Fuel-free generator diagram and description 5 kilowatts. Is it possible to make a fuel-free energy generator with your own hands? Obvious conclusions and important additions

  • 29.10.2023

Free energy is the process of releasing large amounts of this element. Moreover, in this case, humanity does not participate in such development. The force of the wind contributes to the rotation of electric generators. The greater the pressure drop, the higher the atmospheric condition. As for humanity, this factor is considered to be bestowed from above. Therefore, there is no free energy generator circuit as such; similar theories are put forward by modern experimenters.

However, due to scientific research, scientists point to the opposite information. The great electrical engineers Tesla, Faraday and Volt forced humanity to take a different look at physics and electrification; today the consumption of energy resources has increased. Most specialists try to obtain sources from the external environment. Such actions are easily feasible, taking into account the fact that Nikola Tesla had already done similar experiments using generators.

Practical circuits of free energy generators

Obtaining minimum capacity occurs in several ways:

  • through magnets;
  • using the heat of water;
  • from ferrimagnetic alloys;
  • from atmospheric condensate.

However, in order to obtain electricity in large quantities, you need to learn how to manage this energy. Thanks to the practical design of free energy generators, light should reach every person, regardless of local location. This is confirmed by historical facts. Such an experiment requires enormous radiation power, which could not have been available in those days.

And even today existing stations are not capable of providing such a charge. To create a free energy generator circuit, certain tools and elements are required. So, to get the required amount of charged power, you would need a coil, which is what Tesla was using at the time. Electricity is received in the quantity that is needed.

Free energy generator: diagram and description

The essence is that humanity is surrounded by air, water, vibrations. So, there are two windings in the coil: primary and secondary, which are subject to vibrations, which in the process are crossed by etheric vortices in the direction of the cross section. The result induces voltage, essentially air ionization occurs. It appears at the tip of the winding, producing discharges.

An oscillogram of current fluctuations compares the curves. The inductive coupling is strong due to the transformer iron, which causes dense interweaving and oscillations between the windings. When extracted, the situation will change. The pulse will die out, but the power will expand, passing the zero point, and will break off when it reaches the maximum voltage, although the connection is weak and there is no current in the primary winding. Tesla argued that such vibrations continue thanks to the ether. The existing environment is designed to generate electricity. In practice, the working circuit of a free energy generator consists of a coil and windings. Moreover, the simplest way to obtain current looks like this (photo below):

Features of generator development

Tesla's practical experiments show that electricity can be generated using a generator, two coils and one additional coil without a primary coil, two windings. If you move a working and empty coil side by side at a distance of half a meter, and then simply move it away, the corona will die out. In this case, the current that is energized will not change its value depending on the position in space of the one that is not charging from the network. The explanation for the emergence and maintenance of such energy in an empty secondary winding is easily explained.

When electrical engineering developed, stations were built using alternating current. These buildings were low-power, covering one network of enterprises that were equipped with different equipment. Despite this, situations arose in which generators ran idle due to voltage surges. The steam forced the turbines to rotate, the engines worked faster, the load on the current decreased, and as a result, the automation cut off the pressure supply. As a result, the load disappeared, enterprises stopped functioning due to the surge in current, and they had to be turned off. During the development process, the situation was stabilized by connecting a parallel network.

Further development of electricity

After a certain time, power systems began to be improved, and such voltage failures partially decreased. However, a clear and principled theory has emerged. As a result, current drops and similar additional energy are called reactive power. Similar jumps arose from radio engineering of self-induction emf. Essentially, the coils and capacitors worked with and against the station. In addition, it was assumed that the current is in the direction of swinging, and the wires heat up on their own.

It was also determined that such failures occur due to resonance. But how an induction coil and condensate can increase the power of the energy system of hundreds of enterprises is something many academicians have thought about. Some found answers in the practical basis of Tesla's free energy generator circuit, but most pushed the question to the back burner. As a result, not only were engineers unable to cope with their responsibilities and trying to combat reactive power, but in the process they were joined by scientists who created a variety of equipment to eliminate

Characteristics of the Tesla generator

A decade after receiving the alternating current patent, Tesla created a self-powered free energy generator circuit. The fuel-free model consumes the power of the installation itself. To start it, a single impulse from the battery is required. However, this invention is still not used on the farm. The operation of the device directly depends on the design that includes the components:

  1. Two special iron plates, one rises up and the other is installed in the ground.
  2. Two wires are connected to the capacitor, coming from ground and from above.

