Spelling analysis what. Spelling analysis

  • 02.11.2023

Often, when completing assignments in the Russian language, schoolchildren and students are faced with the need to perform a spelling analysis of a word. To do this, you need to know spellings and be able to analyze and apply them in practice. A spelling chart helps to spell words correctly in accordance with the rules or established spelling traditions. By analyzing the word in detail, we find out why the letter is written this way and not otherwise. Today I will tell you how to correctly spell a word.

In order to correctly perform all the actions, see the spelling in the word and apply it correctly, an entire algorithm has been developed.

By following the steps below, you will correctly spell the word and be sure to get a good grade. This material will also be useful for parents who work with their children and help them with homework. After all, in order to be able to help a child, the parents themselves must first study and understand the topic.

Need to see the spelling

First of all, when parsing a word, you need to see the spelling in it. Audible and written speech are very different from each other - many words are written completely differently from how they are perceived by ear. For example, we say “sha G ”, and we hear “sha To " Without knowledge of spelling, some will write as they hear. Or you can apply the rule and put “step” in the plural – “sha G And ". After finding out the correct letter, feel free to write the word. Or “g O ra” (we hear “g A ra”) – forming the plural “g” O ry” and write correctly. The same sound we hear can be represented in writing by a different letter, for example:

  • we hear “and”, and we write “and” - “p” And la” [p’i]la, or “e” - “p e juice” [p’i] juice, “I” - “m I snoy” [m’i]snoy, “a”– h A sy [h’i]sy, “e” – “excavator” [and] excavator;
  • we hear [speckled], and we write “crab”, or [kupatsa] – “swim”, [shield] – “count”.

Therefore, the most correct thing would be not to write by ear, but to think a little and apply the spelling.

After discovering the spelling in a word, you need to choose a rule that will help you write the desired letter correctly. The system of correct spelling of words in Russian is based on three principles:

  • morphemic word parsing ();
  • use of alternating vowels and consonants;
  • a principle based on the historical or traditional spelling of words (here the main advisors are dictionaries).

Easy to remember spelling

But it is important not only to memorize spellings, but also to understand in which words they are used, so that when writing, when you doubt the correct spelling of a word, you can check yourself using the rules. One of the undeniable expressions says that you need to read more, and not modern books, where errors are common, but classics in old editions, where there was no question of incorrect spelling. This method will not only allow you to have a pleasant time with your best friend - a book, but will also significantly increase the level of literacy of a book lover. Then, when writing, a schoolchild or student will spend less time selecting and applying spelling patterns.

Choose the right rule

The basis of any spelling rule is the definition of the part of speech and composition of the word being tested. In order to determine the composition of a word, it is necessary to perform its morphemic analysis. During the actions, the following symbols are used: ending, suffix, root and prefix. This is necessary in order to find out which spelling should be used. After all, if you need to check the correct spelling of a letter in a prefix, you cannot apply the spelling for the root to it, and vice versa. Setting a part of speech will help by asking a question about a word or finding out what the word means.

Setting the part of speech

So, we come to the actual spelling analysis of the word. It is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • the control word is written out separately and read aloud;
  • letters missing in a word are inserted or parentheses are opened;
  • the place in the word where the spelling is present is emphasized, and the morpheme in which it is located is highlighted with a symbol;
  • the spelling is called along with all its characteristics: what place it occupies in the word and why it appeared, is it possible to select a test word, and the conditions for its spelling are also explained in written or oral form;

Signs of spelling

  • a test word is indicated (if it exists), where the sound will sound more clearly and strongly, or whose structure is identical to the word in question (the same grammatical form and morpheme), examples of other words with the same spelling are given.

By following this scheme, you will give the correct answer to the teacher and correctly perform a spelling analysis.

Spelling analysis of words using examples

For example, in the textbook there is a sentence: “The slope..(n, nn)th tr..va lies in even rows" It is necessary, in accordance with the spelling norms of the Russian language, to correctly insert letters into words and explain why this is so (perform a spelling analysis of the words). Following the above diagram, we answer the following:

  • the word “oblique” is a participle, the spelling is present in the suffix;
  • the word “mowed” is a passive participle used in the past tense, and “nn” is written in such words if they were formed by verbs of the perfect form (mow - what to do?), also - painted, written;
  • suffix enne written in those participles that are formed from verbs:
    • the stem of which (the unchangeable part of the word, separated from the formative suffix and ending) ends in a consonant;
    • ending in -it, -et;
  • the words “grass” and “rows” have an unstressed vowel at the root of the word, which is checked by placing the word under stress: “tr A va "is placed in the plural - "tr A you ", and the word "r I dami” – singular and nominative case “r” I d".

