What kind of oil to fill in an autocompressor. What oil to fill in a piston compressor

  • 26.07.2018

You will need

  • - set of wrenches;
  • - Screwdriver Set;
  • - oil of the corresponding brand;
  • - rags;
  • - container for draining mining;
  • - wide brush;
  • - gasoline A-92.


The first oil change in the compressor is carried out after a short “run” of the unit, during which the piston system is lapped. Usually it is about 50-100 hours of work. Each subsequent oil change depends on the service life of the device, also expressed in hours. The specific duration of the intervals between oil changes is set by the manufacturer. Reciprocating compressors must not use machine oil. Typically, compressors are filled with special compressor oil of the KS-17 or KS-19 brands, it is possible to use foreign analogues, for example, Shell Corena D46 or Mobil Rarus.

At the tank level there is a special valve connected to a rubber tube, often helically wound and very flexible and strong. A fitting is used at the end of this tube, on which various terminals can be applied and removed depending on the need for use. Most commonly used.

Spray; gun for unscrewing and tightening nuts; steam spray terminal; gun for inflating air chambers. The pressure with which the air flows out is modulated via a manual adjustment system. In such compressors, so in other types there is safety valve which allows the excess pressure to be released. In some cases, this device resembles a pressure cooker valve, and it will immediately actuate when the internal pressure reaches excessive levels due to compressor failures or misuse.

The manufacturer's recommendations are limited to draining used oil and filling in new oil, while for compressors it is simply necessary to periodically clean the chamber of the connecting rod and piston mechanism from microscopic chips and residues of old oil accumulating in it. Preparing the compressor for an oil change consists in preheating it and draining the waste. If there is no drain plug, you will need to unscrew the level control eye and drain the oil through it, while tilting the compressor itself. Keep the filler neck open when draining the oil.

Here are some of the typical compressor applications. Inflation: thanks to the compressor, it is possible to connect the pipe to an air chamber, such as a bicycle, by swinging it in a few seconds. Likewise, a compressor can be used to inflate balloons, rubber pools, canoes or camping mats; Cleaning: Using a special underwater gun at the end of the tube, you can use a compressor to spray air, water or steam. So you can clean the car, rails or gates, sports equipment, mechanical tools, various surfaces and much more; unscrew and screw. In this case, the pressure generated by the compressor is used to screw in and unscrew nuts or bolts, just like with the gun used by tire guns; Terminals: The air outlet can be connected to e.g. jigsaws, screwdrivers, spray guns, drills, chisels, staplers, punches, airbrushes, grinders, grinders and a wide range of compatible equipment for professional and home use. Commercially available compressors are safe and certified devices, so the only problems can be caused by misuse, imperfection, or not following some basic safety and maintenance rules.

In most compressor models, the connecting rod compartment has a removable cover mounted on a paronite gasket or sealant. The cover is attached with several bolts that need to be unscrewed. When removing the cap, a small amount of oil may leak out, so always keep a container for draining at hand. cover, inner surface the chambers and the mechanism itself should be cleaned with a regular brush dipped in gasoline. When the contamination is removed, the cleaned surfaces should be wiped with a dry cloth, then the camera cover should be replaced.

First, the compressor must be placed in a location away from weather conditions that are not subject to temperature fluctuations and possibly excessive heat and cold. These are primarily plastic components, such as the rubber tube, which are adversely affected by sub-optimal retention and can then deteriorate and slip at any time. The environment must also be protected from dust and moisture.

