Recipe for kvass from rye bread. Cooking real homemade kvass

  • 19.10.2019

Do-it-yourself kvass will not only quench your thirst on a hot day, the drink is able to regulate the metabolism in the body. In addition, it has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, nourishes with vitamins, minerals and cleanses of toxins. Rye kvass at home can be prepared different ways, each of which has its own characteristics. You can choose any of the recipes and try to make this drink with your own hands to your taste.

Recipe for kvass on rye bread

The traditional recipe for kvass on rye bread is one of the simplest and therefore very popular. It will take you no more than three days to prepare the drink and you will already be able to try natural kvass made by yourself. For 8 liters of water, you need to take one and a half glasses of sugar, a loaf of rye bread and a package of dry yeast - 50 gr.

The color and taste of the drink largely depends on the bread, so it must be slightly dried. Cut the bread into thin slices, put on a baking sheet and put in the oven. At a temperature of 200 degrees, 15-20 minutes will be enough, make sure that the breadcrumbs do not burn.

Heat water in a large enamel saucepan, add sugar to it and stir well. Bring water to a boil, add rye bread crumbs to it and remove from heat. The basis for kvass should cool down to 28-30 degrees.

After a few hours, when the water with bread is barely warm, add yeast to it and mix well again. Yeast should dissolve well in water.

Using the kvass recipe from rye bread, you can also take fresh pressed yeast, but before adding it to the water base, you will need to grind it well.

The resulting wort for homemade kvass you need to cover with gauze or a towel and put in a warm place for fermentation. Delicate sweet and sour kvass will be ready in a day, but if you like a spicier taste, let it stand for another day or two.

When the drink is ready, it will be necessary to prepare glass jars with lids so that they can be conveniently stored in the refrigerator and a piece of gauze. The drink must be filtered through several layers of gauze and left in a cold place - whether the refrigerator is in the cellar. If desired, you can add a little sugar, but it should be noted that the strength of kvass increases from sweetness.

You can add a handful of raisins to cold kvass - white or black to taste, then the drink will acquire a subtle fruity aroma.

Do not pour out the sediment that remains during the filtering of the drink - on its basis it will be possible to prepare fresh kvass again.

Kvass on rye sourdough

At home, you can make wonderful kvass without yeast using sourdough.

To do this, you will need to take:

  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. l
  • Rye bread - 2 slices
  • Sourdough - 0.5 l
  • Water - 1.5 l

Pour the sourdough into a two-liter jar or enameled pan, add chopped bread and sugar. The sourdough recipe for kvass is written below.

The liquid should have a strong odor and be quite cloudy. Stir sugar and bread into sourdough, add pure water almost to the brim. Water should be taken only boiled, brought to room temperature. Kvass on rye sourdough will be brighter and have a golden color if you add some dried crackers to it. The drink should stand warm for two days, after which it can be filtered and poured into more convenient dishes - jars or bottles. Carefully pour the kvass, leaving about one third of the drink at the bottom - this liquid will serve as a starter for the next time. It is enough to pour a little water into it, add a piece fresh bread and put in a warm place. Secondary kvass is great for making cold soups.

Kvass sourdough recipe

This sourdough starter is perfect for a rye kvass recipe without yeast.

To prepare it, you will need:

  • Water - 2 glasses
  • Rye bread - 1 piece
  • Sugar - 1 tsp

Boil water in a small saucepan, remove from heat and let cool to room temperature.

Pour a teaspoon of sugar into warm water and mix well so that it dissolves completely. Mash a piece of rye bread and add to water with sugar. Pour the starter into a small glass tank and put in a warm place for two days. When a sharp smell appears and the liquid becomes cloudy, you can use it to make wonderful kvass.

Recipes for kvass on bread are not complicated, so that the drink really turns out not only tasty, but also healthy, you should follow certain rules. Kvass will be delicious and have a pleasant delicate taste if it is cooked in enamel or glassware.

Before making kvass from bread, it is best to cut it into small pieces and lightly dry it in the oven. You can store dry bread in a glass jar and use as desired.

Most recipes for homemade bread kvass do not specify the amount of sugar. This is due to the fact that you can prepare a drink not only for drinking, but also for making cold soups. For okroshka, it is better to use non-sweet kvass, but for drinking it will be possible to make it sweeter. Sugar is added to taste, so you can adjust the amount yourself. Besides a large number of sugar adds strength to kvass - it is better to add honey or fruit syrup to a drink for children.

