Make your own fiberglass pool. How to build a pool with your own hands: step by step building a pool in the country

  • 06.10.2023

November 19, 2013

Composite materials are used today in a variety of industries, including for the manufacture of fiberglass pools. Their attractiveness is due to the unique properties of the combination of polyester resins with reinforcing materials.

Therefore, fiberglass pools (fiberglass pools) have low thermal conductivity, resistance to environmental influences (from frost to direct sunlight), and high strength. They are lightweight, reliable, durable, easy to install and operate, and are not subject to rotting or corrosion.

Features of fiberglass pools

A fiberglass pool consists of a one-piece fiberglass bowl. It is produced using the contact molding method, when polymer materials impregnated with polyester resin are manually applied to a reinforcing matrix of the desired shape.

As a result, the bowl turns out to be multi-layered according to the papier-moche principle. Its main advantage is that it is already ready for use, you just need to install it. In this regard, composite pools compare favorably with stationary pools made of monolithic concrete or flexible plastic.

Moreover, their surface is perfectly smooth, glossy, sealed, without joints or seams; it does not need to be primed, painted or puttied. The color of the bowl is selected at the production stage. At the request of the customer, it can be almost anything.

Fiberglass pools today are produced not only in Europe, but also in Russia and the CIS countries. Their cost is directly related to the name of the manufacturer, as well as the size and design of the bowl.

Installation and Installation

Fiberglass pools are classified as prefabricated. It all depends on where they will stand. In any case, composite materials are lighter than steel or concrete, which greatly facilitates transportation, installation, operation and repair.

If it is an outdoor pool, you need to prepare a pit to suit the size and shape of the bowl; if it is an indoor or stationary pool, you need to make an appropriate holding structure indoors. An option is to install it outside, pour the floor and build walls from lightweight (sliding) panels around the entire perimeter.

Since the tightness of the fiberglass bowl is guaranteed by the manufacturer, you don’t have to think about additional waterproofing, limiting yourself to a layer of crushed stone and river sand. And since it has high thermal insulation properties, you can also save on heaters and a layer of thermal insulation. By the way, this is why, if groundwater in your garden plot lies in close proximity to the intended location of the swimming pool, of all the possible varieties, composite pools are the best option.

It is also easy to install the necessary equipment - a pipe system, aeration, hydromassage, waterfalls, lighting, etc. In total, the entire process of installing a fiberglass pool will only take five to seven days.

By the way, another advantage of fiberglass pools is ease of dismantling if you decide to change the shape or color of the bowl. So this is an excellent choice for those who want to build a pool without hassle and in the shortest possible time!

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DIY fiberglass pool construction

Today, owners of large private houses or cottages often build swimming pools on their plots. A pool is not only a place to relax and swim, it is also part of the landscape.

A fiberglass pool is quite resistant to deformation and is also safe for human health during operation.

Today there are many ideas for building swimming pools. They can be made of concrete, fiberglass, polypropylene, stone. A special place is occupied by pools made of fiberglass. Unlike others, they have a number of positive features, one of which is ease of installation. In order to build a swimming pool on your property, you need to have a work plan and the necessary equipment.

Before you build a pool with your own hands, you need to remember for what purpose this is all being done. A swimming pool can be built only for oneself or for commercial reasons, which in most cases is always very profitable. Secondly, it is important to decide on its size and configuration. For a fiberglass pool, you will definitely need to provide various communications. How to build a fiberglass pool with your own hands, what are the main stages of work, what tools are needed?

Characteristics of fiberglass pools

Unlike other models, a fiberglass pool is a monolithic structure. It is purchased ready-made, that is, factory-made. This fiberglass pool has a bowl with a filter unit. Fiberglass designs are almost identical. Structures of this type can be easily installed in the ground, which facilitates installation work.

The composition of a fiberglass pool includes a composite material based on fiberglass and a polymer binder. Fiberglass is necessary to give strength to the structure, and the polymer component is necessary to properly distribute the load.

The advantage of such a pool is that it is resistant to deformation and can withstand adverse external influences well. Unlike concrete, fiberglass is a stronger material, which ensures its durability. The color of the structure is most often blue or light blue. The configuration can be very diverse: round, square, rectangular or any intricate shape.

Of great importance is the fact that this material is environmentally friendly and safe for humans when using the pool. It is also important that its operation does not require large expenses. In addition, such a pool will fit perfectly into any landscape. Unlike most other models, this one is mobile, that is, it can be moved from one area to another.

Fiberglass is a combination of polyester resin and reinforcing materials, so it does not corrode and rot, and is resistant to ultraviolet radiation and low temperatures.

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Features of installing fiberglass structures

It should be noted that all of the above is not all the advantages of a fiberglass pool. Such a pool can be installed both indoors and outdoors. Its bowl has no seams or joints, which ensures its tightness and strength. In addition, it prevents the penetration of pollution and groundwater. If, when installing a concrete pool, the nature of the soil, its mobility, and the height of the groundwater were taken into account, then in this case they are not of great importance. It is also characteristic of a fiberglass pool that it can be installed on a clay surface or sand.

The work itself on its construction takes less time, which is about a week. Compared to concrete bowls, this one does not require the construction of additional formwork for pouring, plastering, or waterproofing. All this allows you to save time, which is especially important today. Delivery of a factory-made fiberglass pool is carried out by special transport.

Depending on the size of the pool, simple trailers or trailers with a lowered platform are used. In some cases, this requires permission from the traffic police. A big plus is that such a pool is very easy to repair. If there are cracks or other defects, they are simply covered over, which gives the material even greater strength.

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Preparatory work

You need to start by choosing its location. The site is selected depending on the size and configuration of the structure. The area should be sunny and windless (if possible). It is necessary to take into account the depth of groundwater. But this design is not afraid of water, so this point is not important. It is not advisable to build a pool close to the foundations of buildings. The next step is choosing the type of pool. Its size, configuration, depth are determined. At the same time, it is important to remember that the more complex it is and the larger it is in size, the more it will cost the owner financially.

