Cleansing from negative energy - techniques and exercises. How to get rid of negativity in life

  • 11.10.2019
Mark Twain

Who are the negative people

negative person- this is the one who constantly complains and dumps a pile of his problems on you. He won't even lift a finger to solve them on his own, but he will pleadingly, and sometimes demandingly, cry for help. Once you go on about it at least once, and you will be made responsible for all the misfortunes that have happened or will only happen in the future with such a person.

A negative person will never support you. Moreover, he is ready to make every effort to make your idea fail. If you start to lose weight, wait for him to visit with a delicious cake. If you quit smoking, he will be happy to blow smoke in his eyes. Your failures and feeling of your own powerlessness make him happier.

Negative people, as a rule, are completely closed to criticism and perceive it extremely painfully. They do not want to change themselves and hate any attempts to change existing order of things. Someone else's success causes them irritation, and failure - ridicule. A negative person sees only the bad in everything, does not believe in his own strength and spreads an atmosphere of despondency and hopelessness around him.

Why is it so important to expel negative people from your life? There are three main reasons.

  1. Negative people keep you from growing and achieving your life goals. They discourage you from action, sow doubt, and lead you astray.
  2. The negative energy of such people affects your energy level. In addition, they can cause stress and anxiety.
  3. Your life is directly dependent on those around you. The more negative characters among them, the more difficult and mundane it will be. Positive people will help you achieve what you want, negative people will turn your life into a swamp in which you will drown.

How to get rid of negative people

Step 1. Define your goals

First, find out what problems you have, and then make a plan to solve them. Ask yourself if everything suits you in yourself and in life. Think about what is stopping you from reaching your goals. Decide what your goals are and how badly you want to achieve them. Are you able to radically change your habits, environment, lifestyle for them? Determine which people in your environment are holding you back and which are pushing you forward.

Step 2. Find pests

Negative people make you feel bad. They lower your energy and leave you feeling empty and frustrated. After communicating with them, you feel a breakdown, irritation, resentment.

Such people always dissuade you from action. They are sympathetically interested in you and your intentions, but never offer help, but only discourage change. “You won't succeed”, “It's too dangerous”, “We have to wait”, “You're already late” - these and similar words are always ready for them.

Negative people can be different and can sometimes turn out to be nice. But if you still see a toxic charge in a person, then it is better to stay away from him.

Step 3: Let Them Go

Just start. You yourself can effectively and painlessly remove negative people from your environment. Avoid them. Don't pick up the phone. Remove them from friends on social networks.

Avoid explanations. In any case, truthful. Otherwise, it may turn into a showdown, which will give one more reason to drink your blood. Negative people can do relationship workshops, so don't mess with them. Just let them get out of your life.

Step 4: Don't Feel Guilty

Life is one, so you should not destroy it just because you are afraid to spoil the mood of another person. You must be your own best friend. If you do not take responsibility for your life and well-being, no one will do it for you.

If you decide to remove a person from your life, most likely, before that you have tried all the ways to change it. If none wise words did not help, then you have no other choice but to get rid of such a person. You don't have to hang out with the same people all your life. Whatever the reason, people grow and change. And the relationship between them can develop or fade.

Do not forget that Negative influence negative people should not be underestimated. It is able to cross out all your life plans and deprive even the strongest person of strength.

Have you had to radically change your environment?

In this article, I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, will tell you how to get rid of constant negativity in life, what methods and magic rituals to use. Perhaps life without negativity is impossible. Already something, and this goodness in the world around us abounds. The negative has different content and manifestations, as, in general, and different nature. All evil comes from people. We, each of us, are the generators of evil. But evil is relative, as well as virtue. At all get rid of negativity in life no one has succeeded yet. But you can control its quantity and strength of influence.

Magical cleansing of negativity can be carried out both independently and with the help of a practicing magician. And today I will help you deal with the issue of positive and negative in life, with how, by implementing magical techniques, to make your life better, correct your destiny, remove the barriers imposed by someone from the outside to a normal, joyful, free and full existence.

Why is there so much negativity affecting life?