Let's look at another example: “The April rain fell for the first time and refreshed everything around" Here, unlike the first example, spelling patterns are not indicated - they need to be found.

  • doge d ь” - the spelling is in a paired consonant at the end and is checked by setting the word so that the letter being checked sounds clear and distinct (in our case it is “dozh” d and");
  • etco w el":
    • for the letter “ o ” – prefixes do not change regardless of their pronunciation (prefixpro- There is, great- - No);
    • for the letter “ e" - if at the root under the stress after the hissing sounds the sound “o” is heard, then “e” is written ( “passed”, “burnt”, “dash”);
  • about freshl":
    • for the letter “ o ” – the same spelling as for the prefix in the word “passed” (prefixO- There is, A - No);
    • for the letter “ e” – the vowel is fundamentally unstressed, we select a test word under stress (“sv e live");
    • for the letter “ and “ – spelling “zhi, shi ”;
  • Vo circle g”:
    • for the letter “ o ” – correct spelling of prefixes (prefixin- There is, va- - No);
    • for the letter “ g” - we change the word so that the consonant at the end sounds clear and distinct (“in kru G e ");
    • the derivative preposition “around” is written together, as it is formed from an adverb.

Correct understanding and application of spelling patterns is one of the keys to spelling in particular and literacy in general.

In order for a student to develop the ability to write correctly, experienced teachers use a teaching method such as spelling analysis of words, despite the fact that not all modern textbooks provide this analysis in their program. In the process of performing this algorithm, the child’s knowledge of the parts of speech is consolidated. In addition, this way it is easier for the student to remember many of the rules and principles of spelling.

To carry out a spelling analysis of a word in a lesson, the teacher is recommended to select words based on already studied spellings. The parsing algorithm may be something like the following.

To begin with, the selected word is written out separately. If a letter is missing, it is inserted. Next, the part of speech is determined and all the morphemes that are present are highlighted. After this, the student must identify all the spellings he noticed. If the child missed something, it is advisable for the teacher to point this out to him before moving on to the next stage.

The next step is a brief analysis of each spelling. To do this, the student needs to identify its type, give a brief description of the identifying feature, and justify the choice of its spelling. It is recommended to name the spelling principle to which this rule corresponds.

To show the spelling analysis of a word in practice, the following example can be given. The adjective "unscrupulous" contains 4 spellings. The first of them in the prefix (bes-) refers to the spelling rule in this part of the word. The rule is that in this case -e- is written regardless of pronunciation. The prefix bis- does not exist in Russian.

Further, the spelling analysis of the word provides an explanation of the spelling of the deaf -s. In this case, this letter is written due to the fact that another unvoiced letter follows it. Both spellings correspond to the phonetic principle.

Spelling analysis of a word can be included at any stage of the lesson, but such exercises will give the maximum effect when consolidating the material. In the above example, “unscrupulous” also has a “weak” sound in the root -conscience-. Here the spelling is not checked; this unstressed vowel must be remembered. This spelling refers to the traditional principle of the Russian language. The last spelling explained in this word is the -t- sound. In order to check it, it is enough to select a cognate noun in which the sound is in a strong position (conscience).

In some cases, it is appropriate to invite students to provide test or similar words for this rule. This can be done either orally or in writing.

By including spelling analysis of words in Russian language classes from elementary school, the teacher helps children develop competent, conscious writing skills. And by saying the writing rules out loud, students reinforce them. In addition, these exercises are ideal for learning to apply theoretical knowledge in practice.

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Spelling analysis(analysis under number 6)

The first task is identify spelling.
The vast majority of spelling errors occur due to a discrepancy between the sound and letter composition of the word. The same vowel sound can be denoted in writing by different letters, for example: sound [i] - and worlds [m'i]ry, e change [m'i]nyat, ya penny [p'i]tak, and [i ] clock [h'i]sy, e floor [i]tazh; consonants are likened to each other (pond [prut], with a friend [zdrugam], with something [sch’emta], wash [mytsa])…
Print out ““, let it be constantly before your eyes.
The page ““ will help you identify the spelling.

