Throw salt so that he doesn’t come. Spells carried out using table salt

  • 19.12.2023

Salt has always been considered a magical, cleansing and protective product. Previously, it was used as a talisman. They say that evil people who can cast the evil eye and send damage cannot tolerate salt. That is why our ancestors took a handful of salt with them on long journeys, and also used it in magical rituals.

How to cleanse and protect yourself with salt

Salt in the house comes from evil people. Previously, salt was always placed in an open salt shaker on the dining table. Guests coming to the house could not direct their negative energy to the owners of the house, since the salt extinguished all negative energy and warded off damage and the evil eye. Salt could also return dark energy back to the person who sent it.

Salt for cleansing negative energy. Using salt, you can determine what kind of energy reigns in your home. To do this, between 11 and 12 o'clock in the afternoon, take salt, pour it in a thin layer onto a metal frying pan and place on high heat. Sprinkle the salt in the pan for about an hour. If there is energetic dirt and negativity in the house, the salt will turn black or become covered with dark spots. If this happens, then sprinkle this salt in all corners and leave for a day. Salt will absorb all the negativity.

Salt to attract good luck, health and prosperity. Do not forget about the direct purpose of this product. When adding salt to food, always think about something good, or about your desire. Try not to cook or salt food in a bad mood - this can lead to bad consequences - from indigestion to personal failures.

Salt to protect against damage and the evil eye. If you want to protect your home from damage and the evil eye, pour a little salt under the threshold at the front door with the words: “Everything bad that comes will go into salt and into the ground.”

Salt as a remedy against insomnia and nightmares. Place water with three pinches of salt at the head of the bed. It is recommended to do this ritual three nights in a row.

Learn to see the unusual in ordinary things and use it to your advantage. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

14.01.2015 09:13

There are many types of damage, so it is not always possible to immediately recognize an energy strike. Evil eyes and damage...

On Maundy Thursday it is customary to prepare Thursday salt. It is believed to have healing powers and protective properties. Where...

Signs about salt have become widespread, since in the old days salt was considered a valuable product. Salt was used carefully not only in cooking, but also for various magical purposes. A sign foreshadowing a quarrel or other negative events was associated with scattering salt. In love and protective magic, salt was used to cleanse from negativity and repel energy attacks. Many of these beliefs and rituals still apply today.

Why salt became associated with quarrels

The thrifty housewife (owner) tried not to spill the salt, because they believed this was a sure sign of an impending quarrel. As soon as the valuable “salty powder” was scattered, relatives and close people temporarily became strangers. Simple household rituals aimed at neutralizing the negative consequences of omens helped correct this situation.

If you spilled salt - no problem, neutralize the omen with positive emotions!

Has the salt spilled? You could draw a cross with the little finger of your right hand. And just to be sure, take a pinch of spilled salt and throw it over your left shoulder with a laugh. Another option is to spit three times over your left shoulder - there, according to the beliefs of our ancestors, the tempting spirit was located. It is very important that these actions are accompanied by positive emotions, that is, you really need to laugh sincerely. To do this, it would be good to remember a funny incident from your own life or any pleasant event for you.

Since salt is capable of “recording” information, like water, this product can become a cleansing agent. You can read any positive program in salt. Salt will certainly realize it.

The flow of positive energy from within formed a protective energy layer around the person. And the energy of the sign no longer had any effect on him, despite the powerful energy supply from the outside. It was considered the worst omen to sprinkle salt over a fire. In this case, traditional household rituals were not enough. The power of fire required more human intervention, since salt spilled into the fire was considered an unambiguous sign of impending trials.

If this happened, you had to immediately cross the index and middle fingers of your right hand (middle finger on top), blow on them, and whisper three times: “Salt goes into the fire, and I am under angelic protection.” In a modern interpretation, the ritual looks like this: for three days in a row, read a protective prayer or mantra, depending on the cultural tradition and religion, as well as the traditions accepted in your own family. So it is possible, predicted by a sign, or, if you cannot avoid the event, pass the test with honor and minimal losses.

