Lunar calendar for December of the year Leo. The magic of numbers

  • 19.11.2023

The star of the night dictates its own laws, and in order for you to avoid failures in 2016, to be able to plan your time and energy, we have prepared useful tips and recommendations for you for every day of December 2016.

Astrological tips will allow you to navigate the lunar and solar rhythms, take into account the peculiarities of lunar days, in order to always be in good health and good mood.

Lunar calendar for every day of December 2016

December 1 - Thursday

Moon in Capricorn (9:43), 3rd lunar day (17:58)

In the first days of the lunar cycle, refrain from new activities. Don't overexert yourself and don't give in to the hustle and bustle. If possible, relax or spend time in nature. Think over and plan your actions: today’s plans, thoughts and desires have every chance of coming true.

Fragrance of indoor plants

To smooth out the rough edges of relationships, it is good to create a kind of gazebo at home for relaxation. Arrange several houseplants with round or heart-shaped leaves, such as the Usambara violet family and the money tree. This will fill your apartment with a pleasant aroma, cleanse the space and open the way for positive energy that will attract beneficial changes into your life.

December 2 - Friday

Moon in Capricorn (10:32), 4th lunar day (18:49)

A day of self-improvement, knowledge and humility. Don't lie or gossip, don't give in to vanity, avoid haste and harsh judgments. Take the first steps towards achieving the goals you have set for yourself. It is beneficial to communicate with those who are close to you in spirit and energy.

Growing Moon - moisturize, nourish and protect

Wise Ayurveda recommends anointing the entire body with oils once a week, paying special attention to the joints: rubbing elbows, knees, wrists, shoulders, hips. After rubbing, it is recommended to stay warm for 2-3 hours, and then take a warm (not hot) bath. Olive or sunflower oil is great for rubbing.

December 3 - Saturday

Moon in Capricorn (11:14), 5th lunar day (19:48)

The recommendations of the previous lunar day apply. Debt Repayment Day: If you have debts and pay them off today, you will not need to resort to loans later. Take on only well-thought-out and carefully planned tasks. It is useful to start performing a set of health-improving exercises.

To stay fit

You shouldn't always suppress your anger. Those who constantly restrain themselves are more susceptible to somatic diseases, including cardiovascular diseases. Pamper yourself from time to time. Sometimes, contrary to all recommendations regarding a healthy lifestyle, allow yourself a tasty morsel. But only sometimes.

December 4 - Sunday

Moon in Aquarius (11:50), 6th lunar day (20:53)

The day is quite intense emotionally. If you want to make a decision today, think it over a hundred times first. You can only start well-thought-out and carefully planned things, otherwise there is a risk of getting into a difficult situation and facing problems.

Humorous moment

The baby woke up in a bad mood and whined, and the grandmother said:

- If you don’t be capricious, Santa Claus will give you a tower crane.

- Great! - he was delighted. - Now I will have two!

- Why two? - Grandma was surprised.

“And I found the second one under your bed.”

December 5 - Monday

Moon in Aquarius (12:20), 7th lunar day (22:03)

A good day for active activities that require a lot of energy, for communicating with nature and building creative ideas. Today you should not live according to plan: fate can bring unexpected surprises. You can ask bold questions, and there's a chance you'll get honest, sincere answers.

Mushroom pilaf

For 500 g of mushrooms: 1 cup rice, 1 onion, 1 large carrot.

Season the mushrooms (porcini/champignons or others) with salt, pepper and fry in vegetable oil until half cooked. Fry the onions and carrots - also in vegetable oil. Place everything in a saucepan with a thick bottom and add the washed rice. Pour water 2 fingers above the rice, add salt and simmer over low heat until the water boils away. Then wrap it up and leave it for 30 minutes.

December 6 - Tuesday

Moon in Pisces (12:47), 8th lunar day (23:16)

Today is the day of assimilation and absorption of the energy of the Cosmos. The most favorable time for establishing and restoring contacts, in search of like-minded people. Call old friends. Provide support to those who need it. On this day you can improve a lot in human relationships, turn your life for the better.

