How to get your boss to quit her job. Conspiracy on the boss: reading rules and examples

  • 13.12.2023

They say that there are no good bosses. But if the boss expresses open disrespect, and the attempts of his subordinates to establish working relationships are in vain, it’s time to use a people-tested remedy - a conspiracy and prayers from the boss so that he doesn’t find fault.

  • How spell magic and prayers cope with the authorities

    Conspiracies and prayers for the boss are full of variety:

    • conspiracy against an evil boss;
    • protective installations from the cries of the satrap and his nagging;
    • spells against the love advances of a womanizer holding a leadership position;
    • a conspiracy from a vampire boss who feeds on the energy of his subordinates;
    • prayers for mercy and respect from the leader.

    Traditional healers and sorcerers even offer conspiracies to get rid of an evil boss by dismissing him. Although, if you anger higher powers by wishing bad things on someone (even the most terrible person), you can also harm yourself. Sometimes you will additionally need to use .

    Let's look at ways available to the common man to deal with the boss that do not cause serious negative consequences.

    Spell for the love of superiors

    Excessive meticulousness and pickiness of the manager can be removed with the following ritual.
    Take a saucer and Thursday (prepared on Maundy Thursday) salt. Pour seven pinches into a saucer and say the spell words:

    My guardian angel, my deliverer angel, dispel bad thoughts about me, open the blind eyes of the servant of God (to be named by name), let him forget his grievances, protect me from him. Amen.

    The miraculous salt must be taken with you to work and scattered secretly in front of the general entrance of the service area (office), in the corners of your office or under the boss’s threshold.

    Slanders from the evil director

    If a manager has people subordinate to whom he periodically gives a beating, the day is not far off when he may find poppy seeds. Evidence that one of the wards, tormented by eternal nagging, performed a ritual with poppy seeds. This is a fairly strong magical spell. It is read three times over poppy seeds, which are then sprinkled into the boss’s office or clothes:

    On the wide sea, on the distant ocean, stands the island of Buyan. On that island there is a table - God's throne. The case lies on the table, white and petrified. The prosecutor and the judge are sitting at that table. Most Holy Theotokos Mary, help me, petrify their tongue, teeth and lips. Just as a dead person lies and does not say or think evil, so they will not think evil against God’s servant (name).

    The bosses won’t find fault with me, they won’t attribute other people’s things to me, and they won’t pick on me. The young poppy grows tall and blooms brightly. Just as the poppy sheds its flowers, just as the leaves fall from the trees, so the evil and evil deeds of the servant of God (servant of God) - name - will fall away from me. Amen. Amen. Amen.

    It’s time for a person who has found a poppy seed to think about reconsidering their behavior with subordinates.

    A simple prayer for your boss

    To prevent your manager from lashing out at you, you need to knock on any massive tree every day on your way to work and whisper the words onto the trunk:

    Just as your trunk stands firmly, let (the boss’s name)’s mouth be closed with a strong lock.

    Conspiracy to fire a boss

    Able to help vacate the position he occupies. On a white sheet of office paper (or a piece of landscape paper) you need to draw a portrait of the hated leader (schematic). Then shade the drawing until you have painted it all over, saying:

    Go, go, find another job for yourself, and leave this one, forget about it and don’t remember it. Amen!

    You can carry out such a ritual without leaving your favorite workplace. The main thing is that the evil boss does not catch you doing this interesting activity.

    There are also more complex rituals that black magicians practice to eliminate high-ranking persons. But since these are no longer simple conspiracies, but serious rituals that carry a mortal threat (to the performer and the victim), this article does not consider them.

    In return, we offer an effective Christian prayer that can protect against the attempts of a “tyrant”, which can be read daily before leaving for service (work).

    Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. Calm the anger of my strict boss and protect me from his demonic attacks. They told him not to get angry, not to swear, but to pray and hold on. Take away his unrighteous anger from me and your right servants. Let it be so. Amen.

    Have a great career! And may you yourself become a good boss later!

  • And I found out that 24% of employees would happily fire their boss if given the opportunity. The bosses themselves are largely to blame for this, as they do not know how to properly build relationships with the team and inspire them. Among workers who are passionate about their work, the share of those who are ready to help their manager is only 6%, but among those who are dissatisfied and demotivated - 51%. Despite their desires, very few employees decide to take any active action. How do their more determined colleagues act?

