Bionic architecture in human life. Bionic style and its place in architecture and interior

  • 07.10.2023

The most perfect forms, both from the point of view of beauty and from the point of view of organization and functioning, were created by nature itself and developed in the process of evolution. For a long time, humanity has borrowed structures, elements, and constructions from nature to solve its technological problems. Currently, technogenic civilization is conquering ever larger territories from nature, rectangular shapes, steel, glass and concrete dominate around us, and we live in the so-called urban jungle.

And every year the human need for a natural, harmonious living environment filled with air, greenery, and natural elements becomes more and more tangible. Therefore, environmental issues are becoming increasingly relevant in urban planning and. In this article we will get acquainted with examples of bionics - an interesting modern trend in architecture and interior design.

Examples of bionics in architecture. Scientific and artistic approach

Bionics is a scientific direction first and foremost, and then a creative one. When applied to architecture, it means the use of principles and methods of organizing living organisms and the forms created by living organisms in the design and construction of buildings. The first architect working in the bionic style was A. Gaudi. His famous works are still admired by the world (Casa Batllo, Casa Mila, Sagrada Familia, Park Güell, etc.).

Casa Mila Antonio Gaudi in Barcelona
National Opera House in Beijing

Modern bionics is based on new methods using mathematical modeling and a wide range of software for calculations and 3D visualization. Its main task is to study the laws of formation of tissues of living organisms, their structure, physical properties, design features with the aim of translating this knowledge into architecture. Living systems are examples of structures that operate based on the principles of ensuring optimal reliability, forming optimal shape while saving energy and materials. It is these principles that form the basis of bionics. Famous examples of bionics are presented on the site.

Sydney Opera House
Swimming complex in Beijing

Here are some of the greatest bionics-based structures in the entire world:

  • Eiffel Tower in Paris (repeats the shape of the shin bone)
  • Swallow's Nest Stadium in Beijing (external metal structure follows the shape of a bird's nest)
  • Aqua skyscraper in Chicago (outwardly it resembles a stream of falling water, and the shape of the building also resembles the folded structure of calcareous deposits along the shores of the Great Lakes)
  • Residential building "Nautilus" or "Shell" in Naucalpan (its design is taken from a natural structure - a mollusk shell)
  • Sydney Opera House (imitates open lotus petals on the water)
  • Swimming complex in Beijing (the design of the facade consists of “water bubbles”, repeats the crystal lattice, it allows you to accumulate solar energy used for the needs of the building)
  • National Opera House in Beijing (imitates a drop of water)

Bionics also includes the creation of new materials for construction, the structure of which is suggested by the laws of nature. Today, there are already many examples of bionics, each of which is distinguished by the amazing strength of its structure. Thus, it is possible to obtain new additional opportunities for the construction of structures of various sizes.

Cloud Gate sculpture in Chicago
Examples of bionics in interior design

Features of interior design in the bionic style with examples

The bionic style has also come to interior design: both in residential premises and in premises of the service sector, social and cultural purposes. Examples of bionics can be seen in modern parks, libraries, shopping centers, restaurants, exhibition centers, etc. What is characteristic of this fashionable style? What are its features? As in the case of architecture, interior bionics uses natural forms in the organization of space, in the planning of premises, in the design of furniture and accessories, and in decor.

Designers draw their ideas from familiar structures of living nature:

  • Wax and honeycomb are the basis for creating unusual structures in the interior: walls and partitions, furniture elements, decor, elements of wall and ceiling panels, window openings, etc.
  • Spider web is an unusually light and economical mesh material. It is often used as a basis in the design of partitions, furniture and lighting design, and hammocks.
  • External or internal staircases can be made in the form of spiral or unusual structures created from combined natural materials that repeat smooth natural forms. In the design of stairs, bionic artists most often rely on plant forms.
  • Colored glass is also used in bionic examples to create interesting lighting.
  • In wooden houses, tree trunks can be used as load-bearing columns. In general, wood is one of the most common interior materials in the bionic style. Wool, leather, linen, bamboo, cotton, etc. are also used.
  • Mirror and glossy surfaces are taken from the surface of the water and harmoniously fit into it.
  • An excellent solution is to use perforation to reduce the weight of individual structures. Porous bone structures are often used to create interesting furniture while saving material, creating the illusion of airiness and lightness.

