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The sacred book of the Christian religion, a record of God's revelations to man received over many millennia. This is a book of divine instructions. It gives us peace in grief, solutions to life's problems, conviction of sin, and the spiritual maturity needed to overcome our worries.

The Bible cannot be called one book. It is a whole collection of books, a library, written under the guidance of God by people who lived in different centuries. The Bible contains history, philosophy, and science. It also includes poetry and drama, biographical information and prophecy. Reading the Bible Gives Us Inspiration It's no surprise that the Bible, in whole or in part, has been translated into more than 1,200 languages. Every year, more copies of the Bible are sold worldwide than any other book.

The Bible truthfully answers questions that have troubled people from time immemorial: “How did man appear?”; "What happens to people after death?"; "Why are we here on earth?"; "Can we know the meaning and meaning of life?" Only the Bible reveals the truth about God, shows the way to eternal life, and explains the eternal problems of sin and suffering.

The Bible is divided into two parts: the Old Testament, which tells about God's participation in the life of the Jewish people before the coming of Jesus Christ, and the New Testament, which gives information about the life and teachings of Christ in all His truth and beauty.

(Greek - “good news”) - the biography of Jesus Christ; books revered as sacred in Christianity that tell of the divine nature of Jesus Christ, his birth, life, miracles, death, resurrection and ascension.

The translation of the Bible into Russian was begun by the Russian Bible Society by the Highest order of the Sovereign Emperor Alexander I in 1816, resumed by the Highest permission of the Sovereign Emperor Alexander II in 1858, completed and published with the blessing of the Holy Synod in 1876. This edition contains the text Synodal translation of 1876, re-verified with the Hebrew text of the Old Testament and the Greek text of the New Testament.

The commentary on the Old and New Testaments and the appendix "The Holy Land in the Time of Our Lord Jesus Christ" are reprinted from the Bible published by the Brussels publishing house "Life with God" (1989).

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Listen to mp3 Gospel of John

1 The beginning of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God,
2 As it is written in the prophets: Behold, I send My angel before You, who will prepare Your way before You.
3 The voice of one crying in the wilderness: Prepare the way of the Lord, make his paths straight.
4 John appeared, baptizing in the wilderness and preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins....

1 Genealogy of Jesus Christ, Son of David, Son of Abraham.
2 Abraham begat Isaac; Isaac gave birth to Jacob; Jacob begat Judah and his brothers;
3 Judah begat Perez and Zehra by Tamar; Perez begat Hezrom; Hezrom begat Aram;
4 Aram begot Abinadab; Amminadab begat Nahshon; Nahshon begat Salmon;...

  1. As many have already begun to compose narratives about events that are completely known among us,
  2. as those who from the very beginning were eyewitnesses and ministers of the Word conveyed to us,
  3. then I decided, after a thorough examination of everything from the beginning, to describe to you in order, venerable Theophilus,
  4. so that you may know the solid foundation of the doctrine in which you have been instructed....
Evangelist Luke

Introduction to the Books of the New Testament

The Scriptures of the New Testament were written in Greek, with the exception of the Gospel of Matthew, which, according to tradition, was written in Hebrew or Aramaic. But since this Hebrew text has not survived, the Greek text is considered the original for the Gospel of Matthew. Thus, only the Greek text of the New Testament is the original, and numerous editions in various modern languages ​​around the world are translations from the Greek original. The Greek language in which the New Testament was written was no longer the classical ancient Greek language and was not, as previously thought, special New Testament language. It is a spoken, everyday language of the 1st century. according to R. X., spread throughout the world and known in science under the name “common dialect,” yet both the style and turns of speech, and the way of thinking of the sacred writers of the New Testament reveal Hebrew or Aramaic influence.

The original text of the New Testament has reached us in a large number of ancient manuscripts, more or less complete, numbering about 5000 (from the 2nd to the 16th centuries). Until recent years, the most ancient of them did not go back further than the 4th century. according to R. X. But recently many fragments of ancient manuscripts of the New Testament on papyrus (III and even II centuries) have been discovered. For example, Bodmer's manuscripts: John, Luke, 1 and 2 Pet, Jude - were found and published in the early years of the 20th century. In addition to Greek manuscripts, we have ancient translations or versions in Latin, Syriac, Coptic and other languages ​​(Vetus Itala, Peshitto, Vulgata, etc.), of which the most ancient existed already from the 2nd century to A.D.