Second task - select the required rule.
The algorithm of any spelling rule is based on two “pillars”: word composition And Part of speech.
The file ““ will help you learn how to quickly parse words according to their composition.
You can determine the part of speech by the general grammatical meaning and the question from the table ( see below).

Word spelling scheme

1. Write down the control word.
2. Insert missing letters or open brackets.
3. Underline the place of spelling in the word.
4. Name the spelling and explain (orally or in writing) the conditions for correct spelling.
5. Indicate the test word (if possible) and give examples of words with this spelling.

Examples of spelling analysis of words
The slope..(n,nn)th tr..va lies in even rows.

Beveled - spelling suffixes of participles.
1) two letters " n" are written in the suffixes of passive past participles, if the word is formed from a perfective verb (what to do? - mow): painted, read;
2) suffix - enne-written in participles formed from verbs in -it, -et or verbs with a consonant stem: paint - painted; see - seen.

Trava, next to each other - unstressed checked vowel at the root of the word; checked by accent:
grass - grass, rows - row; water - water, forests - forest.

The April rain fell for the first time and refreshed everything around. (Find words with spellings)

rain - the spelling of unpronounceable consonants is checked by changing the form of the word so that the consonant sounds clearly: rain - rains, local - place.

about she l - spelling of prefixes; spelling o - ё after sibilants at the root

about yes, no prefix

2) if at the root under stress after hissing ones one hears o, it is written e (past e dshiy); lit, black

O fresh l - spelling of prefixes; combinations zhi, shi at the root

1) vowels and consonants in prefixes do not change regardless of pronunciation, prefix O Yes, consoles or not

2) after hissing words y, ya, yu are not written, i, a, y are written; resident, hour, miracle

in a circle - spelling of prefixes; voiced and voiceless consonants

1) vowels and consonants in prefixes do not change regardless of pronunciation, prefix in yes, no console

2) at the absolute end of a word or before a consonant, paired consonants are checked by changing the form of the word so that the consonant sounds clearly: around - in a circle; shore - shores.

Secondary school students must acquire not only deep theoretical knowledge, but also solid practical skills. To this end, an important role in the educational process is assigned to grammatical analysis, which helps to practically master the grammatical categories studied in the course of the modern Russian language, comprehend the rules of spelling and punctuation, systematize and consolidate the acquired knowledge. This type of exercise serves as an effective method for organizing independent classes in the Russian language, a method of self-control and testing knowledge. Grammar analysis is widely used in the study of all sections of grammar.

The subject of this series of articles is grammar analysis in Russian language lessons at school. Grammatical analysis is the analysis of certain grammatical phenomena in a given text (whole sentences or parts thereof, members of a sentence, individual morphemes, etc.), assigning them to one or another grammatical category and the grammatical characteristics of the broken sentence or individual word.

In Russian language lessons, any type of analysis presupposes a motivation for the answer: the student is required to provide a detailed, logically sound, coherent answer, which provides a description of the linguistic phenomenon and justifies its assignment to one or another grammatical category.

Thus, grammatical analysis helps to improve the general language culture of children, develops their speech, and helps to comprehend the logical connection of language phenomena.

The relevance of the articles lies in understanding the importance of distinguishing between concepts and types of grammatical analysis. This series of articles examines samples of phonetic, various types of morphological and syntactic, as well as spelling and punctuation analysis.

The novelty of the work lies in the breadth of material used for the analysis of various types of grammatical parsing.

The first article examines the order and patterns of phonetic analysis, morphemic, word-formation and etymological analysis. Phonetics is an important and difficult part of the Russian language course at school. The proposed schemes will help students organize independent study of this topic and systematize the knowledge gained.

The second article discusses the order and examples of morphological analysis.

Spelling and punctuation analysis have an important place in the school course, therefore, students must be proficient in these types of analysis. Since spelling and punctuation are closely related to grammar, this article includes schemes for spelling and punctuation analysis.