    Make friends and set up

    One of the classic methods is to ingratiate yourself with your boss and then cold-bloodedly set him up. You can read about how to win the sympathy of management in. Developing a plan and implementing it will take a lot of time, and if you rush or don't plan everything well enough, you may find yourself unemployed.

    Elena N. observed this method in action when she worked at a famous confectionery company. “In one of the departments there worked a very limited person, in the past the wife of some St. Petersburg oligarch, who was not used to work and using her brain, but was forced to work,” she says. - Her tactics were as follows: strong friendship, in fact, with the head of the department (joint dinners, conversations about children, pugs, etc.) and an obsequious attitude towards the general director, who, by the way, had relations with the head of the department that were not always smooth. Establishing relationships was the first stage. The second is, having achieved this very trusting relationship, instilling in the head of the department the idea that she is such a genius, but underestimated. You need to use your official position to the fullest, earning stupid money - that was the main idea. In short, there is a tendency towards sliding-roll-bath-laundry schemes. Next (a sophisticated move!) she found a partner who worked according to a kickback scheme (but did not know how to actually work), and made friends with the head of the department. This partner is contracted to host an event that is very important for the company. The event almost fails (due to the unprofessionalism of the comrades), the general director, of course, is furious. The person responsible for the near-failure is, naturally, the head of the department. And here is the apotheosis - the comrades from the bath and laundry department, during a showdown with the general manager, “split”, naming the amount that they should have paid to the head of the department in cash for a tasty contract. Result: the boss is fired with a scandal, naturally, recalling to him all the statements that are displeasing to the management, self-interest and unprofessionalism, and that same subordinate is installed in the vacant position.”

    Sabotage work

    Imagine the picture - employees began to work worse. And it seems like the work is going on, but the result is not the same or there is none at all. Who is guilty? Of course, boss! After all, it is he who cannot clearly set the task, set up a team and achieve results.

    “I once had the opportunity to observe how employees got rid of a boss they didn’t like,” says Irina L. “A new boss from outside came to a small department of three young ladies. He was a young man of pleasant appearance and, apparently, with suitable experience - they hired him. Why he didn’t look good on the young ladies, I still don’t understand. They didn’t set their sights on his place, but decided to survive. They simply ignored him, did not carry out his tasks, trying in every possible way to show that he did not belong at court. In general, this boss did not survive the probationary period.”

    It is worth noting that this method cannot be carried out alone; you will need faithful companions. This means that you will have to become an informal leader of the team and turn your colleagues against the leader (read about how to gain the trust of your colleagues in). This also takes time.

    How to achieve the desired result? Blame your boss for all troubles and troubles. Let not a single mistake of his go unnoticed, and let not one of his achievements be belittled. Start rumors and talk about unprofessionalism. Communicate with senior management over your boss's head; sooner or later they will come to the conclusion that he is incompetent.

    Write an anonymous note

    If you are not inclined to weave intrigues, but have no strength left to endure, write an anonymous letter - to your boss’s boss or to the head office. Tell the whole truth about your boss. Of course, if you have something to tell.

    “At the dawn of my foggy youth, as a student, I worked as a salesperson in a store of the Rive Gauche chain, not in Moscow,” recalls Anastasia S. “There, the store director and senior salesman stole goods for subsequent resale, and subsequently the shortages were distributed among all employees, deducted from an already small salary. At first we tried to resolve the issue with the local leadership, but they never took any action. Then, two weeks after my dismissal, I decided to write an anonymous letter to the head office in St. Petersburg. A big scandal broke out, both the store director and his “colleague” were fired. Perhaps my action will seem ugly to someone, but I am not at all ashamed of it. Some girls still work in the same store and say “thank you” to me for my courage - after the director’s dismissal, a significant part of the sellers’ small salary remains with them.”

    Engage in a fair fight

    Often, bosses themselves provoke their subordinates. And no matter how exciting the stories may look when the boss is eliminated, thanks to subtle calculations and intrigues, honesty still remains a powerful weapon for subordinates.

