Healing and magical mandalas. miraculous monads

  • 19.12.2023

Sometimes life closes doors because it's time to move. And that's a good thing, because we often don't start moving unless circumstances force us. When times get tough, remind yourself that no pain comes without a purpose. Move away from what hurts you, but never forget the lesson, which she teaches you. Just because you are struggling doesn't mean you are failing. Every great success requires a worthy struggle to be present. Good things take time.

  • “A person with a “self-abasement complex” always tries to stay in the shadows - it makes him feel calmer.

    He has long been convinced: whatever he does, it will definitely turn out badly, he is simply not able to meet the expectations of other people, he is not given the opportunity to achieve success, the best way not to irritate others is to get in their way as little as possible. His clothes and hairstyle seem to be asking: “Don’t pay attention to me. I’m just not worth it.” Portrait of a man with a “self-abasement complex”

  • This technique can be performed while sitting or lying down. It is especially useful to perform it before bed. Sleep is a state of peace and relaxation, during which self-healing and accumulation of energy - strength for the next day - occurs. During the day, people can accumulate both positive emotions and images and negative ones. For sleep to be an effective restoration of energy, the brain must be free of negative images and memories, and this is exactly what the “Chest” technique will help you with.

  • Many women cheat on their husbands because of their own low self-esteem. How to understand this? The fact is that women are creatures that are very emotionally dependent on others (in this regard, their psyche is approximately the same as that of children), they think about themselves the way others think and talk about them. If mom and dad praised the girl throughout her childhood, stroked her, and spoke kind words, she will grow up with good self-esteem, will love and respect herself, and will build the same harmonious relationships around herself.

  • Two women lived next door.

    One was very active and active - she was always busy with the housework, hovering around her children and husband, washing, cleaning, weeding the garden. And her neighbor, who also had a husband and two children, often walked along the street or rode on a garden swing in her yard under the apple trees.

    “How can you be such a lazy person!” the first one was indignant.

  • You hear what you want to hear, not what you are told.
    And in the opposite direction exactly the same. The opponent hears what he invents for himself, and not what you think you are saying.
    Now I’ll try to explain in human terms... There is such a thing in psychology as Interpretation. Everything you see, hear, feel, etc. around you passes through yourself and your experience.
    Not even that...

  • We often feel the need to react to difficult situations or people immediately, so we can make a lot of rash steps. Psychologists advise that instead, simply give yourself permission and time to wait and see what happens next. Analyzing past events and trying to place blame (including blaming yourself) is rarely a productive choice. Bad things and misunderstandings often happen through a series of events, like a domino effect. No one person is, as a rule, entirely to blame for the final result.

  • Harmonious relationships always begin with a harmonious woman. Not with manipulation skills, not with secret techniques on how to keep and marry, not with self-torture according to a textbook for future wives. No. Only a harmonious woman can build harmonious relationships. And period. No other way. When a woman feels good with herself, when she is not afraid of loneliness and can occupy herself in such a way that she is interested, when she has adequate self-esteem and self-esteem, when she knows herself, her needs, when she is peaceful and calm When she knows exactly what she wants, only then the relationship works out.

    In children, we run away from the meaninglessness of life and run away from children, looking for meaning on the side. How many people were born to mend a hole in their chest? To justify your own existence? In order to give life at least some kind of vector?

    “Baby, you were not born to live and create. You were born so that your mother would not be in pain.” And she's in pain. It still hurts her, because children are not meant to be crutches of someone's destiny. Even if it's a parent's.

    The concept of “love” arises from the illusion of separateness. The Spirit, the Absolute, is integral and united. In order to know itself, the Spirit polarizes within itself, but does not divide. The concepts of “male” and “female” appear. This attraction, formed due to the natural desire to become holistic, unified, is called love. In physical laws, this is expressed by gravity. Sometimes lovers can always be close, together and not realize this love.

  • Hello, I am the Wish Granter. There is such a thing in Heaven. Yes, yes, you understood everything correctly - I fulfill your wishes. No, I'm not an angel, I'm a performer. Well, the unit is like a meat grinder, for example. They put in a piece of meat and what comes out is minced meat. It’s the same for me - I laid down a desire - and the output is embodiment. I’ve been working with desires for a long time. Since it was created. And I don’t even remember when it started. Probably since the Beginning of Time.

