Eustoma flower sowing and care. Eustoma - blue Irish rose

  • 11.10.2023

Eustoma or lisianthus is a perennial herbaceous plant with a strong stem reaching a maximum height of 1 m. It belongs to the Gentian family. About 35 stunning flowers bloom on one bush - a whole bouquet. The most delicate petals have different colors: from snow-white to purple; it can be monochromatic or combine several shades. The inflorescences are very beautiful: some look like roses, others like bells or tulips.

The name of the plant is derived from two Greek words meaning good (beautiful) mouth. In its homeland (in America) eustoma is called Texas bell, tulip gentian, prairie gentian, and is also called Irish rose.

Are eustoma roses annual or perennial?

In open ground, eustoma is cultivated as a one- or biennial plant, and grows well on a windowsill for several years.

Inspired by the charm of a flower, you definitely want to see it in your home or on your property. When growing eustoma, you need to study all the nuances and follow them.

The plant reproduces exclusively by seed. Don’t even try to propagate by cuttings - they will never produce roots. Also exclude the method of dividing the bush. The root system is underdeveloped: you will destroy the plant.

Growing eustoma from seeds

A little about seed quality

- a painstaking task. Beginning flower growers may be upset that germination is low or that seedlings have not appeared at all. The reason for this is a violation of agricultural technology or poor-quality seed material. Don't despair, analyze your mistakes and try again. The result is definitely worth it.

Purchase seed material from specialized sales outlets. The seeds are very small (about 20,000 pieces per 1 g of weight). By themselves they have a germination rate of about 30%, their processing increases the rate to 40%. The packaging must indicate information about the treatment (untreated seeds should not be taken). As a rule, they are sold in the form of dragees (sealed with a special gel). This not only increases germination, but also makes sowing convenient.

The diversity of the genus is represented by 60 species; only a few of them are cultivated. Special compact varieties (about 45 cm high) have been bred for indoor cultivation. The flower beds are decorated with bushes 0.6-1.2 m high.

How to grow eustoma seedlings from seeds

When to plant

  • For subsequent sowing of eustoma seeds for seedlings, start in February-early March. In this case, expect flowering in July-August.
  • If you want to get flowering indoors in winter, sow the seeds in July-September.

How to sow eustoma seeds for seedlings

How to sow eustoma seeds photo

The optimal soil composition for growing eustoma seedlings is a mixture of peat and humus from the bark of deciduous trees (coconut shavings are suitable) in equal proportions.

As soil, it is best to use a universal mixture for growing seedlings, purchased at a flower shop. It has already been sterilized, the reaction is neutral or slightly acidic.

You can use peat tablets, which are pre-soaked for a day.

  • Lightly moisten the soil so that it becomes soft in texture.
  • Carefully distribute the seeds over the surface at a distance of 2-3 cm from each other, only lightly pressing them to the ground.
  • Do not cover it with soil under any circumstances.
  • Water by spraying with a fine sprayer so as not to overwater and the seeds do not “sink” into the soil.
  • Cover the top of the crops with a plastic bag or film. For air circulation, make several small holes (with a needle or toothpick).
  • Expect seedlings to appear in about 15 days.

  • Remove the cover immediately as soon as the first shoots appear.
  • Spray with phytosporin solution to prevent fungal and putrefactive diseases.

How to care for eustoma seedlings

Air temperature and lighting

It is important to ensure the correct one. During the day, keep it in the range of 20-22 °C, at night a slight decrease is recommended, but the temperature should not fall below 14 °C.

Lighting stimulates the awakening of life processes. The duration of daylight hours should be 12-14 hours. Use artificial lighting.

How to water correctly

Water periodically, but do not allow the soil to become waterlogged. By evening, the leaves must dry out. Be sure to control the humidity level, since when affected by blackleg (rotting of the root system), eustoma sprouts are difficult to cure and most often die.

After 1.5-2 months, the seedlings will reach a height of 4-5 cm. They should have several pairs of true leaves. At this time, they are carried out in individual containers (pots with a diameter of about 6 cm). Proceed with caution. The soil mixture is the same as when planting seedlings.

  • Fill the containers with soil, make holes according to the size of the root system.
  • Roll over together with the earthen lump.
  • The root collar should be at the same level as before transplantation.
  • Water the plants after picking with a solution of phytosporin to prevent the development of diseases.
  • If after watering the root collar becomes bare, add more soil.
  • To adapt, cover the seedlings with a plastic bag.