The lamps also mimic biological structures. Lamps that imitate a waterfall, luminous trees and flowers, clouds, celestial bodies, marine life, etc. look beautiful and original. Examples of bionics often use natural materials that are environmentally friendly. The characteristic features of this direction are smooth lines and natural colors. This is an attempt to create an atmosphere close to natural nature, without eliminating the conveniences that man has acquired with the development of technology. Electronics are integrated into the design in such a way that they are not noticeable.

The Aqua skyscraper in Chicago is an example of bionics in interior design at the Swallow's Nest Stadium in Beijing

Examples of bionics in the interior include aquariums, interesting unusual designs and unique shapes that, like in nature, are not repeated. We can say that in bionics there are no clear boundaries and zoning of space; some rooms smoothly “flow” into others. Natural elements will not necessarily apply to the entire interior. Currently, projects with individual elements of bionics are very common - furniture that follows the structure of the body, the structure of plants and other elements of living nature, organic inserts, decor made from natural materials.

It is worth noting that the key feature of bionics in architecture and interior design is the imitation of natural forms, taking into account scientific knowledge about them. Creating an environmentally safe living environment favorable to humans using new energy-efficient technologies can be an ideal direction for urban development. Therefore, bionics is a new rapidly developing direction, captivating the minds of architects and designers.

Architectural and construction bionics studies the laws of formation and structure formation of living tissues, analyzes the structural systems of living organisms on the principle of saving material, energy and ensuring reliability. Neurobionics studies the functioning of the brain and explores the mechanisms of memory. The sensory organs of animals and the internal mechanisms of reaction to the environment in both animals and plants are being intensively studied. A striking example of architectural and construction bionics is a complete analogy of the structure of cereal stems and modern high-rise buildings. The stems of cereal plants are able to withstand heavy loads without breaking under the weight of the inflorescence. If the wind bends them to the ground, they quickly restore their vertical position. What's the secret? It turns out that their structure is similar to the design of modern high-rise factory pipes - one of the latest achievements of engineering. Both structures are hollow inside. The sclerenchyma strands of the plant stem act as longitudinal reinforcement. The internodes (nodes?) of the stems are rings of rigidity. There are oval vertical voids along the walls of the stem. The pipe walls have the same design solution. The role of a spiral reinforcement placed at the outside of the pipe in the stem of cereal plants is played by a thin skin. However, the engineers came to their constructive solution on their own, without “looking” into nature. The identity of the structure was revealed later. In recent years, bionics has confirmed that most human inventions have already been “patented” by nature. Such 20th-century inventions as zippers and Velcro fasteners were made based on the structure of a bird's feather. Feather beards of various orders, equipped with hooks, provide reliable grip. Famous Spanish architects M. R. Cervera and J. Ploz, active adherents of bionics, began researching “dynamic structures” in 1985, and in 1991 they organized the “Society for Supporting Innovation in Architecture.” A group under their leadership, which included architects, engineers, designers, biologists and psychologists, developed the “Vertical Bionic Tower City” project. In 15 years, a tower city should appear in Shanghai (according to scientists, in 20 years the population of Shanghai could reach 30 million people). The tower city is designed for 100 thousand people, the project is based on the “principle of wood construction”.

The city tower will have the shape of a cypress tree with a height of 1228 m with a girth at the base of 133 by 100 m, and at the widest point 166 by 133 m. The tower will have 300 floors, and they will be located in 12 vertical blocks of 80 floors each (12 x 80 = 960; 960!=300). Between the blocks there are screed floors, which act as a supporting structure for each block level. Inside the blocks there are houses of different heights with vertical gardens. This elaborate design is similar to the structure of the branches and entire crown of the cypress tree. The tower will stand on a pile foundation according to the accordion principle, which is not buried, but develops in all directions as it gains height - similar to how the root system of a tree develops. Wind fluctuations on the upper floors are minimized: air easily passes through the tower structure. To cover the tower, a special plastic material will be used that imitates the porous surface of leather. If construction is successful, it is planned to build several more such building-cities.

In architectural and construction bionics, much attention is paid to new construction technologies. For example, in the field of development of efficient and waste-free construction technologies, a promising direction is the creation of layered structures. The idea is borrowed from deep-sea mollusks. Their durable shells, such as those of the widespread abalone, consist of alternating hard and soft plates. When a hard plate cracks, the deformation is absorbed by the soft layer and the crack does not go further. This technology can also be used to cover cars.


One of the scientific areas that took shape relatively recently, but has already become firmly established in everyday life, is bionics. Bionics? is an applied science about the use of various systems of properties and functions of natural objects in technical devices and principles of organization. With the help of bionics, humanity is trying to bring the achievements of nature into its own technical and social technologies.

