Horoscope for September 12, Libra. Love horoscope for the sign Libra for September

  • 14.12.2023

In September 2017, Mercury will return to its normal course. Due to this representatives of the zodiac sign Libra It will become much easier to work and study. The tension will also ease from your personal life. At the beginning of autumn, you can relax and live for your pleasure. Of course, you will have to take care of business, but you will need to spend very little time and effort on this. The stars advise taking at least a little rest now. It's great if you can travel to a new place. You will return inspired by a lot of pleasant emotions and morally renewed.

Horoscope work and finance Libra for September 2017

In professional terms, the horoscope for September 2017 is recommended for representatives zodiac sign Libra First of all, put the documentation in order. There is a high probability that the boss will assign you some new task. Even if it seems difficult to you, don’t make a mistake. Be bold enough to tackle it, and you will soon realize that you can do anything. And your professional future will largely depend on how well you handle the job.

The most favorable financial condition will be for those Libras who work for themselves. There is a high probability of concluding new contracts that will bring you significant profits soon. Large purchases, if the weight of your wallet does not cause cause for alarm, can be made now. But don't rush. Look for better options. By spending a little more time, you can save a lot. At the same time, borrowing money, just like lending it to someone, is extremely undesirable in September.

Love horoscope for September 2017

Love horoscope for September 2017 for representatives zodiac sign Libra who have children, focus on them. After the summer holiday, it will probably not be easy for your offspring to fit into the new regime - try to help the kids. It is also recommended to be more attentive to your chosen one. Show your tenderness and care. Do not refuse to hug your loved one once again and tell them about your feelings.

If you haven't met your soulmate yet, the first month of autumn brings great hopes that everything will change. In order to find cherished personal happiness, the stars advise being yourself and behaving as naturally as possible. Believe me, you will be much more attractive to a potential partner without trying to appear to him as someone you are not.

Libra health horoscope for September 2017

In terms of health, September will be for people born under the constellation zodiac sign Libra, the period is quite favorable. The likelihood that even a minor illness will overcome your body is extremely low. Of course, you shouldn’t forget about the right lifestyle. Try to drink enough fluids and minimize the amount of spicy and salty foods in your diet (especially if you have high stomach acidity). Great time to visit a beauty salon. Treat yourself!

Favorable and unfavorable days September 2017 Libra

Favorable days for Libra September 2017– September 8, September 12, September 17, September 25 and September 30, 2017.

Unfavorable days for Libra September 2017- September 2, September 10 and September 22, 2017.

Natalia Rodionova

The astrological forecast for September promises representatives of the zodiac sign a sea of ​​optimism and great enthusiasm for work. Libras will not recognize themselves. They had no idea that they had such a reserve of energy. You are tireless in your endeavors. Every task that comes to hand will be done to the highest possible quality. Listen more often to the recommendations of management and the advice of loved ones. In the romantic sphere, the situation will improve, you will learn to look for compromises and create favorable conditions for both.

Libra women will analyze the mistakes of the past, discard all sad thoughts and begin to look at the world more positively. There are a lot of interesting activities and events around that you want to take part in. There simply won't be time for depression.

Libra men will lead the team and organize an important project for the company. This will be responsible and difficult work. Envious people will begin to slander behind your back and put a spoke in your wheels. But aim for victory and everything will work out in the best possible way.

Finance horoscope for Libra

In the career field, representatives of the zodiac sign will face a difficult period when they will have to work day and night to achieve the desired result. But it's worth it. You will achieve recognition from management and colleagues. Libra will strengthen their financial position and will be able to take a long-awaited vacation.

Libra women associated with creative activities will make the project a reality and impress everyone. In September you don’t have to save on yourself. If you want to buy sexy lingerie, elegant shoes or a fashionable sweater, go for it.

Libra men will invest finances in business development and will be able to increase them. Your rational approach to business will allow you to soon purchase real estate or a car. But you should be careful when signing documents. Study the terms of the contract again and only then make a final decision.

Love horoscope for Libra

In the love sphere, Libra is expected to have serious quarrels and constant showdowns. It's likely that you and your partner are tired of each other. Take a short break. You will have time to think about whether all this is necessary and whether the relationship brings pleasure. If not, then it's time to end it. Take care of each other's nerves.

A Libra woman will meet a promising young man at work. At first it will be a tense relationship, you will not be able to find a common language. But in the middle of the month something will happen that will change your views for the better.

A Libra man will become a reliable wall for his beloved. She knows that in any difficult situation she can turn to your support. There is a high probability that at the end of September you will legalize the relationship.

