Play My Little Pony Equestria Girls. equestria girl games

  • 20.10.2019

Equestria Girl games open doors for you, leading to a mysterious land where magic is as common as science in our world. But it is worth taking a closer look at its inhabitants, as you understand that the difference that separates us is not so great. The girls living in this magical land love the same things as we do, and therefore, having once got into the world of people, the pony girls easily fit into the usual course of things for us and became their own. It all started by accident when Sunset Shimmer managed to steal the crown from Twilight and escaped into the human world. Twilight could not allow this to happen and went after Sunset, where she also became a human. Such an unpleasant theft was the impetus for an amazing discovery, real magic and subsequent adventures.

A variety of plots of the game Equestria Girls

First, let's choose a nice hairstyle for Rarity. To do this, grab it with the mouse and drag it to the heroine, and then release it. The new styling will fall into place by itself, and you will only have to determine the color of the individual strands that are hidden under the next icon. Experiment until you get the result you like. You can change her outfit by dressing her up in a dress or choosing from the many options:

  • blouse,
  • shirts,
  • shorts
  • skirts
  • breeches.

Combine them so that they match in color and style, and then choose sandals, shoes or boots that match the ensemble. When the costume is completed, look at the skin color change options - the fantastic horse will easily change into all the colors of the rainbow.

Friendship is the miracle of the Equestria girl, it is also a game with music. Go to the disco with your girlfriends and learn to dance with them. When the course is over, you will demonstrate your acquired skills at the dance school. Well, together with the sweet tooth Pinkie Pie, you will open your own confectionery - a paradise for gourmets and gourmets. There is always plenty of cakes, buns, tubes of cream, sweets, cakes, jams, preserves and marmalade, ice cream and cookies. And to make the shop more popular, help Pinky sell goodies and make a profit from them.

May Little Pony Equestria Girls games are waiting for you, allowing you to play in a variety of directions. There is also a quest in which Twilight Sparkle and her friends from Ponyville ended up in Equestria and now they need help with completing tasks so that they reach their intended goal. Another pony girl, Apple Jack, decided to open a salon. Visit her institution and put yourself in order to become even more beautiful and attractive. Even young skin needs special care, and you will learn about the rules for creating a style in the appropriate grooming game.

Free Online Games pony girls from equestria

Equestria Pony Girls: Grass Picnic. Game for girls and girls! Equestria has school holidays and wonderful weather. The Pony girls from Canterlot School decided to take advantage of this great opportunity. They go to the forest to have a cool picnic there on the grass. After a long search, a convenient clearing for a picnic was found, but it turned out to be littered with various garbage. Girls, so that our heroes do not spoil the mood, you must help them in arranging a picnic area. Start by clearing the field. Once you complete this task, you can set up a tent, decorate a parking lot, and also organize a great dinner for them. To control the game "Equestria Pony Girls: Grass Picnic" you will need a mouse. Good luck!

Equestria Pony Girls: Grass Picnic

New hairstyle for Apple Jack. Game for girls and girls! Girls, in this game you have to go to the fabulous land of Equestria, to the small town of Poneville. The famous heroine of the children's animated series Friendship is Magic lives there, named Apple Jack. Pony girl works tirelessly on her farm, where she grows sweet apples. Do not think that Apple Jack knows nothing more than his farm. Like all girls her age, Apple Jack loves to dress up and party. And today she is going to have fun in a noisy company of friends. And you know, girls, our cute heroine has one feature. In such companies, Apple Jack always prefers to be in the public eye. At tonight's party, she's going to wow the audience with her new hairdo. Rainbow Dash will make such a cool hairstyle for Apple Jack and you girls will help her with this. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

New hairstyle for Apple Jack

In Equestria, at the school of Canterlot graduation. Game for girls and girls! In Equestria, at the school of Canterlot graduation. The Pony girls - Twilight, Apple Jack and Rainbow Dash - must take the stage of their honor for the last time. educational institution to get a diploma of education. Of course, on this memorable day, every Pony girl wants to look her best. Girls, if you are ready to help them, arm yourself with a mouse and explore their wardrobes without any hesitation. We are sure you will find everything you need to dress them up there. But the main attribute of clothing for today's event should be a black gown and a confederate hat, indicating the successful completion of the university. Good luck!