Finally, numerous quotes from the Church Fathers have been preserved in Greek and other languages ​​in such quantities that if the text of the New Testament were lost and all the ancient manuscripts were destroyed, then experts could restore this text from quotes from the works of the Holy Fathers. All this abundant material makes it possible to check and clarify the text of the New Testament and classify its various forms (so-called textual criticism). Compared with any ancient author (Homer, Euripides, Aeschylus, Sophocles, Cornelius Nepos, Julius Caesar, Horace, Virgil, etc.), our modern - printed - Greek text of the New Testament is in an exceptionally favorable position. Both in terms of the number of manuscripts and the short period of time. separating the oldest of them from the original, and in the number of translations, and in their antiquity, and in the seriousness and volume of critical work carried out on the text, it surpasses all other texts (for details, see: “Hidden Treasures and New Life,” archaeological discoveries and the Gospel , Bruges, 1959, pp. 34 ff.).

The text of the New Testament as a whole is recorded completely irrefutably.

The New Testament consists of 27 books. The publishers have divided them into 260 chapters of unequal length for ease of reference and citation. This division is not present in the original text. The modern division into chapters in the New Testament, as in the whole Bible, has often been attributed to the Dominican Cardinal Hugo (1263), who worked it out while composing a symphony to the Latin Vulgate, but it is now thought with greater reason that the division goes back to the Archbishop of Canterbury, Stephen Langton, who died in 1228. As for the division into verses, now accepted in all editions of the New Testament, it goes back to the publisher of the Greek New Testament text, Robert Stephen, and was introduced by him into his edition in 1551.

The sacred books of the New Testament are usually divided into legal (Four Gospels), historical (Acts of the Apostles), teaching (seven conciliar epistles and fourteen epistles of the Apostle Paul) and prophetic: Apocalypse, or Revelation of St. John the Theologian (see Long Catechism of Metropolitan Philateer)

However, modern experts consider this distribution to be outdated: in fact, all the books of the New Testament are both legal and historical teaching, and prophecy is not only in the Apocalypse. New Testament scholarship pays great attention to the precise establishment of the chronology of the Gospels and other New Testament events. Scientific chronology allows the reader to trace with sufficient accuracy through the New Testament the life and ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ, the apostles and the primitive Church (see Appendices).

The books of the New Testament can be distributed as follows.

  • Three so-called synoptic Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke and separately, the fourth is the Gospel of John. New Testament scholarship devotes much attention to the study of the relationships of the first three Gospels and their relation to the Gospel of John (synoptic problem).
  • The Book of the Acts of the Apostles and the Epistles of the Apostle Paul ("Corpus Paulinum"), which are usually divided into:
    - Early Epistles: 1 and 2 Thessalonians;
    - Greater Epistles: Galatians, 1 and 2 Corinthians, Romans;
    - Messages from bonds, that is, written from Rome, where St. Paul was in prison: to the Philippians, to the Colossians, to the Ephesians, to Philimoi;
    - Pastoral Epistles: 1 to Timothy, to Titus, 2 to Timothy;
    - Epistle to the Hebrews;
  • Council Epistles ("Corpus Catholicum")
  • Revelation of John the Theologian. (Sometimes in the New Testament they distinguish “Corpus Joannicum”, i.e. everything that Apostle John wrote for the comparative study of his Gospel in connection with his epistles and Rev.)