Well, this is a rather philosophical question, or from the field of psychology and ethics, and some other humanitarian scientific areas. But, as in the world, so in magic, in many matters a person is driven by ambition. And where ambition, ambition, desire for leadership and conquest best place under the sun, there is fierce rivalry, and dislike, hatred and lack of compassion.

But, not everything is as simple as we would like. Oh, this is the eternal confrontation between society and a person ... Becoming, for example, a holy fool, giving up everything and aspirations in favor of others, living one day, wanting nothing and not causing trouble to anyone - is it possible to get rid of negativity in this way?

Or, leaning into the church, dragging all your acquired rubbish there, exchanging it for other mental rubbish, pray and pray in the hope of ridding yourself of negativity in my heart and get better?

But, whether you pray or beg, you still fall under the influence of one or another egregore. Any egregore has its own laws, its own rules, and its own strength. Egregor affects a person, and not always in a positive way. So, negative energy, like positive energy, is a part of our life. It is impossible to get rid of your own negativity, as well as from constant negativity of other people. But, you can learn to control its quantity and strength of influence. For example, with the help of magical rites and protections.

How to get rid of constant negativity in your destiny

Weak, dependent and notorious people do not come into witchcraft. The harsh world of magic will reject them, vomit them out of itself, breaking all the bones along the way. People who come to real magic are internally, spiritually free, rebels, always ready for development and changes in their own lives. Such people find the strength not to put up with circumstances, not to become someone's eternal debtors and donors, but to change their lives, get rid of the negative of the past in the soul, remove, cut off someone else's energy and magical negative.

And if we mean directly magical rituals, then it is time to talk about the black cleansing of a person from negativity. I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, will consider several examples of cleansing rites that remove:

  • all the bad
  • superficial,
  • malicious,
  • that cloud the mind
  • muddies the mind,
  • hinders relationships with loved ones
  • and everyone who, in one way or another, is useful to you.

Without cleaning, change dangerous or difficult situation it is forbidden. To do this, you need to get rid of what harms you - damage, thieves, curses, troubles and troubles, love spells, quarrels, colds, lapels.

Cleansing the subconscious from the negative past and present

Cleansing a person's consciousness and removing negativity from the subconscious is a process. If the situation is difficult, if a person has been carrying magical damage for many years, it will be difficult to cope with black negativity. As I, the magician Sergey Artgrom said, this is a process. But, it's also a battle. A real magician is a warrior of the spirit.

The actions of the surrounding people do not matter much and do not affect the warrior. He no longer has any expectations, no more illusions, no more dangerous delusions. A real magician sets goals and achieves them; he knows how to remove what hinders him on the way, he knows how to cleanse the soul of negativity. All this is a manifestation of his strength and knowledge, and only milestones on the way, while only the result has true value.

Confidence and peace become the guiding force of his life. The magician accepted one of the concepts of life - aloofness. He has nothing to worry about anymore, he does not suffer from petty questions, such as: why do i irritate people? If he feels evil from people, he does not perceive it, he extinguishes it, or returns the black, harmful energy of negativity back. So, let's turn to the rituals of cleansing from the manifestation of negativity in life.

Get rid of someone else's negativity - remove witchcraft by transferring to the soul

Oddly enough, it is in magic that we see the realization of the idea of ​​\u200b\u200blove for one's enemies. But, it is embodied not in the way white magicians preach - not by forgiveness, leading to self-destruction, but by a cleansing sacrifice and revenge. Here is an effective black rite that allows you to dump negativity on another person, and thereby cleanse yourself of the induced damage that cripples and breaks your own destiny.

This rite is not for beginners in witchcraft. Shoe strong; can be applied to yourself get rid of people's negativity, as well as remove heavy damage from the client. This black translation allows you to clean the energy aura of a person in two directions: to throw off the induced diseases of the body on the dead, and mental suffering on the living enemies.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful amulet attracts good luck and wealth. MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately correctly adjust it to yourself in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally well suited for people of any religion

If your life is broken by an enemy through witchcraft, if a heavy feeling of negativity has accumulated, if a black evil eye has been sent, then treatment can be found, and. To another, who is not sorry, to throw. They do this cleaning on their own on the waning moon. Purification will come through the blood. And after the magical work, it will be possible to forget the negative, and all the disasters associated with the influence of black energy.