Do you want to look young and beautiful?

Move. Even 8 minutes of physical activity or sports a day prolongs life. In the process of movement, growth hormones are released, the production of which is especially reduced after 30 years.

Sleep in a cool room. It has been proven that those who sleep at a temperature of 17-18 °C remain young longer. The reason is that the metabolism in the body and the manifestation of age-related characteristics also depend on the ambient temperature.

December 7 - Wednesday

Moon in Aries (13:10), 9th lunar day

An ambiguous day, successful for active people and dangerous for those who are subject to the influence of others. Today it is important to show independence in decisions, self-control and character, not to succumb to provocations, and to avoid the influence of others. It is undesirable to actively communicate or be in crowded places.

Gestures of affection

Experts who study human behavior believe that the best place for the first touch is the area from the elbow to the hand. If, having met, you immediately touch a woman somewhere in the area of ​​the shoulder, face, hair or back, this touch, of course, will be perceived as too “bold”. If a woman, leaning towards you, rests her chin on her palm, do the same, turn towards her, resting her chin on her hand. To show that you are interested in your friend's words, you can raise your eyebrows in surprise, nod your head, frown in disbelief, and maintain eye contact at all times.

December 8 - Thursday

Moon in Aries (13:33), 10th lunar day (0:32)

The best time to relax. Communication with nature is beneficial. It’s good on this day to think about the traditions of your family, ancestors, and how to support and strengthen these traditions. Work with information, listen to your inner voice. Try not to give in to vanity, talk less and listen more.

Caring for patent leather shoes

It is useful to lubricate patent leather shoes with the following composition: 1 egg yolk is mixed with 3 tablespoons of turpentine and beaten thoroughly to obtain a homogeneous mass; Add 1 teaspoon of castor oil to this mass, then shake the mixture again. The prepared composition is applied in a thin layer to patent leather shoes and allowed to absorb slightly; the remainder is wiped off with a rag.

December 9 - Friday

Moon in Aries (13:56), 11th lunar day (1:51)

Take time with all your endeavors, finish what you started, plan for the future. If you control your emotions, today you will succeed in any current affairs. The calmer this day goes, the better. Avoid stress and try to look within yourself.

Choosing nuts

You can buy whole, peeled, and ground, but whole nuts have an advantage: they not only completely retain their aroma and taste, the shell protects them from the damaging effects of light and oxygen. Cut, ground or peeled nuts become rancid faster, their nutritional value decreases, and they become less and less healthy. In any case, it is best to purchase peeled (and especially ground) nuts in small quantities and store them protected from light and in tightly closed containers.

December 10 - Saturday

Moon in Aries (14:21), 12th lunar day (3:13)

On this day it is not advisable to do anything and start. It’s good to pay off debts and fulfill promises, especially to children. Refrain from visiting large stores and generally places with a lot of people. Watch your thoughts, forgive the offenders.

If your shoes are a little too tight

If your shoes are a little tight, wrap them for a few minutes in a towel soaked in boiling water and wrung out well. Hard shoes are lubricated with castor oil and cleaned with a brush or woolen rag.

December 11 - Sunday

Moon in Taurus (14:49), 13th lunar day (4:37)

December 12 - Monday

Moon in Taurus (15:23), 14th lunar day (6:01)

Mask for dehydrated skin

Melt 50 g of butter in a water bath, add 2 yolks and mash. Pour half a glass of boiling water over 1 tablespoon of dry chamomile inflorescences. Strain the infusion, squeeze out the sediment and mix half a glass of infusion with 2 teaspoons of honey and 1 teaspoon of glycerin. Gradually stirring, pour the infusion into the creamy yolk mixture, and then 30 ml of vodka. Apply to face for 20 minutes.