The third article provides a detailed analysis of spelling analysis, syntactic analysis of a phrase, a simple sentence: all its types (nominative, definite-personal, indefinite-personal, generalized-personal and non-conjunctive sentences), the order of their analysis and examples of analysis of one-part sentences are given.

The fourth article examines the analysis of complex sentences, gives an order and example of analysis by members of a sentence, an analysis of a complex and complex sentence and a sentence of a complex complex type.

And finally, the fifth article discusses issues related to non-conjunctive complex sentences (polynomial non-conjunctive complex sentences with different types of allied and non-conjunctive connections)

The purpose of this series of articles is to help students prepare for the Unified State Exam and Russian language lessons.

One of the tasks of preparing students for exams is to teach them to apply in practice the theoretical knowledge acquired while studying the Russian language school course.

The brief guidelines contained in each section of the article will help Russian language teachers and students determine the range of questions on each topic and the main direction in their work. Recommendations are given for the most difficult topics.

It is advisable to begin a full grammatical analysis after studying all the material on a given topic or section.

When practicing grammatical analysis according to the proposed schemes, the teacher needs to achieve comprehensive answers to questions. This will allow you to consciously assimilate and consolidate almost all the theoretical material of the course.

By completing the proposed exercises, the student must comprehend and remember the order of analysis and its volume and learn to present his observations in literary language in the form of a coherent argument.

The methodological basis of the work was the methods and methods of grammatical analysis at the university and at school. The article includes an analysis of numerous sentences with different types of connections (conjunctive - coordinating and subordinating; conjunctive and non-conjunctive), as well as an analysis of non-conjunctive sentences.

The works of acad. V.V. Vinogradov, D.E Rosenthal, N.S. Valgina, T.F. Ivanova, N.M. Shansky and others.

Spelling analysis

Spelling analysis, i.e. the explanation of spelling patterns found in the text can be continuous or selective. In Russian language lessons at school, teachers usually resort to selective spelling analysis, since students' attention is scattered between difficult cases that really need to be focused on, and easy spellings that there is no need to dwell on.
A commented letter approaches a complete spelling analysis. In selective spelling analysis, attention is focused on one particular spelling or on several types of spelling, depending on the purpose of the work. The procedure for analyzing spellings in continuous and selective spelling analysis is the same.

The order of spelling analysis

1. Name and underline the spelling.
2. Type of spelling.
3. A specific spelling rule (in school formulation).
4. Verification or historical explanation of spelling (if necessary)

Samples of spelling analysis

Low, endless reeds stretched all the way to the mountains.

Low – spelling of voiceless and voiced consonants.

Rule: To check the spelling of a dubious consonant, you need to change the form of the word or select a related word so that the consonant being checked is followed by a vowel sound or one of the consonants: m, n, r: threshing - threshing, close - close, low - low. The spelling is morphological, because the root bottom is always, regardless of pronunciation, written with the letter z (bottom, low, low), and not s.

Endless – spelling of prefixes in z. Rule: in consoles once-/ras-, rose-/ros-, bottom-/nis-, up-/vos, from-/is-, without-/bes, through-/through- at the end of the prefix you should write Z if the next letter is a voiced consonant, S if it is a voiceless consonant. In this case, the letters s should be written before the voiceless consonant k. This is a phonetic spelling, since the choice of letter changes depending on the pronunciation (joyless - heartless).

Endless– the unstressed vowel being tested at the root of the word. Rule: To check the spelling of unstressed vowels in the root of a word, you need to select a cognate word for the given word or change it so that this unstressed vowel is stressed. Examination: endlessfinish, tip. Writing is morphological. However, it should be taken into account that in verbs with this root there is an alternation o//a ( finish - finish), the spelling of this root in verbs follows a different rule.

Endless– spelling of combinations chk, chn, nch, nshch, shchn, rshch without a soft sign. The sounds “ch” and “sch” are always soft, so their softness does not need to be indicated.

Reeds– unchecked unstressed vowel at the root. Checked only in the dictionary. The writing is traditional.

Reeds– spelling of vowels after sibilants. Rule: after hissing words zh, sh, ch, sch, yu, ya, y are not written, but u, a, i are written. The writing is traditional.



When studying a phrase, you should pay attention to the definition of the phrase, its difference from a sentence; on the structure and grammatical meaning of phrases; on the relationship between phrases and sentences. It is necessary to study in detail the types of subordinating connections of words in phrases and sentences.