  • Another intermediate transplant by transferring it into larger pots promotes active growth of seedlings. Carry it out when the plants completely fill the intermediate container with roots.

A couple of weeks before transplanting into open ground, it is necessary to accustom it to street conditions. Take it outside for several hours: do this only in good weather, keep it away from direct sunlight.

Planting eustoma seedlings in open ground

It should be carried out based on weather conditions. The risk of return frosts should pass; as a last resort, build a temporary film shelter.

  • Choose a secluded place for planting eustoma without drafts or direct sunlight.
  • First dig up the soil, remove weeds, and water.
  • The soil must be loose, nutritious, breathable, and must allow moisture to pass freely - stagnation of water will destroy the plant.
  • The day before planting, water the eustoma seedlings so that the moisture softens the soil and the pot can be easily removed from it.
  • When replanting, save the earthen ball; the hole should correspond to the size of the root system. Water the soil before planting seedlings to create dirt. Place the seedlings in this dirt, carefully adding soil. After planting in the mud, eustoma is not watered. The root collar should be flush with the earth's surface; it can be planted in slightly recessed holes. Keep a distance of about 15 cm between individual plants; for tall varieties, increase the distance by 5 cm.

In the future, water the eustoma regularly, but moderately, focusing on the amount of precipitation and air temperature. To maintain optimal moisture levels, mulch the soil.

Thin stems can lie down under the weight of the inflorescences. Tie individual plants to stakes; for larger plantings, string rows of twine or wire.

How to plant eustoma in the ground, watch the video:

Conditions for growing eustoma and proper care in open ground


For successful growth and development of eustoma, it is necessary to provide bright, diffused lighting. Avoid direct sunlight. Solar lighting is required only to stimulate the awakening of sprouts (during seed germination). Should not be grown in the shade; only slight shading is possible.


The acidity of the soil should be neutral. To check the acidity of the soil, take a handful of soil and add a drop of table vinegar. If a chemical reaction begins (hissing, bubbles), then the soil is neutral or slightly acidic. In acidic soil, a reaction with vinegar will not occur. If the soil is acidic, it will need to be deacidified: add wood ash, chalk or dolomite flour. You can sprinkle lime, but such preparation is only possible in the fall; in the spring it can harm the plants.

How to pinch eustoma

To stimulate branching (which contributes to further abundant flowering), at the stage of appearance of 6-8 true leaves, the apex follows.

How to feed

During the period of active growth, fertilize. Potassium promotes the development of the root system. It’s good if there is ash, if there is none, use store-bought fertilizers. To strengthen the plant, focus on nitrogen-containing fertilizers.

So that the eustoma blooms profusely

The beginning of the flowering period is regulated not only by the time of sowing the seeds, but also by the time of transferring the seedlings to open ground. Sudden changes in temperature, even within acceptable limits, not only delay the onset of flowering, but can also cause the death of the flower. If the weather is changeable, it is better to build a temporary shelter. Install the rods and cover with film or geotextile.

After the end, you can stimulate a second wave. Cut off the faded flowers and new buds will appear in 1.5-2 months. There are varieties that are resistant to the first frosts - they will bloom longer.

When growing eustoma for sale (cut flowers), the technology is slightly different. Close attention is paid to the watering and fertilizing regime. In greenhouses it is possible to create an ideal microclimate. The stem is cut at the root, awaiting a new generation of flowers.

Caring for eustoma at home

The level of lighting and watering are the same as when growing in open ground. Water with moderately softened water at room temperature.

  • Provide access to fresh air: ventilate regularly, avoid drafts.
  • In the warm season, a comfortable temperature range is within 22-24 °C. In winter – 14-16 °C.
  • During the period of active growth, fertilize indoor flowering plants. Regarding frequency and dosage, follow the manufacturer's recommendations.
  • To extend the flowering period in indoor conditions, it is necessary to ensure a cool air temperature.

The main enemy of eustoma is excess moisture. Water only from the top of the pot. Be sure to do amelioration (mulch the soil surface with small pebbles, a layer of about 2 cm).

Rest period

Such a beautiful flowering plant needs rest. By winter, the vital activity of eustoma decreases significantly. After flowering ends, trim the shoots, leaving 2-3 internodes. With minimal watering and an air temperature of 14-15 ° C, keep the flower until spring. Lighting is required to be bright but diffuse. Eustomas that grew in open ground can be dug up and also stored until spring.

As soon as the first signs of resumption of vegetation appear, carefully place in a slightly larger container and resume regular watering. Coming out of a dormant period is not always successful - don’t let this be a surprise to you. Have seeds in stock and in case of such trouble, start sowing.

