What do 9 and 40 days mean. Wake: essence, rules, mournful words about death

  • 16.10.2019

Traditionally in Russia it is customary to celebrate the ninth and fortieth day from the date of death. A number of customs and prohibitions are associated with these memorial dates.

Why are nine and forty days celebrated?

Orthodox canons claim that from the third to the ninth day from the day of death the soul of the deceased is still in this world, but from the ninth to the fortieth day it “goes” further and further, experiencing “ordeals” on the way to the next world. These days it is necessary to pray for the deceased so that he finds a place in paradise. That is why the Russians arrange a commemoration for nine and forty days. What is forbidden to do in connection with this?

You can't "shift" the date

The ninth and fortieth days are celebrated from the day of death. That is, if a person died, for example, on the 8th, then this will be the first day. The ninth day will come on the 16th, and the fortieth on the 16th or 17th of the next month.
Be sure to pray for the deceased in the temple on this day, hold a memorial service. But you can arrange a feast earlier and later, if circumstances prevent it from being held on that particular day.

You can not invite guests to the wake

Wake on the ninth and fortieth day is called "uninvited". People gather for them. For nine days, mostly the closest ones gather - relatives and friends. At forty, neighbors, colleagues, acquaintances can come. You can notify people about the time and place of the wake, but you should not say that you are inviting them.

You can not hold a funeral directly at the cemetery

On the ninth and fortieth day, you can go to the cemetery and pray at the grave of the deceased. But to commemorate him right at the grave or leave a glass of vodka covered with bread on it, as some do, is against Christian canons.

If the ninth or fortieth day fell on weekdays during Lent, it is customary to move them to Saturday or Sunday. It is desirable that the table is also lean.

On the ninth day, the table should be modest

For nine days, it is not customary to put a lot of dishes on the table: it is believed that this distracts loved ones from prayers and memories of the deceased. For forty days the table can be made more plentiful.

You can not come to the wake dressed smartly

The church recommends dressing strictly and without frills for the wake. It is desirable that women keep their hair under headscarves. At least this applies to close relatives of the deceased. You should not buy a new dress for the wake, visit a hairdresser. These are secular matters that are not related to the soul of a deceased person. If the deceased is your loved one, then up to the fortieth day it is better to refrain from any social events or celebrations at all. These are days of mourning.

Can't have fun

Even if a person died of old age and his death was generally expected, you should not laugh and sing songs during the commemoration. People gather to pray for the deceased and remember him.

The Christian Church has traditionally accepted the commemoration of the dead on the third, ninth, fortieth day and anniversary. She also gave an interpretation of these terms in Christian categories and images.

According to the teachings of the church, for two days the soul is somewhere near the body she loves, near her home, wandering, accompanied by angels, through earthly places dear to her. And on the third day, she must worship the Lord. In the next six days - until nine days - the soul is shown heavenly abode. And in the next thirty - different branches of the underworld. After that, the Lord places her in heaven or hell.

For the first two days, the soul of the deceased is still on earth, passing along with the Angel accompanying her to those places that attract her with memories of earthly joys and sorrows, evil and good deeds. Soul, body loving, sometimes wanders around the house in which the body is laid, and thus spends two days like a bird looking for its nests. The virtuous soul, on the other hand, walks in those places where it used to do the right thing.

Ninth day. The commemoration of the deceased on this day is in honor of the nine orders of angels, who, as servants of the King of Heaven and intercessors to Him for us, intercede for mercy on the deceased.

After the third day, the soul, accompanied by an Angel, enters the heavenly abodes and contemplates their inexpressible beauty. She remains in this state for six days. For this time, the soul forgets the sorrow that it felt while in the body and after leaving it. But if she is guilty of sins, then at the sight of the enjoyment of the saints, she begins to grieve and reproach herself: “Alas for me! How busy I am in this world! I spent most of my life in carelessness and did not serve God as I should, so that I too would be worthy of this grace and glory. Alas, poor me!” On the ninth day, the Lord commands the Angels to again present the soul to Him for worship. With fear and trembling the soul stands before the throne of the Most High. But even at this time, the holy Church again prays for the deceased, asking the merciful Judge to place the soul of her child with the saints.

