What can be prepared from chayote? Mexican cucumber

  • 09.10.2023

Chayote edible or mexican cucumber- an edible plant from the genus Sechium of the Cucurbitaceae family that looks like a liana.

A perennial monoecious climbing plant with shoots up to 20 meters in length. The shoots are slightly pubescent, with longitudinal grooves, and cling to the support with tendrils. Forms up to 10 root tubers weighing up to 10 kg. The color of the tuber varies from dark green to light green or yellow, almost white. The pulp is white, the texture resembles a potato or cucumber.

The leaves are broadly rounded with a heart-shaped base, up to 10 - 25 cm in length, with 3 - 7 obtuse lobes, covered with stiff hairs. Leaf petioles can be of varying lengths, from 4 to 25 cm.

The flowers are unisexual, greenish or cream-colored, the corolla is about 1 cm in diameter. The female flowers are solitary, the male flowers are collected in racemose inflorescences.

Chayote fruit- pear-shaped or round berries 7-20 cm long, weighing up to a kilogram, with one large (3-5 cm) white flat-oval seed. Their peel is thin, durable, shiny, there may be small growths, as well as longitudinal grooves. Color ranges from whitish to light yellow or green. The pulp is whitish-green, juicy, sweetish in taste, rich in starch.

Chemical composition of chayote. The fruits contain fats, proteins, sugar, starch, carotene, minerals - potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, vitamins B1, B2, PP, as well as protein and about 19 amino acids, eight of which are essential amino acids - arginine, valine , leucine, threonine, etc.

Cucumber chayote this is an ancient cultivated plant, known to the Aztecs, Mayans and other Indian tribes. It is considered to be native to Central America and is cultivated in various countries with tropical and subtropical climates. The main supplier of chayote is the Republic of Costa Rica.

The name "chayotli" translated from the Astec language means "pumpkin covered with thorns."

In our country, chayote is not a particularly rare plant and has been cultivated for about 70 years. In the 30s of the 20th century, chayote was brought to the Black Sea coast of Georgia, where it was successfully grown for several years, but during the war the culture was lost. The plant was introduced a second time in the 50s, but for a long time it was not widespread. It was only in the 80s that amateurs began to show interest in the plant. Chayote has spread not only along the Black Sea coast, but also throughout the Krasnodar Territory. In those years, in the Tuapse region, chayote was grown on an industrial scale in the rows of young gardens and the fruits were sold in stores.

Application and consumption of chayote.All parts of the chayote are edible, even the leaves and tips of the shoots (young ones), which can be eaten stewed, but are most often used as foodunripe chayote fruits, which are boiled, stewed, baked, stuffed or added raw to salads. INchayote leavesroll cabbage rolls. The pulp of the fruit is added to baked goods.Chayote seedseaten toasted, they have a nutty flavor.Chayote tuberscan be cooked the same way potato . Chayote goes very well with eggplants, tomatoes , – you get a delicious puree that can be served as a side dish. Chayote fruits are tasty when salted and pickled.

There are many different combinations of chayote with other foods: due to its own neutral taste, it goes well with many vegetables. Traditional Mexican hot seasonings such as Tabasco or cayenne pepper are often added to such dishes. A large amount of oil softens the sharpness of the seasonings and enhances the juiciness of the overall taste of the dish, which the seemingly inconspicuous chayote gives to the dish.

The combination of chayote with fruit is very unusual. For example, it is sometimes used in pies along with apples and cinnamon - in this combination it also becomes sweet.

Old tubers and tops are used for livestock feed. After processing, beautiful silver fibers are obtained from the stems, from which headdresses and other products are woven.

Useful properties of chayote. Chayote fruits are used for diseases of the thyroid gland and stomach, duodenal ulcers, pancreatitis, hemorrhoids, constipation, mastopathy and breast cancer, fibroids, fibroids and uterine cancer in women, prostatitis and adenoma in men. And also for blood purification, after cancer patients undergo chemotherapy and radiation, for the prevention of cancer, etc.

