Ndfl lottery. Tax on winnings in Russia: from what amount, how to pay from winnings in the lottery, Legal Advice

  • 19.10.2019

Lottery winnings are a way to generate additional income, which in the Tax Law also has detailed description. Together with the fees applicable to this type of profit.

What winnings are taxed in Russia?

Any winnings from a source located in Russia are considered to be subject to taxation. As for citizens, all residents of our country pay the fees. And those who linger in the territory for 183 days in a row and longer.

How much winnings are taxed?

It should be understood that there is no minimum amount, in case of receipt of which a citizen is exempted from paying fees from the transfer. According to Russian laws, 13 percent of the tax must be paid absolutely from any income received by a person.

What is the tax on lottery winnings?

What are the taxes on lottery winnings? The size of the rates is standard, up to 13% of the total amount. The winner is determined by one of the following ways in order to pay off your obligations:

  • Filing of the declaration, payment of the tax in the general order.
  • Receiving income from the service already minus the fee in favor of the state.

Some organizations pay fees themselves from the amount of winnings, and then transfer the funds to the winners. Then the lottery service takes on all the responsibility for interacting with the tax authorities. The only thing left for the winner is to receive the winnings and use the funds as he sees fit.

In the conditions of the competition, it should be separately stated what kind of obligations the organization undertakes. Usually they write about it on official sites.

Services are now trying to work in such a way that customers receive the amount of winnings in full. The other party takes responsibility for paying the fees.

The organizers of any gambling must have an official license to carry out their activities. Amounts of winnings and prizes on promotions are taxed standard tax, at a rate of 13%.

If the purpose of the promotion is to create additional advertising, then the rate increases to 35 percent. Only things whose total value is no more than 4 thousand rubles are exempted from it.
Only incentive lotteries are not risk-based games. It is believed that they always have guarantees for the participants.

This is where the standard rules apply. Most often, the bookmakers themselves hold 13% of all payments. Citizens do not need to decide this issue on their own. But different offices may have their own rate. And use different levels of rates.

In some cases, the calculations are carried out automatically, which makes the bet too high or, conversely, low.

If the bet is at a loss, then the payment of tax can be avoided.

Some organizers see a clear difference between the deposit and withdrawal amounts. The player simply does not withhold tax if he makes more money than outputs.

Receipt of winnings leads to the emergence of the obligation to declare profits. The declaration is submitted in the general manner, in the form 3NDFL. Past periods are paid maximum until April 30 next year.

For example, if in 2016 it was possible to hit a big jackpot, the declaration will need to be drawn up already in 2017. The document states:

  1. Personal data containing full name, TIN, registration address, and so on.
  2. Information on the amount received Money.
  3. Indication of the exact amount of personal income tax payable to the budget.

Declarations are submitted by any means that seem convenient:

  • Electronic. Then you will need to go through a simple registration on the website of the Federal Tax Service in order to start a Personal Account.
  • Using specialized sites to search for a form to fill it out, print it, send by registered mail along with an attachment and a description of them.
  • Visit the tax office in person to convey all the necessary information.

Declaration forms 3-NDFL for filling in Exlel:

The last option is the most reliable. When communicating with a service employee, you can immediately find out if there are errors in the papers in order to correct them on the spot, if possible. Postal services are relevant for those who cannot visit the institution in person for one reason or another. Having received the envelope, the employee of the regulatory authority must sign to signify that he has received the papers.

Electronic resources were created to optimize document flow and data exchange between system participants. This approach is also interesting for market participants.

About online casino winnings

On the territory of Russia, it is generally forbidden to gamble for money, with the exception of special territories. Therefore, the very phenomenon of online casinos can hardly be called in line with the law. However, the norms do not provide for precise and specific liability for violations in this area. But still, it is recommended to pay taxes according to the standard scheme on all winnings, so as not to arouse suspicion from the inspection authorities.

Declarations are submitted with standard rules, until April 30 of the current year. The role of a supporting document will be played by bank statements that indicate the transfer of money.