A constant electric charge is transferred to the metal plate due to the fact that the sources emit radiant particles of microscopic size. The earth is a reservoir of negative particles, so the device terminal is connected to it. The charge is high, so the capacitor is constantly supplied with current, and thanks to this it is powered.

Development of a fuel-free device

The self-powered free energy generator circuit, due to its design, corresponds to the status of a fuel-free mechanism, because it uses cosmic radiation as an energy source. This device is able to activate independently, while extracting electricity from the earth's atmosphere. According to Tesla, a bunch of wires directed upward, beyond the atmosphere, will give a current that will come from the ground, because there is more heat in it than outside it.

In the process of passing voltage, it is possible to power an electric motor, which operates until the temperature drops in the ground. As a result, Nikola Tesla was able to develop a circuit for a fuel-free free energy generator. Moreover, this installation produces electricity without additional power sources - only the atmosphere is used. In the process, the energy of the ether was used to extract the charge of particles. After some time, the scientist argued that an ordinary machine is not capable of transformation.

Further developments of the mechanism

As a result, the scientist began to develop a turbine. This unit was based on a water pump, which was accelerated by flat iron discs. A similar basis can be part of others no less. As a result of the working process, the circuit of the fuel-free free energy generator was improved, electricity was transmitted in the required quantity. To assemble the device, you need to complete three steps:

  • assemble a secondary winding that is filled with a high volt content;
  • install primary coils with low voltage;
  • build a control mechanism.

To create a working circuit for a free energy generator, it is necessary to make a base where the secondary winding will be assembled. To do this, you will need a cylinder-shaped object, a copper wire that will be wound around it. The base material should not allow electricity to pass through, so it is better to use a PVC pipe. The winding is 800 turns. The primary wire must be thicker than the secondary wire. As a result, the fuel-free device looks like this.

General descriptions of mechanisms

The fuel-free free energy generator circuit works on the principle of recycling electricity back into the coil. Conventional devices operate using a carburetor, pistons, diodes, etc. That is, this device does not require an engine. This element is replaced and converts energy constantly. The device is designed in such a way that the output power is less.

Modern scientists Barbosa and Leal have built a unique energy generator that has an efficiency of 5000%. Today this design, description, characteristics of operation and process are not known, due to the fact that the device is not patented. The circuit of Barbosa and Leal's free energy generator is designed in such a way that the operation produces a small turn of power. When the apparatus is started, the output energy exceeds the input level. A small prototype generates 12 kW while using 21 watts.

The most famous ways to generate free power

The most popular are the works of Nikola Tesla. He was one of the first scientists to work on free energy generator circuits. He was involved in the development of wireless communications. It was based on flat coils with a magnetic field inside. As a result, the transformer has asymmetric mutual inductance. If you connect a load to the output circuit, this will not affect the power consumed by the primary winding.

During his work, Tesla began to pay attention to the transformer operating at resonance. Converted power into efficiency, which should have been more than one. To create such a circuit, I used single-wire designs. It was Tesla who created the term “free vibrations” and in his studies pointed to sinusoidal oscillations in an electrical circuit. Tesla's works are still famous today. Free energy has many followers.

Followers of Tesla

Some time after the famous scientist, other researchers and inventors began to create and develop free generators. In the last century, in the 20-30s, researcher Brown developed unsupported traction using electrical forces. He quite clearly and structuredly described the process of obtaining driving power using

After Brown, Hubbard's inventions gained popularity. In his device, pulses were triggered in the coil, due to which the magnetic field rotated. The power generated was so strong that the entire system could do useful work. Niederschot later created an electricity generator consisting of a radio receiver and a non-inductive coil.

A little later, Cooper worked with similar elements. This researcher's free energy generator scheme was to use the phenomenon of induction without a magnetic field. To compensate for the last element, coils with a specific spiral or two wire winding were used. The principle of the device was to create power in the secondary circuit, bypassing the primary winding. In addition, the description of the device indicated unsupported motive power in space. From Cooper's point of view, gravity is the polarization of atoms. He also argued that the coils, which would be designed specifically, would be able to produce a field, would not shield, and would have a number of similar parameters and characteristics to the gravitational field.

Modern view of free energy

From the point of view of physical science, the concept of free energy cannot exist. This question is rather philosophical or religious. However, as the practice of some famous scientists shows, the energy of the system is constant. Upon closer examination, it is clear that power is released and returned back. Thus, the flow of energy through gravity and time is not visible to outside observers. That is, if a process above three spatial dimensions is created, then free movement occurs.