Mexican cucumber called chayote is a plant that belongs to the Pumpkin family. The stems and leaves of the plant look more like a vine. During the season, this vegetable can produce up to 80 pear-shaped fruits. Chayote reaches an average of 11-12 cm in length and weighs about 600 grams. The skin of the fruit is thin, but durable, with a slight shine. It can be yellow or green in color and may have irregularities, small growths and longitudinal grooves. The white flesh of the Mexican cucumber is quite juicy and sweetish. It vaguely resembles the taste of zucchini.

There are several varieties of this cucumber, which differ in shape: ovoid, elongated pear-shaped, spherical, but the most common is pear-shaped. They also differ in the color of the fruits, the shade of which varies from dark green to white, and there is also a purple color.

Central America is considered the homeland of chayote. Today this vegetable is distributed almost throughout the world. In the homeland of chayote, several species are known. In the 1930s it was brought to Russia, where it took root in the southern regions, and since then it has been found in gardens in the Russian subtropics, from Krasnodar to the Caucasus.

The fruits, most often not fully ripe, are consumed stewed, boiled, baked, or added raw to salads. In addition to the fruits, other parts of the vegetable are also eaten: leaves, seeds with a nutty flavor, which are eaten toasted, and young shoot tips, eaten like asparagus. Chayote also produces edible root tubers weighing up to 10 kg, which range in color from light yellow to dark green. These tubers contain a lot of starch, they are similar in taste to potatoes, so they are used in food almost the same way.

The only inedible part of the Mexican cucumber is the stem, but this is not thrown away either - after processing, beautiful silver fibers are obtained from them, which are used for weaving hats, boxes and other things.

How to choose

It is recommended to use young fruits with a shiny skin for food, as an overripe vegetable will be tough. You can buy chayote from June to the end of October.

In addition, you can find canned and pickled fruits in stores.

How to store

Chayote can be stored for up to a month at a temperature of about +10˚С. Vacuum-packed in the refrigerator, they can be stored all winter.

In cooking

Different parts of the vegetable are used in different ways. Young shoots of chayote are boiled like asparagus, in salted water, and then used for soups, side dishes and salads. The roots can be boiled, but only while the chayote is young. In the future, they are more often used as livestock feed. The green leaves can be a good ingredient in sautés or vegetable stews.

Chayote tastes a little like potatoes, so the methods of preparing it are similar to classic recipes for potato dishes. On the other hand, due to the fact that this vegetable is distributed mainly in countries with a different culinary culture, there are also original recipes for its use. For example, the tender chayote pulp, when ground, often becomes the basis for various soups.

The fruits are not eaten raw: unlike ordinary cucumbers, they are tougher. But in any other form, this vegetable is excellent, as it has a pleasant nutty taste. Popular dishes include chayote soup, stewed vegetables stuffed with rice, meat or cottage cheese, boiled shoots, soufflés, and desserts with chocolate and honey. The sauce, which contains chayote, onion, eggplant and tomato, is also interesting. And mushroom lovers like fried shoots - they have a similar taste.

One of the most popular recipes: peeled, boiled chayote is cut, oil is added and served hot. This vegetable goes well with tomatoes, eggplants, and makes a delicious puree served as a side dish.

There are many different combinations of chayote with other foods: due to its neutral taste, it goes well with many vegetables. Traditional Mexican seasonings such as cayenne pepper or Tabasco are added to these dishes. A generous amount of oil helps soften the heat of the spices and enhance the richness of the overall flavor that the chayote imparts.

The combination of Mexican cucumber with fruit is also unusual. For example, it is used along with cinnamon and apples in pies - in this combination, chayote also becomes sweet.

The fruit contains a lot of starch, so it is often made into flour. Among other things, chayote can be pickled and preserved.