  • Leave on time. Home, even if no one is waiting for you there, from an incendiary party, from guests without a “posh”, from inappropriate connections and bad habits. From depression and dark thoughts, from difficult memories, from relationships that have outlived their usefulness, from people who destroy you, or from the person next to you. Give him and yourself a chance to find someone (and maybe yourself) with whom it will be better, more comfortable, calmer in the form in which each of you needs. If you are not able to give this to each other for one reason or another, do not deprive each other of the attempt and hope of finding it in other relationships and in yourself.

  • Nobody wants to start with themselves. That's the problem with any relationship. We like to play Push-Pull and wait for other people to make the first move.

    I often hear this in different formulations:

    I will respect my mother when she stops bossing me around

    I will obey my husband when he starts taking care of me

    I will treat my mother-in-law well when she accepts me

  • From birth, the stars endow a person with abilities for certain activities and an inclination towards certain professions. Of course, not every one of us is born to succeed in the field of business and entrepreneurship, and not everyone is given the opportunity to earn millions from scratch. But even working in a company or enterprise, you can achieve some financial success. In any case, it will not be amiss to take into account astrological recommendations and advice.

  • The world around us does not degrade or become worse in itself. The world becomes worse for that particular person. In parallel with the line of life that a person complains about, there are lines that he left at one time and where everything is still fine. By expressing dissatisfaction, a person sets himself up for really worse lines. And if so, he is really drawn into these lines. When a person is born, he first accepts the world as it is. The child simply does not yet know whether it could be worse or better.

  • Maturity and complexity are when you know how to lick your wounds, powder your scars, or wear them proudly, like medals. And also your mistakes, which were either true mistakes, or true love, which is always right. But adulthood, maturity and complexity are when you know how to lick your wounds, powder your scars, or wear them proudly, like medals. And feel loneliness less often, and if you feel it, don’t be afraid of it.

  • I understand more and more that you can work on yourself in different ways, in completely different ways, and most importantly, endlessly, because there is no limit to development, as well as to methods. I’ll just write about what has recently become very important to me in this process, so as not to get too carried away. TWO WAYS, TWO CHOICES. I used to work on myself something like this: I was dissatisfied with myself, I didn’t like this, I didn’t like it, this isn’t like that, that’s not like that. And I constantly tried to change myself, i.e. to improve in every possible way, and it is advisable to make some kind of perfection out of myself - not in the sense of becoming ideal, but in order to satisfy myself, to present myself as something that I could accept and love.

  • For those who are moving along the path of developing themselves and the world around them.

    Those who study and understand the inner psychological nature of man and the world around him.

    For those who follow the path of awareness, the path of personal growth.

    At first, a person simply lives and experiences this external world. How it works, what controls it, and how to find your place in it. He collects facts, analyzes based on what he sees and hears about the world around him.

  • Even though we are all unique and each of us has our own balance of interests, there are basic expectations that men have and basic expectations that women have in relationships. These are not whims or fantasies, it is a vital necessity to obtain certain components.

    There are three things that a man vitally needs to receive from a woman, and accordingly, three important qualities necessary in a woman’s life in order for a man to flourish next to her.

    Why is it sometimes so difficult to love yourself? We all know that if we cannot do this, then no one else will even think of loving us.

    And indeed, if a person has given up on himself, it means that this attitude suits him quite well, and he does not aspire to more from those around him. But realizing the need for self-love is one thing, but how to translate thoughts into reality is another, much more complex question.

  • I want to immediately warn the reader that the information you read below can change your thinking, regardless of your desire. Therefore, I recommend that you be very careful and focused before further reading.

    What do you think about before going to bed? What thoughts are you spinning in your head?

    I'm willing to bet that you don't realize that your state in the morning depends on your thoughts before going to bed. What you think about before going to bed essentially determines your future, models your life tomorrow.

