Read biblical stories in Belarusian. Belarusian Bible translations

  • 25.11.2023

Baryslav Arapovich and Vera Mazzelmäki

First issued, 1992 Peraklad z russkay movy

Published by: Institute for Biblical Translation, Stockholm

ISBN 91-88394-05-0

This Bible - Biblical Scriptures from the Little Ones - Pra Bible

Dear friends! Do you know what kind of book this is - the Bible?

Bible - God's Words. Yana reveals the tayamnitsa plowing to the light, chalavek and sense of life itself. The Bible has a collection of Holy Scriptures. They have put together a thousand years of prayer and washed the udzel of the saraca from the infused Holy Spirit. The Bible is divided into two parts: the Old Testament and the New Testament. The Old Testament was written for the sake of Christ, and the New Testament was written for the work of Jesus Christ.

The Old Testament is written in the old language, and the New Testament is written in the old language of the Greek language, geta meaning, and the language of the modern cultures. In the Old Zapavetse apavyadaetstsa, as God created the world, as if it were a fallen chalavek. They have the same history of Israel, the God of the people, both ancestors and ancestors. On the old ones there are written Psalms - old songs and prayers, the Book of Ecclesiastes, the Book of Job and others. The New Testament is illuminated to our Savior, Lord Jesus Christ. 3 of the old days it is possible to tell how Jesus Christ is merciful, how he lives and how he is a father for the evil kingdoms, and how on the third day he was saved, and then falls into the sky. In the New Testament, we fall and lay out the teachings of our Lord, the gentle apostles of the apostles, and the apostles of the apostles themselves. At the very beginning of the Novaga Zapaveta, the sleeve is “Adkrytstse”, or apisanne tago, INTO yashche mae adbytstsa. Vuchenne Jesus Christ is called pa-grachasku "Evangel".

Geta words jumped up and down in our language, although they have a lot of daslouna, like “Good news”. Ab chym zha yana? Absolutely, that “God so loved the light, that he gave the Son of Svaygo Adzinarodnag, so that everyone who believes in Iago will not perish, otherwise they have eternal life” (Iaan.Z: 16). adluchenni chalavek God's hell and ab yago assujenny to eternal destruction. And I know that God brought out the kingdom, as He sent His Son Jesus Christ to the earth. I, as He stands, as the Son of Iago, gives birth to death for human sins and shows people the right way of life. Jesus Christ is the main theme of the Bible. The Bible is the first and ever-written book "Gutenberg Bible" (1452 - 1455). The Bible was the first book of the ancient Slavs. I have worn my sleeves since 1517, with special books from our friend, born in the city of Polack, Francis Skaryna.

In connection with the increased agul education and the global expansion of philanthropy, the Bible is becoming more and more interesting. I am becoming the first book both for small-minded people and for intellectuals. Assembling a growing Bible over the course of the 20th century. In translations into other languages, the Bible has been published in the first month of the future. By the way, five hundred years ago, books and books, the Bible and other special books (sections) were already transferred to 33 folk languages. Yes, in 1804, when biblical literature began to emerge, the Bible was published in the 67th edition. In the 19th century, the Bible and its special books were distributed on 400 movs, and in the 20th century, they were transferred to 1,400 movs. It is fair to say that at the end of 1990, the Kolkast language on which the Bible was translated continued until 1946.

Here are translations of the Bible on 318 movs, New Testament - on 726 movs, translations of several biblical books - on 902 movs. On this day, only 2% of the population of the Earth does not read the new books of the Bible in their native language. Nowadays, the Bible is relaying its message to thousands of small nations. Most of them are these languages, on which several thousand, hundreds, and maybe even tens of people are praying. We also have more Bible recordings on records and cassettes. There are mercenary people without education and blindness. To such people, the Bible, apracha getaga, is issued for the stupid with Braille scripts. Both in translations and in circulation, the Bible and other books occupy the first month. The total number of books for the Bible: the Bible and the New Testaments was collected in 1900 - 5 and 7 million, and in 1980 - 36 and 57 million. lki cents millions. On this earth it is impossible to destroy books that would be fought like the Bible.