Using the kvass recipe on black bread, you should pay attention to the fact that the drink is not peroxide. Since brown bread ferments intensively, put the wort at room temperature and monitor the process daily. Ready kvass should be stored in a cold place - in a cellar, on a balcony or in a refrigerator, so that the fermentation process does not continue.

When choosing a recipe for homemade kvass from bread, pay attention to the amount of ingredients. Don't cook more than you can use in a few days. In the event that large portions are indicated, reduce them in accordance with the proportions given in the recipe.

No matter what bread kvass recipe you like, you can always change it. Add your favorite spices, berries and fruits - don't be afraid to experiment and find your special ingredient to help you create your own unique signature drink.

In old Russian times, kvass was stronger than beer. Hoppy contains many vitamins, minerals and organic acids necessary for a full-fledged human life. The benefits of kvass for the digestive system are due to the presence of microorganisms in the composition, the activity of which contributes to the digestion of food masses.

The drink is prepared in different ways, with the addition of the most unexpected ingredients - apples, apricots, beets, elderberry and celandine inflorescences, currant or mint leaves. The classic kvass is breadcrumbs with and without yeast, ennobled with raisins to improve the taste. Let's learn how to make kvass at home, because the sets of products for each recipe are minimal and every good housewife has them.

How to make wort crackers

The traditional components of hoppy are yeast and bread (black, rye, Borodinsky). The loaf is cut into small cubes and dried in the oven or fried until golden brown in a pan. Oil is not used.

Other components of kvass on rye breadcrumbs are:

  • Horseradish;
  • Grape drying;
  • natural honey;
  • loose sugar;
  • Cool boiled water.

Experts recommend infusing the wort in a glass or enamel bowl. Aluminum and plastic bowls are not suitable for this purpose. Store the finished product preferably in a cool room for no longer than 3 days. Long-term idle liquid is fraught with souring, and you can not drink peroxidized kvass.

Yeast-free recipe

To make kvass at home from breadcrumbs, but without yeast, you need sourdough. Get it from the following products:

The wort is made like this:

  1. Water is poured into a liter jar and sugar is dissolved;
  2. Crackers are placed in the liquid and the bottle is covered with gauze;
  3. The starter is kept in a warm room for 48 hours;
  4. As soon as the liquid takes on a cloudy color and a pungent smell, they begin to prepare the kvass itself.

The composition of the hop drink provides for the presence of ingredients:

  • Sugar - 1 tbsp;
  • Crackers - 100 g;
  • Boiled water - 1.5 l;
  • Yeast-free sourdough - 0.5 l.

Pour the wort into a three-liter bottle, add sugar and golden bread drying. Fill the jar with cool water to the top and close with a nylon lid. Set the container in a warm place for a day.

Take another container and pour 2/3 of the drink into it. In the first jar with the rest, add boiled water, a couple of crackers and a little sugar. Let the must ferment for another day. When you taste the finished kvass, try not to stir up the cloudy sediment when pouring.

On mint and black bread crumbs

Delicious, pleasantly smelling kvass is obtained at home by adding mint. Leaves are added to taste. What else do you need to make a drink?

Dissolve the yeast with warm boiled water, breaking up the lumps. Pour boiling water over clean mint leaves and let the liquid infuse while you work with the bread. Cut the loaf into small cubes and dry. Pour the workpiece with boiling water and cool to 30°C.

Combine the resulting mass with yeast and mint infusion. Tie the neck of the jar with gauze and create warm conditions for the starter. On the second day, sweeten the composition with sugar and keep the liquid warm for another 2 hours. Pour into a suitable container and refrigerate.

Kvass caraway

Cumin kvass is a dietary and preventive drink that is useful during the cold season. It is prepared from an infusion of breadcrumbs, as in the first recipe, only crushed cumin is immediately put together with yeast and sugar. The product is filtered before cooling.

Ingredients of caraway kvass based on 20 liters of water:

  • Sugar - 4 cups;
  • Yeast - 50 g;
  • Cumin seed - 60 g;
  • Black bread rolls - 2 kg.

On raisins and crackers of Borodino bread

To prepare kvass from crackers according to this recipe, you will need 200 g of Borodino bread, 15 g of yeast, a bottle of water, a handful of dark raisins and 1 tsp. flour. Let us consider in detail how to make kvass from Borodino bread croutons.