To accurately perform the ceremony and rid the body of damage, and activate program to remove negativity from the subconscious, and clear the consciousness of the victim, in order to make a clear head, open your eyes, here's what you need to prepare, take what for the ritual:

  1. sharp ritual knife
  2. the blood of the corrupted is needed
  3. blood cup
  4. water bottle
  5. a container of wine (not necessarily a sealed bottle)
  6. aspen splinter

Cut your hand with a knife to drain the blood. Drain one part of the blood into a bottle of water, and add the other part to the wine. Over the water with blood, read the witchcraft plot on good cleaning from the negative. And as you begin to read the plot, so with a splinter from aspen, twist the water and say the words:

“Even with water it came, but it went away in a move, then not by land, but by blood, tacos of blood will meet with the earth, but with goodness. So that the sky, that the earth, is once marked with blood. Yes, blood in the water of the earth, a strong move, an opposite move. Tacos are all balmoshenno with aspen, but Judas ancient. Well, it’s renounced, but everything is dumped with blood. Even if it’s walked, then from the shoulder (name) dolyak measure. Taco bloody demolition, yes, with this transfer, so walk, yes go in, a speech move. Even the blood of man, and not of God. Taco through the blood that is in the water, but that water is paid for in the land. So it’s from the body, but from the darling (name), but right into the nedrinushka, the earthly bedchamber. Amen".

Then you need to speak wine. Add blood to the wine, and read a conspiracy in a whisper to get rid of the constant negativity in life, to perform a full-fledged ritual of cleansing the subconscious from the negativity of the past and present:

“Blood of the earth, but heavenly wine, then God’s and people’s. So it’s either a walker or a screen protector, or it’s bestowed from soul to soul. Even the course is pulled together that blasphemous, cursed, so here is all the piss. Izhe three to five, then the blood is not a cross. Yes, the descent was created, yes, the mob is weak, but what is put with a whisperer. That is for seven typesettings, and from (name) to a telecom without a man's. Yes, the black blasphemy is curled up by decree. Yes, fortified. Izhe wine and blood won. Tacos on another teleso, tacos on the soul thrown. Amen".

Take a bottle of water and enchanted blood to the cemetery, and bury it on a nominal grave there, and say:

“Even from the body to the grave, from the grave to the dead, and from the dead to the body, so not alive, so into the dead. Amen".

Wine that is mixed with blood, give to your enemy. And if one is not at hand, then give it to a random person. As he drinks wine, then the transfer severe spoilage will happen. Everything that the sorcerers have done to your body will go to the dead. And everything that has been done to the soul will go negative to the one who tastes that wine. This is how the negative will be removed from the subconscious of the victim, and everything will go to another, to a living human soul.

Magic to remove energy negativity - leave damage on the grave

There is such a type of damage that causes negativity among others, people treat the patient with disdain, hostility, and even hatred. These are black damage to failures and rejection of a person in society. And there is nothing surprising in the fact that a man marked with black magic ritual, becomes a loser, a dull and weak outsider who always negative.

It is necessary to get rid of such a state immediately and with strong purges in order to remove everything, so that there is no return to the previous one. The method of cleaning through the grave, which I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, want to offer you, can remove almost any negative. And even, I think, old, birth damage with deep roots will pull. The only question is the magician - the performer, whether he has enough strength to do this. You can do a ritual for yourself if you feel that lately life has always been going in a negative way, if you think that someone is working against you or did a ritual before. Check with diagnostics and, if there really is induced damage, remove it without wasting time. You can also try for another person to remove the negative from the client.

It is necessary to wait 7 days after the full moon, and after seven days, as the sun sets, go to the cemetery. There, listen to which grave it will pull, go to that one. In this case, it does not matter who lies in the grave - a man or a woman, and the grave will be named or unnamed. Bow to the grave, put a purchase and say:

“I do not bow to death, but to the grave spirit I complain. Amen".