Diseases and pests of eustoma

  • Possible diseases: gray rot, powdery mildew, fusarium. It is necessary to remove the affected areas and treat with a fungicide.
  • Pests when grown indoors: spider mites, aphids.
  • Pests in the garden: whitefly, slugs.

Remove gastropods (slugs, snails) mechanically (collect by hand), use traps. Treatment with an insecticide will help get rid of other pests.

07 Aug 2017

This beauty has been blooming in my garden all summer eustoma. This is a flower of extraordinary beauty with delicate satin petals, and a small stigma and yellow anthers are hidden in the center. The shape of eustoma flowers can be simple, when one row of petals creates a funnel, opening, it looks like a poppy flower. The double eustoma flowers are very beautiful; several rows of petals create a lush shape, like a rose.

The size of eustoma flowers reaches 5-7 cm in diameter, their color comes in various shades of pink, yellow and purple, sometimes with a contrasting border along the edge of the petals.

Not only eustoma flowers look impressive in any stage of opening, but also the buds, which have an elegant shape and thin sepals at the base. At the ends of the shoots several flowers can open at once; surrounded by buds, in a flowerbed or in a pot this plant looks like a lush bouquet.

Florists love to use eustoma to make bouquets, since the flowers of this plant last a long time in water, their delicate and luxurious appearance will decorate any celebration.

At the flower eustoma (Eustoma) there is another Latin name - lisianthus ( Lizianthus), many people call this plant “Irish rose”.

Only one species is used in culture - eustoma grandiflora ( E. grandiflorum) - this plant forms a lush bush of leafy shoots emerging from a rosette of basal leaves. The greenery of eustoma has a bluish-blue tint, as it is covered with a waxy coating.

Eustoma grandiflora is grown in the garden as an annual or perennial plant. in a pot at home. This plant comes from the warm regions of Central America, therefore it does not tolerate negative temperatures and is not able to winter in our country.

A large number of eustoma varieties have been created, differing not only in the color and shape of the flowers, but also in the height of the plant. Eustoma with stems growing 70-100 cm in length is grown for cutting. To grow in the garden, choose flowers of medium height, 40-60 cm high, they will look good in the foreground in flower beds or in containers.

If you want to grow eustoma at home, as an indoor flower, dwarf plants not exceeding a height of 25 cm are best suited for this purpose; such plants bloom quickly, short stems form a lush bush and do not require support.

Please note that the packaging of flower seeds always indicates not only the parameters of the plant, but also the duration of the growing season - annual or perennial. For example, the eustoma variety Mariachi Yellow F1, 70 cm high, is an annual, therefore suitable for planting in open ground and, when grown through seedlings, blooms already in July. Perennial eustoma Rose Pink forms compact bushes up to 25 cm in height - this plant will take its rightful place among indoor flowers and is grown in pots.

Growing eustoma from seeds this is not a simple matter, since the seeds of this plant are very small and in order for them to germinate, and for the small seedlings to grow and become stronger, they require careful and proper care for the first couple of months. My first experiments in growing eustoma from seeds were unsuccessful: the seeds did not germinate, or the tender shoots died. Taking into account all the mistakes, the third time the eustoma seedlings, with proper care, came out great. After planting the plants in open ground at the beginning of June, a month later the low-growing varieties bloomed, and the tall eustoma blossomed at the end of July.

Lush flowering of eustoma lasted from mid-summer until autumn, and when plants were planted in pots and kept indoors, eustoma bloomed until winter. On one plant, up to 10 flowers bloomed simultaneously and at least 10 more buds were formed.

Eustoma flowers last a long time after opening, they retain color if they are not exposed to the hot sun and droplets of water. It has been noticed that at home, in bright diffused lighting, the eustoma flower, having bloomed, fades only after 2 weeks. Having opened in the garden, the flower lives less, but in the fresh air the plants grow faster, the shoots branch more strongly and more buds are formed.

How to grow eustoma from seeds

Eustoma can only be grown from seeds. Dividing the bush for propagation of this flower is not suitable, since if numerous thin roots are damaged, the plant becomes sick and does not take root well.

When to sow eustoma

Eustoma blooms after sowing in about 5-6 months, therefore, if you want to enjoy the flowering of the “Irish rose” in the garden, then grow it through seedlings, sowing in January - late February. You can sow flowers for seedlings earlier, but short daylight hours and a dry, hot atmosphere in an apartment are not suitable for the development of seedlings, so seedlings sown in December or earlier are usually at the same level of development at the time of planting as plants sown in February .