  1. Cut the pastry into cubes and dry until crispy;
  2. Pour boiling water over the dryer and wait 3 hours;
  3. Mix yeast with flour and water (5 tablespoons of liquid is enough);
  4. Pour the mass into the wort and put in a warm room for a day;
  5. Strain the product into a convenient container and throw in clean, dry raisins;
  6. Keep kvass warm on Borodino breadcrumbs for another 4-6 hours.

In the future, kvass is in the refrigerator, but not more than 2 - 3 days.

The strongest kvass

It is not difficult to prepare strong kvass from breadcrumbs at home if you follow this recipe.

  1. 1 kg of crackers is poured into 3 liters of boiling water and the must is kept for 1 day;
  2. Drain the infusion and add sugar with diluted yeast (100 and 25 g, respectively);
  3. The sourdough is allowed to ferment for another day, then it is filtered;
  4. The liquid is bottled in thick glass and thrown into a container of 4 raisins;
  5. Sealed bottles are placed in the refrigerator in compliance with temperature regime+7 - 8°C.

Northern with blackcurrant leaf

For 1 liter of water you will need:

  • Crackers - 1 kg;
  • Liquid brewer's yeast - 3 tablespoons;
  • Sugar - 750 g;
  • Leaves of a berry bush - 20 g.

Bread, sugar and leaves are poured into one bowl with boiling water and mixed. The container is closed with a lid and taken out for 4 hours in a warm place. The mixture is filtered and combined with sourdough. The wort is kept in the cold for 2-3 days, then it is heated and boiled for 6 minutes, removing the foam cap. Next, the liquid is filtered and cooled, bottled and corked. Kvass is kept in cold conditions for 1 day and tasted.

With lemon peel

You can make an unusually tasty kvass at home from a set of products:

Crackers insist in boiling water for 4 hours. Diluted yeast and sugar are introduced into the wort. After a day, the foam is removed and mint, oregano, lemon zest are added to the sourdough. The mixture is bottled, throwing a little raisin into each. At room temperature, intoxicating insist another day.

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Kvass is a primordially Russian drink, which has always been on the table of people of different classes. He was loved and drunk by both peasants and nobles, kings. Homemade kvass from crackers is a delicious drink that perfectly quenches thirst and refreshes. In addition, the people claimed, and still claim that the drink is able to restore strength and relieve fatigue.

Making kvass at home is not so difficult as it might seem, but unlike a store-bought bottled or draft drink, such kvass is much more pleasant and interesting in taste, and it is really healthy.

There are many recipes for homemade kvass from crackers, this drink is prepared with and without yeast, and with raisins, mint leaves, currants and other ingredients. Each recipe, despite the seeming complexity, is easy and easy to prepare, besides, the set of ingredients for the product is minimal and affordable.

Homemade kvass from crackers - interesting facts, general principles of preparation

Many are sure that kvass is useful, but not everyone knows exactly what benefits this drink has. It contains many vitamins and trace elements - vitamins of group B, E, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, lactic acid, as well as amino acids.

Back in the old days, kvass was successfully used to treat beriberi, increase efficiency, and improve mood.

To make homemade kvass, you need to purchase black, rye or Borodino bread and yeast. Bread cut into cubes small size, from which crackers are then made. Also, the composition of kvass from crackers usually includes granulated sugar and boiled water. In addition, other ingredients are added to taste: honey, raisins, and even horseradish with garlic.

For infusion, use enameled or glassware, in no case take aluminum or plastic. It is recommended to store ready-made kvass in a cool place; the shelf life of a homemade drink is three days.

Homemade kvass from breadcrumbs without yeast

Sourdough for homemade kvass from breadcrumbs without yeast


50 grams of rye crackers;

400 ml of boiled water;

A teaspoon of granulated sugar.

Cooking method:

1. Boil two glasses of ordinary water, cool it to room temperature.

2. Pour water into a liter jar.

3. Dissolve sugar in lukewarm water.

4. Put rye crackers into the resulting liquid.

5. Cover the neck of the jar with gauze or cotton cloth, put in any warm place for two days.

6. After the time allotted for fermentation, the leaven should acquire a sharp smell and a cloudy color.

7. Now you can safely proceed to the stage of making homemade kvass from crackers.

Kvass from crackers from yeast-free sourdough


100 grams of rye crackers;

0.5 liters of yeast-free sourdough (recipe 1);

One and a half liters of boiled water;

Tablespoon of sugar.