Once the water tank has been selected, you can begin digging a pit. This is a mandatory stage of work. A pit is necessary in order to install a tank in it. You can do this with your own hands or with the help of an excavator. The second option is simpler, faster, but expensive. It is important to organize access roads for transport. It is recommended to make the bottom of the pit with a slight slope to ensure drainage.

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Installation of additional drainage for the pool

In order for a fiberglass pool to function normally, you will need to make a special drainage system. To do this, make a recess (pit) in the middle of the pit. The hole is filled with rubble. The depth of the hole can be about 2 meters. After this, the entire surface of the bottom of the tank is covered with sand approximately 20-30 cm thick. It is advisable to carefully level and compact the sand. This can be done manually or using special tamping machines. The next step is to fill in a layer of gravel or crushed stone. In order for a fiberglass pool to work properly, all communications will need to be laid.

The most important and crucial stage of the entire work is the installation of the water tank bowl. This procedure is no longer carried out manually, but using lifting devices. It is recommended to fill the empty space between its walls and the pit itself tightly with earth. Before purchasing a tank, you need to make sure at what temperatures it can be operated. In some areas where the soil freezes very strongly and deeply, it is possible to push the tank out of the pit. At the next stage, installation and connection of the necessary equipment is carried out. All this must be agreed upon with the utility service.

If the pool is being built for financial purposes, then permission from the sanitary and epidemiological supervision authorities will be required. They will also assess the quality of the water. When laying pipes, much attention is paid to filling the space between the bowl and the ground with sand. After this, the wiring to communications is connected.

. DIY fiberglass pool

Do-it-yourself fiberglass (fiberglass) pool: stages of work

Today, owners of large private houses or cottages often build swimming pools on their plots. A pool is not only a place to relax and swim, it is also part of the landscape.

The composition of a fiberglass pool includes a composite material based on fiberglass and a polymer binder. Fiberglass is necessary to give strength to the structure, and the polymer component is necessary to properly distribute the load.

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Preparatory work

Installation of a pool must begin with choosing its location. The site is selected depending on the size and configuration of the structure. The area should be sunny and windless (if possible). It is necessary to take into account the depth of groundwater. But this design is not afraid of water, so this point is not important. It is not advisable to build a pool close to the foundations of buildings. The next step is choosing the type of pool. Its size, configuration, depth are determined. At the same time, it is important to remember that the more complex it is and the larger it is in size, the more it will cost the owner financially.

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In order for a fiberglass pool to function normally, you will need to make a special drainage system. To do this, make a recess (pit) in the middle of the pit. The hole is filled with rubble. The depth of the hole can be about 2 meters. After this, the entire surface of the bottom of the tank is covered with sand approximately 20-30 cm thick. It is advisable to carefully level and compact the sand. This can be done manually or using special tamping machines. The next step is to fill in a layer of gravel or crushed stone. In order for a fiberglass pool to work properly, all communications will need to be laid.

The most important and crucial stage of the entire work is the installation of the water tank bowl. This procedure is no longer carried out manually, but using lifting devices. It is recommended to fill the empty space between its walls and the pit itself tightly with earth. Before purchasing a tank, you need to make sure at what temperatures it can be operated. In some areas where the soil freezes very strongly and deeply, it is possible to push the tank out of the pit. At the next stage, installation and connection of the necessary equipment is carried out. All this must be agreed upon with the utility service.

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The best option is to make a strip foundation. Its base is planned to be slightly larger than the pavilion itself, approximately 10 cm in all directions. The skeleton is made of a metal profile. After which it must be covered with polycarbonate material. Self-tapping screws are used for this. This design is primarily intended to provide comfortable sailing in any weather and at any time. The pavilion protects the pool from precipitation, sun and wind. Its device is not necessary. Such a structure may be more expensive than the tank itself.

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Thus, building a swimming tank from fiberglass is the most optimal solution. This material has good qualities. But the most important thing is that its installation is very simple and quick. In this case, there is no need to pour concrete, formwork or waterproofing.

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Technology and secrets of installing a fiberglass pool with your own hands

The materials and technologies used in modern construction make the process of constructing a pool as easy and fast as possible. If earlier such construction work took several months, now, thanks to frame structures, it can be done in just a few weeks. One of the best options for quickly and efficiently creating a home swimming area can rightfully be considered a fiberglass pool - you can build it with your own hands in literally 10–14 days.

Advantages of fiberglass pool bowl

Using a ready-made fiberglass bowl when constructing a pond greatly simplifies the construction process, which is especially important if you plan to build a fiberglass pool with your own hands. This modern material also significantly improves the performance characteristics of the created object, having a number of undeniable advantages over other materials.

Among the most significant advantages:

  • good tolerance to both high and low temperatures (from +40 C° to -40 C°), which makes a fiberglass bowl an ideal option for arranging a bathing area not only in the house, but also outdoors;
  • high wear resistance, expressed in unlimited service life, resistance to various chemical compounds and ultraviolet radiation;
  • flexibility and elasticity of the material, allowing to avoid the appearance of cracks in the structure in the event of soil displacement;
  • complete waterproofness of the glass fabric used in the production of bowls, which eliminates the need to additionally waterproof the pool;
  • low thermal conductivity, due to which the water in the pool cools very slowly, and accordingly, heating costs are reduced;
  • complete environmental friendliness of the material and safety for both humans and the environment.

Sequence of construction work

In order for a self-built pool to turn out beautiful and durable and to serve without problems for many years, it is very important to use the technologies recommended for such types of construction and strictly adhere to the order of work.