For growing as an indoor flower, it is recommended to sow eustoma at the same time, since in summer the best conditions for flowering are created for the plants.

How to sow eustoma seeds

Eustoma seeds very small, they are also called dust-like. When purchasing flower seeds from quality growers, the small seeds are enclosed in a light-colored shell that does not need to be soaked before sowing. It is convenient to sow small seeds in a light shell, maintaining a distance; with this sowing, the sprouts will not interfere with each other’s development and will be easy to sprout.

For sowing, prepare small bowls and loose nutrient substrate. You can create a substrate for growing eustoma yourself by mixing turf soil, humus, peat and sand in equal parts.

Before sowing, moisten the soil surface and lightly compact it. At a distance of 3-5 cm, make small depressions of 2-3 mm and place the achenes there. The seeds cannot be sprinkled on top to germinate; they must be exposed to light, and the shell on them can be dissolved by spraying the crops from above.

Sown seeds should always be in a warm, humid atmosphere. Cover the seeded bowls with glass or transparent film and place them on a bright, warm windowsill.

Crops cannot be watered from above; water will draw the seeds deep and they will not germinate. Moisten the soil by spraying its surface every day. At a temperature of +25 degrees, eustoma seeds will germinate in 1-2 weeks.

Eustoma care

Eustoma seedlings are very small, it seems that they hardly grow in the first month, the four green leaves only increase slightly in size. During this period, eustoma seedlings require a temperature of about +20 degrees. Small seedlings need to be watered very carefully, using a spray bottle or a tray. The soil in the bowl should always be slightly moist, but not soggy. If the room is hot, the substrate will dry out quickly, and even if the soil dries out for a short time, tender seedlings may die. To maintain moisture, you can cover the crops with a transparent bag, make small holes in it and ventilate it every day so that the surface of the soil does not become moldy.

The second important condition for the development of eustoma seedlings is lighting., it should be bright, diffused and at least 12 hours a day. At the end of winter and the first months of spring, flower seedlings need to be illuminated with lamps in the morning and evening hours.

Visually, in the first months it is not visible that the eustoma seedlings are growing; during this period, the root system develops underground. When the plants form the first two pairs of true leaves, they can be distinguished by their bluish-blue hue; after about 2 months, eustoma seedlings dive from the bowls into separate pots. When replanting, take out the plants with a clod of earth; you will see that small plants have formed numerous small roots underground.

At the beginning of growth, eustoma tolerates picking well, shortened roots begin to develop even faster, but in the adult stage, eustoma painfully tolerates transplantation, so the seedlings are distributed into small cups or pots, in which the plants will develop until the time of planting in a permanent place. Eustoma seedlings are planted from pots using the transfer method, removing the plant from the cup without destroying the clod of earth and without damaging the root system.

Two months after germination and after picking, eustoma seedlings begin to grow by leaps and bounds. A lush basal rosette of leaves is formed and tall shoots will begin to grow from it in May. For rapid growth, eustoma requires regular feeding.. They feed the eustoma every week, but dilute the fertilizer in the water for irrigation at half the normal rate. Water the flower seedlings regularly as before, not allowing the soil in the cups to dry out, and there should be drainage holes in the bottom of the cups to avoid flooding the plants.

Planting eustoma in open ground and care.

Seedlings are planted in the garden when the threat of frost has passed, in late May - early June. Plants are placed from each other in accordance with the height of the plants, approximately 20-30 cm.

Before planting flowers, the soil is dug up deeply and complex mineral fertilizer and humus are applied. Eustoma loves fertile soil, but it must also be breathable, so heavy clay areas are not suitable for growing this flower.

This is the second year that eustomas (lisianthus) have been growing on my windowsill - pink-like, chic flowers. I already received them as seedlings as a gift. Six roots, four colors: purple, white, pink and lilac.

If you have not yet heard of eustoma, I will introduce you to this beautiful flower, and everyone will want to have it at home. If you want to learn important details from personal experience, this article is for you.

This year I also purchased seeds of a two-color eustoma (white with a blue edge) and planted them as seedlings. The seeds do not germinate very well, but further care of the stronger plants is not difficult.

Lisianthus or eustoma came to gardening from the warm, humid latitudes of South and Central America. Under natural conditions it is a biennial bush, in our latitudes it is an annual plant in open ground and a perennial plant at home.

Attention! Do not fall for the tricks of sellers if they offer you perennial eustoma for outdoor conditions.

