How to peel leaf, stem and root celery? Do I need to peel the stems and roots of celery, and how to do it correctly? How to properly clean a celery stalk.

  • 12.10.2023

Because of its specific aroma and spicy taste, celery is not very popular among our compatriots, so it is not surprising that many have no idea how to peel celery, and does it make sense to do it at all, or is it permissible to eat stalks and root vegetables unpeeled?

1 How to properly prepare celery root vegetables for consumption

If, having become familiar with the beneficial properties of celery root, you decide to include it in your diet, it would be a good idea to immediately learn how to properly peel celery so as not to spoil your first impressions of this amazing vegetable plant. After all, with the right approach, celery can become your indispensable assistant in the kitchen: soups with the addition of roots become richer and more aromatic, grated fresh root vegetables give salads a tart taste, stalks go well in salads with seafood and make vegetable stews tastier. In addition, celery produces wonderful freshly squeezed juice, the healing properties of which are extremely high!

There are usually no problems with celery greens - it is enough to rinse it under the tap and finely chop it to add to soups, main courses, sauces, salads, or to decorate cooked dishes with delicate leaves. But we will look in more detail at how to peel root and stalk celery.

Video about proper cleaning of celery

So, are you holding a large, scary-looking, gnarled celery root vegetable in your hands for the first time and don’t know which way to approach it? In fact, there are no special tricks on how to peel celery. But to make your work easier, try to choose root vegetables in the store that are firm, less knotty, and have smooth skin. In terms of weight, they may seem quite heavy for their size. The greens remaining on the top should be green, not yellowed or withered. Such root vegetables will be much easier to clean, and there will be less waste during cleaning.

Photo of celery

It’s worth noting right away that it is necessary to peel root vegetables; only completely peeled, well-washed roots are added to dishes.

How to peel celery roots:

  • first of all, the root crop should be thoroughly washed, and then the top of the root and its lower part should be cut off with a knife;
  • celery roots are quite large - half or a quarter of one root may be enough for you to prepare one dish, so for convenience, cut the root into the required number of parts and put those that are not needed in the refrigerator;
  • from those parts that you are immediately going to use for food, carefully remove the skin with a sharp thin knife or a vegetable peeler;
  • scrape out all the recesses and cut out dubious places on the white pulp;
  • the spongy parts have no taste, so they can also be cut out immediately;
  • now all that remains is to rinse the peeled parts of the root vegetable and use as you wish: grate, cut into small cubes, large pieces, strips, slices, etc.;
  • Pour cold water over the chopped pieces to prevent them from darkening.

In the photo there is celery

If you plan to eat celery root for the purpose of losing weight, you should not cut out the spongy parts - they are coarse dietary fiber, the processing of which the body spends a lot of energy.

Uneven, knotty root vegetables can be easier to clean by cutting them into small pieces.

2 Petiole celery - is it worth peeling, and what is the best way to do it?

Conflicting opinions can be heard regarding celery petioles: some argue that the stalks must be peeled before eating, others limit themselves to only washing the petioles in running water, without bothering to clean the stalks. So, is it necessary to peel celery?

Video about cleaning celery stalks

It all depends on what petioles you come across in the store. For example, in young stems growing inside a bunch, the fibers are not felt at all, but old petioles may turn out to be tough and fibrous - without preliminary cleaning, eating them will not be so tasty. Therefore, you should carefully select petiole celery in the store: the plants should have fresh, bright green leaves and straight stems, but if some leaves and petioles are missing, this may mean that the celery is stale. It is best to buy unwashed celery if possible, because it tastes better than stalks that have been washed before sale.

Photo of celery

Before peeling celery stalks, rinse them under the tap with warm water. After this, you should carefully remove the fibers and hard veins from the surface of the petioles with a sharp knife or a vegetable peeler.

Celery has a strong aroma and a bittersweet, spicy taste. It used to be considered primarily a vegetable, but is now also used as a seasoning. There are three types - root, petiole and leaf.

Root celery is grown for its thick, round roots that resemble the shape of a large apple, but its leaves are also edible. The snow-white pulp of the root vegetable has a pleasant aroma, reminiscent of parsley. In addition to essential oil and vitamins, the root of the plant contains substances that have anticancer activity. The root vegetable is eaten raw, put in salads and okroshka, cutlets are made from it, and added to any meat and vegetable soups. Before use, celery root should be washed well under running water and peeled with a sharp knife. To prevent the product from darkening during chopping, it is periodically sprinkled with lemon juice or kept in salt water (otherwise it will look unsightly in the salad). You can also prepare this dietary dish: celery with sour milk. Grate the peeled root on a fine grater and immediately, before it darkens, mix it with sour milk. Add some crushed walnuts, a couple of sprigs of parsley and a little crushed garlic. Tasty, healthy and no chemicals!

If you are going to boil or stew celery, keep in mind that the more it is chopped, the more flavor it will release. To preserve the vitamins in celery root, it should be immersed in boiling water and cooked in a tightly closed container.

The petiole variety is also called salad variety. It is distinguished by overgrown fleshy stems 3-4 cm thick and the absence of root crops.

