candle, the flame always remains vertical. If, after passing the trials of life, a person can stand upright, he will find peace in his heart.
To to acquireinner calm, this is a personal, intimate state of a person, it is not enough just to read books or listen to lectures. It is necessary to learn from nature. Observing how fire, water, wind, mountains behave, you can learn a lot. To understand the innermost essence of a person, it is not enough to have a lot of information. It is necessary to penetrate into the depths of everything that surrounds us, and everything that is in our soul.

Is it possible someday to achieve peace and inner tranquility among people, universal peace on the entire planet? This is a very difficult task. To achieve a great peace, humanity must be peacefully inclined, must strive for inner peace and harmony and desire it with our hearts. Until all people understand this, until at least those who have power and strength strive for peace, it will never be achieved. It is not enough just to talk about the importance of universal peace, about the fact that our life should get better. It is necessary for all to think together not about a utopian society, but about humanity as a whole; about humanity, which would move along its own path, listening to God.

We may love swallows, stones, people, wind, ancient flags and ancient glory, but we need peace. And it is possible. If we are able to see in the spring air the signs of God, whose messengers are the swallows, and hear them singing, if we see the white foam of the waterfall, if we can understand the flame always striving upward, we will find peace, for it is born from our inner struggle, from our effort and action, out of our great love. Blessed are those who are able to feel this love; blessed are those who carry inner peace; those who have the courage to say that peace is very important, everyone and everything needs it, regardless of the price that must be paid for it. The one who loves more with all his heart, the one who makes more efforts in his actions, in his reflections, he is a real father in his soul. He the best way, simply and naturally, can convey everything that it internally owns; convey in such a way that everyone can understand this and feel his care. We would like everyone to feel some excitement in their hearts - if not love, then at least a little peace and tranquility. If everyone makes his inner prayer, if he can smile a little more often, if tomorrow after sunrise he sees his face more open in the mirror, if he gives others his smile, then he will find inner peace.

- it is joy, harmony, the ability to bring about the best.

How to get rid of negative emotions, restore peace of mind and health? These helpful tips will help you!

Why are more and more people striving to find peace of mind?

In our time, people live very uneasy, which is due to various negative realities of the political, economic and social nature... Added to this is a powerful stream of negative information that hits people from TV screens, from Internet news sites and newspaper pages.

Modern medicine is often unable to relieve stress. She is not able to cope with mental and physical disorders, various diseases that are caused by imbalance of mental balance due to negative emotions, anxiety, anxiety, fear, despair, etc.

Such emotions have a destructive effect on the human body at the cellular level, deplete its vitality, and lead to premature aging.

Insomnia and loss of energy, hypertension and diabetes, heart and stomach diseases, oncological diseases - this is not a complete list of those serious ailments, the main cause of which can be stressful conditions of the body arising as a result of such harmful emotions.

Plato once said: “The biggest mistake doctors make is that they try to heal a person's body without trying to cure his soul; however, the soul and body are one and the same, and they cannot be treated separately! "

Centuries have passed, even millennia, but this dictum of the great philosopher of antiquity remains true today. In modern life conditions, the problem of psychological support for people, protecting their psyche from negative emotions has become extremely urgent.

1. Healthy sleep!

First of all, it is important to have a healthy, sound sleep, because it has a powerful sedative effect on a person. A person spends about a third of his life in a dream, i.e. in a state where the body recovers its vitality.

Adequate sleep has exclusively essential for health. During sleep, the brain diagnoses all functional systems of the body and triggers the mechanisms of their self-healing. As a result, the nervous and immune systems are strengthened, metabolism, blood pressure, blood sugar, etc. are normalized.

In a dream, the healing processes of wounds and burns are accelerated. People who have adequate sleep are less likely to suffer from chronic diseases.

Sleep gives many other positive effects, and most importantly, the human body is renewed in a dream, which means that the aging process slows down and even reverses.

