Feeding tomatoes in a greenhouse by leaves. Feeding tomatoes during flowering in a greenhouse: proven methods

  • 11.10.2023

Feeding tomatoes in a greenhouse requires certain knowledge and effort from the vegetable grower, since this type of growing vegetables is fundamentally different from the method of growing outdoors. When caring for vegetables grown in a greenhouse, you must comply with the watering conditions, the temperature regime in the greenhouse and the regime for fertilizing the planted plants.

After growing or purchasing planting material, it is planted in a greenhouse, and the gardener immediately has a question about how to feed the tomatoes after planting in the greenhouse.

To decide on the method of feeding tomatoes in a greenhouse after planting, you should study the question of why you need to feed tomatoes in a greenhouse at all. The purpose of feeding tomatoes in a greenhouse is to ensure the growth and normal development of healthy plants, as well as to obtain a high yield of high-quality fruits. Fertilizing tomatoes in open ground differs from fertilizing in a greenhouse.

Tomatoes, like all representatives of the nightshade family, are very responsive to both the lack of substances and chemical compounds in the soil and their excess. These plants respond very well to soil amendments and foliar feeding. Feeding tomatoes in a greenhouse requires a careful approach to the process of fertilizing; in some cases, it is better to give less nutritional chemical compounds than to overfeed the plants.

Phosphorus has a huge influence on the formation of the root system

What types of fertilizers are required for tomatoes?

Mineral fertilizers play a huge role in growing plants. For optimal development of a vegetable, a variety of microelements are required, the main ones among which are the following:

  • potassium;
  • phosphorus;
  • nitrogen.

Phosphorus has a huge influence on the formation of the root system and the normal course of the process of formation and ripening of fruits. If there is a deficiency of this microelement, tomatoes begin to absorb nitrogen to a lesser extent. The main symptom of a lack of phosphorus in the soil on which the plant grows is the appearance of red-violet spots on the lower surface of the leaf blades. In addition, with a lack of phosphorus, the leaf blade curls along the central vein. All of the above symptoms are accompanied by a slowdown in fruit ripening.

Potassium has a beneficial effect on the process of formation of plant stems and is involved in the process of assimilation of carbon dioxide during photosynthesis. When a deficiency of this chemical element occurs, nitrogenous chemical compounds accumulate in the lower leaves, which leads to their withering and death.

The first feeding of tomatoes after planting in the greenhouse is carried out during the period of flowering and fruit appearance.

Very often, gardeners are interested in the question of how to feed tomatoes grown in a greenhouse when they turn yellow. Yellowing of plants can be caused by various factors, and the choice of feeding in each specific case is made depending on the primary signs that are revealed when examining tomatoes.

When should tomato feeding procedures be carried out?

During the entire growing season, tomatoes are fertilized in a greenhouse built of polycarbonate 3-4 times. The first feeding of tomatoes after planting in the greenhouse is carried out during the period of flowering and fruit appearance. Most often, the first feeding of plants is carried out 20 days after planting in the ground. You should know that if cloudy weather is observed for a long time, the plant’s process of potassium absorption is disrupted. The most suitable fertilizer is ash, a product of wood combustion. Feeding tomatoes in a greenhouse with ash allows you to balance the content of basic chemical elements in the soil, such as potassium, phosphorus and calcium. A balanced content of these macroelements helps prevent the development of diseases in plants.

The second feeding of plants is carried out during the period of ripening and fruiting. The interval between the first and second fertilizing should be about 20 days.

You need to feed the plants by watering the tomatoes at the root at the rate of 0.5 liters of solution per 1 plant

After planting plants in the soil, gardeners are interested in what they can feed the tomatoes in the greenhouse during flowering. A solution of wood ash is ideal for the first fertilizing of plants. To prepare the solution for feeding, you need to stir 1 tbsp. l. wood ash in 1 liter of water. To prepare the solution for fertilizing, rain water should be used; the use of chlorinated water from the water supply is unacceptable. Chlorine contained in tap water causes plants to wither and die. You can also use well and river water to prepare a fertilizing solution. Plants should be fed by watering the tomatoes at the root at the rate of 0.5 liters of solution per plant.

During the period of bud formation, it is recommended to fertilize the plants with humus. This fertilizing is carried out at the rate of 1 bucket of humus per 1 square meter. m. Before using humus, plants need to be watered abundantly with ordinary clean water. After watering, compost is added. The layer of applied compost should be about 2 cm. This layer of compost prevents the rapid evaporation of moisture and will keep the soil moist for about a week.

At the stage of fruit formation, it is recommended to fertilize the plants with nettle infusion. To prepare the infusion, it is best to use ungrown nettles without seeds.

Fertilizing plants using traditional methods

Feeding tomatoes in a greenhouse with folk remedies, which have been tested by more than one generation of vegetable growers, gives very good results. Among the most common folk methods of feeding tomatoes in a greenhouse is the use of chicken manure. To prepare a fertilizing solution, you need to take 1-2 kilograms of chicken manure, pour it into a bucket and fill it with water. The dry mass of the litter occupies approximately 1/4 of the container. The poured mass should sit for a week. During this period, fermentation of the mixture occurs. After completion of the fermentation process, the resulting solution is diluted with clean water in a ratio of 1:20. To prepare a 200-liter barrel of ready-made solution for fertilizing, you will need a bucket of solution.

The resulting solution is used to feed plants both before flowering and during this process. Fertilize should be at the rate of 0.5 liters per plant. This solution for fertilizing the soil is a strong nitrogen-containing fertilizer; for this reason, such a solution should be applied to the soil after abundant watering of the plants. This is required in order to prevent burns to the root system.

Another tool that allows you not only to fertilize the soil, but also to disinfect it is iodine.

Fertilizing with iodine is best done in the morning.

