The design of a bathhouse with a swimming pool is a unique solution from an architect in the Moscow region. Projects of bathhouses made of timber with a swimming pool Build a bathhouse complex with a swimming pool

  • 06.10.2023

Do you want to get your own bathhouse, but the traditional and even slightly mundane version of the steam room does not suit you? Then it’s time to abandon standard solutions and make a choice in favor of an interesting alternative - a bathhouse with a swimming pool. Numerous photos of completed projects prove that these two buildings can get along well under one roof. The main thing is to think through every detail of the complex. Next, we’ll figure out how to prepare a competent project for a bathhouse with a swimming pool and get acquainted with the main features of these structures.

What should a bathhouse project with a swimming pool include?

It is impossible to build a reliable, comfortable and safe bathhouse with a swimming pool without a detailed design. In fact, it should be a plan diagram indicating the exact locations and dimensions of each object of the complex. Moreover, we are talking not only about the main premises - the bathhouse and the swimming pool itself, but also auxiliary ones, of which there should be at least four:

  • restroom;
  • room for fuel materials;
  • room for equipment.

Floor plan for a sauna with a swimming pool

As for the dimensions, start from the area of ​​the plot that you have at your disposal and the needs of your household. But when choosing locations, you should focus on more specific recommendations. So, the shower should be as close to the pool as possible. It is better to arrange the relaxation room in such a way that you can go from it to both the bathhouse and the pool. Also, the room with fuel raw materials should have two exits: to the street and to a small corridor in the complex itself. The furthest from the rest areas should be a room with working equipment - all kinds of filters and pumping devices.

Where to build a sauna with a swimming pool

When deciding on the location of a bathhouse with a swimming pool, be guided by the following parameters:

  • Distance from the house - the closer the complex is to the main building of the site, the better: this way you can reduce the length of communication lines and, accordingly, save on their installation.

Important! A bathhouse with a swimming pool cannot be placed directly above the water supply and sewer pipelines.

  • Site level - it is advisable to build a bathhouse on a slightly elevated area, if possible: this will facilitate the formation of the necessary slope for unhindered drainage of water.
  • Building standards - when thinking about the location of the complex, do not forget to check the established standards: the minimum distance from the bathhouse to a residential building is 8 m, from the bathhouse to the border of the neighboring plot - 8 m, from the bathhouse to the fence - 3 m, from the bathhouse to the cesspool - 12 m, from your bathhouse to the bathhouse on the neighboring site - 15 m.
  • Proximity to bodies of water - if there is a natural body of water near your site, the bathhouse should be located at a distance of at least 25-30 m from it so that the building does not flood during the spring flood.

What materials to build the complex from?

The complexity and cost of implementing your project will directly depend on the materials chosen for construction, so this issue should be given special attention.

Most often, dacha owners prefer to build a bathhouse from timber or logs.

If you are going to build a bathhouse complex with your own hands, use profiled timber or rounded logs - these are fairly easy-to-work materials that do not require laying a strong foundation. Moreover, if you buy already sawn elements with ready-made frames for fixing, then all you have to do is connect them according to a simple scheme, which will significantly facilitate and speed up the construction process.

If you are interested in stronger and more durable materials, pay attention to foam blocks and bricks. They are quite difficult to work with, but they are superior to wood in many performance properties. In this case, you can use traditional lining as interior decoration.

Advice. Due to their structure, bricks and foam blocks quickly absorb moisture and, as a result, become deformed, so if you want to use them to build a bathhouse, be sure to take care of high-quality moisture and vapor barrier.

Which pool to choose

The purpose of the pool, the dimensions of the site for the water feature, the possibility of communications - these are three factors that you need to take into account when choosing the type of pool for your bath complex. Based on these parameters, all pools can be divided into two categories.

First - stationary. These are classic pools made of concrete or polypropylene, the construction of which includes a lot of difficult work: digging a pit, laying a strong foundation, installing high-quality waterproofing, and final finishing. In this case, you cannot do without a full-fledged water supply, sewerage, and electrical network. The operation of a stationary pool is impossible without special pumping systems and filters. The construction of such a pool necessarily includes geological studies of the soils of the site.

Stationary pool in the bathhouse

Second - mobile. These are frame, composite and inflatable pools that do not require major installation work: they can be installed either with a slight recess or directly on the floor, like a bathtub. The main advantages of these structures are lightness and mobility, thanks to which they can be regularly moved from place to place. Among the most common mobile pools:

  • prefabricated frame models;
  • plastic mini-pools;
  • inflatable models;
  • Jacuzzi pools.