For a full sleep, the day should be active, but not tiring, and dinner should be early and light. After it, it is advisable to take a walk on fresh air... The brain needs to be given a couple of hours of rest before bed. Avoid watching TV programs in the evening that stress the brain and excite the nervous system.

It is also undesirable to try to solve any serious problems at this time. Better to do light reading or calm conversation.

Ventilate your bedroom before bed, and leave the windows open during warmer months. Try to get a good orthopedic mattress for sleeping. Nightwear should be lightweight and well-fitting.

Your last thoughts before falling asleep should be related to gratitude for the past day and hope for a good future.

If, waking up in the morning, you feel a surge of vivacity and energy, it means that your sleep was sound, healthy, refreshing and rejuvenating.

2. Rest from everything!

We are accustomed to performing daily hygienic and wellness procedures associated with taking care of the physical health of our body. This is a shower or bath, brushing your teeth, morning exercises.

It is just as regularly desirable to perform certain psychological procedures that induce a calm, peaceful state, conducive to mental health. Here is one such procedure.

Every day, in the midst of a busy day, you should postpone all business for ten to fifteen minutes and stay in silence. Sit in a secluded place and think of something that completely distracts you from your daily worries and brings you into a state of serenity and peace.

This can be, for example, pictures of a beautiful, majestic nature presented in the mind: the contours of mountain peaks, as if drawn against a blue sky, the silvery light of the moon reflected by the sea surface, a green forest glade surrounded by slender trees, etc.

Another soothing procedure is the immersion of the mind in silence.

Sit or lie down in a quiet, secluded area for ten to fifteen minutes and relax your muscles. Then focus your attention on a specific object in your field of vision. Watch him, peer into him. Soon you will want to close your eyes, your eyelids will become heavy and drooped.

Start listening to your breathing. Thus, you will be distracted from extraneous sounds. Feel the pleasure of immersing yourself in silence and a state of serenity. Calmly watch your mind become silent, individual thoughts drift away somewhere.

The ability to turn off thoughts does not come immediately, but the benefits from this process are enormous, because as a result you achieve the highest degree of peace of mind, and a rested brain significantly increases its performance.

3. Daytime sleep!

For health purposes and to relieve stress, it is recommended to include a so-called siesta in the daily routine, which is widely practiced mainly in Spanish-speaking countries. This is an afternoon nap, which usually lasts less than 30 minutes.

Such a dream restores the energy expenditures of the first half of the day, relieves fatigue, helps a person to become calm and rested and return to active activity with fresh strength.

Psychologically, siesta, as it were, gives a person two days in one, and this creates mental comfort.

4. Positive thoughts!

Soaps are born first, and only then action. Therefore, it is so important to direct thoughts in the right direction. In the morning, charge yourself with positive energy, positively tune yourself for the day ahead, saying mentally or aloud something like the following statements:

“Today I will be calm and businesslike, friendly and welcoming. I will be able to successfully complete everything that I have planned, I will cope with all unforeseen problems that arise. Nobody and nothing will take me out of the state of mental equilibrium. "

5. Calm state of mind!

It is also useful to repeat periodically during the day for the purpose of self-hypnosis. keywords: "Calmness", "serenity". They have a calming effect.

If, nevertheless, any disturbing thought appears in your mind, try to immediately supplant it with an optimistic message to yourself, setting you up that everything will be fine.

Any dark cloud of fear, anxiety, anxiety hanging over your consciousness, try to break through with bright rays of joy and completely dispel it with the power of positive thinking.

Also call on your sense of humor. It is important to set yourself up so as not to worry about trifles. Well, what to do if you are faced with not a trivial, but a really serious problem?

Usually, a person reacts to threats from the world around him, worries about the fate of his family, children and grandchildren, fears various adversities in life, such as war, illness, loss of loved ones, loss of love, collapse in business, failure at work, unemployment, poverty, etc. P.

But if this happens, then you need to show self-control, prudence, to drive out of the consciousness anxiety, which does not help in anything. It does not give answers to questions that arise in life, but only leads to confusion in thoughts, a useless waste vitality and undermining health.

