Anya Rudneva now. Anna Rudneva: biography and personal life

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Biography, life story of Anna Olegovna Rudneva

Rudneva Anna Olegovna is a Russian singer and actress.


Anna Rudneva, or as she was called Anechka-Ranetka, was born in Moscow on January 11, 1990 in the family of Svetlana Alekseevna and Oleg Vladimirovich. Anya learned from an early age what a family model should be. And even if it sounds a little anecdotal, this is exactly how it was with the Rudnevs - dad works (Oleg Vladimirovich developed his own business), mom is beautiful.

Parents noticed early on that their daughter was unusually musical. To encourage creativity in their child, Svetlana and Oleg decided to enroll Anya in a music school. The couple's instinct did not let them down - it was the right decision.

Anna Rudneva played rhythm guitar in the group. She played her instrument perfectly, and this is no coincidence, because Anya graduated from music school in the classical guitar class. By the way, in childhood, before making her choice, Anya tried many instruments, including the violin, until she settled on the guitar.

In addition, Anna was the author of song lyrics. She dedicated one of them – “Angels” – to her beloved Kostya. Love generally works miracles and pushes a person to creativity. Here's how, for example, she spoke about her friend: “Our Anya fell in love, lost her mind, and began writing such mind-blowing songs. He comes running to the base and says: “Okay girls, I have a new song.” “So, what’s the chorus,” he says, “Yeah, I see!”, I’m already standing behind the synthesizer, with the bass, sitting and singing the notes. This is how our day begins..."


The group “” first loudly announced itself by performing in 2006 at the largest festivals: “Megahouse-2006” and “Emmaus-2006”. A year later - performance at Emmaus 2007. By that time, the girls had established excellent relationships with many famous groups: “”, “GDR”, “”, etc. And with the punk group “” and the rock group “Ranetki” they recorded backing vocals.

The film is not only and not so much about the creation of a girl musical group. Its plot is much broader. This is the life story of five girls, their first love, disappointments, dramas. The heroine of Anya Rudneva, Anya Prokopyeva, is a lonely girl who is not noticed by the boys. Relationships in the class are not going well. It’s even worse at home, where parents constantly quarrel with each other...

It was not easy for the girls who were not used to filming. Anya Rudneva once admitted: “It’s difficult to get used to the working pace of the film crew. The shift starts at 9 am. Make-up, costume, and then into the frame. I try to learn the text of the script in the evening. The director warned that he would be strict and demanding with us on set. And it is right. My friends and acquaintances, when they found out that I was now acting in films, supported me. My mother is especially worried: I have to be natural in the film.”.

Despite their lack of film experience, the girls really came across as natural in the frame. This ensured their success. As soon as it appeared on screens (in March 2008), the series immediately won the hearts of millions of viewers, raising enormous interest in “.”

Over time, "" became a fairly popular group. They were admired and respected. The group gained many fans. All this imposed a huge responsibility. Therefore, the girls approached work on their new album (in parallel with filming in the series) with all seriousness. Their songs, one might say, have “grown up”, and this cannot but please us.

In 2008, "" were invited to Holland for the Eurosonic festival. In the entire history of this legendary festival, this was only the second time a Russian group was invited. Before "" Leningrad received this honor. The girls received a very warm welcome, and good press after the concert.

After school, the Ranetki girls studied in the same group at the Moscow State Institute of Culture and Arts (MGUKI) at the Faculty of Social and Cultural Activities, specializing in Producing and Staging Show Programs.

As for Anya herself, at that time she was engaged in cross-country skiing and loved heavy music, in particular rock. Anna has always been a sociable and affectionate girl.

Free swimming

At the end of November 2011, Anna Rudneva left the Ranetki group, having recorded 4 successful albums with it. Anna took up a solo career. The first concert of the independent artist took place in April 2013 at the capital's Face club.

In 2014, Rudneva launched the musical project “Anya Rudneva & Youngs”.