Health horoscope for Libra

In the first month of autumn, representatives of your zodiac sign should undergo a full examination to determine if you have any problems. Watch your daily routine and diet. Avoid fast food, fatty, floury, salty and spicy foods; they damage the gastric mucosa and can lead to stomach disorders. If you are worried about your lumbar back, be sure to contact a qualified specialist and nip the problem in the bud. There is a risk of exacerbation of chronic diseases. If you look in the mirror and are not happy with your appearance, then it’s worth purchasing a gym membership and improving your muscle definition. Drink more fluid, thereby you will speed up metabolic processes in the body.

The first month of autumn 2017 will bring Libra a contradiction between the tendency to fly on the wings of idealistic romance and to look at things more soberly and realistically.

Mars, the ruler of your partner's house, forms a relationship with the insidious Neptune, and Mercury echoes him. Situations in your personal life seem rather cloudy; you may get the impression that there is some kind of mystery in love and relationships that is inaccessible to understanding. However, Venus, the celestial patron of Libra, is in a good position, so you can hope that everything will end in your favor.

Lonely representatives of your star sign are advised not to take initiative, but to let the circumstances of their personal lives take their course. Luck can smile on you no matter how much effort you put in. For example, if you want to start a romantic relationship, give up trying to get close to the opposite sex. The person who is destined to connect his destiny with you will take the first step himself. And this acquaintance will happen at a time when you are least ready for it.

But if opportunities for romance don't come, it's best not to force things and relax. Sometimes it is useful to “lay low” and just observe what is happening. In the twelfth house of the mysterious and subconscious Libra this month there is a concentration of planets - here the Sun, Mercury and Mars, on September 20, 2017 Venus joins them. Planetary influences sharpen your intuition and make you insightful, thanks to these qualities you will be able to discover much that was hidden before. You will comprehend the deep layers of love, analyze the nuances of relationships with your lover, and face your fears and anxieties. In other words, you will find the hidden meaning of the relationship and understand the secret motives of your significant other.

Career and financial horoscope for Libra for September 2017

In the first and second decades of the month, you are unlikely to experience noticeable achievements at work and in business. Most likely, nothing significant will happen, or you yourself will not strive for success. At the same time, the period is good for analyzing the current state of affairs and determining career plans for the future. This is a good time to participate in discussions, participate in group activities, and strengthen professional connections.

Pluto’s harmonious connections with planets in the twelfth house of Libra hint at the opportunity to realize one’s interests not through direct actions, but indirectly. You will notice that things at work and in business are developing as if without your participation. You are not required to be enterprising to solve any issue. Circumstances will develop in such a way that everything will be resolved without you, and in the meantime you will quietly prepare the ground for future success. But results should be expected not this month, but later.

On September 23, 2017, the Sun moves into the sign of Libra, and the wind will blow into your sails again. Projects will become more specific and bear fruit. This favorable period also extends to the next month.

It's quite a controversial time for finance. Mars, the ruler of the Libra house of money, forms a negative aspect with foggy Neptune, so confusing situations, unmet expectations, deception of partners and financial losses are possible. The stars advise you to be especially careful in the middle of the month. In the last days of September, the positive aspect of Mars and Pluto begins to operate, which portends an improvement in financial affairs and even good luck with money.


During the first two decades of September, you are distinguished by mental acuity, but physically you are not very resilient. You need to rest more and take care of your health, especially if you already have some problems. The Sun and Mars have negative aspects and are in an inauspicious house, so there is a risk of weakened immunity, infections and injuries. Your tone returns to normal in the last decade.

Be more attentive to your surroundings! There may be envious people around trying to stop you.

In September, Libra will tend to take the initiative into their own hands. Sometimes this desire to solve all problems at the same time will respond with new problems that are difficult to solve. You shouldn't rely solely on intuition either. Only facts will help to create an accurate picture of what is happening.

The ability to adapt to situations of any nature, weigh and competently evaluate current events will allow you to stay on track and eliminate the possibility of making rash decisions.

Horoscope for September 2017 promises additional income for Libra.

An unexpected profit may be a long-awaited reward for your professional merits or a surprise in cash for a birthday from an overseas relative. In any case, this will be the start for making long-planned purchases and trips.

Some representatives of the sign will mistakenly take the offer of additional income for an opportunity for self-realization and accumulation of funds. The stars recommend that you consider any proposals very carefully and not make rash decisions. Otherwise, you may lose a lot, including the respect and trust of loved ones.

Family life and personal relationships of Libra in September 2017

In family life and personal relationships, Libra should not expect global improvements, turning events or new romantic acquaintances in September. Everything will be stable as before, and this will lead to disappointment from unfulfilled expectations.