A bathhouse with a swimming pool is a project that requires serious effort and considerable finances. But rest assured that the result will justify all the investments, because you will not get a banal steam room, but a comfortable complex with many functions for an excellent relaxation.

Construction of a bathhouse: video

Swimming pool in the bathhouse: photo

This catalog page shows a variety of bathhouse complexes, including ready-made projects for bathhouses with a swimming pool under one roof. The cost of erecting such a complex structure can significantly undermine the family budget, but if this is an affordable luxury, the owners get their own excellent place for relaxation.

In practice, two main types of structures are common:
1. Closed- located inside the building. This could be a small plunge pool, or a large frame pool with several levels. In any case, this is a technically complex task, and the design must be carried out by professionals.
2. Open- they are usually built in close proximity to the bathhouse, often covered with a canopy. When constructing such artificial reservoirs, it is necessary to take into account sanitary standards and rules, and observe the necessary offsets from the boundaries of neighboring areas.
Projects of bathhouse complexes with a swimming pool in a country house often include the construction of a terrace, which overall forms a convenient complex for relaxation. The internal structure is located in a room separate from the bathhouse and involves the provision of isolated water supply and drainage systems, the installation of a cleaning system, and a special forced ventilation and heating system.

Photos and prices for finished projects of bathhouses of different designs with a swimming pool

The cost of designing a bath complex depends on its location, design complexity, size, and the number of additional rooms: rest rooms, bathrooms. Here are three examples from the portfolio.

  • A modern building with a large terrace and an open pond on the street. It has several bedrooms, a sauna and shower, with a total area of ​​234 m2. The project price is 40,000 rubles.
  • Project of a log bathhouse in the style of a Russian estate with a swimming pool and an attic (a block option is possible) - No. 12-21. The bowl is located in the basement; the attic floor houses a mini-bar, a billiard room, and a gym. Cost - 35,000 rubles, area 246 m2.
  • Wooden bathhouse made of laminated veneer lumber in the Scandinavian style - (area 323 m2). There is a terrace, barbecue area, dining room - everything is combined under one roof. A set of documentation - 40,000 rubles.

In the total cost of construction, the price of the finished project takes up an insignificant share, and at the same time ensures a competent engineering solution and full compliance with current SNiP.

Building your own sauna with a swimming pool is quite a troublesome and difficult task. At the same time, everyone, this idea will cost you a pretty penny. However, if there is an irresistible desire to swim in cool water after taking bath procedures, then you definitely need to start realizing your intentions.

The most important thing in this matter is correct and competent calculation, that is, planning and design. It is absolutely impossible to neglect this, otherwise all efforts will go down the drain, and mistakes made in calculations will immediately make themselves felt. Thus, the best option would be to call a qualified specialist who can do all the calculations for you. Of course, this will cost much more, but, nevertheless, it will be safer and more reliable. However, if you decide to start designing it yourself, we recommend that you read the information below.

Where should you start?

So, you are planning to build a bathhouse with a swimming pool. This is a great idea, but you need to understand the following issues:

  • Where will the pool be located - in a steam room, in a separate room or on the street?
  • For whom exactly will it be intended - for children, adults or the elderly;
  • What will be the depth of the pool;
  • What is the size of the future pool - 2x2, 2x3, 3x3.

It is imperative to take into account the needs of the entire family so as not to offend anyone. Please note that in the midst of sauna activities, the pool can become a very unsafe place, particularly for small children. It will also be important to think about the shape of the future pool. Note that the most convenient and cheapest options would be a harmonious round pool or a classic rectangular one. However, the latter type requires extremely strict adherence to accuracy in the calculations of the parties. Moreover, dirt can accumulate in the corners of a rectangular pool, which significantly spoils the appearance of the reservoir.


  • Budget, which should be calculated taking into account the cost of materials, special equipment and the work of craftsmen (if you need them);
  • Quantity of building materials, waterproofing compounds and equipment;
  • Preliminary calculations of loads (statistical, dynamic), as well as the degree of their impact directly on the structure and soil;
  • Equipment layout plan, diagrams and detailed instructions for its use and installation;
  • Calculations for installation of embedded parts;
  • Power supply installation diagrams;
  • Safety standards regarding the use of equipment and operation of the pool.