Fortieth day. The forty-day period is very significant in the history and tradition of the Church as the time necessary for preparation, for the acceptance of the special Divine gift of the grace-filled help of the Heavenly Father. The prophet Moses was honored to talk with God on Mount Sinai and receive the tablets of the law from Him only after a forty-day fast. The Israelites reached the promised land after forty years of wandering. Our Lord Jesus Christ Himself ascended into heaven on the fortieth day after His resurrection. Taking all this as a basis, the Church established a commemoration on the fortieth day after death, so that the soul of the deceased ascended the holy mountain of Heavenly Sinai, was rewarded with the sight of God, achieved the blessedness promised to her and settled in heavenly villages with the righteous.

After the second worship of the Lord, the angels take the soul to hell, and she contemplates the cruel torments of unrepentant sinners. On the fortieth day, the soul ascends for the third time to worship God, and then its fate is decided - for earthly affairs, it is assigned a place of residence until the Last Judgment. That's why it's so timely church prayers and commemoration on this day. They blot out the sins of the deceased and ask his soul to be placed in paradise with the saints.

Anniversary. The Church commemorates the dead on the anniversary of their death. The basis for this establishment is obvious. It is known that the largest liturgical cycle is the annual circle, after which all fixed holidays are repeated again. Death anniversary loved one is always celebrated with at least a heartfelt commemoration by his loving relatives and friends. For an Orthodox believer, this is a birthday for a new, eternal life.

“The dead hope to receive help through us: for the time of doing has flown away from them; souls cry out every minute,” said Blessed Augustine in his Sermon on Piety and Commemoration of the Dead.

We know that with the death of even those closest to us in this earthly life, all the threads and bonds of sensual ties with them break. Death creates a great gulf between the living and the dead. But it only separates them sensually, physically, and not at all spiritually: the spiritual connection and communication do not stop and are not interrupted between those who continue to live in this world and those who have moved to the next world. We think about them, even talk to them mentally. We want to help them. But how? The priest will unequivocally answer this question: "Prayer." For forty days the fate of the soul has not yet been decided.

Death is not the end of the road. This is only a line that everyone passes, but no one from the living knows what is behind it. Today there are many elements cultural heritage associated with death, which were passed down from generation to generation. Some of them serve as a boon to the deceased and his living relatives. So, the commemoration of the dead in Orthodoxy is carried out on the ninth, and subsequently on the fortieth day after the death. Here several questions arise at once: why is this happening and how to calculate The best answer, probably, will be the one given by many clergymen. Today we will talk about this in detail.

First nine days after death

The time from the moment of death to the ninth day is called the formation of the so-called body of eternity. It was then that the soul of the deceased was taken to the places of paradise, and various funeral rites were held in our world.

These days the dead are still in the world of the living, they watch people, hear and see them. Thus the soul says goodbye to the world of the living. So, 9 days are the milestones that every human soul must pass.

Forty days after death

Nine days after the death, he flies to hell to look at the torment of sinners. She does not yet know about her future fate, and the torments that she will see should shock and frighten her. Not everyone has such a chance. Before counting 9 days after death, the relatives of the deceased must ask for repentance for his sins, because when there are too many of them, the soul immediately goes to hell (three days after the death of a person), where it remains until the Last Judgment. Relatives are advised to order a commemoration in the church to mitigate the fate of the deceased.

Show the soul and all the delights of paradise. Saints say that true Happiness lives here, which is inaccessible to man in earthly life. In this place, all desires and dreams come true. Getting to heaven, a person becomes not alone, he is surrounded by angels, as well as other souls. And in hell, the soul is left alone with itself, experiencing terrible torment that never ends. Maybe it is necessary to think about this already today, so that in the future not to commit sins? ..

On the fortieth day after death, the soul of the deceased appears before the Last Judgment, where its fate is decided. She leaves the world of the living forever. At this time, it is also customary to commemorate the deceased with prayers.

How to count 9 days after death?

The countdown of nine days from the death of a person begins on the day he died: until twelve o'clock at night, one day is considered, and after this time, the next. It does not depend on the moment the church day begins (six or seven o'clock in the evening) and when the service is conducted. The countdown must be carried out according to the usual calendar.

