Treatment of currants from diseases and pests in the spring. We treat currants against diseases and pests in spring and autumn. Timing for spraying currants

  • 12.10.2023

Treatment of plants differs depending on the season and climatic conditions, although in fact this allows you to protect the plants at the very beginning of the growing season, as well as preserve strength before wintering. Treatment of currant bushes from diseases and pests is traditionally carried out in spring and autumn.

In this article we will tell you how to protect currants from pests and diseases, we will present the main types of diseases, their symptoms and methods of combating fungal, viral diseases and insect pests.

Treatment of currants in spring against diseases and pests

Treatment of currants against diseases and pests should begin in early spring, when the buds of the bushes have not yet awakened, and pathogenic microorganisms and pest larvae located in the soil or under the bark have not begun to develop.

There are several processing methods, the features of which we will discuss below.

Processing Features

Since currants are crops with an early beginning of the growing season, processing should begin as early as possible, even before the buds awaken. In some cases, prevention can be carried out even before the snow completely melts (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Stages of treating bushes against diseases in the spring: watering with boiling water, pruning, spraying

First of all, you need to carefully examine all the plants and remove dry branches or shoots damaged by snow and frost. This procedure cannot be delayed, since after sap flow begins, even minor sanitary pruning can be dangerous for the plants.

It is necessary to remove damaged parts in the spring, as in the future they can become a potential source of disease or the spread of pests, especially mites that overwinter inside the fruit buds.


In addition to traditional chemical treatments against diseases and pests, there are also effective folk remedies that will help protect plants with minimal investment of time and money.

First of all, the bushes need to be treated with boiling water, without waiting for the snow to completely melt or the buds to awaken. To do this, bring the water to a boil, pour it into a watering can with a metal strainer, and evenly water the branches of the bushes and the soil around them.

Note: To increase the effectiveness of this treatment, you can add a little potassium permanganate to the water.

After treatment with hot water, pruning is carried out and old leaves and mulch are removed from the bed. You can also treat with a solution of Bordeaux mixture to protect plants from fungi and viruses. But, as a rule, spring watering with hot water is sufficient to maintain the health of the shrubs.

The author of the video will tell you what diseases can cause bushes to dry out.

Treatment of currants in the fall from pests and diseases

Autumn is also a time when plants require increased attention. When the harvest has already been harvested, a number of measures need to be taken to preserve the viability of the plants during the winter. Treatment against diseases and pests is also included (Figure 2).

Unlike in spring, it makes no sense to water the bushes with boiling water in the fall. The fact is that hot water can destroy only those microorganisms and larvae that are located under the bark or in the soil. Most insects hide in the fall in the buds, into which hot water cannot penetrate. Therefore, chemical agents are mainly used for autumn treatment.

Processing Features

First of all, to protect plants from diseases and pests, it is necessary to prune the bushes. Autumn is more suitable for such manipulations, since at this time the plants gradually enter a dormant period and will not experience severe stress from removing branches. In addition to sanitary pruning, in the fall you can shape and thin out the crown of shrubs.

Figure 2. Features of autumn treatment against diseases and pests

First of all, shoots older than five years of age are removed, since they do not bear fruit, but consume a lot of nutrients. You also need to cut out all wilted and dry shoots - most likely, they contain a dangerous glassworm pest, which next year may spread to other garden crops. Additionally, all shoots with signs of fungal or mite infestation are removed. The cuttings are burned, and the cut areas are covered with oil paint or garden varnish.


Since it is impossible to use hot water to treat currant bushes in the fall, other preparations are used for this purpose.

After pruning, the bushes are sprayed with a two percent solution of karbofos or a one percent solution of colloidal sulfur. It is necessary to treat not only the bushes themselves, but also the soil around them.

When spraying is completed, you can carry out pre-winter watering (if the autumn is dry), and also cover the tree trunk circles with a layer of organic mulch.

Red currant diseases: red spots

Often in summer, bright red spots can be seen on currant leaves, which can protrude above the leaf blade in tubercles (Figure 3).

This sign is a characteristic symptom of several diseases at once, which requires immediate control. Let's look at why red spots appear on currants and how to eliminate this pathology.


There are two reasons why shrub leaves become spotted. The first is the spread of the dangerous pest aphid, which forms entire colonies on plants and feeds on the juices of the crop. The second is anthracnose disease, and red spots indicate the initial stage of the lesion.

If you do not pay due attention to this sign, the bush will gradually weaken and after a while die.