Borislav Arapovich and Vera Mattelmäki

Thirty-third edition. 1996

Publisher: Bible Translation Institute. Stockholm

ISBN 91-88794-67-9

CHILDREN'S BIBLE - Bible stories in pictures - About the Bible

Dear friend!

Do you know. What kind of book is the Bible? The Bible is the Word of God. It reveals the secret of the origin of the world, man and the meaning of existence. The Bible is a collection of Holy Scriptures, in the compilation of which, over a period of one and a half thousand years, about four dozen authors, inspired by the Holy Spirit, took part.

The Bible is divided into two parts - the Old Testament and the New Testament. The Old Testament was written before the birth of Christ, and the New Testament was written during the first century after the birth of Christ. Our chronology begins with the year of birth of Jesus Christ.

The Old Testament was written in Hebrew, and the New Testament in ancient Greek, i.e. in the languages ​​of the cultures of those times.

The Old Testament tells about this. how God created the universe, about the fall of man, about the history of God's chosen people of Israel, about prophets and prophecies; it includes the Psalms - ancient chants and prayers to God, the Book of Ecclesiastes, the Book of Job and others.

The New Testament speaks about the birth and life of our Savior - the Lord Jesus Christ, about His teaching, about His death in the name of the salvation of sinful humanity, about His resurrection, about the life of the first Christians. The New Testament also contains the “epistles” of the apostles, i.e. The Word of God addressed to the first Christians and, in general, to all people on earth; and, finally, "Revelation", i.e. a description of what will happen when the world ends.

The teachings of Jesus Christ are called the Gospel. The word "Gospel" is translated from Greek as "Good News". What is this news about? About. that “...God so loved the world. that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have eternal life” (John 3:16).

The Bible tells not only about the fall of man, his separation from God and condemnation to eternal destruction, but also about God's plan for the salvation of mankind. About how God sent His Son to earth. Jesus Christ, so that He would bring an atoning sacrifice, accepting death for the sins of people, showing them the true path of life.

The central theme of the Bible is the person of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, Savior and Ruler of the world.

The Bible is the world's first printed book (Gutenberg Bible - 1452-1455). Due to the rise of universal literacy and the widespread spread of Christianity, the Bible is being read by more and more people. The Bible is becoming a reference book both in the families of ordinary people and among the intelligentsia. The distribution of the Bible has especially increased in our century.

The Bible ranks first in the world in terms of translations into other languages. More than five hundred years ago, at the time of the invention of printing. The Bible or its individual books (sections) have been translated into only 33 languages. By 1804, the beginning of the birth of Bible societies, translations of the Bible were already available in 67 languages. But during the 19th century, the books of the Bible were already published in over 400 languages, and during our 20th century, the Bible or individual books of it were translated into another 1,500 languages. Thus, by the end of 1995, the number of languages ​​into which the Bible had been translated reached 2,123. Of these, the complete Bible was translated into 349 languages. The New Testament is in 841 languages ​​and only one or a few books of the Bible are in 933 languages. Today, only about 2% of the world's population does not have a single book of the Bible in their language. Currently, the Bible is also being translated into more than a thousand languages ​​of small nations. Most of them are languages ​​spoken by only a few thousand, hundreds, or even several dozen people.

It should be added that parts of the Bible recorded on records and cassettes serve as a manual for the illiterate and blind. In addition, the Bible is published in Braille for the blind.

The Bible also ranks first in the world in terms of circulation. For comparison: in 1900, 5 million Bibles and 7 million New Testaments were published, and in 1980 there were about 36 million Bibles and 57 million New Testaments, yes several hundred million more individual books of the Bible.

The Bible is therefore the most widely read book in the world.

The first Bible was published in the modern Belarusian language, work on which continued for 10 years. Work on the Bible was carried out on the basis of the manuscripts of the Cossacks. Vladislav Chernyavsky, who in November 2001 - shortly before his death - transferred the right to publish them to the Bible Society.

The first complete translation of the Bible into the Belarusian language, carried out by the famous language historian and lexicographer Ian Stankevich in collaboration with qualified Hebraist Moses Gitlin, was published in New York in 1973; it meets all the requirements of classical translations, but today it is full of dialectisms and has long been outdated use of spelling.