For preservation, good fruits without any damage are selected, immersed in cool water in which a little citric acid is diluted. If the fruits are too large, then they need to be cut. They are placed in jars in layers (a layer of chayote - a layer of spices, and so on). Garlic, dill, horseradish leaves, black pepper, and parsley roots are used as seasonings. Then the vegetables are poured with brine (80 grams of salt per liter of boiled, cooled water), the jars are covered with lids, and then left for 2 weeks. As soon as fermentation stops in the jars, they are sealed with airtight lids.

In Asia, chayote is considered an essential ingredient in many hot or vegetable salads. And in Mexico and Africa, its pulp is added to baked goods.

Calorie content

Since Mexican cucumber is a low-calorie product, containing only 19 kcal, it can be consumed during therapeutic diets and during weight loss.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

Beneficial properties of chayote

Composition and presence of nutrients

Chayote contains 17 amino acids, including essential ones - arginine, leucine, valine, threonine, lysine, histadine, methionine, tryptophan, phenylalanine.

The chemical composition of edible chayote contains polyunsaturated fatty acids, proteins, carbohydrates, fiber, sugar, carotene, starch, vitamins B, C, PP, and various minerals, including potassium, magnesium, calcium, sodium, zinc, iron, and phosphorus.

Useful and healing properties

The benefits of the Mexican cucumber are appreciated by traditional medicine. Its leaves have a good diuretic effect, so a decoction of them is used for swelling and urolithiasis.

Tubers are used in the treatment of atherosclerosis and help reduce blood pressure. They are also used fried or boiled for colds, as they are rich in vitamin C and have diaphoretic properties.

Chayote fruits can be consumed when treating thyroid diseases, ulcers, hemorrhoids, pancreatitis and constipation. It is advisable to use Mexican cucumber for diseases of the cardiovascular system. Fruits can increase blood pressure, remove cholesterol and kidney stones.

The beneficial properties of this vegetable are also known in gynecological practice. Remedies from chayote are taken for neoplasms in the mammary glands and mastopathy, fibroids, fibroids and uterine cancer, for prostatitis and adenoma in men. Chayote is recommended as a means of preventing cancer and is used after cancer patients have completed a prescribed course of chemotherapy.

Lysine contained in Mexican cucumber limits the nutritional value of almost all plant proteins, promotes restoration and growth of collagen fibers and tissues, takes part in the production of enzymes, hormones, antibodies, controls nitrogen balance, reduces the likelihood of herpes and helps lower triglyceride levels in the blood.

American nutritionists have found that chayote is a low-calorie product that can be consumed to lose weight, solve problems with cellulite and obesity.

Dangerous properties of chayote

Chayote can cause harm only if there is individual intolerance. No other contraindications were found for this vegetable.

Want to see how chayote is grown?

The vegetable display windows of hypermarkets regularly supply our summer residents and indoor gardeners with exotic fruit and vegetable planting material, which, after a couple of months of growing in containers, is safely transplanted into greenhouses or garden beds. The Mexican cucumber, chayote, is purchased for suburban cultivation there, and many gardeners have already practically adapted the overseas culture on their acres of land.

Chayote is thermophilic, so to obtain ripe fruits it is grown in greenhouse beds. In open soil, Mexican cucumber is cultivated as a natural decoration for garden gazebos, fences and pergolas. True, under such conditions, chayote most often does not ripen, but its young shoots are used for food - they are boiled and eaten like asparagus.

Mexican cucumber (chayote): description and beneficial properties

Chayote, more precisely edible chayote (Sechium edule) belongs to the genus Chayote (Sechium) of the Pumpkin family (Cucurbitaceae). Also known as Mexican cucumber.

A native of Central America, chayotli got its name from the Aztecs. Since then, it has been widely grown as an edible plant in countries with tropical and subtropical climates, in our country - in the southern regions of the country.

In nature, the Mexican cucumber is a perennial vine that can grow in one place for up to 20 years. With the help of antennae located at the ends of the shoots, it clings to supports. The stem itself grows in favorable conditions up to 20-50 meters in height. Over the years, both the stem and tendrils become coarser, and the stem becomes woody, turning chayote into a stable and strong plant.

