Garden flower with lilac bells. Garden bell and growing Carpathian bell at home

  • 10.10.2023

Perennial flowers, bells, are grown everywhere as garden and country decoration. They are valued for their availability, frost resistance, and variety of varieties. There are about 300 types of bells. Cultivated garden forms are slightly finicky to care for, but with due attention they can decorate the area for many years. The material contains photos and descriptions of the most popular varieties among domestic gardeners.

The garden variety of perennial bellflower or campanula has been cultivated by humans for hundreds of years. The name of the plant and its entire family was given by the shape of the corolla, reminiscent of a miniature bell. In Rus', the flower was also given the names chebotka, pichuzhnitsa, chenille or bell. In the wild, bluebells grow both among tall meadow grasses and on rocky surfaces. The first ones are tall, the second ones are short. The generally accepted varietal classification of all perennial bells is based on differences in “growth.”

Unlike wild meadow species, the flowers are colored not only in blue-blue tones. Shades of garden bells: white, purple, crimson, etc. Tone saturation depends on humidity. The higher it is, the lighter the bud.

The stems of the bell are erect, moderately branched, although climbing subspecies are also found. The plant blooms in the second season from the moment of sowing. The buds open abundantly and fade in waves throughout the summer and the first half of autumn. The corollas of the perennial bell are honey-bearing. The flower is planted in spring or autumn. Any moist soil will suit it.

Attention! An abundance of sunlight is not necessary. Campanula fully takes root and develops even in the shade.

Tall flower varieties

Nettle leaf bell will grow up to 1 m and is distinguished by straight, highly fleecy stems. The greens look similar to nettles:

  • lower leaves have long petioles;
  • all leaf plates have a serrated edge;
  • the green surface is rough.


Blue-violet or white corollas are collected in a brush up to 45 cm in length. The variety blooms for less than a month from the end of June. Seeds are produced en masse. The subspecies actively reproduces by self-seeding.

Attention! Young leaves and roots of the nettle-leaved bell are placed in salads and cabbage soup.

Campanula latifolia- one of the tallest in the family: 1.2 m. It has a leafy straight stem and large basal leaves. The buds (about 6 cm in length) are located in the axils of the upper sessile leaves. Color - blue, bright blue or white. There are subspecies with double buds. Flowering occurs in mid-summer.

Onion-shaped or rapunzel-shaped bell reaches a height of 1 m if grown under normal conditions. On rocky soil the flower may be much lower. The variety behaves aggressively on the site, quickly multiplies and grows. Practice shows: from a pair of seeds, a vast bellflower meadow grows in 2-3 years. It blooms from June until frost, producing long one-sided racemes. The color of the buds is bright purple.


Other varieties in the tall category:

  1. Campanula lactiflora. Grows up to 1.2 m, although it can be lower. Small corollas are collected in pyramids. The color is lilac or white.
  2. The bell is crowded. In addition to being tall (1 m), it has a miniature shape. Multi-tiered inflorescences. The flowers are blue, dark purple or white.
  3. Peach-leaved variety. A 1-meter plant with simple or double buds with a diameter of 3 cm. The color of the inflorescences is blue or white. The leaves are dark and small. Blooms until early autumn. Suitable for cutting.

Medium-sized varieties

Campanula rotundifolia is one of the most popular in its family. It has rounded basal leaves. They dry out and die in the summer, during the flowering phase. The top greens stay fresh until October.

The height of an adult plant reaches 60 cm. There may be several stems. The buds are strictly blue, small, arranged in a paniculate inflorescence.

Other medium-sized varieties of campanula:

  1. The spreading bell reaches 50-70 cm in height. It has narrow lanceolate leaves of a rich green hue. Large flowers are collected in spreading panicles. Petals are a soft lilac shade.
  2. A perennial variety called Raspberry Ring has single large double buds. The color of the petals is pink. The length of the stem reaches 70 cm. Flowering continues all summer.
  3. Bluebell Droplet is a biennial species. The average height is about 80 cm. The buds are large, up to 6 cm in diameter. They are colored white, blue or purple, located along the entire length of the stem. The flowers open alternately during July and August.

Low-growing Campanula varieties

A special feature of this category of perennial bells is the need for lighting. Plants need plenty of heat and sun. They also need good drainage and rocky soil type. For the winter, the flowers are covered with spruce branches. Low-growing include mountain Pozharsky variety with creeping stems, medium-sized serrated leaves and small flowers of a light blue tone. The bud barely reaches 15 cm in height.