Design work and foundation preparation

Any construction always begins with the creation of a project. When planning a fiberglass pool, you should take into account the fact that its arrangement in an enclosed space (house, sauna) is possible only at the initial stage of construction of the facility. It is no longer possible to construct it in a finished building.

Design involves creating a drawing and estimating the costs of materials and performing the necessary work, which allows you to predetermine the construction budget.

After approval of the project, preparation of the foundation of the future pool begins. To make a fiberglass pool, you need to dig a pit according to the shape of the selected bowl, the size of which will be 30 cm on each side larger than the size of the container. This is done to ensure the ability to move freely around the perimeter after installing the base for the purpose of installing equipment, as well as to reduce the influence of soil heaving when it freezes.

At the bottom of the pit, a substrate is formed from a cement-sand mixture, which is filled with water, and after hardening, the surface is lined with a layer of foam plastic.

Bowl installation rules

The complexity of installation depends on the terrain, soil characteristics, size and weight of the bowl. Its installation is carried out on supporting pillars made of bricks measuring 510x510 mm, laid on a cement-sand mortar under the tank step. It is strictly forbidden to use lime mortar in this case. The described trick allows you to avoid sagging of the bowl under its own weight.

After commissioning and commissioning work and installation of the necessary equipment, the container installed in the pit is gradually filled with water, while simultaneously filling the space around it with a sand-cement mixture prepared in a ratio of 5:1. External compaction of the mixture around the perimeter of the pool is best done using a special vibration installation.

Decorative finishing of the pool and installation of technological equipment

Having completed the installation of the pool, we begin setting up the technological equipment. This type of work should definitely be entrusted only to professionals who guarantee the quality of their work and, if necessary, can carry out warranty repairs.

After starting up and checking the equipment, they move on to decorative finishing of the pool. Tiled paths are usually laid along its perimeter.

The best option for use for such purposes is artificial marble tiles, since they are aesthetically pleasing, extremely durable, resistant to large temperature changes and do not absorb water at all.

Many manufacturers have in their collections specially designed tiles for laying floors in swimming pools and other water areas with a non-slip surface. You can also use artificial or natural stone to imitate garden paths.

Caring for a Fiberglass Bowl

To extend the life of the pool, it is very important to properly care for it: wash, disinfect and, if it is installed outdoors, preserve it for the winter.

Due to the fact that during production the bowl is coated with a special low-porous material - gelcoat, a minimum of special chemicals are required for washing and surface treatment (about 70% less than when cleaning bowls made from other materials).

If the pool is built outdoors, it must be preserved for the autumn-winter period, which is a prerequisite for proper operation. To do this, the water is drained below the level of the embedded elements (nozzles, skimmers), the water supply system is dismantled and hidden in a warm place, the bottom is cleaned with a net from the accumulated debris, and, if desired, covered. Preservation should be carried out when the temperature outside during the day does not rise above 10–12 degrees.

In order for the final result to meet expectations, it is still better to entrust the development of the project to professionals, and before starting construction work, it is advisable to watch how to properly equip a fiberglass pool with your own hands in a video.

Video on installing a fiberglass pool

Do-it-yourself fiberglass (fiberglass) pool: stages of work

DIY fiberglass pool construction

  • Characteristics of fiberglass pools
  • Features of installing fiberglass structures
  • Preparatory work
  • Installation of additional drainage for the pool
  • Making a pavilion for a swimming pool
  • List of tools and materials

Today, owners of large private houses or cottages often build swimming pools on their plots. A pool is not only a place to relax and swim, it is also part of the landscape.

A fiberglass pool is quite resistant to deformation and is also safe for human health during operation.

Today there are many ideas for building swimming pools. They can be made of concrete, fiberglass, polypropylene, stone. A special place is occupied by pools made of fiberglass. Unlike others, they have a number of positive features, one of which is ease of installation. In order to build a swimming pool on your property, you need to have a work plan and the necessary equipment.

Before you build a pool with your own hands, you need to remember for what purpose this is all being done. A swimming pool can be built only for oneself or for commercial reasons, which in most cases is always very profitable. Secondly, it is important to decide on its size and configuration. For a fiberglass pool, you will definitely need to provide various communications. How to build a fiberglass pool with your own hands, what are the main stages of work, what tools are needed?

Characteristics of fiberglass pools

Unlike other models, a fiberglass pool is a monolithic structure. It is purchased ready-made, that is, factory-made. This fiberglass pool has a bowl with a filter unit. Fiberglass designs are almost identical. Structures of this type can be easily installed in the ground, which facilitates installation work.

The composition of a fiberglass pool includes a composite material based on fiberglass and a polymer binder. Fiberglass is necessary to give strength to the structure, and the polymer component is necessary to properly distribute the load.

The advantage of such a pool is that it is resistant to deformation and can withstand adverse external influences well. Unlike concrete, fiberglass is a stronger material, which ensures its durability. The color of the structure is most often blue or light blue. The configuration can be very diverse: round, square, rectangular or any intricate shape.

Of great importance is the fact that this material is environmentally friendly and safe for humans when using the pool. It is also important that its operation does not require large expenses. In addition, such a pool will fit perfectly into any landscape. Unlike most other models, this one is mobile, that is, it can be moved from one area to another.

Fiberglass is a combination of polyester resin and reinforcing materials, so it does not corrode and rot, and is resistant to ultraviolet radiation and low temperatures.

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Features of installing fiberglass structures

It should be noted that all of the above is not all the advantages of a fiberglass pool. Such a pool can be installed both indoors and outdoors. Its bowl has no seams or joints, which ensures its tightness and strength. In addition, it prevents the penetration of pollution and groundwater. If, when installing a concrete pool, the nature of the soil, its mobility, and the height of the groundwater were taken into account, then in this case they are not of great importance. It is also characteristic of a fiberglass pool that it can be installed on a clay surface or sand.