Too salty - fall in love?

There are special signs associated with the kitchen, where salt is actually kept, both positive and negative. The latter is associated with the same risk of spilling salt. For example, at the dinner table, one of the family members or guests passes a salt shaker. One careless movement is enough for the salt to spill out. Each time you performed this action, that is, holding out your hand with a salt shaker, you had to smile from your heart at the person to whom you were passing the salt. It is believed that in this case, even if the salt is spilled, the negative sign will initially be extinguished by positive emotions and a quarrel will not happen.

Placing a salt shaker first on a dinner or holiday table was considered a good omen. So, it was possible to attract wealth to the house. But it was not recommended to leave the salt shaker open at the end of the meal. It was believed that an unclean spirit could leave its mark there.

But most often, kitchen signs about salt are associated with romantic themes. The most common: oversalting a dish means falling in love. The person preparing the dish is focused on the object of his love and unconsciously strives to express the fullness of emotions, and since salt absorbs information just as well as water, the dish is filled with salt, just like the cook’s heart with love.

The sign says: the ardor of love makes you salt your food more.

But if a person is inclined to under-salt his food, it was believed that he only loves himself. However, in the modern world, this sign can no longer be interpreted so one-sidedly, since many, taking care of their own health, reduce the amount of salt in their diet as prescribed by a doctor.

Nevertheless, there is still an occult component in the sign about the relationship between salt and love. The fact is that there is a series of rituals in love magic that require the use of salt. When pronouncing a special spell, you had to add a little charmed salt to the food of the object of your love. In some cultural traditions, the following ritual was practiced during wedding celebrations: the bride had to independently salt the food prepared for the parents of her future spouse.

Adding a little more salt than required was considered a sign of special respect. This is how the bride tried to show: I don’t skimp on caring for you and your son.

How to diagnose the presence of negativity in the house

Salt, due to its ability to store information, can be used to diagnose the room in which you live for the presence of negative energy there. One such method is as follows: after sunset, pour four pinches of ordinary rock table salt into a frying pan. The pan must be clean and there should be no traces of fat on its surface.

Before using salt for occult purposes, be sure to heat it in a frying pan.

Place the frying pan with salt on moderate heat and heat the salt well. If the color of the salt has not changed at all, there are no serious negative programs, for example, caused by a curse, in your home. It is a bad sign if the salt noticeably changes color during the calcination process, especially if the salt has darkened. In this case, the room needs to be cleaned and, ideally, a good specialist should be invited for energy cleaning.

In ancient times, salt was used, among other things, to protect small children. A bag of salt enchanted with a protective spell was placed in the cradle. This is how children were protected from the “evil eye.”

By the way, you can also test the guests who have crossed the threshold of your home for their true attitude towards you and your family using salt. Prepare any dish, even the simplest one, that contains bread and salt. This can be either a sandwich consisting of bread, any cut, greens (you need to pour just a little salt inside), or a salad, for example, a warm salad, one of the ingredients of which is croutons. Before serving the dish, rub your palms well and imagine an energy ball between them. Mentally direct it into food and give the instruction: “Open the truth to me, open your hearts to me.”

This ritual is based on the beliefs of our ancestors, who greeted guests with “bread and salt.” It was believed that guests who had tasted the treat could no longer be enemies. Your guests, if consciously or unconsciously, had certain negative emotions towards you (envy, dissatisfaction, doubts about your good attitude towards them), then the salt in the food will “extinguish” them and even help.

But if the guest carries some more serious negative, for example, the energy of anger, then as soon as he tastes your dish, he will show his true face, or he will no longer be able to cross the threshold of your home. Of course, this does not mean that all guests who come to your house, including relatives and friends, need to be “tested” like this. In a certain situation with a specific person, you will simply feel “something is wrong” inside your own heart. Perhaps then it makes sense to carry out such a ritual.