Cooking method:

1. Pour the prepared sourdough breadcrumbs into a three-liter jar.

2. Put crushed, dried to a golden color, crackers, sugar.

3. Top up the cooled boiled water to the very brim.

4. Cover the jar with a nylon lid, put the container with homemade kvass for a day in a warm place.

5. Drain two-thirds of the drink into another container, add boiled water to the remaining jar.

6. Add a couple more pieces of crackers, if there is not enough sweetness - sugar.

7. Insist for another day.

8. When pouring kvass into a glass, make sure that the turbidity does not rise from the bottom.

Homemade kvass from breadcrumbs with yeast


A kilogram of rye bread;

40 grams of yeast;

Three liters of water;

One and a half cups of sugar.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the bread into small pieces, put on a dry baking sheet, place in the oven. Fry until golden brown.

2. Put the crackers in a saucepan, pour one and a half liters of water. Soak the crackers in water for two hours, remembering to stir the mass from time to time.

3. Carefully pour the infusion into a suitable container, pour the same amount of water for another hour. Drain again into the same container.

4. The resulting wort should have a temperature of 20 degrees.

5. Add granulated sugar, yeast to the wort, after diluting it with the same wort.

6. Remove the jar of kvass for 12-16 hours in a warm place.

7. Pour the prepared kvass into jars or bottles, put in the refrigerator.

Kvass from crackers and flour with mint


800 grams of rye bread;

Five liters of water;

One and a half kilograms of sugar;

70 grams of yeast;

A glass of wheat flour;

Mint leaves to taste.

Cooking method:

1. Pour yeast into a glass, fill with warm boiled water. Stir.

2. Rinse the mint, pour boiling water over it, let it brew.

3. Dry the bread cut into small cubes in the oven, then pour boiling water over it. Cool the mass to thirty degrees.

4. Mix crackers diluted with water together with liquid with mint infusion, yeast.

5. Cover the jar with a lid or gauze, put it in heat for a day.

6. After the time has elapsed, add sugar, mix until all sugar grains are completely dissolved.

7. Keep kvass from breadcrumbs warm for a couple of hours, then pour into suitable containers and put in the refrigerator.

Homemade kvass from Borodino bread crumbs with raisins


Two slices of Borodino bread (200 grams);

Three liters of water;

15 grams of yeast;

a teaspoon of flour;

Large handful of black raisins.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the Borodino bread into cubes, dry it until lightly crunchy in the oven on a baking sheet.

2. Pour the crackers with boiling water, insist the mass for three to four hours.

3. Mix the yeast and flour, pour the mass with five tablespoons a little warm water, mix thoroughly.

4. Pour the yeast into the wort, keep in a warm place for a day.

5. Strain the finished drink, put washed and dried raisins into it.

6. Keep homemade kvass from breadcrumbs warm for another 3-6 hours, then put it in the refrigerator for further infusion for 2-3 days.

Vigorous homemade kvass from breadcrumbs with horseradish and honey


800 grams of rye crackers;

100 grams of honey;

50 grams of raisins;

100 grams of grated horseradish;

25 grams of yeast;

Four liters of water.

Cooking method:

1. Pour boiling water over rye croutons, let them brew for about 3-4 hours, then strain.

2. Add yeast to the resulting liquid, cover the container with a cloth, remove for fermentation for 6-8 hours in a warm place.

3. Put diluted honey, chopped horseradish into the must. Mix thoroughly.

4. Bottle the kvass. Place a small amount of raisins in each bottle.

5. Infuse the drink first for three hours in warmth, after three hours in the refrigerator.

Beet kvass from breadcrumbs


Two liters of water;

A kilogram of beets;

80 gram piece of black bread;

a tablespoon of sugar;

Half a teaspoon of salt;

A clove of garlic.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the beetroot thoroughly, peel it and grate it on a large grater segment.

2. Put the mass in a three-liter jar.

3. Add crackers made from black bread, a little salt, granulated sugar.

4. Pour all the ingredients with slightly warm boiled water, cover the jar with gauze, put the kvass in heat for three days.

5. A day before readiness, put purified, but not crushed kvass into the drink.

6. Put the finished drink in the refrigerator.

Rye homemade kvass from crackers


600 grams of rye bread;

Pack of dry yeast (20 grams);

Two glasses of sugar;

Black currant leaves.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the bread into small pieces, lay out on a cloth so that the pieces do not touch each other. Dry for a day, then brown in the oven.