December 13 - Tuesday

Moon in Gemini (16:06), 15th lunar day (7:23)

Be careful

The symbol of the 15th lunar day is the Snake. This period, on the one hand, is quite favorable, but on the other, dangerous, because the influence of the Moon is the strongest. The difficult day of the full moon has arrived. For health, as well as for everything else, it is especially unfavorable. It is believed that many ailments of this day are caused by bad thoughts. All your positive and negative qualities grow several times. And if you don't want the negative aspects of your personality to take over, be careful.

December 14 - Wednesday

Full Moon, Moon in Gemini (16:59), 16th lunar day (8:38)

Ginger cookie

Butter at room temperature - 70 g, sugar - 200 g, egg (lightly beaten) - 1 pc., molasses - 70 g, ground cinnamon - 1 pinch.

Preheat the oven to 190°C. Line baking trays with baking paper. Beat the butter and sugar into a light, airy mass. Gradually, in portions, pour in the egg, without ceasing to beat. Add molasses, vinegar and mix everything thoroughly. Sift the flour along with baking soda and ground spices and add to the butter mixture. Roll the resulting dough into a ball, wrap it in cling film and place it in the refrigerator for about an hour and a half. Then divide the dough into 4 parts and roll each into a roll, cut the rolls into 10 pieces, roll the pieces into balls. Pour sugar onto a flat dish and roll the balls in sugar. Place them on a baking sheet at a large distance from each other and flatten slightly. Bake for about 10-15 minutes until golden brown.

December 15 - Thursday

Moon in Cancer (18:02), 17th lunar day (9:41)

The best day for important, long-term projects and long trips. Businesses started during this period work out as well as possible. You will have to wait a whole month for your next chance. Listen to every word spoken. This will help you find out your path, your destiny, and understand your purpose in life.

Create a festive atmosphere

Live life to the fullest, in all its manifestations. Express your emotions openly. Feel how many unrealized opportunities there are around you, and you will soon notice that distrust, the tendency to make premature judgments, and the desire to complain will dissipate like a haze. A good mood will become a habitual state, and you will want to make the world warm and cozy.

December 16 - Friday

Moon in Cancer (19:13), 18th lunar day (10:32)

While drinking, have a snack!

The fact that “the degree needs to be increased” is confirmed by medical research. Cocktails cause intoxication faster, and the health consequences are more severe. Be sure to snack on every glass you drink, and not with a cucumber, but in a good way, with something fatty. Remember that smoking and drinking at the same time doubles the effect, you are guaranteed a headache the next day. Before going to bed, drink a glass of lemon juice and 2 tablets of citramone.

December 17 - Saturday

Moon in Leo (20:28), 19th lunar day (11:11)

Humorous moment

— Your husband looks great in a new suit!

- Still would! Moreover, this is not only a new suit, but also a new husband.

December 18 - Sunday

Moon in Leo (21:42), 20th lunar day (11:42)

How to choose gifts

December 19 - Monday

Moon in Virgo (22:55), 21st lunar day (12:08)

To make the laundry smell fragrant

In order to leave all the sorrows and sorrows behind in the outgoing year, with a flawed Moon in Cancer, it is advisable to wash everything properly. To make your textiles have a pleasant aroma, a lot, for example, you can add 1-3 drops of essential oil when rinsing the laundry after washing. Or you can prepare an aroma medallion for your wardrobe. Take a filler - it can be a mixture of herbs, buckwheat husks, talc or just a piece of cotton wool - and soak it with the following composition: cinnamon - 1 drop, geranium - 1 drop, grapefruit - 1 drop. Or: bergamot - 1 drop, nutmeg - 1 drop, lemongrass - 1 drop. Now sew the precious “core” into a fabric bag and hang it or put it in the linen closet.

December 20 - Tuesday

Moon in Virgo, continuation of the 21st lunar day (13:21)

Are you looking to strengthen your family?