Having reached a certain ceiling in the development of artificial mechanisms, people, for further forward movement, strive to borrow the principles and methods with the help of which living organisms are created and function.

The unofficial title of “father of bionics” belongs to Leonardo da Vinci. This great genius in the history of civilization was the first to try to use the experience of nature in the construction of man-made machines. From his drawings and notes it is clear that when developing his own aircraft, the main role he played was to reproduce the same mechanism by which birds flap their wings and create lift. These ideas of da Vinci were unclaimed until the last century, when, under the influence of the development of cybernetics, scientists paid close attention to the activities of the so-called “living systems” (that is, natural objects). Bionics finally took shape as a science in 1960 at a symposium of scientists in Daytona.

At the present stage, there are three directions in bionics: biological, which considers processes within biological systems; theoretical, which deals with the creation of mathematical (computer) models of these processes; and technical, which is responsible for using the created bionic models to bring them to life through the creation of engineering structures or machines. Architecture is located at the intersection of the theoretical and technical areas of bionics.

The pioneer of the use of bionic principles in the construction of buildings was the great Catalan architect of the late 19th century? beginning of the 20th century by Antonio Gaudi. It was Gaudi who was the first to not only introduce decorative elements of nature into architectural structures, but also gave the buildings the character of the environment. Professional architects, landscape designers and simply connoisseurs of beauty still never cease to admire Gaudi’s ingenious architectural solutions during the construction of Park Güell: just look at the unique colonnade, made in the style of antique porticos, which looks like fused tree trunks.

The bionic principles of architecture were adopted and developed by Rudolf Steiner in the early 1920s, after which the widespread use of bionics in the design of buildings and structures began.

Thanks to the development of scientific methods, the expansion of the knowledge base and the emergence of the possibility of detailed mathematical modeling, the architects of the past came to the conclusion that most of the architectural principles and laws that humanity had been struggling with through trial and error for thousands of years were under our very noses, in nature. Therefore, the main task of bionics in architecture is to search for optimal solutions to emerging architectural problems in natural biological systems. The laws of formation and structure formation of living tissues, structural systems of living organisms are being studied on the principle of saving material, energy and ensuring reliability. In addition, the study of living nature helps architects in creating new building materials that meet modern requirements and tasks.


The problem of ecology in architecture may become key in the next decade for all construction policy.

Set of principles of green architecture:

Energy saving.

Energy accumulation. Back in the 19th century, A. Gaudi, by installing light shafts in multi-storey buildings, introduced sunlight into apartments. In recent years, solar panels have been actively used to store energy.

Reducing the volume of new construction, using old materials, reconstructing existing facilities.

Contact with the customer, within which the optimal solution is born.

Respect for the place. Merging architecture with the natural environment (underground houses, green roofing, etc.).

Integrity. Interaction of all the above approaches.

According to the principles of "green" (organic) architecture, each form should be considered as an organism that develops in accordance with the law of its own existence, a special "order" in harmony with its functions and environment, like a plant or other living organisms.

The term “organic” is used primarily in three meanings. In the first case, “organic” means “following the nature of its purpose and materials” (tectonic). At the same time, purpose is understood not only as the practical, but also as the spiritual needs of people. The second and most characteristic meaning of the term “organic” means “subject to the conditions of the natural landscape,” i.e. climatic conditions of the environment and the totality of its aesthetic qualities. The third meaning of the concept is following natural forms as patterns (bionic). This interpretation of the term must be taken not as the use of biological metaphors and a naturalistic approach. The direct similarity of forms contradicts the obvious difference in functions. Neither plant nor biological forms can be used as models for copying. At the same time, one cannot exclude the aesthetic influence of natural forms on architecture: this is evidenced by modern practice. One of the main representatives of organic architecture, F. L. Wright, resolutely rejected architecture that could “move to any place.” According to the master, “... every building intended for a person must be an integral part of the landscape, its feature, related to the area and integral to it. We hope it stays where it is for a long time. After all, a house is not a van...” He constantly emphasized the need for connection with the earth: the earth already has a form. The connections between F. L. Wright's buildings and the landscape were also based on the use of natural materials. Therefore, he had great respect for historical experience. The art of architecture of the ancients, according to the architect, was based on the use of local materials in accordance with their properties. Moreover, in an organic building nothing is complete in itself, but is complete only as part of the whole. Thus, in essence, Wright rejected the classicist principle of organizing the whole from elements that were complete in their structure. He identified artificial forms with the human body, likening, for example, electrical wiring to the nervous system. However, in practice, Wright's architectural forms are subject to their own specific laws of shape formation, which have nothing to do with the world of biological forms.