A solution with this chemical can be applied both to the root system and to the above-ground part of the plant.

To prepare a solution for treating a plant, you need to take from 1 to 3 ml of iodine and dissolve it in 10 liters of water. The amount of iodine depends on the ambient temperature. 1 liter of milk or fermented kefir is added to the prepared solution.

This solution is recommended to be used after the fruiting process has begun. Using this mixture as a top dressing allows you to increase the quantity and quality of fruits. The solution allows for high-quality disinfection of the soil from various pests. When applying the solution to the soil, use 0.5 liters per plant. If there is a lack of potassium in the soil, one tablespoon of potassium fertilizer can be added to the mixture.

For preparation, you should use settled water with a temperature of about 22°C. Fertilizing with iodine is best done in the morning.

Carrying out foliar feeding of tomatoes

To carry out foliar feeding of plants, chemicals are selected that have good solubility in water. Such compositions must contain a complex of micro- and macroelements. Foliar feeding is useful during the fruiting period. The process of foliar feeding is best done in the evening. Since when fertilizing is carried out in the morning, subsequent daytime heating contributes to the rapid evaporation of moisture and does not allow achieving the appropriate result. Cloudy weather is considered favorable weather for fertilizing. The effect of using the solution can be noticed already 2-3 hours after use.

To prepare a fertilizing solution, you need to take 1-2 kilograms of chicken manure, pour it into a bucket and fill it with water.

This type of feeding is especially effective in identifying weakened shoot development during nitrogen starvation. It should be remembered that at a soil temperature of 14°C the plant’s root system stops developing. If such a situation arises, it is optimal to apply fertilizing by spraying the foliage.

The nutrient solution should be sprayed in such a way that it does not drain from the leaf blade. Using this method of feeding allows you to increase the sugar content in fruits.

Very often, vegetable growers use boric acid for foliar feeding. The use of this chemical compound improves the nutrition of the ovary and allows the developing fruits to be saturated with sugary substances. For work, prepare a solution that contains 5-10 g of boric acid per 10 liters of water. Spraying the prepared solution is carried out at the rate of 1 liter per 10 square meters. m.

The advantage of this type of feeding is that through the leaves the plant absorbs only those elements that it lacks. Another advantage of foliar feeding is getting quick results from applying fertilizer. The effect of applying the fertilizer appears literally a few hours after spraying. When using root feeding, the effect appears only after 2 weeks.

In addition to these benefits, yeast is an excellent growth stimulator. The use of yeast helps to enhance the growth of the root system. Activation of growth processes in the root system contributes to the development of a healthy and strong above-ground part of the plant. Plants that are fed with a solution containing yeast become stronger and more resilient. When fertilizing with yeast, seedlings will more easily tolerate picking.

You can fertilize with a yeast solution at any stage of plant development, but it will be especially effective for seedlings. The use of yeast starter for fertilizer during the fruiting process allows you to increase the quantity and quality of the resulting fruits.

You can fertilize with yeast solution at any stage of plant development.

To prepare the starter, use 200 g of baker's yeast per 1 liter of water. After the fermentation process takes place, water is added and the volume of the solution is adjusted to 10 liters. The fermentation process of the starter usually lasts a day, after which the diluted solution can be used for its intended purpose.

Fertilizing with yeast starter is carried out 2 times during the growing season. Most often, fertilization is carried out for the first time a month after planting the seedlings and the second time in mid-summer.

In order for a tomato planted in a greenhouse or greenhouse to please the gardener with a good harvest of tasty fruits, it is necessary not only to create the humidity, light and temperature conditions necessary for the plants. For good growth and fruiting of tomatoes, a wide variety of nutrients are needed, which must be complete and balanced.

If tomatoes do not receive any of the substances they need, then the price of such a deficiency is quite high: their growth slows down or even stops, and fruit set and ripening is difficult.

If an excessive amount of organic or mineral fertilizers was applied to feed the tomatoes in the greenhouse, the plants are inhibited and may die, as severe dehydration occurs.

At each stage of its development, a tomato needs various feedings, which we will discuss in more detail.

Quite often, tomato seedlings grown at home become very elongated, and by the time they are transplanted into the greenhouse they look, to put it mildly, “not very good.” (Cm. )

If, despite all your efforts, and a couple of weeks after transplanting the tomato seedlings to a permanent place, they look pale, thin and weak, then the first and second feeding is carried out with an aqueous solution of mullein. Must be dissolved in 10 liters of water 1 liter of mullein and add:

  • 50 g ash;
  • 30g superphosphate;
  • and by 0.3 g (at the tip of a knife) manganese sulfate and boric acid.

Each plant should receive about half a liter of working solution. The interval between the first and second application of fertilizers should be at least a week, optimally 10 days.

Important: you should not overfeed tomatoes with ammonium nitrate, mullein, or bird droppings before fruit set, since excess nitrogen in the soil will cause the plant to become “fattened”—it will form a strong stem with abundant foliage, but will not bloom or bear fruit.

If you have added too much nitrogen fertilizer with your own hands and your tomatoes have become fattened, here are instructions on how to fix it:

  1. You should not water your tomatoes for a week. At the same time, we increase the daytime temperature in the greenhouse to +24+26 0 C, and night – up to +22 0 C.
  2. To stop the development of green mass of tomatoes, root fertilizing is carried out with an aqueous solution of superphosphate, diluting 3 tbsp. spoons of the drug in 10 liters of water. The resulting solution is used at the rate of 1 liter per plant.

When to fertilize

Experts, answering the question of when and what to feed tomatoes in a greenhouse, recommend adhering to a certain scheme for applying various fertilizers during the growing season.