2. Pour the finished crackers with boiling water, leave for 10-14 hours.

3. Rinse the currant leaves, pour boiling water over it, leave for 10-15 minutes, then drain the liquid into a glass.

4. Strain the prepared wort through a sieve or cheesecloth. Mix the infusion of crackers with a decoction of currant leaves.

5. Add granulated sugar and yeast, infuse for 6-8 hours.

6. Remove the foam from the settled kvass, strain.

7. Pour the drink into a suitable container, put it in the refrigerator.

Apple kvass from breadcrumbs


100 grams of sugar;

100 grams of light raisins;

100 grams of honey;

200 grams of rye bread;

Two large sweet and sour apples;

Cooking method:

1. Pour granulated sugar into a glass of boiled water, mix. Achieve complete dissolution of sugar.

2. Rinse the apples, peel, cut into 8 pieces, remove the core.

3. Put the prepared fruit in a small saucepan, add the sorted and rinsed raisins. Pour the products with sugar syrup.

4. Remove the starter for 2-3 days in a warm place, stir the mass from time to time.

5. Cut the bread into small cubes, dry it in the oven, laying it on a dry baking sheet.

6. When the finished crackers have cooled, twist them through a meat grinder or chop with a crush for mashed potatoes.

7. Strain the settled sourdough, mix the infusion with breadcrumbs.

8. Transfer the mixture to a clean 3 liter jar.

9. Add honey, fill the jar with cooled boiled water, not reaching the very edges by two to three centimeters.

10. Bandage the neck of the jar with gauze, put the kvass in a warm place for five days.

11. After the allotted time, carefully pour the kvass into a suitable one so that the sediment and turbidity remain at the bottom.

You can re-fill the remaining sediment with water and also withstand homemade kvass for five days. Further use sourdough is not recommended.

When drying crackers, do not forget to stir them and make sure that they do not burn. Burnt crackers will not only give an unpleasant dark color drink, but also spoil it with a repulsive smell of bitterness and a rancid taste.

When you remove kvass to ferment, do not cover the container tightly. The product must breathe, so it is recommended to use gauze fabric.

Kvass, especially homemade, is very useful product but in spite of all positive traits this drink has certain contraindications. Homemade kvass from crackers contains a small amount of alcohol, from about 0.6 to 2.6%, so it is contraindicated for children under seven years of age. In addition, people suffering from cirrhosis of the liver, vegetovascular dystonia, hypertensive patients, as well as lactating and pregnant women, drivers on the road should refrain from drinking this drink.

Be healthy, drink and eat tasty, live brightly!

Homemade kvass from rye bread. bread kvass recipes

Homemade kvass can be prepared not only from, but from bread. Any bread can be used to make bread kvass, but the most delicious kvass is made from black rye bread. Black bread is not baked with yeast, but with sourdough made from rye flour, salt and water. Fermentation of such bread occurs due to lactic acid bacteria, not yeast. Home kvass made from black rye bread , has good taste and is very useful. The most famous variety of rye bread we have is Borodinsky.

Recipe for kvass from rye bread with yeast

Black rye bread cut into small pieces, put on a baking sheet and put in the oven to dry. Be careful not to overcook or burn the bread. And then the finished kvass will be bitter.

To boil water. Pour crackers into a jar (preferably 3 liters). Rusks for such a jar need about half a loaf. Layer approximately 8-10 cm thick. Add sugar (3-4 tablespoons) and pour hot water. Pour water over the shoulders. When the water has cooled to a temperature of 35-37 degrees, add diluted yeast (half a bag of dry or a small piece of fresh). To breed yeast from a jar, pour a little infusion into a cup and dilute the yeast in it. It is possible and simple warm water. Mix everything well, cover the jar with gauze or a napkin folded in several layers and leave for a day and a half.

For more intense fermentation, you can add a tablespoon of raisins.

Then strain the finished bread kvass, bottle it. Add a few pieces of raisins to each and refrigerate for 6-8 hours. I leave overnight.

The next portion of kvass can be prepared without yeast. Add some fresh crackers, one or two handfuls, 3-4 tablespoons of sugar, a few pieces of raisins. Fill with water and repeat the process as described above.

Bread kvass without yeast

In the first portions of kvass according to the above recipe, you first feel the taste and smell of yeast. Many people don't like it very much. Therefore, I will give a recipe for kvass from black rye bread without yeast.

To prepare bread kvass according to this recipe, also take rye bread, or sourdough bread, hop sourdough.