Joule was interested in such inventions. The practicality of this device is obvious to the consumer. For energy production, the existence of working free energy generator circuits can result in large losses, due to the fact that distribution occurs centrally and under control.

Later, the concepts of free generators and similar theories were put forward by scientists Adams, who built a motor, Floyd, a scientist who calculated the state of matter in an unstable form. These scientists had many inventions, designs and theories. Many successful devices could work for the benefit of humanity.

However, not all scientists and inventors succeeded in science and similar designs. Many novice researchers conduct their experiments, but few achieve success. True, recently one Internet user had the idea of ​​repeating Tesla’s invention. As a result, the user "Shark" had his free energy generator circuit recreated. Moreover, it also functioned correctly. In addition, many engineers claim that it is possible to create a free energy generator circuit using a cooler. This proves that the great minds of the past could obtain electricity even without specific devices.

Electricity is becoming more expensive every day. And many owners sooner or later begin to think about alternative energy sources. We offer as samples fuel-free generators from Tesla, Hendershot, Romanov, Tariel Kanapadze, Smith, Bedini, the principle of operation of the units, their circuit and how to make the device yourself.

How to make a fuel-free generator with your own hands

Many owners sooner or later begin to think about alternative energy sources. We propose to consider what an autonomous fuel-free generator by Tesla, Hendershot, Romanov, Tariel Kanapadze, Smith, Bedini is, the principle of operation of the unit, its circuit and how to make the device with your own hands.

Generator Review

When using a fuelless generator, an internal combustion engine is not required since the device does not need to convert the chemical energy of the fuel into mechanical energy to generate electricity. This electromagnetic device works in such a way that the electricity generated by the generator is recirculated back into the system through a coil.

Photo – Generator Kapanadze

Conventional electric generators operate on the basis of:
1. An internal combustion engine, with a piston and rings, connecting rod, spark plugs, fuel tank, carburetor, ... and
2. Using amateur motors, coils, diodes, AVRs, capacitors, etc.

The internal combustion engine in fuel-free generators is replaced by an electromechanical device that takes power from the generator and uses the same to convert it into mechanical energy with an efficiency of more than 98%. The cycle repeats itself over and over again. So the concept here is to replace the internal combustion engine, which depends on fuel, with an electromechanical device.

Photo - Generator circuit

Mechanical energy will be used to drive the generator and produce the current generated by the generator to power the electromechanical device. The fuelless generator, which is used to replace the internal combustion engine, is designed in such a way that it uses less energy from the generator's power output.

Video: homemade fuel-free generator:

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Tesla Generator

The Tesla linear electric generator is the main prototype of the working device. The patent for it was registered back in the 19th century. The main advantage of the device is that it can be built even at home using solar energy. The iron or steel plate is insulated with external conductors, after which it is placed as high as possible in the air. We place the second plate in sand, earth or other grounded surface. A wire starts from a metal plate, the attachment is made with a capacitor on one side of the plate and a second cable runs from the base of the plate to the other side of the capacitor.

Photo – Tesla fuel-free generator

Such a homemade fuel-free mechanical generator of free energy electricity is fully functional in theory, but for the actual implementation of the plan it is better to use more common models, for example, inventors Adams, Sobolev, Alekseenko, Gromov, Donald, Kondrashov, Motovilov, Melnichenko and others. You can assemble a working device even if you redesign any of the listed devices; it will be cheaper than connecting everything yourself.

In addition to solar energy, you can use turbine generators that operate without fuel using water energy. Magnets completely cover the rotating metal disks, a flange and a self-powered wire are also added to the device, which significantly reduces losses, making this heat generator more efficient than solar. Due to high asynchronous oscillations, this cotton fuel-free generator suffers from eddy electricity, so it cannot be used in a car or to power a home, because. the impulse may burn out the engines.

Photo - Adams fuel-free generator

But Faraday's hydrodynamic law also suggests using a simple perpetual generator. Its magnetic disk is divided into spiral curves that radiate energy from the center to the outer edge, reducing resonance.

In a given high voltage electrical system, if there are two turns side by side, electric current moves through the wire, the current passing through the loop will create a magnetic field that will radiate against the current passing through the second loop, creating resistance.

How to make a generator

Exists two options performing the work:

  1. Dry method;

  2. Wet or oily;

Wet method uses a battery, while the dry method does without a battery.

Step-by-step instruction how to assemble an electric fuel-free generator. To make a fuel-free wet generator you will need several components:

  • battery,

  • charger of suitable caliber,

  • AC transformer

  • Amplifier.