When looking at the leaves of chayote, it is immediately clear that this is the closest relative of the cucumber. Covered with stiff hairs, up to 25 cm in size, the leaves of the Mexican cucumber are divided into lobes, up to 7 on each, and have a heart-shaped base. The petioles of young leaves are slightly more than 7 cm; for large leaves they reach 25 cm.

The root system of chayote is represented by a fleshy root, weighing up to 8-9 kg, on which, from the second year, numerous tubers weighing 200-1000 g are formed. The pulp of the tubers is white and resembles potatoes in appearance and taste.

In tropical countries, it is possible to collect a bag of Mexican cucumber tubers from one plant. They consist of a quarter of starch and are used for food - in baked, fried or stewed menus, reminiscent of the taste of Jerusalem artichoke. Chayote roots have medicinal value and are recommended for use in diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Mexican cucumber tubers are dug up after the harvest has been completely harvested, but preferably before frost sets in. Since chayote tubers are poorly preserved, they are dried and ground into flour, which is used in dietary and baby food.

Mexican cucumber (chayote) is a dioecious plant. It has both numerous male and single female flowers, collected in racemes, with greenish or cream petals.

A month after pollination by bees or wasps (hand pollination is possible in the greenhouse), the Mexican cucumber (chayote) forms a large fruit - a berry, round or pear-shaped, up to 20 cm in size, weighing up to 900 g. The skin of the fruit, depending on the type, is light green in color or yellow, thin and shiny, durable and often uneven: with growths or grooves. It is the shine of the skin of a Mexican cucumber that indicates its ripeness. The pulp of the chayote fruit is white, slightly greenish, juicy, sweetish in taste, reminiscent of zucchini. It is rich in vitamins, amino acids, contains starch, proteins and sugars.

Unlike other pumpkin forms, the Mexican fruit has a single finger-length seed. Outside the fruit pulp, the seed quickly becomes chapped and loses its viability. To prevent this from happening and to preserve the seeds for planting next year, the seeds are kept in damp cotton wool at a temperature of plus 5°C, packed in polyethylene. During long-term storage, they should be periodically inspected and any seeds that begin to rot should be discarded.

Of the twelve varieties of Mexican cucumber (chayote), we grow only three: green, white and spiky species. All fruits are pear-shaped and ripen in about a week at high temperatures.

Use of Mexican cucumber (chayote), including in cooking

Chayote is grown mainly for culinary purposes. All parts of the plant enter:

Young shoots are eaten like asparagus;
- young leaves and shoots are added to salads;
- unripe fruits are used unpeeled in salads, they are a valuable dietary product, they are eaten raw or boiled with or without sauces, they are stewed, stuffed, preserved in the form of compotes, pickled, added to dough; ripe fruits, undamaged when picked, are stored until spring; first, the stalks are removed and slightly dried; The fruits of the Mexican cucumber are frozen for future use.
- the seeds are roasted like sunflower seeds, their taste resembles a nut;
- tubers are prepared similarly to potatoes, and old ones are given to livestock feed
- brewed leaves and tubers of Mexican cucumber are taken for urological diseases, atherosclerosis, hypertension.
- dry stems of the Mexican cucumber are used to make mats, silver fibers for hats, etc.

How to grow Mexican cucumber (chayote) in a greenhouse

In our latitudes, it is possible to grow chayote only under cover in an annual crop. Even approaching the zero mark on the thermometer can destroy its lashes and leaves. The optimal temperature for seed germination is +20’C, for the growing season all +22-28’C are required, the entire growing season takes 6-7 months. Even under favorable growing conditions in open ground in southern Russia, Mexican cucumber does not tolerate winters well, mainly due to the soaking of the tubers.

Since the chayote seed quickly loses its viability, the fruit of the Mexican cucumber is often used for propagation. If necessary, it is stored at a temperature of +10 ‘C in a dry place until planting. Next proceed in one of the described ways.