Similar to him Portenschlag bell. The buds play blue-lilac-violet shades. The small, round leaves have a serrated edge. Height - 10-15 cm. Flowering lasts until late autumn, weather permitting.

Other crops in this category:

  1. Campanula punctata differs from its low-growing counterparts in its winter hardiness. Creeping stems rise 20-25 cm above the ground. Inflorescences are sparse. The corollas have a light purple color, unusual for bells, with a dark splash in the center.
  2. The Carpathian variety is one of the longest lasting among dwarf campanulas. It blooms from June to late autumn with delicate blue or white flowers. Height - about 15 cm.
  3. The Gargan bell does not grow higher than 10-15 cm. It forms lush “pillows” on the site. The petals are folded into a star-shaped corolla and have a gray-blue tint.

Campanula is suitable for growing in the garden. The plant is often used to decorate a personal plot. Before planting, you just need to choose the right variety.

Have you planted bluebells on your property?

Garden bells: video

Garden bells are an absolutely inimitable family of touching perennial plants that never cease to charm gardeners with their modest simplicity and cheerful character. The bellflower has a huge number of both the largest and smallest species; they can easily decorate different corners of the garden from rock gardens and supporting walls to lush flower beds. Inimitable flowering is the main feature of all representatives of the genus. But even among the huge number of varieties and species, there are favorites. After all, not all bells combine hardiness and frost resistance with true abundance of flowers and ease of care.

Carpathian bluebell (Campanula carpatica). © Michael Steven

Let's take a closer look at the 3 best varieties of garden bells, different in character, but equally perfect.

Pozharsky's bell ( Campanula poscharskyana), variety ‘Silberregen’

This is the undisputed leader among modern hybrids of this species. For Campanula Pozharsky, the variety is truly unique, because it not only blooms tirelessly without the slightest stimulation in the form of pruning, from May to September, but is also distinguished by its amazing profusion of flowers. Its height is limited to 20 cm.

The unique sparkling silvery white of the charming small flowers is only enhanced by the fact that the plant's lush mats of dark greenery are literally hidden beneath the incredible number of blooms on this summer star. But the shape of the flower also deserves attention: thanks to the elongated, pointed lobes, each individual bell on the plant seems like a star, which only enhances the charm of the variety.

Pozharsky's bell, variety ‘Silberregen’. © AllgäuStauden

‘Silberregen’ is highly valued by both professionals and amateur gardeners around the world. This variety is rightfully considered one of the best abundantly flowering plants for decorating supporting walls, rockeries, rock gardens and gardens on a slope. And it is certainly the brightest white bell. For all its unearthly beauty, “Silberregen”, which looks like a scattering of silver, fully retains the advantages of its more modest brothers in terms of endurance, winter hardiness and durability.

Bellflower peach ( Campanula persicifolia), variety ‘Grandiflora Alba’

This snow-white bell is truly the leading variety of its species. It is distinguished by the perfect shape of its flowers, as if floating weightlessly on thin branched peduncles. The elegance and beauty of the lines of this perennial, whose height during flowering reaches 70 cm, and in favorable conditions even 1 m, is emphasized by a dark cushion of greenery at the base of the graceful shoots. The leaves are bright, graceful, with beautiful teeth along the edges.

The flowers are large, up to 5 cm in diameter, exemplary in shape, pure white in color. They are collected in graceful brushes and charmingly droop. The variety continues to bloom throughout the summer, from the beginning of June to the end of August.

Bellflower peach-leaved variety ‘Grandiflora Alba’. © sadevalja

The variety “Grandiflora Alba” is considered truly royal, because the pure snow-white color of its elegant flowers creates one of the strongest effects of inner radiance in the garden palette. The number and beauty of blooming flowers create a shining veil, airy and weightless, over the flowerbeds and flower beds.

It is one of the most profusely flowering plants for complex arrangements, creating bright, solid splashes of color in summer. All he needs for a bright parade is loose loam and bright lighting.

