Dream Interpretation: Why see lice in a dream? Seeing lice in a dream and killing them

  • 27.11.2023

The interpretation of what lice mean in dreams is rooted in the depths of history. In the Middle Ages, almost every dream book proceeded from the fact that these small creatures were an everyday occurrence, a necessary evil, so to speak. Moreover, their absence was considered an ominous sign: just as rats leave a sinking ship, so they leave their owner shortly before his death. Seeing them in a dream was considered a good sign.

What it means when you dream of lice is directly related to the growth of the dreamer’s well-being. If in reality an event is planned that can bring profit, with a high degree of probability we can assume that this is exactly what will happen.

What famous interpreters say

The modern dream book offers somewhat contradictory interpretations of what lice mean in dreams. The meaning of a dream often depends on which part of the body is being attacked. If the area is the head and hair, the dream may be a harbinger of illness.

At the same time, if the insects did not touch the head and hair, this is definitely a positive dream. Lice on the body are harbingers of material well-being, which will literally overtake the sleeper, wherever he is.

The Ukrainian interpreter expresses a slightly different opinion. If you dreamed of lice in your hair, expect quick advancement up the career ladder, a promotion, or simply recognition of success, which will greatly flatter you.

According to Vanga’s interpretation, lice are harbingers of an unexpected problem, the quick solution of which will bring exceptional benefits to the sleeper. As they say, there would be no happiness, but troubles helped.

If you dreamed of nits and lice, which you managed to get rid of in a dream, the dreamer will have a quick and successful resolution of problems of an intimate nature, Freud’s dream book promises. The period of loneliness and associated depression will be left behind. The dream foreshadows the resumption of a former passion or a new, no less exciting acquaintance.

As another interpretation of dreams says, lice that the sleeper managed to kill in a dream can turn into tears in reality. Hasse's interpretation does not specify how serious and justified the reason for the tears will be.

Miller's dream book offers the least optimistic forecast: lice in the hair, according to the interpretation of Gustav Hindemann, mean strong emotions. The most offensive thing will become clear later: the worries were not worth a damn.

For autumn birthday boys, everything that lice dream of promises big money and tempting prospects bypass the dreamer for one reason only: his timidity and indecisiveness.

If you happen to see a lot of lice in a dream, which do not cause you the slightest discomfort, for example, crawling on someone else, it is highly likely that your financial situation will improve in the near future.

When you see lice on a child in a dream, the dream book encourages you to think about whether you are too worried about your child in reality. Your unnecessary worries, especially about his health, greatly complicate everyday life and darken the holidays.

Explaining what pubic lice mean in dreams, the Spring Dream Book for birthday people urges them to be more careful in their love affairs. Now you risk not only catching something like this, but also jeopardizing your own reputation.

What lice or fleas mean in dreams often symbolizes the dreamer’s immediate environment. Unworthy behavior combined with importunity is often transformed in a dream into such unpleasant images.

When you have to kill lice in a dream, the dream book confirms the sleeper’s suspicions about the bad rumors that envious people and ill-wishers are spreading behind his back. The dream calls for you to take care of your reputation so as not to give reasons to envious people.

If you had to catch lice in a dream, this is due to the upcoming offer of additional income. At first glance, it may seem very tempting, however, do not rush to accept it. Learn to appreciate your work.

Even if you managed to catch a lice in a dream, do not rush to celebrate your victory. The dream book believes that the dream indicates that you often put in a disproportionate amount of effort for an insignificant result.

When you have to look for lice, the dream book directly connects it with your determination. Despite all the adversity and obstacles, you continue to move towards your goal. What you saw in a dream once again confirms your willingness not to give up and not give up.

If you happened to comb out lice in a dream on the eve of a major deal or important enterprise, the dream book reassures that everything will go smoothly and without any incidents. Partners and even competitors will be extremely friendly towards you. Try not to miss such a favorable moment.

Everything that you dream about killing lice is noted in the dream book as a favorable symbol. What you see in a dream foreshadows deliverance from hardships in reality. Help will come from where you didn't expect it.

Why you dream about crushing lice is often associated with receiving long-awaited news. The Dream Interpretation believes that this news will in one way or another relate to the financial situation, its improvement and further stability.

If at the moment you are experiencing financial difficulties in reality, nevertheless, in a dream you managed to kill a louse, the dream book hastens to report a joyful forecast: the problem with money will be solved in the most unexpected way.


The meaning of a dream about lice can be very different. In some cases, a dream predicts illnesses and misfortunes, in others - success and profit. Did you dream about lice in a specific situation?

Miller's Dream Book: seeing lice in a dream

Dreaming lice according to Freud's dream book

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus: seeing lice in a dream

Tsvetkov's dream book: lice

Esotericist Evgeny Tsvetkov, explaining why lice dream, agrees with Nostradamus: he also believes that this is a sign of enrichment and good luck in your endeavors. But if a sleeper sees insects on his body, this is not good.

Hasse's Dream Interpretation: dreams of lice

Seeing or feeling lice jumping on you in a dream means the imminent appearance of health problems, most likely associated with skin and dermatological diseases. If you or your relatives have ever had such diseases, pay special attention at this time to preventive measures in relation to your health.

A dream in which you see yourself getting rid of lice foretells the end of a meaningless search for the correct way to treat the chronic diseases that torment you and a speedy cure. This dream can also mean quick relief from warts and facial skin problems.


Why do you dream about lice?

English dream book

Lice - this dream foreshadows dangerous diseases, poverty and misfortune. Terrible troubles await you or someone to whom you are tenderly attached. You may also have major troubles in the business sphere: your enterprise will be significantly reduced, and if you are in the military service, you may lose your job. Often this dream promises that you will go to prison for debt.