Another translation of the Bible was carried out by the famous Belarusian writer Vasily Semukha. The translation by V. Semukha was published in 2002, it has a new stylistic experience, however, it also contains Tarashkevich’s out-of-use spelling, which is far from most modern readers.

Well-known scientific experts in the field of the Latin language, Zhanna Nekrashevich-Korotkaya and Tatyana Fedoseeva, worked on the Bible, published by the Bible Society, and checked Cherniavsky’s translation with the New Vulgate. Oxford University professor J. Elvold provided great assistance to the Bible Society in translating difficult passages. The Bible in modern Belarusian language claims to satisfy the needs of the entire Belarusian people, without dividing them into groups along religious or territorial lines.

The square brackets contain text missing from some ancient manuscripts of the Greek New Testament, but present in the so-called "Majority Texts" that may be of some importance to the reader, both helping to clarify the meaning of the text and improving the connections between words in sentences.

The translation is provided with pointers to parallel passages in the Bible, making it possible to trace various events, themes and words in the text.

Due to the fact that not all words of the biblical text or life realities described in biblical events may be understandable to the modern reader, a special dictionary has been added to the edition of the Bible, giving general concepts of some of the words used in this translation.

The names of the books of the Bible, their placement, and numbering in the book of Psalms are given in the Western tradition. The numbering of the psalms, starting with the 9th, has a double meaning: the number of the psalm corresponding to the Septuagint is given in brackets. In the Psalms and some other books of the Bible, the names of Hebrew letters that occurred in ancient manuscripts were preserved, which stood at the beginning of various fragments of the text, for example, ALEPH, BETH, NUN, etc. In the books of Esther and the prophet Daniel there are additions from some versions of Hebrew manuscripts.

The publication includes 16 color maps that will allow the reader to clearly see the territories and geopolitical features of the places where the events described in the Bible took place.

Basic data
Publisher: MHRB "Bible Society in the Republic of Belarus"
Pages: 1120
Book size: 170x240 mm
Binding: hardcover with gold embossing, ribbon bookmark
Cover color: black

. Dictionary
. Comparative description of the resurrection of Jesus Christ according to the four Gospels
. Table of Apostles' names
. List of churches mentioned in the New Testament
. Table of distances to Jerusalem from the main settlements mentioned in the New Testament
. List of abbreviations
. Colored cards

The Bible Society in the Republic of Belarus expresses sincere gratitude to everyone who took part in the work on this book, and invites all readers to send their comments, suggestions and wishes regarding this publication to the editorial office.


Interfaith Christian religious brotherhood "Bible Society in the Republic of Belarus" is an interfaith religious organization organized by Christian religious associations: the Belarusian Orthodox Church, the Minsk-Mogilev Diocese of the Roman Catholic Church in the Republic of Belarus, the Union of Evangelical Christian Baptists in the Republic of Belarus, the Conference of Seventh-day Adventists in Republic of Belarus and the United Church of Christians of the Evangelical Faith in the Republic of Belarus.
The main goal of the Brotherhood is the dissemination of the Word of God - the Bible, other religious literature, the spiritual enlightenment of the Belarusian people, the moral improvement of people, the confession of the Christian faith; The main task is to provide everyone with the Holy Scriptures in a language they understand and at a price they can afford.

Biblical parables are very important for a believer. They are especially needed when morality, relationships, values ​​and perception of the world are developing. Of course, an adult can also learn a lot of useful information from them.

What are parables and what is their value?

Biblical parables are, in a way, fairy tales and narratives that give a reason to think about life and one’s actions, and contain an edifying moment. In each of them there is a grain of wisdom that slowly grows and gives its positive shoots. Constant reading of such narratives has a complex effect on a person’s inner world.

The value of a parable from the Bible is that it examines human relationships and actions from the point of view of spirituality and divinity. Other similar stories are more humane, they do not have that aura of mystery, although they can be no less ancient and instructive.