Bluebell Carpathian ( Campanula carpatica), variety ‘Blaue Clips’

Of course, the best variety of Carpathian bellflower in terms of abundance of color and purely practical characteristics. The modest height of the plant, never exceeding 25 cm, is fully compensated by surprisingly large graceful flowers with a diameter of up to 3 cm with a beautiful transition from light to dark bright blue color. But even the size of the flowers cannot compete with their number: the green bell is almost invisible under the constantly blooming new flowers.

Their shape is charming: wide, cup-like, they sparkle with freshness and cheerful “eyes”. In addition, this variety blooms tirelessly from June to August, much longer than other Carpathian bells. The bell of this variety grows in the form of dense, compact hemispheres; the leaves are very bright, heart-shaped and pleasant to the touch.

Carpathian bluebell, variety ‘Blaue Clips’. © Ben Rushbrooke

One of the advantages of Blau Clips is its unpretentiousness. It will bloom profusely in both sun and partial shade and requires virtually no care. But the plant will be comfortable only on calcareous soils, which are loose and eliminate the risk of moisture stagnation.

I'm ringing you with a bell.
The heart is beating, and there is anxiety in the soul.
My beauty, I love you.
Reciprocate my feelings, touchy-feely!

Description and features of bells

Since childhood, people know that a bell is cute. Bluebell flowers lovely forest bells, reminiscent of a ringing bell in miniature.

The bluebell received the official name “campanula”, which sounds like a bell in Latin. A long time ago, people said that on the holiday of Ivan Kupala, those chosen could hear a small flower making a melodic sound.

Bluebell flower color It can be of traditional blue shades, as well as rare white, pink, lilac tones, and even have a completely rare shade of red.

The bell can be seen in sunny meadows and fields, on forest edges. This is where you can actually find bluebell meadows. When you see such a simple plant, you want to put your ear to it and listen to what it is singing about.

Thanks to the science of breeding, it is able to please the human eye not only in the meadow, but also in the home garden. The bell has become a favorite plant in the northern hemisphere of the planet, as well as in regions with moderate climatic conditions. In the Russian Federation, the bell flower has traditionally been considered the Russian national flower; girls use it to weave wreaths and collect field bouquets.

The bell flower belongs to the genus Campanaceae. This perennial flower has gained popularity among amateurs and professionals. It can be found not only in fields and meadows, but also in the mountains. Bell flowers are like little fairies that came to us from good old wives' tales.

Breeders have been carefully doing this for many years, thereby creating more and more new varieties. Thanks to them, there are unique varieties of terry, edible and healing (medicinal) bells.

Photo of bell flower cannot be left without close attention. It has an incomparable inflorescence shape. It can be in the form of a brush or a kind of whisk.

Bells vary in color and peduncle height. Low-growing selection bells will look ideal near ponds and borders. Tall bell flowers can create a bright melody and harmony in any flower bed.

It should be noted that there are completely unique varieties of bells. Large bell flower- will become a real master and treasure in any flowerbed or front garden, it is he who will notify his owner about arriving guests or about an approaching thunderstorm. With the onset of precipitation, drops of dew appear on its leaves.

Always a priority perennial bluebell flowers plants. Once you plant them in your garden plot, you can forget about everything for a long time and just enjoy their crystal ringing. I would like to note that there are some bells listed in Red Russia.

In modern landscape design, small and large bells have become fashionable. Both pair wonderfully with daisies and low-growing phlox. In the language of flowers, a bell symbolizes humility and peace; such a bouquet is appropriate to give to a young and innocent girl as a sign of purity and fidelity of feelings.

Types of bells

In fact, in nature there is not one, but many types of bell flowers.

Nettle-leaved - peduncle of a plant up to about 0.8 meters. The inflorescence can be soft white, blue, purple. Flowers are always collected with a brush. Distributed throughout Eurasia. It is called so because of its special leaves, similar to nettles.

Milky-flowered - peduncle 1.2 meters high. The flowers are white, lilac and purple. Distributed in the sunny Caucasus.

In the photo is a milky bell

Peach-leaved - reaches 0.9 meters. The inflorescences are usually large. The flowers are white, bluish, rarely double. Distributed throughout Eurasia.

Bluebell crowded is a tall beautiful flower that grows up to 1 meter. The flowers are white, blue and purple. Distributed throughout Eurasia.

broadleaf bellflower– tall flower 1.5 meters. The flowers are large, 6 cm in diameter. They grow in the territory of Eurasia, Altai and the Caucasus Mountains.

broadleaf bellflower

White bell- a very rare phenomenon. Thanks to the efforts of breeders, this variety was developed. Bluebell white flower- a unique, very original, perennial plant that gets along well in the garden and on alpine hills.