American dream book

Lice are annoying nuisances.

Eastern dream book

Why do you dream about lice in a dream according to the dream book?

Seeing nasty insects on yourself is not a pleasant dream, but in fact it promises quick profit and wealth.

Maly Velesov dream book

Lice - there will be money, wealth, getting rid of bad things / poverty, sadness; a lot - poverty, illness; for someone - good luck in business; on oneself - bad; to beat is a good sign, luck, surprise; kill - death; catch - there will be money; combing - getting rid of hassle.

Russian dream book

Lice - dream about money.

Family dream book

Dreaming of a louse means sorrows and troubles.

See it on your body - you will behave incorrectly with your friends.

If you catch a louse, beware of illness.

In general, dreams in which lice are present usually foreshadow experiences related to health or someone’s intrusiveness.

Newest dream book

In a dream, why do you dream about Lice?

Louse - to diseases of the liver, stomach, pancreas, spleen. To the production slander; if there is a lot - to money.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Why see lice in a dream?

Seeing lice in a dream means wealth; in a single copy, it means sorrows and troubles.

Lice eggs promise many minor worries. Seeing them on clothes is a harbinger of a serious illness; lice on animals is a sign of need and loss.

Seeing a louse on your body means that in reality you will harm yourself by acting dishonestly with old acquaintances. Seeing lice on someone else portends good luck in business, invitations will pour in from all sides.

Catching a louse in a dream is a sign of a disease to which you will attach too much importance. Squashing lice - to worries related to health or annoying attacks on you by anonymous ill-wishers.

Dream Interpretation of Shereminskaya

Seeing a louse means receiving money; to catch is a nuisance, bad news.

Dream Interpreter

To see this sign in a dream is good and foretells wealth; to clean them off and comb them out means to get rid of some sadness or trouble.

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if you dream about Lice?

A louse in a dream predicts that you will have to worry about your health, and your enemies will spoil a lot of your nerves.

Seeing a lot of lice in a dream means worries, failures and illnesses.

Lice on livestock portend hunger and crop failure.

Lice on your body are a sign that you will behave incorrectly towards your friends.

Seeing that you have caught a louse predicts illness.

Dream book of the 21st century

Why did Lice dream about it?

Seeing lice in a dream is a good dream; it promises you deliverance from troubles, success or money.

Knowing that you have lice in your head, but not seeing them, means loss or loss; hitting lice in a dream means money or unexpected news.

Crushing a nit in a dream means that you are confidently moving towards your intended goal and nothing can lead you astray from the right path; seeing nits on your head is a harbinger of long-awaited success or promotion.

Azar's Dream Book

Lice - a lot of money.

Dream interpretation horoscope

Lice mean money.

Dream Interpretation of Grishina

A louse, one or more crawling across your body - deliverance from troubles, success or money that does not bring much joy.

A lot of lice on you is a disease.

Having lice in your head means poverty.

Seeing them means money.

Hitting them means money, surprise.

Training lice is a warning against persistence in relation to another.

Lice on any objects indicate that these objects belong to the world of evil.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

If you saw lice in a dream, get ready for a lot of troubles.

Seeing a louse on your body is a sign that you risk being subjected to violent attacks from your ill-wishers.

A louse in the hair portends extremely unpleasant consequences from dark thoughts or harmful advice. Perhaps someone is planning evil against you, or you risk suffering from your own evil plans.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

To see lice in a dream that literally showered you, and want in vain to get rid of them - you were already close to big money, but your indecision ruined everything.

Catching pubic lice in a dream means a venereal disease.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Seeing a lot of lice in a dream means money.

Catching pubic lice in a dream means money.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Seeing lice in a dream means tears.

Killing lice means money.

Pubic lice (manda lice) - suffering and loss of honor.

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Miss Hasse

What does it mean if you dream about Lice?

Seeing lice on someone is good luck in business; to have it yourself - the share will change for the worse; seeing a lot is wealth.

Miller's Dream Book

Seeing a louse means a lot of sorrows and troubles. This often implies severe ill health.

Louse on livestock - portends hunger and loss.

Seeing a louse on your body means that you will behave incorrectly with your old acquaintances.

Seeing that you have caught a louse is a sign of a disease to which you will attach too much importance.

Lice always foreshadow experiences related to health or annoying attacks from enemies.

Dream Interpretation of the Pechora Healer

Lice are wealth.

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

The appearance of lice in a dream always portends problems related to health or annoying attacks from enemies.

Seeing a louse on yourself means that you will behave incorrectly with your old acquaintances.

A caught louse means a disease that will bring you a lot of unnecessary worries. Lice on pets mean hunger and loss.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

You dreamed of lice - thieves will get in on you.

In a dream you caught them - in the near future you will receive a lot of money, but they will disappear as unexpectedly as they appeared.

A dream in which you watched someone catching lice means that soon, thanks to someone close to you, you will make a big profit.

Aesop's Dream Book

The louse is a symbol of uncleanliness and poverty. Lice have a special ability to reproduce and survive. They jump around, so they are not easy to catch and destroy. This is a topic for comparison and ridicule of restless, eccentric people.

Trying to destroy lice with your hands is a symbol of useless work, expectations that will not be met, and wasted effort.

Seeing talking lice means you will be surprised and receive unexpected news.

Seeing that lice bite you and do not give you peace is a sign of profit, money that you did not expect, financial assistance.

Looking for a remedy to get rid of lice is a symbol of solving a problem that has been occupying you for a long time and will finally go away.

Seeing a louse that lays eggs means painstaking work that will take a lot of time and require close attention.

Seeing lice jumping means anxiety, news that will disrupt the regularity of your life.

Seeing a lot of lice and nits infested is a sign of profit.