  • The first application of mineral fertilizers is carried out through 14-20 days after planting the seedlings in the greenhouse. To do this, dilute 1 tbsp. spoon of nitrophoska in 10 liters of water.
  • The second time the tomatoes are fed through 7-10 days after the first application of fertilizers. For this feeding, a solution is used 1 hour l potassium sulfate in 10 l water.
  • Two weeks after the second feeding, add a solution consisting of:
  1. 2 tbsp. spoons of wood ash;
  2. 1 tbsp. spoons of superphosphate;
  3. 10 liters of water.
  • During fruiting, greenhouse tomatoes, to accelerate the ripening of fruits, can be fed with the following composition: 1 tbsp. l nitrophoska, 1 tsp. l of dry sodium humate powder, diluted in 10 liters of water. For every 1 m2, 5 liters of working solution are consumed.

Nutrients required for greenhouse tomatoes

Tomatoes grown in greenhouses or greenhouses require mineral fertilizers containing:

  • potassium;
  • phosphorus;
  • nitrogen.

Let us dwell in more detail on the question of what time and what to feed tomatoes in a greenhouse.


Nitrogen fertilizers are needed at two main stages of tomato development:

  1. After transplanting into a greenhouse or greenhouse.
  2. After the formation of ovaries on the first two clusters of most tomato bushes.

As mentioned above, if the seedlings are very overgrown, and besides, they were grown in low light conditions, and after transplantation they remain weak and elongated, then after 10 days it can be fed with nitrogen-containing fertilizers. Such root feeding will give a powerful impetus to enhanced growth and development of the root system and the bush itself.

After most tomato bushes have formed ovaries on the first two clusters, you can fertilize them with nitrogen fertilizers. At this time, the nitrogen added to the soil will not be used to form green mass, but will be directed to the development of fruits.


The tomato is a very rapidly developing plant, which requires potassium for this purpose, which promotes the formation of stems, fruit set, the manifestation of varietal taste qualities, as well as a beautiful appearance.

Among other things, potassium contributes to the resistance of tomatoes to various diseases. (Cm. )

The greatest need for potassium fertilizers in tomatoes is during the following periods of development:

  1. During the opening of the third and fourth true leaves, when the generative organs of the plant are laid down.
  2. From the moment of formation of the ovaries, until the ripening of the fruit.

If a tomato bush lacks potassium, then, as you can see in the photo, the plant “signals” about this:

  • twisting the edges of the leaf blade;
  • color change from deep green to yellowish-bronze;
  • uneven ripening of fruits.


Phosphorus fertilizers applied to the soil contribute to the resistance of plants to various unfavorable conditions, the development of a strong root system and good fruit set.

In addition, phosphorus is involved in the process of absorption of other nutrients by plants, in particular nitrogen.

If tomatoes are deficient in phosphorus, you can see this by the following signs:

  • the leaf blade begins to curl along the main vein;
  • red and purple spots appear on the underside of the leaf;
  • slowing down the process of fruit ripening.

Tip: the first fertilizing of tomatoes in a greenhouse can be done while planting seedlings in a permanent place. To do this, add 10-15 g of superphosphate to each prepared well.


In addition to macroelements, tomatoes need a large amount of microelements. According to experienced gardeners, for good fruiting and a high-quality harvest of tomatoes, you need about 20 microelements.

The most significant are:

  • boron;
  • zinc;
  • manganese;
  • magnesium.

In the video materials presented you can find many interesting and useful tips on how to feed tomatoes in a greenhouse.


This microelement is responsible for the quality of tomatoes, namely the saturation of the fruit with vitamins and sugars, as well as its size and keeping quality.

Boron deficiency can manifest itself:

  • death of the apical point of growth;
  • the formation of many stepchildren;
  • falling and dying of buds.

To eliminate such a deficiency, you can carry out root feeding by dissolving 2 g boric acid in 10 liters of water.

Tip: in order to stimulate fruit set, you can use foliar feeding with an aqueous solution of boric acid. 1 g of boric acid is dissolved in one liter of hot water, after which the solution is cooled. The inflorescences are sprayed with a warm solution.


This microelement plays an important role throughout the entire growing season of tomatoes, but it is especially necessary during the formation of ovaries and fruit development.

Magnesium deficiency manifests itself in tomatoes during the mass formation of ovaries and ripening of fruits:

  • leaf discoloration, starting with the old leaves of the lower tier;
  • gradual spread of yellowing (see) and discoloration from the bottom of the tomato bush up;
  • yellowing of leaves with preservation of green veins.

In order to eliminate magnesium deficiency, foliar spraying with a solution of magnesium sulfate is used, based on 10-15 g of the drug per 10 liters of water.


For normal growth and development, tomatoes need manganese. In addition to its active role in the process of photosynthesis, it contributes to a significant increase in plant resistance to diseases, in particular to brown spot of tomatoes.

Manganese deficiency manifests itself:

  • small young leaves with yellow spots;
  • the appearance of lighter color of leaves;
  • yellowing of the leaf blade, starting from the tip;
  • stretching shoots;
  • slowdown in growth and development.

To eliminate the lack of manganese, you can carry out foliar feeding with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or manganese sulfate ( 1.5-2 g per 10 liters of water).


Zinc added to the soil, as well as magnesium, promotes more active plant growth, the formation of larger fruits, as well as earlier ripening.

A deficiency of this microelement can manifest itself:

  • change in color of the lower tier of leaves;
  • the appearance of spots along the leaf veins, which subsequently die off;
  • The stems of the plants are quite thin and woody.

To eliminate zinc deficiency, you can add zinc sulfate directly to the soil at the rate of 2-3 g per 10 m2, or spray with an aqueous solution of zinc sulfate.

Tip: to comprehensively feed tomatoes with microelements, you can use a decoction of wood ash. To do this, boil 3 cups of ash for 20 minutes in 0.5 liters of water. After the broth has cooled, filter it, and then add up to 10 liters of water and spray it.