Translated from Greek, eustoma means “beautiful mouth”; there are other names that confirm the value of the flower in different countries. Everywhere it is called a rose (Irish, Japanese, French).

Some representatives of the genus resemble the buds of poppies or mallows in outline. The stems are powerful, they contain many peduncles (sometimes up to 30). The leaves are medium sized, regular in shape, narrowed on both sides.

From experience! On my one-year-old plant, 12 flowers were blooming at the same time, and more than a dozen were in the form of buds.

One can note the long flowering and compact indoor form of the plant. The bush does not fall apart, it is erect, the height of my bushes is 45-50 centimeters.

The color of the flower can be any: red, all shades of blue, pink, eustoma white, yellow and greenish. There are cream and two-color varieties.

When cut, the Irish rose lasts a long time and is suitable for bouquets and decorating rooms and halls for any celebration.

How and when to plant seedlings

Eustoma is grown only by seedlings, its shoots are not cut, and the bush is not divided. Small seeds are sold in regular form and granulated. The second option is preferable; it is convenient to place them immediately in separate cups.

Attention! Look for the explanation “treated seeds” on the bag, otherwise you risk being left without seedlings.

The seeds do not have very good germination (I bought them in granules - 100% germinated); only half or less may germinate. We are preparing to sow lisianthus in February, early March (for open ground). If you plan to grow a flower at home, choose any time of year to plant seeds.

  • We sow the seeds in the form of pills directly into cups or peat tablets;
  • We fill the containers with a special mixture from the store, put drainage on the bottom;
  • Place the loose seeds on a moistened surface and press;
  • You should not sprinkle soil on top;
  • We cover the plantings with film, leave holes for ventilation, and sometimes water the soil with a spray bottle;
  • After 15-17 days, when the sprouts hatch, remove the film;

It is necessary to strictly follow all the rules, because the seed material of this flower is very whimsical.

In the future, we lengthen the daylight hours and highlight the plantings. Avoid strong temperature changes during the day. Watering (spraying) is carried out only with warm, settled, unboiled water.

When to plant in separate pots

After 2 months, the seedlings will gain the necessary strength for transplanting or picking. They will reach a height of 4-5 centimeters and produce several pairs of leaves.

We take pots with the same or similar soil; there should be holes at the bottom and drainage in the form of expanded clay or gravel. We take the seedling along with a lump of earth and place it in a hole. Press the soil around the plant.

Advice! We accompany the procedure by digging up the roots with a narrow object in order to protect the roots as much as possible.

At first, the pots need to be covered with polyethylene again to speed up the establishment process.

Planting in open ground

The seedlings are pre-picked, placing them in intermediate pots (again, it’s good to take peat ones) when they grow to 5-6 centimeters.

Before planting outside, we harden off the seedlings. This is a mandatory procedure. In two weeks, we begin to accustom the seedlings to coolness by taking them out onto the veranda or balcony for several hours.

Important! We plant the plant in the garden bed only when the return frosts have subsided.

  • We place the bed in partial shade or a place with diffused light;
  • The soil is dug up, loosened, the hole is watered very abundantly;
  • Loose, well-drained soil is the key to planting success;
  • The distance between the holes is 20 centimeters;
  • We place the plants in peat pots or carefully roll them along with a lump of earth;
  • Sprinkle, compact the soil and refrain from watering.

You can immediately install supports for weak plants, and you can also cover them with plastic containers.

Flowering in open ground will begin in July or August. Believe me, all these transplanting procedures will pay off - the spectacular plant will become a source of pride.

We care for eustoma at home and on the street

It is preferable to place pots with lisianthus on eastern window sills or on the western side. Room conditions should not be too dry.

Watering is moderate, as the soil dries. The temperature is maintained up to 22 degrees. We cut off the faded baskets as needed.

During the winter dormant period, the stems are cut off, leaving a few internodes. Keep the pots cool and reduce watering. As soon as the shoots begin to awaken, we put them back on the windowsills and create favorable conditions.

Care in open ground consists of watering and loosening, fertilizing and weeding. To prevent the soil under the Irish rose bush from drying out, it should be mulched with humus (a thin layer).

Fertilizing is done with special fertilizers, first with a nitrogen composition. At the stage of growth and budding, phosphorus fertilizers are added.

Important! The proportions of fertilizers must be carefully controlled and the dosage slightly reduced.

A splendor called eustoma blooms from July. Buds appear within 60 days. We cut off those that have faded. If the plant grew in a flowerpot, you can take it home, but the one that was in the garden bed is destroyed.