Do you constantly improve your relationship with your husband? Do you adapt to his habits? Do you tolerate his friends? In response to these questions and a bunch of similar ones, almost every married lady will say: “Yes.” Even if she does not strive to adapt to his personality, but persistently adjusts him to her living standards. It's time to reconsider your family standards. And his family model too. The overwhelming majority of marital conflicts arise due to different ideas of the husband and wife about the family.

December 21 - Wednesday

Moon in Libra (0:06), 22nd lunar day (12:49)

A day on which caution and attentiveness are required in carrying out any task. Don’t give up what you start, be sure to finish everything. This is the time of awakening hidden reserves, transforming human nature. In order to use such power, one must be absolutely pure spiritually.

Yolk mask rejuvenates the skin

Take 1 egg yolk, combine with 0.5 teaspoon honey, 4 drops of vegetable oil and 10 drops of lemon juice. Beat everything until foam forms, then add 1 teaspoon of oatmeal or ground oatmeal. Apply the mask for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Use for the care of dry and normal aging skin. The mask nourishes and cleanses the skin, and also regulates its water-salt balance.

December 22 - Thursday

Moon in Libra (1:15), 23rd lunar day (13:08)

A day of love, creativity, spontaneity and joy of being. Be attentive and indulgent to yourself, show altruism, but do not relax. The period is favorable for business negotiations - you will be able to achieve mutual understanding with others. Mercy and compassion are essential today.

Trips and travel

Travel dreams symbolize your progress in life. If the trip is generally safe and proceeds without incident, it means that your life will continue in its usual rhythm, without any special changes. In such a dream, where the trip proceeds calmly, pay attention to those who are next to you - perhaps they need your help or you can get some advice from these people.

December 23 - Friday

Moon in Libra (2:22), 24th lunar day (13:28)

This is the time of accumulation of information. It is better not to rush forward, but to look back: many situations are repeated during these lunar days, returning like poorly completed lessons: for correction, revision and rework. Contacts with people who are new or not too close are productive.

Create a holiday atmosphere tips

Live life to the fullest, in all its manifestations.

Express your emotions openly. Feel how many unrealized opportunities there are around you, and you will soon notice that distrust, the tendency to make premature judgments, and the desire to complain will dissipate like a haze. A good mood will become a habitual state, and you will want to make the world warm and cozy.

December 24 - Saturday

Moon in Scorpio (3:28), 25th lunar day (13:49)

The best day for important, long-term projects and long trips. All business started during this period works out as well as possible. You will have to wait a whole month for your next chance. Listen to every word spoken. This will help you find out your path, your destiny, and understand your purpose in this life.

December 25 - Sunday

Moon in Scorpio (4:34), 26th lunar day (14:13)

During the full moon, avoid impulsiveness and thoughtless actions. Conflicts are possible today, so give yourself good physical activity in the gym. Refrain from excess. Control your emotions and desires. You may feel vulnerable; it will be difficult to find mutual understanding with people.

Salad "Beaucaire" in French

100 g each of ham, champignons, apples, mayonnaise, olive oil; 200 g each of potatoes, beets, parsley, celery root; 0.5 teaspoon of dry mustard.

Boil vegetables, mushrooms and roots and finely chop: beets and potatoes into slices, apples, ham, celery and mushrooms into strips. Beat mustard and vegetable oil, mix with mayonnaise and pour over chopped products; mix everything.

December 26 - Monday

Moon in Sagittarius (5:38), 27th lunar day (14:41)

A peaceful, harmonious day, when mental comfort is very important. Eliminate shouting, aggression, and unceremonious behavior completely - they can lead to irreversible consequences. A favorable period for intellectual pastime: think over and plan your actions for the week.

December 27 - Tuesday

Moon in Sagittarius (6:39), 28th lunar day (15:14)

Today the stars will favor those who clearly know what they want and know how to plan their actions correctly. Try to direct your energy in a creative direction: you should not limit yourself to gaining new experiences. Absorb information, share experiences, communicate.