Why is the “salt” debt not repaid?

Salt is widely used in magic, and therefore a special omen is associated with salt. For example, if someone asks you to borrow salt and there is no way to refuse, you can give it, but not from hand to hand, but by placing a pack of salt on any surface. And when another person takes it, mentally cut it off from yourself and give yourself the attitude that you are breaking the energetic connection with the salt.

After the person who asked leaves your home, turning his face to the east, recite the spell three times: “What I give, I don’t ask for back. What’s mine stays with me, take yours with you. Let it be so". You are no longer connected with this salt. And remind the person who asked that the “salt debt” is not returned. Do not take the salt back under any circumstances. The fact is that salt can be used to read a negative program, which you, along with the debt returned to you, will voluntarily accept into your home and family.

Salt, supported by fire energy, will cleanse negative energy

If you cannot shake the feeling that the salt was borrowed from you with bad intentions, in addition to the above-described ritual, you can perform one more additional one. Light a wax candle. On a saucer (preferably one that you use only for occult purposes and not as a kitchen utensil), place three pinches of salt. Move the candle flame clockwise over the salt, read the same plot 12 times, after that, mentally imagine yourself in an energy cocoon, and another person who borrowed salt from you, in the same energy cocoon.

The person who borrowed salt from you could even unknowingly put a negative program into it if he was emotionally experiencing some situation that was unpleasant for him. By giving the salt, he could pass on some of his own troubles to you.

When the wax begins to drip onto the salt, imagine the negativity that may have been brought into your home, burning in the candle flame and dripping with wax onto the salt crystals. You will feel when the ritual needs to be completed. Leave the candle, let it burn to the end, under no circumstances do not extinguish the flame with your fingers or blow it out. As soon as the candle goes out, carefully pour the salt into a previously prepared sheet of paper and take it out of the house. Ideally, this salt should be scattered at the intersection of two roads. But in a densely populated city this will be difficult to do.

If the intersection option is not feasible, walk at least three intersections from your house, that is, three blocks, throw the package of salt in the trash can or trash can, and walk away without looking back. You don't need to talk to anyone or answer questions until you cross the threshold of your home. This is an important point in the ritual that must be performed. Of course, such a ritual does require a good reason to perform it. I repeat, you don’t need to suspect everyone and everything, even those who borrowed salt from you, of wanting to harm you. But caution should still be exercised. Just listen to your intuition.

The special power of Thursday salt

Thursday salt is considered the strongest energetically. That is, salt that was previously calcined and consecrated in the temple on Easter. This salt has powerful cleansing properties.

Thursday salt has special cleansing and protective powers.

In principle, it is good to always have such salt in your home. If one of the family members feels bad, a few grains of this salt are enough to remove the negativity. This means if you suspect the presence of negative influence from the outside, and this happens when medical studies do not show any pathologies, and the person continues to feel unwell.

Thursday salt will also be applicable to neutralize a negative program aimed at destroying family well-being.

If you see that quarrels in the house arise for no reason or no reason, you should scatter a pinch of this salt in every corner in all rooms. This must be done after sunset. And sweep away the salt and throw it away - before dawn the next day. This way you will “sweep” out of your home the negativity that has been causing discord in your family. You can simply clean the room in this way.

Thursday salt can be used to attract wealth into your home. Pour no more than a pinch of salt into your right palm, clench your hand loosely into a fist and whisper a spell for wealth: “My house is full of goodness, in my wallet there is always a coin ringing, in my box there is always a large bill crunching.” (Your name) lived (lived) and will live forever. Let it be so". Pour the charmed salt into your wallet. Let it lie there overnight. If your wallet is tight, you don’t have to empty it out of your pocket. If there are holes, sprinkle salt on the inside of the house threshold. The energy of wealth will flow into your home in a continuous stream and there will be no financial problems in the family.