In Equestria, at Canterlot High School, graduation

Pinkie Pie becomes a mom. Game for girls and girls! ATTENTION! TO ENTER THE GAME, FIRST PRESS ON THE PINK STRIP AND THEN ON THE YELLOW BUTTON WITH THE WHITE JOYSTICK INSIDE. Pinkie Pie becomes a mommy Best game for girls from a series of games about the hospital, in which, girls, you, as obstetricians, will help a pregnant girl Pony from Equestria in the birth of her child. Time does not stand still. Pony girls we know grow up, get married. As expected, they have children. It's time for Pinkie Pie to give birth. Girls, urgently prepare her necessary things for the hospital. Don't forget to check if the stroller is ready for her baby. Now take Pinkie Pie to the hospital. In the hospital, first of all, make sure that everything is in order with mommy and her unborn child: listen to the baby's heartbeat, measure mommy's temperature and pressure. Everything is fine! Girls, it's time important point. Give mommy a booster shot, offer her an oxygen mask, and start controlling mommy's contractions. You will succeed! Pinkie Pie is having a healthy baby girl. Now, girls, you just have to perform all the necessary procedures for the baby in such cases. Play with the mouse.

Pinkie Pie becomes a mom

Beauty salon for girls Pony from Equestria. Game for girls and girls! In the fairyland of Equestria, there is a party at Canterlot School today. Apple Jack and Twilight Sparkle dream of looking like real ladies at the party - stylish and beautiful. They decided to direct beauty from the head. For this reason, they are here in your beauty salon. Girls, try not to deceive their hopes. Take care of their hair, make them stylish hairstyles. And then choose the most fashionable outfits and accessories for them. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Beauty salon for girls Pony from Equestria

Cute pegasus. Game for girls and girls! "Cute Pegasus" is an exciting dress up game for girls in the style of Pony girls from Equestria. As you remember from the numerous cartoons of the Friendship is Magic series, Pegasus are Ponies endowed with wings, able to fly and control the weather. And pegasus are people who adore Pegasus for their beauty and dignity. At the right time for Equestria, the pegasi passed through magic mirror and turned into Pony girls. Our heroines, dear sisters, are delighted with the shy girl Pony Fluttershy, who is distinguished by her shyness, but at the moment when it is necessary to protect her friends, she becomes unpredictably daring and decisive. And even Derpy, who is constantly breaking something, trying to help even those who do not ask her about it, arouses sympathy in them. Not everyone can be like Derpy, sincere, cheerful and faithful. Such qualities are very important especially in friendship. That's why, when going to a theme party, our cute pegasus decided to show up there in the form of their favorite pegasus - Fluttershy and Derpy. Now, girls, it's up to you. Choose hairstyles, outfits and accessories for the sisters in the right style. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

cute pegasus

Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash: My Modern Little Ponies. Game for girls and girls! "Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash: My Modern Little Ponies" is the best game for girls in the series of games about Pony girls, their modern outfits and makeup. In the fairyland of Equestria, the Pony girls - Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash - have a big party today. As you know, due to a number of circumstances, Pony girls had to live in the world of people for some time. Since then, their wardrobe has changed beyond recognition. There is no more room for old-fashioned outfits. Cloth modern girls Pony has become much more graceful. Girls, have you forgotten that Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash are going to a party? We got into some chatting. Time to get down to business! Arm yourself with your mouse and choose Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash for stylish hairstyles and modern, super trendy outfits. But, first of all, give them a really beautiful, modern make-up. Good luck!

Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash: My Modern Ma

Rainbow Dash (Rainbow Dash): The coolest. Game for girls and girls! In this game, girls, you have to meet with the famous student of the Canterlot School, a resident of the town of Poneville, located in the fabulous land of Equestria - a pony girl Rainbow Dash (Rainbow Dash). As a pegasus with a rainbow mane and tail, Rainbow Dash later transformed into a human. By nature, Rainbow Dash is a real tomboy. She doesn't really care appearance, although if desired, she easily turns into a fashionista and beauty. This girl loves sports, fighting for victory and especially flying. Playing the guitar and fantastic turns in flight are her weakness. She herself and all the inhabitants of Poneville declare that Rainbow Dash is the coolest in Equestria. Here is such a Pony girl from Equestria, you girls will now have to dress for her next competition. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Rainbow Dash (Rainbow Dash): Coolest