The planning solution for a bathhouse with a swimming pool can be completely different, depending on the area of ​​the site on which the bathhouse is supposed to be built. Of course, if your financial situation allows, in this case it can be supplemented with a training room, a billiard room, a greenhouse, or you can build a two-story bathhouse in which a steam room, washing room and swimming pool will be located on the ground floor, and a locker room and recreation room - on the second.

Cascade types of pools are the most original solution, which has recently become increasingly popular. Their arrangement occurs as follows: several reservoirs of a small area are connected to each other, and the water temperature in them gradually decreases. Please note that swimming in such a pool will bring great benefits to your body, as it is characterized by a hardening and healing effect. If the pool is located outdoors, then it will need to be covered with a canopy, which will provide you with a unique opportunity to swim in it even in inclement weather.

What else you need to pay attention to in the process of designing a bathhouse with a swimming pool:

  1. Type of bath. There are some differences in timing or, for example, wood. Basically, these differences relate directly to the characteristics of building materials: concrete consumption, reinforcement thickness, etc. As a rule, this issue should be resolved at the stage of calculating future loads;
  2. Filtration. It can be skimmer or overflow. Please note that in private pools only the first option is used, since it is much cheaper than the overflow type. A skimmer is a device that takes water directly from the surface of the pool, which is the dirtiest. Water passes into the system, goes through a purification stage, is heated, disinfected and released back into the pool. Often, as an addition to the skimmer, a bottom outlet is equipped - equipment that can pick up water from the bottom. In turn, this provides a deeper and more thorough cleaning;
  3. Embedded parts. For an outdoor pool, it is definitely necessary to use steel materials, but plastic ones will do just fine indoors. However, the latter do not differ in durability and visual appeal in comparison with steel ones, however, they will cost you much less;
  4. Optional equipment. The most popular is hydromassage. Note that hydromassage sessions are very useful for stressful situations, chronic fatigue, as well as all kinds of sleep and circulatory disorders.

Building a swimming pool in a bathhouse with your own hands

  1. Initially, it is necessary to lay the pipes with a slight slope to the side. A drain pipe is installed in the deepest part of the pool;
  2. A layer of sand is poured around the perimeter of the future pool - approximately 5 cm, which must be carefully leveled and compacted;
  3. On top of the sand you need to add a layer of fine crushed stone (about 10cm), and compress it using a wooden tamper;
  4. After this, high-strength concrete is poured in a layer of 10-15 cm;
  5. A reinforced mesh is placed on top of the concrete;
  6. The second layer of concrete (10 cm) is poured.

The walls must be concreted at the same time as the bottom is poured. The most important thing is to completely eliminate the occurrence of seams between the bottom and the walls: after pouring the first layer of the bottom, you should secure the formwork, lay out the reinforcing mesh and concrete the walls. After this, we compact it so that the walls and bottom merge. The concrete must harden within 10 days. After which you can start.

So, the comfort and functionality of your bathhouse, and therefore the success of the entire construction process, depends on successful planning and design. That is why this stage should be approached with full responsibility, everything should be thought through carefully, and, if necessary, consult with a competent master.

A bathhouse with a swimming pool is no longer a luxury even for ordinary citizens. The modern market offers a wide selection of hot tubs, including small models that can be easily installed without the involvement of specialists. The main thing is to prepare the right project and build a bathhouse. In extreme cases, an inflatable pool can be installed indoors or a large plunge pool can be moved outside the building.

Bathhouse project with a swimming pool

A special feature of the complex is the complex layout of the bathhouse with a swimming pool, where it is impossible to do without drawing up a project. The font cannot simply be placed in the middle of the steam room. A large water surface increases evaporation. The floor, ceiling and walls are subjected to enhanced waterproofing. They think about this point at the design stage, otherwise improving an already finished room will cost more.

The second important issue is the size of the pool. Not every font can be squeezed inside a bathhouse. The comparison of the dimensions of the pool and the area of ​​the future building is carried out similarly at the design stage. If the font does not fit in the bathhouse with any layout, it is taken out to the terrace under the roof or installed in the open-air courtyard.

If the pool is placed inside a bathhouse, a sewer system is included in the project. The option of arranging an underground for a poured floor will not work here. A large mass of water is removed through the pipeline. It may be necessary to install additional pumps.