December 28 - Wednesday

Moon in Sagittarius (7:37), 29th lunar day (15:55)

The day as a whole is not very favorable, you need to try to get rid of negative energy. Think about your thoughts. Provide support to those who need it. The “crowd instinct”, base instincts, are becoming more acute, so you should not follow your impulses and indulge your desires.

How to choose gifts

There are basic principles that should be followed. When choosing a gift for a person you don’t know well, don’t look for personal items, for example, a tie, socks, or cosmetics. It is also necessary to avoid the “stereotype” of a gift, for example, doctors usually suffer from an overabundance of sweets. If you know about the hobbies of the recipient, choosing a gift is not difficult at all. Neutral gifts: flowers, a bottle of good wine, cognac, champagne, cards with congratulations. A gift for a loved one should be personal, reflecting his characteristics and interests. It's good if the gift pleasantly surprises you.

December 29 - Thursday

New Moon, Moon in Capricorn (8:29), 30th, 1st lunar day (16:43)

The day of illusions, delusions, deceptions and poisoning (you can get poisoned even with high-quality products). Do not give in to suggestion, laziness, or earthly temptations. Put off all important matters, no matter how urgent they may seem to you. Be alone with yourself. The best things to do are routine things.

We clean and put away

The New Year is coming, which means it’s time to prepare for the holiday, it’s time to wash and clean everything so that all things sparkle and the house is filled with comfort and freshness. During the days of the waning moon, any dishes made of any materials are very easy to clean. You can also easily clean silverware, crystal, brass and copper items. At the same time, you will spend half as much cleaning products, and besides, you can do without aggressive chemicals, using only available home remedies that every housewife can find.

December 30 - Friday

Moon in Capricorn (9:15), 2nd lunar day (17:40)

A smooth and harmonious day, a time of mercy, patience and spiritual transformation. Practical efforts will not yield much results. But don’t give up what you started and be sure to finish it. Overload is contraindicated today. Dedicate the evening to home, family, loved ones.

How to survive the holiday

Subconsciously during the holidays, people try to prepare very tasty, complex dishes, buy exceptional gifts, etc. Psychologists suggest being realistic and flexible: if something doesn’t work out, then so be it. You should also know and remember that a long-awaited holiday often becomes a serious psychological test for both adults and children, and instead of joy it can only leave disappointment and fatigue. Be wiser!

December 31 - Saturday

Moon in Aquarius (9:53), 3rd lunar day (18:44)

An active, creative day associated with change, victory, triumph, strength and movement. Today you can show decisiveness in your actions and give up bad habits well. Make contacts, communicate and resolve urgent issues.

Time for fast action

The day is very active, although health reserves are still small. However, they can be replenished by doing pleasant pre-holiday chores. This is a time of creativity and inspiration, when everyone begins to seem good, kind and sympathetic. The main thing is not to miss the moment and direct it in the right direction, transform lunar energy into the creative process. Wish everyone happiness, good luck and goodness, and your sincere wishes will return a hundredfold.

The lunar calendar for December 2016 is the best assistant in planning things. Calculate lunar days and be aware of possible favorable or unfavorable moments in your life.

Moon phases in December 2016

The phases of the moon in December are:

  • the new moon begins at 9:53 am on December 29th;
  • full moon - at 03:07 on December 14th;
  • waxing moon - from December 1st to 13th, as well as from December 30th to 31st;
  • waning moon - from December 15th to 28th.

There will be no lunar or solar eclipse in December 2016.

Today will be a fruitful day for determined people. In business and personal relationships, qualities such as courage and straightforwardness are needed. All things started will bring success.

The day favors brave people. Any signed agreements will bring benefits in the future. Great time to start long or short trips.

Time for active things, you can go outside, play sports, and in the evening pay attention to your loved ones and children. You should not start new things. Trust your intuition, it will not let you down.