Personal life

In 2008, Anya Rudneva met an actor known to a wide audience for his role as Denis in the comedy series “My Fair Nanny.” In 2011, the couple announced their intention to get married, and at the beginning of 2012, the lovers implemented their plan. On May 17, 2012, a charming little Sonechka appeared in the family. The young parents were in seventh heaven, but having a child together did not protect Anya from problems in the relationship. Soon the couple realized that they did not want to save their marriage, that they had made a mistake and no longer wanted to live together. February 18, 2015 divorce between Rudneva and


When Anya was fifteen years old, her friend Zhenya Ogurtsova suggested creating a rock band. As a result, on August 10, 2005, the Ranetka team was born. First it included Anna Rudneva, Evgenia Ogurtsova, Valeria Kozlova and Natalya Shchelkova. A little later, another member joined the group - Elena Tretyakova.

In "Ranetki" Anya Rudneva got the rhythm guitar. By the way, the girl is fluent in the instrument; she graduated from a music school in classical guitar. As a child, Anya first tried a lot of musical instruments, in particular the violin. But the final choice fell on the guitar.

“When our Anna fell in love, she lost her mind so much that she started writing mind-blowing songs. One day he comes running to the rehearsal space and declares: “Girls, I have a new song for us.” “So, what’s the chorus,” says Valeria, “Uh-huh, I see!”, and I’m already at the synthesizer, Lenka is with the bass, and Natasha starts singing the notes. This is how our day begins…” says Zhenya Ogurtsova.


The Ranetki group first loudly announced itself in 2006. Then she performed at several major festivals, such as Emmaus and Megahouse. A year later, a concert at Emmaus followed again. The group began to establish friendly relations with various famous musicians: from the groups “GDR”, “City 312”, “Roots”. But with the groups “Cockroaches” and “Umaturman” the girls even recorded backing vocals.

The work continued to reach the masses in 2007. Viewers heard the songs of “Ranetki” “She is Alone”, “Boy Cadets” and “Ranetki” in the popular television series on the STS channel “Kadetstvo”. The compositions were immediately remembered and loved. However, at that time I had no idea that the whole country would soon see the group.

TV series "Ranetki"

After the success of the series “Kadetstvo”, the creators decided to shoot a new series. And it was decided to take as its basis the real history of the creation of the Ranetki team. The series itself was named like a group. And the main roles went to its participants, and they acted under their real names. Only the names were fictitious. The actors who were involved in “Kadetstvo” were also invited to the series. These are Arthur Sopelnik, Linda Tabageri, Vadim Andreev and Valery Barinov.

However, the plot of the TV movie is much broader than just about the creation of a new girl group. The film tells about the lives of five girls, about their loves, disappointments and dramas. For example, the heroine of Anya Rudneva, a girl named Anya Prokopyeva, is a lonely schoolgirl, to whom the boys do not pay any attention. Moreover, her relationships with her classmates are not very good. Things are bad at home too. Parents constantly make scandals.

It was not easy for the girls who were not used to filming on the set. Anya admitted that it was “difficult to get used to the pace of life of the film crew. Work began at 9 am. First there was makeup and costumes, and then the young actresses got into the frame. The texts had to be learned in the evening. The director immediately warned that on set he would be demanding and strict with them. However, this is correct. By the way, many acquaintances and friends, when they learned about my filming, supported me. My mother was especially worried, because in the film I had to be natural.”

However, despite the complete lack of experience, the Ranetka girls turned out quite natural in the frame. This helped them gain popularity and become successful. The series appeared on screens in March 2008 and immediately fell in love with millions of viewers.

The Ranetki group has become quite popular. Spectators and listeners admired and respected the schoolgirls. This made the girls more responsible for their own creativity, and they took their future creativity seriously. The Ranetki albums were recorded in parallel with filming in the series. The songs gradually began to mature.