From sentences, such compounds of words that are not word combinations can be isolated (subject with predicate, noun with preposition, homogeneous members of a sentence, an isolated member of a sentence with a defined word), with corresponding explanations and characteristics of the sentence, while the analysis can begin from the base offers.

The presented samples of analysis are based on the point of view of academician V.V. Vinogradov (See: Russian language (Grammarical doctrine of the word) V.V. Vinogradov, M.: Russian language, 2001, 720 pp.). It is reflected in school textbooks.

The order of parsing the phrase

1. Isolating phrases from a sentence (if the task does not provide ready-made word combinations)
2. The main and dependent word in the phrase.
3. What part of speech expresses the main and dependent word. Type of phrase (noun, verb, adverb)
4. The grammatical meaning of the phrase (the nature of the syntactic relations between words in the phrase: objective, attributive, adverbial (indicate the type of adverbial relations: temporal, spatial, causal, target, etc.)
5. Type of syntactic connection and its characteristics; grammatical means of expressing communication:

a) agreement; which part of speech agrees with the word being defined and in what way (grammatical categories common to these parts of speech: gender, number, case, tense, etc.); full or incomplete agreement; a grammatical way of expressing a connection (inflection of a dependent word [The significant part of the word that changes with declension or conjugation, located at the end of the word form.])

b) management; type of control by the main word (verb, adjective (indicates an object in relation to which a sign called qualitative, mostly short, adjective) is manifested); substantive (refers to a member of a sentence, which is expressed by a noun formed from a verb or a qualitative adjective, and denotes indirect object of an action or manifestation of a characteristic); adverbial; case of a dependent word; grammatical way of expressing connections (inflection, preposition, word order)

c) adjacency; what part of speech or word form is adjacent; way of expressing connections (meaning, word order);

Examples of parsing phrases

Sing in a choir– phrase, main word – verb sing, dependent – ​​a noun with a preposition in the choir; verb phrase, in the initial form; the relationships between words in a phrase are adverbial, spatial, the dependent word indicates the place of action; connection: control, verb, prepositional, dependent word is in the prepositional case, the connection is expressed by the ending -e and pretext V .

Grieg's music– phrase, main word – noun music, dependent – ​​noun Griga; this is a noun phrase in the initial form; the relationships between words in a phrase are attributive; the dependent word names the object (music) and the person to whom this object belongs (the person who wrote this music) and answers the question whose music? Communication - control, unsuggestive; the dependent word is in the genitive case without a preposition, the connection is expressed by the ending -A in a word Griga.

It's a nasty day– phrase, main word – noun day, dependent – ​​adjective cloudy. This is a noun phrase in the initial form; the relationship between the components of the phrase is attributive: the object and its attribute are called; connection-agreement, the adjective agrees with the noun in the singular, masculine gender, nominative case; the connection is expressed by the ending of the adjective - th .

Far from home– phrase, main word – adverb far, dependent word – noun from homeland. This is an adverbial phrase, always used in the same form. The relationships between the components of the phrase are objective; connection-control, adverbial, prepositional. The dependent word is in the genitive case, the connection is expressed by a preposition from and noun ending -s .

The cumulus clouds and distant mountains took on a soft purple hue.(V.K. Arsenyev. “Across the Ussuri region”)

The clouds and mountains took on color- this is the grammatical basis of a sentence, it consists of a subject and a predicate, therefore it is not a phrase.

Clouds and mountains - homogeneous subjects, therefore they are not a phrase.

Cumulus clouds– phrase, main word – noun clouds, dependent – ​​adjective cumulus, this is a noun phrase, is in the initial form; the relationships between words in a phrase are attributive: the object and its attribute are called; connection-concordance: the adjective cumulus agrees with the noun clouds in the plural, nominative case, the connection is expressed by the ending of the adjective -s . This phrase is included in a sentence with the usual word order: the adjective comes before the noun it modifies.

distant mountains– phrase, main word – noun mountains, dependent – ​​adjective mountains. This is a noun phrase in the initial form; the relationships between the components of the phrase are attributive, the object and its attribute are named; connection-agreement: the adjective distant agrees with the noun mountains in the plural, nominative case, the connection is expressed by inflection -ies .