What fertilizers do tomatoes need?

We list the most important fertilizers for this crop:

  • potassium;
  • phosphorus;
  • nitrogen.

Phosphorus plays a great role in the formation of the root system and fruit set. If plants do not receive this substance, then tomatoes do not absorb nitrogen and other essential nutrients poorly. Symptoms of phosphorus starvation in tomatoes are the appearance of red-purple spots on the underside of the leaves. And also the ripening of fruits slows down.

When thinking about how to feed tomatoes in a greenhouse, you should remember the high potassium consumption of this crop. This mineral promotes the formation of stems, as well as the absorption and processing of carbon dioxide. In case of potassium deficiency, the lower leaves accumulate ammonia nitrogen, as a result of which they first wither and then die. In the photo you see how the result of potassium starvation of tomatoes appears on the leaves:

Let's take a closer look at what and how to feed tomatoes in a greenhouse.

When and what kind of feeding is carried out

The very first procedure can be carried out during the process of planting tomato seedlings in a greenhouse. Compost or humus is placed in pre-prepared holes and ash is added. Compost, like humus, contains many minerals. And the ash contains a high content of various micro- and macroelements, which are so necessary for tomatoes for normal development, growth, flowering, setting and formation of fruits.

The question of how to feed tomatoes after planting in a greenhouse causes heated discussions among gardeners.

Part of the “gardening” community is of the opinion that the question of what to feed tomatoes in the greenhouse immediately after planting is not worth it at all. Such gardeners believe that the first procedure should be carried out no earlier than two weeks after transplanting to a permanent place.

Other gardeners are of the opinion that for tomato seedlings “injured” by transplanting in a greenhouse, the sooner you feed them, preferably immediately after the procedure, the better. For the first time, these gardeners recommend using organic fertilizers, or so-called “green tea”.

"Herb tea"

This fertilizer is easy to prepare with your own hands. To prepare it, take a variety of herbs (various weeds, such as nettle, plantain and others), to which add a bucket of liquid mullein and a glass of wood ash.

For infusion, take 4-5 kg ​​of finely chopped grass per 50 liters of water, add mullein and ash, mix and leave for several days to infuse. Then the volume of the solution is adjusted to 100 liters. Approximately 2 liters of prepared infusion is poured under each tomato bush.

Important: mineral fertilizing carried out by many gardeners at this time has a one-sided effect on plants. Some of them stimulate the active growth of green mass, others enhance flowering. If there are no organic fertilizers, it is better to fertilize the tomatoes with any complex fertilizer.

So, if you think that the soil in your greenhouse is well fertilized, then you don’t need to fertilize it after transplanting tomato seedlings. Then the approximate plan would be like this:

  • The first feeding will be carried out approximately in 15-20 days after transplantation. For it, mineral fertilizers are used, diluting them in 10 liters of water:
  • 25 g nitrogen;
  • 40g phosphorus;
  • 15g potassium.

For each plant, use 1 liter of the prepared solution.

  • The next one is held at a time when tomatoes begin to bloom en masse (see)
    , since feeding tomatoes in the greenhouse is necessary for normal fruit set in the future. 1 tbsp is diluted in 10 liters of water. a spoonful of potassium sulfate, 0.5 liters of bird droppings and the same amount of liquid mullein. Each plant should receive 1-1.5 liters of the prepared solution.

If there are few or no organic fertilizers, then you can fertilize by dissolving 1 tbsp. spoon of nitrophoska in 1 bucket of water. 1 liter of working solution is used for each plant.

During the flowering of tomatoes, in order to prevent blossom end rot of tomatoes, it is necessary to spray the plants with an aqueous solution of calcium nitrate. To prepare it 1 tbsp. a spoonful of fertilizer is diluted in 10 liters of water.

  • During the formation of ovaries, it is necessary to fertilize the tomatoes with a solution of 2 liters of wood ash and 10 g of boric acid, diluted in 10 liters of hot water. The prepared solution must be infused for 24 hours so that all elements are completely dissolved. This mixture contains a large number of micro- and macroelements that will help the harvest to form more quickly. Water each plant with 1 liter of the prepared working solution.
  • The last root feeding of the machines is carried out during mass and active fruiting in order to accelerate ripening and improve taste. For this root feeding, dissolve 2 tbsp in 10 liters of water. spoons of superphosphate and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of liquid sodium humate.

In any case, there are no clear instructions about at what time, how often and with what fertilizers to fertilize greenhouse tomatoes. Each gardener, knowing what vegetable crops were grown in the previous season and what fertilizers were used, follows an approximate feeding schedule, “adjusting” to the characteristics of the plants, the vagaries of the weather and relying on their experience.

Foliar feeding

In addition to the usual root fertilizing of tomatoes, it is also useful to use non-root fertilizing - spraying the stems and leaves of tomatoes. The peculiarity of foliar feeding is that they are able to bring to the plant the substances it needs, which are lacking in the soil. This is due to the fact that leaves, unlike roots, only absorb elements that are not sufficient for the plant.

If the tomatoes lack any specific elements, how to feed the tomatoes in the greenhouse is decided by applying foliar. Spraying plants with a solution containing deficient substances very quickly gives positive results that appear literally within a few hours. If you introduce the same elements through the roots, the result can be seen only after a week or two.

During flowering, you can perform foliar feeding with a solution of boric acid and wood ash extract..

Tip: to prepare an extract from wood ash, take two glasses of ash and pour 2-3 liters of hot water. Leave for a couple of days, after which the precipitate is filtered off. The resulting solution is brought to a volume of 10 liters with water, after which the plants are sprayed.

