Where to store pineapple at home so that it ripens. How to choose and preserve fresh pineapple You bought the pineapple unripe, what can you do?

  • 12.10.2023

If you love exotic fruits, then you must know how to store pineapple at home. This will help you always have fresh and tasty treats in your kitchen.

Choosing the right pineapple

In order for advice on how to store pineapple at home to be effective, the product must be of high quality. So, when choosing, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • carefully inspect the fruit to make sure that there are no cracks or other visible damage, as well as rot or mold;
  • to make sure that the fruit is ripe, you need to smell it - it should emit a pleasant fruity aroma (but if the smell is too strong, this may indicate spoilage);
  • the skin should be pressed, but at the same time immediately restore its shape;
  • if you are counting on long-term storage, you can choose a slightly green fruit so that it ripens at home;
  • the color of the peel should be greenish-yellow;
  • pineapple scales should be the same shape, and their size proportionally decreases from the center to the edges;
  • leaves are juicy green, fresh;
  • When you tap the pineapple with your palm, you should hear a dull sound.

How to store pineapple at home so that it ripens

People often buy pineapple for future use. For example, on the occasion of a discount or to avoid price increases before the holidays. In this case, it is better to choose an unripe pineapple, the storage conditions for which should be as follows:

  • the optimal humidity in the room is 80% (if it deviates from the norm, the fruit may rot or dry out);
  • good ventilation must be ensured (so a closet or cramped pantry will not work);
  • Turn the pineapple constantly;
  • if you bought several fruits, the distance between them should be at least 10 cm;
  • the optimal ripening time for pineapple is three days;
  • In order for the pineapple to ripen as soon as possible and be as sweet as possible, it is recommended to hold it “upside down” (to do this, you need to cut off the leaves from it).

How to store pineapple in the refrigerator

Considering that the air temperature in the apartment is quite unstable (especially during the heating season), many people prefer to keep pineapple in the refrigerator. It is here that ideal storage conditions are created, under which the product will retain its properties for up to 20 days. It is best to put it in a special department for vegetables and fruits at the bottom of the refrigerator (the temperature is maintained here at 6-8 degrees).

Before placing the pineapple on the shelf, you should wrap it in baking paper or put it in a bag, making several holes in it for ventilation. If condensation appears, the packaging must be changed and the fruit itself must be thoroughly wiped. If you put peeled pineapple in the refrigerator, you need to cover it with cling film. But in this form the product can be stored for no more than 3 days.

Can it be frozen?

If you decide to treat yourself to an exotic fruit for the holidays, you will certainly have a question about how to store pineapple. At home, most foods are frozen. So, depending on the quality of the pineapple, it can be stored frozen for up to 4 months. The main thing is to follow these recommendations:

  • First, cut off the leaves without touching the peel and pulp;
  • wash the fruit and dry it well with a paper towel;
  • wrap the pineapple in film or fold it into a plastic bag;
  • Also, before freezing, the pineapple can be peeled and cut into slices, and then placed in a vacuum bag;
  • Repeated freezing of pineapple is unacceptable.

A few more methods for storing pineapple

There are several alternative ways of how and where to store pineapple. So, you can use the following tips:

  • On an industrial scale, the safety of pineapples and other fruits is ensured by ethylene gas. At home, it is quite possible to imitate similar conditions; the fruit should be placed in the center of a large vessel and surrounded with other fruits (pears, bananas, apples, tangerines, etc.). They produce ethylene, which speeds up the ripening of the pineapple. In this case, the fruit should be firm and show no signs of spoilage.
  • To ensure that the pineapple retains maximum beneficial properties, it is recommended to place it in a cotton bag. It is recommended to pre-wash and iron it. It is recommended to place the suspended pineapple bag in a dark and cool place where it will not be exposed to direct sunlight. This will protect the fruit from rotting or drying out.

How to revive a pineapple

Even if you store pineapple correctly, this does not mean that it cannot spoil. The fact is that you do not know under what conditions the fruit was transported and kept until it came into your hands. If the pineapple begins to spoil, take the following measures:

  • Peel the pineapple and cut into rings. Now you need to remove all the darkened places, wrap each piece in film and put it in the refrigerator.
  • If the pineapple has minor damage, it does not need to be peeled. It is enough to cut out the damaged areas, and wrap the rest in paper and put it in the refrigerator.
  • If the pineapple has already begun to deteriorate, and it will be stored for quite a long time, it is not enough to simply peel and cut the fruit. After this, it should be preserved or frozen.