Four Gospels

  1. The word "gospel" in Greek means "good news." This is what our Lord Jesus Christ Himself called his teaching (Matthew 24:14; 26:13; Mark 1:15; 13:10; 19:; 16:15). Therefore, for us, the “gospel” is inextricably linked with Him: it is the “good news” of the salvation given to the world through the incarnate Son of God. Christ and His apostles preached the gospel without writing it down. By the mid-1st century, this preaching was established by the Church in a strong oral tradition. The Eastern custom of memorizing sayings, stories, and even large texts helped Christians of the apostolic era accurately preserve the unrecorded First Gospel. After the 50s, when eyewitnesses of Christ's earthly ministry began to pass away one after another, the need arose to write down the gospel (Luke 1:1). Thus, the “gospel” came to mean the narrative of the Savior’s teaching recorded by the apostles. It was read at prayer meetings and in preparing people for baptism.
  2. The most important Christian centers of the 1st century. (Jerusalem, Antioch, Rome, Ephesus, etc.) had their own Gospels. Of these, only four (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John) are recognized by the Church as inspired, that is, written under the direct influence of the Holy Spirit. They are called “from Matthew”, “from Mark”, etc. (the Greek kata corresponds to the Russian “according to Matthew”, “according to Mark”, etc.), for the life and teachings of Christ are set out in these books by these four sacred writers. Their gospels were not compiled into one book, which made it possible to see the gospel story from different points of view. In the II century. St. Irenaeus of Lyons calls the evangelists by name and points to their gospels as the only canonical ones (Against heresies, 2, 28, 2). Contemporary of St. Irenaeus Tatian made the first attempt to create a single gospel narrative, composed of various texts from the four gospels, the Diatessaron, i.e., the “gospel of the four.”
  3. The apostles did not set out to create a historical work in the modern sense of the word. They sought to spread the teachings of Jesus Christ, helped people to believe in Him, to correctly understand and fulfill His commandments. The testimonies of the evangelists do not coincide in all details, which proves their independence from each other: the testimonies of eyewitnesses always have an individual coloring. The Holy Spirit does not certify the accuracy of the details of the facts described in the gospel, but the spiritual meaning contained in them.
    The minor contradictions found in the presentation of the evangelists are explained by the fact that God gave the sacred writers complete freedom in conveying certain specific facts in relation to different categories of listeners, which further emphasizes the unity of meaning and orientation of all four gospels.

Books of the New Testament

  • Gospel of Matthew
  • Gospel of Mark
  • Gospel of Luke
  • Gospel of John

Acts of the Holy Apostles

Council Epistles

  • Epistle of James
  • First Epistle of Peter
  • Second Epistle of Peter
  • First Epistle of John
  • Second Epistle of John
  • Third Epistle of John
  • Epistle of Jude

Epistles of the Apostle Paul

  • Epistle to the Romans
  • First Epistle to the Corinthians
  • Second Epistle to the Corinthians
  • Epistle to the Galatians
  • Epistle to the Ephesians
  • Epistle to the Philippians
  • Epistle to the Colossians
  • First Epistle to the Thessalonians
  • Second Epistle to the Thessalonians
  • First Epistle to Timothy
  • Second Epistle to Timothy
  • Epistle to Titus
  • Epistle to Philemon
  • Hebrews
Revelation of John the Evangelist

Bible. Gospel. New Testament. Download the Bible. Download the Gospel of: Luke, Mark, Matthew, John. Revelation of John the Theologian (Apocalypse). Act of the Apostles. Letter of the Apostles. Download in format: fb2, doc, docx, pdf, lit, isilo.pdb, rb

How to Study the Bible

These tips will help you make your Bible study more fruitful.
  1. Read the Bible daily, in a quiet and peaceful place where no one will disturb you. Daily reading, even if you do not read that much each day, is more beneficial than any occasional reading. You can start with 15 minutes a day and then gradually increase the time allotted for Bible reading
  2. Set a goal for yourself to know God better and to achieve a deep love for God in your communication with Him. God speaks to us through His Word, and we speak to Him in prayers.
  3. Start reading the Bible with prayer. Ask God to reveal Himself and His will to you. Confess to Him the sins that may hinder your approach to God.
  4. Take short notes as you read the Bible Write your notes in a notebook or keep a spiritual journal to record your thoughts and inner experiences
  5. Read slowly one chapter, or maybe two or three chapters. You can read just one paragraph, but be sure to reread at least once everything you read before in one sitting.
  6. As a rule, it is very useful to give written answers to the following questions when understanding the true meaning of a particular chapter or paragraph: a What is the main idea of ​​the text you read? What is its meaning?
  7. Which verse of the text expresses the main idea? (Such “key verses” should be memorized by reading them aloud several times. Knowing the verses by heart will allow you to reflect on important spiritual truths throughout the day, when, for example, you are standing in line or riding public transport, etc. Is there in the text you read a command that I must obey? Is there a promise that I can claim to fulfill? d How will I benefit from accepting the truth expressed in the text? e. How should I use this truth in my own life, in accordance with the will of God? ( Avoid general and vague statements Try to be clear and specific as possible In your notebook, write how and when you will use the teaching of a particular paragraph or chapter in your life)
  8. End your classes with prayer Ask God to give you inner spiritual strength to draw closer to Him on this day Continue to talk to God throughout the day His presence will help you be strong in any situation