So, salt has powerful energy and the ability to “remember” and reproduce information. Charge salt with positive energy programs and use it for the well-being of your family and others. Remember that any negativity directed outward will return to the sender like a boomerang, and therefore I would like to warn against experimenting with salt and reciting various conspiracies to destroy plans or take revenge. All this will come back to you a hundredfold. It’s not your job to punish someone, even deservedly so. Each of us punishes ourselves. In every sense, it is beneficial to sow only goodness around you, and salt can become a powerful tool for this.

It was not without reason that our ancestors spoke omens about salt. They knew that salt is not only the first assistant in the kitchen, but also in life it has many benefits.

It has long been a custom in Rus' to greet dear guests with a loaf of salt.

Because the combination of bread and salt played the role of a capacious symbol: bread represents wealth and prosperity, and salt protects from hostile forces and spells. Treating the guest with bread and salt established a friendly, trusting relationship between him and the host; refusing them was regarded as an offensive gesture... “Hospitable” people are still called hospitable hosts today. The phrase “bread and salt” also has its own magical meaning. The words “bread and salt” said during a meal drive away evil spirits.

When moving into a new house, first of all, an icon, bread and salt or a kneading bowl with dough was placed in the red corner. To appease an angry brownie, a crust of bread and salt was left on the table overnight, with the words “Master, father private lady, hostess lady, mother private, here I brought you bread and salt!”.

Signs about salt

We decided to turn to ancient sources and analyze the most famous signs about salt.

Why is spilling salt a bad omen?

If you spilled salt - no problem, neutralize the omen with positive emotions!

In ancient times, in Rus', to make food tastier, it was sprinkled with ash from burnt plants. In other countries, algae, sea water and even animal blood were used instead. At the beginning of the 5th millennium, people learned to extract salt and it became a very expensive product, currency, and jewelry.
Therefore, scattering precious white grains meant causing anger, dropping salt on purpose - showing extreme contempt.

What to do if you spilled salt

With the little finger of your right hand, draw a cross on the spilled salt. Or take a pinch of this salt and throw it over your left shoulder. If you have sugar on hand, sprinkle a pinch of sugar. You should only clean up spilled salt with a cloth or sponge, but under no circumstances with your bare palm. Swipe it onto a white plate and say: “Salt is not water, everything will go away without a trace.”

Sign of giving salt

Due to its high cost, salt was considered a very expensive gift. According to its magical properties, it was the main amulet that could ward off trouble from a person.

The sign of lending salt to neighbors

This superstition is associated not only with the price of salt, but also with its mystical meaning. By giving away salt from home, you seem to be giving up your wealth. It’s all about the crystalline structure of salt, which is capable of absorbing both positive and negative energy, and again in its ability to “take offense.” If you don’t value salt so much that you easily part with it, then you’ll end up in trouble.

Therefore, if you are still forced to lend salt, then do not pass it from hand to hand, but place the container with salt on any surface and say to yourself: “What I give away, I don’t ask for back. What’s mine stays with me, take yours with you. Let it be so". You are no longer connected with this salt. And tell the applicant that the “salt debt” does not need to be repaid. Do not take the salt back under any circumstances, because the salt can be used to read a negative program, which you and it will voluntarily accept into your home and family.

Sign about salt - too much salt means you've fallen in love

It also has its own mystical origin. A person in love, when preparing a dish, thinks about the object of his love. He is overwhelmed with his emotions. And since salt absorbs information very well, the food is ultimately saturated with salt, as is the cook’s soul with love. Another meaning of this sign is associated with the use of salt in some magical rituals to attract love.

If your husband's feelings have cooled

A woman in Rus' spoke about salt: “Just as people love that salt in food, so would a husband love his wife.” After this, the lady salted the dishes for her beloved with all her heart, almost to the point of over-salting.