Important! In addition to arranging the sewer system, it is necessary to consider in the project a water supply to fill the pool with water.

During planning, the location of utilities is indicated in the project. The pool is installed with additional equipment and requires dedicated space. Utilities also include electrical wiring and ventilation systems.

Bathhouse projects with a swimming pool under one roof

The middle plot does not allow the construction of a large bathhouse with a warm pool indoors. However, a small font can be placed under one roof if it is placed on the terrace. The swimming pool can be used in summer. If the terrace is glazed, the swimming season is extended from early spring until the onset of frost in late autumn.

The total size of the complex is 9.5x12 m. There is enough space in the bathhouse and pool for 3-6 people to relax. The entrance from the terrace leads through the hallway to the recreation room. Further through the corridor you can go into 3 rooms: washing room, toilet, furnace room. From the washing room there is access to the steam room and the pool.

Outdoor bathhouse with swimming pool

Using a similar project, you can build a bathhouse measuring 9.5x12 m with a terrace, but place a large swimming pool outside in the open air. A recreation area is planned under the roof. There is a barbecue and a sink on the open terrace. If you have enough space, you can install a table and chairs.

The project similarly provides for the presence of a corridor in the bathhouse, from which a passage is made to all rooms. There is access to the pool from the veranda and steam room.

Plan of a bathhouse with a swimming pool and a relaxation room

The project of the complex measuring 12x18 m will appeal to the owners of a large plot. The bathhouse has two entrances. From the terrace, a door leads to a spacious recreation room, which is a passage. On the back side of the building there is a second entrance from the porch, leading through the vestibule to the furnace room or rest room. The total area of ​​the complex is 114.11 m2. 62.46 m2 is allocated for the pool. Exit to the font is accessible only from the rest room.

Advice! The project can be improved with an attic floor. On the upper tier there are bedrooms or another recreation room with billiards.

Corner bathhouse with swimming pool

If the shape of the plot is non-standard, you can build a bathhouse with a swimming pool according to a special design. The complex is planned not to be traditionally rectangular, but to be angled. Such a project is beneficial if it is necessary to bypass an obstacle. For example, in the yard there is a small pond and an electrical support. The bathhouse is placed with its back side in the corner of the site. The front side of the facade with a beveled angle is turned towards the obstacle.

Advice! If the obstacle in the yard is a clean, well-maintained pond, it can be used instead of a swimming pool in the summer, avoiding the extra costs of installing a font inside the bathhouse.

The size depends on personal preference. If the project provides for a large swimming pool with an area of ​​77.2 m2 inside the bathhouse, then a plot of 16x20.1 m in size is allocated for construction. Along the width of the complex, 17.1 m are allocated for rooms, and 3 m are left for a barbecue area.

Using a similar project, you can build a smaller corner bathhouse. An area of ​​20.25 m2 is allocated for the pool. If recreation rooms with an area of ​​21.25 m2 are not enough, they plan a second attic floor where a billiard room and bedrooms are located.

Important! In a corner bath, the stove is designed in the center of the building so that all rooms are heated evenly. Usually a place is allocated between the steam room and the relaxation room.

Small sauna with swimming pool

Owners of a small plot should not refuse a bathhouse with a swimming pool. The dream can be realized even on an area of ​​8.8 x 6.9 m. You will have to install a small pool in the bathhouse, but it will be there. The area for the room with a font is 14.2 m2. The remaining space is allocated for a locker room, steam room, shower, technical room and rest room.

The functionality of the complex can be expanded by constructing a second floor. The bathhouse will take up little space on the site, and the number of rooms will increase. Alternatively, the steam room can be expanded to include a relaxation room, and it can be moved to the second floor.

Bathhouse made of timber with a swimming pool

Traditionally, a Russian bathhouse with a swimming pool is built from timber or logs. The project of an average building for recreation of 3-4 people will allow you to create a compact complex measuring 10x12 m. Only a small font will fit inside. The large pool is taken outside. It is placed on the terrace or in the open air. In the second option, the area around the font and the approach to the wooden building are laid out with paving slabs.

If a company of 4 or more people is planning to frequently relax in a timber bathhouse, a project for a large complex measuring 18.8 x 13.4 m is being developed. The voluminous plunge pool will be placed on the terrace, where the roof will cover the water from contamination by leaves, birds and other debris. The area is enough to place a swimming pool inside the building. The terrace can be divided into 2 parts by arranging a billiard room between them.