It is important that on the ninth day it is necessary to commemorate the deceased. First of all, you need to read a prayer at home and in church. Usually relatives visit the temple, where they order a memorial service. If it is performed in this church not every day, you can order it on the eve of the memorial day.

Funeral meals

Since ancient times, the relatives of a deceased person made a memorial meal for 9 days after his death. Once upon a time, these were dinners for the homeless or poor people, as almsgiving on behalf of the deceased and for his repose. Now alms are given at the cemetery or in the church, while at home they set the table for relatives and relatives. It must be remembered that at the beginning and at the end you need to say a prayer about who left the earthly world. For this purpose, the Lord's Prayer is read.

The main dish to be tasted is kutya. It is boiled wheat grains with raisins and honey. Before eating, she is sprinkled with holy water. Then you can drink a small glass of wine, but this is not mandatory at the wake.

In Orthodoxy, it is customary to be the first to seat the poor, as well as the elderly and children, at the table. Distribute on the ninth day after the death of a person and his clothes or savings. This is done in order to help the soul of the deceased to be cleansed of all sins and go to heaven.

At the table on this day you can not swear, find out some questions. It is necessary to remember the good events associated with the deceased, speaking positively about him.

If a commemoration falls on a post, it is necessary to adhere to its rules. Meals in this case should be lean, alcohol should be discarded.


The loss of a loved one or a loved one can change the worldview, help a person take the first step towards the Lord. Having considered how to count 9 days after death and what happens during this period, one can understand that everyone will be rewarded for his sins in Therefore, in order for only good deeds to prevail in the world of the dead, it is necessary to confess, cleanse your soul right now, living in this world.

Orthodoxy teaches that there is life after death. The soul itself is immortal, it leaves its body and walks the earth until such time as its fate is sealed. This is indicated by ancient scriptures and treatises, religious teachings and the practice of Tibetan studies. Be that as it may, but to this day we observe all the customs and rituals associated with the death of a person.

Memorial words

reflection of grief and pain of loss

The death of loved ones, relatives, friends is always a sad and tragic event in the life of every person. At such moments, it can be difficult to find the right words to express all the sorrow and pain. How to say that the deceased was dear? That he was the most wonderful person? Clearly and concisely articulate best qualities and when not go too far? A funeral speech at a funeral is a text that is pronounced not from a piece of paper, but from the bottom of the heart.

Funeral speech - sample

First you need to give your name. Not everyone present at the funeral or commemoration knows you. It should be remembered that long, vague, lengthy phrases are suitable for political debate, but not for a mourning speech. It should be short and to the point. So, the speech at the commemoration is an example:

“I will introduce myself for those who do not know me: my name is (name). We have been working together with (deceased's name) for the past few years and I would like to say a few words in his memory.

He was a real professional in his field, a Specialist with a capital letter. Many of our colleagues, young and not only, learned the basics of craftsmanship from him and often used his advice and help. He was very patient and responsive, he could always listen to everyone who turned to him for support, give advice, help out, and never refuse anyone's requests. He could superbly cheer up anyone who was upset, confused or depressed about something. The countless funny stories he told, toasts, jokes and anecdotes could amuse anyone. We will all miss him at our dinner parties and corporate parties, where he always shone at the table, raising our morale. There is no other person like him in our team. And maybe in my memory there will be no more

We will all miss him greatly. He will remain in my memory and the memory of all our colleagues until the end of his life as an example of perseverance, sparkling cheerfulness, activity and professionalism!

Rest in peace, dear colleague!”

“My grandmother was a wonderful person with a difficult but interesting fate. Her mother, along with her three younger brothers and sister, raised her alone in the difficult post-war years. To say that they lived in poverty then would be an understatement. She had to endure many difficulties and hardships, but she never lost her optimism and presence of mind, she constantly helped her mother and took care of the younger members of the family. And later, having married a military grandfather, she steadfastly endured all the hardships of the service. In any circumstances, she always maintained exemplary order at home and accustomed all family members to it. Grandmother was sometimes strict, but fair. I am glad that I managed to learn from her accuracy and order, the ability to organize my life. And her famous apple pies were simply incomparable, no one else could do such!

I will always remember you, my dear, beloved grandmother! Your warmth, love and care will remain with us forever"

How to choose the right words?