Then remove the belt from the victim (if you remove the evil eye and damage from yourself, the presence of which you feel), twist it into a ball, put it on the grave and say 3 times the words of the conspiracy from the constant negativity of people:

“What I take away from the middle, now I throw it on the grave, if it fits on the ground, then (name) will recover from illness, but the illness will harden into the grave earth, and the dead man will be created with a key, and with this key the lock will be closed, but the illness will remain behind this lock , but not for an hour tamo will come true, but it will be forgotten forever, taco (name) is now measured in good health, then it is said to the grave, then it is said on the churchyard, but this is happening to me, but it won’t be measured by anyone, but it won’t be killed by anyone, taco is, taco and it will remain, the illness will remain in the grave, but health will be attached forever. Amen".

Mankind has long known that there is not only the material world, the components of which can be touched and seen, but also another, energy level of being of all living beings. Streams permeate our entire being and the world as a whole, every second the exchange of energies between people, animals, space and earth continues. If you do not learn how to manage these processes, there is a chance that you will lose more energy than to buy. About that, I already wrote. Today I want to talk about cleansing and getting rid of it.

Interacting with other people, experiencing anger, resentment, sadness, irritation, we fill ourselves with negative energy, which is bad for all components of life. Surely you noticed that communication with different people and visiting different places gives the opposite effect - in some cases you experience a surge of strength, peace, joy. In others, after talking with someone, you may feel tired, angry, and other negative. You can “pick up” negativity anywhere, which is why it is so important to protect yourself from unwanted influences and get rid of them in time. negative energy.

Let's move from simple to complex. The most elementary way of cleansing from negative energy are water procedures . As you know, it is able to absorb energy and perfectly cleanses from the negativity absorbed during the day (or night). Take a shower twice a day, after sleep it is also important to clean yourself, since it is not known where your subconscious mind has been in a dream and what it could have accumulated. Remember that most negative energy accumulates on the palms, feet and hair. If it is not possible to take a shower (it is best to wash off the negative under running water, and not lying in the bath), be sure to wash your palms and feet.

It is also an affordable and powerful tool for cleansing negativity. You can read prayers for cleansing. Well, and, of course, it helps to get rid of the negative, I talked about this not so long ago.

Cleanse yourself from negativity

Now let's move on to more complex and deeper techniques for getting rid of negative energy.

1. Just as green plants convert carbon dioxide into oxygen, any part of wildlife able to absorb negative energy and transform it into a positive one. Based on this knowledge, the following cleaning technique is based: stretch out both hands and spread your fingers as wide as possible. Point your hands at any object of nature - water (a natural reservoir, a bathtub or sink filled with water, etc.), a plant (a tree, a flower in a pot, a bush), fire or earth. You can keep your eyes open or close, most importantly, imagine how negative energy leaves your body through your fingers and dissolves in a natural object.

To enhance the effect of purification, I advise you to say out loud one of the phrases: “Lord, enter my heart and remove everything negative from it”, “I give everything negative to the earth (water, fire), I leave the positive for myself.” You can do this cleaning as often as you like. It takes me 10-15 minutes, but if you want to continue longer, continue.

2. When negative energy accumulates in the body, it causes illness and disease. Whatever stage of accumulation you are at, the following one helps to get rid of the negative. Sit in a Turkish or half-lotus position, place your hands on your thighs, palms up; do . Close your eyes and imagine yourself inside a tetrahedron, inspect it from all sides, making sure that it is voluminous. Now imagine that the top of the figure opens and cleansing energy begins to flow into the resulting hole (I do not specifically set the color of this flow, because it can be anything). Watch how the entire tetrahedron is gradually filled with new energy, your body is filled with this energy, and the black, negative energy goes into the “drain” hole at the bottom of the tetrahedron. The cleansing process can take a lot of time, so take your time and, before you finish the meditation, make sure that everything inside the figure has been cleared - both the space and yourself.