For the younger generation, biblical parables can become their first acquaintance with faith, God, and Christ. In the future, this can help them in their spiritual life, teach them to build their path as the Lord commands, act according to their conscience, think about their soul and its further journey.

Biblical parables. What do they teach?

What do biblical parables teach us? They make you think about your actions and understand their consequences. As a result of all this awareness, positive qualities develop, such as mercy, kindness, compassion, and love for people. An understanding comes that everything is God’s will.

For an adult, a parable can become a guiding star at a certain point in life, as well as a sign and an answer to a question. In addition, they are quite simple, there is no ornateness in them, which may not be understandable to everyone. A lot can really be said about the wisdom of these edifying stories.

Bible parables for children

If we talk about little admirers of biblical stories, it should be noted that not all of them will be able to comprehend the truth of the divine scriptures. And, of course, they will need good interpretation and explanation of what they read. Biblical parables for children must be read with parents or educators, who will clearly explain what the child, due to his age, could not understand.

Almost every child, having matured, applies in life what was handed down to him with love in childhood. Therefore, there is no need to force this knowledge into him, so as not to turn him away from the Lord.

You should try different story themes and see which ones you like best. For example, there is a group of parables about God’s mercy towards a sincerely repentant person (about the prodigal son, about the publican and the Pharisee, etc.). There are also several stories telling about the Kingdom of God (about the mustard seed, about the tares, etc.).

Biblical parable about the wise and foolish virgins

If we consider some biblical parables, then among them we can highlight several of the most instructive. For example, the one that tells about ten virgins, five wise and five foolish. The meaning of this parable is that one should be constantly vigilant, since it is not known when the final test (death or the Last Judgment) will come.

This symbolic story depicted the wedding ceremony that the Jews had at that time. This ritual took place at night, when it was dark and artificial light was required. The groom could come for the bride at any time, and she had to wait for him with her friends. Therefore, the girls stocked up on oil in case they suddenly had to wait a long time.

In Christianity, the wedding feast has always symbolized the Kingdom of God, and the groom is the Lord with whom one is united after death. The edification of the parable is that you need to live every moment in your life consciously, knowing that every action will be evaluated at God's judgment. Remember that when the groom comes and the palace is closed (death comes), then nothing can be changed.

Of course, such biblical parables with the interpretation of an adult and knowledgeable person are necessary for a child. You should also gradually talk about the deep spiritual meaning of this story, about building your life in God.

Parable of the Prodigal Son

This is perhaps the most famous and instructive of all biblical parables. A truly repentant sinner can hope for the grace of being forgiven even after committing bad deeds.

The biblical parables of the prodigal son are a classic example of the return to the path of spirituality of a person who was lost in a dissolute and meaningless life. This is also an example of the behavior of modern youth, who do not know the true path, but are looking for freedom, leaving their parental home and their roots. As a result of all this, there are more and more young people who are not interested in their past, and they also do not care about the future. All this affects the overall development of both one specific person and society as a whole.

The prodigal son from the parable is practically each of us, cut off from God, from his protection, having squandered his fortune not only physically, but also spiritually.

However, God not only punishes, but also bestows mercy. Like a father who has forgiven his repentant son, so the Lord behaves towards sinners. Everyone can return to the path to God. It is this parable that allows us to hope for a more meaningful and full life.

Parable of the Mustard Seed

This parable is mentioned in three Gospels, which indicates its undoubted importance. Of course, the spelling varies slightly, but the general meaning remains the same.

The story itself is not very big, but its meaning is huge and very important. A mustard seed is a person’s faith, which is cultivated in his heart through conversation with the Lord, prayer and other worthy deeds. At first the grain is small, but after certain actions and being in fertile soil it grows into a large tree.

Some sages compare such a seed with Christ, who was also an ordinary person, but his faith was so great that he was able to give a great sacrifice for us ordinary people. And now those who suffer in soul come to him and find consolation.

Biblical cartoons

For young children who prefer to watch rather than read biblical parables, cartoons will be a way out. Of course, even they need to be watched with adults so that difficult moments can be interpreted. Perhaps, if in unclear places there is a reference to a printed source, the child will want to read it, since the cartoon may differ slightly from the original.