1. In February, the fruit of the Mexican cucumber (chayote) is placed in a box, which is placed in a warm place. It is sprinkled with fertile soil with neutral acidity no more than 3-5 cm above it, watered and kept in a warm, moist environment. After the shoots grow, 2-3 are left, the remaining shoots are cut off for rooting. Rooting is carried out in the usual way in separate pots in fertile soil. Every 7 days, Mexican cucumber cuttings are fed with a weakly concentrated seedling fertilizer. Rooted seedlings at the age of 80 days are planted in greenhouses in early May, in the southern regions - in open ground, according to a 2x2 m pattern.

2. In the second method of propagation, Mexican (chayote) cucumber is planted at the end of May in greenhouses, but it is possible to plant it in open beds under cover. The fruit is buried with the wide part down at a slight slope, leaving a third above the soil horizon. It is taken into account that each plant will require approximately 1 square meter. meter of area.

Growing chayota (Mexican cucumber)

The soil used for Mexican cucumber is loose, neutral acidity, and has good drainage. During the entire cultivation, it should remain moist and not dry out, because, like all cucumbers, Mexican is a moisture-loving crop.

When grown in open ground, plantings are placed in places protected from the wind so that it does not tear off the resulting fruits on thin petioles.

When the plant reaches a height of 80 cm, the stems are pinched, leaving 2-3 shoots on the sides. A trellis is immediately prepared for fastening the fast-growing chayote, which can reach a length of 9 meters or more. The shoots are directed vertically, this accelerates growth and fruiting. You can plant the plant next to a tree, which will act as a support.

The duration of fruiting of the Mexican cucumber (chayota) directly depends on the nutritional value of the soil and temperature. Nutrients missing in the soil are replaced by frequent fertilizing, using mineral compounds and organic fertilizers mixed with nitrophoska.

In the middle zone, chayote is grown as an annual plant that blooms and begins to bear fruit 3-4 months after planting. Moreover, even early planting of the Mexican cucumber is not able to change the flowering time. The fact is that chayote is characterized by phytoperiodism, since the plant lays buds only when the daylight hours are less than 12 hours. True, our experimental gardeners regulate the length of the day artificially by covering the plant with light-proof material. During the season, from one plant you can harvest a harvest of 60-80 fruits, which are stored all winter without losing their beneficial qualities.

Freezing of the root part of the Mexican cucumber can lead to the death of the plant, so it is left in a greenhouse for the winter, the vine is cut to 10 cm, and the ridges with plantings are mulched with wood chips or straw, or covered with soil. In the spring, the shoots that have begun to grow begin to grow. Together with the resulting roots, they will serve as new planting material for chayote propagation. And the overwintered plant itself can produce more than 300 fruits from one bush the next year.

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Its leaves and stems are very similar to vines. In one season, the plant can bear up to 80 pear-shaped fruits. The length of the Mexican cucumber can reach more than 12 centimeters. As for the weight of the fruit, it averages 600 grams. The skin of this variety of pumpkin is quite strong, thin and shiny. The fruits can be green or yellow. The pulp is white, sweetish and juicy. The Mexican cucumber tastes like zucchini.

This amazing plant is native to Central America. The described vegetable has become widespread and is grown in many countries.

Mexican cucumber: beneficial properties

Chayote is a tasty and healthy vegetable. The fruit of the Mexican cucumber contains a large number of amino acids, including threonine, leucine and arginine. In addition, chayote is rich in vitamins and microelements. Consumption of such products has a positive effect on health. Ascorbic acid, for example, strengthens the immune system.

It is worth noting that chayote is a low-calorie product. Therefore, Mexican cucumber can be consumed when losing weight, as well as during therapeutic diets. In addition, chayote has no contraindications. The exception is individual intolerance.

Traditional healers also appreciated the benefits of this plant. Various decoctions are prepared from its leaves to help with swelling, hypertension and urolithiasis. Tubers are often used to treat atherosclerosis and normalize blood pressure.

Use in cooking

The Mexican cucumber is a plant that can be eaten whole. The exception is the stem. Young shoots of the plant can be boiled and then added to side dishes, soups and first courses.