A little about the benefits of pineapple

If you know how to store pineapple at home, you should definitely be aware of its benefits. So, this fruit is characterized by the following properties:

  • due to the increased content of the enzyme bromelain, pineapple speeds up the digestion process;
  • this product helps fight excess weight by breaking down fats;
  • Regular consumption of pineapple helps strengthen the immune system.


Pineapple is a tasty and healthy product that almost everyone loves. Unfortunately, the high cost does not allow it to become a consumer product. In most cases, pineapples are bought for future use during the holidays. To ensure that the gala dinner is held at the highest level, store the pineapple correctly. This will help preserve its taste and physical properties.

Pineapple is a tropical fruit; in Russia few people try to grow it: it is possible in principle, but difficult. Fortunately, nowadays you can almost always buy it in a store. True, the product is perishable and can be stored for a very short time. How to properly store pineapple so that it is “in its juice” by the time it is consumed?

How to store pineapple at home

Of course, for pineapple to be enjoyable, you must first choose it correctly. Without considering all the known techniques here (touch, crush, smell), let us only remember that pineapples, like all fruits, have different varieties intended for certain purposes.

Dessert varieties have large scales, and specimens with small scales most likely have a “technical” purpose for preparing various dishes: they have a more sour taste.

In addition, you can find pineapples on sale, both ready-to-eat and unripe. Naturally, almost all tropical fruits for export are harvested to some extent unripe: they take a long time to get to other countries. It is easier to preserve an unripe pineapple at home than a ripe one; this is usually done in the refrigerator. And if a fruit emits an alluring, specific aroma, it is better not to store it, but to cut it and give yourself pleasure right away.

How long can pineapple be stored at home?

In its normal state, that is, in the form of an unfrozen fruit, pineapple cannot be preserved for a long time: in this way it resembles well-known berries, such as raspberries or strawberries. In fact, something in taste and aroma even makes them similar. For temporary storage, it must be immediately placed in the refrigerator, in the fruit compartment, where the temperature is 6–9 o C. Under such conditions, the fruit, if it is not yet overripe before purchase, will last for 10–12 days. At higher temperatures, ripening will continue, and it will deteriorate “from old age,” and at low positive temperatures, this tropical inhabitant will simply begin to rot.

But you shouldn’t even put pineapple in the refrigerator just like that: a small package is required, otherwise it will transfer all its aroma to its neighbors on the shelf, and from them they will pick up not always pleasant odors. At the very least, it should be wrapped in several layers of clean paper, and then placed in a loosely sealed plastic bag. Not tightly closed: If the humidity is more than 90%, the fruit may become moldy. Periodically, the bag must be turned over, allowing the pineapple to lie on different sides. At the same time, inspect the paper: if it is very wet, replace it. Look at the fruit itself: if dark spots appear, you cannot store it longer. Cut out the spots and eat the rest. Several fruits cannot be placed in one bag.

If you simply put a pineapple in a bag, the condensation released from it can lead to rotting, so first you need to wrap the fruit in paper

If you don’t put a ripe pineapple in the refrigerator at all, then you should eat it no later than tomorrow; for a maximum of two days, when stored in a ventilated, dark place, it will retain its best properties. Maybe it won’t spoil at all in 3-4 days, but the taste will no longer be the same, and the processes of tissue decay, accompanied by rotting of individual sections of the fruit, will already begin. Of course, this applies to those specimens that were not completely ripe when purchased. If the pineapple has been peeled and cut into pieces, it cannot be stored without refrigeration for even three hours; The pieces will sit in the refrigerator for a couple of days, but if uncovered they will dry out and take on an unappetizing appearance.

How to Preserve Pineapple for a Long Time

In principle, there are no recipes for long-term storage of fresh pineapple: there are no such shelf-stable varieties as, for example, apples. For long-term storage (more than two weeks), you will have to do something with the pineapple.

Common processing methods are simple: drying, freezing or canning.