Subtle purple color phrase, main word - noun coloring, dependent – ​​adjective soft purple. This is a noun phrase, the initial form is soft purple color. The phrase is used in the accusative case. The relationship between the components is attributive: the object and its attribute are named. Communication-coordination, adjective soft purple agrees with the noun coloring in the singular, feminine, accusative case. The connection is expressed by inflection - wow.

Simple sentence

The order of parsing simple sentences

1. Type of sentence according to the purpose of the statement (narrative, interrogative, incentive).
2. Type of sentence by intonation (exclamatory, non-exclamatory).
3. The type of sentence according to its grammatical basis (composition): one-part (in this sentence there is only one main member, only the subject or only the predicate) or two-part (when the sentence contains both main members: both the subject and the predicate).
4. Type of sentence based on the presence or absence of secondary members (common or non-common).
5. Complete or incomplete. Type of incomplete sentence (which part of the sentence is missing).
6. Complicated or uncomplicated, what is complicated: address, introductory words, homogeneous or isolated member of a sentence, interjection.

Heavy drops fall from tall trees onto small trees.(M. Prishvin “The Worldly Cup”)

1. The sentence is simple, narrative
3. Two-part (grammatical basis drops fall)
4. Common
5. Incomplete (the circumstance is omitted from the trees)
6. Nothing complicated

Who are you, Seryozha, deceiving?(M. Prishvin “The Worldly Cup”)

1. The sentence is simple, interrogative.
2. Non-exclamatory.
3. Two-part (you are deceiving the grammatical basis),
4. Common
5. Complete.
6. Complicated by Seryozha’s treatment.

One-part sentence

The grammar of the Russian language distinguishes the following types of one-part sentences:

The main member is the subject. The main member is the predicate

1. Nominative (nominative) sentence. 1. Definitely personal.
2. Vaguely personal.
3. Generalized-personal.
4. Impersonal.

Nominative the simplest type of one-part sentence. In these sentences there is a subject, but no predicate: Night. Street. Flashlight. Pharmacy. Meaningless and dim light (A. Blok. “Twelve”). Winter. But one should not confuse the denominative with the two-part incomplete. ( What are you looking for? – Album. Offer Album– two-part incomplete (we analyze its composition according to the restored form "I'm looking for an album").The essence of a naming sentence is that we name something, point to this object, saying: “Look, what a night, what a lantern.” It's winter.

Definitely personal – there is no subject in this sentence, but it can be restored. But again confusion arises. If the student understands the difference between an indefinitely personal sentence and a two-part incomplete sentence, then confusion can be avoided.

1) in an incomplete two-part sentence, the subject can be restored only by context, and it can denote any person expressed by a noun in any number and case: (1) She became thin, (2) because she wandered for a long time. The second part of this complex sentence is a two-part incomplete sentence in which the subject can be reconstructed from the context she.

In a one-part definite-personal sentence, the subject can be restored not only from the context, but from the form of the predicate: On a country road I like to ride in a cart(M. Yu. Lermontov “Motherland”). In this sentence you can substitute only one subject - I. If the predicate is in the forms indicated below, then the sentence should be recognized as a definite personal one-part, and not two-part, even if there is an indication in the context of who is being discussed. Thus, a definite personal sentence is easy to recognize in the text, since the predicate can only be in forms in which personal pronouns are applicable me, you, you:

1) 1st and 2nd person verb in the indicative mood of the present and future tense (1st person: I am writing, we are writing, I will write, we will write; 2nd person: you are writing, you are writing, you will write, you will write;
2) imperative mood (write, write, write, write).

Vaguely personal – sentences in which there is no subject, while the actor exists but is not defined. Instead of the subject, you can say “someone, someone, some unknown people”; An elephant was led through the streets... (I. Krylov); Who drove? This is unknown and unimportant. The predicate can only be in forms in which the personal pronoun they is used (in an indefinite personal meaning):

1) verb 3rd person plural present and future tense (they will remove, will remove, will remove)
2) past tense plural verb (removed).

The presence of a predicate in one of the listed forms is a necessary but not sufficient condition for classifying a sentence as indefinitely personal. Students went to the mountains in the summer. We only returned in September.