Mexican cucumber leaves are often added to salads. You can even put them in a side dish. The taste of the fruit is very similar to zucchini. Therefore, the cooking technology is very similar. Chayotes can be stuffed, stewed, fried, boiled, baked, and so on.

It is worth considering that the Mexican cucumber, the photo of which is presented above, goes well with other vegetables, for example, tomatoes and eggplants. Puree made from these products is perfect for meat and fish dishes as a side dish. In addition, chayote is combined with various sauces and spices. Mexican cucumber is also added to various baked goods along with other fruits.

Flour is made from the tubers of the plant, since they contain a large amount of starch. Chayote can be pickled if necessary.

Salted chayote

How can you serve Mexican cucumber? The recipes for preparing this vegetable are quite simple and do not require special skills. To make salted chayote you will need:

  1. Fruits of the Mexican cucumber.
  2. Salt.
  3. Horseradish root.
  4. Garlic.
  5. Celery greens, dill, parsley.

For the brine you will need:

  1. 1 liter of water.
  2. 50 grams of salt.
  3. cilantro, cloves - to taste.

Food preparation

Mexican cucumber fruits of any size must be washed and placed in jars. The largest ones can be cut. Chayote should be sprinkled with chopped horseradish and garlic, previously peeled. In each container you need to put celery, dill and parsley. You can choose one thing.

If there are no horseradish roots, they can be replaced with the leaves of this plant with long petioles. They should be cut and the juicy part beaten off.

How to cook

First you need to prepare the brine. To do this, you need to pour the required amount of water into the pan. Spices and salt should also be added here. Be sure to cool the finished brine and then pour it into jars with chayote. It is recommended to cover the top of the fruit with horseradish leaves. Jars of Mexican cucumber should be left in a warm room to sour. This takes from 3 to 5 days. After the specified time, you can try chayote. If you are completely satisfied with the taste, then you can eat it.

Is it possible to roll up

If you want to preserve the product for a long time, you can roll it into jars. The cooking technology in this case is slightly different. The brine must be poured into jars and wait a little. After 10 minutes, drain the liquid from the containers and then bring to a boil. The hot brine should be poured into jars and then rolled up. Finally, the containers need to be wrapped. Jars of Mexican cucumber should sit in a warm place for 5 hours.

A 3 liter container requires approximately 1.5 liters of liquid. However, experts recommend preparing extra brine. After all, when pouring and reheating, part of the liquid evaporates and spills. Ready-made Mexican cucumber can be consumed in its pure form. And also add to pickles and salads.

Mexican cucumber with beans

There is another way to prepare chayote. How to cook Mexican cucumber? Winter recipes allow you to preserve food for a long time. In this case, for preparation you will need:

For the brine you will need:

  1. 1 liter of water.
  2. 50 grams of salt.
  3. Cloves and bay leaf - to taste.

Cooking steps

First you need to prepare the products. It is recommended to cut the chayote into pieces. The beans (shoulders) also need to be prepared by trimming the ends. It is advisable to cut long ones into two parts. After this, the beans must be boiled for 5 minutes. Then the product should be cooled. Place chayote mixed with beans in washed glass jars. In this case, the layers of vegetables need to be layered with horseradish and garlic, as well as herbs.

Now you can prepare the brine. Pour water into the container, then add the remaining ingredients. Cool the liquid and pour into jars. Containers with chayote can be left in a warm place for five days. After the specified time, the sample can be taken.

If desired, the Mexican cucumber can be rolled up. The technology is exactly the same as described in the recipe above.

Zucchini and chayote

Mexican cucumber can be rolled up in combination with zucchini. At the same time, it is important to choose the right products. In this case, for preparation you will need:

  1. Young zucchini.
  2. Mexican cucumber.
  3. Horseradish.
  4. Garlic.
  5. Greenery.

The brine is prepared in the same way as in previous recipes. The rolling technology does not change.