Based on the examples presented above, several basic rules can be distinguished:

  • It is best to address the audience in the introduction. For example: " Dear friends and relatives of our beloved (name) ... ".
  • You need to introduce yourself. What does it have to do with not only the name, but also the degree of your acquaintance, relationship: “My name is Alexei, (name) and I have been close friends (colleagues) for many (can be specified) years.”
  • It would not be superfluous to say a few words about my own experiences, about the pain that the message of death caused.
  • The following words characterize the deceased. Here it is important to remember the old Russian proverb, which perfectly indicates what they say at the wake: “About the dead, or good, or nothing”
  • In conclusion, they say condolences or standard, but still relevant for this memorial words: “Let the earth rest in peace to him”, “Rest in peace” and so on.

In general, we note that the speech at the commemoration is different from what is said directly at the funeral. So, in the moment of farewell, it is customary to speak very briefly. Here, condolences are mainly expressed to the relatives of the deceased.

A memorial speech on the day of the funeral should in no case be a memorized text. A few words from a pure heart, saturated with sincere empathy would be more appropriate. Relatives of the deceased in the early days are not able to perceive reality. It is too hard for them from the grief that has befallen, so it is worth respecting their feelings.

Memorial words for 40 days, for an anniversary, can be more intense. Here, the best things about the deceased are often remembered. But even after a while, insults, disagreements and quarrels should not be remembered. If you can’t overcome this in yourself, the best thing would be to keep silent or limit yourself to a couple of standard phrases.

Funeral verses

It has already been indicated above that poems at the funeral will be extremely inappropriate. Memorial speech for 40 days, 1 year may contain a small poetic inclusion. It can be the words of great poets or lines from an epitaph. Memorial verses on the anniversary of death contain warm words that can be attributed to the personality of the deceased to a greater extent, condolences and bitterness to a lesser extent. An example is:

When the parents leave
Forever fading light in the window.
The father's house is empty and may
I dream much more often.
* * *
We know you can't be brought back
Your deeds - eternal memory,
And only your pure soul is with us,
You light up our life path.

* * *
Sleep, my angel, calmly and sweetly.
Eternity will take you into its own hands.
You were worthy and steadfast
Survived these hellish torments.
* * *
On this day, full of heartache,
We sympathize with your misfortune
Unfortunately, our life is not eternal,
Every day we are getting closer to the line ...
We condole… Fortress of spirit
We wish you at this moment,
Let the earth be close down,
May the Almighty keep you from harm.
* * *
When you left, the light faded
And time suddenly stopped.
And they wanted to live together for a century ...
Why did it all happen?
* * *
May your dream be serene
No one will ever bother
Nothing can break
Oblivion eternal rest.
* * *
Thank you, dear, that you were in the world!
Thank you for loving you.
For all the years that we lived together.
Please don't forget me.
* * *
We remember, dear, and mourn,
The wind blows on the heart of the cold.
We love you forever
Nobody can replace you.
* * *
How we loved - only the Gods know.
How we suffered - only we knew.
After all, we went through all the hardships with you,
And we could not step over death ...
* * *
In this vicious circle - do not twist -
It will not be possible to find the end and the beginning.
Our role in this world is to come and go.
Who will tell us about the goal, about the meaning of the path?

* * *
Bear, Lord, sins and atrocities
Above Your mercy!
Slave / slave of the earth and vain desires
Forgive the sins for his / her sorrows!

What was his life? - Heavy sleep.
What is death? - From terrible dreams awakening.
He smiled sleepily -
And again, maybe there the dreaming began.
* * *
You left - and immediately the snow began to fall.
May you feel good there.
Let him cover a soft white blanket
The land where you are no longer...
* * *
Not chasing meaningless fame
Keeping love in your heart
He left, but managed to leave us
Eternal music bright motive
* * *
This order is immutable.
The passage of time is immemorial.
May it be quiet and sweet
Your peaceful sleep!

Memorial verses in the newspaper are published as condolences. Words at the wake should not contain ambiguous phrases. Extremely clear and understandable to all the assembled lines will be the most appropriate and correct.