The second sentence is a two-part incomplete one. The fundamental condition for recognizing a sentence as indefinitely personal (in addition to the form of the predicate) is that the action is important in itself , regardless of the producing entity (person or thing).

Generalized personal proposal - one in which there is no subject, and the action is assigned to everyone, it expresses a certain tendency, state of affairs: You can't spoil the porridge with butter. We are not talking about some kind of scam to spoil the porridge. This is a paraphrase of the expression “porridge cannot be spoiled with butter,” which can be applied to all at once and to each individually, can be applied to all at once and to each individually. The predicate can only be in forms in which the pronoun could be used they/you. In this case, we are talking only about the formal possibility of substituting such pronouns, since the subject is not needed.

Predicate forms:

1) 2nd person singular verbs and imperative verbs. TO whatever one may say, it was his fault that three more hungry mouths fell on the old man(F. Abramov. Two winters and three summers). (A complex sentence, including a generalized personal sentence and a simple two-part sentence).

Not You know, Where you'll find, Where you will lose (Proverb) (all three parts of a complex sentence are generalized-personal)

2) 3rd person plural verbs: Nightingales are not fed fables(Proverb) (simple generalized personal sentence) .

Impersonal offer - one in which the subject does not and cannot exist. There is fundamentally no person performing the action. The action occurs by itself, abstractly. Often the predicate is expressed by an impersonal verb ( Something is unwell. It got colder in the evening.) But the predicate cannot necessarily be expressed by an impersonal verb.

Possible options:

1) impersonal verb ( It was getting dark)
2) a personal verb in an impersonal meaning ( appear).Note: (1) The sun was setting below, and the cloud seemed scarlet.(M. Prishvin) two-part sentence with subject cloud, seemed predicate. (2) In the darkness it seemed as if a white hare had come out of the forest and stood. (M. Prishvin “Seasons”) – in the first part there is an impersonal one-part sentence.
3) short passive participle: Already sent to catch up(A. S. Pushkin “Boris Godunov”)
4) infinitive : Today it is forbidden to bite(A.P. Chekhov “Chameleon”)
5) the word “no” ( I have no words!)
6) adverb with the meaning of state: And it’s boring, and sad, and there’s no one to give a hand in a moment of spiritual adversity.(M. Yu. Lermontov)

The procedure for parsing a one-part sentence

1) Type of one-part sentence according to the form of the main member

a) with the main member – subject (nominative)
b) with the main member - the predicate (definitely personal, indefinitely personal, generalized personal, impersonal)

2) The main member of a one-part sentence, the method of its expression.

Samples of analysis of one-part sentences.

He was kept in the hospital for a week and released in all directions.(K. Fedin “An Extraordinary Summer”)

1) The sentence is simple, one-part, with the main member - the predicate.
2) The main members (held and released) are expressed by verbs in the form of the past tense, plural; the characters are known to the speaker, their circle is limited by the circumstances in the hospital, but at the moment it was important to report the very fact of the action, which created a shade of uncertainty.
3) Vaguely personal, since it reports the action of uncertain persons and the actors cannot be determined either from the context or from the situation of speech.

Dear friend, you can't sleep. The heat in the rooms is stifling.(A.K. Tolstoy).

1) the first sentence is simple, one-part, with the main member - the predicate.
2) the main member of the sentence is expressed by a reflexive impersonal verb and names an involuntary action that is imposed on the subject against his will and desire.
3) impersonal, since there is no actor (subject) and cannot be with this form of the verb. Complicated by treatment Dear friend.

Them do not forget your children who died in the bloody field(N.A. Nekrasov “Hearing the horrors of war”)

1) the sentence is simple, one-part, with one main member of the sentence - the predicate.
2) the main member of the sentence not to forget is expressed by the infinitive with the particle not and has the meaning of impossibility.
3) Impersonal, since the main member of the sentence is expressed by the infinitive. Complicated by a separate definition, expressed by the participial phrase (died in a bloody field).