To dream that you are trying to wash lice off your clothes and hit them with a roller - beware of evil people; to empty and vain worries; to false accusations and dirty gossip.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Lice - to money; to see someone - good luck in business; on yourself, one or two - for the worse.

Ukrainian dream book

Lice - if you dream of lice, then there will be money; attack.

Esoteric dream book

Lice mean money.

Online dream book

Meaning of sleep: Lice according to the dream book?

According to the dream book, lice portend diseases of the abdominal organs or annoying misunderstandings at work.

But if you dreamed of them in countless quantities, you will soon get rich.

Seeing their larvae in a dream means troubles and worries, and if they are on your clothes, expect a deterioration in your health, and on the animal - lack of money.

If you dreamed that lice were jumping all over you - you would cause trouble for someone and you yourself would suffer from it.

A dream in which you saw them in your own hair foreshadows financial difficulties.

If you dream that they are on other people - expect your situation to improve, many interesting opportunities for development will appear.

If in a dream you find yourself with pubic lice, it is possible that you will suffer from a sexually transmitted disease, or simply become cold towards your chosen one.

The dream in which you caught them warns that you will be overly keen on fighting an unimportant illness.

Squashing a louse in a dream means worries about your own well-being and annoying gossip.

Combing out lice - bitterness and melancholy will leave you, leave your negative thoughts in the past. The new day has pleasant surprises in store for you.

Lice in the head - harmony and tranquility in life, everything suits you and brings you joy. A job I love, a friendly and strong family, a stable income.

If you dreamed of killing lice, the surprise will not only be sudden, but also extremely pleasant.

Catching lice - you will hear something unflattering about yourself and your abilities. Try not to attach any importance to this criticism.

Squash lice - in reality a luxurious life full of pleasure awaits you. Household unrest will be behind us.

Pubic lice, as the dream book interprets, means you will find yourself in an awkward situation from which you will have to get out without losing your honor and dignity.


Why do you dream about lice? What does it mean to see lice in a dream?

Dream Interpretation of the Gypsy Seraphim

Why do you dream about Lice?

Interpretation of the dream book: Lice are uncleanness of the body, mind, spirit, many dream books interpret such a dream this way.

Housewife's Dream Interpretation

Why do you dream about lice?

According to the dream book, seeing lice - Seeing lice on someone is good luck in business; having them yourself - your life will change for the worse; seeing a lot of lice means wealth. Seeing lice on clothes is a harbinger of a serious illness; lice on animals - to need and loss. Catching a louse in a dream means an illness with serious consequences. Squashing lice means worrying about the health of a close relative

Summer dream book

Why see lice in a dream?

Interpretation of the dream: Lice - Seeing a lot of lice in a dream means money.

Pubic lice - Picking up pubic lice in a dream means money.

Autumn dream book

Why see lice in a dream?

Why do you dream of Lice - To see lice in a dream that literally showered you, and want in vain to get rid of them - you were already close to big money, but your indecision ruined everything, as the dream book says about this dream.

Nits - Seeing nits in a dream means some kind of trouble.

Pubic lice - Catching pubic lice in a dream means a sexually transmitted disease.

Psychological dream book

Why do you dream about Lice?

Dream Interpretation: Lice - Seeing nasty insects on yourself is not a pleasant dream, but in fact it promises quick profit and wealth

Spring dream book

Why see lice in a dream?

According to the Lice dream book, seeing lice in a dream means tears. Killing lice means money.

Dream Interpretation Louse. Seeing lice from the outside is a sign of troubles and worries when the business begins, and a sign of success when the business is nearing completion. In terms of health, such a dream is often a signal of illness. Seeing lice on pets means losses, hunger, on yourself - behaving incorrectly with friends. Catching a louse means a disease, the danger of which you overestimate. Lice usually mean worries, attacks from enemies, this is how the dream book interprets the dream you had.

Nits - hitting nits - to disgust and contempt.

Pubic lice (manda lice) - to suffering and loss of honor.

Modern dream book

According to the dream book of Lice, what does sleep mean?

Seeing a Louse in a dream - A louse dreams of sorrows and troubles. If you see a louse on your body, you will behave incorrectly with your friends. If you catch a louse, beware of illness. In general, dreams in which lice are present usually foreshadow experiences related to health or someone’s intrusiveness.

Dream Interpretation Seeing lice means money; a lot of lice - to illness; hitting lice is a surprise in business (as is seeing a witch).

Dreamed/dreamed of Nits - Seeing nits in a dream means fighting your enemy.


Tell me, please, why do you dream about lice?


Blonde in chocolate

"Lice - Seeing lice in a dream is a good sign and portends wealth; clearing them from yourself and combing them out means getting rid of some sadness or trouble."

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, December

Lice - Seeing a lot of lice in a dream means money.

Maly Velesov Dream Interpretation

"Lice - There will be money, wealth, deliverance from bad things // poverty, sadness; a lot - poverty, illness; on someone - good luck in business; on yourself - bad; to hit - a good sign, luck, surprise; to kill - death; catching - there will be money; combing - getting rid of the hassle."

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

"Lice - To money; to see someone - good luck in business; to see one or two on yourself - for the worse."

Ukrainian dream book

"Lice - As you dream about lice, there will be money; attack."

Dream book of the 21st century

Dream Interpretation of the Pechora Healer Fedorovskaya

Lice - Wealth.

Azar's Dream Book

Lice - Lots of money

Dream book of the medium Miss Hasse

"Lice - To see someone - good luck in business; to have one yourself - your lot will change for the worse; to see a lot - wealth."

Esoteric dream book

Lice - To money.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Dream Interpretation of Lice, dream of Lice in a dream - interpretation of dreams, why one dreams, dreams, dreamed, saw in a dream.