Funeral toasts

Funerals usually end with a memorial dinner. Being at such a table, you must follow the rules mourning etiquette. It is not allowed to talk loudly, laugh. Do not interrupt a person who is giving a speech at a wake. Often at the table, speech takes the form of a toast. Funeral toasts at a wake are significantly different from the usual ones. They do not contain a call for fun, but once again emphasize the bitterness and pain of loss.

They sit in the next world, in Paradise, souls at the table, talking, drinking, pouring more. One knocked over his jug, but it is empty. "That's it," he said, "I've been forgotten on Earth." So let's drink to the fact that the jugs of our departed loved ones are not empty!

Blessed memory of those who have departed from us, Let's drink to this, we are with you now. Let in our hearts, like granite, Keep the memory of the loved ones who have departed. May all the good that happened to them not be buried by a damp grave. How much we will keep the memory, So much and they will live with us.

Toasts at the commemoration can be pronounced in poetic form:

The philosopher knew - everything has its time,
Do not deceive fate:
The poet is lonely from the century -
Finished glorious let ...

There is no water in the commemoration cup!
Let's not grieve:
The midnight star will rise
We will meet again!

Let it pour from the righteous peaks,
Until the days are up
The melody of your soul
Why be sad about her?

Christian commemoration

Orthodoxy is one of the most widespread religions. Orthodox commemorations are significantly different from secular ones. So, for example, a speech at a commemoration of 40 days, 1 year is practically not pronounced. Christians gather at the table these days and make a joint prayer for the soul of the deceased. It is also customary these days to go to church and submit memorial notes, a sample of which can be seen in the church shop.

To the commemoration, as well as to the celebrations during life, Orthodox Christians are very serious. In this case, it is important to do everything according to the rules. Since the soul of the deceased during this period needs prayer and remembrance. In Christian books, more than once there is a mention that through the prayers of the living, there will be help to the dead and vice versa. It is also believed that the soul sees both heaven and hell until the fortieth day, and only after that its fate is determined by its deeds.

AT modern world customs have been erased a little and quite often a funeral dinner, which should take place strictly on the ninth day after the funeral, is done on the second day. This is explained by the fact that in cities people constantly do not have enough time, because all the customs began to “compress”, which is fundamentally wrong. Like 9 days for the deceased, so 40 and a year must be spent strictly at the set time, because it is on these days that the fate of the soul of the deceased is decided, and it needs support and protection most of all.

Regarding the commemoration on the ninth day, there are many misconceptions and myths that have nothing to do with the Christian faith. Often, young people ask the older generation a question, in the hope that they probably know the rules for holding a commemoration, although they, in turn, may miss a lot. This is how misconceptions and "grandmother's advice" are born, which greatly alienate the true traditions from the invented ones. If a person does not know something, or doubts the correctness of the actions taken, it is best to ask the clergyman directly, and not the neighbor. Only in this way will everyone receive a correct and instructive answer and hold a commemoration in accordance with all the rules.

Here we will describe how to properly hold a commemoration for nine days, what needs to be prepared and what prayers are read for the deceased during this period.

9 days after death: the meaning of the commemoration at this time

The first commemoration, which is held after the burial of a person, is precisely on the ninth day after death. It is during this period from the day of death that the soul of the deceased, accompanied by angels, walks through paradise and sees all the blessings and joys of the holy fathers. After that, it is on the 9th day that the angels lift the soul to the throne of God so that it can bow and magnify the name of God. After that, the soul is also sent on an introductory "excursion" to hell. But if a person during his lifetime was a righteous man and led a strictly Christian life, then his fate can be decided just on the ninth day after burial. Therefore, it is on this day that the relatives and friends of the deceased need to offer especially fervent prayers and think as much as possible about the soul of the deceased and his mortal ways.

Until the fortieth day, the soul of the deceased goes through all the circles of hell, where they try to win it back from the angels, showing all its sins. In contrast to this, angels show all the good deeds of a person during his lifetime, and if there were more of them than bad ones, the human soul ascends to heaven and waits there. Doomsday, and if there were more bad ones, then the demons take her away and also torment her until the Judgment.

It happens that both good and bad deeds are almost equal, then the fate of the deceased is decided through the prayers of his loved ones on earth. If prayers are offered for the deceased for 40 days, notes are submitted for the repose and memorial services are held, then his soul is saved, if not, then he remains in hell.