  • One day Stepanov had enough of everything. It got right to the liver - it was so bitter in my mouth. She looked around - there were nothing but troubles all around. My husband is always sitting in front of the TV, clicking the remote control, but you can’t ask for the sockets to be fixed, they’re just hanging on in snot. Mom does nothing but criticize: either the borscht is too salty, or the floors are poorly washed, or they pay little attention to her. My little son doesn’t want to study, he only has bad grades in his diary, and he lies at every turn, and you can’t tear yourself away from the computer. It’s not all sugar at work either: the range of responsibilities is ever wider, but the stream of money is getting narrower, and if you go blather, they’ll immediately say “if you don’t like it, quit.”

  • Most people in this world are family people. It doesn’t matter what lifestyle a person follows, what matters is his attitude towards it. Every woman, when getting married, subconsciously dreams that her husband will become the only and beloved for life. However, most married women know how difficult it is sometimes to carry this love throughout their lives while remaining happy and loved.

  • Positive thoughts and attitudes can change the world around you for the better. Thread by thread, pull happy moments, little pleasant joys into a ball. You will not notice that this ball will become large and weighty over time. Failures are given to a person to comprehend mistakes, wrong actions, to cleanse the soul of grievances and old traumas. It is after liberation that a person becomes cheerful and happy. And then they say: “It’s as if wings have grown behind your back, you want to fly high, high.”

  • In very ancient times, one king ordered his servants to place a huge stone on the road, which was not just huge! It weighed at least half a ton and was smooth on all sides. The servants wondered why the king needed this idea, which was of no use. But the king knew what he was doing. And when the servants, with incredible difficulty, rolled the stone onto the road, he hid nearby and began to watch. He was interested in only one question - whether someone would move the stone from the road.

  • I very often hear how women become strong against their will. When there is a husband, but for some reason he doesn’t need anything, he doesn’t want anything, he can’t do anything. And so on. And then the woman puts on a super-cloak and becomes a super-woman. She carries with her children, home, work and husband. But since the female body is not designed for such exhausting work, sooner or later she comes to a breakdown, illness and hatred. The hatred, of course, is directed at the husband. Who did not fulfill his duty. And of course, no woman is capable of experiencing happiness in this position.

  • Habits are like comfortable beds—easy to lie in and difficult to get out of! Wealth cannot be equated with happiness. But it is wealth that allows people to feel important, appreciated, respected and influential! And most importantly, wealth allows one to be free in what one does. Let's look at it from the other side! Let's try to identify ten habits that lead to poverty.

  • All physical life operates in accordance with the laws of nature. God has established Laws in the Universe that allow you to create exactly what you choose. These laws of the Universe cannot be broken or ignored. You cannot help but follow the Law, because this is how everything works. You can't get away from it; you can't act outside of it.

  • I realized for myself that a person can only have his own path, and following someone you can only live someone else’s life and not be yourself, but a repetition of other people’s thoughts. Of course, you can and should learn something from knowledgeable people, because It’s not in vain that they share their experience and wisdom, but you definitely need to try it on yourself and feel if it’s right for you.

  • Point of view. Gippenreiter Yu.B. About the causes of emotions. Hiding feelings of resentment and pain is often taught from childhood. You have probably heard more than once how a father instructs a boy: “Don’t cry, it’s better to learn to fight back!” Why do “painful” feelings arise? Psychologists give a very definite answer: the cause of pain, fear, and resentment is the dissatisfaction of needs.

  • One of the main reasons for a person’s total unhappiness is his reluctance and inability to move independently, to act from within, boldly moving towards those goals that are significant. Most of us, instead of DOING, prefer to WAIT, checking all sorts of pros and cons and preparing the ground for future actions, which, in the overwhelming majority of cases, are never destined to be realized. What is the reason for this stagnation? And what do we set ourselves as justification for an unreasonable stop?

  • This is the law by which your faith is put into practice. It reveals perhaps the most important of all success factors. This universal law, first recorded in writing around 3000 BC. e. states that a person is a living magnet, inevitably attracting people, circumstances, ideas and resources that are in harmony with his dominant thoughts. The law says: “Like attracts like.”

  • Factors that can quickly change your life.

    1. Clarity

    Clarity means you know exactly what you want. Clarity is 80% of luck and the most important factor of luck. All successful people are very clear about WHAT they want and what they need to DO to GET what they want.