If there are frequent quarrels in the house

Salt will help again. Pour five tablespoons of salt into a frying pan and place on heat. As soon as the salt begins to darken and shoot, whisper into it: “The dark salt took away the evil, scandals and tears were absorbed into itself”.
Whisper until the salt turns dark brown. Then collect it in a bag, take it out of the house, cross the road and scatter it at the intersection. When leaving, cross yourself three times and don’t look back.

To achieve debt repayment

We proceeded as follows. They took a piece of bread, added it so that there was more salt than the bread itself, and at sunset they placed this treat on the debtor’s doorstep with the injunction: Just as this bread is salty, all the food (name of the debtor) will also be salty. You won’t be able to drink water, you won’t forget about your debts, return everything you took from me. Until then, you won’t sleep at night, you won’t spend the day during the day, and so it will be according to my word. Amen.

If you have been jinxed, take a glass of water and throw in a pinch of salt. Then whisper into the water three times: Salt and water, dear sisters, salt the grief, take it to the sea. Take three sips and place the glass at your head before going to bed. In the morning, wash your face with this water over the sink (in the village, try to let the water from the glass flow into the pond).

Since salt is capable of “recording” information, like water, this product can become a cleansing agent. You can read any positive program in salt. Salt will certainly realize it.

The Science of Salt

Science has proven that salt has powerful energy and is capable of reading and reproducing information. Charge salt with positive energy programs and use it for the well-being of your family and others. Remember that any negativity directed outward will return to the sender like a boomerang, and therefore I would like to warn against experimenting with salt and reciting various conspiracies to destroy plans or take revenge. All this will come back to you a hundredfold. It’s not your job to punish someone, even deservedly so. Each of us punishes ourselves.

In every sense, it is beneficial to sow only goodness around you - salt can become a powerful tool for this.

Take note of the signs about salt - and help will come and protect yourself.

The evil eye and damage are quite common phenomena today. Even those who are skeptical about various magical rituals often feel their influence, often not understanding the reasons for their sudden failures. They suffer from unknown ailments, take medications and attribute their poor health to fatigue. Others, trying not to let negativity into their lives, take care of their protection from negativity.

Salt has long been considered a magical substance that can protect and cleanse. It is often used today as a talisman. It is believed that ill-wishers who are trying to cause damage are very afraid of salt. Therefore, protection with salt is a good way to protect yourself from negativity. It was not without reason that our ancestors, when setting off on a long journey, always took a handful of salt with them or used it in purification rituals.

The magical properties of salt

Salt helps well in restoring lost strength, as well as closing holes in the astral bodies. To protect oneself from the influence of evil forces, in particularly difficult situations a handful of salt is thrown over the shoulder. Very often it is used during magical rituals, the purpose of which is to remove damage or the evil eye. The most effective salt used for any witchcraft is Thursday salt. It is prepared on Maundy Thursday by calcining ordinary table salt until it turns black.

With the help of salt crystals, a ritual of cleansing spatial and human energy-field structures is performed. Often, with its help, a ritual of cleansing a person’s home or his biofield is carried out. Salt has long been revered in every home. In ancient times, its absence was considered a sign of poverty. To protect yourself and your home from bad energy, special conspiracies are often used. In addition, salt treatment has proven itself well, used in combination with other therapeutic measures in the fight against certain ailments.

Protecting your home with salt

For any person, his own home is a place where he feels protected from bad weather, any troubles, meetings with unpleasant people and negative emotions. However, the negative impact can penetrate here too. And this is not always facilitated by damage or magic spells. Common misunderstandings and quarrels between family members are often the cause of negative energy in the home. It is aggravated by envy and unkind thoughts of visitors and guests.

The ritual of cleansing your home with salt should be performed if necessary. To find out, you need to put a frying pan on the fire, heat it, and pour a small amount of salt on it, “fry” it there, stirring occasionally, for 7-15 minutes. If the atmosphere in the house is favorable, its color will not change (it may only turn slightly yellow). Cracking and dark-colored salt is a bad signal that requires urgent action.