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The word “Bible” does not appear in the sacred books themselves, and was first used in relation to the collection of sacred books in the east in the 4th century by John Chrysostom and Epiphanius of Cyprus. The Jews designated their sacred books by the names: “scriptures”, “sacred writings”, “testament”, “books of the covenant”, “law and prophets”. Christians designated the New Testament writings with the title “Gospel and Apostle.”

Composition of the Bible

The Bible consists of many parts, combined into the Old Testament and the New Testament.

Old Testament (Tanakh)

The first, according to the time of creation, part of the Bible in Judaism is called the Tanakh; in Christianity it was called the Old Testament, in contrast to the “New”. The name “Hebrew Bible” is also used. This part of the Bible is a collection of books written in Hebrew long before our era and selected as sacred from other literature by Hebrew teachers of the law. This part of the Bible is the common Scripture for both Judaism and Christianity.

The Old Testament consists of 39 books, which in the Jewish tradition are artificially counted as 22, according to the number of letters of the Hebrew alphabet, or as 24, according to the number of letters of the Greek alphabet. All 39 books of the Old Testament are divided into three sections in Judaism.

The first is called "Teaching" (Torah) and contains the Pentateuch of Moses: Genesis, Exodus, Book of Leviticus, Book of Numbers, Deuteronomy.

The second section, called “Prophets,” covers the books: Joshua, the Book of Judges, 1st and 2nd books. Kings, or the Book of Samuel (counted as one book), 3rd and 4th books. Kings, or the Book of Kings (counted as one book), Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, book. The Twelve Minor Prophets (counted as one book).

The third section, entitled “Scriptures,” includes: the Book of Job, the Book of Ruth, the Psalms, the Book of Proverbs of Solomon, the Song of Songs, the Book of Ecclesiastes, the Book of Daniel, Lamentations of Jeremiah, the Book of Ezra and Nehemiah (counted as one book), 1st and 2 Chronicles (counted as one book) and the Book of Esther. Connecting the book Ruth with the book Judges in one book, as well as the Lamentations of Jeremiah from the book. Jeremiah, instead of 24 books we get 22. Twenty-two sacred books were considered by the ancient Jews in their canon, as Josephus Flavius ​​testifies. This is the composition and order of the books in the Hebrew Bible.

All these books are considered canonical in the Christian Church.

New Testament

The second part of the Christian Bible is the New Testament, a collection of 27 Christian books (including the 4 Gospels, the Epistles of the Apostles and the book of Revelation of John the Theologian), written in the 1st century. n. e. and which have come down to us in ancient Greek. This part of the Bible is most important for Christianity, while Judaism does not consider it divinely inspired.

The New Testament consists of 27 books belonging to eight inspired writers: Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Peter, Paul, James and Jude. The books of the New Testament, like the book. The Old Testament, according to its content, falls into three sections: historical books - the four Gospels and the book belong here. Acts of the Apostles; teaching books - the apostolic epistles belong here; to the department of the book. Only one book belongs to the prophets - the Apocalypse.

In the Slavic and Russian Bible books Nov. Head arranged in the following order: Gospels - Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Acts of Luke, Epistles of James, 1 Peter, 2 Peter, 1 John, 2 John, 3 John, Jude and so on The Fourteen Epistles of the Apostle Paul in this order: Romans, 1 Corinthians, 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1 Thessalonians, 2 Thessalonians, 1 to Timothy, 2 Timothy, to Titus, to Philemon, to the Hebrews and, finally, the revelation of John the Evangelist.