How to compensate for the deficiency of nutrients

  • with a lack of phosphorus, the stem, lower surface of the leaves and the veins on them turn purple. If you spray the plants with a weakly concentrated solution of superphosphate, then within a day the purple color disappears.
  • Calcium deficiency leads to leaf blades curling inward and tomato fruits becoming infected with blossom end rot. In this case, spraying the plants with a solution of calcium nitrate will help.
  • if plants lack nitrogen, the plant turns light green or yellowish and is stunted in growth. Spraying with “herbal tea” or a very weak urea solution will help cope with nitrogen deficiency.

It may seem that fertilizing greenhouse tomatoes is too troublesome and unnecessary. It is enough to simply add fertilizer to the soil during spring and autumn digging, and then plant the tomato in the greenhouse.

Indeed, if the soil is not depleted and correct crop rotation is practiced, a harvest can be obtained. But if you carefully look after the plants and quickly respond to their needs, constantly taking care of them, the tomato harvest in the greenhouse can be obtained much more abundantly and of better quality.

After watching a video detailing the different types of fertilizing tomatoes, you will be convinced that you yourself can easily cope with a similar task.

Tomatoes are a very finicky vegetable crop, especially if they are grown indoors. To properly care for tomatoes in a greenhouse, they must be fed with mineral fertilizers. Moreover, they can be both organic and complex. Let's take a closer look at how to feed tomatoes after planting them in the greenhouse.

Basic elements necessary for the nutrition of tomatoes

After research, it was found that tomato plants require about 50 different chemical elements for their life. Such nutrients are divided into macro- and microelements.


Carbon - it comes to plants from the air through the leaves, as well as through the roots from compounds that are in the soil. Applied organic fertilizers help increase the amount of carbon dioxide in the near-earth layer of air, which accelerates photosynthesis and, consequently, increases productivity.

Oxygen - it is primarily necessary for metabolism, and is also involved in the respiration of tomatoes. Lack of oxygen in the soil leads to the death of not only beneficial soil microorganisms, but also the plant itself. To enrich the soil with oxygen, you need to loosen its top layer near the tomatoes.

Nitrogen is the main element that is necessary for the nutrition of tomatoes and is an important component of all plant tissues. It is not absorbed from the air, so nitrogen must be supplied from outside. This element is well absorbed by tomatoes only when the soil reaction is slightly acidic or neutral. If the soil is highly acidic, then liming is carried out.

Phosphorus - this element affects the growth and development of tomatoes. It is necessary during the period of budding and fruit formation. Phosphorus salts dissolve very poorly and slowly transform into the state required for absorption by plants. Most of this element is absorbed by them from the reserves that were introduced last season. To maintain soil fertility, phosphorus fertilizers are recommended to be applied every year.

Potassium – it is required by tomatoes during the period when fruits begin to form. This element promotes growth:

  • root system;
  • leaves;
  • stems.

Thanks to the added potassium tomatoes become more resistant to various diseases, tolerating any stress well.


These elements are so called because they are absorbed by plants in small quantities. Their deficiency affects plant development and productivity. The most important elements for tomatoes are:

When to fertilize?

Before planting seedlings, you need to take care of the greenhouse. Many gardeners prefer polycarbonate greenhouses. In this case, you need to take care about ventilation and good lighting. A polycarbonate greenhouse is inexpensive and easy to maintain.

Tomatoes in the greenhouse are fertilized 3-4 times during the entire growth period. The first time they need to be fed is at the beginning of flowering and during budding. If the weather is cloudy for a long time, this leads to poor absorption of potassium. For vegetables, natural fertilizer is the products of wood combustion, which also contain calcium and phosphorus, which prevent diseases. Next time, fertilizer should be applied during fruiting.

Fertilizer application procedure

First feeding

The first feeding of tomatoes after planting in the greenhouse is carried out after 15 - 20 days. Ash is best suited for this. To prepare the solution, you need 1 tbsp. l. Mix the substances in a liter of water. Ash is the remains of the combustion of straw, grass or wood, cleared of foreign matter. It is recommended to dilute the ash in rainwater, since it is softer and does not contain salts and additional impurities.

It is better not to use tap water for such a crop, because the chemical elements it contains can cause plant death. You can take well or river water for this purpose. Plants should be watered with this solution at the rate of 0.5 liters per bush.

When buds begin to form, the plants are fed with humus (1 bucket per 1m2). Then be sure to use the drug Baikal (10 grams of substance per bucket). This solution is necessary for watering humus. Before sprinkling compost on the soil, tomatoes need to be watered with plain water. This way the moisture is retained much longer and creates a special dampness in the greenhouse. Compost is covered in a 2 cm layer to create mulch. This will allow moisture to remain in the ground for about a week.

Rotted manure can be used because fresh manure contains large amounts of nitrates and nitrogen. Due to such oversaturation, the green part of the bush begins to grow wildly, but it will not be possible to obtain a rich and high-quality harvest.

After planting in the greenhouse, tomatoes are also fertilized using the following fertilizer: 1 - 2 kg of chicken manure should be poured into a bucket, and the remaining space is filled with rainwater. This solution needs to be infused for a week. When the fermentation process is over, the liquid should be diluted with clean water in a ratio of 1:20. For one bush, half a liter will be enough A. You need to know that this fertilizing of tomatoes in a greenhouse is a strong fertilizer, so it is recommended to apply it after watering the plants with regular water. This will protect the root system from possible burns.

Fertilizing is very effective, which is prepared on the basis of the mineral fertilizer Gumate, which includes:

To prepare it you need 1 tbsp. l. Mix the drug with 10 liters of water. Water the solution very carefully, making sure that moisture does not get on the leaves. After this, the plant is mulched with dry soil. According to experienced vegetable growers, good results are shown by the simultaneous use of organic and mineral fertilizers.

