Horoscope for September 23rd Aquarius. Health horoscope - Gemini

  • 19.11.2023

Personal astrological forecast for September 23, 2019 for women and men born under the zodiac sign Leo. Calmness and self-control are very important. Today you are more inclined than usual to speak harshly and criticize others. This can cause conflicts and quarrels, so it is better to control yourself.

This day is not suitable for work that requires concentration and attention to detail. You see the situation well as a whole, and this helps you make long-term plans, but you don’t notice many little things. Financial losses and unnecessary expenses are likely. You can buy gifts for loved ones or things that the whole family will use.

Astrological forecast for today

You are ready for complex cases and solving difficult problems. This day may require heroic deeds, but this will not frighten a single Leo (however, Leos are not generally timid). The more work you have, the more enthusiastically you take on it; competitors have no chance of getting ahead of you or even getting closer to you.

Many personal problems can be solved immediately. You are able to cut any Gordian knot without being tormented by doubts, sympathy for the “victim,” or a false sense of duty. Remember that if you have a desire to burn bridges behind you, then it is really necessary to do so.

True horoscope for Leo

In order for Leo's new projects to succeed, they should not rush to implement their plans. Wait at least until noon, as at this time you may be provided with interesting and important information that can radically change your strategy. In the afternoon, the spiritual connection with your partner will strengthen.

Personal horoscope for September 23, 2019

A busy day that can bring the burden of new worries or responsibilities. Get ready for problems in your personal life or unfavorable personnel changes. There may be a conflict with management. To avoid active confrontation, show maximum patience and tact. Remember your royal dignity and do not scream. In the evening, conflicts with strangers, a fire, or a collision with an enemy are likely.

Horoscope life zodiac sign Leo

On September 23, Leo should gain patience and energy in order to finally put an end to the relationship with a loved one. If the feelings have passed, then you should not torture yourself and your chosen one. Risky undertakings are contraindicated for Leo, as is irritability over trifles. Don't drive yourself into a dead end with imaginary arguments.

Horoscope house for today September 23, 2019

Relationships with someone close will be tested for strength. A rude word can cause resentment, and then a stream of reproaches, complaints or even threats will pour in. The financial sphere will also cause controversy, not only at home, but also at work. Don’t bring all your inner negativity out, remembering all the bad things that were once done or said.

As the horoscope for September 2017 promises, Gemini will be able to successfully complete the work they start thanks to their business acumen and analytical abilities. Act based on your interests, do not pass up offers that are beneficial to you. Maintain an optimistic attitude; your energy attracts others. But avoid trying to subjugate people and impose your opinion.

On the path to success, Gemini can be hindered by envy and criticism of people pretending to be well-wishers. Limit your interactions with people who undermine your self-confidence and drain your energy. In September, competitors also become more active.

The horoscope for Gemini for September 2017 advises representatives of the sign to free their living space from old and unnecessary things, from their energy, and make room for the new. Now is a favorable period for repairs. Also find time in your schedule for self-development.


In September 2017, Geminis are characterized by good health and high energy levels. They are not at risk of serious illness.

Fasting days on fruits, vegetables and juices will be useful. Do not burden your body with fried and heavy foods.

At the beginning of the month, exercise increased caution when traveling and driving.


In September, Gemini's career will actively develop. Representatives of commercial professions related to intermediary and advertising activities will achieve particular success.

Geminis who are looking for work will find a suitable option with favorable conditions. Those representatives of the sign who are satisfied with their current place of work will be offered a promotion. You are respected by everyone and are able to achieve a lot this month.

In September, communication with partners from other cities will begin to actively develop. It is likely that old projects will be resumed. At the same time, an intensification of confrontation with competitors is likely.

The second half of the month will be more measured, associated with routine affairs and putting things in order. Your activity decreases somewhat, you can allow yourself to rest.


As the financial horoscope for September 2017 predicts, Gemini will face an unstable financial situation. Expenses will mostly exceed income. Expenses of the month will be related to work, as well as family matters.

Real estate transactions will bring additional profit. Many twins can count on help from close relatives.


As the love horoscope for September 2017 predicts, Gemini may feel an overwhelming desire to return to their past relationship. Those who decide to take such a step will first experience joy, which will soon be replaced by the same discontent.

In the relationships of long-established couples, disagreements and quarrels will also arise. The stars strongly recommend resolving all conflicts and misunderstandings peacefully and calmly; scandals can have devastating consequences. Don't make promises you are not prepared to keep. Married Geminis will have to spend a lot of time solving everyday issues. Control yourself when communicating with children, come to an agreement and do not take your irritation out on them.

Single Geminis have a chance to meet their partner on a trip or at work.

Gemini Man

As the horoscope for September 2017 recommends, Gemini - a man must find a job he likes. As far as finances are concerned, no problems are expected. Everything is going as usual. Don't forget about sports and an active lifestyle.

In the sphere of personal relationships, not everything will be so calm and stable. Probably separation. Married Geminis should pay more attention to their significant other. Be generous in every sense, this applies to gifts, tender words, and of course actions. Don't make empty promises, this will undermine your credibility.