  • A man is like a sprout of a tree: in what conditions he lives, that’s how the tree will grow. If favorable conditions are created for a young tree, then it will grow into a luxurious tree and will give everything it can to others. A tree can be strong, slender, beautiful, and can delight everyone around with its existence. So is a man, if a man is loved, appreciated, respected, he becomes successful, happy, strong, kind.

  • He became an artist simply because after school he had to go somewhere. He knew that work should bring pleasure, and he liked to draw - so a choice was made: he entered art school. By this time he already knew that the image of objects is called still life, nature - landscape, people - portrait, and many more what he knew about his chosen profession. Now he had to learn even more. “In order to improvise, you first need to learn how to play notes,” the impressive teacher, a famous artist, announced at the introductory lecture.

  • Every time the word “need” is heard in a conversation, when it comes to debt or obligations, it is worth asking the question “Who needs this?” Manipulators like to keep silent about the fact that they need what they want first of all.

    For example, the parent’s phrase “You need to find a job,” cleared of manipulation, will sound like this: “I need you to stop sitting on my neck and go to work.” In the meantime, the boy does not have to go to work, it sits comfortably on his neck.

  • Modern children are not familiar with the concept of “authority”. The authority of parents has long been destroyed. What can be done? I think these questions concern everyone who has children. Very often in relationships with children, we feel their affection and love, but do not see respect for ourselves. We all subconsciously understand the difference between love and respect, although it can be difficult to explain it in words. I would like to start with the fact that children are these are our mirrors, whether we want to admit it or not, but they are. And if our children treat us with disrespect, neglect and stop caring about us, it is only because we once treated them the same way.

    Images of mandalas can be found among different peoples in different cultures: on Chinese bronze mirrors, on the tambourines of Siberian shamans, in labyrinth diagrams, in architectural compositions. People believed that such drawings would protect, save and heal them. At first it seems that the mandala is just a beautiful picture.

    But later you realize that this is a whole art. Working with such a drawing, you learn to decipher it, and thanks to this, you better understand yourself and get rid of unnecessary thoughts. You become calmer, less nervous, and realize that life is unique with many possibilities.

    Mandalas for health and healing

    1. For disorders of the genitourinary system, draw circles and spirals on the health mandala. This is useful for lack of sexual activity. The spiral unwinds human energy centers and helps release stagnant processes in the body.
    2. For heart problems, draw a tree or waves. The image of a tree helps with general malaise, lack of vitality, and positive thoughts. The wave will be useful for hot-tempered people and hypertensive people. This is a kind of adjustment for smoothness and dimension. This is exactly what hypertensive patients, who by nature are prone to outbursts of emotions and increased demands on life, lack.
    3. If you have problems with the spine, the mandala should contain straight lines. The stronger and thicker they are, the better. To improve the health of the musculoskeletal system, light and moving symbols are preferred, for example, a bird, an arrow.
    4. A triangle with its apex up will have a beneficial effect on diseases of the blood and cardiovascular system, and is also useful for any movement within the body (improving metabolism, movement of lymph, blood, mood changes).
    5. The square is a symbol of clarity and structure. It will help if there are a lot of unfinished things in your life - it will turn chaos into system. The same applies to processes in the body: the square, as it were, secures it within itself, for example, it can moderate bleeding and stop indigestion.
    6. The flower is a female symbol and is effective for diseases of the female reproductive system and problems of the ENT organs.
    7. For ailments related to the brain and nervous activity, you need to use a star, since it is a symbol of the mind. It is also relevant for eye diseases, hearing and smell disorders.

    Colors in mandalas for health and well-being

    Choose the colors that are relevant to you. You should avoid black, dark brown, gray - the mandala should be bright, not depressing.

    Red has a beneficial effect on the genitals and awakens sexuality. Helps with heart diseases, blood diseases, colds. If you lack vital energy and activity, feel free to use this color in your healing mandala. It helps eliminate harmful substances and has a beneficial effect on the liver.

    But it is important not to overuse red, because it increases blood pressure, causes outbursts of anger, increases irritability and nervousness, and provokes fussiness.

    Orange color is necessary for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and adrenal glands; it has a good effect on any glands and lungs. It is associated with the release of harmful substances from the body, so problems with stool and skin diseases are also corrected with its help.