Daring Do: Dress up for Pony girl. Game for girls and girls! Daring Do: Pony Girl Dress Up is a fun game for girls to dress up the brave girl Pony, the heroine of the animated children's series > - a pegasus named Daring Do. Her name contains a certain semantic load - courage and adventurism at the same time - which already speaks for itself. In Equestria, at the school of Canterlot, where this brave girl studies, she is always entrusted with the most important things. And today Dering Du is entrusted with a responsible mission. She must go on an expedition to the wild jungle to continue the once begun search for traces of ancient civilizations. Girls, it is your task to pick up outfits suitable for such an important mission for a cute Pony. For this you need a mouse. Good luck!

Daring Do Pony Girl Dress Up

Equestria Pony Girl Fluttershy Dress Up. Game for girls and girls! Hi girls! We invite you to go with us to the fabulous land of Equestria, where little Ponies live, who have gone through a magical transformation from tiny Pony horses into wonderful girls - Pony girls from Equestria. Meet one of them. Her name is Fluttershy. Fluttershy pony pegasus. Fluttershy is kindness itself. She adores animals and take care of them. Our cute girl Pony is fond of dancing and today she and her friends are going to win a dance competition. Girls, help her choose a beautiful and stylish outfit for this event. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Equestria Pony Girl Fluttershy Dress Up

Girl Pony Rainbow Dash: dress up. Game for girls and girls! In the fairyland of Equestria, the small town of Poneville lives a cool Pony girl named Rainbow Dash (Rainbow Dash). This girl is famous for being responsible in her country for sunny weather. She is also known for her cheerful disposition. Her incendiary, cheerful nature is reflected in her behavior, as in a mirror. At Canterlot School, no party is complete without her. Bright style her outfits are echoed by many girlfriends. It can be seen that this girl is not in vain called Rainbow Dash. Look into her wardrobe and you will understand why it is so and not otherwise. Her outfits and even her hairstyle are so bright and beautiful that they always resemble the really vibrant colors of the rainbow. Meanwhile, girls, this is her style, which, like in a mirror, reflects her cheerful character.

Pony Girl Rainbow Dash Dress Up

Equestria: Fight for the crown. Game for girls and girls! Equestria: Fight for the crown is a game for girls and girls in Russian. Girls, you, of course, remember a fascinating story from the life of Pony girls from the fabulous land of Equestria. One of them - the insidious Sunset Shimmer - stole the crown from Twilight Sparkle (Twilight Sparkle) and all the other Pony girls had to go to the human world to help Twilight find Shimmer and take what was stolen from her. Girls, in this game you have to play for the girl Pony Twilight Sparkle. Follow the Pony girl everywhere and help her cope with the tasks. Pay special attention to the organization of the ball. Sunset Shimmer will definitely want to show off at the ball in the crown and then Twilight Sparkle will be able to return the crown. To control the game you will need the arrow keys and the spacebar. Good luck!

Equestria: Fight for the Crown

Apple Jack, Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash are high school students. Game for girls and girls! Summer is over in Equestria. Girlfriends - girls Pony Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash and Apple Jack - became students of high school. Girls, can you imagine how important it is to make yourself known on the first day of school so that you are noticed? Of course, in best sense this word! That's why, girls, helping the heroines of this game in preparation for such an important event, you will have to try very hard today to pick up the most stylish, most fashionable, most elegant outfits and accessories for our young ladies. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Apple Jack, Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, Rain

Pony girls are high school students. Game for girls and girls! Equestria breaking news. Pony girls - Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash became students of high school. Girls, can you imagine how important it is to make yourself known on the first day of school so that you are noticed? Of course, in the best sense of the word! That's why, girls, helping the heroines of this game in preparation for such an important event, today you should try very hard to choose the most stylish, most fashionable, most elegant outfits and accessories for young ladies. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Pony girls - high school students

Equestria: Grand Cleaning with Pony Girl Apple Jack. Game for girls and girls! In Equestria, in the house of the girl Pony Apple Jack, a grand party took place today. The guests had fun and went home, and after them the lovely hostess got real chaos. Girls, it's up to you Apple Jack now to clean up the house, and at the same time arrange a big laundry. Start cleaning from the kitchen. Click on the faucet and the sink to make Apple Jack turn to the sink and help her wash the dirty dishes. Then clean the floors with a mop. The cleaning agent will help you cope with the carbon deposits on the stove. Now you can move to the bedroom. Here you will need to collect garbage and clothes scattered throughout the room, as well as place some things in their places. After that, you have to do laundry. As you can see, among the dirty clothes there are multi-colored things that cannot be washed together. Having sorted things into three baskets, you can start washing them, and then drying them. To carry out all operations you will need a mouse. Good luck!