3. Sometimes the most elementary actions help to get rid of negative energy. Stand in the middle of the room and perform “kicking” movements with one and then the other foot three times, imagining how all the impurities leave your body. Then raise both arms above your head and with a wild yell "throw" them down as sharply as possible. Repeat three times or more (if desired).

After you have cleansed yourself of negative energy, unless it was in the water, you need to clear the space. Light a candle and place it where the negative was “dumped”, let it burn for 10-30 minutes. It is also recommended to open the vents or windows and ventilate the room well.

Almost everyone knows that negative energy destroys health and life. But many people accept it and continue to live with it for one simple reason, they don't know how to get rid of it. How does negativity show up in your life? This is all that can be attributed to insults, heartache, disappointment, conflicts, misunderstandings and other things that bring only bad emotions and thoughts into your life.

Therefore, with all the negative aspects in your life, including those listed above, you need to fight and as soon as possible. You must focus on your feelings and your perception of life. Your actions and thoughts should correspond to your inner state, so if you understand that your life is filled with negativity, start with yourself.

Do a thorough self-analysis.

Try to listen to yourself as much as possible. inner voice. Analyze your condition and your life. Are you confused, do you live as you want, everything that you do brings you pleasure, do you feel satisfaction from the day you lived?

Also pay attention to what annoys you, depresses you, makes you doubt yourself and your own abilities, which causes negative emotions in you and does not give you peace. In order for this to be also effective, write everything down on paper or in text editor so you can visually see it. In other words, throw out everything that has accumulated in you, that you wanted to say or change for a long time, but did not dare.

The control.

Most likely, you didn’t even think about how to get rid of the negativity in yourself and in your life until something happened in your life, some kind of negative situation, or perhaps you were just tired of existing and wanted to really live and enjoy.

If so, then you need to carefully control your thoughts, emotions, and speech to avoid negativity in your life. Your life is what you think about every day, if your thoughts are negative, where can a positive and carefree life come from?

At first it will be difficult to control yourself, but you want to achieve results, you want to learn how to live in a new way, experience only joy and happiness, be a successful and harmonious person, so work on it, it will soon become a good habit.


What do you subconsciously believe in now? Surely, that you are not worthy of the life that you sometimes secretly think about, you are not worthy of the money that you sometimes dream about, you are not worthy of love and a good relationship. These are just beliefs that society has imposed on you since childhood and no more.

Get rid of these negative beliefs forever. Think of a unique life for yourself, in which there will be happiness, love, wealth and loved ones. Draw it the way you would like to see it and believe in it every day, believe that it is you who deserve that life and that you will have it no matter what.


Take responsibility for all the events that happen to you, for your life. Never shift the blame onto other people, this is at least low and vile. This is your life and only you choose how you live, no one can force you to do what you do not want.

So, getting rid of negativity in life is not as difficult as it would seem, you just need to make a little effort and become an independent person and never stop believing in yourself and in your dream. Strive for a brighter future, set goals and move forward. Love yourself and those around you, help them and

How to get rid of negativity? This question is quite relevant in our stressful time. Destructive emotions, negative experiences, the influence of people on our lives change our emotional state, worldview, and a destructive effect on the part of physical health begins. Treatment of some physical diseases is useless until a person restructures his own life and its emotional content. It was after noticing such a connection that a separate branch appeared - psychosomatics, which helps to deal with poor health psychological methods. But it is better to prevent the problem and develop your own ways to get rid of the negative in the soul, until its influence has spread throughout life.

Of the methods of getting rid of negativity, affirmations, switching attention, ignoring, leaving a traumatic situation are widespread. They are popular, widely advised, and effective only in mild, non-offensive cases. In a situation of artificial and pushing experiences, we run the risk of ending up in the ward of a psycho-neurological dispensary with a severe degree of latent, into which we drove ourselves. Switching, leaving perfectly mask, but they do not solve the problem and do not eliminate the resulting negative, and if you encounter a similar situation again, the dose of unpleasant experiences will increase, since the skill of getting rid of the negative has not been mastered, the pain points remain in the dark zone.