As far as maintenance is concerned, they must be turned off by unplugging the power plug and discharging the residual air in the compressor. Here is what should be done periodically Maintenance. After the first 100 hours of use of a newly purchased compressor, check the tightness of all screws, fittings and terminals; every 300 hours of use, it is necessary to clean the suction filter, on which dirt and foreign bodies are deposited over time; Every 500 hours you should change the oil. First, drain the used oil through the drain cock and then fill the tank with new oil. This must be done with a hot compressor; exhausted oil must be delivered to the appropriate collection center, not poured into the sewer; every 500 hours you should check the transmission belt and especially its tension. The optimum values ​​for this parameter are reported in the compressor manual booklet; approximately every 6 months all mechanical components of the compressor must be cleaned; every 2 years it is recommended to check, clean and eventually replace the supply and suction valves. On the market, you can find compressors of different sizes, capacities, brands and models, which naturally differ greatly in price.

Before adding new oil, clean the air filter and check valve. They are usually a cylinder mounted on top of a mechanical chamber. Foam rubber filters are usually used, which can be cleaned with gasoline. Cardboard filters, which are not as widely used, are cleaned by blowing. The filter housing, ball and check valve seat must also be washed in gasoline and dried.

The choice of one or the other model depends primarily on the specific use it is intended for the compressor and its frequency of use. If you plan to roll out, and for simple tasks, such as swinging bicycle wheels, is not worth buying powerful compressor, which, in addition to being more expensive, is also more cumbersome. The question of a light bulb must be carefully considered, since there is not always enough space in the basement or in the garage to accommodate the most massive models.

Depending on the use it intends to make, the compressor must have a certain outlet pressure. In this regard, it should be remembered that this parameter does not necessarily go hand in hand with the compressor power. Alternatively, an excellent shopping channel is the Internet, where you can choose from a wide range of compressors, often sold at competitive prices compared to those found in physical stores. In the latter case, however, it should be noted that the cost of delivery can also be in the order of several tens of euros, which can significantly increase the final price.

Fresh oil should be poured through a special neck, in which a dipstick can be additionally installed to measure the oil level. Lubrication should be poured to a normal level, you can check the amount of leaked mining. After changing the oil, it needs to be allowed to stand for about an hour so that excess air comes out, after which the compressor can be turned on.

What makes our compressor lubricants exclusive is the blend of additives. This ensures that the lubricant acts as a must, with properties such as oxidation resistance, low viscosity, anti-foaming properties. In addition to the basic functions of lubrication and heat absorption lubricants prevent corrosion, lubrication contamination and premature wear.

What if general lubrication is used?

General lubricants are manufactured for various types equipment with standard requirements. However, compressors and vacuum pumps are complex tools and often work in difficult conditions.

What is the risk of choosing the wrong lubricant

Improper lubrication can increase some risks such as shorter equipment life, deposits in the oil circuit and moving parts, insufficient lubrication of essential parts such as the element. Non-original grease can impair sealing and corrosion metal parts due to oil oxidation.

Piston compressors are designed for pumping a variety of gases or liquids. The principle of operation of the compressor is based on a periodic increase in pressure in the working chamber due to the movement of the pistons. Accordingly, the quality of the compressor directly depends on the state of its moving elements, which is due to increased attention to oil selection.

Choosing the right lubricant

Foam formation can cause oil to be dragged, resulting in poor air quality due to oil particles entering the system. Combination of your compressor or vacuum pump, application and conditions environment is unique. Therefore, to ensure maximum performance and reliability, you need to choose a specific lubricant.

Reciprocating compressors are among the most widely used types of compressors. They are characterized by simple and compact structure, high efficiency of the thickening process and relatively low price. Them characteristic feature is the conversion of the rotational motion of the engine into the reciprocating motion of the piston. They are suitable for compressing gases and gas mixtures over a wide range of densities.

What is the difficulty here?

The main problem of reciprocating compressors is maintaining the cylinders in which the main working process takes place in proper condition. Despite the fact that oil is necessary for lubrication of other elements (crankshaft, for example), it is the type of cylinders that determines the choice in favor of one or another brand of oil.

There are many designs, circuit solutions, types of reciprocating compressors. They can be single-stage or multi-stage. Cooling can be water or air. Oil-free reciprocating compressors are also produced. In terms of energy costs, reciprocating compressors have best performance than other types of compressors. However, they are inferior in size, metallurgy, operating costs, maintainability and intermediate repairs.