Feeding at the stage of fruit formation

When forming fruits, nettle is used as a top dressing. It is recommended to use it without seeds, so that it is not overgrown. To prepare this feeding of tomatoes in a polycarbonate greenhouse, you need to take an aluminum or plastic container, fill it with nettles and fill it with water. The container should be placed in a sunny place for 7–14 days. The liquid should be stirred every day to release any air bubbles. Before watering the infusion is filtered to get rid of plant residues.

Nettle contains many useful microelements. Thanks to this feeding, plants produce much more chlorophyll. For each bush, use 2 liters of nettle infusion. This infusion is also used for foliar feeding. For this purpose, half a liter of solution should be diluted in 10 liters of liquid and, using a spray bottle, applied to the leaves of the plant in the morning and evening.

To disinfect the soil in the greenhouse and feed the plants, iodine is used. Prepare a solution in the ratio of 1 – 3 ml of the substance per 10 liters of water, after which it is applied to the roots and leaves of the crop. For spraying, add a liter of fermented milk or kefir to the fertilizer. Thanks to this liquid, the fruiting of the bush increases and the necessary disinfection of the soil from pests is carried out. After the procedure The greenhouse should be well ventilated and the tomatoes should be watered with clean water.

You can also prepare the following fertilizer: put mowed grass at the bottom of a 200-liter barrel, add a glass of soda ash and fill it with water. The container should be covered with film and left to infuse for a week. The resulting solution is diluted in a ratio of 1 liter per 10 liters of water.

Feeding through leaves

For such feeding, choose feeding agents that dissolve well in water and contain potassium and phosphorus. This feeding is very useful during fruiting and is best done in the evening, since microelements evaporate in the morning and during the day without bringing the desired effect. The solution begins to act 2 – 3 hours after watering.

This type of fertilizer is especially effective if shoots begin to develop poorly due to a lack of nitrogen. If the ground temperature in the greenhouse is less than 14 degrees, then the roots of the plants stop functioning, so it is better to apply nutrients to the leaves. The solution is sprayed so that it cannot drain from the surface of the greenery. Thanks to this, macro- and microelements begin to enter the plants, which have a beneficial effect on the ripening of fruits.

To improve the nutrition of the ovaries and saturate the fruits with sugar, gardeners use boric acid. For spraying, you need to dissolve 5 - 10 g of the substance in 10 liters of water. Spray the solution onto the foliage in the following ratio: liter per 10 m2.

Thus, feeding tomatoes in a greenhouse - This is a prerequisite for growing tomatoes.. The first fertilizing should be carried out 20 days after planting the seedlings in the greenhouse, and then it should be applied during the formation of the fruits. Thanks to this caring attitude, combined with proper care, which includes high-quality lighting, optimal humidity and temperature, you can get a bountiful tomato harvest.

Tomatoes are a very finicky vegetable crop, especially if they are grown indoors. In this case, for proper care of them, it is necessary to fertilize the tomatoes in the greenhouse with mineral fertilizers. Moreover, here they will be needed both organic and complex. In order for you to do everything correctly, in this article we will answer the following questions - what exactly tomatoes need, how to use it all correctly and what should be taken into account.

Necessary micro- and macroelements

In order for tomatoes to bear fruit well, they must be fed with various macro- and microelements. The most important ones here are nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. With a lack of the first, the development of the vegetative system slows down or even stops altogether, productivity decreases, leaves turn yellow and roots weaken.

If a plant lacks phosphorus fertilizers, it does not tolerate cold well and does not resist various pests. This is especially noticeable during the period of growing seedlings.

Potassium deficiency, which occurs mainly during fruiting, also plays an important role. Tomatoes need much less of this element than others. It is necessary to improve taste properties, strengthen the root system and stems, accelerate the formation of ovaries and leaves. Magnesium and zinc regulate photosynthesis, the process of chlorophyll formation, and molybdenum and calcium determine whether the leaves will curl and wrinkle.

It is also necessary to fertilize tomatoes in the greenhouse with preparations containing sulfur, iron and manganese, with insufficient supply of which the stems become thin and brittle, the leaves become rigid, and begin to wither and dry out. Very often you can find bright yellow veins on the tops, which are somewhat reminiscent of a viral mosaic.

In closed ground conditions, the need for tomatoes for chlorine and calcium doubles. These micro- and macroelements are intensively absorbed by the plant in poor light and high humidity. In case of their deficiency, the leaves are characterized by a mosaic yellow-green color and the top of the plant bends unnaturally, which may indicate the development of late blight.

Table of sources of micro- and macroelements

Name Mineral fertilizers
Potassium Potassium chloride, potassium sulfate, potassium salt
Phosphorus Double superphosphate, superphosphate
Nitrogen Ammonia water, ammonium sulfate, urea, ammonium nitrate
Calcium, zinc, sulfur, magnesium Dolomite flour, stove ash, eggshells, zinc sulfate
Bor Boric acid
Iodine Iodine solution
Manganese Potassium permangantsovka
Molybdenum Ammonium molybdate
Copper Copper sulfate

All proposed fertilizers can be used either individually or in combination with each other. For convenience, ready-made inorganic compositions are sold - “Master”, “Nitroammofoska”, “Ammophos”, “Tseovit”, “Valagro Benefit”, “Kelik Potassium” and many others. etc.

When to use - fertilizer application procedure

It is necessary to divide the work into 4 stages:

  1. Before planting in the soil, it is watered abundantly and fertilized with a mixture of ash and manure. Then, when the soil dries out, it is dug well. A week later, the first feeding of tomatoes is carried out after planting in the greenhouse under the roots. At this time, you can use urea and ammonium nitrate. Dissolve 2 tsp in a bucket of water. each component.