how to do a spelling analysis of the words shine

  1. Spelling analysis

  2. Thank you
  3. Class
  4. 1. Write down the control word.
    2. Insert missing letters or open brackets.
    3. Underline the place of spelling in the word.
    4. Name the spelling and explain (orally or in writing) the conditions for correct spelling.
    5. Indicate the test word (if possible) and give examples of words with this spelling.
  5. SHINE, SH- underline with two lines, U- with 1 line. Rule: write CHU SHCHU with the letter U.
  6. but in short
  7. how to do this in writing?)
  8. Shine (what are they doing?) - verb. Beginning form SHINE. Fast. signs: nonsense. view, intransitive, irreversible, 1 conjugation. Non-post. signs: Withdrawn. mood, present time, plural number, 3rd person. Predicate.
    but that’s a morphological analysis

    Word spelling scheme

    1. Write down the control word.

    2. Insert missing letters or open brackets.

    3. Underline the place of spelling in the word.

    4. Name the spelling and explain (orally or in writing) the conditions for correct spelling.

    5. Indicate the test word (if possible) and give examples of words with this spelling.

  9. Thank you) _(
  10. resident of Kiev
  11. Thanks a lot
  12. Wonderful dewdrops shine on the smooth young leaves of birch trees.
    Shine - verb, initial form - shine, verb in personal form, 3rd person, active voice, plural, transitive, imperfective, present tense, predicate.
  13. Spelling analysis
    Spelling analysis involves oral or written analysis of spelling patterns in a word. When performing a spelling analysis, you need to correctly write down a word given with a missing letter, or open the brackets, underline the place of the spelling in the word, name the spelling and determine the conditions for its selection. If necessary, indicate a test word and give examples of this spelling.

    Word spelling scheme

    1. Write down the control word.

    2. Insert missing letters or open brackets.

    3. Underline the place of spelling in the word.

    4. Name the spelling and explain (orally or in writing) the conditions for correct spelling.

    5. Indicate the test word (if possible) and give examples of words with this spelling.

    Sample spelling analysis of a word
    The mow.. (n, nn) ​​grass lies in even rows.

    Oblique spelling of participle suffixes.

    two letters n are written in the suffixes of passive past participles if the word is formed from a perfective verb (what to do? mow): painted, read;
    the suffix -enn-is written in participles formed from verbs ending in -it, -et or verbs with a base ending in a consonant: paint painted; see seen, save saved.
    Grass, rows of unstressed verified vowel at the root of the word; verified by stress: grass grass, rows row; water water, forests forest.
    Accordingly: shine - spelling of personal verb endings
    Personal endings of verbs of the first conjugation: -у (-у), -ест, -ет, -ем, -ет, -ут (-ут); II conjugations: -у (-yu), -ish, -it, -im, -ite, -at (-yat):
    shine - verb I conjugation (initial form - shine), ending -ut

  14. Help, I don’t understand either.
  15. Word spelling scheme

    1. Write down the control word.

    2. Insert missing letters or open brackets.

    3. Underline the place of spelling in the word.

    4. Name the spelling and explain (orally or in writing) the conditions for correct spelling.

    5. Indicate the test word (if possible) and give examples of words with this spelling.

  16. Spelling analysis
    Spelling analysis involves oral or written analysis of spelling patterns in a word. When performing a spelling analysis, you need to correctly write down a word given with a missing letter, or open the brackets, underline the place of the spelling in the word, name the spelling and determine the conditions for its selection. If necessary, indicate a test word and give examples of this spelling.

    Word spelling scheme

    1. Write down the control word.

    2. Insert missing letters or open brackets.

    3. Underline the place of spelling in the word.

    4. Name the spelling and explain (orally or in writing) the conditions for correct spelling.

    5. Indicate the test word (if possible) and give examples of words with this spelling.

    Sample spelling analysis of a word
    The mow.. (n, nn) ​​grass lies in even rows.

    Oblique spelling of participle suffixes.

    two letters n are written in the suffixes of passive past participles if the word is formed from a perfective verb (what to do? mow): painted, read;
    the suffix -enn-is written in participles formed from verbs ending in -it, -et or verbs with a base ending in a consonant: paint painted; see seen, save saved.
    Grass, rows of unstressed verified vowel at the root of the word; verified by stress: grass grass, rows row; water water, forests forest.
    Accordingly: shine - spelling of personal verb endings
    Personal endings of verbs of the first conjugation: -у (-у), -ест, -ет, -ем, -ет, -ут (-ут); II conjugations: -у (-yu), -ish, -it, -im, -ite, -at (-yat):
    shine - verb I conjugation (initial form - shine), ending -ut