The photo shows a white bell

The red bell is a completely rare variety of plant; outstanding breeders have been working on its appearance for many years. Their efforts were crowned with victorious success. Red bell flower has shades of crimson, purple and lilac tones.

Red bell flower

Bluebell is a common flower. Bluebell flower grows in forests and mountains, in garden plots. It varies in height of the peduncle and size of the flower itself. Considered an undoubted classic. Sung by many songs and poems.

The photo shows a blue bell

Varieties of bells

Carpathian is a very fashionable, low-growing bellflower. Its flowers can be white or blue. Loves rocky slopes.

Bluebell Carpathian

Gargansky - grows up to 15 cm. The flowers are pale blue, they have the shape of tiny stars.

Gargan Bell

Spoon-leaved - reaches 12 cm in height. The inflorescences are whitish and purple, small. Lives in Europe.

In the photo there is a spoon-leaved bell

Pozharsky's bell is a bush plant 20 cm tall. The flowers are shaped like star clusters. The color scheme is lavender. It is common in southern Europe.

Pozharsky's bell

Portenschlag's bell is a cute, low-growing flower, bluish-purple in color. Grows mainly in Europe.

Portenschlag bell

Pointed bell – 25 cm high. Has pink flowers. It grows geographically in the Middle and Far East.

In the photo there is a dotted bell

Home bell– such a plant will decorate any southern window. It is an ampelous plant. It comes in both white and lilac shades.

Home bell

Planting and propagation of bells

For proper planting of bells, it is advisable to follow some recommendations and rules.

    All bells require maximum sunlight and moderate watering, as excess moisture can lead to the death of the flower. They have absolutely enough precipitation.

    Properly selected soil is the key to good flowering. Bells love lighter soils; clay soils are not suitable for such a cute flower. If the soil is heavy, then humus or sand can be added to it. Complex soils must be added to poor soils.

The location for the flowers must be selected before planting. The soil needs to be thoroughly dug up and wood ash added. We must ensure that there is no stagnation of water. Fresh manure can damage the roots (burn them), so you shouldn’t get carried away with it, but light compost will be just right.

Bells are propagated by dividing a large mother bush or by ordinary seeds. The rhizomes of an adult bellflower can be called a huge kindergarten; thanks to them, many new ones are created from the existing root. Each gardener chooses the method that suits him.

Growing from seeds is a more labor-intensive, but most budget-friendly method. Flowering of the bell with this method occurs in the second or third years of life. Such seeds are not planted for seedlings.

They can be safely sown in open ground in late spring, if there is no threat of frost. There is a recommendation for sowing bell seeds before winter, but here you will need to cover the sowing sites with leaves, sawdust or coniferous spruce branches. Next year the flower will grow hardened, healthy and blooming profusely.

Caring for bluebells

Each variety and type of bell is not at all demanding in terms of care. It can be safely called a simple plant. Moderate moisture and sunlight are all that nature calls for from a person.

Even a novice amateur will be able to keep this cute flower on his plot. Undoubtedly, the flower will be happy with timely weeding and will gratefully respond to the nutritional treatments with brighter and more abundant flowers.

The bell is considered a healthy flower and is not susceptible to any complex diseases. For the winter, bells are trimmed with pruning shears, leaving 5-10 cm from the root; they do not require shelter (exceptions are very rare and non-frost-resistant varieties).

You can buy the bell flower in the form of seeds in a regular retail or online store, and the rhizome of this flower is actively sold at flower markets and gardening exhibitions.

The price of 1 packet of seeds starts from 35 rubles, the price of 1 small root depends on the variety, quality and ranges from 150-250 rubles. Plant a cheerful bell in your summer cottage and be happy!

Reading time: 11 minutes. Views 987 Published 09/12/2018

Bell flowers have been familiar to many since childhood, because bells could be found in almost every club or summer cottage.

But few people know that in fact, bells are a whole group of flowers of various types. More than 350 species are included in the bellflower family.

In addition to members of the bellflower family, there are many different flowers that resemble a dome. For example, representatives of the Bubenchikov and Ostrovsky family look like bells.