In 2008, the team was invited to Holland for the popular Eurosonic festival. In the entire history of its existence, it was only the second time that a group from Russia was invited to the stage. Before “Ranetok”, only musicians from the group “Leningrad” played at the festival. In the land of tulips, the girls were greeted very warmly, and after the concert, dozens of journalists bombarded them with questions at a press conference.

The series "Ranetki" ended in 2010. During the broadcast of the film, the group managed to record two albums. The “Ranetki” album appeared even before filming; in 2009, the album “Our Time Has Come” was recorded, and a year later listeners heard “I Will Never Forget.” After the series, another album was released, called “Bring Back Rock and Roll.”

Leaving "Ranetki"

On November 21, 2011, Anna Rudneva left the Ranetki group. The girl stated that she and the team had parted ways. She switched to her family and started raising her daughter.

Now Anya, together with her colleagues in the musical group, is studying at the Faculty of Social and Cultural Activities of the Moscow State Institute of Culture and Arts. There the singer studied the specialty “Producing and staging show programs.”

Anya Rudneva - “Everything that happened to you”

So far, Anya Rudneva’s most striking film work has been her role in “Ranetki.” In addition to them, she managed to play in several episodes of the popular sitcom “Happy Together”. There she appeared as a member of the group “Pipettes”. And in 2011, the artist played a schoolgirl in the film “Once Upon a Time in Baben-Baben.” A year earlier, Anya voiced Stella in the cartoon “Winx: The Secret of the Enchanted Castle.”

Personal life of Anna Rudneva

Anya Rudneva had a romantic relationship with Stas Shmelev.

In 2008, the girl met Pasha Serdyuk, who is known to the public for his role as Denis Shatalin in the TV series “My Fair Nanny.” The actor appeared in the television series “Ranetki” at a time when the film had been on the air for six months and was rated.

“I watch TV very rarely, and when I was invited to the casting, I didn’t even remember the name of the project. I arrived at the studio, portrayed what they asked, and they hired me. The very next day I arrived for filming. I was seated at the same desk with Anya in the frame, this shocked me... The Ranetki group, it turns out, was already popular, but I had never heard their songs, and besides, I didn’t know anyone by sight. I remembered Anya. One day I was switching channels and accidentally saw a series. I really liked Anya then, but purely outwardly. I understood that we were unlikely to meet and put the girl out of my head. But it happens that we ended up being partners on the set. And we had to play love. This is cool,” says Pasha Serdyuk

Sweet couple

A little later, the actors began an affair. In April 2011, during one of the concerts of the Ranetki group, a young man went on stage and in front of everyone asked Anya to marry him. The singer agreed, but the ceremony was constantly postponed. On January 21, 2012, the couple officially registered their relationship.

And five months later their daughter Sofia was born, then the young parents were 22 years old. By the way, fans of the Ranetki group could follow the development of the relationship between Anya and Pasha. Both participated in the reality show “Anya+”. Unfortunately, the marriage did not last long, the young people separated in 2013, and in February 2015 the couple officially separated.

In April 2015, Anya married for the second time to Dmitry Belin. He is two years younger than her, and they met quite a long time ago: they worked together on recording a record.

On August 17, 2015, the couple had a son, Timofey. The couple is involved in business together: they jointly opened a recording studio and a school where they teach vocals and guitar playing.

Singer Date of birth January 11 (Capricorn) 1990 (29) Place of birth Moscow Instagram @rudneva_a

Anna Olegovna Rudneva is a songwriter and performer, actress and jewelry designer. For 6 years she was a soloist of the popular Russian musical group “Ranetki”. The girl plays the rhythm guitar excellently and writes the lyrics herself. She became the author of almost all of the group's singles. The STS channel liked the work of the Ranetki group so much that they decided to film a series about the lives of the group members. Anya had a cameo role in the project “Happy Together”.