The petioles are eaten raw or stewed with meat or vegetables, and they can also be salted and pickled. Tender and juicy celery stalks are an excellent addition to any salads; they go well with apples or seafood, and are also suitable for preparing vegetable stews.

Dried celery is used to make sauces and mayonnaise. It adds a pleasant taste to side dishes, sprinkled on egg dishes, grilled poultry and meat, and included in spicy dry mixtures.

Leaf celery is grown for its lush greenery; it looks like parsley, but is more spicy. The leaves are used fresh, dried or pickled. Celery adds exquisite tartness to dishes made from beans, eggplant, cabbage, carrots, beets and potatoes. Greens are often used for pickling and pickling cucumbers, squash, zucchini, mushrooms...

Erotic root

The beneficial properties of celery are incalculable. Let's name at least some of them. Celery turns out to be able to slow down the aging process. The unique set of proteins, vitamins, acids and minerals it contains ensures the stability of the body's cells. Celery greens are used to treat nervous disorders resulting from overwork. The essential oil found in its roots and stems stimulates the secretion of gastric juice. It is included in the menu of patients with diabetes. And in ancient times, celery juice diluted with water or vinegar was used as an antiemetic.

And since ancient times, celery has been included in the collection of recipes “Erotic Cuisine of the World.” “The fragrant celery root contains enormous power, / Which adds ardor to young men and burns the loins of old men with fire.” There was even a tradition of serving celery dishes to the newlyweds at the wedding ceremony. Modern nutritionists confirm that systematic use of celery root, especially fresh, pureed with apples, increases potency.

Calories with a minus sign

Celery contains a lot of water, a large amount of fiber, and in terms of calories - only 18 kcal per 100 g. The celery diet is recommended for excess weight, allergies, inflammation, colds, diseases of the thyroid gland and genitourinary system. It lasts 2 weeks, its basis is soup. To prepare it you will need 3 liters of water, a bunch of celery, the same amount of cabbage as for regular cabbage soup, 6 medium-sized onions, 2 tomatoes and bell peppers with spices. Boil the soup for 15 minutes. For two weeks, eat it in unlimited quantities, combining it with fruits, vegetables, lean chicken and beef.

But before you go on a celery diet, be sure to consult your doctor, as it is contraindicated for those who have ulcers, gastritis and other health problems!


Stewed celery with vegetables

Peel the celery roots and stalks, rinse and cut into pieces, grate the carrots into strips, lightly fry the onions. Remove the skin from the tomatoes and chop coarsely. Place celery, onions, carrots, tomatoes in a saucepan, add salt, pepper, and a little meat broth. Simmer for about an hour.

Expert opinion

Tamara Rendyuk, Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacognosy, Moscow Medical Academy. I. M. Sechenova:

– The healing properties primarily come from raw celery. Celery salads and juices are an excellent way to maintain good health (cleanse the body of toxins). It is also useful for hypertension, obesity, and bladder diseases. Celery has a beneficial effect on digestion, has a diuretic, mild laxative properties, increases physical and mental performance, has a positive effect on neuroses, and has a beneficial effect on metabolism and hematopoietic processes. In folk medicine it is used for rheumatism, kidney diseases (against the formation of stones), bladder diseases, gout. Celery is one of the main seasonings successfully used in diets in salt-free dishes, as it contains large amounts of sodium and potassium.

Many people have not yet learned how to use it in cooking, which is where a number of questions arise: how to choose the “right” plant and how to peel celery? The answer to each of them comes with experience, but it is better to stock up on theoretical knowledge in advance.

Celery comes in three types.

  1. Sheet. The root crop is undeveloped; the plant spends most of its energy on ripening green foliage. The leaves contain essential oils that are very beneficial for the body. Salads are prepared from them and added to soups.
  2. Chereshkovy. The root crop is also underdeveloped. The plant has succulent thick stems. Their diameter reaches 4 cm. It is the stems that are used for food: salads, stews, and freshly squeezed juice are made from them.
  3. Root. A rounded root crop is formed underground, reaching 20 cm in diameter. The taste of the pulp is bitter-sweet. The root vegetable is dried and added to soups or salads.

How to choose celery?

If you have not previously encountered the preparation of this product, there is still a lot to learn about it. Cleaning celery depends on its condition: how young and fresh the plant is. To avoid wasting your money, learn a couple of secrets on how to choose the “right” celery.

  • Foliage. Greens should have a rich, bright color. Be sure to feel the leaves, they should be elastic, not flaccid. The plant should have an aroma.
  • Stems. They should look full of juice. When a cut or break occurs, you will hear a crunch. If the petiole is covered with scratches, has a weathered appearance, the green color has acquired a brown tint, you have a stale product.
  • Root vegetable. The root should be firm and not squeezed when pressed with your fingers. The surface should be as smooth as possible. Don't buy root vegetables that are covered in knots. Pay attention to the color of the upper leaves: green indicates the freshness of the plant.

When purchasing, pay attention to whether the plant has produced an “umbrella” with seeds. In this case, you risk buying overgrown celery. It will taste bitter, and the stalks and roots will be very hard.