To determine exactly how to treat the plant, you need to carefully examine the bush to detect additional symptoms. If it has become a victim of aphids, the leaves will not only become covered with red spots, but will also become sticky from the insect's waste products. In addition, colonies of insects can be seen on young shoots and the undersides of leaves.

Figure 3. Currant disease - red spots on leaves

If anthracnose is the cause of the red spots, you should pay attention not only to the leaves themselves, but also to the berries and young shoots. Thin branches with this disease gradually become brown and dry out, and the berries become small and sour.


The fight against red spots on bushes primarily depends on the cause of their formation. If they appear due to aphids, you need to carefully inspect the entire garden area and get rid of the ants that spread the pest.

Note: Without killing these insects, aphid control will only be temporary.

After destroying the ants, you need to immediately move on to fighting aphid colonies. To do this, the leaves can be washed with a solution of laundry soap or tobacco, but a more effective way is to spray the infected bush with special chemicals.

The fight against anthracnose is more complex and often takes more than one season. If you notice signs of disease in the fall, leave the bush for the winter and treat it with hot water in early spring. But, if red spots appear in the summer, you should not delay treatment until autumn or spring. The plants should be immediately sprayed with a solution of Bordeaux mixture, and all affected parts should be removed and burned.

How to treat fungus on currants

Fungal diseases are considered the most common among most garden crops. This is due to the fact that fungal spores are easily spread by insects and can also reach healthy plants through weeds, air, water or untreated garden tools.

Let's look at the most dangerous and common fungal diseases of black currant - anthracnose and powdery mildew, and also take a closer look at their symptoms and treatment (Figure 4).


The rust pathogen spreads through the air and can enter shrubs from coniferous trees or sedges growing next to a pond.

Powdery mildew spores are also airborne, but can enter the soil around the shrub through contaminated water or mulch. Both diseases develop more quickly in warm, humid summer weather.


Each fungal disease has its own characteristic symptoms. For example, rust is accompanied by the formation of orange bumps or spots on leaves and young shoots. To combat, spray with one percent Bordeaux mixture and repeat the treatment four times with an interval of 10 days.

Figure 4. Symptoms of fungal diseases: rust and powdery mildew

Powdery mildew also has characteristic symptoms: shoots and leaves become covered with a white coating, which, as the fungus develops, spreads to branches and berries. To combat powdery mildew, spray with Bordeaux mixture or a one percent solution of copper sulfate.

Treatment of anthracnose

Anthracnose is a common disease of currants. Its danger is that in the initial stages of infection it is difficult to notice characteristic signs. Most gardeners determine that shrubs are infected with anthracnose only after the pathology has seriously spread (Figure 5).

Regardless of at what stage you notice the disease, you need to immediately begin treatment, since without fighting the disease, the shrub will first reduce its yield and then die.


Anthracnose can appear on any garden shrub. It is spread by insects and water, and can be found on weeds or garden tools.

Figure 5. Anthracnose symptoms

That is why, in order to prevent the spread of diseases, all equipment must be disinfected, as well as weeds must be removed between the bushes. In addition, in the spring it is necessary to water the bushes with hot water, which quickly destroys not only the causative agent of anthracnose, but also other pathological microorganisms, as well as pest larvae.


The first sign of anthracnose is the formation of small red-brown spots on the leaf blade. Gradually they increase in size and begin to cover the entire leaf.

With severe damage, all the leaves of the bush begin to acquire a brown tint, gradually dry out and fall off. Most often this happens in rainy weather. Moreover, the anthracnose pathogen successfully survives winter in the soil or under the bark, so without treatment, more serious signs of the disease may appear in the new season.

As soon as signs of the disease are detected, treatment should be started immediately. Firstly, in the spring, all last year’s leaves are removed from under the bushes and burned. Secondly, they spray with Bordeaux mixture (100 grams per 10 liters of water) and repeat the treatment after harvesting. In spring, you can spray the bushes with boiling water.

Treatment of black currant terry

Terry is manifested by deformation of flowers, buds and leaves, which change shape and sometimes color (Figure 6).

At first glance, it seems that terry is not capable of causing serious harm to the shrubs, other than deteriorating their appearance. But in fact, currants affected by this disease become much weaker, become more susceptible to fungi and pests, and their yield decreases.


The causative agent of the disease is a microorganism that is transferred from one plant to another by mites, aphids or other insects. In addition, the pathogen can successfully overwinter in damaged shoots, so it is not uncommon for anthracnose to appear on the site along with new seedlings purchased at the store.