The work itself on its construction takes less time, which is about a week. Compared to concrete bowls, this one does not require the construction of additional formwork for pouring, plastering, or waterproofing. All this allows you to save time, which is especially important today. Delivery of a factory-made fiberglass pool is carried out by special transport.

Depending on the size of the pool, simple trailers or trailers with a lowered platform are used. In some cases, this requires permission from the traffic police. A big plus is that such a pool is very easy to repair. If there are cracks or other defects, they are simply covered over, which gives the material even greater strength.

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Preparatory work

Installation of a pool must begin with choosing its location. The site is selected depending on the size and configuration of the structure. The area should be sunny and windless (if possible). It is necessary to take into account the depth of groundwater. But this design is not afraid of water, so this point is not important. It is not advisable to build a pool close to the foundations of buildings. The next step is choosing the type of pool. Its size, configuration, depth are determined. At the same time, it is important to remember that the more complex it is and the larger it is in size, the more it will cost the owner financially.

Once the water tank has been selected, you can begin digging a pit. This is a mandatory stage of work. A pit is necessary in order to install a tank in it. You can do this with your own hands or with the help of an excavator. The second option is simpler, faster, but expensive. It is important to organize access roads for transport. It is recommended to make the bottom of the pit with a slight slope to ensure drainage.

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Installation of additional drainage for the pool

In order for a fiberglass pool to function normally, you will need to make a special drainage system. To do this, make a recess (pit) in the middle of the pit. The hole is filled with rubble. The depth of the hole can be about 2 meters. After this, the entire surface of the bottom of the tank is covered with sand approximately 20-30 cm thick. It is advisable to carefully level and compact the sand. This can be done manually or using special tamping machines. The next step is to fill in a layer of gravel or crushed stone. In order for a fiberglass pool to work properly, all communications will need to be laid.

The most important and crucial stage of the entire work is the installation of the water tank bowl. This procedure is no longer carried out manually, but using lifting devices. It is recommended to fill the empty space between its walls and the pit itself tightly with earth. Before purchasing a tank, you need to make sure at what temperatures it can be operated. In some areas where the soil freezes very strongly and deeply, it is possible to push the tank out of the pit. At the next stage, installation and connection of the necessary equipment is carried out. All this must be agreed upon with the utility service.

If the pool is being built for financial purposes, then permission from the sanitary and epidemiological supervision authorities will be required. They will also assess the quality of the water. When laying pipes, much attention is paid to filling the space between the bowl and the ground with sand. After this, the wiring to communications is connected.

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Making a pavilion for a swimming pool

If a fiberglass pool is located not indoors, but outside, it is recommended to make a special pavilion. You can find many models of them. It all depends on taste and preference. The pavilions are made of double-glazed windows and polycarbonate. In addition, they are stationary, sliding and asymmetrical. You can build such a pavilion with your own hands, but you need to remember that you will need a solid foundation. The thing is that even the simplest pavilion will weigh several tons.

The best option is to make a strip foundation. Its base is planned to be slightly larger than the pavilion itself, approximately 10 cm in all directions. The skeleton is made of a metal profile. After which it must be covered with polycarbonate material. Self-tapping screws are used for this. This design is primarily intended to provide comfortable sailing in any weather and at any time. The pavilion protects the pool from precipitation, sun and wind. Its device is not necessary. Such a structure may be more expensive than the tank itself.

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List of tools and materials

In order to make a fiberglass pool with your own hands, you will need a whole set of necessary tools and materials. It includes: shovel, excavator, buckets, sand, gravel, crushed stone, pipes for drainage, electrical cable, fiberglass pool bowl, gloves. If you plan to build a pavilion, you will need polycarbonate sheets, sand, crushed stone, cement and water for preparing concrete, a concrete mixer, a metal profile for building a frame, self-tapping screws, a hammer, a screwdriver, and a hacksaw.

Thus, building a swimming tank from fiberglass is the most optimal solution. This material has good qualities. But the most important thing is that its installation is very simple and quick. In this case, there is no need to pour concrete, formwork or waterproofing.

November 19, 2013

Composite materials are used today in a variety of industries, including for the manufacture of fiberglass pools. Their attractiveness is due to the unique properties of the combination of polyester resins with reinforcing materials.

Therefore, fiberglass pools (fiberglass pools) have low thermal conductivity, resistance to environmental influences (from frost to direct sunlight), and high strength. They are lightweight, reliable, durable, easy to install and operate, and are not subject to rotting or corrosion.

Features of fiberglass pools

A fiberglass pool consists of a one-piece fiberglass bowl. It is produced using the contact molding method, when polymer materials impregnated with polyester resin are manually applied to a reinforcing matrix of the desired shape.

As a result, the bowl turns out to be multi-layered according to the papier-moche principle. Its main advantage is that it is already ready for use, you just need to install it. In this regard, composite pools compare favorably with stationary pools made of monolithic concrete or flexible plastic.

Moreover, their surface is perfectly smooth, glossy, sealed, without joints or seams; it does not need to be primed, painted or puttied. The color of the bowl is selected at the production stage. At the request of the customer, it can be almost anything.

Fiberglass pools today are produced not only in Europe, but also in Russia and the CIS countries. Their cost is directly related to the name of the manufacturer, as well as the size and design of the bowl.

Installation and Installation

Fiberglass pools are classified as prefabricated. It all depends on where they will stand. In any case, composite materials are lighter than steel or concrete, which greatly facilitates transportation, installation, operation and repair.

If it is an outdoor pool, you need to prepare a pit to match the size and shape of the bowl; if it is an indoor or stationary pool, you need to make an appropriate holding structure indoors. An option is to install it outside, pour the floor and build walls from lightweight (sliding) panels around the entire perimeter.