Now almost all parables are broadcast on television in the form of cartoons. Here every parent must choose the appropriate one, which is closer to the original and contains instructive moments.

Of course, some may not agree with the benefits of the cartoon, but it is still worth taking into account the current younger generation. It is not always possible to exclude watching TV or the computer, so it is better to choose a more suitable television program for your baby from an early age.

On the territory of modern Belarus, lists of individual books of the Bible or their fragments appeared, most likely, immediately after the Baptism of Rus' in 986-988. For a long time, the translation of Cyril and Methodius in Church Slavonic was a generally accessible translation in linguistic terms and perfect in the theological sense. The number of manuscripts written in Church Slavonic during the 11th-15th centuries is in the dozens.

The Bible was distributed by copying in scriptoria of monasteries, churches and princely residences. It is likely that in the 12th century, the daughter of the Vitebsk prince Euphrosyne of Polotsk was engaged in rewriting the sacred books. Handwritten monuments testify to the constant biblical tradition: Lavrishevskoye, Orsha, Drutskoye Gospels, Smolensk Psalter and others.

First attempts

As the studies of Academician Euthymius of Karsky and other historians show, since the 11th century, attempts have been made to adapt the translation of Cyril and Methodius to the local peculiarities of the language, its church-liturgical style, to clarify the text and correct the mistakes of copyists based on the Hebrew and Ancient Greek originals. There are several known fragments of translations from Hebrew by unknown authors dating from the period before Francis Skaryna: Song of Songs (XIV-XV centuries), 8 books of the Old Testament (2nd half of the 15th - early 16th centuries).

An important milestone is the creation in Belarus of an independent complete biblical corpus compiled by Matthew the Tenth (“ Ten chapters", 1502-1507) and Fyodor Yanushevich (historical books and "The Pentateuch of Moses", 1514). Unlike the so-called Gennadievsky code (Veliky Novgorod, 1499), which was based primarily on the Bulgarian edition of the Cyril and Methodius translation and missing books translated from the Vulgate, the Belarusian code went back to an earlier and fairly complete Moravian edition of the translation.

Grand Duchy of Lithuania

The first unique popular scientific printed edition of the Bible in Church Slavonic, which had an undoubted influence from the spoken Belarusian, Czech and Polish languages, was the Bible of the Belarusian pioneer printer Francis Skorina. Its translation was made either from Jerome's Vulgate or from one of the Czech translations. On August 6, 1517, Skaryna published the Psalter, and after that almost every month he published a new book of the Bible. Until 1521, 23 illustrated books of the Old Testament were published under the general title “The Russian Bible, compiled by Dr. Francis Skaryna from the glorious city of Polotsk, to the honor of God and the people of the Commonwealth for good teaching.” In the first Belarusian Bible, Skaryna included almost fifty illustrations: numerous headpieces and other decorative elements that are in harmony with the layout of the pages, font and title pages. Skaryna's translation was canonically accurate in conveying the letter and spirit of the biblical text and did not allow liberties or translation additions. Skaryna’s books laid the foundation for the formation of the norms of the Belarusian literary language, and also became the first translation of the Bible into

Belarusian-Ukrainian translations of the XV-XVI centuries.

Starting from the 2nd half. XV century for about a century in the Orthodox Church. In the lands of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the Polish crown, a number of translations of biblical books were made (from different languages), which were not originally intended for liturgical use. These translations (as well as other texts) were made into Western Russian. lit. language (“simple language”), common to Orthodox Christians. Western Russian population Kyiv Metropolis, although it had dialectal features. The appearance of such translations serves as one of the indirect evidence of the decline in knowledge of Church Orthodoxy. language in this territory. A peculiarity of the history of the appearance of these translations is that they were created on the initiative of secular people and lower clergy (with the passive position of the church hierarchy). There were many attempts to translate biblical texts, but all these works, with the exception of the translation of F. Skaryna, were realized either in unique (for the most part) or in very rare copies, which, as a rule (except for the Gospel of Vasily Teplinsky) did not reach the printing press. For transfers made starting from ser. The 16th century is characterized by an abundance of glosses of varied content, giving the monuments a pronounced polemical character (Dmitriev M.V. Orthodoxy and the Reformation: Reformation movements in the Eastern Slavic lands of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the 2nd half of the 16th century. M., 1990. pp. 24-25).