Driving possibilities Reciprocating compressors are mainly driven by electric motors and internal combustion engines. It is also possible to use a steam turbine. For relatively low power compressors, asynchronous motors are preferred.

The tasks of lubricating oil are as follows:

  • seal the compression chamber (this will increase the efficiency of the compressor);
  • protect metal elements from corrosion;
  • reduce friction (which will also increase efficiency);
  • reduce wear rate.

The main load on the lubricating film falls on the upper and lower points of the cylinder - this is where the film can break. In addition, the oil in the cylinders is constantly exposed to high temperatures and high pressure.

With engine power up to 200 kW, the use of flanged motors, the stator is flange-mounted to the compressor housing, and the rotor attached to the elongated end of the crankshaft is considered suitable. The advantages of this embodiment are the simplification of the engine design and ease of installation. Compressor motor stator large capacity can be installed on a common compressor to the base plate or on a separate one. In the first case, a hard connector is used.

In the second case, an elastic coupling is mainly used. If necessary, the clutch part on the compressor side is also designed as a flywheel. When the speed of the compressor is less than that of the engine, the connection is made by the wind turbine and the belt pulley by the engine capable of functioning as a flywheel.

Due to the fact that the quality of the oil film is directly dependent on the purity of the oil, it is recommended that only purified substances be pumped through the compressor. Otherwise, impurities in the form of microparticles will settle on the oil film, leading to accelerated wear of all compressor elements.

Performance Adjustment Like any other volumetric machine, piston compressor with constant speed provides an almost constant suction volume regardless of system pressure. Compensation volumes are used to balance the disadvantages between compressor capacity and gas consumption. In cases where the consumption is unstable, it is necessary to regulate the capacity, and it is good to keep in mind that the method of regulation has a significant impact on the energy efficiency of the system.

Several basic methods are used to control capacity: intermittent braking, rotation, throttling, and compressor bypass. Periodic braking of the compressor is achieved by turning off the motor or turning off the compressor, which stops the flow. This method is economical, but Negative influence on the engine and compressor, which contributes to their wear. Mainly used for small cars.

What kind of oil to fill in a piston compressor?

For the lubrication of reciprocating compressors, mineral-based oils are used in accordance with the classification DIN 51 506. As a rule, such oils are called “compressor oils”. Among Russian brands, KS-19 compressor oil is the most popular.

At the same time, small mobile compressors are often lubricated with engine oil. However, this practice is not always justified:

Routing is considered a very suitable solution and is often considered a good alternative to all other methods. Throttling on the suction side leads to an increase in the hydraulic resistance at the inlet, reduces the suction pressure, which leads to a decrease in gas density and flow rate.

Partial or full throttling can be done manually with a suitable fitting upstream of the compressor suction port. Special regulators actuated by pressure in the pressure line are also used. When the set maximum pressure is reached, the throttle element is actuated to close the suction port until an absolute pressure of about 0.15 bar is reached, while the compressor is disconnected from the pressure line by an automatic check valve.

  • Compressor oil has a high flash point, which makes the replacement of motor counterparts not entirely complete;
  • Also, compressor oil is cheaper than almost any motor oil, so it only makes sense to replace it if you already have motor oil and do not need to buy it.

What are the main parameters of the oil should be of interest to us?

When choosing a compressor oil, 2 parameters are considered to be the main ones: viscosity and ignition temperature. The optimum oil viscosity for a reciprocating compressor is about 20 cSt (centistokes) at a temperature of 100 degrees. The ignition temperature must be at least 230 degrees, since when the volume of the working chamber of the cylinder is compressed, the temperature can increase very significantly.

The amount of oil required for the operation of the compressor depends on its model, power and other parameters. The optimal oil volume is indicated in the technical documentation of the compressor, and it is highly recommended not to ignore this indicator.