It is also worth mentioning Gentian from the Gentianaceae family. The most interesting types of flowers that look like bells will be discussed further.

  • Adenophora is considered one of the most popular representatives of the bellflowers. This type of plant is perennial.
  • The bells of Adenophora may differ depending on the variety, namely: ovoid, elliptical, lanceolate or oblong.
  • Inflorescences may also differ. For example, they can be paniculate or racemose.
  • The buds themselves have a funnel-shaped or bell-shaped appearance.
  • These bells are characterized by blue or purple shades.

  • More often, such flowers are called water collectors or eagles. The species belongs to the buttercup family.
  • Aqualegia is a perennial compact plant whose stem height reaches up to 100 cm.
  • The water collector can be recognized by its openwork leaves and numerous, very original flowers with interesting spurs.
  • The color range of orlik petals is very diverse, starting with white inflorescences and ending with dark purple.

  • This type of plant belongs to the nightshade family, preferring a very warm climate.
  • Brugmansia flowers are very similar to small gramophones.
  • The flower bush often reaches 4-5 meters, while large bells (30 cm wide and 30 cm long) are scattered throughout the entire height of the herbaceous plant.
  • The color scheme of the bells can be completely different, depending on the variety: the color can be white, bright yellow or orange, blood red, peach, etc.

  • Galanthus is the first to appear among the melted snow, since this plant is popularly called snowdrop.
  • Galanthus is classified as Amoryllidaceae, and has more than 20 species.
  • This plant is characterized by thin, long leaves of green or bluish-green color.
  • The white peduncles are often drooping and look like an earring or bell.
  • A beautiful and unpretentious plant with drooping tubular-bell-shaped flowers.
  • Peduncles usually do not exceed 40 cm, and large petals can have a blue, lilac, white or pink tint.
  • To grow hyacinthoides, a bulb is planted, which quickly grows into a bush, above which the bells rise.
  • The plant is a perennial and does not require special care.
  • Gloxinia is a domestic species of bell flower.
  • This indoor plant is characterized by short shoots and bright, succulent leaves with a velvety texture.
  • The bell-flowers have a terry surface in various color shades ranging from red and white to purple and pink.
  • The plant has more than 25 species, and there are many two-color varieties. The bells are about 70 mm in diameter and 50 mm in length.


  • Gentians are usually associated with bush flowers with many bright blue bells.
  • Although in fact, buckwheats can be either miniature, no higher than 10 cm, or very tall, up to 150 cm.
  • And the color scheme of bells may differ: the petals can be yellow, white, blue and sky blue.
  • The flowers are usually located alone on the stems, but there are varieties of buckwheat also in inflorescences.
  • Datura is a plant unique in its characteristics. The petals collected in a tube resemble bells, which makes Datura attractive and interesting.
  • But the plant's poisons often scare away gardeners.
  • Devil's grass is a herbaceous evergreen perennial.
  • The stems of the plant are tubular in shape and dark green in color with a reddish crust.
  • The trunks have serrated or oblong leaves about 15 cm long and 10 cm wide.
  • Datura is called a night flower, since the bell buds open at sunset.
  • Kobeya is an artisanal climbing plant that is found quite often in cottages and clubs. This popularity of bells is ensured by their rapid growth; in addition, kobeya is often allowed to bloom along fences or fences, since the shoots often grow up to 6 meters.
  • The tips of the stems and leaves are modified and externally resemble multi-colored tendrils, which provides the plant not only with external beauty, but also with reliable support on any fence.
  • Kobei is characterized by large bell-shaped buds up to 16 cm wide with protruding pistils.
  • There are varieties with single bells or inflorescences of 2-3 flowers.
  • As soon as the bud begins to bloom, the petals acquire a yellowish-green color.
  • Once fully opened, they turn white or purple.

  • Codonopsis can be low-growing or bush-like, but gardeners prefer liana varieties.
  • The highlight of the color is the drooping gramophone flowers with original patterns at the bottom of the corolla.
  • Such patterns are so diverse and have different colors that they look extremely impressive and interesting.
  • This climbing plant with bells and bare stems looks good on fences and fences.