One of the first in this series is the translation of the Book of Song of Songs, accompanied by interpretation and teaching about love. Made from Czech. Hussite B. no later than the last. Thursday XV century, it came to us as part of a collection of books. XV century (GIM. Syn. 558). It is possible that the translation of the Book of Tobit, contained in the missing Belarusian, was also among the early ones. collection ser. XVI century from the library of the Counts Krasinski in Warsaw, about whom all that is known is that it was “in the remarkably pure Western Russian dialect of the old times” (Karsky E.F. Works on Belarusian and other Slavic languages. M., 1962. P. 218). Finally, at the turn of the XV-XVI centuries. in Belarus in euros Wednesday a biblical collection was translated containing the books of Job, Ruth, Psalms, Song of Songs, Ecclesiastes, Proverbs, Lamentations of Jeremiah, the prophet Daniel and Esther and preserved in the list of the beginning. XVI century (Vilnius. BAN of Lithuania. No. 262). It is assumed that it was carried out for the needs of the Jews. communities that used the local language (Alekseev A.A. Textology of the Slavic Bible. M., 1999. pp. 184-185), previously in the scientific literature the prevailing opinion was about the connection of this translation with the activities "Judaizers"(monument published: The Five Biblical Scrolls in a 16th Cent. Jewish Transl. into Belarusian (Vilnius Codex 262) / With Introd. and Not. by M. Altbauer. Jerusalem, 1992).

A new stage, marked by translation into Western Russian. lit. the language of the entire corpus of biblical books (based on the Czech Hussite B.), represents the activities of Francis Skaryna in the 1st quarter. XVI century (for more details, see the section “Church Slavonic translation” pp. 139-146).

Translations ser.-last. Thursday XVI century cover exclusively New Testament books (the Gospel and the Apostle), and their appearance is in direct connection with the spread of Protestants. teachings on the territory of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and the reformation practice of translation of the Holy. Scriptures in national languages. This is confirmed by a fairly consistent orientation towards Polish. Protestant. publications

In 1556-1561. in Volhynia, in the possessions of the princes of Zheslavsky, a translation of the Four Gospels was carried out, “from the Blakar language into the Russian language... for the better understanding of the Christian people of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth,” which came in a luxurious parchment illustrated copy (Kyiv. Central Scientific Library of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Institute of Manuscripts. No. 15512 - “ Peresopnytsia Gospel"). The translation and list were made by order of the King of Kings. Paraskeva-Anastasia Yurievna Zheslavskaya (nee Golshtansky) and her son-in-law Prince. I. F. Chetvertinsky. The work was started in the Trinity Dvoretsky Monastery by Mikhail Vasilyevich, the son of the Sanotsky archpriest (later archpriest), and was completed by Archimandrite. Bogoroditsky Peresopnytsia Monastery by Gregory. The translation language is replete with Polonisms and Bohemisms, untranslated Staroslav. vocabulary is explained in numerous glosses in the margins. The translation of the Apostle, which came down in a passage researched and partially published by A. S. Gruzinsky, may also belong to the same circle.

The Volyn (Zhitomir) Gospel dates back to 1571, very close in language to the Peresopnytsia Gospel. Between 1563 and 1572 in Ukraine, a translation of the Apostle from Polish was made. Calvinist. Radziwill (Brest) Bible 1563 - so-called. Krekhovsky Apostle, studied by I. Ogienko. OK. 1580 gentry-antrinitarian Vasily Tyapinsky in his own printing house in the village. Tyapine began publishing his translation of the Gospel (made from the Polish Bible by S. Budny. Nesvizh, 1572), abundantly glossed and equipped with a large preface (the text was published in parallel with Church Slav.). The publication, obviously, was not completed - in 2 surviving incomplete copies (RNB. Weather. I. 1. 29 and the Arkhangelsk Museum of Local Lore) the Gospels of Matthew and Mark and the beginning of the Gospel of Luke are presented. Almost simultaneously, in 1581, in the village. Khoroshevo in Volyn (near Ostrog) Valentin Negalevsky translated the Gospel from Polish. Socinian ed. M. Czechowitz 1577