Advice! For small areas, the most convenient size of a timber bathhouse is 7x9 m. A medium-sized font, a small relaxation room, a steam room, a toilet and a shower room will fit inside.

Construction of a bathhouse with a swimming pool

According to the drawn up project, construction materials are purchased. The foundation is laid simultaneously with the installation of the sewerage system. If a second floor is provided, a reinforced concrete base is poured, as the pressure on it will increase.

The technology for constructing walls depends on the chosen material: brickwork, blocks, wooden beams or logs. The roof is made with an attic space. The roof covering is chosen to be light and non-flammable, so that sparks flying out of the chimney when burning wood do not lead to a fire.

During the construction of walls and roofs, ventilation ducts are provided. The advantage of a bathhouse with a swimming pool under one roof is the arrangement of a separate boiler room, which allows you to organize heating of the water in the font.

After erecting the building frame, they begin to insulate and waterproof the walls, floor, and ceiling. The final touch is the finishing touch. The inside of the steam room is lined only with wood. In other rooms you can use plastic panels. Instead of boards, tiles are laid on the floor. To keep your feet warm, electric mats of the “warm floor” system are built under the tiles.

Attention! Plastic panels cannot be mounted on the wall of the room adjacent to the steam room. When heated, the material becomes deformed and emits a toxic odor.

How to make a pool in a bathhouse

The easiest way to install a purchased pool with your own hands is in a small bathhouse. The volume of the font varies from 1 to 6 m3. There are many products made from acrylic and fiberglass on sale. Even an inflatable model will work perfectly outside the steam room.

Lovers of relaxation can buy a ready-made font in the form of a large bathtub, which has a SPA function, but you won’t be able to swim in it. An excellent option is to purchase a collapsible model, consisting of a frame onto which a PVC cover is stretched. The mobile hot tub is taken outside in the summer, and brought inside the bathhouse in the winter.

To arrange a swimming pool, regardless of its complexity, you also need a project. At the planning stage, the place for the font is immediately determined. A separate room is allocated for it, a place on the terrace or just in the open-air courtyard.

The size of the font is calculated taking into account the characteristics of use. Shallow bowls are provided for children and the elderly. They are thinking of additional structures in the form of convenient handrails that help you easily get out of the water. Traditionally, bathhouses are equipped with small plunge pools with sides measuring from 2 to 3 m, so that it is enough to just take a dip after the steam room. In large Russian baths with a swimming pool and outdoors, the owner chooses the size of the bowl according to his preference.

The method of installing a pool depends on its design. Portable models are made using frame technology. A pit is dug under the bowl, communications are installed, the frame is assembled according to the instructions, and the PVC sheet is stretched. Depending on the model, frame bowls can be partially recessed or remain entirely on the surface.

A do-it-yourself stationary swimming pool in a bathhouse made of concrete is a complex structure. It is better to entrust the drafting to specialists. In addition to the bowl itself, there is space for additional equipment: filters, pumps and other elements. The concrete mortar is poured with reinforcement of the walls. The technology is complex. Mistakes made will lead to cracking of the walls, and the bowl will become unsuitable for swimming.


A bathhouse with a swimming pool is a technically complex structure. In addition to high humidity, the basement of the building is exposed to pressure from a large amount of water. To avoid destruction of the structure, it is optimal to use the help of specialists when drawing up a project.

Having your own bathhouse today is a luxury that many can afford. From the hot and humid steam room you plunge into cool water and feel as if you were born again. So why, among such a huge selection of projects for baths, limit yourself to a simple “steam room-washing room” package, if you can build a luxurious pool with your own hands? Read about all the nuances of building and decorating a bathhouse with a swimming pool in this article.


Regardless of the design of any pool, not every steam room can accommodate one. The main task when preparing a bathhouse for placing a swimming pool is waterproofing the wiring, walls and ceiling. You can’t just take it and put it in a ready-made steam room. Therefore, it is better to take it into account at the planning stage, otherwise adaptation to the premises will cost much more money.

Given the large volumes of water, the water supply system must also be fully prepared for the installation of a swimming pool. A regular foundation drain (which can be done in a small shower) will not work. Here you need a full-fledged drain and it must be equipped according to standard sewerage rules. True, there are cases when the sewer system cannot cope with huge volumes of water.