    “The boss tried to assign his mistress to my department, but I was categorically against it,” says Anna G. “After my refusal, he began to put pressure on me. At one of the meetings he tried to force me to resign, saying that I was a bad specialist, that he did not see the results of my work, that I was this and that... I worked in one of the divisions of a large holding company with a complex subordination structure. This boss was not my immediate supervisor, but he was in charge of the department in which I worked. Then at the meeting I asked him to express his complaints in writing, copying my immediate supervisors. He didn’t write any letter, but he constantly tried to provoke me into a scandal. It was very difficult for me to endure all this, so I myself wrote a letter to my bosses with a copy to this person, in which I showed the results of my work for the year, said that the general director of the division made complaints to me and offered to resign, and also asked them to resolve this issue. In the postscript, I indicated that I believe the cause of the conflict is personal, not work relationships. They called him in, talked to him, asked him to make a public apology to me, but he never did. Then he was transferred to another unit, lower in status, and a month later he quit. I can assume that he was already a candidate for relegation, and this story was only the last straw. But I believed in justice. Although for a week, until the conflict was settled, my heart was playing tricks.”

    Work is not always calm and balanced, especially when you come across an evil boss from whom no one is safe. You can’t help but wonder if there is a conspiracy that will solve such a problem.

    Bosses are not always polite and courteous

    The need for ritual

    A spell on your boss, chosen correctly, can help you go to work with pleasure. The specificity of the exercise is that you need to read such a text either at work or before leaving home.

    The following conspiracies exist:

    1. from the authorities;
    2. so that the boss does not find fault;
    3. to value and judge fairly.

    Such conspiracies will help those who do not want to allow unnecessary rudeness and arrogant treatment towards them. There are several most common techniques for solving problems with your superiors.

    1. To endure the tyrant's outbursts of anger for a long time.
    2. Sign your resignation letter and say goodbye to your hated place of work forever.
    3. Try to talk with management, if the boss is able to agree to such a conversation.

    If all this does not help win the favor of your superiors, there remains the last and most powerful way - a conspiracy that will help get rid of the root of the problem.

    A tyrant boss can make you want to quit your job.

    Existing conspiracies

    Prayers and conspiracies to treat a certain person well and show at least minimal respect are different:

    1. conspiracies against an evil boss;
    2. installing protection from the manager’s shouts and nagging;
    3. spells that will protect against harassment from a boss using the position of a manager;
    4. who feeds on the energy of subordinates in order to gain new strength;
    5. prayers that allow you to receive mercy and favor from a leader.

    It's important not to overdo it here. Many sorcerers and traditional healers offer to punish cattle, a bad boss, or a serious illness. When making such a decision, you should remember that this can cause harm, instead of quickly eliminating the problem: your wishes will turn on you, and it is almost impossible to cancel them. It is better to go a different way, use kinder rituals. Among them you can find great ways to help protect yourself from tyrants.

    So that the bosses don’t find fault

    It is easy to neutralize the attacks of your superiors with the help of conspiracies. The convenient thing is that these are methods that help to pacify the boss or boss and do not cause any suspicion or negative consequences. The conspiracy from the boss can be read either at home or at work, as required by the ritual, so that

    A conspiracy so that the boss loves and respects is carried out like this: you need to take a small saucer and salt (this should be done by pouring salt on the saucer and saying the right words,

    “Guardian Angel and Deliverer, help me dispel my bad thoughts. Help the servant of God (name) open his blind eyes, let him forget the insults. Protect me from him. Amen".

    The resulting charmed salt must be brought to work, quietly and unnoticeably scattered in front of the service entrance, which everyone uses. This must be done in the room where you are sitting or on the threshold of the office where the boss is.

    Poppy ritual

    If a manager has people he has been picking on for years, this is not good. If he finds a poppy seed in his pocket, the employee, driven by the fact that his boss constantly scolded him, decides to perform prayers

    “I’m talking poppy so that the boss (name) doesn’t scold. I want a quiet and calm atmosphere in the workplace. As soon as a poppy seed dries up, I will breathe with ease.”

    The person who has found this in himself should think about it and show meekness towards his subordinates so that he does not have to deal with the consequences of a bad character.

    From the manager's rudeness

    To protect yourself from boorish attacks from your superiors, there are special conspiracies. You don't need your boss to like you. It will allow you to quickly solve the problem of impolite treatment.

    In order for the boss to call and apologize, you need to knock on any massive tree and say the right words:

    “This barrel stands strong, so the lock put on the boss’s mouth will be just as strong. (say the boss’s name).”