The question arises of how to get rid of negativity in life in an environmentally friendly way, when they recognize and find a way out, but at the same time do not destroy loved ones or relationships (yelling at someone is also a way to reduce your own stress, but this method is hardly environmentally friendly). The primary task will be to revise existing relationships and your own behavior in order to increase the negative. People who constantly blame, condemn, use you to splash out their own, slowly poison your daily existence, so by minimizing contact with them, you minimize the level of negativity. Your own behavior and choice of sources of information is the key to the quality of life - when you track news about maniacs and follow military events while in a peaceful region, you add to your worries and become more vulnerable to negativity that appears personally in your life.

After inventorying the sources of negativity and understanding their categories, you can begin to work - with your own emotions, with the environment, with the merging of someone else's negativity into your emotional sphere.

How to get rid of negativity inside yourself

In a situation where there is less and less strength, and the feeling of the influence of negativity on life does not leave, you should figure out how to get rid of the negative in the soul, the accumulated difficult experiences. Emotions can be different: resentment, not expressed and not forgiven, poisoning the future existence, anger, hidden by social desirability, tears, pain,. A huge number of feelings that we consider negative, we do not want to experience and yet carry in ourselves, sometimes for years.

As soon as it immerses you back into negative experiences, instead of running away from them - give them the right to be, experiencing feelings leads to their release, release of energy and the opportunity to rejoice. In addition to going to a psychotherapist or spiritual mentor, to trainings or meditation groups, there are ways that are more everyday and accessible to everyone, without the guidance of specialists, although this does not negate the fact that a person who specializes in mental problems will help you get out faster and less traumatically. But if you are not considering such an opportunity, then it will help independent work with paper that will endure everything and help pour feelings into external world. You can draw your own feeling (perhaps in several drawings with its transformation), the situation (and the ways of its desired resolution), actions that are not allowed in reality (the burning car of the boss, the kick of the mother-in-law), or you can write letters without embarrassment in expressions and wording (and then they can be burned, if released after the first message, processed in order to convey to the addressee in an acceptable form or leave for further work if there is a feeling of incomplete release).

Use your own body to get rid of negativity, since it is it that holds the lion's share of it (when you do not hit someone it remains tension in your hand, when you hold back tears - your eyes strain, you do not raise your voice - a throat spasm). All our restrained, unreleased emotions remain in the physical shell and continue to harm the body when we no longer notice it. So beat a pear and a sofa when you didn’t hit the offender, run a mile around the stadium when you were left to endure a terrible situation, scream while secluded in a park or at a concert - your task is to respond to the stopped actions in a safe situation without harming yourself and others. And with old blocks in the body, massage or body-oriented therapy will help to cope, do not be surprised if, as the muscles relax, emotions that are unjustified by the situation come flooding in - it means that trauma and pent-up tension weaken.

Recognition of emotions and your own ability to experience them makes you alive, albeit uncomfortable. Lifting the ban on getting angry (“good girls don’t scream”), getting upset (“men don’t cry”), defending yourself (“well-mannered people don’t argue”) can take many years of therapy to understand that these are not our attitudes, but the words of adults from of the distant past, which we believe in, but which we do not have to comply for the sake of their convenience. Maybe in childhood this was relevant, because without adults the child cannot survive, and is obliged to accept the rules of the game, but many continue to fulfill these meaningless attitudes all their lives.

How to get rid of negative people

In addition to their own internal negative experiences, people are influenced by external factors, incidents, people. And if how to get rid of the negativity in life, brought random events it is not clear what to do with the negativity brought by quite specific people, there are several ways.

First of all, identify those who merge their negativity into you - maybe quite clearly, and you will be surprised this council, but there are times when people do not perceive a person negatively, it’s just that energy disappears with him, his head starts to hurt, the level of anxiety or tension increases, and perhaps there is a feeling of danger or pressure rises. Any changes in the emotional or physical sphere in the presence of a certain person nearby are warning signs of negativity directed in your direction.