A calm state of mind allows you to objectively analyze emerging life situations, make optimal decisions and, thereby, resist adversity, overcome difficulties.

So in all situations, let your conscious choice always be calmness.

All fears and worries relate to the future tense. They build up stress. This means that in order to relieve stress, you need these thoughts to dissipate, disappear from your consciousness. Try to change your attitude in such a way as to live in the present tense.

6. Your own rhythm of life!

Concentrate your thoughts on the present moment, live "here and now", be grateful to every day you lived happily. Set yourself up to take life lightly, like you have nothing to lose.

When you are busy with work, you are distracted from worried thoughts. But you should develop a natural, and therefore appropriate to your temperament, pace of work.

And your whole life should take place at a natural pace. Try to get rid of the rush and hustle and bustle. Do not over-strain your strength, do not waste too much vital energy in order to quickly do everything and solve the problems that arise. Work should be done easily, naturally, and for this it is important to apply rational methods of its organization.

7. Correct organization of working time!

If, for example, the work is of an office nature, then leave on the table only those papers that are related to the task being solved at a given time. Determine the priority order of the tasks before you and clearly follow this order when solving them.

Take on just one task at once and try to figure it out thoroughly. If you have received enough information to make a decision, then do not hesitate to make it. Psychologists have found that fatigue contributes to feelings of anxiety. Therefore, organize your work in such a way that you can start resting before you get tired.

With a rational organization of work, you will be amazed at how easily you cope with your duties, solve the assigned tasks.

It is known that if the work is creative, interesting, exciting, then the brain practically does not get tired, and the body gets tired much less. Fatigue is caused mainly by emotional factors - monotony and monotony, haste, tension, anxiety. That is why it is so important that the work generates interest and a sense of satisfaction. Those who are absorbed in what they love are serene and happy.

8. Self-confidence!

Develop self-confidence in yourself, in the ability to successfully cope with all matters, to solve the problems that arise in front of you. Well, if you do not have time to do something, or some problem is not solved, then you should not worry and be upset in vain.

Consider that you have done your best and accept the inevitable. It is known that a person easily resigns himself to unwanted life situations if he realizes that they are inevitable, and then forgets about them.

Memory is a wonderful faculty of the human mind. It allows a person to accumulate knowledge that is so necessary for him in life. But not all information should be memorized. Learn the art of selectively remembering the mostly good things that happened to you in life and forgetting the bad things.

Record in your memory your luck in life, remember them more often.

This will help you maintain an optimistic attitude that displaces anxiety. If you intend to develop a mindset that will bring you peace and happiness, then follow the philosophy of life of joy. According to the law of attraction, joyful thoughts attract joyful events in life.

Respond with all your heart to any, even the smallest, joy. The more even small joys in your life, the less anxiety, more health, vitality.

After all positive emotions healing. Moreover, they heal not only the soul, but also the human body, since they displace the toxic for the body negative energy, support homeostasis¹.

Strive to achieve peace of mind and harmony in your home, creating a peaceful, benevolent atmosphere in it, communicate with children more often. Play with them, observe their behavior and learn from them a direct perception of life.

At least for a short time immerse yourself in such an amazing, beautiful, serene world of childhood, where there is a lot of light, joy and love. Pets can have a beneficial effect on the atmosphere.

Calm, quiet, melodic music and singing also helps to maintain peace of mind, to relax after a busy day. In general, try to make your home an abode of peace, tranquility and love.

When distracting from your problems, show more interest in those around you. In your communication, conversations with family, friends and acquaintances, let there be as few negative topics as possible, but more positive, jokes and laughter.

Try to do good deeds that evoke a joyful, grateful response in someone's soul. Then your soul will be calm and good. By doing good to others, you are helping yourself. So fill your souls with kindness and love. Live calmly, in harmony with yourself and the world around you.

Oleg Goroshin

Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ Homeostasis - self-regulation, ability open system maintain the constancy of your inner state through coordinated reactions aimed at maintaining dynamic balance (