The books are arranged in this order. New Head in the most ancient manuscripts - the Alexandrian and Vatican, the Apostolic Rules, the Rules of the Councils of Laodicea and Carthage, and in many ancient Church Fathers. But this order of placement of the books of the New Testament. cannot be called universal and necessary, in some Bibles. in collections there is a different arrangement of books, and now in the Vulgate and in editions of the Greek. New Head The Council Epistles are placed after the Epistles of the Apostle Paul before the Apocalypse. This or that placement was guided by many considerations, but the time of appearance of the books did not matter much, which can most clearly be seen from the placement of Pavlov’s Epistles. The order we indicated was guided by considerations regarding the importance of the places or churches to which the messages were sent: first, messages written to entire churches were delivered, and then messages written to individuals. If the Epistle to the Hebrews comes last, it is because its authenticity has long been doubted. Guided by chronological considerations, we can place the Epistles of the Apostle. Paul in this order: 1st Thessalonians, 2nd Thessalonians, Galatians, 1st Corinthians, Romans, Philemon, Philippians, Titus and 2 Timothy.

The books of the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments are canonical.

Books of the Old Testament:
The first book of Moses. Being
The second book of Moses. Exodus
The third book of Moses. Leviticus
The fourth book of Moses. Numbers
The fifth book of Moses. Deuteronomy

Book of Joshua
Book of Judges of Israel
Book of Ruth
First Book of Samuel
2 Samuel
3rd Kings
Fourth Book of Kings
First Book of Chronicles
Second Book of Chronicles
Book of Ezra
Book of Nehemiah
Book of Esther
Book of Job

Book of proverbs
Book of Ecclesiastes, or Preacher
Book of Song of Solomon
Book of the Prophet Isaiah
Book of the Prophet Jeremiah
Book of Lamentations
Book of the Prophet Ezekiel
Book of the Prophet Daniel
Book of the Prophet Hosea
Book of the Prophet Joel
Book of the Prophet Amos
Book of the Prophet Obadiah
Book of the Prophet Jonah
Book of the Prophet Micah
Book of Prophet Nahum
Book of the Prophet Habakkuk
Book of the Prophet Zephaniah
Book of the Prophet Haggai
Book of the Prophet Zechariah
Book of the Prophet Malachi

Books of the New Testament:
Holy Gospel from Matthew
Holy Gospel from Mark
Holy Gospel from Luke
Holy Gospel from John
Acts of the Holy Apostles
Epistle of James
First Epistle of Peter
Second Epistle of Peter
First Epistle of John
Second Epistle of John
Third Epistle of John
Epistle of Jude
Epistle to the Romans
First Epistle to the Corinthians
Second Epistle to the Corinthians
Epistle to the Galatians
Epistle to the Ephesians
Epistle to the Philippians
Epistle to the Colossians
First Epistle to the Thessalonians
Second Epistle to the Thessalonians
First Epistle to Timothy
Second Epistle to Timothy
Epistle to Titus
Epistle to Philemon
Revelation of John the Evangelist


1st Book of Kings



What does the word Bible itself mean?

We owe the word Bible to the Greek word “biblion” - book. Which, in turn, comes from the name of the ancient port - Byblos, located at the foot of the Lebanese mountains, through which Egyptian papyrus was exported to Greece. So the name of the ancient port was included in 1829 languages ​​into which the Bible is translated today ( There are about 3,000 languages ​​and dialects on Earth, of which 1,500 belong to small ethnic groups). So, The Bible is just a word - a Book.


But let's open the Book of Books. We will immediately see that the Bible consists of two parts: the Old Testament (written before the prophet Malachi, who lived in the 5th century BC) and the New Testament, created in the first century AD.

This tradition is based on the fact that many translations use the expression "Old Testament" in 2 Corinthians 3:14. In the Synodal Version (1998 ed.) this verse reads: “But their minds are blinded: for the same veil remains untaken until now in the reading of the Old Testament, because it is removed by Christ.” Jesus Christ Himself spoke of the collection of sacred books as “the Scriptures” (Matthew 21:42; Mark 14:49; John 5:39). The Apostle Paul called them “the sacred Scriptures” and “the Scriptures” (Romans 1:2; 15:4; 2 Timothy 3:15).

P Initially, the texts of the Old Testament were almost entirely written in Hebrew. Only a few fragments are in the so-called Aramaic language: The Book of Daniel (2:4 b- 7:28), the First Book of Ezra (4:8 - 6:18; 7:12-26), the Book of Tobit, the Book of Judith and the Book of Wisdom of Jesus son of Sirach (the last three books have reached us only in Greek translation). The Books of Maccabees, the Book of Wisdom of Solomon, and the Second Book of Ezra are written in Greek. The third book of Ezra has come down to us only in a Latin translation, although it was written in the Semitic language.