Conclusion and additional questions

The law does not prohibit giving things that are received as prizes after lotteries. But the main requirement is the advance payment of tax in connection with the acquisition of property and profit from it. Residents pay at a rate of 13%, non-residents - 30%.

And the visitors of the prize do not have the opportunity to force the organizers to reduce the amount of the prize, which is clearly too high.

State income tax applies to any income of a citizen, regardless of the source. It's just that the rates and terms of fees may differ for certain cases. The organizer and participants can find out from each other in advance who exactly takes responsibility for communicating with the tax authorities. The main thing is compliance with the requirements of the law, the absence of violations in terms and forms.

Video about taxes on winnings:

Receiving a large amount as a gift or winning the lottery is the cherished dream of anyone, both a gambler and a non-enthusiastic person. Receiving such a "gift of fate" causes euphoria and joy. But do not forget that the larger the amount of such a present, the larger the amount will have to be paid as a tax to the state budget. Even the simplest game of the lottery is a kind of obligation, since in addition to the rules and rights of the party, it also contains obligations in relation to the winner. According to the current Russian legislation, before the amount is credited to the account of an individual, it is necessary to pay in the amount of 13%, which is the responsibility of lottery services.

How to calculate tax on winnings?

Amounts of money, or receipts, from gifts received by individuals and victories in lottery draws are taxed in accordance with the current legislation of Russia. For a resident of Russia, the tax rate is the rate income tax- 13%, for citizens who stay in Russia for less than 183 days per year, the tax rate is 30%. For example, if a resident of Russia wins 100,000 rubles in the lottery, income tax is removed from the winnings at a rate of 13%, and the citizen will receive 87,000 rubles “clean”. For those staying in Russia for less than 183 days a year individual, the net income in our example will be equal to 70,000 rubles, the tax on winnings will be 30,000 rubles.

Upon receipt of such a receipt of funds as a gift or lottery winnings, a citizen should indicate the amount of income received in the tax return, which is compiled according to the approved Z-NDFL form.

Is there a difference whether a gift is received from an organization or an individual?

Of course, the source of income generation is important. In case of receipt of income from legal entity and individual entrepreneur, the obligation to deduct and pay tax on winnings rests with the organization / individual entrepreneur. In general, the recipient of such a gift does not need to file a tax return.

Please note that cash receipts in the form of a gift are not subject to income tax / tax on winnings if their amount is less than 4.0 thousand rubles per year.

It is mandatory to fill in the case of donated by an individual, not a relative, for you:

  • property in the form of real estate;
  • motor vehicle;
  • shares.

At the same time, relatives in this case are recognized: husband / wife, parents, children, grandparents, siblings and half-brothers and sisters (according to the family code of the Russian Federation).

Upon receipt of a lottery win, a gift from citizens, a completed tax return in the form of Z-NDFL must be submitted to the local tax authorities by 30.04 of the year following the receipt of the win/gift; and no later than 15.07. The year following the receipt of the prize/gift, it is imperative to pay the calculated amount of tax to the budget.

Tax on winnings - features of payment

If you need to clarify information, or obtain up-to-date information on paying tax on winnings, you should refer to the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, Article 228. Please note that not only the lottery, but also gambling, totalizator, etc. whether the organization is private or not.

In the case when the payment of tax is assigned to the winner, and he, in turn, did not pay the money in a timely manner, the lottery winner receives a fine, the minimum amount is 100 rubles.

As for lotteries from large retail chains, when drawings of money and prizes are made between buyers' checks, and the goal is to attract as many customers as possible, then winnings from such a lottery are not taxed on winnings if they are less than 4.0 thousand rubles in amount. If the winnings amount to a large amount (it doesn’t matter if it’s money or the value of the prize), then a tax on winnings is charged at a rate of 35% on the difference in the value of the prize/winning and 4.0 thousand rubles. Winning tax is paid by the winner himself. However, when winning a cash gift, a situation is possible when the sales network pays the tax on its own, and the winner receives a “clean” winnings.