To protect currants and other garden crops from this disease, you need to know its symptoms and take control measures in time.


In most cases, terry is accompanied by deformation of leaves, shoots and inflorescences. But with severe damage, the entire bush loses its shape: its young shoots grow more actively, but they are too weak and do not bear fruit, but only thicken the crown.

Figure 6. Symptoms of black currant terry

Unfortunately, there is no effective means of combating terry, so the disease can only be prevented. To do this, in early spring, sanitary pruning of bushes is carried out and all old leaves are removed from the soil. It is also necessary to treat the bushes with boiling water and regularly remove weeds.

Protecting currants from pests and diseases

Disease prevention is carried out at all stages of shrub development, starting in early spring. Even before the snow completely melts, all bushes are sprayed with hot water, which destroys all pathogens and pest larvae. This procedure, like sanitary pruning, must be carried out before the buds swell.

Also in the spring, spraying is carried out with a solution of karbofos, and after a while - with Bordeaux mixture. If disease symptoms do not appear during the growing season, you can periodically spray the bushes with foundationazole. The last treatment occurs in the fall, when the harvest has already been harvested. At this time, another pruning is carried out, the old layer of mulch is removed, organic fertilizers are applied and the bushes are treated with Bordeaux mixture.

You will find more information about diseases and pests of currants in the video.


Currants are a healthy and tasty berry, also susceptible to diseases and pest attacks. To protect the garden, you need to care for and treat the bushes with the help of drugs and folk remedies.

Treatment of currant bushes in spring against pests and diseases

There are many diseases that can harm currants and other fruit bushes, and therefore we will list the most famous and most common in our country, and also tell you about ways to combat them.

Kidney mite

The most terrible pest is the bud mite, which can be easily identified by the strongly swollen buds on the shoots. In the spring they will not bloom, but simply loosen, which leads to a decrease in yield. Up to several thousand pests can live quietly in each bud. There are the following methods to combat them:

  • In early spring, you need to cut out infected shoots and be sure to burn them;
  • Spray the plants with a solution of colloidal sulfur (10 g of mixture per 10 liters of water).

Which varieties are resistant to it: video

Currant aphid

Aphids damage leaves at the tops of shoots, causing them to become curled and wrinkled.

Control measures:

  • Before the buds swell, in order to destroy wintering aphid eggs, you need to spray the plants with an 8% solution of nitrafen;
  • Chlorophos also helps (for 10 liters of water, only 20 g of solution), it is advisable to add trichlorometaphos and karbofos to the mixture.

Currant borer

The larvae of this pest damage young shoots, which leads to drying out of the tops and death of the entire shoot. As a result, the berries become smaller and there are fewer of them. To prevent this, it is necessary to immediately break off and burn damaged shoots.


This disease causes the bush to completely stop bearing fruit, although you may not notice this right away. And all because the disease acts slowly, which may well lead to the fact that both healthy and diseased berries will “live” on the same plant at the same time. That is why, in the spring, inspect the currants, trying to detect diseased shoots on them, which must be immediately removed and burned.


A disease such as fly beetle (anthracnose) is widespread throughout Russia. It is a fungus that infects the leaves of the plant. The “juice” of the disease begins in July or August, and therefore it is advisable to begin the fight in the spring.

Ways to fight:

  • In April, it is necessary to spray the plants and the soil under them with a 60% nitrafen solution;
  • In summer, it is necessary to use a suspension of 80% cuprosan and a 1% solution of colloidal sulfur, which is used to spray the bushes before flowering, as well as two weeks after it. Be sure to spray the undersides of the leaves with 1% Bordeaux mixture.

Powdery mildew

In the last 10-15 years, powdery mildew has greatly tormented gardeners, as it attacks not only currants, but also other fruit bushes and trees. If you allow the bush to become infected, the plant will die in just a few years.

There are the following ways to fight:

  • Before the buds open, it is necessary to spray the plants with a solution of nitrophen, and after flowering - with a 25% solution of karatan or benlate;
  • In case of severe development of the disease, it is necessary to repeat spraying after a week.

Now you know how to spray currants in the spring to rid your garden of diseases, but in addition to chemicals, there are also folk remedies that are absolutely safe for both the trees themselves and humans.