    Use orange to increase appetite, maintain hormonal balance, and improve mood. If you have depression, loss of interest in life, you are prone to fears, are sometimes irritable and often tired - orange will be your assistant. It is difficult for them to harm themselves, because it is not as active as, for example, red, and is not depressing, like blue and purple.

    The affected area of ​​yellow color is the digestive tract, skin, nervous system, eyes. This is partly a continuation of orange, only softer and richer. If orange helps to get rid of the old, then yellow helps to saturate with the new.

    It detoxifies, helps control weight, soothes the spleen, activates the lymphatic system and mucosal activity, and helps with bowel needs. Accelerates all thought processes, promotes rapid assimilation of information, relieves fatigue, and charges with optimism.

    Green is a good helper for problems with blood vessels and the nervous system. Reduces atmospheric pressure, promotes efficient metabolism, has strong regenerating properties, and relieves headaches. Favorable for people who have undergone surgery.

    Blue affects the stomach, muscles, blood circulation, and is conducive to rest, relaxation, and reflection. Excellent for hypertensive patients. If you currently have excellent health and a positive attitude, add the color blue to your healing mandala. If you want to lose weight, then blue is not your color.

    Blue color is responsible for the endocrine system and spine, sensory organs and has an analgesic effect. If you want to say goodbye to lower back pain, joint pain, bruise pain and reduce inflammation, get blue to work. It is also useful in healing burns and fever as it has a cooling effect. In addition, it perfectly calms and puts you in a creative mood.

    But people prone to melancholy and depression are not recommended to use it a lot.

    Purple color is suitable for strengthening the immune system, stimulating the activity of the spleen and preventing overeating. It has a calming effect and helps you accept and cope with difficult situations more easily. Since this color is formed by mixing red and blue, it contains the positive qualities of both colors simultaneously. It is considered a symbol of harmony, the unity of active and passive principles.

    Days of the week to create health mandalas

    When creating healing mandalas, it is good to take into account the days of the week that are favorable for the treatment of certain organs.

    Monday - suitable for restoring the gastrointestinal tract (absorption of food and information).

    Tuesday - if you have problems with the nervous system and brain (you may have had surgery, stroke, brain dysfunction).

    Wednesday is a great day for correcting the functioning of the lungs and bronchi and improving vision.

    Thursday - responsible for the liver, metabolism, sense of smell.

    Drawing mandalas on Friday can strengthen the kidneys and genitourinary system.

    Saturday is a suitable day for those who have problems with the spinal cord, gall bladder, spleen, and hearing.

    Sunday is the most suitable drawing day for heart patients.

    Drawing mandalas of health and happiness

    So, we have chosen the colors and patterns (shapes) that you will depict on the healing mandala. Now get comfortable and start creating. To begin with, remember that the mandala should be in the shape of a circle or a circle enclosed in a square, and be symmetrical.

    Draw a circle on a sheet of paper, place a dot in the center to indicate the center (this is the center of your soul, your personality). And from the center, sequentially fill the circle with those symbols that will help you in your recovery. It's good if the mandala is symmetrical. Well, if not, that’s also good, the main thing is that you feel that it is harmonious.

    An oversaturated mandala can create the opposite effect, which is not very good.

    Once you feel you have enough, you can stop making marks and start coloring. When you draw, think about how the applied symbols and colors have a beneficial effect on you, try to feel the organ that you want to heal, how positive energy from the mandala flows into it and envelops it with its healing effect.

    How to use health mandalas?

    Hang the finished drawing or place it in a visible place, preferably in your corner of privacy, for example, near the bed, on the dressing table. And every day, contemplate it for a few minutes, imagining how you are filled with health and get well.

    It happens when the owner doesn’t like the drawn mandala or it doesn’t turn out as expected. It's not critical. Sometimes we plan one thing, but the subconscious suggests something completely different. As a last resort, you can correct it or change it to another design over time.

    But it is better if at a certain period you work with only one mandala and for at least a month with each. After this period, you can create another one. It should be taken into account that the mandala is not a panacea for all ills and illnesses, but it really helps to sort out your thoughts and tune in. It does not replace the main treatment, but helps as a supplement.

    The health mandala is, first of all, working with the subconscious and our internal resources. But you can be sure that this is a powerful reserve on the path to recovery!