Connect the DC AC transformer to your battery and power amplifier, and then connect the charger and expansion sensor to the circuit, then you need to connect it back to the battery. Why are these components needed:

  1. The battery is used to store and store energy;

  2. A transformer is used to create constant current signals;

  3. The amplifier will help increase the current flow because the power from the battery is only 12V or 24V, depending on the battery.

  4. The charger is necessary for the smooth operation of the generator.

Photo – Alternative generator

Dry generator runs on capacitors. To assemble such a device you need to prepare:

  • Generator prototype

  • Transformer.

This production is the most advanced way to make a generator because its operation can last for years, at least 3 years without recharging. These two components must be combined using undamped special conductors. We recommend using welding to create the strongest possible connection. A dynatron is used to control operation; watch the video on how to correctly connect the conductors.

Transformer-based devices are more expensive, but are much more efficient than battery-based ones. As a prototype you can take the free energy model, kapanadze, torrent, Khmilnik brand. Such devices can be used as a motor for an electric vehicle.

Price overview

On the domestic market, generators produced by Odessa inventors, BTG and BTGR, are considered the most affordable. You can buy such fuel-free generators in a specialized electrical store, online stores, or from the manufacturer (the price depends on the brand of the device and the point of sale).

Fuel-free new 10 kW Vega magnet generators will cost an average of 30,000 rubles.

Odessa plant - 20,000 rubles.

The very popular Andrus will cost owners at least 25,000 rubles.

Imported Ferrite brand devices (analogous to Steven Mark's device) are the most expensive on the domestic market and cost from 35,000 rubles, depending on the power.

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Local power grids are not always able to fully provide electricity to homes, especially when it comes to country houses and mansions. Interruptions in the constant power supply or its complete absence forces us to look for electricity. One of these is to use - a device capable of converting and storing electricity, using for this the most unusual resources (energy, tides). Its operating principle is quite simple, which makes it possible to make an electric generator with your own hands. A homemade model may not be able to compete with a factory-assembled analogue, but this is a great way to save more than 10,000 rubles. If we consider a homemade electric generator as a temporary alternative source of power supply, then it is quite possible to get by with a homemade one.

How to make an electric generator, what is required for this, as well as what nuances will have to be taken into account, we will find out further.

The desire to have an electric generator for your use is overshadowed by one nuisance - this is high cost of the unit. Whatever one may say, the lowest-power models have a fairly exorbitant cost - from 15,000 rubles and above. It is this fact that suggests the idea of ​​creating a generator with your own hands. However, he himself the process can be difficult, If:

  • no skill in working with tools and diagrams;
  • there is no experience in creating such devices;
  • the necessary parts and spare parts are not available.

If all this and a great desire are present, then you can try to build a generator, guided by the assembly instructions and the attached diagram.

It is no secret that a purchased electric generator will have a more expanded list of capabilities and functions, while a homemade one can fail and fail at the most inopportune moments. Therefore, whether to buy or do it yourself is a purely individual question that requires a responsible approach.

How does an electric generator work?

The operating principle of an electric generator is based on the physical phenomenon of electromagnetic induction. A conductor passing through an artificially created electromagnetic field creates a pulse, which is converted into direct current.

The generator has an engine that is capable of generating electricity by burning a certain type of fuel in its compartments:, or. In turn, the fuel, entering the combustion chamber, produces gas during the combustion process, which rotates the crankshaft. The latter transmits an impulse to the driven shaft, which is already capable of providing a certain amount of output energy.

The rise in prices for fuel resources outlined the main direction for the development of energy-saving technologies and, as always, led to a lot of speculation. Today, the number of views on the Internet is dominated by videos on the topic of fuel-free generators (FTG), as well as how to make them yourself. In addition, a diagram is often provided. These devices supposedly generate electricity at no cost. Based on the law of conservation of energy, such generators are impossible in principle, but today they are offered for sale in a wide variety.

BTG device and refutation of its functionality

Energy cannot appear from nowhere and disappear into nowhere. It only passes from one state to another - this is a scientific fact. Therefore, we will consider all possible options for BTG only from a scientific point of view.

Permanent magnet generator

The rotation of the rotor in such generators is based on the interaction of the magnetic field of permanent magnets. They can be divided into 2 types - mechanical and electronic. In both options, a disk or shaft is used as a rotor, on which permanent magnets are attached in a circle.