Since the tightness of the fiberglass bowl is guaranteed by the manufacturer, you don’t have to think about additional waterproofing, limiting yourself to a layer of crushed stone and river sand. And since it has high thermal insulation properties, you can also save on heaters and a layer of thermal insulation. By the way, this is why, if groundwater in your garden plot lies in close proximity to the intended location of the swimming pool, of all the possible varieties, composite pools are the best option.

It is also easy to install the necessary equipment - a pipe system, aeration, hydromassage, waterfalls, lighting, etc. In total, the entire process of installing a fiberglass pool will only take five to seven days.

By the way, another advantage of fiberglass pools is ease of dismantling if you decide to change the shape or color of the bowl. So this is an excellent choice for those who want to build a pool without hassle and in the shortest possible time!

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Fiberglass swimming pools for summer cottages - choosing the right one

The Belarusian Pools company invites you to become the owner of a new, your own fiberglass pool for your dacha. The choice can be made from the available range of pool models. All you have to do is decide what size, shape, color your swimming pool will be. By the way, composite pools are another name for fiberglass pools. Over time, fiberglass pools are becoming more and more popular. Every year the number of pools produced (also known as composite or fiberglass pools) is only growing. Such pools will never go out of style. For some people, a swimming pool is a certain indicator of the status of life and well-being, while for others it is a way to finally play sports.

How should you approach the issue of choosing a pool?

First of all, it is necessary to determine a suitable location for a country water tank. The main criterion for choosing a location is the proximity of groundwater. If, when digging a pit, groundwater has already appeared at a depth of 0.5-1 m, then you have a problem area in terms of installing a pool. The fact that there is close groundwater means that a stationary concrete pool will not suit you. You need to choose a fiberglass pool. We made sure to make choosing the shape and design of the pool as simple as possible. We have a wide and dynamically expanding collection of composite pools, the highest quality of materials from which they are made. A fiberglass pool is made by layer-by-layer molding. The first layer is gelcoat. This is a special material that can be of various colors. There are so-called standard colors - white, blue and blue. But you can also make a pool of any color you desire. Gel coat allows you to protect the composite pool from ultraviolet radiation and exposure to aggressive environments. In addition, the surface of a fiberglass pool bowl, coated with gelcoat, is perfectly smooth. There is no need for additional finishing. This allows you to save money, and the operation of the reservoir is cheaper compared to concrete pools. The next layer ensures the elasticity and tightness of the entire composite pool. As a result, the bowl is no longer fragile. Thanks to the presence of this layer, the bowl of the composite pool is completely protected from displacement or shrinkage of the soil. You can read about the features of a swimming pool in a private house by following the link. After the second layer there is a whole package of reinforced fiberglass. The surface of the composite pool is hydrophobic, inert, bactericidal, with zero permeability. Thanks to this fact, you will be able to use simple household detergents instead of specialized detergents, and you will not need to involve specialists for preventative cleaning of the pool. The advantage of fiberglass pools is the ability to dismantle them for the purpose of subsequent sale or replacement with a new model. You can simply buy a new pool if you are tired of the old bowl. With concrete pools, you are literally burying your money in the ground. Well, the place for the composite pool has been chosen. Now you need to dig a pit. Usually the pit is dug 1 m larger than the size of the bowl around the perimeter. It is advisable to make the shape of the pit identical to the shape of the composite tank. Exact instructions for preparing a pit can be found on our website in the Documents section. Next, a cushion of fine-grained crushed stone and river sand is poured onto the bottom of the pit. Then the pool is lowered into a pre-dug pit and set to level. You may need several additions of crushed stone to level the pool. The next stage is the installation of special equipment. Pools made of fiberglass allow you to install any possible equipment - hydromassage, aeromassage, countercurrent, waterfall, lighting, etc. This work will be performed by professional installers of the BELARUSIAN POOLS company. Now all you have to do is fill the pool with water while simultaneously backfilling it with sand around the perimeter. The final stage of work is the improvement of the area around the pool. Taking into account all these points, the entire process of installing a fiberglass pool will take 5-7 days. CONGRATULATIONS, YOU CAN NOW BATH, GET HEALTHY, AND GET TRUE ENJOYMENT!

A little about the important advantages of a fiberglass pool

A fiberglass pool copes well with multi-ton water loads. This pool is not afraid of exposure to aggressive environments, strong exposure to ultraviolet radiation from the sun and soil movements. Use the services of our company to carry out work on installing a pool and installing equipment, and your new composite pool will serve you faithfully for decades. Thanks to the use of special filtration systems, it is possible to ensure that the water in an artificial reservoir is close in composition and quality to natural water. Another important advantage of fiberglass pools is that they are completely manufactured in a factory. Moreover, all bowls undergo a multi-level quality control system. And we know that Belarusian quality is a guarantee of a good product. In addition, our production, located in Belarus, is the key to low prices for composite pools. Fiberglass swimming pools for summer cottages, presented in our collection, have various shapes, sizes and colors. Fiberglass pools do not require construction or assembly. The specialists of the Belarusian Pools company will do all this work for you. We will install a swimming pool in a private home (inside or outside) and install the equipment. WE ARE WAITING FOR YOU IN OUR COMPANY!

Fiberglass pools: advantages and installation features.

Modern pool manufacturers provide us with a huge selection of products that can fully satisfy our requirements. For example, fiberglass pools have become very popular lately, as they have a huge number of advantages that make them most beneficial for the user.

Advantages of composite pools

The presented designs have a really large number of advantages:

  • very fast installation, which can significantly reduce the construction time of the structure;
  • minimum amount of preparatory work;
  • strength;
  • ease of care;
  • no need for additional cladding;
  • efficiency;
  • durability;
  • reduced labor costs;
  • ability to choose size, shape and color;
  • reasonable cost;
  • small weight;
  • high tightness, no seams and good resistance to ultraviolet radiation and other negative natural factors.

There are practically no disadvantages to such pools. They are very easy to repair, even if holes appear in them. After the repair procedure, you will be able to use the bowl for a very long time.