    This will allow you to gain favor from the manager and force him not to be rude to you.

    You should choose a large tree for the ceremony

    Career advancement

    If you work in a company with a complex hierarchy, and a person’s career advancement may be hampered by a middle manager who is trying with all his might to win the love of the top management, so he takes it out on those below him at work. He is capable of rotting someone on the team so much that people will think about removing him from his position.

    Take a photo of the person the conspiracy is aimed at, you don’t want to see him at work anymore. Color the image completely with a red felt-tip pen and say the following words:

    “Go to another place, find a job there, don’t even think about this one. Amen".

    Before leaving, the person will understand that it is impossible to behave this way and will draw conclusions.

    There are also more complex rituals for which you will have to pay money. These are no longer simple conspiracies, but serious rituals, they pose a terrible threat, they cannot be canceled, they are carried out by black magicians. It’s better to read an excellent prayer for pacification, which will allow you to make the tyrant calm down and devote himself to work. You need to read every morning before leaving home. We can say that this is a kind of amulet that will guard your peace of mind. It is necessary to turn to the Son of God, ask him to pacify the anger of the boss - let him calm down and not show anger. Words must come from a pure heart.

    Love spell on boss

    The most desperate women even go to the lengths of winning their boss’s love. At home, when no one will disturb you, take:

    1. men's handkerchief;
    2. rose essential oil.

    Place the handkerchief on the table, place a candle on it, and before doing this, rub it with oil. Look at her for 10 minutes, tell her that you attract your boss and are ready to spend your whole life with him.

    Speech before leaving for work

    This plot must be read before going to work in order to please your boss. You need to wash yourself thoroughly using milk, which was spoken in the following text:

    “Language is given to man for his benefit, I just want to forget all the bad things. I speak favorably to our boss (name). I don’t need forgiveness, stop throwing dirt on me.”

    When you come to work, you will notice how all the employees have become more favorable towards you.

    A simple conspiracy against the boss

    From an evil manager at work

    Special conspiracies aimed at ensuring that the boss not only pays on time, but also does not pester him with nagging, are popular.

    Before crossing the threshold of the boss’s office, you need to repeat the words 3 times aimed at pacifying the authorities:

    “Lord, remember King David and his meekness. He was humble, meek, merciful. And may I have the same boss (name).”

    For a good attitude on the dough

    A conspiracy using a test is carried out so that the boss treats him well. You need to knead it in the evening and, while the work is being done, you need to say 40 times:

    “I bow to the Dark Power, let this power pacify the boyar’s dog, so that he becomes meek and stupid (here say the name of the boss).”

    After this, you need to bake dough figures in the shape of a calf, and treat them to your boss. After the manager tries this dough, he will stop getting angry over trifles. Works on any leader; this is a good way to get your boss to get behind you.

    You should bake calf figures from the dough

    Effect on sugar

    You need to say the words:

    “Let honey (sugar), which brings sweetness to everyone, pacify our boss, and may I be pleasing to him.”

    Keep in mind that the ritual must be carried out in full or If this time falls on Epiphany or Christmas Eve, the ritual will have double power.


    There are many conspiracies to make your superiors love you and treat you with respect. Magic texts can help and remove a manager, that is, make him fired. Follow the advice of experts and you can achieve a supportive atmosphere in your workplace.

    • Conspiracy against the boss
    • Conspiracy for the favor of the boss and superiors
    • Magic - Low Moon
    • How can you frame your boss?
    • Five conspiracies that help against boss’s nagging
    • What to do if your boss is nagging?

    What to do so that the boss quits in the event of which any employee can be dismissed from the enterprise or organization, regardless of his position and length of service: layoff of an employee during reorganizational staffing changes, such as job reduction or liquidation of the organization; the employee’s inadequacy for the position he or she occupies; failure by the employee to fulfill his duties, elevated to the system; absenteeism; reinstatement on legal grounds of the employee who performed this work previously; committing theft at the place of duty; appearing at work while intoxicated.

    Post navigation

    Powerful ritual A powerful ritual for dismissing a boss involves preliminary preparation. It consists of the following actions:

    • You need to find an intersection where paths intersect (for example, in a park or square);
    • From the center of the intersection you should collect three handfuls of earth.