In the mechanical version, the rotor is also untwisted by permanent magnets, which at the right moment approach the rotor and when necessary move away. The rotation of the rotor is transmitted to the distributor, similar to the cam shaft in an internal combustion engine. When the magnet on the disc/shaft aligns with the pusher magnet, an approach occurs and the unipolar magnetic field of the pusher magnet repels the magnet on the rotor, causing it to rotate. After this, the pushing magnet moves away from the rotor, allowing it to turn with the next magnet towards

In electronic versions, the rotor is spun by electromagnets. There are coils around the disk - two of which are pushing, and 3 of which are working (generating electricity). The operating principle of such models is based on the pulsed operation of pushing coils. The pushing coils are powered by induced electrical energy in the working coils. That is, the resulting electricity is spent on rotating the rotor. Again, applying the law of conservation of energy, we can say that rotation is only possible at idle. Once you connect the load, the generator will continue to operate only until the inertia of the rotor has completely died out.

In practice, experimental permanent magnet installations were able to achieve only 7% efficiency. Despite the fact that scammers selling them on the Internet claim 97-98% efficiency and 10 kW of power. The price of such devices sometimes reaches 80 thousand rubles. But in reality, such an installation is capable of lighting up a small LED at most.

Hydraulic installations

Such systems are even more stupid. Taking advantage of the ignorance of users, some “inventors” are trying to convince the audience that it is possible to generate electricity by pumping liquid through a turbine, which is connected by a common shaft to a generator. In other words, according to them, the energy received is enough to operate the pump and there is still some left over. The question – where does this mysterious additional energy come from, as usual, is kept silent.

Electricity from the ground

You can find quite a few videos on the Internet that clearly show how you can get electricity from the ground. It’s interesting - those who shoot these videos know something about the electrical potential of metals or use something that the audience does not know. In fact, the process has long been studied and even used in practice. For example, tread protection against corrosion of underground steel structures is based on potential differences.

It is enough to carry out a simple experiment - stick two pins into the ground: one made of aluminum and the other made of copper. If you take a measurement in the DC voltage measurement mode between these electrodes, the device will show the presence of some voltage. Moreover, even when using electrodes from the same metal, their electrical potential will differ by hundredths of a volt.

It is quite possible to use such an installation to power low-power consumers, for example, for diode lighting of a yard or a private house. The main thing is to calculate the required surface area of ​​the electrodes that are driven into the ground. In this case, the anode electrodes will be subject to increased electrochemical corrosion and will last for a maximum of a year. Considering the price of copper and aluminum, and you will need a lot of such electrodes, this method is not economically feasible.

Tesla Generator

Perhaps this is the most attractive idea today. Theoretically, everything agrees here even with the law of conservation of energy. According to the scientist, there is a certain ether from which energy can be obtained. Everything seems to be clear - there is a source of energy, which means it can be transformed. The only catch is that this very ether has not yet been discovered and it exists only in theory.

Unfortunately, Tesla destroyed his developments in this direction. Whether they existed at all remains a controversial issue. To date, multiple experiments have not been successful, but the number of speculations and falsified videos is increasing many times over.

There is no need to rush to refute the existence of the ether and the possibility of obtaining electricity from it, because many great scientific discoveries were originally predicted in theory.

Torsion generator

A generator of this type exists only in theory and is based on the use of a hypothetical physical field. The existence of torsion fields has no scientific confirmation, and the theory itself dates back to 1922. Nevertheless, the hypothesis is being seriously considered by a number of scientists.


Is it possible to assemble fuel-free generators with your own hands? Of course, they just won’t work. Currently, there are many schemes on the Internet on how to make BTG and sometimes, to put it mildly, “senile”. Why is this being done? It’s simple, those who understand electronics, and there are not many of them, will understand that this is a fake. For most, an intricate scheme with incomprehensible explanations inspires confidence. Hence the potential buyers of “scrap metal” for big money.

Free electricity

This is not BTG, but the method is quite real and legal. The technique is relevant for the private sector and holiday villages, where the transformer substation is often overloaded during peak hours.

To begin with, a simple measurement is made. A temporary grounding electrode is installed. The soil in this place can be moistened. Connect the multimeter in AC voltage measurement mode to the ground pin and the neutral contact in the socket. Measurements must be made during peak hours of electricity consumption. If there is at least a couple of volts between ground and zero, then free electricity is quite possible.

In this circuit, the voltage must be stabilized and raised using a transformer to 14 V, and then rectified using a diode bridge. Thus, during hours when the network is overloaded, you can remove the residual voltage from zero and charge the battery with it, and at night, use the accumulated energy for diode lighting.