Gemini Woman

As the horoscope for September 2017 advises, Gemini - a woman should be honest both with others and with herself. Your selfish goals may become known, which will not lead to good. Be attentive to your body and your health.

In September, Gemini women will be popular with men. Not all of your fans will be worthy. Fate has prepared a relationship test for representatives of this sign. It is better to end the relationship with a dishonest and unworthy person immediately, without hoping that everything will change for the better.

As far as career is concerned, September is a fruitful period. You can achieve a lot if you don't sit back. The stars also favor those who want to change jobs.

The main trend in the horoscope for today is a break from reality, reports RIA VladNews with reference to 1001 Horoscope. . All day long you will be tempted to turn a blind eye to any real problems and do something pleasant. Things planned for today are unlikely to be completed. However, for everyone who is not a workaholic, this day is not bad at all. Today, stars are inclined to go for a walk or to the cinema, chat with friends, go shopping, and, ultimately, dream to their heart's content. True, tomorrow’s dreams will most likely remain dreams, but they will bring plenty of pleasure. And this is already a lot.

Today Aries runs the risk of experiencing a feeling of disappointment towards something or someone. It is even possible that this “someone” will be himself! Any little thing or small criticism from the outside can unsettle him and make him worry. The horoscope stars advise Aries not to waste his nerve cells on trifles and, most importantly, not to try to solve problems radically. Remember that the best remedy for headaches is not the guillotine, but analgin.

Today Taurus will be able to fully enjoy every minute! Taking a break from business, he will immerse himself in the “here” and “now”. On this day, Taurus is not in a hurry - he is in harmony with the world and will be able to fully experience what real feelings and real life are. Even urgent matters are unlikely to bring Taurus out of a contemplative, meditative mood - most likely, Taurus will find a way to postpone them.

Today, Geminis are capable of getting irritated over little things every now and then. It is in small things that Gemini will be able to face major problems (if they suddenly meet along the way) stoically. As for small overlays, here Geminis are able to give free rein to their feelings: their reaction will be like shooting poor sparrows from a cannon. So it’s better for Gemini to immerse themselves in solving serious issues. Moreover, preferably those that they can solve alone.

Today Cancer is able to conquer everyone with his charm! Day gives him the ability to infect others with his emotions, which makes him an excellent speaker. If Cancer planned to share his projects with someone, captivate him with ideas, or simply find a common language, he couldn’t think of a better moment for this! And even though today he is inclined to exaggerate and fantasize on the fly, this is precisely what will become his magic key to the hearts of those around him.

Today Leo is able to take on a lot of important and interesting things! He will be especially attracted to projects related to the arrangement of personal space: houses, cottages, cars. Leo's hands will literally itch in the desire to change something in them! However, before he has time to take on the implementation of one idea, it will be replaced by another and another... While arguing about which one is better, Leo is unlikely to be able to bring at least one to the end.

Today is not the best day to resolve serious issues. The horoscope stars will not incline Virgo to pore over textbooks or do other things that require attention. But her bright imagination will know no barriers! It will be difficult for Virgo to resist the desire to do something extravagant or simply escape from routine into the colorful world of their dreams. And why resist something that gives so many positive emotions?

Today Libra is unlikely to be able to avoid confusion related to money! Perhaps they have quietly gone over their budget, made the wrong purchase, or there is uncertainty about their bank account. Anything can come to light, and Libra must be prepared for it. But what you definitely shouldn’t do is try to correct the situation on your own today - believe me, it will only get worse. If Libra cannot wait, they will have to entrust someone with control over their wallet.

Today, Scorpio may come up with an idea on how to change his life in the most radical way! These grandiose plans may concern your career, personal life, or other areas. However, even if these ideas seem brilliant to Scorpio, the horoscope stars advise him to moderate his ardor: today there is a high probability that Scorpio is wishful thinking. Give your revolutionary ideas a chance to mature or simply put them aside for later.

Today, Sagittarius should not even take on matters in which he does not feel confident in his abilities. And such cases, unfortunately, will be the majority. The day is not suitable for solving complex problems, much less launching new projects: Sagittarius simply will not be able to navigate a rapidly changing environment. But today Sagittarius will have a surprisingly bright view of the world, able to see the sun even through dense clouds.

Today, the horoscope stars advise Capricorn to remember his half-forgotten dreams. Or maybe the situation itself will remind you of them. In any case, Capricorn should immerse himself in a fantasy world where there are no boundaries and everything is possible. His thinking will be bright and imaginative, and his creative potential will be at a great height. Creating, inventing, soaring on the wings of dreams - this is what can make Capricorn truly happy on this day! Unlike work and boring everyday affairs.

Aquarius, do not refuse offers from friends - this day is good for communication. The stars have charmed many events, and romantic acquaintances are not excluded. To avoid becoming victims of intrigue, stay away from flatterers - they will quickly find a new target. In the evening you can run around the stadium, but do without breaking records.