    After this, say the following magic words: “Holy Mother Earth, I am not collecting land for myself, but for justice.”

    When you come home after sunset, you need to lay a piece of black fabric on the windowsill and pour earth onto it. On it, using a ritual knife or simply with your finger, draw three inverted crosses.

    If you need a person to be fired from work - strong conspiracies from our ancestors

    How to fire your boss

    Torment him, scare him, force him to make a decision that is beneficial to me. Live from this and this world. Don’t feel sorry for him day and night until he goes to write a statement.


    My word is strong." Poppy seeds and salt There is a solution to how to make a person quit his job - a salt spell. Take a package of salt and poppy seeds, select three handfuls of each substance, place in a bowl.

    Mix everything with a knife, oriented counterclockwise. After this, you need to bend over the container and cast the spell seven times.

    The ritual takes place during a debilitated moon - this is an important point. The charmed mixture must be dragged into your opponent’s office and scattered in the four corners. Throw grains on the threshold, in desk drawers, on bookshelves. The remains of the mixture are scattered on the opposite side of the office.

    How to remove your boss from your position

    Remember that black magic is fraught with various bad consequences. Visit temples, periodically atone for sins. How I got rid of herpes using lipstick Hello everyone! Previously, I suffered from herpes for 6 years.

    I had rashes every month. From experience in dealing with the disease, I can say the following. Acyclovir-containing drugs initially help quite well, but then the effect of treatment disappears.
    She was observed at a herpetic treatment center, but the treatment turned out to be ineffective. A lot of money was spent and all to no avail. Having learned about lipstick for herpes, I was skeptical, but still ordered it.
    Used it for a week. I felt the first result after 4 days.

    Conspiracy against the boss

    Don't let the manager cross the boundaries Most employees so that their bosses love them. At the same time, keeping in mind a good attitude and material incentives.


    However, the proportion of female employees, such a formulation can often mean an ambiguous interest on the part of the manager. Of course, there is nothing wrong with this if the feelings and desire to be together are mutual.

    But what do you do when a potential relationship with your boss doesn't excite you? Quit or step over your “I”? You can stop harassment with the help of a special ritual. To implement this, you need to purchase a lock. The conspiracy is carried out at dawn, facing the sunrise.

    The castle must be open, and the following words are read on it: “As the red sun rises across the vault of heaven, so I, the slave (name), run away from the homewrecker (name) and take refuge in the vault of heaven. Amen".

    Rituals and conspiracies to fire a person from work

    Method No. 5, magic and conspiracies There are also other ways to get rid of your bosses. Some resourceful employees turn to fortune tellers, make conspiracies about the bad work of their superiors, and ask magical powers to remove him from a leadership position.

    Indeed, many tenth generation magicians are ready to take a considerable amount of money for performing rituals, but they cannot guarantee the unhindered departure of their boss. It is better to act on your own and not rely on someone else.



    1. Write the name of the enemy employee seven times on a piece of paper.
    2. Draw the phrase “go away” in a cross pattern (also 7 times).
    3. Place a handful of dried nettles on a leaf.
    4. Make a bundle and fasten it with woolen thread.
    5. Place the package in a jar and fill it with vinegar.
    6. Screw the lid on the jar and place a black candle on top.
    7. Say the spell several times (the candle should burn out completely).

    Text of the spell: “Blow, my candle, drive away evil people from me, drive my enemy away. Let him bypass my life. Let him leave this place forever and never return. Amen". We fire you based on a photograph. This ritual, like the previous ones, belongs to the sphere of black magic. Therefore, get down to business when the usual means of struggle have been exhausted.

    Advice! If you are caught with a “tough nut to crack”, you cannot retreat; you just need to distribute minor offenses among the employees of the department so that each employee has only one disciplinary sanction, otherwise they will be fired even before defeating their superiors. Method number 2, espionage and blackmail The second method requires maximum patience.

    You must first gain the trust of the new head of department or director of the company. During this period, you can collect incriminating evidence, for example, unflattering statements about the employer’s work, minor violations of business management, or evidence of superiors’ involvement in embezzlement in the organization.

    You should collect as much information as possible about the misconduct, prepare evidence of it, and then show the materials to the employer. You can act anonymously. Then, upon further inspection, the person will be fired under an article, for example, for disclosing a trade secret.