Video about symptoms of diseases and pests of currant bushes

Boiling water as the best remedy for fighting

Those who grow currants in their garden know very well how difficult it is to fight various diseases and pests. Many people spend the whole summer fighting, but there is still no result, even when using the most modern means. But there is one “grandfather’s method”, which is considered one of the cheapest and most effective - boiling water.

Treating currants with boiling water in the spring is an excellent method for controlling many pests, including bud mites, which settle in the buds. After winter, the mite begins to wake up - if you don’t start fighting it in time, the next year the bush will stop bearing fruit and even die.

At the same time, remember that boiling water helps only in the spring, but not in the fall, because during this period the pests are simply inaccessible, which means they will remain unharmed after watering.

Processing scheme:

  1. Work must be carried out in early spring before the buds swell; if done later, young shoots can be damaged;
  2. Think in advance which bushes you will water, because the water should remain hot;
  3. Cover the roots of the plant with plywood or tarpaulin to prevent the boiling water from damaging them;
  4. To carry out the work, it is best to use a metal rather than a plastic watering can, which can become deformed due to boiling water;
  5. To increase efficiency, you can add salt or a solution of potassium permanganate to the water;
  6. Plants should be treated immediately after the water boils;
  7. We scald the branches and shoots evenly, without missing a single bush, and without stopping for a long time on one plant, so as not to burn it.

Processing bushes in practice: video

How to take care to prevent diseases

Naturally, a lot will depend not only on how you fight diseases and pests, but also on caring for the plant. This also directly determines how high quality your harvest will be.

Care is as follows:

  • Before the buds appear, use pruning shears or garden shears to remove dry and diseased shoots. and shrubs should be passed so that there are no stumps left on the branches in which pests can live. A well-formed bush will give an excellent harvest the very next year after planting;
  • You definitely need to make a stand for the bush, thanks to which you can lift the branches up, forming a kind of crown. This is necessary so that during the fruiting period the branches of the bush do not break off under the weight of the berries.;
  • Remove and burn garbage, old grass, leaves that can become a habitat for pests;
  • After the snow melts, loosen the soil to a depth of 3 cm around the bush, after which we resume watering the bushes;
  • At the beginning of summer, be sure to apply nitrogen fertilizers so that new ovaries form more quickly.

Currants (black, red and white) are common in many farms and are popular among gardeners due to their unsurpassed consumer qualities. Unfortunately, like many other crops, it is susceptible to a number of diseases and pests that can ruin efforts to grow it. Scientists, agronomists and simply gardeners have developed dozens of methods to combat pathogens and pests, and have developed and produced special chemical and biological preparations. To help a beginner understand the sea of ​​information, to show simply and clearly what pests attack currants, when, with what and how to fight them is the purpose of this article.

Treatment of currants from diseases and pests

Without the necessary care, currants are often affected by various fungal diseases, mites, aphids, etc.

Photo gallery: main diseases and pests of currants - you need to know the enemy by sight

One currant bud can contain up to 1000 mites Powdery mildew on currants looks like mold Whiteflies are located en masse on the inside of currant leaves Shoot aphids can be white, yellow, green and black. The first sign of a gall aphid attack is red tubercles on the outer surface of the leaf.

An integrated approach to caring for currant bushes will ensure their health and the safety of the harvest. It is necessary to take care in advance about the supply of necessary drugs, equipment and tools (garden sprayer, pruning shears, blowtorch, rakes, shovels, etc.). Currants must be processed throughout the season - from early spring to late autumn. Each period has its own events.

What to do in spring

Spring treatment of plants is preventive and is considered the most important, so you need to treat it especially carefully and responsibly. First of all, you need to focus on those pests and diseases that were identified in the previous season. With a high degree of probability, pathogens and pests overwintered in the bark, fallen leaves, and soil.