Biography of Anna Rudneva

When the future artist turned 15 years old, her friend became eager to organize a musical group. In the summer of 2005, teenage girls created the rock group “Ranetki”. At the very beginning, the ensemble included Anna, Evgenia Ogurtsova, Valeria Kozlova, Natalya Shchelkova. A year later, another girl was added to them.

The singer graduated from music school, where she mastered the skill of playing the guitar. The girl composed music and poetry, she became the author of many lyrics for the group. A wave of popularity covered the girls a year later. Their songs were performed in the acclaimed television series “Kadetstvo”. That same year, Ranetki performed at the Emmaus and Megahouse festivals. In 2008, the STS TV channel invited the group members to take part in the Ranetki project. During the filming period, the girls managed to give concerts and even recorded their debut album “Ranetki”.

The team made friends with many musical groups, and recorded backing vocals with some of the Ranetka performers. The series "Ranetki" was gaining popularity among teenage audiences. It showed the life of ordinary Russian schoolgirls: their first love, disappointment, difficulties in relationships with adults and peers. The members of the musical group were not professional actresses; they studied acting on the set.

In 2010, the last season of the youth television series “Ranetki” was released. At this time, the musical group recorded 2 more albums. A year later, Anna Rudneva left Ranetki due to a conflict with the producer. At the end of 2012, Anna released her first song “Magnit”, and a few months later the singer performed a solo concert. In 2014, the singer created the team “Anya Rudneva & Youngs”. That same year, the girl released a line of jewelry called “Ann Rudneva”.

What happened to the young actors of the popular TV series Clone, My Fair Nanny, Club: 52 photos

Personal life of Anna Rudneva

The singer first married in 2012 to Pavel Serdyukov, an actor from the television series “My Fair Nanny.” The union did not last long, only 3 years. After the marriage, Anna left behind a daughter, Sofia.

The artist married the musician Dmitry Belin for the second time in 2013; the girl had known him for many years. A few months after the wedding, Anya gave birth to a son, Timofey. The married couple created several joint creative projects and started a business that became successful.

Anya’s departure from the Ranetki group, with which part of her life and career was connected, was accompanied by a loud scandal. She had not liked the atmosphere that reigned within the team for a long time, the behavior of the participants and the mood with which Rudneva left Ranetki had been with her for a long time.

She stood at the very origins of the group, wrote songs for it and sang them herself, becoming one of the most popular performers among youth audiences. After leaving Ranetki, the main thing in the artist’s life became husband of Anya Rudneva actor Pavel Serdyuk, familiar to television viewers for his role as Denis Shatalin in the TV series “My Fair Nanny.”

In the photo - Anya Rudneva with her husband

At the time of leaving the group, she was pregnant, so she was more concerned about the health of her unborn daughter than sorting out relationships in the team. As soon as Pasha found out that his girlfriend was expecting a child, he immediately proposed to her, and it all looked very romantic - right during the concert, he went up on stage with a bouquet in his hands and asked Anna to become his wife. Then they played a modest wedding, to which the former “Ranetka” did not invite any of her former friends in the group.

Anya met Pavel two years earlier, and when they got married, they decided to create a real reality show based on their family life, which was broadcast on one of the Internet portals.

Anya Rudneva’s husband, despite his youth, adequately endured all the whims of his pregnant wife, although she, as he admitted, sometimes simply infuriated him. Anya says that she is very grateful to Pavel that he silently endured all her antics, and this helped her understand how reliable a person he is. Rudneva says that her husband’s paternal instinct woke up very early - even earlier than her maternal instinct. Anya Rudneva’s husband easily dealt with the baby, could feed her, change her clothes, take her for a walk, and did all this with pleasure. The daughter is very similar to her father and even her character is just as calm and smiling.

Olegovna was born in Moscow on January 11, 1990. Our heroine was very close to her grandmother as a child. It was she who suggested sending her granddaughter to a music school. Anya was enrolled in a violin and piano class. Time passed, but this process did not bear any fruit. Then Anya decided to learn to play the guitar. And I was right.