  • Abundant flowering of lubelia is considered one of the main advantages of the plant. There are so many bell flowers on the bush that their miniature size even becomes a plus.
  • Lobelia belongs to the bellflower family.
  • During the flowering period, blue bells turn the bush into a flowering ball, which almost completely hides the small leaves.
  • You can grow such bells any way you like, even on a balcony in a box, even in a club, or in hanging pots.

  • Digitalis is the scientific name of the plant and has about 35 species.
  • Foxgloves are characterized by tough, tall stems that are simply overgrown with bracts that are not entirely sharp green leaves.
  • Already on them gramophone flowers of various plants are formed (the buds are yellow, red, purple or blue).
  • Collected one-sided or two-sided apical clusters of flowers form something resembling a flowering cap on the stem.

  • A unique flower of the bellflower family. This plant is characterized by whorls of ovoid or oblong leaves.
  • Large flower cups 12 cm in diameter bloom on stems-peduncles.
  • The buds come in a variety of shades, from lavender and pale blue to pure white and even yellow petals.

  • The favorite spring flowers of notorious gardeners, fritillaria, belong to the lily family.
  • And the flower got its name hazel grouse because of its variegated color, since a single color is considered a rarity among the 150 species of fritillaria.
  • Hazel grouse are classified as perennial bulbous plants.
  • Fritillaries are often called the “tree of paradise” because of the unique appearance of the flowering shrub.
  • Bell-shaped inflorescences form on a thick stem, above which thin long leaves rise.

  • Delicate symphiandra looks more than elegant. Drooping, lonely bells of light shades up to 2 cm in diameter bloom on flexible leafy stems.
  • The difference in the color of the buds of different varieties is also surprising; the petals can be white, soft purple and light blue and even bright purple.

  • This beautiful plant is a late-flowering perennial.
  • The broadbell received the love of gardeners due to the unique shape and color of the buds.
  • Bell flowers have a unique blue tint.
  • At the same time, the buds bloom in a very interesting way: at first, a closed bluish drop swells, fills with a bluer hue and opens with five-leaf stars.

  • Cyananthus has more than 30 varieties of annual or perennial ground cover flowering plants classified in the Bellflower family.
  • Small bushes are characterized by creeping shoots strewn with small leaves.
  • This interesting form is overgrown with clumps up to 5-10 cm in height. The shoots are strewn with star flowers.
  • These single bells can be blue, bright blue, purple or white.

  • The ellipsoidal petals form buds similar to roses, but their oblong shape is similar to a bell.
  • The flowers are characterized by a bluish tint and a dense, waxy texture.
  • Eustoma bushes reach 25-30 cm, and potted species grow up to 50-70 cm.
  • The color of the flower will depend on the variety: the buds can be white, lilac, blue, red, pink, although two-color and edged varieties can often be found.

Bell flower - description

The high demand for bells prompted scientists to create many varieties of such flowers. Although the bell was previously considered a wild species, this did not stop experienced gardeners from growing various varieties of flowers in their country houses and flower beds.

But the uniqueness of bells does not end with the decorative features, since many flowers have medicinal properties:

  • Bells are quite useful due to their antiseptic and anti-inflammatory qualities.
  • Bells are good honey plants, and some varieties are also used in cooking.
  • But the main direction of flowers still remains the arrangement of summer cottages.

Other types of bell

In addition to the previously mentioned types of bell flowers, there are no less interesting representatives and varieties of a unique and interesting flower.

  • The height of such bell-shaped flowers often reaches from 50 to 100 cm, and sometimes exceeds 160 cm.
  • The flower has erect stems (less often branched) of a simple shape and a minimal number of leaves.
  • The leaves themselves have a narrow, oblong shape of a dark green color with an alternate arrangement.
  • But the main advantage of peach leaves is the bell-shaped flowers, which are attached to the stems with the help of pedicels.
  • The color of the petals is often blue-violet or lilac, although gardeners give preference to white flowers.
  • Usually the buds form clusters of 3-8 flowers with wide and large corollas (up to 8 cm wide).
  • The bell-shaped calyxes have long and sharp teeth at the ends.