The owner of a lucky lottery ticket should be aware that he will have to transfer part of the money won to the state treasury - the tax on lottery winnings in Russia, with rare exceptions, is subject to mandatory payment.

At what rate is taxed on lottery winnings in Russia in 2017, what amount will need to be paid out, who is required to pay a contribution - the organizer of the lottery or the player who took the prize, is the reward in the form of a product or service taxable?

What is the basis for tax on winnings?

The lottery prize belongs to the category of income, as it represents the receipt of cash or material assets. The tax on winnings in the lottery is equated by the legislation of the Russian Federation to the deduction on the income of individuals. Therefore, the rules for paying personal income tax apply to it: it is necessary to submit a declaration and transfer the required amount, respectively, before April 30 and July 15 of the year following the year of the event.

Payment rules are regulated by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. The provisions of this legislative act explain the procedure for paying the fee (Article 228), how much interest is charged on winnings (Article 224), the specifics of determining the tax base on the income of betting shop customers (Article 214.7) and the amount of the fine for non-payment mandatory contribution(Article 122).

Types and forms of lottery payments

By the nature and method of conducting lotteries are divided into two types:

  • risky, involving the payment of a fee for participation in the game (buying a lottery ticket, betting in a casino). This type includes instant, drawing and other lotteries based on the risks of players;
  • stimulating, which are held for promotional purposes (promotions, contests and other events with the issuance of prizes, used as a tool to attract more customers).

The payout form can be:

  • monetary;
  • natural in the form of an apartment, a car, household appliances or less valuable prizes, as well as the provision of services (certificates for cosmetic procedures, attendance at entertainment events, etc.).

The way the lottery is run determines how much tax the winner will need to pay on lottery winnings.

The amount of tax on winnings

What is the tax on lottery winnings? Russian loto How much will the fee be withheld? The answers to these questions are given by Article 224 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, which establishes tax rates. For the Russians, it will be:

  • 13% for winners of gambling games whose prize fund is formed at the expense of contributions from participants. The fee will be deducted from the full value of the winnings. So, a resident of the Voronezh region, who won a record 506 million rubles in the Stoloto lottery in November 2017, will have to pay 13% of this amount;
  • the same 13% must be paid by the players in the totalizator and the customers of the bookmakers who made the winning bet, only for them the calculation will be made after deducting the money spent on the bet from the amount won;
  • 35% - for winners of a prize in promotions from the cost of a product or service exceeding 4,000 rubles.

Does the condition of the mandatory fee apply to foreign citizens and what tax is applied to winnings in the lottery if the winner is a non-resident of the Russian Federation? Citizens of other countries who won the Russian lottery also have to pay a contribution, only the tax rate for them will be 30%.

Circumstances under which the winner will not have to pay tax:

  • the total prize amount does not exceed 4,000 rubles;
  • The deduction is made by the founder of the game.

Who pays the tax - the organizer of the lottery or the winner?

Who will be liable as a taxpayer depends on how the game is played and how the prize is paid:

  • the winner of the risk lottery is exempt from the payment if the conditions of the draw state that income tax will already be deducted from the winnings. Then the organizer will take care of this procedure. In other cases, the winner must make a transfer to the budget;
  • Incentive lottery winnings made in cash are paid out after a 35% deduction. Thus, the organizer of the event will transfer the money to the budget. The recipient of the prize in kind will have to take care of the payment himself, the collection will be made from income exceeding 4,000 rubles;
  • Since 2014, bookmakers and sweepstakes have been paying tax on the winnings of their clients themselves.

Are foreign lottery winnings taxable?

Profits received in a foreign lottery are deductible in Russia, unless the host country has a double taxation treaty with the Russian Federation. If there is such an agreement, then you will need to pay only in the country that holds the draw. How much would the tax be in this case? The amount will depend on what percentage of tax on winnings is set in a particular state.

Thus, the zero rate for this type of income is valid in the UK, Austria, Germany and Finland. And in no country in the world do gamblers pay as much as they pay in the USA, where only the federal rate is 25%, and each state additionally sets its own.