The building is designed taking into account the location of the pool - on the street, under the same roof with a steam room, or in another room.

Another important issue is the placement of utility networks. These include ventilation, water filters, lighting, and drainage systems.


Often, a bathhouse is designed in such a way that the pool is closer to the steam room. There are ready-made layouts drawn up by masters, from which you can choose the one that suits you.

When choosing, you need to consider many characteristics:

  • area of ​​the site for construction;
  • estimated dimensions of the pool and sauna;
  • placement of communications;
  • configuration;
  • additional premises.

However, it is more interesting to work on your own project and rely on specific wishes in it to build your dream bathhouse with your own hands.

For example, you can make a terrace in the form of a semicircular or multifaceted protrusion in the wall (bay window) and provide access to it directly from the pool. Today, the abundance of materials and technologies gives unprecedented freedom in construction. Particularly inventive designers have already come up with a roof that can be removed if necessary. There is also an option with a transparent roof.

Let's look at the main types of pools.

  • Stationary. Often this is a reinforced concrete container planted in the ground. You can make it yourself or buy a ready-made one, choosing the desired size and depth.

  • Mini pool. It has a small volume (from 1 to 6 cubic meters) and is made of wood, acrylic or fiberglass. Can be placed both inside the bathhouse and on the site.

  • Collapsible. Made of polyvinyl chloride, which is stretched over the frame. The main feature is mobility. You can put it anywhere, and if necessary, you can disassemble it.

Bathhouse with billiards– this is an excellent option for those who like to combine relaxation in the company of friends and bath procedures. With sufficient space, you can build a fairly spacious one-story bathhouse complex with several rooms. At the same time, the average area of ​​a room with billiards varies from 22 to 52 square meters. m

A corner bathhouse will help to significantly save space on the site, not being inferior to conventional bathhouses in terms of functionality. It is logical to choose it if the land plot has a non-standard shape. For example, with the help of such solutions you can “bypass” a massive tree, poles with electrical wires, or “fit” a building near a pond.

The size of the building may vary depending on personal preferences and financial capabilities. It can be a simple small house or a whole complex with an attic, gazebo, billiard room or barbecue area. In the latter case, the terrace must be equipped taking into account fire safety standards.

If the choice fell on the construction of a two-story corner bathhouse, then you should remember that the upper floor necessarily requires strengthening the foundation and walls.

Wood-burning stoves are often installed in corner bathhouses., which are installed between the sauna and the relaxation room. It is important to place it in the middle of the building so that the heat spreads evenly.

With the help of an attic, you can decorate the building and gain additional territory without the need to expand the total area of ​​the building. What’s nice is that this solution will cost less than building a two-story bathhouse.

It is not surprising that today variations of the guest space of the bathhouse are so popular, where the attic space is fully adapted for living. With the proper approach to exterior decoration, such a bathhouse will look like a real castle.

An attic built over a bathhouse is very different from a simple second floor of a house, because the main problem here will be high humidity. There is a lot of steam coming from the first floor, so it is necessary to make a special layer during construction. If such an attic is arranged like a standard one, it will always be very hot and humid. You should start with laying a vapor barrier (you can use foil or film), then insulation, and after that you can lay the floor.

All parts of the bathhouse made of wood must be thoroughly treated with antiseptics, cracks and minor defects must be filled with polyurethane foam.

If the roof is laid with metal tiles, then a film must be laid under it to prevent condensation from accumulating.

And finally, it is worth taking care of a safe ladder, because after swimming it will not be long before you slip. It is necessary to consider the angle of elevation, material for covering the steps and fencing.

If you go up to two whole floors, you can arrange a full-fledged relaxation room on top and a steam room with an impressive-sized swimming pool below.

Almost always, projects of such baths involve a rest room on the second floor, some turn it into a bedroom or even a gym.

Particular attention should be paid to high-quality waterproofing, because the rooms above must remain dry in all conditions. Neglecting this point may result in the ceiling of the lower floor and the floor of the upper floor becoming overgrown with fungus.

A very important element is the staircase. If the bathhouse is compact, you can get by with a screw version. Larger buildings are equipped with classic staircases, often made of wood. The presence of an external staircase is undesirable here, since going outside in winter after the steam room is very unsafe.

Terraçao and barbecue can be called a “complete package” for relaxation after a hard week. Usually the veranda is connected by a common roof to the house or garage. In this particular case, the terrace has a common foundation and roof with a bathhouse. Such an extension will not hurt your pocket, but its functionality is captivating.