If relationships with friends, relatives, and partners are unstable, then regular conflicts based on mutual misunderstanding are quite likely. At the same time, many Libra will not perceive this as a problem, but, on the contrary, will regard the situation as an opportunity to start changing something in their life. You will not decide to make drastic changes, but you will form a strong foundation for further changes.

Despite their natural balance, some representatives of the zodiac sign may experience difficulties in partnership due to some kind of emotional instability:

  • jealousy, suspicion;
  • sense of ownership;
  • excessive emotionality, going to extremes.

Adequate rest will help you avoid stressful moments.

Don't forget that your significant other cares about you, so spend a weekend together and sincerely talk about your feelings and experiences.

Lonely Libras run the risk of encountering ill-wishers who will do their best to destroy all your attempts to find a companion. You won’t be able to notice this right away, so you will attribute all failures to your own failure.

The stars do not advise you to worry and despair; you have many accomplishments ahead of you and autumn will still give you an excellent gift.

In the career field, Libra also faces difficulties and misunderstandings with superiors, business partners or work colleagues. In order not to stray from the intended path, you will have to gather your thoughts and make every effort to achieve your goal. It is better not to be guided by intuition, relying solely on facts.

All matters related to solving work issues must be carried out with the utmost care and precision. Be vigilant, there are people around you who are prevented from achieving their goals by your successes.

Business Libra will have a chance to carry out many important activities related to business promotion. At the same time, it is better not to trust people you don’t know well and not to accept lucrative offers at first glance. It’s better to weigh everything carefully and make an informed decision. At the end of September, conflicts with business partners cannot be ruled out against the background of the positions you previously approved.

Otherwise, work will be in full swing for Libra in September, and the financial situation will remain at a consistently good level. Large expenses are not expected, but colossal profits should not be expected either.

Libra health in September 2017

The energy potential of the representatives of the sign will be reduced. The September horoscope for Libra recommends paying more attention to your health and recuperation after stressful situations.

You should not expose your body to even more stress and “eat up” grief. Otherwise, you will be faced with the problem of excess weight, which you just recently solved.

September is an excellent period when you can devote your free time to sports, athletics or race walking. Any physical exercise and activity will have a beneficial effect on your general condition and will not allow you to lose your vitality.

In September 2017, Mercury will return to its normal course. In this regard, it will become much easier for representatives of the Libra zodiac sign to work and study. The tension will also ease from your personal life. At the beginning of autumn, you can relax and live for your pleasure. Of course, you will have to take care of business, but you will need to spend very little time and effort on this. The stars advise taking at least a little rest now. It's great if you can travel to a new place. You will return inspired by a lot of pleasant emotions and morally renewed.

Horoscope work and finance Libra for September 2017

In professional terms, the horoscope for September 2017 recommends that representatives of the zodiac sign Libra, first of all, put their documentation in order. There is a high probability that the boss will assign you some new task. Even if it seems difficult to you, don’t make a mistake. Be bold enough to tackle it, and you will soon realize that you can do anything. And your professional future will largely depend on how well you handle the job.

The most favorable financial condition will be for those Libras who work for themselves. There is a high probability of concluding new contracts that will bring you significant profits soon. Large purchases, if the weight of your wallet does not cause cause for alarm, can be made now. But don't rush. Look for better options. By spending a little more time, you can save a lot. At the same time, borrowing money, just like lending it to someone, is extremely undesirable in September.

Love horoscope and Libra family for September 2017

Love horoscope for September 2017 for representatives of the zodiac sign Libra who have children, focus on them. After the summer holiday, it will probably not be easy for your offspring to fit into the new regime - try to help the kids. It is also recommended to be more attentive to your chosen one. Show your tenderness and care. Do not refuse to hug your loved one once again and tell them about your feelings.

If you haven't met your soulmate yet, the first month of autumn brings great hopes that everything will change. In order to find cherished personal happiness, the stars advise being yourself and behaving as naturally as possible. Believe me, you will be much more attractive to a potential partner without trying to appear to him as someone you are not.

Libra health horoscope for September 2017

In terms of health, September will be a rather favorable period for people born under the zodiac sign Libra. The likelihood that even a minor illness will overcome your body is extremely low. Of course, you shouldn’t forget about the right lifestyle. Try to drink enough fluids and minimize the amount of spicy and salty foods in your diet (especially if you have high stomach acidity). Great time to visit a beauty salon. Treat yourself!

Favorable and unfavorable days September 2017 Libra

Favorable days for Libra September 2017 – September 8, September 12, September 17, September 25 and September 30, 2017.

Unfavorable days for Libra September 2017 - September 2, September 10 and September 22, 2017.