Follow the person, if he shakes out an emotional reaction from you by any means, in order to fuel himself, then try not to answer anything, smile and ask for something positive to say. Such a tactic does not allow a person to feed on you, points out his own shortcomings, but it can negatively affect you if you do it through force, when you yourself are already hooked and the emotional reaction is running. To prevent this from happening, you can try one of the visualization techniques for fencing off the negativity of others, imagining a waterfall flowing between you or a bright light surrounding and protecting you, you can reduce your opponent to a tiny size - yours, where your rules apply, will help you choose the right image or come up with an effective one. People who are not generating but living off your psychic energy need to be pulled away from their own emotions, but since they are not able to generate energy on their own when you try to ignore them, efforts to get your attention will intensify. This is a difficult struggle, where exactly you are not in an advantageous position, because a person is used to receiving a certain dose of reactions from you and knows your characteristics, so he will not ignore any methods, even the most painful for you. There is only one way out - and do not give up positions, pretend to be an empty barrel, incapable of reaction, such a half-zombie, uninteresting and unpromising in terms of emotional buildup.

If you have the opportunity to analyze the situation, without direct participation in it, then take a closer look at how a person who is currently bringing negativity can be useful to you. Since any feature can be used in the right perspective, your task is to discern it and direct it in a direction that is useful, and not destructive for you. Also, in order to be less likely to get negative from people, assess the situation in advance - when entering the room, slow down to assess the emotional state of those present by facial expressions, gestures, and then, already orienting in the situation, you will be able to more competently build communication and, if necessary, protection.

Getting rid of someone else's negativity in your own life is not a task for a day, it requires constant attention and strict adherence to the rules, often breaking which several times, you plunge back into the swamp out of troubles that are not yours.

Take care of your own boundaries: this concerns your space where no one will disturb you, the time that you spend as you want, the disposal of your emotional and material resources. Look at your life and evaluate how much freedom you have in these manifestations, it is quite possible that somewhere kind and close people decide a lot for you, and you continue to move your line. Of course, maintaining the inviolability of boundaries requires courage, a certain share and a manifestation of strength, but the inability to observe them leads to the fact that other people outline your personal boundaries, and they outline them, as it is convenient for them, and not for you. Under such conditions, you are deprived of the opportunity to recover and feel your own needs, the ability to say no is lost when you are already sick of your friend’s complaints, when you cannot help out your eternally suffering relatives. Therefore, every second monitoring of your own boundaries and awareness of where you will move them a little for a while, and where you will not give up one iota, should be worked out to automatism.

Distance yourself from the negative competently, not leaving the situation, interrupting contact, but monitoring your reactions and the ability of the psyche to perceive information. Since, empathizing with people, we experience the same emotions as they do, but to a lesser extent, and being overloaded with our own problems and, in addition, those of others, the psyche can freeze. Just like a computer, and refusing to work further - it manifests itself in getting stuck on one paragraph, pointlessly scrolling through a tape or book, in the worst case, problems with sleep begin. All symptoms scream about the required stop and switching attention to yourself, which can be done by describing to yourself the situation where you are, without complications (your city, what is happening in your family, what you are sitting on - describe your own reality to yourself), as well as returning bodily sensitivity (stretch your muscles, walk barefoot, eat sour - the task is to turn on and shake up bodily awareness as much as possible). Such a return to yourself allows you not to plunge into someone else's negativity.

Getting rid of the influence of someone else's negativity allows you to creatively change your day. Try to read a book instead of a social feed, instead of a movie, watch an exhibition of paintings, instead of yelling at the offender, offer him help, because happy people do not offend. Partially received someone else's negative is able to neutralize someone else's positive, and the more, the better. For such a bun, you can go to shelters and hospitals, boarding schools and volunteer organizations - there will definitely be those who need your help, and gratitude and the joy brought will cheer you up. It is not necessary to go to such places, you can help those who live nearby, or arrange a fun holiday for the guys from your own yard.

The ability to find a positive in any event or perceive it as an impetus for development is an invaluable quality that makes any negative directed in your direction useless.