Advice! The downside of outdoor conditions for eustoma is the change in temperature at night and during the day, as well as rainy weather. Therefore, in the middle zone, I recommend growing this beautiful and spectacular plant at home.

Problems and diseases

As mentioned earlier, eustoma can cause trouble only at the stage of seed germination. The right elements of care: regulation of humidity, light, moisture permeability of the soil will give a good result.

Like other plants, lisianthus can sometimes be affected by powdery mildew and rot. It is attacked by pests: slugs, aphids, whiteflies. When problems are identified, we treat the bush with fungicides and insecticides.

Eustoma is a very elegant plant, once you get acquainted with it, you will not want to leave it.

Texas bell, Irish rose, lisanthus... The perennial eustoma flower, beloved by gardeners and florists, has received a variety of names. Planting and care carried out according to all the rules allow you to reveal the amazing potential of the plant. Its buds are as beautiful as a rose even in the photo, and there are so many of them on the stem that the queen of flowers is “resting” - one copy is enough to decorate a full-fledged bouquet.

Features of growing eustoma as a perennial crop

Eustoma looks great both in a bouquet with other flowers and on its own

Despite the fact that eustoma is called a perennial crop, gardeners in central Russia usually grow it as an annual. The problem is that the plant is very difficult to preserve in the autumn-winter period - in its homeland (which is the south of North America), eustoma is accustomed to a mild climate, thanks to which in the wild it grows and blooms all year round and reproduces by self-sowing.

In Russia, on packages with eustoma seeds, as a rule, there is an indication: an annual or biennial type of plant can be obtained from them. Biennials (and actually perennials) are purchased by gardeners who have reliable greenhouses in which the plant will be able to survive our harsh winters. In addition, biennial eustoma is used as a houseplant, while in a flower pot on the windowsill it can feel great not for 2 years, but for 4–5 years. If the gardener plans to place flowers in open ground, he chooses the annual option.

Differences from one-year-old relative

There are a lot of eustoma varieties for home cultivation - for every taste!

Annuals are most often tall varieties, the length of their stems approaches a meter. Perennials designed for indoor growing are low-growing, 15–20 cm high. However, this division is very arbitrary: depending on the plans of the grower and for growing as annuals, dwarf flowers may be required.

Another significant difference between the two types of plants is that even a novice gardener can easily cope with annuals. But growing a two-year (perennial) specimen in the garden is within the power of a person with extensive experience. The flower requires special care during the growing season and proper preparation for wintering and its implementation - even minor miscalculations can lead to the death of a delicate plant.

How best to grow: in open ground or in pots

In landscape design, planting is used both in open ground and in pots.

For a long time, Russian flower growers knew eustoma exclusively as a houseplant. Today it is grown in greenhouses, winter gardens, and flower beds. On alpine hills and in mixed borders, eustoma fits perfectly into the overall picture due to its long flowering: starting in mid-July, it continues into September. And if the weather permits, then during the first ten days of October. A single plant can bloom for 4 months, gradually opening bud after bud. If a flower is cut, it will begin to grow back from the root and in the southern regions it will even have time to bloom again, which, unfortunately, does not happen in the middle zone.

When and for how long does it bloom

A flower bed with eustomas is prepared taking into account the flowering time of certain varieties

Flowering times can be adjusted:

  • sow the seeds in November or early December - eustoma will bloom in June (at the beginning or middle of the month);
  • sow before the New Year - it will bloom in July;
  • sowing in mid-January will ensure flowering in August;
  • sow at the end of January or the beginning of the last month of winter - expect flowering in September.

Eustoma tolerates light autumn frosts well. However, novice gardeners often make the mistake of starting to take care of eustoma seedlings in the spring. In this case, the plant simply does not have time to bloom - even if buds form, they go under the snow.

Container planting, for which various containers are used - pots, tubs, helps to extend the life of the plant and its flowering. While it is warm, they are kept outdoors, with the onset of cold weather they are brought indoors. Flowering continues, although it becomes more modest.

Container technology helps preserve the plant's rhizome during the winter so that it can later be planted, with new shoots, in a flower bed. The disadvantage of this method is that the flowering will not be as rich as usual.

What climate is this plant suitable for, what soil does it grow best in?

Of course, chernozem is fertile soil for most plants, but not everyone can provide such conditions

The soil for eustoma should be:

  • well dug (without large lumps);
  • drained, which means breathable;
  • fertile (mineral fertilizers and compost are added to the soil);
  • moderately moist, since waterlogging can cause root rot;

As for the composition, the most suitable options are chernozem or a mixture of peat and humus in a 1:1 ratio.