Table: list of drugs mentioned in the article with brief characteristics

A drugGroupPestsApplication
DNOCComplex contact-eradicative pesticide exhibiting simultaneously fungicidal, acaricidal, insecticidal, and herbicidal properties Application temperature not higher than +5 °C, time of year - late autumn, early spring
NitrafenFungicide and herbicideAnthracnose, scab, aphids, powdery mildew
Copper sulfateFungicide Late autumn, early spring at temperatures above +5 °C
inkstoneFungicideMoss, lichens, gray mold, powdery mildew, septosporiasisLate autumn, early spring in the absence of sap flow
Bordeaux mixtureFungicideSpotting, scab, curlinessEarly spring before buds open
Karbofos (Novaction)Insecticide and acaricideGnawing and sucking insectsDuring the swelling of the buds, during the formation of the flower cluster, the last time 30 days before ripening
AktellikUniversal insecticide and acaricideTicks, beetles, aphidsAt least 20 days before harvest
FufanonInsecticide, acaricideAphids, mites, scale insectsFor pest infestation, 2 treatments
Akarin (Iskra-bio)Insecticide, acaricideAphids, mitesTemperature not lower than +18 °C. Eating berries 2 days after treatment
FitovermBioinsecticide, acaricideAphids, mitesIn case of pest infestation, 2 treatments, eating berries 2 days after treatment
Colloidal sulfurFungicide, acaricideAphids, mitesUse at temperatures between 27 and 32 °C
BitoxibacillinBioinsecticideWhitefly, moth, sawflyUse at temperatures from 18 to 32 °C
Fitosporin - mBiofungicideFungal diseases, aphidsDo not use in direct sunlight
SunmiteContact action acaricideTicksApply after flowering
QuadrisFungicideFungal diseasesApply when a disease is detected at least 3–5 days before harvest. No more than three treatments per season
HorusFungicideFungal diseasesApply when a disease is detected at least 7 days before harvest. No more than three treatments per season

Fungicides are drugs to combat fungal diseases.

Acaricides are drugs used to combat ticks.

Insecticides are drugs used to control insects.

Herbicides are drugs that kill weeds.

Pesticides is a general term that includes all of the above.

Photo gallery: some drugs to protect currants from pests and diseases

Bordeaux mixture is a broad-spectrum fungicide Akarin - low-toxic insecticide, acaricide Fitoverm is a low-toxic bioinsecticide Fufanol - insecticide, acaricide Nitrophen is a potent fungicide and herbicide DNOC is a complex contact-eradicative pesticide that simultaneously exhibits fungicidal, acaricidal, insecticidal, and herbicidal properties Iron sulfate is a common fungicide. Fitosporin is one of the most common biofungicides for all occasions.

Before the buds swell

At this time, treatment is carried out against wintering pests and pathogens (mites, aphids, fungi). First, sanitary pruning and heat treatment are carried out (boiling water, steam, open flame), then spraying with potent insecticides.

The following drugs are used:

  • DNOC.
  • Nitrophen.
  • Copper sulfate.
  • Bordeaux mixture.
  • Inkstone.

When the first leaves appear

The time has come for preventive spraying against ticks, sucking and leaf-eating pests using the following means:

  • Actellik.
  • Fufanon.
  • Akarin (Iskra-bio).
  • Fitoverm.

Before flowering

Repeat treatment with the same drug as before. Additionally you can use:

  • Three percent Bordeaux mixture.
  • Colloidal sulfur (against kidney mites).
  • Bitoxibacillin (against moth).
  • Karbofos (Novaction).

Summer treatments

After the currants have bloomed and until the end of the harvest, the use of chemical protection products is undesirable. It is better to use traditional methods and biological preparations during this period.

Table: folk remedies against pests and diseases

Folk remedyRecipeWho is it aimed at?Technology of use
Citrus infusionPeels or spoiled fruits in the proportion of 1 kg per 10 liters of water, leave for five days in a warm placeAphids, scale insects and mealybugsSpray every two weeks if necessary
Garlic infusion200 g of chopped garlic per 4 liters of boiling water, infuse for 7 daysWhitefly, spider mite, bud miteBefore treatment, dissolve 50 ml of solution in 10 liters of water
Onion infusion1 kg of chopped onion is infused for 24 hours in 1 liter of warm waterFungal diseases, mites, aphidsBefore treatment, dissolve 20 ml of solution in 10 liters of water
Tobacco infusion1 kg of crushed raw materials (tobacco leaves, stems, dust) is infused for 24 hours in 10 liters of waterAphids, mitesBefore treatment, dilute 10 liters of water
Infusion of marigolds1 kg of dry plants is poured into 1 liter of boiling water and left for 2 days.Aphids, mites, whiteflies, fungal diseases
Soda solution40 g of baking soda dissolved in 10 liters of waterPowdery mildew, fungal diseasesBefore use, add an adhesive, such as laundry soap.
Wood ash infusion1 kg of wood ash is poured into 10 liters of water and left for 4 days.Powdery mildewTreat if necessary 2 times a month
Mullein infusion3 liters of mullein pour 10 liters of water and leave for 3 daysPowdery mildewBefore treatment, dilute with water 1 to 3

Autumn - end of the season

If necessary, if signs of fungal diseases are detected, it is recommended to use Quadris and Horus, alternating them. These drugs are addictive, so treatment with them is carried out no more than three times per season each.