Definitely for money, the more you see at home, of course, the better. In general, I would advise that when you see such a dream, try to return to it without getting out of bed and collect as many of them as possible. Try it, it will work!


To profit


This is undoubtedly a profit. But if you saw them dead, in a different state, then this must be indicated. The interpretation is different.

Tatiana Cheremis

To profit. Not only monetary. It can also be gifts

Nadejda Seredenko

it's about money.


To profit.

Alexsandra Neumann

to money

Ivan Govorov

I guess you have lice

a lot of mosquitoes

Lice on a child mean problems on your way or on the way of your child. If you have a child, be sure to ask if everything is okay with your child. Squeezing lice on a child means helping him cope with his problems. Lice on a child's head mean that you are in for trouble socially. If he has a lice on his head in a dream, try to get rid of it in the dream. To see lice on another person in a dream - you will be successful and happy, others can only envy you. Why another person dreams of lice - this is a symbol of new opportunities and, judging by the interpretation of the dream, you may miss them and then the other person will not fail to take advantage of them. Seeing lice in a person’s hair means you are afraid of getting into trouble, of finding yourself in a difficult situation that will require immediate solutions. A lice on the head, lice on a stranger speaks of your complexes and outdated principles.

Damir Mullashev

because you need to wash your hair xD


Nadezhda Doroshko (Eryomina)

talk about money

Katyushka Trokhimenko

this is a signal that you need to wash your head more often *))) your subconscious is KNOCKING at you through a dream *)))

Igor Leonov

Sleep in hand


To the money!!!


Dream interpreter. Dream interpretation

Lice - Seeing lice in a dream is a good sign and portends wealth; to clean them off and comb them out means to get rid of some sadness or trouble.

Dream interpretation of those born from September to December

Lice - To see lice in a dream that literally showered you, and want in vain to get rid of them - you were already close to big money, but your indecision ruined everything.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Dream Interpretation Lice – Seeing a lot of lice in a dream means money.

Maly Velesov Dream Interpretation

Why do you dream about Lice - There will be money, wealth, getting rid of bad things // poverty, sadness; too much – poverty, illness; for someone - good luck in business; on oneself - bad; to beat is a good sign, luck, surprise; kill - death; catch - there will be money; combing - getting rid of hassle.

Dream book of Tsvetkov. Dream interpretation

Lice - To money; to see someone - good luck in business; on yourself, one or two - for the worse.

Ukrainian dream book. Dream interpretation

Lice - If you dream of lice, then there will be money; attack.

Dream book of the 21st century. Dream interpretation

Lice - Seeing lice in a dream is a good dream, it promises you deliverance from troubles, success or money. Knowing that you have lice in your head, but not seeing them, means loss or loss; hitting lice in a dream means money or unexpected news. Crushing a nit in a dream means that you are confidently moving towards your intended goal and nothing can lead you astray from the right path; seeing nits on your head is a harbinger of long-awaited success or promotion.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Lice - Seeing lice in a dream means tears. Killing lice means money.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

Seeing lice in a dream means wealth.

Azar's Dream Book

Lice - Lots of money

Dream Interpretation of Hasse. Dream interpretation

Lice - To see someone - good luck in business; to have it yourself - the share will change for the worse; seeing a lot is wealth.

Esoteric dream book

Lice - To money.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Lice - Profit, money - to see someone - good luck in business - to have it yourself - Your lot will change for the worse - to see a lot - wealth

Kill lice

Dream Interpretation Kill lice dreamed of why you dream about Killing lice? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Killing lice in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Louse

Seeing a louse means a lot of sorrows and troubles.

This often implies severe ill health. Louse on livestock - portends hunger and loss.

Seeing a louse on your body means that you will behave incorrectly with your old acquaintances.

Seeing that you have caught a louse is a sign of a disease to which you will attach too much importance.

Lice always foreshadow experiences related to health or annoying attacks from enemies.

Dream Interpretation - Louse

A louse dreams of sorrows and troubles.

If you see a louse on your body, you will behave incorrectly with your friends.

If you catch a louse, beware of illness.

In general, dreams in which lice are present usually foreshadow experiences related to health or someone’s intrusiveness.

Dream Interpretation - Louse

Seeing lice in a dream means wealth; in a single instance, it means sorrows and troubles. Lice eggs promise many minor worries. Seeing them on clothes is a harbinger of a serious illness; lice on animals is a sign of need and loss.

Seeing a louse on your body means that in reality you will harm yourself by acting dishonestly with old acquaintances. Seeing lice on someone else portends good luck in business, invitations will pour in from all sides.

Catching a louse in a dream is a sign of a disease to which you will attach too much importance. Squashing lice - to worries related to health or annoying attacks on you by anonymous ill-wishers.

Dream Interpretation - Kill

A dream with many meanings that depend on the circumstances of the dream, types and instruments of murder.

Kill a person. Kill someone in a duel - defeat a competitor or rival in love. If you dreamed of a battle and killed enemies in battle, you will cope with difficult tasks, although not without a fight. Kill a thief who breaks into a house - soon you will have to protect your family from the attacks of evil people. Killing a bandit who attacked you portends good luck in business and a quick rise up the career ladder. The symbolism of the dream also depends on how the murder was committed. If you shot someone, be careful in reality: you will be deceived by a person you do not know. Stab someone with a knife: without blood - your enemies will succeed; to see blood flowing out at the same time means you will quarrel with a relative. To kill with a heavy object - a blow of fate awaits you. Kill by accident - your happiness will come to an end, and the guilt will be someone else's envy. Run over a pedestrian with a car - unexpected circumstances will interfere with your plans. To poison someone - your anger can greatly harm someone. If you dreamed that you were killing someone by hanging, this means that your affairs will remain in limbo for a long time. If you are not the murderer, but the murder is being committed before your eyes, then the dream does not point to you personally, but to one of your friends or relatives.