Therefore, it is so important to spend exactly 9 days and 40 according to all the rules of the Christian world in order to help the soul of the deceased ascend to heaven, and not descend into the underworld.

Why hold a commemoration on day 9

It is believed that the rank of nine angels falls on the 9th day. It is they, together with the soul of the deceased, who ask the throne of the Lord for mercy and condescension to the sinful soul of man. If one manages to propitiate the Lord, then the soul remains in paradise, without going through the ordeal in hell, which lasts until the fortieth day. If the soul was not righteous, it is sent to hell for trials, to go through ordeals.

If the soul can go through all the circles of hell without barriers, then it will again appear before the Throne, and will already remain in paradise, giving prayers of thanks and magnification to the Lord. It is also believed that the soul, which, through the prayers of its neighbors on earth, went to heaven, in turn, prays to God for relatives on earth. She can also appear in difficult periods of life and warn relatives and friends about the danger.

Why are those who died on the 9th day remembered?

What rules must be followed for holding a commemoration on day 9

In the Christian world, there are a number of rules that were established by our forefathers and described in detail in religious literature. These rules must be strictly observed and ensured that they are carried out without changes:

  • It is necessary to create an appropriate atmosphere in the place where the funeral dinner is planned. You also need to follow this at home. In home walls, as a rule, they put a glass of water and a slice of bread. Also, a lamp is lit in front of the photo of the deceased. But also a lamp can be lit in front of the icon. In churches, relatives and friends of the deceased, order a memorial service, put candles in specially designated places for the repose and read a prayer for the acceptance of the soul of the deceased to the Lord God;
  • 9 days is not a dinner party, so no one is specifically invited to these commemorations. Most often, relatives, close friends and colleagues of the deceased gather. It is worth remembering that it is for these commemorations that everyone should ask where and when they will take place;
  • Women should have headscarves on their heads, covering their hair, which should not stick out from under the headscarf. Men, on the contrary, should free their heads from any headwear and sit at the table with their heads uncovered;
  • The question is often asked, what should be carried for the commemoration for 9 days? Most often, these are flowers that must be laid on the grave of the deceased. Red wine must be put on the table, because it is they who commemorate the dead, sweets and cookies;
  • Various compotes, kutya and other porridge must be present on the table without fail. You can also often see that those dishes that the deceased loved during his lifetime are often placed on the memorial table or put on an empty plate. Each region may have its own customs and traditions of the memorial table for 9 days, but everyone should have the same basis;
  • It is necessary to remember the deceased with red wine and most often it is three glasses. During such a period, the presence of strong alcoholic beverages on the table is unacceptable. Also, do not "sit up" at the table, so as not to turn the memorial dinner into a feast.
  • If the memorial meal falls on fasting, then it is necessary to completely eliminate all meat dishes, replacing them with fish and lighter snacks. At the same time, compote and kutya remain unchanged on the memorial table;
  • At the memorial table, you need not only to dine, but also to remember (commemorate) the person, telling some moments of the deceased, remembering him positive sides and on the good side to tell about him to those who may not have been so familiar with the deceased. Most often, at such moments, some truths are revealed that prompt soul-saving reflections to the audience.

What needs to be prepared for the funeral table for 9 days?

A standard menu for a nine-day commemoration might look like this:

  1. Kissel, kutya, eve (may also be called as a kolovo);
  2. Pancakes with different stuffing, most often it is cottage cheese poppy and apples, sometimes liver;
  3. Sandwiches with sprats and other fish cold appetizers;
  4. Sweet pies (most often with poppy or apple filling);
  5. There must be at least one hot dish, for example, borscht with poultry meat;
  6. Porridge, roast;
  7. Cutlets and cabbage rolls;
  8. Salads, especially vegetable (vinaigrette, Korean carrots, etc.);
  9. Stuffed pepper;
  10. Boiled potatoes with mushrooms;
  11. Kvass and compote;
  12. Also, cookies and sweets are served on the table, which people themselves brought to the memorial dinner.

It is customary to cook those dishes that the deceased loved during his lifetime. This is also a kind of reference to the deceased. If 9 days fell on fasting, it is necessary to replace all meat dishes with their fish counterparts, and cabbage rolls can be made vegetable by replacing meat with mushrooms.