Since eustoma is a heat-loving plant, it feels more comfortable in the southern regions. In central Russia, for its full growth and flowering, temperatures are needed: 20–25°C during the daytime and 15°C at night. In winter, it is advisable to keep the container with eustoma in a room where the temperature does not drop below +10–12°C.

Popular varieties with photos

Breeders have created about 60 varieties; unusual plants resemble not only roses, but also poppies, double mallow, and flowers of the lily family.

Popular tall varieties (with stem length from 70 cm to 1.5 m):

  • Flamenco - early variety, petals light blue or yellow;

    Eustoma variety Flamenco Lime - a gentle addition to any bouquet of bright flowers

  • Echo - with large (6 cm in diameter) pink, lilac, white flowers;

    Eustoma Echo blue - a bright accent on your flowerbed

  • Mariachi lime - with salad-colored buds;

    Eustoma Mariachi Lime Green is an unusual guest in a garden or flower bed; the green shade looks beautiful in the crowd

  • Cinderella - with pink or yellow flowers.

    The Cinderella variety is a classic soft beige color and will perfectly complement a romantic bouquet.

Low-growing varieties (with stem length from 12 to 20 cm):

  • Sapphire - snow-white buds have a blue edge;

    Eustoma Sapphire Blue Chip - an interesting idea for discounts in blue tones

  • Double Rosie - with blue or pink flowers;

    Lisanthus of double varieties can compete with roses

  • Riddle - semi-double variety with pale blue buds;

    Eustoma variety Riddle looks great in combination with low-growing flowers of other species

  • Tenderness - with pink satin petals.

Planting methods: options for seed germination and sowing seedlings

Growing seedlings is the only opportunity to decorate the garden with flowering eustomas, since the growing season of this crop lasts a long time, almost six months. The optimal period for sowing seeds is considered to be the months from November to February.

It is important to choose the right soil. It is best to purchase it in a specialized store; it should be intended for flower crops (Saintpaulias, violets) - loose, diluted with coconut substrate or vermiculite (this material contains many natural growth elements, it has an ideal structure for small seeds, thanks to which the soil does not cake , and its surface is not constrained by a moisture-proof crust). If the soil is prepared independently, then its components should be:

  • peat,
  • sand,
  • garden soil,
  • humus from the bark.

Obtaining eustoma seedlings is a long process

Sow seeds in cassettes (two seeds in each cell) or in peat pots. At the time of sowing the seeds, the room temperature should be 20–21°C, dropping to 15°C at night. If temperatures are higher, the plants will not form properly.

Here's how to sow:

  1. Expanded clay is poured onto the bottom of the container as a drainage layer.
  2. A soil substrate is placed on the expanded clay. You cannot fill the container to the brim - the soil surface should be less than a centimeter per
  3. The seeds are poured onto moistened soil, carefully pressing into the soil, but without covering it with soil.
  4. Cover the container with glass or film, not forgetting to provide ventilation holes.

If pelleted seeds are used, they are first soaked in water so that the shell swells, and then transferred to the ground using a toothpick. The same “tool” is used to slightly disturb the shell and facilitate the germination process.

As for the quality of the seed material, the germination rate of 60% is considered by experts to be very good.

The main troubles await the grower in one or two weeks, when the shoots appear. First of all, plants will need good lighting for normal development (however, direct sunlight is undesirable). If there are no sufficiently bright window sills in the house, you will have to organize artificial additional lighting.

To protect plants from diseases, they are sprayed with “Fitosporin”, and for more active growth - with the preparation “Zircon”.

It is better to replace watering with spraying at first, since large drops of water falling on the leaves can cause disease. For the same reason, excess condensation must be regularly removed from the film or glass that protects the plants. Water for irrigation (spraying) must first settle. The condition of the soil must be checked regularly - it must not become dry, but excessive moisture is also dangerous.

It’s good if the air in the room is humid. If it is too dry, as often happens in winter in apartments as a result of the heating system, then the eustoma will wither and may die. To prevent this from happening, you need to use humidifiers.

As the flower grows, it will require hardening procedures - the film is removed for 10 minutes (and then longer). After a week, they leave it without film for the entire daylight hours, covering it only at night. Then the “protection” is removed completely.

If plants are sown in large containers, it is necessary (at the stage of the first leaves) to be planted in pots with peat. In mid-March (if container use of the flower in the garden is planned), the plants are moved to their “permanent place of residence”, this is done carefully, using the transshipment method.