In parallel, new partial translations of New Testament biblical books into “simple language” were carried out in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the process of translation from Polish. collections of Protestant sermons. authors - “Postill”, typologically close to the Teaching Gospel (Dmitriev M.V. Orthodoxy and Reformation. M., 1990. P. 25-27). According to the testimony of Ivan Fedorov in the afterword to the Zabludov edition. Teaching Gospel (1569), the customer and owner of the printing house, Hetman G. A. Khodkevich, initially planned to publish it in translation into “prosto mov,” but this plan was realized only in 1616 by Meletiy Smotrytsky. With the advent of the era of Counter-Reformation, the Belarusian-Ukrainian. B.'s translations come to naught, essentially not receiving a continuation in the 17th century.

A. A. Turilov

During the period from mid. XVII century and until the beginning XX century, when the prerequisites for the national state were formed. Belarusian self-determination. people and codification of modern times. lit. language, significant facts related to the translation of St. Scriptures not identified.

Despite a number of new translations created since the 20s. XX century, up to now time, there is not only a translation of B. that is generally accepted for the entire nation, but also acceptable for use in the liturgical practice of individual faiths. In plural In cases, the goals and objectives of the translation from the very beginning were of an “extra-church” nature.

The first attempt to translate the Gospel into the emerging Belarusian population. lit. the language was made by the Catholic. priest I. Bobich in 1912-1921 (Niadzielnyia Ewangelii i nawuki. Wilnia, 1921-1922). But she received no recognition.

The translation of the NT and Psalms, which is replicated by the Bible Society to this day, was completed in 1926-1931. by order of the Baptist. Pastor L. Decut-Maley with the support of the British Bible Society Belarusian activist. national revival A. Lutskevich (Navy Zapavet of the Lord Our Lord Jesus Christ and Psalms. Helsinkfors: Brytansky and Foreign Biblical Tavarism, 1931). This translation arose during the period when the Belarusian. the language was not properly developed. The translation text was intended for the small and at that time marginal Protestants in Belarus. environment. The translator set himself the task of making the sacred text as accessible as possible, simplifying and down-to-earth both the content and the translation language.

In 1939, “The Four Gospels and the Acts of the Apostles” appeared in a Catholic translation. priest V. Hadleuski (Čatyry Evangelii i Apostalskija Dzei / Рeralazyu i padau wyjasnienni ks. mhr Vincent Hadleuski. Vilnia, 1939). The translator used the characteristic Polish language. theological and religious language. terminology, transliterated the main Polish-language models of toponymy and onomastics, only in some cases adapting them to Belarusian. phonetics. Translation of the NT (Sviataja Evangelija i Apostalskija Dzei / Рeraklau i padau vyjasnenni ks. dr. P. Tatarynovic. Rym, 1954), made in Rome Catholic. priest P. Tatarinovich, is distinguished by the presence of comments, which are designed for the “simple” reader. The text of the translation shows the influence of Gadlevsky’s edition, Belarusian. Protestant. translations, Polish samples, there is a large number of borrowings.

Eclecticism is noticeable in the translations made by Y. Petrovsky, a Methodist Protestant living in the USA (Holy Letter: Books of the Old One to the Testament. Book I: Book of Ruta, Book of the Great Prophet Yeel, Book of the Great Prophet Yona / Translation by Y. Petrovskag. New York, 1959). The text senses the author’s alienation from the living environment of the modern world. Belarusian language. The same shortcoming makes itself felt in the translation of the Altar Gospel, which appeared on the 1000th anniversary of Christianity in Rus'. With all good intentions, the translator is the head of the so-called. Nikolai (Matsukevich) of the Belarusian Autocephalous Orthodox Church - clearly abused things unusual for modern times. Belarusian lit. language by lexical forms.