Of course, one of the most significant representatives of organic architecture is the Finnish architect A. Aalto. However, he refers to natural forms not only as a context, but also as examples of structural organization and connections with the environment. The master discovers them at the system level, where there is a certain unity of all integral objects, both natural and man-made. Therefore, his works have nothing to do with imitation of natural samples. The flexible principles of quasi-standardization used by wildlife are applied here. At one of his lectures in Oslo, A. Aalto stated: “... the best standardization committee is nature itself. But nature carries out its standardization only on the smallest units of measurement of all living things - on cells. As a result of the work of nature, a myriad of living, changeable forms have appeared, the diversity of which defies description. Architecture must imitate the immeasurable richness of the ever-changing forms of the world of living matter...”

Picture 1 ? Alvar Aalto, Finlandia Concert Hall in Helsinki

Aalto's buildings make rich use of wood.

Aalto's main buildings are:

1.Sanatorium in Paimio

2.Vyborg Library

Villa Maire

Baker House

.Palace "Finland"

.Polytechnic Institute in Otaniemi

Figure 2? Alvar Aalto, tea table

Today in Finland, organic architecture is represented by the work of R. Pietil, who does not consider himself a direct follower of A. Aalto. However, his appeal to nature was undoubtedly provoked by the thoughts of his ideological predecessors. Pietil R. believes that architecture should be determined by microgeography, climatic features, and material resources of a given area. This, according to the master, makes the idea humane.

Figure 3? R. Pietil, Dipoli University Center

At the same time, his work is undoubtedly influenced by masters of other movements who shared the principles of organic development of architectural forms. These include, first of all, the expressionists B. Taut and H. Hering.

The most important aspect of R. Pietil's work is related to the view of nature as a specific context. Buildings should become an extension of it. This attitude towards nature is based on a philosophy that the master himself calls “ecological semantics”.

Following F.L. Wright, R. Pietil believes that taking into account environmental factors, as well as their expression in architectural forms, can lead to the disappearance of contradictions between buildings and nature. On the other hand, the architect tries to combine his ideas with cultural traditions. For example, he finds it necessary to carefully study the cultural and ethnic heritage of the northern Arctic regions of Europe and Asia. At the same time, however, it is not specified what is meant by the essence of this heritage. Unlike A. Aalto, R. Pietil considers nature as a context, emphasizing structural features and seeking to find the values ​​of a structure in connection with the aesthetic features of the place. He believes that until now we have built contrary to nature and now, finally, the time has come to build in such a way that architectural forms become a part or extension of nature. At the same time, L. Corbusier’s “Modulor” is also rejected as a concept of permanent aesthetic values.

For R. Pietil, the aesthetic qualities of an architectural form are changeable, since they are determined by connections with the changing nature of the natural environment. Integration can be solved in two ways. In the first case, architecture should strive to express unity and a certain identity with nature. At the same time, the author refers to the consistency of volumes and spaces as identity. Another method of integration, according to the master, is based on the fact that the architecture should remain invisible.


Architectural bionics in the recent past - understanding of natural forms in building structures, new possibilities for architectural shape-formation. Architectural bionics today (neobionics) is an attempt to link environmental aspects and high technology with architecture.

The very concept of “bionics” appeared at the beginning of the twentieth century. Bionics (from the Greek bion - element of life, literally - living) is a science bordering biology and technology, solving engineering problems based on an analysis of the structure and vital activity of organisms. The first of those who turned to these sources was Leonardo da Vinci (aircraft based on the structure of a bird's wing and other inventions).

The first attempts to use natural forms in construction were made by A. Gaudi, the famous Spanish architect of the 19th century. Park Güell, or as they used to say “nature frozen in stone”, the amazing architecture of the private villas Casa Batlo and Casa Mila.

Figure 4? A. Gaudi, Park Guell

Europe and the whole world had never seen anything like this before A. Gaudi. These masterpieces of the great master gave impetus to the development of architecture in the bionic style.

In 1921, similar ideas were reflected in the sculptural-organic structure of the Goetheanum, created according to the design of the German philosopher R. Steiner.