Advice: those who adhere to the lunar calendar in gardening should know that eustoma seeds are considered slow to germinate, therefore it is advisable to sow on the waxing Moon.

Caring for flowers in the garden from the moment of planting in open ground until autumn

Seedlings should be watered with cool water and try not to transplant from place to place

It is best to plant seedlings in the western or eastern part of the site, where the sunlight is not too bright. Watering is required when the top layer of soil becomes dry. If the weather is cool, then watering is reduced to a minimum, since the risk of waterlogging the soil increases.

It is not advisable to replant the plant - its roots are too fragile. If such an operation is unavoidable, it must be done with great care, digging up a plant with a large lump of earth.

The first feeding will be required for eustoma 2–4 ​​weeks after planting the seedlings in open ground, when the plant is thoroughly rooted. As a rule, this is a complex mineral fertilizer.

How to care during growth and flowering

Active growth of eustoma requires additional nutrition. When the green mass increases, the need for organic matter and nitrogen is higher, when buds form and flowers bloom, potassium and phosphorus fertilizers are useful. Lush flowering is promoted by drugs such as Kemira and Kemira Lux. Experienced gardeners recommend slightly reducing the concentration of fertilizer compared to what is indicated on the packaging; these are the preferences of eustoma, proven by many years of practice.

To protect plantings from powdery mildew and other misfortunes, you can use the preparations “Topaz” and “Topsin”.

Self-sowing eustoma does not reproduce even in the southern regions of the country

Soft, settled water is used for irrigation. Not much is required, so the necessary supply, ready for use, can always be created.

Since tall varieties are preferred in the garden, the flowers will need support, especially during flowering, when it is difficult for the long stem to cope with the ever-increasing load.

Regular removal of faded buds is not only a decorative measure. Pruning is necessary as a stimulus for the formation of new inflorescences. Therefore, there is no need to be afraid of cutting flowers for bouquets - in a month or a month and a half you can count on a new “wave” of flowering.

Care after flowering. How to prepare a plant for winter

When eustoma fades, a period of rest begins in its life - it practically stops growing, all life processes slow down. In order for the plant to rest, there is no need to try to “invigorate” it with fertilizing and watering. Moreover, if you plan to grow the flower as a perennial (this applies to regions with a warm climate), most of the branches of the eustoma should be cut off, retaining 2–3, no more, tillering points.

In central Russia, you can provide wintering for eustoma by transplanting it into some container and placing it under a roof - on a balcony, loggia, or in an outbuilding, where the air temperature does not drop below +10°C.

Potted eustomas are easier to bring into the house when cold weather sets in

Eustoma does not experience the “transition” from open ground to a pot very easily; the plant may need at least a month to adapt. It weakens and withers due to sudden changes in temperature and decreased illumination, so experts consider the best option to move in late summer - early autumn, when the temperature outside and indoors is almost the same. You should also adapt the flower to less light: first place it on the loggia, where there is less sun than in the open air, and then move it indoors, where the light is even less bright.

Unfortunately, even after a successful “housewarming” and proper care, eustoma will not become a classic perennial: its maximum, at best, is exhausted in 4–5 years, and from season to season the flowers will become smaller and their number will decrease significantly.

What problems arise when growing eustoma?

One of the most common problems when caring for perennial eustoma: the seeds are sown, but no sprouts appear. Most likely, poor-quality planting material was used or the seeds were buried too deeply in the soil and could not break through to the top.

Plant problems can arise due to:

  • bright sun rays;
  • overmoistening (it causes fungal diseases);
  • dry air;
  • high soil acidity (eustoma prefers neutral);
  • excess mineral fertilizers.

Troubles that have arisen can be signaled by sluggish or drying leaves and stems, and falling buds. Perhaps the culprit is one of the listed problems. Solve it - and the flower will begin to come to life.

Often problems can be avoided in the first place. Inexperienced gardeners do not know this, but if you place eustoma near walls and fences (brick, metal) that heat up under the sun's rays, the plant can get burned. Therefore, plan your planting placement correctly.

Eustoma is not the easiest flower to plant and care for, but the feeling of celebration that the opened buds give to their owner makes all the trouble worth it. Moreover, the florist can always choose an option that is acceptable to him - growing eustoma in a flowerbed, in a winter garden, on a loggia and balcony, or in an apartment on a windowsill. Even when cut, the flower retains its decorative effect much longer than many of its fellows.