  • There are many types of field bells in nature. You could meet them in fields, meadows and forests, and now also in garden plots.
  • Flowers are characterized by a wide range of colors, but its main positive advantages include the medicinal properties of the roots and inflorescences.
  • The bells themselves are funnel-shaped with tubular rims.
  • Gramophones consist of 5 toothed petals diverging upward, molded at the base of the petals.
  • Inflorescences differ from species to species and may be paniculate or racemose in nature.
  • Usually the buds are located on peduncles, but there are also single bells.
  • Round-leaved bells have many erect or branched bare stems.
  • Lanceolate-linear leaves rarely appear on the stems.
  • Bell flowers appear in the axils of the upper leaves on single-flowered plant species.
  • And paniculate or racemose inflorescences appear on high pedicels.
  • Drooping bells have different colors: bright blue, light blue, light purple, and less often even white.
  • The branched corollas are up to 2 cm in length and form wide, elongated lobes with slight points.
  • Such bells grow small, up to 10 cm, and tall, up to 70 cm.
  • Branched and thin stems are characteristic of this species.
  • The petals of bells are palmate or oblong-obovate in nature.
  • The leaves are classified as linear-lanceolate or lanceolate.
  • The spreading plant has flowers that are quite large and grow on long stalks.
  • The bells grow together into loose and paniculate inflorescences.
  • The corollas are usually blue-violet in color.

  • On often bare, long green stems with a silvery or reddish coating, ovate- or oblong-lanceolate leaves grow.
  • Bells of light purple, bluish, dark purple or white shades are collected in spherical inflorescences.
  • Such flower caps, each bell of which is at least 3 cm, are usually located on long stalks, several at a time.

  • This perennial type of bell is included in the Red Book, since such a flower grows on earth in very small quantities.
  • The Altai bellflower looks like a small bush, from which several almost bare stems emerge from 20-50 cm in length.
  • The roots have long-petioled, broadly lanceolate leaves.
  • The stem leaves are classified as sessile and linear-lanceolate.
  • Blue bells, 1-5 pieces each, fall from the peduncles.
  • Gramophone flowers are characterized by the presence of 5 narrow straight teeth, which are slightly pressed against the corolla tube.
  • The Siberian bellflower is another representative of the bellflowers from the Red Book.
  • The bell grows on long stems with branches on which are located small round-toothed cups with fibers along the edges.
  • Usually the petals do not exceed one and a half to two centimeters in length.
  • Flowers are collected in drooping or inclined paniculate inflorescences.
  • The corollas are characterized by a lilac-bluish-blue hue.

  • The Bolognese bell is characterized by the presence of straight, tall stems of a rough, simple or weakly climbing appearance with ovate, pointed leaves.
  • Although small bells are characterized by a cup shape, they rarely exceed 3 cm in length.
  • Drooping, spike-shaped corollas of a blue-violet hue cover the top of long pedicels, reminiscent of flowering balls.

  • Rapunzel bell grows from 30 to 100 cm.
  • The flower stems have a simple and straight shape with a slight ribbed coating.
  • The long racemose inflorescence often takes on a one-sided type.
  • The bells themselves on short stalks do not exceed 3 cm in length.
  • The calyx has a linear-lanceolate appearance with single drooping petals of blue-violet color.

  • The bluebell has a unique height of bare stems, reaching 1.2 m.
  • The stem rarely produces oblong, ovoid leaves, with soft liquid pubescence on both sides.
  • The bells in the inflorescences are purple in color.
  • Racemose closed drops grow on pedicels.
  • Later the brushes open into chasques with teeth along the edges.

  • Simple straight stems reach 1 m in height.
  • The plant is characterized by the presence, although rare, of long ovoid leaves from 7 to 12 cm in length.
  • On the stems, large bells grow singly in the axils of the upper leaves, which form a narrow, almost spicate, rare raceme.
  • The corollas can vary in color: there are varieties of blue, light blue and white flowers with open serrated lobes.
  • Another tall representative of the bellflowers, the stems of which grow 70-100 cm in height.
  • The shape of the stems is regular, dense and thick in texture, covered with hard hairs.
  • Sessile and drooping linear-lanceolate leaves rarely appear on them.
  • The inflorescences of such a plant resemble thick capitate balls sitting at the ends of the stems or in the axils of the leaves.
  • Typically, the bell flowers are lowered, and the spreading lobes are characterized by slightly curled donut teeth.
  • The standard colors for bells are blue or cyan.

There are a lot of bell flowers and they are all unique in their own way. Although the plant is considered wild, today you can decorate balconies, fences or flower beds with bells. The original appearance and the presence of interesting varieties will appeal to almost every gardener.