Sanctions for non-payment of tax on winnings

Failure to pay or underpayment of tax on winnings will result in a penalty of 20% of the amount of the unpaid fee. If evidence is presented that the taxpayer deliberately evaded the mandatory contribution, the amount of the penalty will be increased to 40%.

The tax is considered direct (not indirect), since it is levied directly from individuals.

The amounts that must be paid to the tax authorities differ significantly in these two types.

The tax on this type of prize is 13% of the amount received by you as a prize. Immediately it is worth answering the important question: “What amount is not taxed?”. Prize money is exempt from payment, which in total amounted to no more than 4,000 rubles per year.

In the event that the total winnings exceed 4,000 rubles per year, it is necessary to pay personal income tax on the difference between the amount received and 4,000 rubles. That is, if in total for the year you won 4,500 rubles, then you need to pay 13% of 500 rubles to the tax authority.

Winning in shares

The action is different from the lottery in that it is carried out with the aim of distributing advertising for goods and services (for example, a large shopping center conducts a promotion for buyers who have made a purchase for a certain amount in this shopping center).

If you win in this kind of draw, you must pay already 35% of the amount received, or, if the prize is non-monetary (a flat, car, TV, etc.), pay a tax of 35% of the market value of the prize received.

Thus, if you receive a car with a market value of 1 million rubles as a prize in a promotion, then 350 thousand rubles will need to be paid as a tax on winnings.

So, you received a prize in a lottery or a promotion, while the amount was over 4,000 rubles per year. What's next?

There is no need to pay tax immediately. Until April 30 of the year following the year in which the prize was received, it is necessary to draw up and submit to the tax at the place of residence a declaration called " Tax return for personal income tax "(form 3 - personal income tax).

This document can be submitted in three ways:

  1. In person or through a representative.
  2. By mail, with a description of the attachment.
  3. On the website of the Federal Tax Service in electronic form.

Winning at a bookmaker

Bookmakers are treated by law as tax agents. This means that the winner receives the prize already minus the 13% tax, without burdening himself with filing a declaration and paying to the budget, the bookmaker itself should take care of this.

The only difference is that 13% is not charged on the total amount of winnings, but on the difference between the prize money and the bet you made.

For example, a bet was placed on a sports match in the amount of 325 rubles, the match was correctly predicted and the winnings amounted to 32,500 rubles. The amount of 32,175 rubles will be taxed (a win of 32,500 rubles minus the previously made bet - 325 rubles). 32,175 rubles * 13% = 4,182 rubles and 75 kopecks - this is the amount that the bookmaker pays to the tax office. Thus, the winner will receive 28,317 rubles 25 kopecks (32,500 rubles minus 4,182 rubles and 75 kopecks).

Foreign lotteries

When participating in lotteries in other countries, it is determined at the rate approved in the organizing country. For example:

  • USA - 25% (the fee may be higher and vary from state to state in which the lottery ticket was purchased, since the tax is federal);
  • Italy - 6%;
  • Spain - 20% (winnings up to 25,000 euros are not taxed);
  • Czech Republic - 20%;
  • Bulgaria - 5%;
  • Finland, Germany, Australia, Great Britain - 0%.

It should be noted that the tax is only paid to the host country if there is an agreement on the absence of double taxation (with a majority developed countries this agreement has been made). If there is no agreement, then in addition to the tax in the host country, you will also have to pay Russian personal income tax at 13%.

More details in the video:

Liability and fines

Liability is provided for non-payment. The penalty is 20% of the amount of unpaid tax. If it is proved in court that the taxpayer knew about the need to pay and deliberately evaded it, then in this case the fine will be 40% of the amount of prize money.

For each day of non-payment of tax on winnings, a penalty is charged in the amount of the refinancing rate divided by 300. Penalties begin to accrue from the day following the day deadline payment of tax (i.e. from July 16) until the full repayment of tax debt.