Don’t be afraid of these words, pineapple in any form is very tasty and does not lose its flavor, but, of course, you want to enjoy the fresh product. And only frozen pineapple remains more or less similar to fresh fruit. At the same time, vitamins (including ascorbic acid) and the substance responsible for its taste and aroma - bromelain - are almost completely preserved.

Canned pineapple can be stored for up to a year, dried for six months, and frozen for less, but it will be “almost as fresh.” Canned pineapple tastes and smells very similar to fresh pineapple, and the syrup from it is tasty and sweet, but canned food is just that: canned food.

When canning, pineapple is first poured with sugar syrup, which then becomes very tasty.

Dried pineapple is essentially a candy or, if dried with added sugar, candied fruit: this is a product “for everyone.” And when frozen, pineapple does not lose any taste or aroma, the pulp will remain just as juicy, only the juice will flow out much more.

Dried pineapple is a kind of candy, but the taste of these candies is quite reminiscent of pineapple

It is better to prepare the fruit before sending it to the freezer, since it will be much more difficult to cut the frozen whole fruit, and the loss of juice during such cutting will be too great. The pineapple is washed, peeled and cut into pieces of a size convenient for subsequent consumption. Place in a plastic bag and put in the freezer. Instead of a bag, you can take a food-grade plastic container of a convenient size.

It is known that freezers have different minimum temperatures (usually from -6 to -24 o C), but for pineapple there is no big difference: in an almost unchanged form, its nutritional properties will remain for three to four months at any negative temperature. And under no circumstances should pineapples be defrosted repeatedly.

For freezing, pineapple can be cut into pieces of any convenient shape and size.

How to ripen pineapple at home

If you bought a pineapple unripe and plan to eat it in a few days, you need to strike the right balance between allowing it to ripen without spoiling. You shouldn’t immediately put it in the refrigerator; you should try to ripen it at room temperature and a humidity of about 80%. Exceeding humidity can lead to rotting, lower humidity can lead to drying out. When storing, you need to keep it in a ventilated room and periodically turn it over in different directions, and when purchasing several copies, do not place them close to each other or to any walls.

Under such conditions, it will be optimal if ripening takes no more than a week, or better yet, about three days; If you need it sooner, you need to cut the leaves off the pineapple and place it upside down. Ethylene is a well-known ripening accelerator for many fruits. Naturally, there is nowhere to get this gas (the simplest unsaturated hydrocarbon C 2 H 4) at home. But it is released in small quantities during storage by some fruits, including traditional Russian pears and apples. Therefore, for high-quality ripening of pineapple, you can put it next to them. The safety of the pineapple should be checked periodically: the process of ripening and subsequent spoilage can proceed at an uncontrollable speed.

The proximity to apples allows the pineapple to reach a ripe state faster

Pineapple is a tropical fruit that is not suitable for long-term storage, but it can usually be kept fresh for a couple of weeks. If longer storage is necessary, freezing comes to the rescue, after which the pleasure from eating aromatic fruit is no less than from eating this delicacy fresh.

Like a pineapple, it was a novelty for all of us. As soon as it appeared on store shelves, huge queues lined up for it - everyone certainly wanted to try the incredibly tasty tropical fruit. The children were indescribably delighted when they received such a delicacy as a gift. Today the situation has changed dramatically; fruits and vegetables from other continents are no longer uncommon. We not only know their taste and have learned to cook many delicious dishes, but we also appreciate the benefits of these products. But do we all know how to store pineapple at home correctly?

Exotic guests

The tropics are generous with their gifts, their fruits are a rich storehouse of vitamins and all sorts of benefits for our body. The lack of which we, residents of cooler regions, especially feel in winter. The desire to pamper yourself and your loved ones with something unusual and tasty is growing on the eve of the winter holidays. You can buy overseas fruits in advance to avoid unnecessary fuss the day before. But how to store pineapple at home until the New Year and at the same time preserve all its benefits? Not everyone knows this.

The road to your home

Most exotic fruits arrive to us unripe. They are transported on sea vessels, but they are not particularly fast, and customs clearance at ports takes more than one day. Fruits are a very delicate product; if delivery is delayed even a little, they will simply go bad. Therefore, there can be only one solution - to pick the fruits green, and the ripening process will occur during the journey. But every exotic lover should know how to store pineapple at home and at the same time give it the opportunity to ripen.