Autumn, like early spring, is a time for preventive work in the garden. In addition to the usual sanitary measures (removing fallen leaves, removing dried branches, digging up tree trunks), preventive treatment of currants is carried out with one of the following preparations:

  • Nitrafen.
  • Iron sulfate (5% solution).
  • Copper sulfate (3% solution).
  • Bordeaux mixture.
  • Karbofos.

These activities are carried out before the onset of frost in dry, windless weather.

Treatment of currants against the most common diseases and pests

Currants, which belong to the gooseberry family, are susceptible to a number of fungal and tick-borne diseases, aphid attacks, etc. To avoid harmful consequences, it is necessary to promptly implement a set of protective and preventive measures aimed at improving the health of the bush.

How to get rid of aphids on currants

Usually, two types of aphids settle on currants - gooseberry shoot and red-headed gall. The first affects black currants, the second affects red currants. They are easy to spot. The blackcurrant leaves curl into a tube, inside which the pest has settled. Gall aphids settle on the inner surface of red and white currant leaves, and bright red tubercles called galls form on the outside.

Shoot aphids attack young leaves and shoots of black currants

In autumn, aphids lay eggs under the bark of annual shoots, where they overwinter. With the onset of warmth in the spring, the larvae hatch, which immediately begin to eat young buds and shoots. Around mid-July, when the foliage becomes coarser, the aphids grow wings and fly to nearby weeds, which they then feed on.

The larvae of gall aphids, hatching from those deposited on the underside of a red currant leaf, form red bulges, so-called galls, on the outer surface of the leaf.

Based on the characteristics of the aphid life cycle, the timing and methods of control are determined.

  1. In early spring, before the buds open, the crooked, aphid-infected ends of young branches 10–15 cm long are cut off (this operation is usually combined with breaking off mite buds). All collected twigs and buds must be burned.
    • Immediately after this, if the air temperature allows (+5–10 °C), you can treat the bushes with boiling water. Thoroughly pour hot water from a watering can at a temperature of 80–85 °C on each branch. With this treatment, the remaining aphid eggs that were missed during pruning die.
    • Instead of scalding with boiling water, you can treat the bushes with steam. Cover the bush with a film, under which a bucket of boiling water is placed. The procedure is carried out until the water cools to 70 °C.
    • Another method is fumigation with burning rubber smoke for three hours. To do this, place some metal containers with smoldering rubber in them near the bushes. All aphids will die.
    • At this time, supporters of chemical control methods treat shrubs with potent insecticides (insect control agents). Can I recommend
      • Nitrophen.
      • Karbofos.
      • Aktara.
      • Aktellik and others.
  2. Before flowering, a second spraying is carried out with the selected preparation.
  3. The third spraying, immediately after flowering, is best done using folk remedies. It is better not to use chemicals unless absolutely necessary. These could be, for example:
    • An infusion of tobacco dust (0.5 kg per 10 liters of water is infused for 3–4 days) with the addition of an adhesive - a means that promotes the adhesion of the solution, for example, laundry soap - spray the plants in the evening, in dry, warm weather.
    • An infusion of onion peels (0.5 kg per 10 liters of water is infused for 5 days) or an infusion of garlic (0.5 kg of finely crushed garlic per 5 liters of water is infused for a day).
    • A solution of soda ash (1 kg of soda per 1 liter of water) not only fights aphids, but also fungi.
  4. In the summer, if, despite the measures taken in the spring, aphids still appear, you can dip the affected branches in a bucket with one of the listed (or similar) solutions. Regularly remove weeds from the area.
  5. After harvesting, if necessary, you can return to chemical treatment.

It is known that ants cultivate aphids, so if these insects live on the site, you can drive them away using ordinary table salt. Sprinkle it on the anthill and the ants will go away.

Video: spraying currants against aphids

Treatment of red currants when red leaves appear

Red currant leaves turn red in two cases

Red currant leaf affected by anthracnose
When the first signs of anthracnose appear on red currant leaves, you should immediately treat the bushes with Fitosporin-M

  • When affected by gall aphids. Fighting methods were discussed above.
  • When affected by anthracnose (fungal disease).

If you find characteristic red spots on currant leaves (a sign of anthracnose), you need to urgently treat the bushes with Fitosporin-M; Quadris can be used even during the berry picking period.