Ammonium nitrate is an essential component of foliar and root fertilizing

  1. The second time fertilizer is applied 2 weeks after the first feeding. Potassium sulfate diluted in 10 liters of water will be useful here. After another 5 days, pour the following composition under the roots:
  • 15 liters of cooled boiling water;
  • 2 tbsp. l. superphosphate;
  • 2 tbsp. l. wood ash.
  1. After flowering begins, it is recommended to spray the bushes with this solution:
  • 10 liters of water;
  • 2 tsp. sodium humate powder;
  • 2 tbsp. l. nitrophoska.

For 1 sq. m will need approximately 5 liters of composition. Then a break is taken until the first fruits appear. At this moment, you should use “green” organic matter - an infusion of herbs. To prepare it, pour boiling water over comfrey, buttercup, dandelion or any other plants with a total weight of 1 kg and let them stand for 2-3 days. Stir the mass every day, and when it ferments, strain it and pour the solution into the wells.

  1. After the start of fruiting, it remains relevant to apply mineral fertilizers under the roots. You can see what exactly is suitable here in the table just above. To strengthen the plant and increase its resistance to disease, 2-3 times a month it is useful to use iodine (40 drops) in combination with 1 liter of whey and 1 tsp. hydrogen peroxide. The bushes are sprayed with this composition.

How to fertilize

Ready-made preparations are very helpful for watering the soil during the growing season. One of these is Fitosporin-M, intended for soil disinfection. This feeding of tomatoes in a greenhouse made of polycarbonate and other materials prevents the development of powdery mildew, root rot, blackleg and other diseases. For this purpose, dilute 3 tsp in 10 liters of water. The resulting volume of powder is enough to treat an area of ​​50 square meters. m.


If there is a boron deficiency at any stage, spray the bushes with water (10 l) in which 2 g of boric acid is diluted. The same composition can be used to wipe the leaves and water the soil; before doing this, it is heated in the sun. For additional nutrition and protection against late blight, iodine is suitable, 10 drops of which are added to 10 liters of water.

Iodine can also be used in the following way - suspend vials of it above the plants - the vapors of this drug destroy microbes in the greenhouse. In order not to get hurt yourself, you cannot stay in this room for more than an hour in one visit.

During flowering, it is useful to spray the bushes with an infusion of wood ash; it (250 g) is poured with hot water (3 l) and left for a day. The next day, the precipitate is filtered off, and the resulting solution is diluted with water (1:1). 1-2 such procedures are enough before fruiting begins.

For leaf feeding, a solution of:

  • boric acid (5 g),
  • zinc sulfate (3 g),
  • copper sulfate (2 g).

It is used to wipe the leaves with a cotton pad. It is quite possible to spray bushes with the same composition. The number of such procedures should not exceed 1 time per month.

For the active development of shoots and leaves, it is necessary to fertilize tomatoes in the greenhouse with urea, but this is only possible at the flowering stage. The bushes are treated with a 0.5% solution (50 g of fertilizer per 10 liters of water). This volume is enough to spray 100 square meters. m of tomato plantings.

For calcium deficiency, calcium nitrate is useful, 7 g of which is diluted in 10 liters of water. The finished fertilizer can be used to wipe the leaves or spray the tops before the fruit appears; One bush requires about 1 liter. Usually 2-3 treatments during the flowering period are sufficient.

After planting the seedlings, it is advisable to spray it with ammonium nitrate diluted with water at the rate of 40 g per 10 liters. During the flowering phase, the concentration increases by 0.2%, and during the fruiting period it is already 0.9%. A total of 3 such procedures are required at the specified time; they are recommended to be combined with the introduction of chicken manure into the holes.

VIDEO: Simple and inexpensive recipes for feeding tomatoes

Root feeding

Both ready-made preparations and mineral fertilizers are suitable for this.


It is produced in dry form and is relevant only in the first month after planting the seedlings. The application rate is 25 g per square meter. m in a greenhouse. The granules are placed around the hole, sprinkled with soil and watered.

  • Fertika Lux

The drug (20 g) is dissolved in 10 liters of water. For it to help, it is enough to water the soil with it once a week. This method cannot be combined with the use of organic matter!

  • Fertika Crystalon

Consumption rates: 25 g per medium-sized bucket of water. This volume is enough to fertilize tomatoes in a greenhouse on 20 square meters. m of planting area. It is carried out throughout the growing season with an interval of 10 days.

  • Good Power No. 2

Used in its pure form for spraying and watering the soil. The composition contains boron, iron, molybdenum, manganese and other macro- and microelements, due to which plant growth is actively stimulated. You should not process it more than once a month.

  • Aquarin vegetable

The first watering is carried out with a 0.05% solution 15 days after planting the seedlings, and the subsequent two more, with an interval of 3 weeks. Here the concentration should be increased by 2 times.

As for mineral fertilizers, once a month it is recommended to use mullein, which (1 liter) is diluted in water (10 liters), mixed and poured under the roots of the bush. After this, you can water the soil the next day. Dry manure also helps well; it is evenly distributed over the beds and left to decompose.

To strengthen the root part, accelerate photosynthesis and improve the taste of the fruit, you can combine several different fertilizers. Here are the best recipes:

  1. Add nitrophoska (20 g) to the mullein infusion (1 l).
  2. Combine 8 g of potassium sulfate, 15 g of superphosphate and 0.3 liters of chicken manure infusion.
  3. Mix 200 g of wood ash, 0.7 liters of liquid mullein and 20 g of superphosphate.
  4. Add 5 g of copper sulfate and 250 ml of ash to 1 liter of infusion of any herbs.

The prepared compositions are poured directly under the roots of the plant using a ladle in the morning or evening. It is extremely important that when feeding tomatoes in a greenhouse made of polycarbonate or other material, the day is not very sunny, but there is no forecast for rain. The number of procedures is no more than 2 per month.

The number of root fertilizing applications can be increased up to 5 times in 2 months if the bush is affected by aphids and other pests.