Features of the production and installation of a fiberglass pool

It should be noted that the presented structure consists of polyester resin reinforced with reinforcing materials. Therefore, it does not rot, does not rust or corrode. Also, thanks to this, the bowl can be safely left outside during the winter, so this pool is stationary. Any standard filter units are suitable for its maintenance.

The production of fiberglass pools is achieved using a contact forming procedure. That is, various resins and impregnations are applied to a specially prepared matrix. Thanks to the presented technology, high strength of the product is ensured with minimal weight. The walls of the structure are made of glass materials of varying thicknesses.

To prevent moisture from penetrating into the product, it is coated with vinyl ester resin around its entire perimeter. Due to the fact that the presented material has very low thermal conductivity, you can heat the water in the bowl faster, spending a minimum amount of energy on heating. It should be noted that the material used to make composite pools is safe for human health, since it does not contain harmful or toxic substances.

During installation of such a structure, it is necessary to pay attention to some nuances. For example, the structure may be solid, so it is delivered by truck, which means that travel to the installation site must be arranged. Several people can handle the installation, and you don’t need any special equipment, since the bowl is quite light. A prefabricated fiberglass pool is installed in almost the same way as a solid one, only in this case you will have to connect several parts and weld them together.

The installation procedure consists of several stages:

  • site preparation;
  • product delivery;
  • digging a pit of appropriate shape, depth and size;
  • strengthening the bottom of the pit with a sand cushion;
  • installing the bowl and leveling it;
  • wiring and connection of all communications and equipment;
  • gradually filling the bowl with water while pouring it around the edges;
  • connecting and checking the pool.

In principle, the largest part of the time is taken up by excavation work. However, in any case, such a pool can be installed in a few days, and after that you can use it immediately.

Who wouldn't want to splash around and cool off in their own pool on a hot summer day? How much joy and endless pleasure an artificial pond would bring to adult dacha owners and the restless younger generation. Imagine, this seemingly “rainbow” dream is quite feasible.

For those wishing to build a pool at their dacha with their own hands, we offer a number of practice-tested methods for organizing it. Here you will learn how to make a temporary and permanent option. You will be able to compare which method is easier for you to implement personally, which is more acceptable in terms of price and method of construction.

This article contains clear answers to all your questions. Construction technologies are thoroughly analyzed. Valuable recommendations are given for determining the best place for a pool, choosing the optimal type of material for constructing a bowl, and for performing waterproofing and finishing.

Even an inexperienced craftsman can carry out the construction of a country pool. You just need to follow the construction technology of the chosen structure.

But first you need to choose a suitable location for the swimming facility and its type. Not every site will be able to arrange a large reservoir for long-distance swimming or diving from a three-meter springboard.

It is expensive and difficult to build a warm structure for a swimming pool in a country house with a roof for swimming all year round, but an option with a lightweight polycarbonate cover is possible

Structurally, swimming pool baths can be made:

  • With penetration into the ground. The basin bowl is installed in a pit; it can be ceramic, fiberglass, monolithic concrete, built from foam blocks or brick.
  • Surface mounted. These are structures for temporary use; they can be frame (collapsible) or inflatable. To install them, you will need a flat, compacted or concrete-filled area.

Their bowl shape can be round, rectangular, oval or complex geometry. The simplest option is a bathhouse near the bathhouse in the form of a large barrel. But it is difficult to call such a structure a full-fledged swimming pool.

For installation in a country house, an outdoor pool in a stationary or mobile version is most often chosen.

Both options, due to the lack of a roof, can be used for their intended purpose only in the summer, but for a country holiday on the weekend, these structures will be quite enough. Their installation does not require too much investment and is quite simple if done independently.

It is much more difficult to build an indoor pool with your own hands. For him, you will have to order a project for a full-fledged building in the form of an extension to a country house with the laying of pipelines, installation of equipment, and heating.

If the site is not protected, and the owners rarely visit the dacha in winter, then it is irrational to erect such a structure.

Inflatable structures are inexpensive and quick to install, but any sharp object can quickly turn them into useless rags

To finish the walls and bottom of the bowl of a stationary pool from the inside, the following is used:

  1. Fiberglass.
  2. Polypropylene.
  3. PVC film.
  4. Mosaic or tile.

Thick polyvinyl chloride film is used in both frame and monolithic structures. And other materials are only used when installing stationary structures with partial or complete burial in the ground.

The construction of a stationary pool buried in the ground requires preliminary calculations and design. The overflow diagram will tell you how to make the project

Bowls made of composite fiberglass are manufactured in the factory. The dimensions and configuration of products are not limited in any way. The same applies to the polypropylene cast version.

Modular polyvinyl chloride panels are produced on an industrial scale, from which the pool bath is assembled and installed directly on the site. A set of panels can be used to create a pool of almost any size and shape.

Ready-made swimming pool baths are available in monolithic and prefabricated versions. For a temporary structure, it is better to prefer a prefabricated structure. If the bowl will be installed in a pit, it is better to choose a monolithic ceramic, PVC or fiberglass bathtub

The structure being installed should, on the one hand, decorate the dacha plot, and on the other hand, not spoil the soil on it. Splashes of water from the pool are inevitable.

Excessive humidity can quickly turn the estate into a swamp, destroying all the trees and plantings around its own artificial reservoir.

The optimal hydrogeological conditions for a stationary installation are low-moisture sands with a groundwater level that does not rise above 2.5 - 3 m during periods of heavy rainfall. However, such a situation is very rare, because pool baths are waterproofed not only from the inside, but also from the outside to protect against groundwater

The fewer bushes and trees nearby, the better. The absence of shading from the crown means faster heating of the water. Plus, their roots will reach for moisture, inevitably crushing the sides of the pool along the way.

At the same time, it must be equipped as close as possible to the “source” of water - a water tap or a natural reservoir.