It is very important on this day to distribute alms and feed the needy, while you need to ask to remember the deceased.

What prayers should be read at the wake of 9 days

On the day of death and before burial in the house, the entire psalter and certain prayers are usually read in front of the icon. Only the person who has received a blessing from the priest can read them. If there is no such person, it is worth reading in front of the icon prayer rule and ask God's blessings on your own.

On the ninth day, prayers are also read, which can be said both in the church and in the home walls near the icons. If the memorial dinner was scheduled in a cafe, as is often the case now, it is worth reading special prayers for the deceased before the memorial meal and only after that proceed to dinner.

Chin of lithium about the deceased for 9 days

It is necessary to read the rite of lithium about the deceased before the memorial meal, which is performed at home or in the cemetery, immediately in front of the grave:

Through the prayers of our holy fathers, Lord Jesus Christ our God, have mercy on us. Amen.

Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee.

Heavenly King, Comforter, Soul of Truth, Who is everywhere and fills everything, Treasury of the good and Giver of life, come and dwell in us, and cleanse us from all filth, and save, O Blessed, our souls.

Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us. (Thrice)

Holy Trinity, have mercy on us; Lord, cleanse our sins; Lord, forgive our iniquities; Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities, for Your name's sake.

Lord have mercy. (Three times)

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Our Father, Who art in heaven! Hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, as in heaven and on earth. Give us our daily bread today; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.

Lord have mercy. (12 times)

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. And now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Come, let us worship our King God. (Bow)

Come, let us bow down and bow down to Christ, our King God. (Bow)

Come, let us worship and bow down to Christ Himself, the King and our God. (Bow)

Psalm 90

Alive in the help of the Most High, in the blood of the God of Heaven will settle. The Lord says: Thou art my intercessor, and my refuge, my God, and I trust in Him. As if He will deliver thee from the snares of the net and from the rebellious word, His splash will overshadow thee, and under His wings you hope: His truth will be your weapon. Do not be afraid of the fear of the night, from the arrow flying in the days, from the thing in the darkness of the transient, from the scum and the demon of the noonday. A thousand will fall from your country, and the darkness at your right hand will not come close to you: both look at your eyes, and see the reward of sinners. As you, O Lord, are my hope, the Most High have laid down your refuge. Evil will not come to you, and the wound will not come near your body. Like an angel to command you about you, keep you in all your ways. They will take you in their hands, but not when you stomp your foot on a stone. Step on the asp and the basilisk, and cross the lion and the serpent. For I have trusted in Me, and I will deliver; I will cover and, as if I knew my name. He will call to Me, and I will hear him; I am with him in affliction, I will crush him, and I will glorify him; I will fulfill him with length of days, and I will show him my salvation.

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, glory to Thee, O God. (Three times)

Troparion, tone 4:

From the spirits of the righteous who have died, the soul of Your servant, Savior, rest in peace, keeping me in a blessed life, even with You, Humanity.

In Thy rest, O Lord, where all Thy saints rest, rest also the soul of Thy servant, as Thou alone art the Lover of mankind.

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Thou art the God who descended into hell, and resolving the bonds of the fettered, Thyself and the soul of Thy servant rest.

And now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

One Pure and immaculate Virgin, who gave birth to God without seed, pray that his soul be saved.

Sedalen, voice 5:

Rest, our Savior, with the righteous Thy servant, and this instilled in Thy courts, as it is written, despising, as Good, his sins voluntary and involuntary, and all even in the knowledge and not in the knowledge, Humanity.

Kontakion, tone 8:

With the saints give rest, O Christ, to the soul of Your servant, where there is no sickness, no sorrow, no sighing, but endless life.


You alone are the Immortal, creating and creating man, we will be created from the earth, and we will go to the earth there, as you commanded, creating me and river mi: like the earth you are, and you will go to the earth, maybe all the people will go, grave weeping creating a song : alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.

It is worthy to eat as truly blessed Thee, the Mother of God, the Blessed and Immaculate and Mother of our God. The most honest Cherubim and the most glorious without comparison Seraphim, without the corruption of God the Word, who gave birth to the real Mother of God, we magnify Thee.