On the terrace you can:

  • put on a barbecue oven;
  • cook dinner without leaving the bathhouse;
  • warm the air in the dressing room using a stove;
  • place a refrigerator, make the space covered and use it as a full kitchen and dining room.


We have not preserved all the secrets of the craft of bathhouse building from our ancestors, and obviously not all the rules are followed by modern connoisseurs. But there is a fact that is difficult to argue with: a Russian bathhouse should be built from natural wood. A classic bathhouse includes a log house. And the project option depends only on your imagination and wallet size.

It is no coincidence that rounded logs are one of the most popular materials today. It is characterized by the following features:

  • Each breed contains resins that have medicinal properties for humans;
  • wood can maintain high temperatures for a long time;

  • walls do not accumulate moisture;
  • the low weight of the structure will save on the foundation;
  • You don’t have to worry about subsidence of the structure, because finishing materials are often not used.

And it feels much more pleasant to take a bath in an environmentally friendly and healthy wooden building than in a brick or cinder block building.

But the first thing that can push you to choose a cinder block is a reasonable price. It is used both for building walls and laying foundations.


  • easy to use, because 1 block is approximately 7 bricks, so the time for building walls is significantly reduced;
  • good thermal insulation of the material;
  • walls made from it dry quite quickly;
  • non-toxic and fire-resistant, absolutely safe for humans.


  • low sound insulation;
  • often requires finishing, because cinder block buildings are not particularly attractive;
  • poor resistance to moisture;
  • the enormous weight of the walls requires strengthening the foundation;
  • to work with it you need appropriate physical strength.

Brick also has some advantages when building a bathhouse:

  • long service life. Together with a high-quality foundation, a brick bathhouse will last much longer than similar buildings, for example, made of wood;
  • the brick building is well protected from fires;
  • large selection of architectural solutions.

Brick baths also have disadvantages. These include high cost and the need to install additional thermal insulation.

It is quite difficult to build a pool on your own; factors such as soil, topography, and groundwater play a big role in this matter.

Among all foundation materials, concrete is most often used.

Stages of building a swimming pool.

  • First you need to dig a pit, which will be slightly larger in size than the future pool. Sand and waterproofing are placed at the bottom. If desired, the walls and bottom are covered with thermal insulation.

  • Waterproofing. There are a huge variety of sealants now available, you just need to choose the right one and process all the seams.

  • Laying tiles. You can show your imagination and improvise at this point, but often tiles are used to decorate the inside of the pool.

For the interior decoration of a bathhouse, deciduous and coniferous woods are best suited. They are not capable of heating up and dry very quickly, preventing mold and mildew from spreading. These are linden, aspen, alder, abash, spruce, fir, pine. It is important to remember that when finishing wood, you should not cover it with paint or varnish, because when heated, it will begin to emit an unpleasant chemical odor.


A bathhouse is, first and foremost, a place for relaxation. Therefore, it is illogical to use bright colors and go far from the classics. It is better to exclude details in the form of fancy furniture or interior items just “for show”. The main task here will be to create a calm, relaxing atmosphere.

For the dressing room and steam room, the most popular decoration is the classic Russian style - a massive table, benches/loungers, wooden lining on the walls and ceiling. You can already improvise in the rest room, because there are no generally accepted standards for it.

You can successfully integrate interesting forged elements, carved baseboards, antique household items, and a fireplace into the interior. Also often, oak or birch brooms and dried bunches of aromatic herbs are hung on the walls as decoration.

The lighting should be warm and dim. With the help of lampshades that diffuse light, it is easy to achieve the desired effect.

Opinions differ about the decor in the form of animal skins and carpets: on the one hand, it looks modern and rich, on the other hand, this is another reason for the appearance of fungus.

  • If children are expected to swim in the pool, its depth should not be more than one meter;
  • in any project it is necessary to lay a rough floor covering, which will already have a drainage system;
  • When installing, be sure to use a level; unevenness in the future can negatively affect the material;

  • if there is a diving tower, the depth must be at least 2.5 meters;

  • if you make the floor in the steam room 10-15 cm higher than in the washing room, you can avoid excess moisture;
  • It is better to install doors from natural wood;

  • to avoid unnecessary heat loss, it is better not to make windows in the steam room at all;