Figure 5? R. Steiner, World Center for Anthroposophy? Goetheanum

From that moment on, architects all over the world adopted bionics. Proponents of bionics believe that nature has created the most aesthetically perfect, durable and optimized structures. One of the very first proposals of the German architect R. Dernach provided for the immersion of bubble cylinders or fine-mesh nets in sea water, playing the role of a frame, overgrown with colonies of microorganisms, which would gradually harden. These hollow limestone forms were proposed to be used to create floating cities. Hilberts V. (USA) investigated the possibility of the same result using electricity (analogy with the formation of scale).

For the 100th anniversary of the French Revolution, a world exhibition was organized in Paris. On the territory of this exhibition it was planned to erect a tower that would symbolize the greatness of the French Revolution and the latest technological achievements. More than 700 projects were submitted to the competition; the project of bridge engineer Alexander G. Eiffel was recognized as the best. At the end of the 19th century, the 300-meter tower, named after its creator, amazed the whole world with its openwork and beauty, and became a kind of symbol of Paris. Modern engineers have made an unexpected discovery: the design of the Eiffel Tower exactly replicates the structure of the tibia, which can easily withstand the weight of the human body. Even the angles between the load-bearing surfaces coincide. In the field of bionics, the architectural experiments of P. Nervi, S. Calatrava and others are also known.

Figure 6? P. L. Nervi, San Francisco Cathedral

Today, bionics is developing in many areas. Architectural and construction bionics studies the laws of formation, structure formation of living tissues, analyzes the structural systems of living organisms, explores the principles of their saving of material, energy and ensuring the reliability of life. A striking example of architectural and construction bionics is a complete analogy of the structure of the stems of cereals and some modern high-rise buildings.

Figure 7? S. Calatrava, Quadracci Pavilion

Figure 8? S. Calatrava, Montjuic Telecommunications Tower in Barcelona

In recent years, bionics has confirmed that most human inventions have already been “patented” by nature. For example, such 20th-century innovations as zippers and Velcro fasteners were developed based on studying the structure of bird feathers. In this case, feather threads of various orders, equipped with hooks, provide reliable grip.

Famous Spanish architects M. R. Cervera and J. Ploz, active adherents of bionics, began researching various dynamic structures in 1985, and in 1991 they organized a society to support innovation in architecture. A group under their leadership, which included architects, engineers, designers, biologists and psychologists, developed a project for a vertical bionic tower city. In 15 years it should appear in Shanghai (according to scientists' forecasts, in 20 years the population of Shanghai could reach 30 million people). The Tower City is designed for 100 thousand people. The design is based on the principle of wood construction. The tower will be shaped like a cypress tree, 1,128 meters high, with a girth of 133 by 100 meters at the base and 166 by 133 meters at its widest point. The tower is planned to have 300 floors, they will be located in 12 vertical blocks of 80 floors each. Between the blocks are screed floors that act as a supporting structure for each level? quarter. Inside the blocks there are houses of different heights with vertical gardens. This elaborate design is similar to the structure of the branches and entire crown of the cypress tree. The basis of the tower should be a pile foundation, built by analogy with the root system of a tree. Wind vibrations on the upper floors are expected to be kept to a minimum, as air can easily pass through the tower structure. Special plastic materials that imitate the porous surface of leather will be used as cladding.

In architectural and construction bionics, much attention is paid to new construction technologies. For example, in the field of development of efficient and waste-free construction technologies, a promising direction is the creation of layered structures. The idea is borrowed from deep-sea mollusks. x durable shells consist of alternating hard and soft plates. When a hard plate cracks, the deformation is absorbed by the soft layer and the crack does not go further.

Why is nature so far ahead of man at the current level of technological development? Firstly, in order to understand the structure and operating principle of a living system, model it and implement it in specific structures and devices, universal knowledge is needed. Today, after a long process of fragmentation of scientific disciplines, the need for such an organization of knowledge that would allow them to be embraced and united on the basis of common universal principles is just beginning to emerge. Secondly, in living nature, the constancy of biological systems is maintained through their continuous restoration, since in this case we are dealing with structures that are continuously destroyed and restored. Each cell has its own division period, its own life cycle. In all living organisms, the processes of decay and restoration compensate each other, and the entire system is in dynamic equilibrium, which makes it possible to adapt, rebuilding its structures in accordance with changing conditions. The main condition for the existence of biological systems is their continuous functioning. Technical systems created by man do not have an internal dynamic equilibrium of the processes of decay and restoration, and in this sense they are static. However, today there is already a wealth of experience in the construction of bionic buildings, structures and entire cities. Contemporary embodiments of organic architecture can be seen in the Shanghai Cypress, the NMB Bank Board Building (Netherlands), the Sydney Opera House (Australia), the World's Fair Building (Montreal), the SONY skyscraper and the Fruit Museum (Japan). An analysis of the buildings makes it clear that the range of studies in this area is expanding.