But liability is provided not only for tax evasion on winnings. If the winner does not declare his income by April 30 of the year following the year of receiving the prize, then from May a 5% penalty will be charged for each month, which is calculated by analogy with penalties. This fine cannot exceed 30% of the tax and is at least 100 rubles.

Debt collection is carried out in a judicial proceeding.

What amount of lottery winnings is taxed in Russia in 2018 and is it possible to avoid paying it? In some cases, we pay tax on winnings of 35 percent, and in this case only 13. How and where to pay income tax on a newly won car or apartment.

When winning the lottery, the obligation to pay tax is prescribed at the legislative level. How much do you have to pay tax on winnings in Russia? Is it obligatory to pay tax, what is the procedure for payment, is it possible to reduce the rate or even “get away” from paying tax?

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Tax on winnings

Tax on winnings in Russia

The thirst for easy money has always worried the minds of people, no matter what country they live in. Millions of lottery tickets are sold worldwide every year. And our country is by no means the last line in this list. Over the past three years, their sales have increased by 56%.

According to the data provided by the Russian Post, namely, in their branches the bulk of sales occur, every year the inhabitants of our country win an average of about nine million prizes for a total of one and a half billion rubles. And each winner needs to give back from the winnings. And the tax on lottery winnings is divided into two categories of 13% and 35%.

How much winnings are taxed?

According to the law, if the amount of your winnings does not exceed 4 thousand rubles, then it is not taxed. If you are lucky enough to win a larger amount, but it does not exceed 15 thousand rubles, then you will receive the winnings in full, but at the end of the year you will need to report it to the tax service. Winnings over 15 thousand rubles fall under tax deduction automatically, that is, the winner receives the amount already minus the established tax.

The amount of income tax on winnings in Russia

Regardless of whether you hit the jackpot, won a car or a trip to Paris, in any case, you will be deducted a certain tax from the winnings. Tax on lottery winnings in Russia and how you pay it depends on several factors. This is the amount of the winning itself, how the draw was held, and the nationality of the winner also affects the amount of tax. Let's consider all the factors in more detail.

35 percent tax on winnings in incentive lotteries

This tax is levied on winnings played in a stimulating lottery. By stimulating means those drawings in which participation is free, they are usually held for promotional purposes.


For example, a certain trademark decided to declare itself and hold a lottery in a large shopping center. The entire drawing is carried out at the expense of the organizer, and in fact, the winner, without spending anything, receives, for example, a brand new phone or a trip to Turkey. But, in order to collect his winnings, he will need to pay 35% of the market value of the prize.

Tax on winnings 13% in lottery draws

In Russia, all lottery winnings are subject to a 13% rate. It is at this rate that all the most popular state lotteries work, these are:

  • Gosloto "6 out of 45",
  • Golden Key,
  • Lotto million,
  • First National Lottery,
  • Lottery "Victory"
  • Gosloto "5 out of 36",
  • Gosloto "7 out of 49",
  • Golden horseshoe.

Tax on winnings 30% for non-residents

Tax rates of 13 and 35% apply only to citizens Russian Federation. If the lucky winner of the prize is a citizen temporarily residing in Kazakhstan, or in Belarus and Ukraine, then the tax for him will reach 30%. This applies to all non-residents.

Does the tax rate depend on who conducts the lottery - state or non-state lottery

In this case, state support will not affect the size of the taxable rate in any way. All types of lottery are divided strictly into two parts, the stimulating lottery (promotional, advertising) - 35% and the dangerous lottery (when a person invests a certain amount in the purchase of a ticket) - 13%. The organizer is not important here.

Tax by type of winnings

Foreign Lottery Tax

If a resident of Russia is lucky in a foreign lottery, then there may be one not very pleasant moment. That is double taxation. You will give part of the winnings to the treasury of the country that holds the draw, and then the Russian tax service will issue you an invoice.

In order not to be left without most of the winnings, you need to understand two points:

  1. Firstly, there is a list of countries with which an agreement on the elimination of double taxation has been signed, that is, you pay tax only once.
  2. If fortune smiled at you in a country that is not included in this list, in this case, many companies offer their customers to remain incognito. Doing so or not will depend on your honesty. You should always remember that you may incur administrative or criminal liability.