After harvesting, they are processed

  • Previkur.
  • Topsin.
  • Funvizol.

In late autumn and early spring, preventive treatment with copper sulfate or Bordeaux mixture.

Treatment of currants against bud mite

The bud mite, as the name suggests, attacks currant buds. It overwinters inside the buds; each affected bud usually contains up to 1 thousand individuals. It has very small dimensions - up to 0.2–0.3 mm. Buds affected by mites have a rounded shape and an increased size compared to healthy ones.

On the left - healthy, oblong currant buds, on the right - mite-affected (enlarged, rounded)

If in early spring, before the buds open, you treat currant bushes with boiling water or steam to combat aphids, then at the same time you will destroy mites.

An analogue of this method is fire treatment. You can use a blowtorch, gas torch or torch. The flame is quickly passed along the branches 2-3 times at a distance of 10–15 cm. Since healthy kidneys are covered with hard scales, fire will not harm them. Infected buds are loose and fire will easily destroy mites and aphids.

Ticks are not insects (they are arachnids), so insecticides do not affect them. To combat them, acaricides are used (as anti-mite drugs are called), as well as drugs containing sulfur.

During flowering and immediately after flowering, shrubs are treated with a solution of colloidal sulfur (10 g per 10 liters of water) or karbofos (75 g per 10 liters of water), and after flowering the concentration of the solutions is halved.

During the season, the acaricides Akarin and Fitoverm, which can be used just two days before eating the berries, are of great help.

Among the folk remedies, the best way to help is garlic infusion (0.2–0.5 kg of chopped garlic per 10 liters of water, infused for 24 hours), which is also used to combat aphids. Treatments are carried out during budding and immediately after flowering.

More accurately, the timing of treatments can be determined by monitoring the ambient temperature, since the development cycle of the bud mite depends on it. Typically, the first emergence and migration of tick larvae occurs at a temperature of 18 °C. It is important not to miss this moment and carry out the first treatment.

Table: treatment intervals with drugs against currant bud mite

In the future, two more treatments need to be carried out at intervals depending on the air temperature (as indicated in the table).

Treatment of currants against spider mites

The first sign of a spider mite attack on currants is the appearance of yellow dots on the surface of the leaves, then the leaves become “marbled”, turn yellow, dry out and fall off. In advanced cases, a web appears on the plant, in which there are tick nests.

This is what red currants look like in advanced cases when they are infected with spider mites

Preventive measures to combat spider mites are no different from the measures to combat bud mites described above.

In addition, we can cite the well-proven Japanese-made Sunmite drug. This is a contact acaricide that successfully copes with many different ticks. It is equally effective at all stages of pest development from egg to adult tick. Its effect begins within 15 minutes after treatment and lasts up to 6 weeks, regardless of air temperature. Low toxicity for animals and humans.

Due to the fact that spider mites are afraid of high humidity, it is effective to treat shrubs with jets of water, thoroughly washing the inner surfaces of the leaves.

Treatment of currants against powdery mildew

Powdery mildew on currants resembles mold

The already familiar methods of treatment with boiling water, steam or open fire are effective. The bush is also treated with a 3% solution of copper sulfate.

Marigolds and calendula growing near currants will protect them from powdery mildew and other fungal diseases.

If, despite prevention, powdery mildew still affects the currants, treat them with gentle insecticides before flowering and after harvesting. The following drugs are popular and effective:

  • Fitosporin.
  • Potassium permanganate (1.5 grams per 10 liters of water).
  • Quadris.
  • Horus.

Quadris can be used 3–5 days before picking berries, Horus - 7 days.

  • Infusion of wood ash (1 kg per 10 liters of water, infuse for 2 days).
  • Soda ash (50 g per 10 liters of water) - process after flowering.
  • Mullein infusion (infuse 1 kg per 3 liters of water for 4 days, dilute with water in a ratio of 1 to 3 on the day of treatment) - process 3 times.

In the fall, before going into winter, preventive treatment is carried out with a 5% solution of ferrous sulfate.

Safety precautions when processing currants

When treating currants with pesticides, as well as with boiling water, steam, or a burner flame, it is necessary to take care of safety. It must be remembered that there are no absolutely safe chemicals. They can be low-toxic or moderately toxic.