In addition to the search for new ideas of shape formation, bionics is aimed at studying life support systems, development and other mechanisms of existence of natural objects, their reactions to external influences. Perhaps this new look at nature will show us the way to the architecture of the future.

Figure 9? Architectural utopias (Archigrem group)


high-rise building pietil stem

Recently, political and public figures have been talking about environmental troubles that have overwhelmed almost the entire world. And if earlier conversations focused on “generalities” such as tsunamis, typhoons and droughts, then from year to year the discussions become more and more specific.

Indeed, the eruption of the Eyjafjallajökull volcano, the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, the earthquake in Japan and many other sad events make us think about the future.

And who, no matter how architects, best embody the trends of the time. That's why designers and builders are focusing on projects that can improve people's lives and the state of nature in the near future.

An attempt to “come to terms” with nature, as the architects themselves believe, is not just doing ordinary standard work. Rather, it is the most significant contribution to the future. This is what every person is called to do.

Global warming, as well as other pressing issues such as drought and increasingly frequent floods, have become the subject of architectural design around the world.

List of used literature

1.Babitsky A. Bionics in architecture [electronic resource] / A. Babitsky. Access mode: #"justify">2. Ilyichev V.I. Bionics - synthesis of biology and technology [Text] - M. Nauka, 1994. ? pp. 28-35.

.Levina E.K. Architecture in harmony with nature [electronic resource] / E.K. Levina, E.V. Kuzminykh. ? Access mode: #"justify">. Ledeneva G.L. Theory of architectural composition: a course of lectures / G.L. Ledeneva. ? Tambov: Tamb publishing house. state tech. un-ta, 2008. ? 80s.

.Maslov V.N. Proportions and configurations in nature, architecture and design: monograph. ? Ukhta: USTU, 2007. ? 55s.


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Architectural bionics in the recent past is the understanding of natural forms in building structures, new possibilities for architectural shape-formation.

Architectural bionics today (neobionics) is an attempt to link environmental aspects and high technology with architecture.

Architectural and construction bionics studies the laws of formation and structure formation of living fur coats, analyzes the structural systems of living organisms on the principle of saving material, energy and ensuring reliability. The sensory organs of animals and the internal mechanisms of reaction to the environment in both animals and plants are being intensively studied.

In the distant past, man created many remarkable structures by copying the architectural forms of the plant world. Take a closer look at the light African buildings, and you will see in them the outlines of beehives (Fig. 4), ancient Eastern pagodas resemble slender fir trees with heavily hanging branches (Fig. 5), the marble column of the Parthenon is the personification of a slender tree trunk (Fig. 6), column Egyptian temple is like a lotus stem (Fig. 7), Gothic architecture is the embodiment in a dispassionate stone of constructive logic, harmony and expediency of living things.

Remember the famous Kizhi (Fig. 8). Their domes resemble onions. The church in Fili (Fig. 9), like a living organism, decreases with height and develops from the center to the periphery. All of her seems to tremble, everything in her is subtle and harmonious. St. Basil's Cathedral is the same main trunk, from which branching and crushing of forms goes upward and to the side (Fig. 10).

Amazing similarity of techniques! It’s as if the architects agreed on the commonality of their creative principles. Looking through the pages of the history of construction, one can find many more examples of man copying the architectonics of living nature. However, it must be emphasized once again that the ancient art of construction was similar to the organization of living nature only in form. From nature, architects learned the harmony of proportions, the logical distribution of building volumes, the subordination of the secondary to the main, the correct combination of sizes of parts, constructive truth, but they did not know the main thing - the laws of shape-formation, the secrets of the self-construction of living things.

The internal organization of living things, the constructive side of a leaf, a cereal stem and a tree trunk became the object of study by scientists of later times. These studies laid the foundation for architectural bionics.

A striking example of fur coat architectural bionics is a complete analogy of the structure of cereal stems and modern high-rise buildings. The stems of cereal plants are able to withstand heavy loads without breaking under the weight of the inflorescence. If the wind bends them to the ground, they quickly restore their vertical position. Their structure is similar to the design of modern high-rise factory pipes.