Tax on winnings at a bookmaker's office (fonbet, betting league, etc.)

Behind Last year bookmakers began to enjoy great popularity in the country, such a surge was largely due to the fact that bets entered the online space. And of course, in Russia there is a tax on winnings at a bookmaker's office.

In 2018, changes were made to Tax code, according to which winnings at a bookmaker's office are taxed if the amount is 15 thousand rubles. and higher. In this case, the person will receive the amount won already minus 13%. If the winning amount is less than 15 thousand, the bookmaker pays it to the client in full, but at the end of the year, this citizen will have to independently make a deduction to the tax service.

Tax on casino winnings

And although casinos are banned on the territory of our country, apart from specially designated gaming areas, there are online roulettes and sweepstakes, and so far neither the Criminal nor the Administrative Code has a significant impact on their activities. Most online casinos are registered offshore, and the cash turnover is in the billions.

car winning tax

And how to pay tax on winning a car or an apartment, because you can’t separate part of the living space and give it to strangers? The same rate applies here as for cash winnings, it is either 13% or 35% of the value of the winnings.

The cost of the prize won is reported by the organizer of the draw and, of course, confirms this information with documents. If the owner lucky ticket there is no amount to pay tax, he can put his prize up for sale, and then receive the amount minus tax contributions.

Tax on prizes in promotions

Very often raffled prizes are washing machines, TVs, computers, fur coats and other "thing" lots. In this case, no tax will be charged from you, but the organizer conducting this draw will notify tax office about your income and inability to withhold tax. After that, the entire responsibility and obligation to pay the tax falls on your shoulders.

By law, the rate on promotional draws is 35%. To clarify the amount, you should also contact the organizer, ask them for a check or any document confirming the value of the prize. If you agree with this amount, there is always the opportunity to contact independent appraisers.

What to do if the winnings are too expensive?

For example, you won one-room apartment, and the organizer provides you with documents indicating its cost of 10 million rubles. Although the market value does not exceed two. There is no time for joy and no time for celebrating the victory, because you need to pay a tax on property winnings in the amount of 35%.

There are several options here:

  1. Carry out an independent appraisal of the value and try to prove in court the fact of an illegal increase in the value of the prize.
  2. You can also pay this amount, or refuse to win at all.

Tax Evasion in Russia

A broken jackpot is always a pleasure, and you especially don’t want to share it with it when your lucky ticket has an amount of six zeros, and you also want to keep a small prize in full. But, if the lottery winner evades declaring income and paying tax on winnings, then the legislator has provided penalties for him:

  1. For tax evasion - 20% of its calculated amount.
  2. If the court establishes that a person has deliberately failed to fulfill tax obligations, the amount of the fine doubles and amounts to 40%.
  3. In addition to the specified penalties, a penalty is charged for each day of delay, the calculation of which depends on the refinancing rate.
  4. Undeclared income is also subject to a fine of 5% for each overdue month (but it cannot be less than 100 rubles or more than 30% of the tax amount).

The tax authorities are empowered to collect tax on lottery winnings by force by a court decision, for example, by sending a writ of execution to the accounting department of an enterprise, according to which deductions will be made from a citizen’s salary.

The amount of punishment directly depends on the amount of winnings. Up to 100,000 rubles a non-payer is waiting for an administrative penalty. If a citizen of the Russian Federation did not report winnings from 100 thousand to 1 million rubles, then his case will be considered as a criminal case and will entail a penalty in the form of a fine or seizure of property. With a hidden win of more than a million rubles, the “lucky one” will expect imprisonment for up to 1 year.

In order to avoid unpleasant consequences, when receiving a win, one should not forget about the existence of obligations to the state to pay tax.

Is it possible to not pay tax or at least reduce it?