The experience of M. Mickiewicz (brother of the Belarusian literary classic Y. Kolas), an emigrant who translated the entire NT, as well as the Liturgy of St., is distinguished by a high level. John Chrysostom and Book of Hours.

B. was the first to translate it in full in 1973 by J. Stankevich with the help of M. Gitlin (The Holy Bible: Books of the Holy Letters of the Staroga and Novaga to the Law / Peraklad by J. Stankevich and M. Gitlin from the Languages ​​of Gabraysk and Gretsk. New York, 1973). His translation is characterized by accuracy in conveying constructions, equilinearity, and at the same time freedom in conveying vocabulary and active word creation.

According to press reports, the complete translation of B. was also carried out by Catholics. priest V. Chernyavsky. So far, only the NT has been published (New Zapavet / Peraklad ytsa Uladzislav Charnyaўskaga. Minsk, 1999). Compared to other translations of Belarusian Catholics, this one is less dependent on the Polish Catholic one. traditions, includes more of the Belarusian nature. language of concepts, definitions, constructions.

Particular attention was drawn to the translations of writers V. Syomukha (New Zapavet. Psalter / Peraklad V. Syomukhi. Minsk, 1995) and A. Klyshka (New Zapavet of the Lord Jesus Christ / Peraklad A. Klyshka // Spadchyna, 1989-1992). The first one is made from Russian text. The Synodal translation (although it is indicated that it is from Church Slavonic), with many errors due to the emphasis on “literariness” and disregard for the sacredness of the texts of Scripture. The second, based on critical publications and using the translation of the bishop as a model. Kassian (Bezobrazov), linguistically folklorized, reduced to “vernacular”.

Taking into account everything noted above, the Belarusian Exarchate of the Russian Orthodox Church, to prepare a Belarusian-language text suitable for use in worship, created a special commission, which has currently translated 3 Gospels (published 2) and continues to work (The Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew) in four languages ​​- Hellenic, Slavic, Russian and Belarusian - with parallel passages / Peraklad Belarusian Biblical Kamisii. Minsk, 1991; New Zapavet of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Holy Gospel of St. Mark: On 4 languages: Greek, Slavic, Russian and Belarusian / Translation of the Belarusian language Biblical Kamisii Belarusian Pravaslavnay Tsarkov (Minsk, 1999).

Publisher: Nyadzelny Gospels. Lendan, 19482; New Law of Spadar and Spas nashaga Jesus Christ / Peraklad z gretskaya J. Stankevich. New York, 1959; The Holy Gospel: The New Testament of the Lord and the Signs of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Taronta, 1988; Pavodlya St. Yana Evangele of the Lord Our Lord Jesus Christ / On the Belarusian language from the Greek text translated by Ya. Piatroski. Minsk; Lyongdan; New York, 1991; Dzitsyachaya Bible / Peraklad z russkay movov animny. Stockholm, 19923; Bible: Bytstso. Ekleziast / For the dzyatsei, M. Klimkovich and M. Shaybak were shown; Pad rad. prot. S. Garduna. Minsk, 1995; Evagelle pavovle Matsveya and Mark / Peraklad M. M. Mickiewicz / Ed., warehouse i druk M. Pruskag. Grand Rapids (Mich.), 1998;

Lit.: Karsky E. F. Zapadnorus. translations of the Psalter in the XV-XVII centuries. Warsaw, 1896; Tikhovsky Yu. I. New data on Western Russian. translations of the Holy Scriptures in the 16th century. // Tr. 14th Archaeol. Congress in Chernigov, 1909. M., 1911. T. 3. P.124-125; Filaret (Vakhromeev). “They are not mankurts either”: (Language of worship, translation) // Tsarkoўnae words. Minsk, 1994. No. 10. P. 2; Pikarda G. Heavenly fire: Dosled pachatkaў Belarusian translation of Novaga Zapavet i psalmaў (1931) // Spadchyna. 1995. N 4. S. 152-175; Orthodox Church and Bible Society Sign Transl. Agreement // UBS World Rep. 309, May 1996. P. 21; Yaskevich A. S. The Bible: translations, language. Minsk, 1999; Charota I. A. Belarusian language i Tsarkva. Minsk, 2000.