    Mandalas of Light are the original development of the German scientist Ursula Irrgang, who experimentally, using a special computer program, obtained images for the treatment of many diseases (psoriasis, diabetes, urolithiasis and cardiovascular diseases, etc.).

    Contemplation or simply being near a healing image brings the left and right hemispheres of the brain into balance. Gradually, the light network of mandalas fills the entire body, exerting a cleansing and harmonizing effect on the body, soul and mind. In addition to the general healing effect, diseases that have not yet manifested themselves on the physical level (but information about them exists in the etheric body) disappear. Blocks and negative information stored in subtle bodies are removed, which can subsequently have a destructive effect on the physical body.

    Mandalas of Light can be used for:

    1. Healing from mental, emotional, physical ailments;
    2. Purification of space, water, medicines;
    3. Neutralization of the negative influence of electrical appliances, the environment, and energy fields.

    To charge the water, you just need to place it in a glass decanter for 5 minutes on the image published above (mandala of Light), and mentally turn to the mandala so that it transmits its vibrations into the water. You can then drink the charged water, cook food, etc.

    Conclusion: drawing mandalas for health and healing is a creative process, completely immerse yourself in creativity, plunge into it headlong, then in return you will receive a lot of positive emotions and solutions to various problems.

    Download mandalas for coloring

    Best regards, Olga.

    Mandala - meditation – practice of deep contemplation step by step


    If you decide to practice mandala meditation, here are some step-by-step tips for a deep effect.

    1. Choose a mandala. Your action begins with attention directed towards an object, so your meditation will begin as a kind of “object-oriented”.

    The symbol embedded in the mandala activates your internal energies and subtle structures, and directs your attention
    from the outside world to your inner space. The symbol can be light, flame, lotus, full moon, shining sun, twinkling star or just color - different images bring to different levels of consciousness. Colors, symbols, images of deities and sounds of mantras reveal direct and indirect connections with your subconscious. The best and simplest symbol is the bindu, that is, the dot - everything goes back to the dot. Bindu is the point
    in the form of a spark of light, the light of the Self, not “I” as an egoistic impulse, but Spirit or Consciousness.
    Mantra, mandala are universal symbols that belong to the universal human information field, and therefore evoke extremely deep responses in everyone,
    regardless of belonging to a particular culture.

    2. It is best to approach meditation through relaxation, which will allow you to restore strength in a short time. Take a few deep breaths. Exhale, imagining
    that you are breathing out the accumulated tension. Now it’s the body’s turn: tense one by one, then relax all the muscles of the body, from the forehead to the feet, as if a wave of tension and relaxation is rolling throughout the body. If you feel warmth spreading throughout your body, you are doing everything right. Pay special attention to your hands. Massage your hands, shake your hands slightly, move your attention in turn from the thumb to the little finger of both hands. Focusing on the sensations associated with the hand captures a much larger area of ​​the cerebral cortex than for any other part of the body, and accordingly, has a greater impact on the state of the brain and consciousness, and the body as a whole.
    During meditation, you can position your hands as if you were holding a glowing and pulsating sphere. During meditation - contemplation, breathe evenly, in a natural rhythm.

    3. Be sure to create a formula for your strong intention. The final result of your practice depends on how clear, clear, convincing and concise your inner intention is. Intention, penetrating into your subconscious, relaxes tensions
    and removes blocks. Here are some positive attitudes you can use:
    AND EASY... Choose one of the intentions in accordance with your goals and inclinations.
    Take your time. The wording you choose should not be fussily replaced by another.

    4. Unfocus your gaze. Feel the reality of the image, feel it, don’t analyze it,
    namely, feel the color, shape, structure, establish a connection with it and fixate
    in this position. Looking at objects out of focus will also allow your eyes to rest. If you wear glasses, this is not a hindrance; try both with and without glasses, choosing the most convenient method. Be prepared for the fact that various visual effects will begin to appear during contemplation. They are very individual.
    For example, this could be: the appearance of volume in the image; darkening the picture around the edges
    and bright clearing in the center (tunnel vision effect); one figure begins to prevail, as if blocking the others; play of colors, etc. You may also have a physical sensation of movement. The appearance of these effects indicates your
    transition to an altered state
    consciousness - and this is exactly the place where your amazing journey begins to the center of the Universe that bears your name.