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The ideal soil for constructing a swimming pool in a country house is clay. It will act as an additional waterproofing layer created by nature itself. However, this mostly applies to monolithic structures; the frame version can be installed on any type of soil.

The size of the pool area depends on the personal preferences of the owner of the dacha. Some people need one 2.5x5 meter path for swimming in the morning, while others need a small pond with a “beach” for arranging sun loungers.

The optimal depth is considered to be 1.4–1.5 meters. However, for small children it is better to make the bowl smaller. And if you plan to put a slide or a diving board nearby, then, on the contrary, it should be buried at least 2.5–3 m.

Instructions for installing swimming pools

After determining the location of a stationary pool on a summer cottage, it is necessary to draw a plan with the distribution of communications and the exact dimensions of the structure, as well as a diagram of the location of equipment for water circulation and purification.

It is impossible to dig a pit without preliminary planning and marking on the ground. This is a labor-intensive task; throwing large volumes of soil from place to place several times will destroy the desire to build anything with your own hands for a long time.

The pit is dug in depth 30 centimeters larger than the size of the bowl created in it. This space is filled with a sand cushion and a layer of waterproofing on top, for which you can use geotextiles or roofing felt.

Waterproofing must be laid as a continuous sheet. Bitumen roll materials are laid with an overlap and combined by welding with a polypropylene torch or gluing with a suitable mastic. Geotextile panels are glued together with double-sided tape.

Option #1 – made of polypropylene and fiberglass

Installing a composite or polypropylene bowl can significantly speed up the process of installing a swimming pool at your dacha. It is created in the workshop and delivered to the site in finished form.

The materials used in manufacturing are resistant to mechanical stress and water.

The finished bowl made of fiberglass or polypropylene does not need additional finishing inside; it is enough to install it in the pit and place a reinforcing layer along the sides

In extreme heat in the sun, the polypropylene walls and bottom may begin to “float”. This material tends to expand at high temperatures. As a result, the surface of the bowl slightly ripples. However, when the midday heat subsides, it returns to its forms.

Unlike polypropylene, composite fiberglass is more resistant to heat, but also costs much more than the first option. Otherwise, their characteristics are almost identical. Installation of pool bowls from them is also carried out using the same technology.

The process of constructing a pool using a ready-made bathtub includes several stages: 1 – constructing a pit and strengthening its bottom; 2 – installation of the bowl; 3 – strengthening the walls; 4 – site arrangement

The construction of a pool at the dacha from these materials is as follows:

  1. At the bottom of the pit, a concrete slab 25–30 cm thick is poured as a base from a solution with a cement grade of at least M300.
  2. After installing the bowl, communications and a layer of reinforcement made of steel or fiberglass rods with a cross-section of 6–8 mm are installed.
  3. Spacers are installed inside the bathhouse, and it is partially filled with water.
  4. The space between the side of the bowl and the wall of the pit is filled with concrete mortar.
  5. After the concrete has hardened, the edge of the pool is arranged and the surrounding area is decorated.

Another option for arranging a polypropylene pool is to use sheets of this polymer material with a thickness of 8 mm or more.

In this case, the bowl can be created of any size and shape. The main thing here is to correctly connect the sheets by welding. To do this, you will need to purchase or rent a special welding extruder and a hot air gun.

If you choose a small bowl made of fiberglass or polypropylene, then you can do without reinforcement and pouring concrete; it will be enough to fill it with crushed stone from the outside and compact the soil after filling

If the dacha is located in a cold region, then it is recommended to insulate the pipes in the ground, the walls and the bottom of the bowl with polystyrene foam several centimeters thick before pouring concrete in case of poor drainage of water from the system before preservation.

Installation instructions

The installation of the plastic fiberglass pool and the construction of the engine room for maintenance will consist of two stages. Let's look at them in more detail below.

The first stage is installing the pool bowl in the pit and connecting the lines and fittings.

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The next stage is the construction of a protective pavilion and the connection of equipment serving the pool.

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Thanks to the transparent dome, the pool can be used both outdoors and indoors in any weather.

We have other materials on our website about pool maintenance equipment. We invite you to familiarize yourself with them:

Option #2 - made of monolithic concrete

This method of constructing a swimming pool at the dacha involves installing formwork to form a concrete bottom and sides, followed by covering them and the bottom with mosaics or tiles. In this case, the concrete used is of a similar composition as in the version with a polypropylene bowl.

First, the “floor” of the future pool is created. To do this, reinforcement with cells of 15–20 cm is laid in two layers in the pit. Then communications for draining water are installed inside the resulting structure. The concrete solution is poured so that the floor has a slight slope towards the drain hole.

Concrete pool walls can be protected from water with PVC film or with a layer of membrane waterproofing and tiled or mosaic cladding

After the concrete has hardened, reinforcement for the walls is installed around the perimeter of the bowl and formwork is installed to fill them. The entire resulting concrete surface is waterproofed with bitumen mastic or a similar coating material.

We reviewed the best types of waterproofing materials in more detail.

If the sides turn out to be uneven, they will have to be plastered using reinforcing mesh. It can be metal, but it is better to take a more expensive composite made of polymer materials. The latter will cost more, but it will definitely not begin to rust from exposure to moisture.

Without a mesh, the leveling layer of plaster in the structure being built will not last long. The energy of wave impacts from a passing person will inevitably and quickly destroy it.

You can finish the formed bowl of a country pool:

  • mosaic;
  • PVC film;
  • tiles.

The decorative layer should not only decorate the pool structure, but also reliably protect the concrete from exposure to water.

If you cheat at this stage and make mistakes, then the concrete pool will soon have to be overhauled. In some cases, it will be necessary to completely disassemble the damaged structure, and then refill everything.