Pineapples are sold slightly greenish, so you should buy them a few days before the upcoming holiday. This will allow the fruit to reach normal maturity, and this is the only way it can be tasty and healthy. In order for the fruit to ripen and not spoil, you should know how to store it correctly.

Ripe fruits

If you want to choose the most ripe pineapple, you need to be guided by its color and the state of the green leaves on the top. There should not be many of them, and the top ones will have a yellowish tint - this is a guarantee that the fruit is ripe and will be tasty. The pulp of a ripe pineapple itself is sunny yellow and has a pleasant aroma. But you need to be careful with the color of the peel - dark or scaly does not mean that the fruit is not ripe. It may well turn out to be ripe, the color depends more on the variety. Ripe fruits often have a yellowish, straw-colored, or reddish-brown skin. We've sorted out the choice of ripe pineapple, now let's move on to how to store pineapple at home correctly and how to choose a quality product when purchasing.

Fruits in the store

Exotics are imported en masse, mainly before the holidays. There are a lot of pineapples appearing, but they are all slightly greenish. Therefore, if you decide to buy one of them, you should learn a little about how to choose a good fruit and how to store pineapple at home so that it ripens for the holiday.

First of all, pay attention to the Fruits should not be damaged, have dark spots or hints of mold or anything like that. The surface of the pineapple should not be soft. The leaves are limp, and the peel is dull and faded. This is a sign that storage conditions have been violated and the product is spoiled. Refuse to make such a purchase, even if the price is very attractive.

We bought a pineapple

How If you bought it completely ripe - no more than 3-4 days, at room temperature. However, it should not be placed in cold or high humidity areas. Often, out of habit, we put fruits in the refrigerator - this is a mistake, as the fruit will quickly lose its quality and spoil. It is better to leave it right on the kitchen table or windowsill; it will serve as an excellent decoration and will feel great.

How to store pineapple at home if it is green? There are several proven methods, and we will dwell on each of them in more detail.

Option one

Store in the same way as ripe fruit - at room temperature, low humidity and plenty of air. To make it sweet, turn it upside down. With this storage, the pineapple will not ripen quickly, the period is about a week, so plan your purchase in advance or speed up the ripening process.

Option two

How to store pineapple at home until the New Year, if there is little time left and the fruit is still completely green? There is a way to speed up the process naturally. Ethylene influences the rate of ripening of pineapples. Place other fruits around the exotic guest - ordinary pears and apples, oranges and bananas - the process will go much faster.

Option three

Here's another way to store pineapple at home. There are only 2-3 days left until the New Year, but the pineapple seems to have just been picked? Not a problem - the same fruits will come to the rescue, but the pineapple should be wrapped in several layers of paper. Check the ripening every day: lightly pull the leaf in the center of the top - if it comes out easily, it means the fruit is ripe, it’s time to remove the paper, otherwise it will be overripe.

If there is very little time left before the start of the holiday, try to choose the most ripe fruit when purchasing.

For the future

If it happens that the pineapple remains unclaimed, and you are running out, don’t be upset. Pineapple is a versatile product; it is suitable for preparing many dishes. Your task is to prevent it from deteriorating and properly prepare it for further storage.

Candied fruit

Can be used in making desserts or simply as a “yummy” for tea. This is one of the best storage methods; in this state, all useful properties are fully preserved. For candied fruits, the fruits are cut into pieces or slices, placed in thick sugar syrup for a couple of days, and then removed and dried in a cool, dark place.


Preparing candied fruits will take time, so if there is very little pineapple left, you can freeze it. Cut into cubes, place in one layer on a dish and place in the freezer. Then put the cubes in a bag and put them away. They can be used in the preparation of desserts, drinks and for decorating a wide variety of dishes.

Experts say that ripe fresh pineapple can only be tasted in the place where it grows. To reach the buyer in the middle zone and northern regions, the fruit requires a long sea journey. Fruits are initially harvested unripe so that they do not spoil on the road. Only pineapples delivered by air can be enjoyed fresh and ripe.