For the ritual you will need Thursday salt, which must be scattered in all corners of the home and left overnight. At the same time, it is important to adhere to a simple rule - do not tell anyone about the upcoming ceremony. In the morning, the salt should be swept away with a slightly damp broom and thrown away from the house. The ritual is performed several times at intervals of two days. Usually, upon completion, the result becomes obvious.

Negative energy enters the house through the threshold. Therefore, salt is sprinkled on the threshold to protect the home in order to block the path for bad energy to enter the room. The easiest way is to pour an even strip of salt on this place. In this way, you can protect your home not only from the influence of bad thoughts of guests, but also from your own negativity. An effective way is to make the amulet yourself. It is a small canvas bag, inside of which you need to pour a little Thursday salt, sew it up and hang it at the top right of the front door. After a year, the bag should be replaced with a new one.

Salt - protection from negativity

Salt must be holy on Easter. This remedy is popularly considered very effective in the fight against evil spirits. Previously, it was given to the family of a newborn child. And when babies were baptized in church, a small amount of holy salt was sewn into the hem of their shirt in a bag. In homes where there was an as yet unbaptized child, holy salt was thrown directly onto the window - this was how the baby was protected from the influence of evil spirits.

The tradition of welcoming newlyweds with bread and salt is very old. It is believed that in order for the life of young spouses to be happy, they need to take only holy salt. To grow a good harvest, when planting garden crops, it is advisable to pour a little salt into the first hole. It is also added to the mortar when laying the stove. Thanks to this, the firewood burns in it for a very long time, warming the home with its warmth.

It is very important that the salt used to combat negativity is prepared on Maundy Thursday. To do this, after heating it well over high heat and waiting until it starts to “shoot”, the frying pan in which it was located must be removed from the heat and left to cool. After this, it must be sprinkled crosswise with holy water three times. For any type of damage, it can be taken orally in small portions. For example, if a child is exposed to the influence of negative energy. You can learn about other ways to protect children from the evil eye from the article on our website. We also recommend that you read the information on how you can independently get rid of this type of damage such as a love spell.

Salt prepared on February 15, the feast of the Presentation of the Lord, has the same power. However, if a person is sure that evil spirits have settled in his house, and he does not have Thursday or Sretensky salt, you can use ordinary coarse table salt. It needs to be poured into a frying pan, sprinkled with holy water and “fry” for half an hour. After this, taking a frying pan with hot salt in your hands, you need to go around the rooms in the house one by one. Usually this procedure forces the evil spirits to leave the premises.

Salt as protection against spoilage

If a person begins to notice that someone is trying to harm him through black magic, and he does not have talismans to protect him from it, he can make a special amulet himself - a bag of salt. It has long been used by representatives of most nations, because the ability of salt to effectively fight evil has been known for a very long time. To do this you need:

  • sew a small bag that would be convenient to always carry in your pocket or bag;
  • read the spell words on the salt: “Salt-salt, a guard against any grief, listen to me, protecting from damage. Protect and take you away from hatred and misfortune!”;
  • Fill the bag with the charmed salt.

In order for the amulet to protect against negative energy, you cannot tell anyone about it. After all, if an ill-wisher somehow finds out about its presence, steals and spoils this amulet, he will very easily carry out his witchcraft plans. The above plot can also be said about the salt in the salt shaker on the kitchen table. After this, she will be able to absorb the evil that penetrates the home. If the amulet suddenly deteriorates, for example, the bag breaks and the salt crumbles, there is no need to panic. This indicates that he took the blow of negative energy upon himself, diverting trouble from his owner. In such cases, you need to quickly replace it with a new one.

Often, if a person did not manage to protect himself from damage in time and became a victim of it, he cannot get rid of the negativity on his own. In such cases, you may need the help of a traditional healer who will help remove the damage in a short time. In such cases, it is important to contact a qualified specialist who has already helped people in similar situations more than once.