Aquarius. Weekly horoscope from 12/26/2017 to 01/01/2017

Aquarius, on Monday everything will serve your comfort, beauty and luck in your personal life. On Tuesday and Wednesday you will want to be in pleasant company, and your friends will be glad to see you. The new moon on Thursday will force you to dive into yourself, so deep that you risk not getting out of there for a whole month. This will benefit you: you will understand those sides of your nature that were hidden even from yourself. In order to ensure that nothing distracts you from introspection, you are recommended to go into nature immediately after the holiday and be in silence. But not on the New Year itself: on New Year's Eve you need to be noticed and praised, so that there are people nearby who are interested in you, so that you can be the center of attention and feel emotional feedback from those around you.

Aquarius. Financial horoscope for 12/26/2017 to 01/01/2017

Aquarius, you will spend the lion's share of your energy on financial matters. Situations in this area will be fast, dynamic, and you will need to act without thinking. On Monday and Tuesday, your actions will be especially error-free and successful. On Wednesday and Thursday, the risk of making a mistake due to the fact that you were given incorrect information increases. And on weekends it’s better to forget about money altogether - in financial matters you will be distinguished by a fair amount of fanaticism and obsession. This way you can screw things up and not gain anything for yourself. And do not take money or valuables with you if you plan to celebrate the New Year with alcohol. Alcohol and money are not friends these days.

Aquarius. Love horoscope from 03/11/2019 to 03/18/2019

After the holidays, many new numbers appeared in the phones of lonely Aquarius, but soon all of them will receive messages like “there’s a lot to do, we’ll call you later” with corresponding tearful emoticons, and the new numbers themselves will be deleted. No one has truly surprised Aquarius yet, and when no one surprises them, Aquarius is not interested.

Aquarius. Love compatibility from 02/22/2016 to 02/28/2016

Aquarius, your ideal couple this week is people of your own, Air, element. Your romance will be patronized by the planet of love itself, Venus. Her gifts will be love, joy, pleasure from communication and amazing harmony in all the nuances of relationships. Your partner will suit you in everything. You will like his appearance, manners and behavior, outlook on life, sexual temperament. Your partner will have the same emotions towards you. This novel harmoniously intertwines respect for each other's freedom and personal space, strength, durability and reliability.

Today you should pay attention to purchasing food. Review your home diet and add more vitamins and vegetables. In the afternoon, an unexpected visit from guests can take you by surprise. You should not pretend to be hospitable if communication is unpleasant for you. You can be frank and say what you think openly.

In the first half of the day, bustle and household chores can throw you off balance. Don't go shopping and spend money on useless things. Have an open conversation with your partner to discuss the shortcomings in the relationship. The cause of conflicts is your constant busyness and lack of passion in your personal life. A pleasant romantic surprise awaits you in the evening.

This day should be dedicated to helping elderly relatives. Physical work will do you good. You need to protect your lower back from stress and hypothermia. Today your body is especially vulnerable to viral and colds. Be sure to take preventative measures to support your immune system. In the evening it is better to stay at home and watch a movie with your loved one.


Today you have a lot of things to do. When choosing purchases, be sure to consult with a loved one. In the afternoon you will have a chance meeting with an old friend. There is no need to deal with household chores and preparing culinary dishes. Go to a restaurant or club with your loved one to have fun.

Today you will have to face unexpected expenses. Check all the malfunctions in the plumbing and begin to eliminate them. Bring all the work you start around the house to completion. In the afternoon, watch your words. Your unreasonable irritability and rudeness can offend a loved one.

Today you will find fun and idle time. You don't have to choose whose invitation to accept. It is best to gather in a large and noisy group and have a picnic. In the afternoon, watch your things, you might forget something important on the street. In the evening you will be the center of attention of others.


In the first half of the day, you should start preparing delicious food. Pamper your loved ones with a pleasant culinary surprise. Be careful when working with electrical devices and follow safety regulations. In the afternoon, you should politely refuse to visit. It is better to spend the evening with your family and discuss any disagreements that have arisen.

This day will be full of pleasant surprises and interesting meetings. You shouldn't lie in bed for a long time and waste your time. Feel free to spend money, shopping will bring pleasure and joy. In the afternoon, unplanned profits await you. Find something interesting to do that will inspire you and help you take your mind off things.

Today, exacerbation of family conflicts is possible. Your man will try to make you jealous to get attention. Be wiser, it is better to be the first to reconcile, and not waste time. In the afternoon, difficulties may arise related to the operation of equipment. Today there is no need to engage in rearrangement and repair work.

In the morning you will have to devote time to completing work issues. Your efforts will be rewarded with financial profits. Try to avoid communicating with people who are hostile. In the afternoon, you should organize a picnic in nature. Invite old friends and have a bright and fun time.

In the first half of the day you should start reviewing things. Give away what you haven't worn for a long time to people who need it. Changing the interior and new curtains will help make the atmosphere in the house warmer. In the afternoon, pay attention to your partner's problems. You can visit relatives and chat about philosophical things.

In the morning you should not start any labor-intensive activities. Otherwise, you will have to spend the whole weekend solving everyday problems. Today is a good time to throw away old things and broken equipment. By getting rid of junk, you will open the flow of free energy. A plant brought into your home on this day will bring you good luck.

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