Cut into small pieces, dry in the oven. For the first portion of kvass, take a little more bread. Pour crackers into a three-liter jar (almost half a jar). Boil water and dissolve sugar in it (10-15 tablespoons), cool and pour crackers. For more intense fermentation, add a handful of raisins.

Cover the jar with gauze and leave to ferment. After a day or two, fermentation will begin. The crackers in the jar will begin to stir up and down, increasing in intensity every day. The first portion of bread kvass will be ready in 3-4 days.

Drain the finished kvass from the jar. There is no need to throw away all the crackers. Leave about half of the original volume. Add to them a handful of fresh dried crackers, 2-4 tablespoons of sugar, a few pieces of raisins, cover with gauze and leave to ferment. If you pour a new portion of kvass in the evening, then in the morning it is usually ready. Then we repeat the process until there is a desire to cook kvass.

A lot of sugar is put in the first portion of kvass. This is necessary in order to cause the fermentation process and kvass does not turn sour. If there are no raisins, then you can add more sugar. The next time, sugar can be added to kvass from bread to taste, 3-4 tablespoons.

Several small useful tips for making homemade kvass from rye bread.

You need to cook kvass in a container that does not oxidize. If you cook kvass in a saucepan, then it is better to take an enameled or a saucepan from.

Add sugar to taste. If you like it sour, then put less sugar. Sweeter - add sugar. Add a little more sugar to the first portion of kvass.

The saturation of the color of kvass depends not only on the type of bread, but on the degree of roasting of crackers. But it’s still not worth overcooking crackers; kvass will have both the taste and the smell of burnt bread.

The intensity of fermentation, which means the readiness of bread kvass, depends on the temperature in the room. Higher temperature - fermentation will begin faster. Therefore, this moment must be taken into account so that kvass does not peroxide.

Raisins cause not only the fermentation process, but also give kvass some sparkling, saturate kvass with carbon dioxide.

If you do not immediately prepare a new portion of kvass, then do not throw away the remaining softened crackers. Transfer them to a jar and refrigerate. Before cooking, take out the jar, warm it up in the room, add sugar and the sourdough for a new batch of kvass is ready.

Homemade kvass from black rye bread is a great and inexpensive alternative to carbonated sweet drinks during the hot season. The recipe for making homemade kvass is very easy and simple.

To prepare homemade kvass, you can use any kind of bread, but the most delicious drink is obtained from black rye bread. The secret is that black rye bread, as a rule, is baked not with yeast, but with sourdough from rye flour, salt and water, as a result of which it contains more lactic acid bacteria that are actively involved in the fermentation of kvass, saturating it with carbon dioxide (kvass turns out to be slightly carbonated) and acetic ethyl ether, which helps to improve the taste and aroma of kvass.

If you buy dry yeast and add it to the starter, then the fermentation will be alcoholic, not lactic acid, as a result of which kvass can easily become a low-alcohol drink with an alcohol content of up to 3-6%.

Ingredients for making homemade kvass:

  • Water 3 l
  • Black rye bread (for example, Borodinsky) 300 g
  • Sugar 5-8 tbsp.
  • Raisins 10-15 pcs.
  • Yeast (optional) 1 tsp

Recipe for making kvass from rye bread:

1. Cut the bread into slices 3-5 centimeters in size, put on a baking sheet and dry in the oven. Bread can also be dried simply on the windowsill, spreading it on a towel.

2. Boil water and leave it to cool. When the water temperature drops to 60-70 ˚С, pour crackers on the bottom of a three-liter jar and fill them with this water.

3. Add 5-6 tablespoons of sugar to the jar. When the kvass is ready, you can add more sugar to it if you wish to make it sweeter.

4. If you are preparing kvass for the first time, and you do not have ready-made sourdough, then you can add a teaspoon of yeast to speed up fermentation.

5. For a more intense fermentation of kvass, you can add 10-15 raisins, which will make the drink a little carbonated.

6. Stir the contents of the jar well, cover with gauze and leave at room temperature for one to two days.

7. When the kvass is ready, decant the drink, if desired, you can add sugar burnt in a pan to give it a caramel flavor and a darker saturated color.

The bread left at the bottom of the jar is now your starter, which can be used for a new cycle of making homemade kvass (and share it with friends). Now you just need to add 5-8 tablespoons of sugar, 100-200 grams of brown bread crumbs and pour it all over with new cold water. If you want to get low-alcohol kvass, then add a teaspoon of yeast.
Now you know how to cook kvass at home and quench your thirst in the summer heat!