Attracting money and good luck to your home

There are several simple rules by following which you can attract not only good luck, but also financial well-being into your home:

  1. Under no circumstances should you lend salt or borrow it yourself. It is believed that in the first case, you can give away your luck, and in the second, you can acquire someone else’s energy, often negative.
  2. When dining with friends or acquaintances, you should not pass the salt shaker to another person, since in this way lack of money is attracted, and monetary luck, on the contrary, is repelled.
  3. For a long journey to be successful, you need to put a salt shaker on the table before leaving.
  4. The container for storing salt should be wooden. Thus, the magical protection of salt will be very strong and will help a person in cleansing him of negativity.
  5. To attract money into the house, it is advisable to leave a closed salt shaker on the kitchen table overnight. In addition to improving well-being, this will help cleanse the home of bad energy and protect its inhabitants from damage, the evil eye or curse. The contents of the salt shaker need to be changed once every three days. It is forbidden to eat it as it contains a lot of negativity.

Anyone can become a victim of black magic or the usual evil eye, regardless of age, gender, social status and the amount of money in their wallet. To prevent this from happening, you need to protect yourself and your home from the influence of negative energy in advance.

I bring to your attention powerful salt spells absolutely free.
Salt is rightfully considered the most reliable container of both evil and light energy.
You can cast a spell on ordinary table salt for trade, whisper a spell for a quarrel, or endow white crystals with the energy of love.
Before whispering incantations, you need to sew a small but dense bag into which the enchanted salt will be poured.

You can carry a bag of salt in your purse or pocket, away from prying eyes. The main thing is that it does not lose weight. Therefore, choose durable fabric carefully.

Salt conspiracy for trade

I charge the salt with a successful trade, a generous buyer, a rich one, not a poor one. Let trade continue every day, money accumulate, and buyers increase. Let it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!

After reading the plot multiple times, sew up a bag of salt and take it with you to your workplace. If you are a store seller, you can hide it under a rack, with the confidence that no one will find it.

Spell of salt for a quarrel

I pour, pour, quarrel, quarrel between the servant of God (you call a man’s name) and the servant of God (you call a woman’s name). Let them be close together, not charming. Let them swear, wanting to break up quickly. Salt in a bag and at your doorstep. Amen! Amen! Amen!

After whispering a plot for a quarrel, throw the bag to the apartment of those having mercy. The ideal solution would be to sew a barely noticeable bag, placing it under the rug.

Salt spell for money

Just as it is bad to eat without salt, it is so hard to live without money. I endow you, white powder, with monetary power and ask you to keep my request. Let there be more money and less poverty. Let it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!

You can put the enchanted bag of salt in the free compartment of your wallet so that it borders on banknotes.

Conspiracy of salt on enemies

I whisper, I whisper, I get things done. Now the enemy will not be able to annoy me, send damage, or break through the evil eye. I am not afraid of enemy intrigues, meanness, deceit and anger. Let it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!

Carry the pouch with you, charmed from enemies, by sewing it into a secret pocket of your jacket or putting it in a section of your purse.

Salt spell for love

Such a conspiracy is a rather weak love spell that works on the principle of self-hypnosis. Despite this, salt is often used to spell love, endowing it with powerful emotional energy. Try this too...

Just as bread and salt are together forever, so the servant of God (you name the name of your beloved man) will be with me. He won’t be able to eat, drink or sleep, and will grieve for me. I will charge the salt with love, I will bewitch the slave (again say the name of your loved one). Let it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!

Having said salt for love, put the bag in your handbag. If the love spell does not work soon, this means that your occult message was quite weak or that your beloved man rightfully belongs to someone else.

Surely you have a question brewing related to the question: is it possible to use one bag of salt for several needs at once?
This is completely acceptable.

Now you know that there are powerful salt spells that do not require anything other than your desperate faith.