Imagine that the murdered person is buried. You personally attended the funeral, laid a bouquet of flowers on the grave and left the cemetery in a luxurious convertible.

Kill an animal. Kill a snake - in order to achieve your goal you will have to deal with competitors. Killing poultry (chopping chickens, ducks, geese) - although the new job will bring good money, it will require complete dedication from you, so you will not have time for your family. Killing wild birds (for example, while hunting) - random financial luck will smile on you. Kill songbirds (nightingales, canaries, larks, starlings) - your random word can offend an innocent person.

Imagine that instead of the bird you killed, a whole flock of songbirds appears.

If you killed a cat in a dream, in reality you will overcome enormous obstacles and achieve everything you wanted. Kill a mouse or rat - you will get out of a dangerous situation unscathed. Killing a monster in a dream means you will successfully defeat your enemies and take a prominent position in society. Kill an insect (fly, spider, cockroach, bedbug) - get rid of the annoying person. Killing a deer or elk means failure in your undertaking.

If you killed a deer or elk in a dream, imagine that you did not kill it, but only wounded it. You bandage the wound - and the deer gets up and goes into the forest.

Kill a wolf or a fox - defeat a cunning enemy who has been intriguing against you for a long time. Kill a bear - you will get out of a difficult situation with the help of an influential patron. Kill a frog or toad - quarrel with your best friend over a person of the opposite sex.

Imagine that you are preparing a delicious dish from frog legs and treating your friend to it.

Dream Interpretation - Kill

A snake or dragon kills a person - portends a great misfortune.

Killing yourself with a knife is a great happiness.

Killing a sheep is a disease, a misfortune.

Kill a leopard - you will receive an important assignment.

Killing a bull portends wealth and nobility.

Killing a bull and eating its meat is a commercial profit.

Killing a bull or deer portends wealth and nobility.

Killing a camel is a drink and a snack.

Killing a sparrow means problems, difficulties associated with your wife or mistress.

Killing a goose portends great happiness

Killing another person portends wealth and nobility.

Killing a horse is a drink and a snack.

Killing a donkey, camel or horse - alcohol and snacks.

Killing a rooster, goose, or duck portends great happiness.

Killing a pig is good luck.

Kill a tiger or a leopard, a leopard - you will get an important position.

Killing a duck is great happiness.

Killing a person portends great happiness.

Killing a person so that the blood stains his clothes means you will receive material profit, wealth.

Killing a turtle portends mourning.

They kill you or harm you - happiness in which misfortune lurks.

Dream Interpretation - Louse

This insect is always a symbol of uncleanliness and poverty. Lice have a special ability to reproduce and survive. They jump around, so they are not easy to catch and destroy. This is a topic for comparison and ridicule of restless, eccentric people.

Trying to destroy lice with your hands is a symbol of useless work, expectations that will not be met, and wasted effort.

Seeing talking lice - you will be surprised, you will receive unexpected news.

Seeing that lice bite you and do not give you peace is a sign of profit, money that you did not expect, material assistance.

Looking for a way to get rid of lice is a symbol of solving a problem that has been occupying you for a long time and will finally go away.

Seeing a louse that lays eggs means painstaking work that will take a lot of time and require close attention.

Seeing lice jumping means anxiety, news that will disrupt the regularity of your life.

Seeing a lot of lice and nits infested is a sign of profit.

To dream that you are trying to wash lice off your clothes and hit them with a roller - beware of evil people; to empty and vain worries; to false accusations and dirty gossip.

Dream Interpretation - Louse

Seeing a louse in a dream means sorrows and troubles.

A lot of lice - to illness, poverty.

Seeing them on yourself means attacks from enemies, ill health.

However, many ancient dream interpreters believe that lice are a symbol of achieving wealth and receiving money.

Dream Interpretation - Louse

A louse, one or more crawling across your body - deliverance from troubles, success or money that does not bring much joy.

A lot of lice on you is a disease.

Having lice in your head means poverty.

Seeing them means money.

Hitting them means money, surprise.

Training lice is a warning against persistence in relation to another.

Lice on any objects - indicates that these objects belong to the world of evil

Dream Interpretation - Louse

Seeing them means be careful, they want to deceive you.

An employee sees a louse - to dismissal.

Seeing how you search for and destroy lice is a sign of wealth.

Dream Interpretation - Louse

Seeing a louse means catching money is a nuisance, bad news.

Dreams sometimes show us something that in real life we ​​would like not to even think about.

Complete bewilderment, disgust and a completely natural question arise: why do you dream about lice? In other words, what to expect from such a dream in reality?

Before trying to interpret such a not-so-pleasant dream, it is worth considering all its nuances. There may be several of them, for example:

  • You saw lice on your head.
  • We found them in your child.
  • We saw either a lot of lice or just one.
  • Lice or fleas on the body or hands.
  • They are on clothes, beds, furniture, on the floor.
  • You may also dream about fleas.
  • Saw it on someone else.

Having determined all the necessary details of your dream, you can interpret what lice mean in dreams. This means that you can wisely apply the knowledge gained from the dream book in reality.

You didn’t call them, but they came...

Lice or fleas in night dreams can mean both wealth and illness, both joy and misfortune. It all depends on where they appeared in the dream and how they manifested themselves.

1. Most often in dreams you can see and feel these nasty creatures on your own head. If you find lice in your hair in a dream, this is, despite all the unpleasant sensations, a very good dream that promises you quick wealth in reality.

If there is just a whole army of them, so many that your hair is literally moving, your whole head is covered in small creatures - this is incredibly disgusting, but still rejoice, real luxury awaits you!