Both structures are hollow inside. The sclerenchyma strands of the plant stem act as longitudinal reinforcement. The internodes (nodes) of the stems are rings of rigidity. There are oval vertical voids along the walls of the stem. The pipe walls have the same design solution. The role of a spiral reinforcement placed on the outside of the pipe, in the stem of cereal plants, is played by a thin skin. However, the engineers came to their constructive solution on their own, without “looking” into nature. The identity of the structure was revealed later.

Bionics confirms that many human inventions have analogues in living nature, for example, zippers and Velcro were invented based on the structure of a bird's feather. Feather beards of various orders, equipped with hooks, provide reliable grip.

We found out that there are several directions in architectural bionics: Cone-shaped structures, Pre-stressed structures, Shells, Spiral-shaped structures, Mesh, lattice and ribbed structures. Now we will look at them.

The slogan of bionics is: “Nature knows best.” What kind of science is this? The name itself and this motto make us understand that bionics is connected with nature. Many of us encounter elements and results of the science of bionics every day without even knowing it.

Have you heard of such a science as bionics?

Biology is a popular knowledge that we are introduced to at school. For some reason, many people believe that bionics is one of the subfields of biology. In fact, this statement is not entirely accurate. Indeed, in the narrow sense of the word, bionics is a science that studies living organisms. But most often we are accustomed to associate something else with this teaching. Applied bionics is a science that combines biology and technology.

Subject and object of bionic research

What does bionics study? To answer this question, we need to consider the structural division of the teaching itself.

Biological bionics explores nature as it is, without attempting to interfere. The object of its study is the processes occurring inside

Theoretical bionics deals with the study of those principles that have been noticed in nature, and on their basis creates a theoretical model, which is subsequently used in technology.

Practical (technical) bionics is the application of theoretical models in practice. So to speak, the practical introduction of nature into the technical world.

Where did it all start?

The great Leonardo da Vinci is called the father of bionics. In the notes of this genius one can find the first attempts at the technical implementation of natural mechanisms. Da Vinci's drawings illustrate his desire to create an aircraft capable of moving its wings, like a bird flying. At one time, such ideas were too daring to become popular. They attracted attention much later.

The first person to apply the principles of bionics in architecture was Antoni Gaudí i Cournet. His name is firmly imprinted in the history of this science. Architectural structures designed by the great Gaudi were impressive at the time of their construction, and they evoke the same delight many years later among modern observers.

The next person to support the idea of ​​the symbiosis of nature and technology was Under his leadership, the widespread use of bionic principles in building design began.

The establishment of bionics as an independent science occurred only in 1960 at a scientific symposium in Daytona.

The development of computer technology and mathematical modeling allows modern architects to implement nature’s cues in architecture and other industries much faster and with greater accuracy.

Natural prototypes of technical inventions

The simplest example of the science of bionics is the invention of hinges. The fastening is familiar to everyone, based on the principle of rotation of one part of the structure around another. This principle is used by seashells in order to control their two valves and open or close them as needed. Pacific giant heartfish reach sizes of 15-20 cm. The hinged principle in connecting their shells is clearly visible to the naked eye. Small representatives of this species use the same method of fixing the valves.

In everyday life, we often use a variety of tweezers. The sharp and pincer-shaped beak of the godwit becomes a natural analogue of such a device. These birds use a thin beak, sticking it into soft soil and taking out small beetles, worms, etc.

Many modern devices and devices are equipped with suction cups. For example, they are used to improve the design of the legs of various kitchen appliances to prevent them from slipping during operation. Suction cups are also used to equip the special shoes of window cleaners in high-rise buildings to ensure their safe fixation. This simple device is also borrowed from nature. The tree frog, having suction cups on its legs, stays unusually deftly on the smooth and slippery leaves of plants, and the octopus needs them for close contact with its victims.

You can find many such examples. Bionics is precisely the science that helps people borrow technical solutions from nature for their inventions.

Who comes first - nature or people?

Sometimes it happens that one or another invention of mankind has long been “patented” by nature. That is, inventors, when creating something, do not copy, but come up with the technology or operating principle themselves, and later it turns out that it has existed in nature for a long time, and one could simply spy on it and adopt it.

This happened with the usual Velcro fastener, which is used by a person to fasten clothes. It has been proven that hooks, similar to those found on Velcro, are also used to connect thin barbs together.

The structure of factory chimneys is similar to the hollow stems of cereals. The longitudinal reinforcement used in pipes is similar to the sclerenchyma strands in the stem. Steel stiffening rings - interstices. The thin skin on the outside of the stem is an analogue of spiral reinforcement in the structure of pipes. Despite the colossal similarity of structure, scientists independently invented just such a method for constructing factory pipes, and only later saw the identity of such a structure with natural elements.