How to choose a delicious pineapple

Over time spent on the road, the overseas berry gains ripeness, despite some loss of taste. When choosing a pineapple, you need to know the signs that allow you to enjoy the taste without throwing away a spoiled fruit at home:
  • look;
  • touch;
  • smell.

The name pineapple comes from the Indian definition of the fruit - apa-apa, the smell of odors. Therefore, first you need to use your sense of smell and feel the incomparable smell of odors. If spicy-sweet notes predominate, the fruit is overripe and fermentation has already begun. If the smell is barely perceptible or completely absent, the pineapple is green. Treatment of an unripe product with a flavoring cannot be ruled out.

Take a careful look at the surface of the specimen, its color and the condition of the crest. The fruit should be golden brown, with a slight green towards the top. The crest itself consists of leaves. If there are few of them and they are lifeless even in the very middle, the fruit has been waiting for a buyer for a very long time. If the leaves come off easily from the bottom, it is overripe. The junction of the hair and the body should be damp; this is the property of the leaves to collect and transfer moisture to the fruit. But there are some tricks here too. Pre-sale preparation may consist of immersing the berries in water for a day. Then it becomes heavier, the leaves are fresher, and the taste is bad and such pineapple cannot be stored.

The cone should be free of brown spots, mold and its smell. This all indicates that the product has spoiled inside. The weight of the fruit should be heavy. Light and loudly responding to the clap of the palm of the hand, pineapple, green.

All that remains is to feel the fruit, since it is already in your hands. By lightly pressing on the crust, you can feel elastic resistance. And if you drown the lump a little, it will immediately pop out.

Choosing the right pineapple is not easy for those who rarely buy them. We consume apples, pears, watermelons, melons, and oranges much more often. Therefore, we can choose them without the advice of professionals. When choosing a pineapple for the holiday table, it is better to take the advice of an experienced person, but not a seller interested in maximum sales of the purchased product.

In China, a New Year's table without pineapple is unthinkable. This fruit is a symbol of prosperity and good luck in the future.

How to ripen a pineapple

Despite the statement that pineapple ripens only on the plant, it is already clear that any overseas fruit for a long journey is picked unripe. Therefore, the fruits ripen along the way. But if you bought an unripe fruit, then you need to continue bringing it into an edible state. However, there are pineapple varieties with green skin. If the green fruit has a smell and other signs of ripeness, there is no need to ripen it. Then it should not have brown spots indicating overripeness. Unripe fruits are suitable only for culinary delights after heat treatment.

There are several tips on how to ripen pineapple. One of the accelerators is ethylene gas. It is distinguished by apples and pears stored nearby. If placed next to a pineapple, the flesh will turn yellow after 2-3 days. In this case, every day you should check the condition of the fruit by tearing off the leaves from the crown. As soon as ripeness occurs, the pineapple should be eaten immediately. After such ripening, the product is not stored.

You can simply store the cone berry in a ventilated area with high humidity, wrapped in paper in the shape of a cabbage fork. At the same time, you need to turn it on the other side every day to avoid bedsores. The pineapple will ripen within a week.

If a ripe pineapple is needed earlier, it should be surrounded on all sides with apples and pears directly in newspapers. The fruit will ripen in such a neighborhood in 2 days.

Remove the tuft from an unripe pineapple, which can be used for growing, and place the pineapple itself upside down, then it will turn yellow earlier and will be sweet.

Conditions for storing pineapple

To preserve a pineapple for two weeks, an indispensable condition must be met - a temperature of 7.5 - 8 0, wrapped in paper and placed in a plastic bag. In this case, the package must be turned over. If you change the temperature, the pineapple will freeze or become overripe. To prevent the pineapple from becoming moldy, the humidity should be above 90%, about 80.

There are no recipes for how to store fresh pineapple for a long time. Only drying, canning or freezing can allow you to enjoy the taste of the healthy fruit for a long time. It should be noted that the main active substance bromelain is preserved only in fresh and frozen products, like vitamin C.

Therefore, how long a pineapple can be stored depends on what kind of processing it has undergone. Canned food has a shelf life of up to a year; dried food is consumed within six months. Products with preservatives have much less nutritional value than fresh pineapples.