Equestria: Grand Cleaning with Pony Girls

Twilight Sparkle follows the latest fashion trends. Game for girls and girls! Canterlot School in Equestria is having a big party tonight. Pony girl Twilight Sparkle (Twilight Sparkle), trying to find herself perfect image for a party, has been studying fashion bloggers' magazines for several days in a row. But all in vain! There are so many tempting offers that it is very difficult to make a choice. Girls, apparently, you will have to help our beauty. When choosing outfits for Sparkle, do not forget to be guided by the latest trends in the fashion world of her fabulous country, and then everything will be perfect. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Twilight Sparkle follows a new trend

Barbie in the style of Pony girls from Equestria. Game for girls and girls! Barbie loves girls Ponies from Equestria and today, girls, with your help, she decided to try on their image. Barbie makeover start with makeup and hair. And then move on to choosing outfits in Equestria's favorite fashion style. Good luck!

Barbie in the style of girls Pony from Equestria

Equestria Fashion Contest. Game for girls and girls! In the fabulous country of Equestria, in the city of Poneville, today a cool event is being held for the students of the Canterlot School - a fashion contest. At the finish line, the two most famous students are in the lead. This is Rainbow Dash (Rainbow Dash) and Twilight Sparkle (Twilight Sparkle). Each of them dreams of winning the competition. Girls, at this stage of the game, you will have to intervene in its events. Help Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle choose outfits, hairstyles and accessories. And then wait for the results. To perform your duties you will need a mouse. Good luck!

Hairstyles for girls Pony from Equestria. Game for girls and girls! Girls, in this game you have to play the role of the famous hairdresser for girls Pony from Equestria. Meet, the most successful students of the Canterlot School - Apple Jack and Rainbow Dash came to your hairdressing salon. In Equestria, the girlfriends are also famous for their concerts. Like all creative people, Pony girls are in constant search stage image. To date, Rainbow Dash and Apple Jack are not happy with the unruly mop of their gorgeous hair and want to pacify them in hairstyles. Lovely hairdressers, the client's desire is the law. Arm yourself with a mouse and get to work. Once you've done your hair, help the cute girlfriends match their new hairstyles with stylish outfits. Good luck!

Hairstyles for girls Pony from Equestria

Rainbow Dash Pony Girl Fashion. Game for girls and girls! Girls, of course, you are familiar with the Pony girl from Equestria named Rainbow Dash. This groovy girl is in charge of sunny weather in Poneville. And if you knew how incendiary she plays the bass guitar! But that's not all. In Equestria, Rainbow Dash is famous for her style. This lovely girl is called Rainbow Dash for a reason. Pay attention to her head. Take a look at her wardrobe. In her hair, outfits, and even in her eyes, you will see colors that are surprisingly similar to the colors of the rainbow that appeared on a surprisingly clear skies after a warm rain. Such is the style of Rainbow Dash, which managed to become fashionable far beyond Poneville and Equestria. Girls, do you want to offer something new for her? Try it! Change her eye and hair color. Choose her new hairstyle and do a completely different makeup. In the end, you will still be convinced that her style is the best that could be chosen for such a bright beauty as Rainbow Dash. And there is no need to change it!

Fashion Girls Pony Rainbow Dash

Equestria: Pony Girls Fashion Showdown. Game for girls and girls! It's hot in Equestria! Not in the sense that there is a terrible heat. It's just that at Canterlot School, the Pony girls had a fashion battle. You, girls, in this exciting competition got the role of a stylist. You can play this game alone or together. Your wards will be two of the coolest girls in Poneville - Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash. They are now hiding behind a screen. Choose for each of them the most fashionable, the most stylish, the most beautiful outfits. When your work is finished, the screen will open and you can see who won. You need a mouse to control the game. Good luck!