Cooking process

The zucchini and chayote must be placed whole into jars. In this case, the layers can be layered with horseradish and garlic. If desired, zucchini can be replaced with pumpkin. It is advisable to take small fruits, the size of a medium apple. It is worth noting that after salting, pumpkin may not taste good. Usually it is thrown away.

Pour the cooled brine into jars of vegetables. The containers should then be left in a warm room for 5 days. If desired, the products can be rolled up. The main thing is to carefully wrap the containers. They must remain warm for at least 5 hours.

In conclusion

Now you know how to cook Mexican cucumbers. The recipe for this dish is very simple. Chayote can be cooked with brown tomatoes, eggplants, cucumbers, cabbage and peppers. The technology remains virtually unchanged. If desired, you can prepare assorted dishes.

It is worth noting that Mexican cucumber can also be eaten raw. This product has a neutral taste. Therefore, it can be added to almost any salad. In addition, the vegetable is very juicy. Cuttings of the plant can be roasted. This dish tastes like mushrooms. Many people wrap minced meat in Mexican cucumber leaves and prepare cabbage rolls. Many vegetarians and raw foodists claim that chayote is tasty even when unripe.

At the end of summer, an unusual vegetable appears in the markets of the Black Sea region. Although it resembles a pear in appearance, it is nevertheless called Mexican or Spanish cucumber, or chayote. Chayote is native to tropical Mexico or Central America. It is known in Africa, Spain, France. It appeared in Russia more than a century ago.

Characteristics of Mexican cucumber

Chayote (Sechium edule) is grown in the subtropics of the Black Sea coast of Russia, Georgia and the Krasnodar Territory. This perennial plant belongs to the pumpkin family, as evidenced by its name, which comes from the Aztec word “shayot,” which means “thorny pumpkin.” But it also has tubers similar to many root vegetables.

The liana-like stems of chayote can grow up to 10-20 meters, helping themselves with the tendrils that are on its shoots. The fruits (most often pear-shaped) are dark green or yellow-light green. They sometimes weigh more than a kilogram each, reaching a length of twenty centimeters. On average, from a five-year-old bush you can collect up to 80 half-kilogram wrinkled, smooth or thorned “cucumbers”. Inside them there is only one large, yellowish, non-rigid oblong bone. Their juicy and sweetish pale green flesh is rich in starch.

On the roots of the plant there may be a dozen tubers, weighing up to 10 kg in total, having a color similar to the fruits. And their flesh is similar to potatoes or cucumber.

The rounded 10-25 cm leaves are pubescent with bristles. Flowers are female and male. They are cream or greenish.

The plant blooms from July to September, and its fruits are harvested until late autumn and even in December, if there is no frost. They are well preserved almost until the next harvest. Tubers are dug up after harvesting the fruits.

Benefits of fruits and leaves

Mexican cucumber is used to treat many gastrointestinal diseases, hemorrhoids, fibroids, fibroids, cancer, and various male problems. These fruits also help cleanse the blood after a course of chemotherapy.

The diuretic properties of chayote leaves are used to treat hypertension and urolithiasis. A decoction of them reduces swelling.

Chayote is rich in amino acids, sugar, vitamins B and P, as well as C, it contains a lot of potassium, calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium. Another 6 minerals are contained in microdoses sufficient for daily consumption.

How to grow chayote (video)

The nutritional value

Mexican cucumber is a valuable food product because... Almost all parts of it are edible (except the stem). At the same time, its calorie content is very low - 19 kcal, which allows it to be classified as a dietary product, which contains very little fat, contains proteins, but is dominated by carbohydrates.

Here are some ways to use the plant:

  1. Young shoots boiled in salted water taste similar to asparagus. They are good in soups, side dishes, and salads.
  2. Green leaves are used in salads. After the carcass, they serve as a side dish for meat and fish, and are used to prepare stews and sautés.
  3. Chayote roots are suitable only for young plants.
  4. The tubers are very rich in starch (up to 25%), so after drying they are ground into valuable flour. Fried tubers taste like potatoes with mushrooms
  5. The unripe fruits of this plant can be combined with almost all vegetables, preparing a combined puree or other dishes from them. The unobtrusive taste of chayote in combination with tomatoes, zucchini, eggplant, onions, mushrooms, seasoned with hot spices, and with a lot of oil, creates a special taste harmony of popular Mexican dishes.