Feeding tomatoes with yeast deserves special attention, which can be done no earlier than 10 days after transplanting the seedlings into the ground. To do this, follow this recipe - combine dry yeast (10 g), chicken manure (0.3 l), water (8 l) and sugar - 25 g. Since this composition cannot be used in its pure form, dilute it 1 to 10 with water and using a watering can with a strainer, pour the fertilizer in a circle. It is an excellent growth stimulant! If necessary, repeat the procedure after 2 weeks. This time double the amount of chicken manure.

Fertilizing yeast and sugar for tomatoes can be even more useful if you add ascorbic acid to the mixture - only 2 grams per solution

And the last option is to dig dolomite flour near the bush. For 1 hundred square meters with acidity less than 4.5%, 20 kg is quite enough. Fertilizer is distributed around the plant and immersed to a depth of about 5 cm. Please note that the more acidic the soil, the more it is needed.

Now you know how to properly fertilize tomatoes in a greenhouse, what is needed for it and how to combine it all correctly. This procedure should definitely be included in the care of greenhouse tomatoes, because, growing them in conditions of insufficient light, high humidity, and lower temperatures, they need much more of your attention and care. This is the only way to please yourself with a truly good and tasty harvest!

VIDEO: The secret of fruitful tomatoes

Fertilizing tomatoes before fruiting is necessary if the plants lack microelements. The problem often occurs after planting tomatoes. If you do not pay attention to it, the harvest will be poor. It is necessary to feed each bush with yeast or other fertilizers, so you will get a large number of fruits with excellent taste, and growing will be easy.

Signs of micronutrient deficiency

In open ground and greenhouses, tomatoes especially need the following microelements:

  • nitrogen;
  • phosphorus;
  • potassium.

At the same time, caring for tomatoes involves the active addition of phosphorus. It affects the formation of fruits and root systems. If tomatoes lack this element, the absorption of nitrogen and other substances required for nutrition will not proceed well. Phosphorus starvation can be recognized based on the following signs:

  • slow fruit ripening;
  • the presence of reddish spots on the bottom of the leaf;
  • curling of leaves along the main vein.

During and before fruiting, tomatoes require potassium. It promotes the formation of stems and the processing of carbon dioxide. Plants should be fed when the lower leaves wither and die.

Rules for applying fertilizing

Growing tomatoes in open ground and in a greenhouse in July involves fertilizing at the stage of planting seedlings in the greenhouse. Care is as follows: humus or compost is placed in the holes and ash is added. Humus and compost contain a large amount of useful minerals. Ash contains a huge number of macro- and microelements necessary for tomatoes.

Feeding schemes

In addition to the above scheme for the first fertilization of tomatoes in a polycarbonate greenhouse, you can apply fertilizers in this way: humus, turf soil, sawdust, and peat are added to boxes with soil. All components are taken in equal parts.

In open ground and in greenhouses, a combination of humus and peat is also used. A liter of sawdust and a liter of coarse river sand, a tablespoon of wood ash or dolomite flour, and a tablespoon of superphosphate are added to a bucket of the presented mixture. Sometimes fertilizers are made with chicken manure and yeast.

The resulting mixture should be mixed properly and left to stand for a week. The layer in the box of the mixture should reach 10 centimeters.

Before sowing in open ground and in a polycarbonate greenhouse, care consists of preparing a nutrient solution heated to 40 degrees. It contains:

  • 10 liters of water;
  • 2 tablespoons liquid mullein;
  • half a spoon.

Next, seedlings of tomatoes and peppers are sown in open ground. The second feeding for tomatoes, like peppers, should be done when the first few leaves appear. In this case, seedlings are allowed to dive into pots. The composition of the mixture should be similar to the mixture in the boxes. In order for cultivation to go well, the following fertilizer for tomatoes in the greenhouse is chosen:

  • 10 liters of warm water;
  • half a spoon of copper sulfate;
  • 3 spoons of mullein in liquid form.

What to do after a pick

Care after 15 days after the picking consists of carrying out. It is prepared from:

  • liquid mullein - a glass;
  • 10 liters of water;
  • nitroammofoski - spoon.

The correct way to grow in a polycarbonate building is this: add a glass of solution to a pot of tomatoes. The next feeding for tomatoes in the greenhouse is carried out 20 days after picking. The solution has the composition:

  • wood ash - 2 spoons;
  • water - 10 liters;
  • double granular superphosphate - spoon.

When fertilizing in a polycarbonate greenhouse, you should fertilize each cup with a plant. Further care consists of the 5th feeding.

If the seedlings are pale in color, there is no need to stop growing; a tablespoon of urea should be dissolved in 10 liters of water.

Then each plant is fertilized with 0.5 cups of solution and placed for a couple of days in a place with a temperature of 10 degrees. Then the seedlings are placed in normal conditions, and cultivation is carried out as usual.

If the seedlings develop quickly, then take 3 tablespoons of superphosphate per 10 liters of water. Each tomato requires a glass of solution. After 24 hours, the plants are placed in a room with a temperature of 25 degrees during the day and 20 degrees at night. The seedlings remain there for a week.

It is worth mentioning separately about fertilizing with chicken manure. It is produced periodically.

Foliar feeding

In open ground and in a greenhouse, in addition to root feeding, foliar feeding should be carried out. They consist of spraying leaves and stems.

During fruiting, they are good because they can bring to the plant all the necessary substances that are not in the soil. This is due to the fact that the leaves are able to absorb only the elements that the tomato lacks.

Feeding tomatoes (video)

Caring for tomatoes consists not only of timely watering and weeding, but also of fertilizing. You can fertilize seedlings with chicken droppings, yeast, using foliar methods. It doesn’t matter whether you choose foliar feeding or root feeding, you should act wisely: take into account the composition of the soil, the needs of the plant and follow the instructions. If you do everything right, you will be pleased with the harvest, and growing it will not be so difficult.

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