Safety precautions when processing currants with pesticides


  • Wear protective clothing (overalls, robe made of waterproof fabric).
  • Use respiratory and eye protection (respirator, cotton-gauze bandage, safety glasses).
  • Before starting work, carefully study the instructions for the drugs used; perhaps additional protective measures will be indicated there, as well as actions to take if the drug comes into contact with the skin or eyes.
  • If vegetables or herbs that are eaten at this time grow in the immediate vicinity of currants, then it is necessary to cover the beds with plastic film, which after work is carefully removed so that chemicals do not get on the plants.
  • Upon completion of work, wash your hands thoroughly and take a shower.


  • The presence of strangers without protective equipment, children, or pets at the work site.
  • Smoking, eating, drinking while working.
  • Carry out work in windy weather.

Safety precautions when processing currants with boiling water or steam, or an open flame of a burner

When performing this type of treatment, you need to beware of skin burns, have a first aid kit with anti-burn agents, hydrogen peroxide, and a bandage.

When working with the burner, take measures to prevent fire. There should be no foreign flammable objects near the bushes (brushwood, paper, film, dry straw or hay, etc.).

Ensure that basic fire extinguishing means are available (water, sand, tarpaulin).

Currants are not an easy berry to grow; they require systematic care and require regular processing, fertilizing and sanitary measures. It is important to comply with the timing and quality of treatments, and use the right drugs at the right time. Don't get carried away with chemical remedies, but use them if necessary. The key to success is prevention. If you notice the first signs of disease or pest damage, take immediate action. With a systematic, competent approach to cultivation, timely processing, this wonderful plant will certainly delight you with abundant harvests of vitamin-rich, tasty and sweet berries.

The sweet and sour berry is loved for its unique taste and special beneficial properties. Currant bushes can be found in almost every garden. True, many complain that the plant is quite whimsical and instantly reacts to the slightest unfavorable conditions, including the appearance of pests and. To prevent the development of such factors, it is recommended to treat the bushes in early spring. So, we will talk about how to spray currants in the spring before the buds open.

Fighting kidney mites

The bud mite is considered the most terrible pest of currants. By attacking unopened buds, pests deprive gardeners of their harvest, since the buds that have become swollen thanks to the “efforts” of the mites will no longer be able to wait for berries in the summer. But you can solve this problem if you process the bushes in a timely manner. Mustard-garlic infusion works well against kidney mites. It is prepared from 250-300 g of garlic or its arrows, 1 tablespoon of dry mustard and 150 g of onion skins, as well as 10 liters of water. The mixture is infused for 24 hours, after which it is filtered and used as a preparation for spraying.

Another good way to spray black currants against mites in the spring is a solution of colloidal sulfur. 10 g of the substance must be dissolved in a bucket of water.

Other currant pests

Unfortunately, the bud mite is not the only pest that can cause significant harm to the future harvest and the condition of the bush. Currant aphids, currant borers, scale insects, moths, sawflies - this, unfortunately, is not a complete list of those insects that infect a beautiful garden plant. Again, treating bushes in early spring is an almost universal way to prevent their invasion.

If we talk about what can be used to spray currants in early spring against pests, then Bordeaux mixture gets good reviews among universal products. It is prepared from 10 liters of water, 100 g of copper sulfate 3% and 200 g of quicklime. To prevent the substance from being washed off from the currant branches, it is recommended to add a solution of laundry soap to the Bordeaux mixture. A solution of karbofos 0.2% or nitrafen 2% also fights well against most insects.

In specialized stores you can purchase a targeted drug, for example, “Neoron”, “Apollo” or “Mavrik”, which is used according to the attached instructions.

Don't forget about currant diseases

Various fungi and viruses also, unfortunately, infect bushes. Many of them develop at such a slow pace that it is sometimes very difficult to suspect the disease when it can still be fought. That is why in early spring, before the buds on the bushes bloom, it is recommended to carry out preventive spraying. An excellent remedy for processing currants is a mixture prepared from three components: 10 liters of water, 50-70 g of copper sulfate and 500-700 g or urea.

In the event that spraying is carried out when the leaves have already opened, the solution is prepared from 50 g of carbamed. If land with shrubs is affected by anthracnose, it is recommended to use a solution of colloidal sulfur 1% and a suspension of cuprosan 80% for spraying currants in early spring.

Powdery mildew, a fungus that covers the leaves with a white coating, requires a different approach. On the list of how to treat currants before buds break from a dangerous disease, an infusion of wood ash (1.5 kg of substance per 10 liters) and a solution of soda ash (50 g per bucket of water) are considered effective. Spraying with a 1% solution of iron sulfate also gives good results.