“Cucumbers” can be boiled, pickled, salted, fried, stewed, baked, stuffed. Soups, salads, side dishes, sauces, etc. are prepared from these vegetables.

Landing rules

In central Russia, in February-March, chayote is first grown for seedlings. The whole fruit is placed in a pot or container, deepening it 2/3 into the soil. Before this, it is saturated with organic fertilizers.

The “Mexican” is transplanted into open ground at the end of April – beginning of June. The milder the climate of the area, the sooner.

Sometimes it is planted directly into the soil, without preliminary germination in a container. For each plant, allocate an area of ​​at least a square meter. The fruit is lowered into the ground obliquely, with the wide part down, burying no more than the bayonet of a shovel.

Chayote roots do not like excess moisture, so there should be soil drainage where the plant is planted. You cannot alternate growing chayote with pumpkin. It is better that its predecessors are potatoes, cabbage, and onions.

Mandatory conditions for good plant growth are also:

  • fertilizing the soil in each planting hole with mineral fertilizers (100-150 g) and rotted manure (5-6 kg);
  • Considering that this plant behaves like a vine, stretching up 10-20 meters, you need to take care of support for it in advance (a nearby tree, high trellises, etc.);
  • strong wind is the enemy of the “Mexican”; it can completely destroy the crop of cucumbers hanging on a relatively thin stem. Therefore, the site for these plants should be protected from the winds and oriented to the south, where there is more sun;
  • Chayote plantings need to be protected from possible frosts for the first time.

Features of cultivation and care

Plant care consists of:

  • periodically loosening the soil so that a crust does not form on it;
  • watering with warm water at least once every 10 days at the rate of 10 liters per plant;
  • in fertilizing with mineral fertilizers and tenfold diluted mullein, and watering and fertilizing the plant can be combined;
  • in pruning shoots. The Mexican cucumber needs a long period to fully ripen, and in our conditions the heat may not be enough for it. Therefore, the top of a young half-meter plant is pinched and excess side shoots are removed, leaving only 2-3 of them. Then, every two weeks, the shoots that reappear in these places are cut off.

It is rare for a “Mexican” to successfully winter in the open ground, because... its roots often die when they get wet. In extremely mild winter conditions, it can survive, but care must be taken to ensure that the roots are well insulated with straw and sawdust. And in greenhouses, chayote feels good, even if they are not heated.

Culinary uses

Mexican cucumber is widely used in cooking. Here are some recipes for its preparation:

  1. Salad: “cucumber” is grated, mixed with chopped dill and parsley, salted, seasoned with sour cream or mayonnaise. You can also add a boiled egg and a little grated garlic to it.
  2. Stuffed chayote. The pulp is removed from the vegetable halves, cut into strips and sautéed with onions and grated carrots. Then it is mixed with the same volume of minced meat, and the resulting product is filled with the set aside “cucumber” halves. They are baked in the oven.
  3. Cream soup. First, fry the onion in vegetable oil. Cut the chayote into slices, like a pear, and cook with the onion, adding salt and pepper, for several minutes. Then grind with a blender until smooth, add a little cream. We eat the soup hot.
  4. Canning Chayote. Soak the coarsely chopped fruits for a while in cold water acidified with citric acid. Then put them tightly in jars in several layers, alternating with spices - horseradish, parsley, garlic, dill, black pepper. To fill a liter of water you need 80 g of salt. The filling should not be hot. Vegetables should stand covered in brine for 2 weeks until the fermentation process stops. The sealed containers are stored in the cold.

How to make chayote (video)

A popular ingredient in Mexican cuisine, chayote, due to its many beneficial properties, is becoming increasingly popular in our country. Although it is not very easy to grow, the results will be impressive. This exotic product will appeal to both discerning gourmets and those who watch their figure.