Equestria Pony Girls Fashion Challenge

Twilight Sparkle and Pinkie Pie go to school. Game for girls and girls! Holidays are over in Equestria. It's time to get ready for school. Girls Pony Twilight Sparkle and Pinkie Pie are now high school students, so they are more excited than ever. After all, today, after a long vacation, they will meet again with their classmates, among whom there are boys who they really like. Girls, help Twilight and Pinky present themselves as cool girls to their friends. First of all, do not forget to put all the necessary school supplies in your backpack. And then choose amazing outfits for them. For this you need a mouse. Good luck!

Twilight Sparkle and Pinkie Pie go to school

Equestria. Dress up for girls Pony Sweetie Belle. Game for girls and girls! Sweetie Belle's older sister, Rarity, is famous in Equestria for her perfect fashion sense. Her wardrobe is the envy of almost all the girls from the Canterlot School. Her little sister Sweetie Belle is one of them. Emotional Sweetie is in awe of her sister's superb sense of style and would like her wardrobe to feature perfectly matched clothes as well. We think that you girls are no less experienced in outfits than Rarity. Indulge the cute Pony girl with your attention and help her with the choice of outfits in which she will look no worse than the recognized fashionista of Equestria - Rarity. Play with the mouse. Good luck!

Equestria. Dress up for girls Pony Sweety

Surprise. Twilight Sparkle Dance Party. Game for girls and girls! Surprise. Dance Party Twilight Sparkle - a game for girls in Russian. Pony girl Twilight Sparkle decided to arrange a surprise for her friends at Knterlot School. It will be a dance party. Your task in the game is to help Pony girls perform dance songs. To do this, you need to work with the mouse. Press the right or left button when the falling logos line up with it. A little trick was discovered here: it is much more convenient to press the keyboard buttons with the same arrows. When performing each song, you must try to score as many points and stars as possible, because this will allow other Pony girls to join the dance party. If you score the required number of points, you will be able to open a new song. Among the falling logos, quiz logos will come across. By successfully answering them, you will receive additional points. Good luck!

Surprise. Dance Party Twilight S

Sunset Shimmer is a Pony girl from Equestria. Game for girls and girls! For you girls, a dress up game based on the animated children's series Friendship is a miracle. Meet Sunset Shimmer - a Pony girl who is ready to receive everything from life at once, and even the crown of a princess. In this beautiful girl Ponies somehow mysteriously coexisted together such contradictory qualities as self-confidence and naivety. Playing the role of a tough girl, the naive Sunset does not even realize that a dream cannot be stolen, she must go to her, she must be achieved. But Sunset will understand that. It will definitely happen! In the meantime, girls, you have to dress up such a proud, self-confident young lady. Choose her hairstyle, outfit, accessories. Good luck!

Sunset Shimmer - Pony girl from Equestria

Naughty girl Pony Twilight. Game for girls and girls! In the fairytale land of Equestria, a music lesson is taking place at the Canterlot School. But the mischievous girl Pony Twilight Sparkle next to the musical Flash is not up to the lessons! Twilight adores this boy and, as a sign of his feelings, wants to draw flaming scarlet hearts in his notebook. Girls, help the Pony girl in love to do this quietly or Flash, who teaches Twilight how to play the guitar, will get angry with her. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Naughty girl Pony Twilight

Children's lessons for daughter Fluttershy. Game for girls and girls! Hi girls! We invite you to go with us to the fabulous land of Equestria to help mother Fluttershy in her cognitive, developing, educational activities with her daughter. In this game, you will first have to offer a fascinating lesson for the baby with a coloring book, from which she will learn a lot of new things from the life of the girls of Equestria. Then you will work with the baby origami - crafts from plain paper. Play with the mouse.