Perhaps the profit will “fall on your head” unexpectedly, and you will not even suspect it. But in any case, expect your finances to be replenished soon!

Rest assured, nothing and no one can interfere with your plans; a wonderful and fruitful period, inspiration and complete dedication awaits you. Be sure that after such a dream nothing threatens you in business and affairs, you will receive rewards and great success.

3. To see in a dream how you were simply attacked by lice, impudently crawling not only through your hair, but also over your face, body, hands, and maybe even biting - this, of course, is extremely unpleasant, but such a dream is also very good.

It simply promises you untold riches.Expect big profits soon!

Perhaps you will receive a win or an award, a bonus, a large debt will be returned to you, or you will simply find money. Even if you now have no idea where the money might come from, rest assured, fate knows best. Trust her.

4. But one louse crawling alone is a bad sign. If you had to see one or two lice crawling on you in a dream, this means some kind of trouble, bad news, disappointment.

Try to prepare or simply predict adverse events that may happen to you in the future. And do everything to mitigate the circumstances.

5. If you dreamed that you were crushing, destroying lice from your hair in any way. This dream is a harbinger of a new stage in your personal life and getting rid of loneliness, boredom, and monotony.

You will overcome your fears or certain complexes, learn and bring into life something new that you were previously afraid of. Perhaps a new partner will appear who will show you a new, unknown side of life.

6. If this nasty insect runs away, and you are trying to catch it in order to kill it, this is a clear symbol that in real life you are wasting your energy on some task, and luck is slipping out of your hands.

Perhaps it’s worth trying a different method, approaching from a different direction, so as not to waste energy. And then you can catch your luck.

7. But if you had a dream in which for some reason you know for sure that you have lice, but you don’t see them, this is not a good sign, the dream warns of an imminent loss or loss. The dream books are silent about what exactly, but you know better.

On someone else's head

Let's figure out what lice mean in dreams, which can be not only in your own hair, but also on another person. Such dreams have a different meaning.

1. If you happen to see lice in the head of another person, a stranger to you, in a dream, this is a wonderful sign that, according to all interpreters, promises joy, good luck and the successful completion of all affairs.

Expect a favorable period in business, at work, and in your family or personal life everything will be smooth. As every dream book promises, lice on another person’s head are a sign that you are not afraid of trouble yet.

2. Lice in a child’s head are a common dream for many mothers. Such a dream simply means the mother’s worries about her child, and the worries are in vain.

  • If you happen to crush lice in a child’s hair, it means that you are trying to isolate him from all troubles, dangers, and diseases, and you succeed.
  • If you are trying to crush lice, and there are more and more of them, and you feel the futility of this activity, know that your worries and fears are in vain, you are exaggerating and putting too much pressure on the child himself with your care.

4. A dream in which lice or fleas are not in your hair, but you saw them on your clothes, on the bed, anywhere - this means tears, sadness, and resentment. But do not be alarmed - this interpretation does not promise any troubles; rather, it means that you will simply remain in sadness for some time, but it will not be associated with serious tragedies.

Correct interpretation of dreams is not an easy task, because there are many nuances to consider. Many dreams can contain several symbols and signs at once, and you should take this into account when deciphering your night dreams.

When figuring out what lice or fleas mean in dreams, do not forget to pay attention to other details of the dream. Perhaps, by combining parts of the whole, you will see a larger and more complete picture that will tell you how to act in life, what to expect and what to fear. Author: Vasilina Serova

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In dreams, people often see or encounter things that make the hair on their heads stand on end, something that no one has ever encountered in life. Similar unpleasant phenomena include lice that dare to appear in dreams. It’s too loud to say that everyone has dealt with them at least once, but to say that everyone can dream about them is appropriate. Hence the appropriate question arises: Why do you dream about lice?

I dreamed about lice

Most people see this as impending failure and problems with money and are perceived negatively. But people make mistakes when they predict non-existent diagnoses and difficult life situations.

It is worth looking deeper into the origins and turning to ancient history. After all, since time immemorial, people have interpreted dreams in different ways, using the information received and warning themselves against dangers. In past centuries, lice were considered something everyday, commonplace. Their absence in a person threatened the appearance of a serious illness or imminent trouble.

For what

It will be difficult, but not impossible, to determine what lice mean in dreams without details. As stated earlier, take into account details that may seem important in order to identify and interpret the dream.

Watch the video. Why do you dream about lice?

In the hair

93% of dreams about lice mean significant profits

You need to discard all unpleasant thoughts and understand that seeing lice in your hair is a positive dream that promises wealth in reality. Moreover, your well-being depends on the number of insects - if there are so many of them that the hair on your head literally “stands on end,” then serious and significant luxury awaits you.

Not in the hair

Seeing lice outside the hair - on clothes, on furniture, crawling somewhere - promises sadness, frustration and resentment. You shouldn’t be very nervous and attack yourself with sad thoughts: the sadness will be short-lived, most likely associated with some small everyday things.

On the head

Expect a sharp replenishment of finances in the near future. Moreover, wealth will fall on you so unexpectedly that it will even be pleasant.


On the body



If the lice in your dream were white, then they call for some action or conversation that you have been thinking about for a long time. Feel free to start and don’t be afraid.

Large white lice in a dream foreshadow some losses. Moreover, losses can be not only in the monetary sphere, but also in any other sphere. You should beware of large expenses and suspicious promotions.


A lot of

The number of insects also affects the interpretation. A huge number promises a minor illness or some kind of delay in plans. So you should be more careful about your health.


Despite the favorable information about beetles in your dreams, one louse that appears in your dreams promises disappointment. Don’t give up and try to prepare as much as possible or prevent unpleasant events. Mitigate the situation and do not get involved in conflicts. If there is only one louse, but it is fat and large, the dream promises serious financial profit.