Leaf celery does not need to be peeled. The leaves are used in cooking as an addition to fresh vegetable salads, stews or first courses. The chopped herbs are dried and used as a seasoning. In addition, greens are added to pickles. However, in many countries they believe that only in fresh form does it retain all its “magical” healing properties. Like parsley or dill, just separate the branches from the main stem and rinse under cold running water.

How to clean stalk celery?

When cleaning stems, housewives have many more questions than when processing a leafy plant. The opinions of culinary specialists on this matter also differ. Some believe that it is necessary to remove the top layer of the stem, while others claim that this procedure is not necessary. This really depends on the freshness and age of the celery.

In addition to the skin, the lower part of the stem (the first 3 cm) must be removed and the upper shoots, if any, are cut off.

The young petiole growing inside the bunch is not covered with thick, coarse fibers. Its skin is thin and almost invisible. In this case, it is enough to rinse the stems under hot water. If the plant overgrows a little, the petiole becomes covered with a thick film. It is hard to the touch, so you need to remove it with a knife (it is more convenient to use a vegetable peeler).

How to clean root vegetables?

This part of the plant raises the most questions among housewives. And this is not strange at all. The fruit has a rough surface and is covered with soil when sold. There is also debate among culinary specialists about its cleaning. Some argue that it is enough to wash off all the soil - and the fruit is ready for further cutting. This opinion is erroneous, because you can only eat well-washed root vegetables with the peel removed.

By purchasing a root with a smooth surface, you will not lose a large amount of pulp when peeling. "Knots" interfere with quick and economical trimming of the peel. First of all, wash off all the dirt under running water, take a sharp knife, a vegetable peeler and a cutting board.

  1. Use a large sharp knife to cut off the top and bottom of the fruit.
  2. It is unlikely that you will need the entire root vegetable to prepare any dish. Cut off the required part. Place the remaining root vegetable in the refrigerator or a cool, dark place.
  3. It is necessary to cut off the skin and spoiled areas. This is convenient to do with a vegetable peeler or a sharp knife. Do not leave spots or spots, the flesh should be white and clean.
  4. Discard the spongy part of the root as it is tasteless and will not add flavor to the dish. However, if you are preparing celery for the purpose of losing weight, it should be left, since it is a coarse dietary fiber and is valuable for cleansing the body.
  5. After processing, rinse the root vegetable again and start cutting. The shape of the pieces depends on the dish you are going to cook.
  6. A cut root vegetable tends to darken when exposed to oxygen. If you are making a preparation, then the chopped fruit should be filled with water, like potatoes.

All skills come only with experience. Knowing how to handle a particular product will make the cooking process easier. Celery is a storehouse of vitamins and microelements. It is easy to prepare and process. This plant should be a frequent guest in every kitchen.

Not everyone likes the specific smell of celery, but you shouldn’t exclude it from your diet. This root vegetable is a real storehouse of vitamins, and nutritionists consider its juice especially useful. However, other parts of the plant are useful in the kitchen. The leaves can be used for preservation or in salads. And the fragrant rounded root vegetables will add piquant tartness to salads and richness to the broth. If you decide to try this vegetable, it doesn’t hurt to know some of the nuances of how to peel celery, because it comes in different types. Depending on this, the preparation of the vegetable for consumption differs.

So, according to which part of the plant is intended for use as food, three varieties of celery are distinguished:

  • sheet;
  • petiolate;
  • root.

Now let's look at the features of cleaning each type.

Picked, washed, eaten - minimal preparation of leaf celery

The easiest and fastest to clean are leafy varieties. Here it is enough just to rinse the foliage well and let it dry. The only thing you may need is to select yellowed and limp leaves, if any. However, when buying freshly cut celery there will be no such problems.

Do I need to peel stalked celery?

Some housewives, having tried juicy thick petioles for the first time, refuse them. The reason for this is the excessive fibrousness and rigidity of the stems. In fact, this is indeed possible, but for a completely different reason - if old petioles are caught. It is they that are covered with coarsened fibers on top, which must be cut off with a knife. But the internal fibers remain moderately rigid and are almost not felt, while maintaining the characteristic structure of celery.

But young petioles can be consumed without additional cleaning, simply by washing them.

How to clean celery root?

The roots of this celery are somewhat reminiscent of beets, only whitish in color and with an uneven surface covered with tubercles. They can be impressive in size. When purchasing, it is better to choose those fruits that have a smoother skin - they will be easier to peel, and there will be less waste of valuable aromatic pulp.

You need to clean it in any case, young or old, small or large. Firstly, it is the peel that absorbs nitrates, and secondly, the spongy top of the fruit has no taste and needs to be cut off and thrown away.

Before cleaning, root vegetables should be washed, then cut off the lower and upper parts. All growths and depressions are also cut out, and the fruit itself is peeled like a potato. If it is too large and will not be used completely right away, you can cut off and clean half. The second part of the celery is placed in a bag and stored in the refrigerator. By the way, celery can lie there for a very long time - it practically does not spoil and remains hard. The only thing is that the cut area darkens, and in the future it will need to be trimmed thinly.

Video on how to quickly peel celery root