The first section of the Old Testament, the Torah, was finally edited and established under Ezra around 444 BC. (Neh.8:1-12; 2 Ezra 9:37-48; cf. Babylonian Talmud. Sanhedrin.21 ). Apparently, soon after this, section H"biim was canonized; in any case, already in 132 BC, the Holy Scriptures were divided into three sections: Law (o nomoV), Prophets (oi profhtai) and “other” books ( Sirach, preface).The first two sections are often mentioned in the Gospels (Matt. 5:17; 7:12; Luke 24:27, etc.), and in one place the third section is also named “Psalms”:

But let's return to the Bible. Both covenants were first brought into canonical form at the Third Ecumenical Council, which took place in Carthage in 397.. ( according to other sources, the Council of Laodicea 363 AD.) . The documents of these councils have not survived, but it is known for certain that already in the 5th century AD. The Bible was divided into the Old and New Testaments. Today's canon contains 39 books

Title New Testament in relation to the collection of canonical books began to be applied from the second half of the 2nd century, although the very concept of the New Testament, or the New Union (with God), goes back to the Book of the Prophet Jeremiah: “Behold, the days have come,” says Yahweh, “and I have concluded with the house Israel and with the house of Y'hudah a new covenant [b'rit ha dash a]” (Jer.31:31, RH). In Christian books proper, the concept New Testament(h kainh diaqhkh) first found in the Apostle Paul in the words of Jesus (1 Cor.11:25; cp. Luke 22:17-20

WITH The first known list of revered books is considered to be Canon Muratori, compiled, according to many researchers, in Rome around 200. It lacks both letters of Peter, the Epistle of James, the Third Epistle of John, and the Epistle to the Hebrews, but the apocryphal Apocalypse of Peter (APOKALUYIS PETROU) is present. However, the generally accepted view that the lost Greek original of the Latin translation of the Muratori Canon originated in Rome around 200 has been convincingly challenged in favor of its later origin (IV century) and another homeland (East) ( Sundberg A. Canon Muratori: a Fourth Century List. - HTR. Vol. 66, 1973, N. 1, pp. 1 - 41).
IN the first quarter of the 4th century, the Church did not recognize the inspiration of most of the so-called conciliar epistles and the Epistle to the Hebrews ( Eusebius. Church history.VI.13:6).
WITH According to the Council of Laodicea in 363, the New Testament included 26 books (except for the Revelation of John). After this, the question of the New Testament canon was discussed at two more councils - the Council of Hippo (393) and Carthage (419) - until it was finally finally resolved in 692 at the Council of Trullo.

However, the first documented canon was established only from the time of the new Council of Trent, convened during the Reformation in 1545 and lasting until 1563. By order of this council, a mass of books recognized as apocryphal were destroyed, in particular, the Chronicles of the Kings of Judah and Israel.

So the Bible is really the Book of Books - a collection of individual works that are divided into three groups: historical, instructive and prophetic. Most of the books bear the names of their authors. However, even today millions of believers believe the text of the Bible is the written Word of God.

The Greek word for this process in the original New Testament sounds like "theopneustos"- “divinely inspired”, but another term has become commonly used - “inspiration”, which arose from the Latin inspirare (to inhale, to blow). Among Christians there are very different ideas about “inspiration”. Apologists of one point of view believe that an “illuminated” person is capable of only partially participating in the writing of the Bible. Others advocate the theory of “literal inspiration,” according to which every word of the Bible is written in the original as it was inspired by God.

Name: Jubilee Bible
Publisher: Mission Light in the East
Release year: 2010
Format: html
Quality: good
Language: Russian (edited Synodal translation)
Size: 1.08 MB

Description: The publication includes all the canonical books of the Holy Scriptures in the Synodal translation. The Appendix includes New Testament tables, a dictionary, and color maps at the end of the edition.
The texts of the books of the Bible are divided into passages and provided with headings. The most famous and frequently quoted verses are in bold. Before each book of the Bible there is a brief outline of the book - contents by chapter.
Where necessary, parallel references are written immediately after the passage or verse, without footnotes at the bottom of the pages; footnotes at the bottom of the pages explain the meaning of unclear words.