Lice in a dream

Run away

Feel but not see

Watch the video. If you dreamed about lice?

The child has

Often mothers see lice on their precious child in their nightmares. There is no need to worry or sound the alarm. Such a dream means excessive concern about the child.

7 out of 10 dreams about overprotective child

If for some reason in a dream you crush lice on a child’s head, this means that you are trying to isolate him from problems and troubles, and you are succeeding.

If the futility of this activity is immediately visible, the number of lice does not decrease, but on the contrary, perhaps they are too carried away with care. It’s worth exhaling and giving the child a little freedom.

From another person

Seeing insects in a stranger's head promises joy, good luck and prosperity, as well as a positive conclusion to long-term affairs. Rejoice, because you are no longer afraid of troubles.


To the girl

To a woman

When an adult and mature woman dreams of lice, this is a reason to doubt the fidelity of her significant other. You should not build any theories or assumptions, make hasty decisions or break off relationships. Just have an open conversation about this topic and try to figure something out. You can always resolve the issue that torments you peacefully, without scandals.

To a man

68% of men confirm the positive implementation of sleep

Anyone who sees them will soon complete some large-scale undertaking, receive a monetary or bonus reward for it, as well as universal recognition and success.

In addition, insects promise some kind of favorable period in your personal life and increased performance.

Why see lice in a dream

Despite the variety of interpretations about what lice mean in dreams, it is worth considering many details or nuances. Correct interpretation will help improve the interpretation as accurately as possible. You can find out what the future holds, prevent significant problems, or pay attention to important aspects in your life.


The destruction of lice from your head with the help of a stampede promises a new stage, as well as the disappearance of boredom, gloominess, the emergence of diversity and new acquaintances, hobbies, and interests.

Comb out

Coming out lice in a dream for yourself or someone - an acquaintance, relative or child - portends getting rid of troubles and difficult situations. If you dreamed that you were wielding a comb, this means that life will now become easier because you will get rid of problems.

Shake off

When in a dream you try to shake insects from your head, then success or promotion at work awaits, as well as greatness over rivals and competitors. It is worth catching luck by the tail, because it will be preceded by a fruitful period full of success and inspiration.

What do lice mean according to Miller's dream book?

Seeing lice is a rather unfavorable sign. Miller believes they carry a lot of complexity and sadness.

Finding them on your body means: you will behave incorrectly with good friends. Be more polite.

Did you dream of lice on your bed? You will get sick and begin to attach too much importance to your illness. Don't focus on it, cultivate a positive attitude.

Interpretation according to Vanga's dream book

Have you seen a lot of these insects? According to Vanga, this is a harbinger of making a good profit. If they were on the dog, it means that your friends will support you financially.

Why dream of feeling like lice bite? Interpretation of Vanga: do not spend a lot of money, otherwise you will find yourself in cramped circumstances.

Crush a louse in a dream - the dreamer will help a friend or relative solve the problem, but he will have to incur costs.

Why do you dream of lice according to other dream books?

The Muslim dream interpreter considers them a symbol of losses, poverty, and long-term illness. Their bites promise insults from people who do not have much weight.

Destroying them, according to the Islamic dream book, means overcoming difficulties. Shaking lice off yourself and seeing them fall off means making a good profit.

According to Freud, such a vision warns of not very pleasant sex after abstinence. Avoid promiscuity.

Remember what lice you dreamed about:

  • small - minor difficulties;
  • large - an overblown problem;
  • white - for money;
  • black - difficult times will begin;
  • green - money will come in an unusual way;
  • in the head - prejudices prevent you from achieving your goal;
  • bed - love strife, family conflicts;
  • pubic - a disease in the genital area.

Were there lice and mites on your skin? This is a sign of poor financial situation and poor health.

If worms were also present in the dream, there are troubles, minor griefs, worries, and irritation ahead.

On whom were they seen in a dream?

Why dream of seeing lice on someone else or a stranger? The Enigma dream book tells you: there is good luck in business, improved well-being, and good news.

The interpretation of the plot about them by a stranger promises the beginning of a favorable period in the professional sphere, personal and family life.

On relatives

Combing your daughter's lice is an omen of caring for her at a difficult moment. To beat them - in reality you are trying to isolate her from troubles, illnesses, and dangers.

The meaning of the plot about insects in the daughter’s head in a dream is that she will live in abundance. In the son's head - he will be able to make a fortune.

See with friends

Have you ever found them in a friend's hair? The dream book explains: someone is gossiping about you, speaking unkindly.

Seeing them on a male friend means you are too fixated on prejudices against acquaintances or colleagues. In fact, these are quite worthy people.

Lice on animals

Why dream of catching them on a cat? For some reason, your friend will become annoying, and conflicts with him will begin.

Lice on a dog indicate: a friend will become rich, but you will not gain any benefit from it and will envy him.

Envy of other people's successes does not make anyone happy. Realize your ideas - even if you fail, it will be a great experience that will show you the way. If the plan succeeds, this will confirm that you are also a successful person.

Killing them means change is coming

Is someone trying to send these creatures to you in a dream, offering their comb or a scarf from their head? Prepare for a trick from an envious person, avoid traps, learn to quickly rebuff your enemies and respond to insults with dignity.

Sometimes what you see in a dream causes disgust. Having woken up, there is a desire to forget about the night dream as soon as possible. However, there is no need to rush, because sometimes not so good sleep can have a positive effect. Let's try to find out what lice and nits mean in dreams and what it means if you dream about lice in your hair.

Why do you dream about lice in your head?