Frozen pineapples

By comparing fresh and deep-frozen pineapple, you can make sure that the composition of the product remains almost unchanged. Not only the bromelain, but also the aroma of the fruit is preserved. Moreover, after defrosting, it is suitable for fresh consumption and the preparation of salads, juices and culinary processing.

The deep-frozen product is supplied from tropical countries and produced in Europe as the fruit arrives in season. Therefore, you can play it safe and choose a deep-frozen product that is stored for three months from the date of manufacture.

You can freeze pineapple at home if you have a modern freezer. In this case the fruit:
  • wash;
  • drain and peel;
  • remove the core, cut into thin rings or cubes;
  • frozen in one row on a tray for several hours;
  • transferred to a common storage container.

This method allows you to purchase several fruits from a good batch of fruits and consume them regularly for health benefits.

Stored frozen pineapples should not be defrosted repeatedly. The melted product should be used completely.

Peeling pineapple quickly and beautifully - video

Many pineapples are picked unripe so that they do not spoil during transportation to Russia. You should not throw away the green fruit, because it can be easily brought to ripeness at home.

Green pineapple at home becomes softer and juicier, but not sweet. Cut fruits are not able to accumulate sugar, because they are separated from the stems and the starch they contain.

Therefore, it is better for sweet lovers to immediately choose ripe fruits based on appearance, color and aroma.

The speed at which a pineapple ripens depends on the condition in which it was purchased. Some fruits can be consumed within a couple of days, others after a few weeks.

Rules for storing pineapples for speedy ripening

Many people wonder where to store pineapple at home so that it ripens. You can keep fruit on the balcony, in the room and in the refrigerator. The main thing is to ensure that they are not exposed to direct rays of the sun. This can lead to drying of the peel and pulp, the development of undesirable processes inside the fruit - rotting and fermentation.

In room conditions

There are 6 ways to help speed up the ripening of pineapple at room temperature:

  1. Wrap the pineapple in cling film (1 layer is enough) and place in a warm and sunny place. After 24 hours the fruit will be ready to eat.
  2. Wrap the fruit in several layers of paper (not glossy) and place it next to the fruit. Regularly unroll the paper and replace damp sheets with dry ones so as not to create excess moisture. Make sure that there is no rot on the peel. The approximate ripening period is 3 days.
  3. Place the fruit on the balcony, spray with warm water from a spray bottle and leave for 5 days. You can use this method only in the warm season - summer or late spring.
  4. Wrap the fruit in newspaper and place it near the radiator. This can be done during the heating season.
  5. Place the pineapple in a cloth bag or wrap it in a terry towel. Place in a dark place with a flow of fresh air.
  6. Trim the foliage, leaving only 2 cm. Turn the fruit over and place it in the place where the rosette used to be. If there is still starch at the base, the sugar will be evenly distributed throughout the fruit and the pineapple will become sweeter. This will happen in about 1 week.

When using any of the above methods, the fruit must be regularly removed and checked for ripeness. Otherwise, it may become overripe and unfit for consumption.

In a refrigerator

In the cold, pineapple retains its properties longer - up to 2-3 weeks. Before putting it in the refrigerator, you should figure out where to keep the fruit.

Fruits are able to absorb odors and transfer their aroma to other products. Therefore, it is recommended to store them in the lower compartments intended for fruits and vegetables. A paper bag with holes is suitable for packaging, but not plastic. If you wrap a pineapple in cling film, it will overripe and rot.

In order for the fruit to ripen faster, you need to follow these recommendations:

  • ensure that the humidity level does not rise above 90%;
  • turn the fruit regularly to prevent it from spoiling;
  • maintain the temperature within +7...+8°C (if it drops below, the fruit will freeze; if it rises above, it will become overripe).

Storing with other fruits

To make the fruit juicy and soft, it can be added to other fruits - pears, apples, bananas, apricots. During their storage, ethylene is formed, which accelerates the ripening process. You need to do the following:

  1. Place pineapple and other fruits in a paper or plastic bag with air holes.
  2. Tie and leave in a dark place.
  3. Untie the bag daily and check the pineapple for ripeness.

If fruits spoil, they must be removed. If you do not do this on time, the pineapple will rot before it ripens.