Children's lessons for daughter Fluttershy

Pony girl Pinkie Pie cleans the room. Game for girls and girls! Attention! The girl Pony Pinkie Pie in Equestria will have a party today. The idea is excellent, but without your help, girls, it simply will not take place. There is so little time left before the guests arrive, and Pinkie Pie's room is in terrible chaos. Girls, help out sweet Pinky. First of all, find the necessary things, and then create comfort and order in the room. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Pony girl Pinkie Pie cleans the room

Beach dress up for Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash. Game for girls and girls! In the fabulous land of Equestria, in the city of Poneville, it is very hot today, so this day is best spent on the beach. Girls Pony Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash decided so. They go to the beach. Girls, to make the cute beauties feel comfortable on the beach, take care of their beach outfits and, of course, help them choose cool hairstyles for this occasion. Play with the mouse.

Beach dress up for Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dae

Bachelorette party with Pinkie Pie. Game for girls and girls! Pinkie Pie is having a bachelorette party at her house today. Her guests will be Twilight Sparkle, Apple Jack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash. In order not to be bored, Pony girls came up with a cool attention game. Each of them in turn will give you, girls, a puzzle to find some object. You will have to find it in just 20 seconds. If you are ready to demonstrate your super abilities, then do not delay. Forward! For records! Play with the mouse.

Bachelorette party with Pinkie Pie

Get on the cover of a cool magazine in the image of a rock star Equestria. Game for girls and girls! Girls, if you are ready to be on the cover of a cool magazine in the form of a rock star from Equestria, then act as this game advises you. First of all, upload your photo and then style it in the style of your chosen Pony girl, a rock star from Equestria. After completing this work, you will need to give helpful tips readers of the journal by answering the proposed 5 questions. You will also need to enter your name. Done?! And now look: on the cover of the coolest magazine, Rainbow Rock Shop, you, in the image of your chosen rock star.

The girls from the elite school are so similar to Twilight's friends, whom she misses after parting. But what about herself? Aren't they surprised ordinary people pony and dragon at school, this is not a computer game? It's simple - magic. With her help, after passing through the magic mirror, Sparkle becomes the same girl as everyone around her, and Spike turns into a cute dog. Of course, at first everything is unusual - walking on two legs, for example, but gradually Sparkle gets used to being a girl, although this is not for long - after completing the mission, she will again become a pony, although this is often not shown in games.

What is the purpose of her coming to this world? The fact is that the villain pony, who never became a princess, stole a magical crown that protected her beloved Equestria - by the way, many games of the Equestria girl are based on this plot. Sparkle rushes in pursuit of the kidnapper, who hid in the world of people and hid the crown in a clever way - now, in order to get it, you need to become the princess of the school. However, Sparkle is no stranger to it - even computer games often offer to go from an ordinary pony to a princess. But can she do it without her magic?

Friendship is…

Yes, because the magic of friendship works in any world, even one where there is no unicorn magic. So, despite the attempts of a mean thief to ruin everything, Twilight does everything to make friends with those girls who are so similar to her favorite friends - Fluttershy, Rarity, Rainbow Dash and all the rest. Many games of the girl from Equestria are dedicated to this particular part of the full-length movie. Of course, there will be obstacles later, but the magic of friendship is already working - and people are very similar to ponies in this - so it will be much easier for everyone to get the crown together, both in the game and in the cartoon.

And what about the vile thief, the former pupil of the princess, Sunset Shimmer? This pony, once in the world of people, also became a girl. She offends the timid Fluttershy (whom Sparkle defends) and plots all sorts of intrigues - after all, in order to get a magical crown, it is she who must become the princess of the school. By the way, the plot of games about girls from Equestria is often based on this - friends must overcome all the obstacles that the vile Sunset Shimmer comes up with for them.

What magic can do is a real victory

But does defeating the enemy necessarily mean destroying him? Ponies have repeatedly shown that the biggest victory is to teach a not-so-good character to be friends (it is worth remembering at least Discord - the Friendship series and games with him). First, of course, you need to win the competition - this is the second time Sparkle proves that she is worthy of the title of princess - and then everything else. Many games about girls offer to go the same way.

When the magic of true friendship, which is so familiar to us from pony cartoons, works even in the world of girls, this is the real miracle that will help Sunset Shimmer become a princess, if not by title, by her heart and behavior. This is where the Equestria Girls games usually end, but the full-length cartoon shows the logical conclusion to the adventures of Princess Sparkle - she returns to the pony's home world.

End and start

Adventures to which many are dedicated popular games are finished, but much is just beginning. The creators of the cartoon give fans a unique opportunity to think out the continuation of the story about girls themselves, only hinting and predicting.