Seeing lice in a dream was once considered a good sign, although these insects are associated with trouble and poverty. Not only women, but also men often wonder why they dream of lice in their hair. One of the well-known interpretations is wealth and prosperity. In this case, the amount of profit received will be equal to the number of lice on the head. Modern dream books clarify that if you dreamed of lice, this will mean success in your career, troublesome affairs, after which your profit will increase and your status will increase.

Why does a child dream of lice?

Such a dream immediately causes fear and excitement. There are different interpretations if you dreamed of lice in a child’s hair. Such a dream means problems arising in the path of children or their parents. If there is a child in the family, it is important to ask if everything is okay with him. When adults crush lice on children in a dream, this will mean help in overcoming problems. In addition, such a dream warns of troubles arising socially.

Why do you dream about big lice?

Why do you dream of lice on a comb?

There is no need to panic and immediately draw a terrible future, but rather find out what dead lice mean in dreams. Combing insects can mean unexpected joy. If you dreamed of lice on a comb, such a dream symbolizes failure or trouble. In general, a comb is an item of personal hygiene and speaks of beauty and beauty. If another person uses the comb, in the future you will meet someone who will become a friend or an enemy.

Why do you dream about lice that bite?

One of the most unpleasant dreams will be in which insects bite. According to modern dream books, if you dreamed of lice biting your head, this will be deciphered as the desire of a person who hates you to take revenge. When a louse bites a child in a dream, this means that aggressive behavior on your part or towards you will lead to a stressful state.

Why do you dream about white lice?

Very often, representatives of different sexes rush to find out what lice mean in dreams. Particularly interesting is the appearance of unusual white insects. Different dream books have their own interpretation on this matter. Miller's dream book interprets lice as various kinds of troubles. In addition, they can represent diseases. Vanga's dream book associates a white insect with material profit.

Tsvetkov’s dream book of lice also has its own not entirely traditional, but also important vision. According to him, what he sees in a dream will precede a quick addition to the family. According to various Muslim dream books, seeing white insects means illness, poverty and loss. Freud's popular dream book deciphers lice as a warning about harm that can be caused by the environment.

Why do you dream about black lice?

If you dreamed of lice in your head, there is no need to be scared. Perhaps such a dream promises something very good. Modern dream books assure that a lot of insects are a sign of making a profit, especially if lice are on the sleeping person. Black biting insects symbolize unexpected troubles or illness. According to dream books, seeing a pet exhausted from lice bites in a dream means material losses and unforeseen expenses for family needs.

Insects crawling on the body are deciphered as troubles and losses. Nits in the hair will represent well-deserved success, or. When you dream of lice in a child’s head, this symbolizes concerns related to his health. Dream books say that combing out nits and lice symbolizes getting rid of troubles. Shaking off insects is interpreted as spreading bad rumors about a person.

Why do you dream about linen lice?

Linen lice in a dream are not uncommon. If you dream of lice swarming on the clothes in front of you, such a dream promises to receive money. According to dream books, seeing black linen lice in a dream means the onset of difficult times. In addition, such insects can be a harbinger of any troubles that are directly related to personal experiences. The destruction of lice on linen is interpreted as a quick solution to family problems.

Why do you dream about pubic lice?

You can correctly interpret a dream by clarifying all possible details. The dream in which there were pubic insects has its own interpretation. If you dream of lice of this variety, this may mean in reality the emergence of piquant circumstances from which you will need to skillfully get out of it so as not to harm your authority. Dream books interpret that having pubic lice can mean infection with a sexually transmitted disease. In addition, what you see in a dream can symbolize the cooling of relations with your partner.

Why do you dream of lice on a cat?

Pet owners sometimes want to know what it means if they dream of lice on a cat. Often fleas in a dream mean trouble. Such dreams may foreshadow conflicts with friends. Such misunderstandings can occur due to insincerity and hypocrisy. You should also be prepared for the fact that you will have to listen to not very flattering things. What you see in a dream may warn that someone around you is preparing dirty tricks.

If there was a clean house cat in the dream, it will mean that your best friend will become unpleasant for a number of reasons. Seeing insects on a street animal means someone dishonest wants to gain your trust. For this reason, it is important to be more careful around strangers. A beautiful kitten in a dream warns of possible troubles at work and at home. If the cat was sick or died from fleas, such a dream will mean failure in all endeavors.

A dream can also please you with beautiful characters. Did you play with a cat in a dream and even become attached to it? The dream book about lice says that such a dream will mean that a loved one has evil intentions. If a cat with fleas left the house on the street, this foreshadows the departure of a bad person from your life. Therefore, if someone bothers you excessively, remain calm, as this will not last long.

Why do you dream of lice on a dog?

Often all those people who have to deal with a similar problem in real life dream of fleas. However, sometimes it’s better to find out what lice and fleas mean in dreams. Insects attacking an animal mean extra spending of money, which can arise in unforeseen situations. Seeing a lot of fleas on a dog in a dream means envy of a friend’s success, a desire to achieve his financial condition.

If in a dream you manage to get rid of insects, this is a good sign, meaning the speedy overcoming of obstacles, the establishment of once broken relationships with important people in life. When you dream of a dog suffering from insect bites or even an animal dying before your eyes, this represents mortal danger for a friend. You can find out which of your friends are in danger of trouble if you are more attentive to the people around you.

Why do you dream of dead lice?

Sometimes you can see dead insects in your dreams. According to Freud's dream book, such a dream about lice will mean in real life a quick release from problems of an intimate nature. This may portend the appearance of a good partner in sexual life. Miller’s dream book also has its own interpretation of such dreams. According to him, seeing dead lice in a dream means not very good events. However, one should not expect drastic changes. Such a dream only warns that there are many problems to be solved that have unexpectedly fallen on your shoulders. Fighting insects means good changes in life.