What to do with pineapples if they start to spoil

If storage conditions are not observed (temperature, relative humidity, etc.), the ripe fruit begins to deteriorate. Mold spores spread quickly, so if white spots appear, the pineapple should be thrown away. Another thing is darkened areas, which indicate that the fruit has begun to rot. In this case, you can use the following methods:

  1. Cut off dark spots with a knife and remove the peel. Grind the fruit, wrap it in film and put it in the refrigerator. Use within 6 days.
  2. Remove darkened areas, but do not peel the fruit. Pack in a paper bag with holes for ventilation and put in the refrigerator.
  3. Cut off the dark spots, place the pineapple in a paper bag or cloth bag, and leave at room temperature. Store for no more than 2-3 days.

Pineapples with signs of rot are not placed with other fruits, as this speeds up the spoilage process.

Those who don’t know what to do with spoiled fruit should use 1 of the following recipes:

  1. Candied fruit. Drying allows you to preserve ripened fruits and their beneficial properties for a long time. Candiing is a long process, but not complicated. It is enough to peel the fruit, cut into slices, place in sugar syrup for several days, and place in a dark and dry place. Ready-made candied fruits can be added to other dishes (muffins, cookies, Easter cakes), and used as a dessert for tea or coffee. The longer dry fruits are stored, the less vitamins remain in them. Therefore, it is recommended to use candied fruits within 12 months.
  2. Canned pineapple. The fruits are washed, peeled, cut and placed in previously prepared syrup (1 kg of granulated sugar per 700 ml of water). After 12 hours, the syrup is placed on the stove, brought to a boil over low heat and poured into sterile jars. Canned fruits can be stored for a long time. The main thing is to ensure that the place is cool and not exposed to ultraviolet radiation. Preservation is intended for quick consumption (you need to eat the jam within 3-4 days after opening the jar).
  3. Frozen pineapples. The fruits are washed, peels and spoiled areas (too soft, damaged, with dark spots) are removed. Cut into cubes or rings, place on a horizontal surface (board, plate) so that they lie next to each other. Then they are placed in the freezer, and after 3-4 hours they are taken out and put into bags. You can store frozen pineapples in the freezer for up to 1 year, but it is better to limit it to 3 months. After defrosting, the fruits must be used immediately (they cannot be re-frozen), so it is better to make small portions at once.
  4. Pineapples baked on the grill or in the oven. Unripe fruits can be baked to make them tasty and soft. During the cooking process, the sugar accumulated in the pineapple is caramelized and bromelain (an enzyme that can cause side effects such as pain and bleeding in the mouth) is neutralized. If the fruit is too hard and sour, you can sprinkle it with brown sugar before baking.
  5. Boiled pineapples. Another way to neutralize bromelain is to cook unripe fruits. To do this, they are peeled, cut into pieces and placed in a pan along with the released juice. Then they are filled with water (the liquid should completely cover the fruits), brought to a boil and left on low heat for 10 minutes.
  6. Compote. To brew the drink, you will need a ripe pineapple. It is cleaned, cut into pieces, placed in water and sugar is added. Place the pan on the stove and keep on low heat for 5 minutes. If desired, compote can be prepared from several types of fruits: pears, apples.

Secrets and subtleties for storing pineapples so that they ripen and do not spoil

To prevent the pineapple from spoiling during ripening, proceed as follows:

  1. The fetus is inspected daily. This helps to detect signs of spoilage in time and understand whether it is ripe or not.
  2. For storage, choose dark places inaccessible to direct sunlight. It is better not to store fruit in the cupboard, because it does not receive enough fresh air.
  3. During the day, the fruits are turned over several times. This prevents mold and dark spots from appearing.
  4. Several pineapples are placed so that there is at least 10 cm between them. If 1 fruit begins to spoil, it is removed immediately (infection of other specimens occurs quickly).
  5. The fruits are placed on a soft surface so that dents do not appear on them during the ripening process. The presence of damage can cause the fruit to quickly deteriorate.

Finding out how to ripen pineapples is easy. The main thing is to find out how long ripe fruits can be stored under different conditions. At room temperature, the fruits retain their properties for 3-4 days. Therefore, it is recommended to put them in the refrigerator. Cut fruits can be used for 5-6 days, and whole ones (in the peel) - 2 or 3 weeks. Frozen, canned and dry fruits last the longest.