The girls left in the world of people, so similar to the famous ponies both in character and in the details of their appearance, will never be the same again - they were connected by the strongest magic in the world, which they will continue to generously share with everyone who meets them. True, for some reason there are no games on this topic yet - apparently, everything is ahead.

But the pony who has visited their world also has a lot ahead. Leaving her dear admirer behind the looking glass, in her world Sparkle finds an equally cute pony with a blue mane - who knows, maybe this is still her destiny - to face him, no matter what form romantic feelings take. Since there is no continuation of the story in "reality", it would be nice to get it in the form of a computer game ...

"Girls from Equestria" is not appreciated by all fans of the original series of cartoons and games, yet the main characters in the full-length movie are not beloved and familiar ponies, but, we must pay tribute, the spirit of the original has been fully preserved, so it deserves both recognition and even praise.

Every girl, like the cute ponies from Friendship Is a Miracle, dreams of having a magical, fabulous, unique style. And the surprising thing is that he will enable her to be amazingly attractive and charming. The heroine of our fascinating and rather original Equestria games, and you can always, at any moment, find it on our website. We hope that it is the game of Equestria girls that will help you get to know the amazing game world and understand the whole variety of trendy clothing cuts. The main characters of this game are female. All of them, beautiful, fashionable and stylish, attract attention with a mysterious unusualness and even an unexpected face. All of them, of course, hail from the Equestria Girls. The main desire of all these beauties and fashionistas is to look almost perfect, and so that the views of passers-by on the street or just people with whom life constantly confronts them are always riveted only to their charming appearance.

That is why they, despite the fact that they already had a spectacular appearance, constantly sought to change their appearance. For example, in the game, this is quite easy to achieve if you experiment a little with the things that they have in their wardrobe, or do the same with accessories. Probably, every child will like such a task, it is of interest, and then a participant in the game about Equestria girls will easily cope with such an incredible, but still interesting task. After working a little on the image of your young ladies, you will again create new fashionable looks for them. But with whom it will be better for you to work, it is better to choose yourself personally. By the way, you should probably pay attention to the color of the hairstyle, and how your ward looks. Do not forget about those huge opportunities that can always be found in the Equestria Girls game menu and this game is offered to you.

For example, the plot provides that at any time you can take a tiny magic wand, and it will immediately help you change the color of the pony you like. Twilight, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash or anyone else can become a new type, although this will require your photo. Like any other entertainment program, this one has its own unique zest that allows you to play it for a long time and enjoy every such moment. Just games for girls Equestria Girls allows a lot: not only to change the appearance of girls, but also to work with those images that you yourself could actually upload. And after the work done in the game, photos of the Equestria pony can not only be saved on your computer, but also printed.

  • Year: 2015
  • Genre: cartoon , fantasy , family
  • Category:
  • Country: USA
  • Alto. title: My Little Pony: Equestria Girls - Friendship Games
  • Producer: Ishi Rudell, Jason Thiessen
  • Producer: Devon Cody, Stephen Davis, Kersten Newlands
  • Screenwriter: Josh Haber, Lauren Faust
  • Premiere World: September 17, 2015
  • Time: 70 min.

Tara Strong, Rebecca Scheuket, Ashley Ball, Andrea Liebman, Tabitha St. Germain, Cathy Wesluck, Iris Quinn, Nicole Oliver, Britt McKillip, Vincent Tong

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At the center of the events of this series are cute ponies who were turned into people taking part in sports competitions. Once again, love, friendly empathy and support, envy, emotional upheavals will be affected in the animation. Suddenly, even for themselves, they reveal unforeseen aspects of their behavior, they have new friends and relationships that promise to reveal more and more new sides of their personality. Thanks to the new relationship, the cartoon has a completely unpredictable and surprising climax. Most of all, Sunset's behavior has changed, her character now manifesting itself in a completely unexpected way. This makes other ponies worry and worry, whose change has not become so strong. Each cartoon character is overtaken by the most real feelings that people very often face: social problems, problems with communication with other people, forgiveness, love, hope, friendship, betrayal. It is very difficult for ponies who have not faced such problems so closely to rehabilitate themselves in the world of people and find solutions from various situations. Only unity and self-confidence can help them overcome all difficulties.