The sides and bottom of a monolithic pool can be made without the use of formwork by spraying concrete, but this requires certain skills and special equipment

The easiest way to decorate a bowl is with PVC film. You just need to spread it out and straighten it, and then solder the individual flaps into a single sealed sheet. You should use a film with a ribbed surface on the steps, otherwise they will turn out to be too slippery.

The use of tiled decorative materials allows you to create a more attractive looking country pool. But doing such cladding with your own hands is much more difficult. And it is extremely important to use only waterproof brands of glue, and grout only with antifungal additives.

Option #3 – from wooden panels

To make a wooden pool at your dacha you will need 60x60 mm bars and planed boards with a thickness of 30 mm or more. The structure will have the shape of an octagon. To begin, you need to knock down eight shields as high as the depth of the bowl.

All wood must be treated with antiseptics, otherwise a lumber pool will have to be rebuilt several times over the summer.

A wooden pool structure can be partially buried in the soil or simply placed on the ground. In the first case, the bottom is best done according to the classical scheme with digging a shallow pit, laying reinforcement and pouring concrete. And in the second, you will be able to get by with thick boards knocked tightly together.

After assembling all the panels into a single structure, the necessary technological holes should be made in them. Then PVC film is placed in the thicket for waterproofing. At the end of the work, all that remains is to install the stairs and refine the upper edge of the sides.

In addition to the three options given above, a country pool can be built from brick or polystyrene foam blocks with concrete poured inside them, as well as from plastic bottles or large tires. There are quite a few ways, the choice here depends on the wishes of the owner of the dacha and his financial capabilities.

How to improve the area around the pool?

The main thing in the design of a pool structure in a country house is the shape and color of the bowl. Intricate shapes with curves always attract the eye.

And to make the pool visually look deeper than it actually is, its inner surface should be made white. In this case, the adjacent area must, on the contrary, be done in dark brown shades.

A frame pool rising above the ground with a small platform nearby, surrounded by a garden, does not look as cumbersome as it does alone in an open area

To decorate the area adjacent to the bathhouse, it is enough to place garden figurines and flowerpots nearby. Planting any ornamental plants directly into the pool, as is the case with an artificial pond, is strictly prohibited.

Chlorine-purified water is absolutely unsuitable for their growth, and swimming in the “thickets” will not be very convenient.

It is recommended to paving the territory of the summer cottage around the pool:

  • decking (terrace board);
  • wood of moisture-resistant species;
  • paving stones with a rough surface.

Also, don’t forget to arrange a recreation area nearby with sun loungers, garden furniture and a small gazebo. If there are children in the family, it would not hurt to locate a children's playground nearby.

And all the furniture, sports equipment and even a gazebo can be assembled with your own hands, using scraps and remnants of plastic pipes. The best ideas on how to make stylish and useful homemade items from pipes.

As a finishing touch, you should install lighting so that you can relax by the pool not only during the day, but also in the evening and at night under the stars.

Popular options for arranging the area around the pool:

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All this will not eliminate the need to purify water, but will significantly reduce the risk of its blooming. It’s easier to change it altogether, using it once a week to water the garden. However, this is not always possible.

The bathtub of a skimmer-type pool must be equipped with a skimmer, pump and filter unit, but in the country this is rarely done due to the high cost of installation and maintenance of this equipment

You can purify the water in an outdoor pool using filters:

  • sandy;
  • cartridge;
  • diatom.

More complete information about the types of pool filters and the rules for choosing the best is discussed elsewhere.

The water will also have to be treated with chlorine, active oxygen and bromine. Such treatment of water will only be needed if it has not been changed in the country pool for too long or was taken from a natural reservoir. In a centralized water supply system, it is already subjected to chemical disinfection.

If you do not have a centralized water supply at your dacha, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the means for it in more detail.

If you wish, you can do all the work yourself, spending a minimum of money on construction. You just need to choose the most suitable option for your site.

Do you dream of building a swimming pool on your summer cottage and are you considering options? Or do you have any questions about the instructions discussed in our article? Ask for advice in the comments block - we will try to clarify the difficult point in detail.

Or maybe you already use a homemade pool for your country house? Tell us how long it took you to build and what materials you used. Better yet, share a photo of your pool by attaching it in the comments to this article.

Health and comfort are the two main conditions for a happy life. Especially both are required by the modern rhythm of big cities. Timely rest and attention to your health are important, simply obligatory components of life. And one of the best helpers in easily fulfilling both points can be your own swimming pool. Its presence in the house or in the yard is the easiest and most enjoyable way to improve your health and relax after a hard day at any time convenient for you.

Fiberglass pools

A fiberglass pool is a model that is increasingly gaining popularity nowadays. And there are several good reasons for this. Fiberglass pool bowls have a number of important advantages:

  • This material is high-tech, but at the same time environmentally friendly. It is absolutely harmless and does not affect water quality. A fiberglass pool is absolutely waterproof and is not subject to structural changes under the influence of moisture. Thanks to this, the bowl will serve for a long time and reliably, and will not crack or deteriorate from constant exposure to water.
  • The material is durable. This property is also very important for swimming pools, especially those with a large volume. The pool bowl is constantly exposed to high pressure both inside and outside. To withstand such a load, the material must have sufficiently high strength. Fiberglass copes with this task perfectly.
  • The variety of shapes that can be created using fiberglass is another advantage. Such pool bowls are distinguished by a variety of design ideas and solutions. In this case, you can get rid of sharp corners, and proper processing will avoid unnecessary slipping.
  • Attractive appearance. Fiberglass can be painted any color. Its texture allows you to create designs that will suit any interior.

You can choose any pool model that will be most suitable for your home or cottage, will fit well into the interior in size and style, and will satisfy all technical requirements. If you have any difficulties when choosing, doubts or hesitations in favor of one model or another, you can safely contact professional consultants who will not only explain all the details and differences of each model, but will also help you choose the best one individually for each client.