Punctuation marks are placed in accordance with the rules of the modern Russian language. Partially, where necessary, the vocabulary has been corrected and brought as close to modern as possible. Many Old Church Slavonic words that have become archaic since the first edition have been replaced. The spelling of words denoting belonging to a people has been ordered.

Genre: ,

The year of publishing:
ISBN: 5-85524-052-5 Size: 3 MB


The Bible (from the Greek βιβλία - books) is a collection of ancient texts created in the Middle East over 15 centuries (XIII century BC - II century AD), canonized in Judaism and Christianity as Holy Scripture .

The Bible consists of two parts: the Old Testament and the New Testament.

The first part of the Bible in time of creation is called Tanakh by Jews; among Christians it is called the Old Testament. This part of the Bible is a collection of books written before our era, selected as sacred from other literature by ancient Jewish theologians and at the same time preserved to this day in the Hebrew language. There are 39 such books. This part of the Bible is the common Holy Book for Judaism and Christianity.

The second part is the New Testament, a collection of 27 Christian books (including the 4 Gospels, the Epistles of the Apostles and the book of Revelation), written in the 1st century. n. e. and which have come down to us in ancient Greek. This is the part of the Bible that is most important to Christianity; but Judaism does not recognize it.

Islam, considering both the Old Testament (Arabic Taurat - Torah) and the New Testament (Arabic Injil - Gospel) to be distorted by later scribes, in principle recognizes their holiness, and the characters of both parts of the Bible (for example, Ibrahim (Abraham), Yusuf (Joseph) , Isa (Jesus)) play an important role in Islam, starting with the Koran.

The word “Bible” does not appear in the sacred books themselves, and was first used in relation to the collection of sacred books in the east in the 4th century by John Chrysostom and Epiphanius of Cyprus.

The Bible has been fully or partially translated into 2,377 languages ​​of the world, and fully published in 422 languages.

Did you want to download the Bible, download the "Book of Books"? Download a full-fledged tool - a program for studying the Bible, working with various translations, commentaries and dictionaries, as well as any books available in electronic form - the "Quote from the Bible" program.

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  1. How to work with "Quote" in non-Russian Windows 2000 and XP? See pictures for Windows 2000, Windows XP and Windows Vista (in future versions of "Quotes", after 5.0, this will not have to be done).
  2. How to connect audio files to "Bible Quote"? Cm. .
  3. Is there a version for Linux? The Bible quote works in Linux, via WINE. There is no version for Mac OS X yet.

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"Bible Quote" on mobile platforms iOS and Android

"Bible Quote"

"Quote from the Bible", old version for Pocket PC (16611)
Option "Quotes" for Pocket PC 2002 and 2003. You need to put modules in the program directory (as for the large "Quotes")

BibleReader for Palm (9603)
Russification of the BibleReader program - a program for reading and searching the Bible on Palm computers from - made by Sergei Iryupin (Catalog "Lamp")

GoBible - Bibles in different languages ​​(15955)
GoBible - Java (MIDP 2.0) program for working with the Bible in different languages, including Russian. There is a converter from modules created for other programs in OSIS, ThML format. There are also Bible versions for phones that do not accommodate large text.

Java Bible in Russian and Ukrainian (43148)
List of currently available versions of the Java Bible in Russian and Ukrainian. The material has been compiled from some websites whose authors have given us permission to distribute their programs and texts. Thank you!

jBible - java Bible for mobile phones (26877)
jBible - java Bible for mobile phones. There is a converter of modules created for the Bible Quote program into your own format. Development of the Rostov Christian Church.

Smart Bible (11109)
A program for working with the Bible on PALM and Pocket PC.

WAP interface to the Bible and modules of the "Quote from the Bible" program (7490) is a WAP interface to the Bible and other modules of the Bible Quote program, made specifically for PDAs and cell phones.

Modules for Bible+ (10635)
Converter of modules from the Bible Quote program into modules for the Bible+ program (Palm platform). Modules converted in this way.

Orthodox library for Palm (6115)
Collection "Song of Renaissance" for Android (6021)
Collection "Song of Renaissance-2000" for Android. Installation: Find PesnVozr on Google Android Market and install it on your phone/device.