    5. You begin to look at the center of the mandala. Focusing on the center of the mandala is closely related to the process of purifying the mind and body. This will bring you back to the center of your own Self, your own source of peace and balance. The process of focusing attention on the center of the mandala is a gradual detachment from all worries and fixations, the desire to focus your consciousness and keep it in a stable state.

    In the process of looking at the center of the mandala, you achieve to see the dimanic mandala as a whole by including peripheral vision. You don't move your eyes
    back and forth to look at it. On the contrary, you fix your gaze at one point - the center of the mandala and see it all as a whole.

    6. An untrained mind is constantly on the move. The more we try to calm him down, the more thoughts he sends to us, the louder he makes noise in his thoughts. But if you do nothing, nothing will change. Honestly speaking, sitting on a chair
    with your eyes closed and imagining in your mind pictures of sailing on the vast ocean or dissolving in the blue sky - this is exactly the idea of ​​meditation that many of you have -
    but this is not yet true meditation. Your task is to achieve a state where you don’t think about anything, but just sit and contemplate the movement - the pulsation of the mandala, first for 5 minutes
    per day, gradually increasing the meditation time. All the most valuable things for you begin the moment you manage to stop your habitual internal monologue, at least for a moment:
    at this moment reality opens up for you, a magical moment called “now” arises when you have a chance to enter the “gate of insight.”

    You, unlike others, have a colossal advantage: you have a powerful tool - a mandala - now your thought does not spread throughout the tree, but is collected in the center of a dynamic mandala.

    7. This practice is not intended for concentration. All you require is simply an alert state of mind that tracks the progress of consciousness from one point to another, experiencing each moment. If you begin to concentrate in this meditation, you will block the natural flow of consciousness and further immersion into the inner Self will stop. Observe the associations that appear in you, the images that are born - they can become “gates of insight”, keys to solving your difficult situations. From here you are able to enter a state where the usual flow of time does not exist, where the perception of space changes - a state in which there are no insoluble contradictions, when seemingly diametrically opposed points of view are combined and integrated, internal problems are resolved: both physiological,
    as well as psychological.

    8. When finishing the practice, make several circular movements with your eyes, as if absorbing the energy of the shining spheres and dissolving it in the body.

    9. After looking at the mandala for a few minutes, you can close your eyes.
    Peering into the space that will appear in front of you, try to see the mandala with your inner vision. You look at the mandala until it begins to disappear.
    The ability to visualize vividly and imaginatively is the most important trait of a brilliant person. It is characteristic that a similar trait is inherent in children who, unfortunately, over time,
    under the influence of upbringing and education, they lose it. Remember that the visualization process is an effortless process. During visualization, you need to relax as much as possible and allow the image itself to enter your consciousness and develop in it. Don't commit
    some special effort in designing the image. It will manifest itself naturally and spontaneously.

    10. At the end of the practice, repeat your intention formula again. Now this impulse of consciousness penetrates with lightning speed into the loosened soil of your subconscious
    and causes you, who sent this impulse, to change your position, behavior, to see a fresh decision, and, therefore, to change your destiny.

    Charged with female attractiveness
    Charged to attract money

    Charged for good luck in business

    Mandala - healing

    Removing negativity from the field

    Cleansing, spiritual healing, normalization of sleep

    Attracting love and interest of the opposite sex, increasing attractiveness

    Rejuvenation, life extension

    Charged to get rid of excess weight

    General healing

    Charged to improve vision
    Attention, watch no more than 3 minutes per day!!

    The picture is charged for the treatment of phobias

    Charged to improve memory

    Charged to cleanse the intestines and blood

    Charged to balance the Third Chakra

    Manipura is responsible for the emotional background. Balancing the Third Chakra will bring peace into your life.

    Charged with childish calm.

    Let the child look at the center of the picture, no more than 3 minutes a day

    Charged to heal thrush


    Charged to protect the house

    Healing and Transformation

    Harmony and luck

    To attract money

    Mandala for charging water

    Mandala for products

    This image is given for food storage and transformation. This mandala removes (destroys) toxins from foods and improves the structure of food.