Bionics and medicine

The use of bionics in medicine makes it possible to save the lives of many patients. Without stopping, work is underway to create artificial organs capable of functioning in symbiosis with the human body.

Dane Dennis Aabo was the first to test it. He lost half his arm, but now has the ability to perceive objects by touch with the help of a medical invention. His prosthesis is connected to the nerve endings of the injured limb. Artificial finger sensors are capable of collecting information about touching objects and transmitting it to the brain. The design has not yet been finalized; it is very bulky, which makes it difficult to use in everyday life, but now we can call this technology a real discovery.

All research in this direction is entirely based on copying natural processes and mechanisms and their technical implementation. This is medical bionics. Reviews from scientists say that their work will soon make it possible to replace worn-out living human organs and use mechanical prototypes instead. This will truly be the greatest breakthrough in medicine.

Bionics in architecture

Architectural and construction bionics is a special branch of bionic science, the task of which is the organic reunification of architecture and nature. Recently, more and more often, when designing modern structures, they are turning to bionic principles borrowed from living organisms.

Today, architectural bionics has become a separate architectural style. It was born from a simple copying of forms, and now the task of this science has become to adopt the principles, organizational features and technically implement them.

Sometimes this architectural style is called eco-style. This is because the basic rules of bionics are:

  • search for optimal solutions;
  • principle of saving materials;
  • the principle of maximum environmental friendliness;
  • principle of energy saving.

As you can see, bionics in architecture are not only impressive forms, but also progressive technologies that make it possible to create a structure that meets modern requirements.

Characteristics of architectural bionic buildings

Based on past experience in architecture and construction, we can say that all human structures are fragile and short-lived if they do not use the laws of nature. Bionic buildings, in addition to amazing shapes and bold architectural solutions, are resilient and able to withstand adverse natural phenomena and disasters.

In the exterior of buildings built in this style, one can see elements of reliefs, shapes, and contours, skillfully copied by design engineers from living, natural objects and masterfully embodied by building architects.

If suddenly, when contemplating an architectural object, it seems that you are looking at a work of art, there is a high probability that in front of you is a building in the bionic style. Examples of such structures can be seen in almost all capitals of countries and large technologically advanced cities of the world.

Design for the new millennium

Back in the 90s, a Spanish team of architects created a building project based on a completely new concept. This is a 300-story building, the height of which will exceed 1200 m. It is planned that movement along this tower will take place using four hundred vertical and horizontal elevators, the speed of which is 15 m/s. The country that agreed to sponsor this project was China. The most populous city, Shanghai, was chosen for construction. The implementation of the project will solve the demographic problem of the region.

The tower will have a completely bionic structure. Architects believe that only this can ensure the strength and durability of the structure. The prototype of the structure is a cypress tree. The architectural composition will have not only a cylindrical shape, similar to a tree trunk, but also “roots” - a new type of bionic foundation.

The outer covering of the building is a plastic and breathable material that imitates tree bark. The air conditioning system of this vertical city will be analogous to the heat-regulating function of the skin.

According to scientists and architects, such a building will not remain the only one of its kind. After successful implementation, the number of bionic buildings in the architecture of the planet will only increase.

Bionic buildings around us

What famous creations have used the science of bionics? Examples of such structures are easy to find. Take, for example, the process of creating the Eiffel Tower. For a long time there were rumors that this 300-meter symbol of France was built according to the drawings of an unknown Arab engineer. Later, its complete analogy with the structure of the human tibia was revealed.

In addition to the Eiffel Tower, you can find many examples of bionic structures all over the world:

  • was erected by analogy with a lotus flower.
  • Beijing National Opera House - imitation water drop.
  • Swimming complex in Beijing. Externally it repeats the crystalline structure of the water lattice. An amazing design solution also combines the useful ability of the structure to accumulate solar energy and subsequently use it to power all electrical appliances operating in the building.
  • The Aqua skyscraper looks like a stream of falling water. Located in Chicago.
  • The house of the founder of architectural bionics, Antonio Gaudi, is one of the first bionic structures. To this day, it has retained its aesthetic value and remains one of the most popular tourist sites in Barcelona.

Knowledge everyone needs

Summing up, we can safely say: everything that bionics studies is relevant and necessary for the development of modern society. Everyone should become familiar with the scientific principles of bionics. Without this science it is impossible to imagine technical progress in many areas of human activity. Bionics is our future in complete harmony with nature.