A friend of our heroine suggested creating her own musical group. The “Ranetok” team included Valeria Shchelkova, Elena Tretyakova and, of course, our heroine. Anya "Ranetka" played rhythm guitar. She masters this instrument perfectly. The girl also wrote some songs for her group. The group “Ranetki” was gaining popularity, but the girls learned what real fame and glory was when they performed several songs for the TV series “Kadetstvo”.

TV series "Ranetki"

After some time, fans of the group could see a series about the participants
popular group, in which Anya “Ranetka” (photo on the right) played a girl suffering from a lack of male attention and endless scandals of her parents. Our heroine admits that it was not easy for her to get used to the days of filming - the pace of work was too active. In addition, the director immediately said that he does not give any concessions to absolutely anyone on the set. Therefore, Anya tried to learn the script in the evening. Six months later, Pasha Serdyuk, who gained fame thanks to his role as Denis Shatalin in the series “My Fair Nanny,” was invited to the filming of the series. This is how the young people met.

Anya and Pasha

Pavel admits that he once accidentally saw our heroine on TV when the series was on. He immediately liked Anya “Ranetka”, but he understood that they were unlikely to meet. Therefore, when Pavel came to the set and was seated at the same desk with Rudneva, he was very surprised. It turned out that they were supposed to play love in the series. This is how their relationship began. And at one of Ani’s concerts, Pasha proposed to her right from the stage. The girl agreed. They broadcast their preparations for the wedding in the reality show “Anya+”. After some time, this television project stopped appearing on the screen. The spectators became worried. Shortly after this, the couple announced online that they would not be able to continue filming for the time being, as tension and misunderstandings had arisen in their relationship. Nevertheless, the young people still made peace.


After leaving the show “Anya+” the guys no longer talked about the wedding. But this event was still destined to happen. They did not talk about the wedding until Anya “Ranetka” found out about her pregnancy. Pasha was very happy about this news. At the wedding, our heroine’s belly was already visible, but she did not try to hide it. In 2012, “Ranetka” Anya gave birth to a girl, whom she named Sofia. The parents were incredibly happy. The girl was born completely healthy. Anya admits that she had no time to go to the gym, but during her pregnancy she gained 18 kg. But Pasha turned out to be a very responsible father and began to help his wife in everything. He entered into the role of a young father so much that when Sofia was 9 months old, he could already feed, dress, and calm his baby on his own. The father of the family also became interested in his own home-made cabinets. He spoils Sofia a lot. He spares no money for her.

Anya was very upset by her appearance. She couldn't go on stage with a sagging, flabby belly. But our heroine did not suffer for long. She pulled herself together and decided to undergo this procedure, which is very painful, but very effective. Soon Anya got herself into excellent shape.

Collapse of "Ranetok"

After Anya “Ranetka” found out about her pregnancy, she made a decision

leave the group. Her fans were very upset by this fact. However, the group’s producer was sure that Anya did not leave Ranetki forever, because the contract ended only after two years. But he was wrong. Moreover, Anna Rudneva did not invite anyone from this group to her wedding, except for who also left the team. Our heroine speaks very impartially about the producer and the girls remaining in the group. Apparently, she has her own reasons for this. Sergei Milnichenko, producer of “Ranetok,” believes that Anya fell under someone else’s influence and was told something very unpleasant. For example, that she was underestimated in the group and was underpaid.

Anna today

Now Anya is pursuing a solo career. She began working with the Youngs group. Most recently, Anna Rudneva presented her new solo program at the FACE club. She performed 10 of her songs and some hits of “Ranetok”. Anya's performance style has hardly changed. As our heroine herself says, in the near future she will not be able to devote much time to creativity. Most of her attention will be focused on her family. Now for her, her loving husband and charming daughter Sofia are the main people on the planet. But she has no intention of quitting her job completely. Anya refuses only concerts, since they take a lot of time, and it doesn’t suit her yet. But our heroine is not going to refuse to create new songs and please her fans.