    This mandala must be cut along the edge so that it has a round shape. The mandala should be located next to food: in the refrigerator or cupboard. The mandala must be positioned vertically and evenly so that the axis of the drawing is vertical.


    The energies of heat and cold will pass.
    The energies of space and time will pass.
    The energies of life and death will pass.
    Life, cold and light, no time and no space.

    Mandala the power of creativity

    “The mandala of creativity is filled with energy that stimulates the acuteness of perception of the world. This mandala will help schoolchildren and students, anyone who experiences the “pangs of creativity” and cannot catch an elusive thought. This mandala will help you tune in to the perception of new knowledge, its analysis and memorization.”

    Matrix of Absolute Faith

    The symbol is universal.
    A cone of light emanating from a single source eventually dissolves into the surrounding space. It can be assumed that at each level there are Temples of the Absolute Faith in their own color range (vibration) and, accordingly, with their own geometry (corresponding to this vibration).
    This is all.
    Quite simple.

    Unfortunately, disbelief gives rise to doubts that prevent new programs from taking their rightful place by law. The drawn symbol makes it possible to visually understand and accept the concept of Absolute Faith.
    The presented three-dimensional drawing makes it possible to see what this image consists of.
    The main thing is the cross, a symbol that represents the balance of all principles in man and the pyramid,
    which represents stability and inviolability.
    Bright blue dots (number 8) represent portals (or entry/exit points) of energies and vibrations,
    that come from the universe. The structure has mobility and volume, which indicates that these vibrations
    embrace everything. Along the perimeter is the number 28 or 10, which suggests that such an image is typical where the decimal number system is adopted. In planetary formations with other systems, this image will be different.

    Self-healing energy

    sacred Decree for activation of this “SI” - Energy:
    “Energy is born within me, energy comes from outside, energy penetrates my entire being, and every cell of my being is involved in the creation of a correct life. Energy passes through me, energy returns to where it should be, and I remain in Perfection. Amen".


    Command: “Heavenly fire warms the body and soul. Heavenly fire drives out sickness and infirmity. Heavenly fire heals and elevates. Amen".


    Decree: “Light and Energy are the basis of my being. Light and Energy are the essence of my being. Light carries information, Energy carries strength. Information and Power create Law and Order at the core of my being. Amen".


    The rainbow gives birth to harmony and strength.

    The rainbow gives birth to protection and strength.

    The rainbow leads to heights and depths.

    All the energies of the rainbow

    build vibrations of purity and freedom.

    This mandala is good to use for charging and purifying water.


    Command: “A stream of Light flows within me. Light evokes joy and lightness. Light takes away pain and suffering. Light bones will help me fly into infinity. Amen"


    Decree - “A stream of Light and Love flows through my entire being. Light and Love cleanse my vessels and ligaments. Light and Love create my body on all planes. Let it be so".

    Heaven's Healing Gift- (Salt of the earth).

    SILVER MANDALA it is an excellent antiseptic. Helps with wound healing, purification and structuring of water and much more.

    MANDALA OF GOLD neutralizes negative electromagnetic fields emitted by household appliances, televisions, monitors, and mobile phones.

    Mandala what is it? Pictures (mandalas) are also known as “ritual-symbolic diagram”.

    This is a proven method that allows you to solve many problems with human health and well-being. The color and shape of mandalas has a healing effect on both the physical and emotional state of a person. Therefore, they are often used as a healing agent in various religious practices. Mandalas provide assistance to both adults and children.

    How to work with Mandala? Select the desired picture and work with it daily (at any time) until you get the result. Having selected the desired mandala, click on it and proceed to view.

    Before you start working with the mandala, try not to be distracted by anyone. Relax while sitting and take a comfortable position. Take a few deep breaths in and out. Now begin to look at the mandala, slowly moving clockwise from the edges to the center. When you reach the center, stop your gaze, not focusing, but looking as if superficially. Focus on your feelings and how your inner world is changing. Continue looking at the mandala, becoming more and more immersed in your inner sensations.

    As soon as you feel tired or the sensations begin to decrease, stop watching. The time required to work with the mandala is individual for each person, from 10 minutes to several hours.