Payment of income tax is a direct obligation of a citizen of the country. Otherwise, you voluntarily violate the law and will be held liable for this offense. The tax can be changed down, but of course not by much. Clause 28 of Article 217 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation states that prizes not exceeding 4,000 rubles received in total for the year are exempt from taxation.

When and how to pay tax

Of course, no one wants to share the jackpot, especially if there is an amount of tens or hundreds of thousands of rubles. But, the law is the law. The winnings are nothing more than the income of an individual, and as all income is taxed in accordance with the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the responsibility for concealing it is very strict. In case of violation of this obligation, the necessary amount will be debited from the debtor in a compulsory form. If we are talking about a material prize, then the bailiffs can seize him.

If fortune was on your side and you won a car, an apartment or a certain amount of money, in order not to become a lawbreaker, you will need to take the following steps. Contact the organizer of the lottery and issue him a certificate in the form 2-NDFL, it should indicate how much you received income. Later, you will record this amount in the decoration in the form of 3-personal income tax, along with all other income for the year. You need to file a tax return by April 30 of the year following the one in which you received income. If you don't pay your taxes by July 15, interest will start to accrue on them.

We also advise you to check the tax on winnings, which the organizers of the lottery or prize draw must pay for you. It is not uncommon for cases when payment was not made and a person became a lawbreaker without knowing it.

Remember, you always have the right to request documents from the organizers of the draw, on the basis of which you will need to file a declaration or official basis for tax exemption.

Tax on winnings in other countries

USA (United States of America)

In terms of the number of various lotteries and prize draws, the United States of America is ahead of the rest. The country has a huge number of lotteries and casinos, both public and private. All these entertainments are not prohibited by law, besides, compliance with the rules is strictly monitored and absolutely every citizen has a chance to hit the Jackpot of ten million dollars.

The United States is known for its peculiar taxation system, each state has its own rate for everything, including winning the lottery. There is a main tax that applies throughout the country - it is 25% of the amount won, well, and an additional tax for each state. It can be 5, 10 or 15%. But there is a restriction here, the total taxes cannot exceed 40%. And in California, Texas and Nevada, there is no additional tax at all.

The tax in the USA comes into effect if the winnings exceed $600. If the lucky person does not want to share his winnings with the state, then after the tax office finds out about the fact of evasion, the entire amount won will be withdrawn. If the winner was a non-resident of the country, then he may face deportation.

Las Vegas casino tax

Las Vegas, it has always beckoned with its lights the most desperate and gamblers. Thousands of roulettes, gaming tables and slot machines, bets on millions of dollars, all this is like shots from expensive Hollywood movies. And how does it really happen there and is it possible, having arrived there with ten dollars in your pocket, to hit a huge jackpot?

Despite the popularity of Las Vegas, in fact, this is just a created image of a paradise for adventurers, because playing in a casino in the United States is not profitable. Tax rate on winnings is 35%. 25% will be withheld immediately, even within the walls of the casino, but this is the case if your winnings exceed $5,000. Here, by the way, there is another feature - 25% is deducted if the player named his data. If he decided to take the winnings incognito, then 28% will have to be paid to the treasury.

There is also a small indulgence for, they can start a "player's diary", where all victories and losses are recorded. The tax will be charged at the end of the tax period, and then, provided that the sum of all winnings is greater than the losses. But Vegas casinos are often filled with foreigners, and they cannot afford such a bonus.

In this context, the capital of the casino can be called, oddly enough, Belarus. There is no taxation on this type of income. And you will receive all the money you win.

Countries that do not tax winnings

But in Canada, neighboring the United States, there is no such tax at all. This also applies to a number of other countries: Australia, Great Britain, France, Austria, Finland, Germany, Belarus, Japan, Turkey and Ireland.

Biggest wins

The largest winnings recorded in our country amounted to half a billion, or to be more precise - 506 million rubles. The owner of the lucky ticket lives in the Voronezh region.

In the USA, the state of Massachusetts, a hit jackpot of 758.7 million dollars was recorded. On the territory of Europe, the leading line in this ranking is occupied by a prize of 168 million euros, the ticket was bought in Brussels.

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