According to the lunar calendar for December, today is a favorable day for household chores. But don’t be lazy: if you spend this time on the couch, you will miss the opportunity to solve long-term problems.

The day is good for studying, working and planning things. Today you can set goals for long-term projects or tasks. Don’t say a lot of words, it’s better to spend your energy on implementing your plans.

Time for colossal changes in life. Job searches and moving to a new place of residence will be successful. Today's acquaintances will later transform into strong friendships.

According to forecasts for December 2016, today is a successful day. Any business you start will be successful; you can change everything that does not suit you in your personal and professional life. This lunar day will bring clarity to your life. Water has healing properties; you can visit a bathhouse or sauna.

The period is not conducive to food experiments; there is a danger of being poisoned by unusual food products. It is better to devote the evening to charity.

A favorable time for self-improvement and enrichment of your spiritual world. Any conflicts with others are contraindicated.

A great day to visit the temple. Pay attention to your family. Don't leave home for a long time. If possible, ask for forgiveness from the people you offended.

Be careful: financial losses are possible. There is a high probability of getting carried away with purchasing goods and getting into debt.

Today you can safely invest money in new projects. In the near future they will bring considerable profit. In the afternoon, start planning your vacation. Alcohol today is doubly harmful, do not get carried away with strong drinks.

The day is unfavorable for starting new things. Get involved in solving pressing problems. You can continue protracted repairs or construction.

The best time to visit a beauty salon, hairdresser, or massage parlour. Chatting with friends will bring pleasure. Travel and travel on this day are not recommended.

This day is best spent at home. Communication with friends and relatives is unfavorable. At work, try to talk less and do more.

Be generous and generous today, spend your free time on good deeds. Success awaits you in love matters.

According to the lunar calendar for December 2016, today is a favorable time for revealing secrets and mysteries. Everything hidden will become clear, so it is best to admit the wrongdoing yourself.

Day of peace of mind. Today is the best time to visit the temple and spend time with loved ones. The more goodness you sow, the more grace you will reap in the future.

Heavy Energy Day. Beware of any conflicts; those around you will take all objectionable words with hostility. Stay home if possible.

Today is a favorable time for forgiveness. Old grievances will fall into oblivion, making room for warm communication. Don't be lazy - any business you start will be successful.

Bad time to drive. There is a high probability of getting into or causing an accident. Try to get around on foot. Don't forget to pay attention to elderly relatives.

A good time to start a new relationship. Be yourself, sincerity on this day is the key to family happiness for many years.

Today you need to spend part of your free time on sports. But don't overdo it: excessive exercise can harm your health. In the evening, do not indulge in alcoholic beverages.

Pay attention to your family and friends. Today, more than ever, they need your support. The day is not favorable for changing jobs or place of residence.

A wonderful time to expand your horizons. Read a good book, watch a good movie, try new foods, meet new people. There is no need to make important decisions today.

Try not to listen to others and not to give in to vanity. By responding to aggression, you risk diving headlong into a long quarrel.

Be careful with strangers, there is a risk of deception. Try not to overwork; excessive activity can be harmful to your health.

Pay attention to routine and boring work. It will not only help you cope with difficult thoughts, but will also prepare a springboard for the implementation of an interesting and profitable idea.

The lunar calendar for December predicts a good day. You can safely make plans for the year ahead. At the end of the day, a pleasant surprise awaits you from a loved one.

Today you can safely go to the registry office and register your marriage. A family created on this day will be strong and happy. Do not take to heart the caustic or unpleasant phrases of people around you.

Do not utter thoughtless words and wishes. Even on New Year's Eve, watch your emotions. Only in this case will the energy of today benefit you.

Useful tips

The new month will be the final month of the year, at the end of which we all expect a joyful and symbolic holiday New Year, holidays, vacation. We still need to be on time, complete important projects, sum up results, and pay off debts.

Although December 2016 is not the last lunar month of the year, we are all used to living according to the solar calendar and celebrating the beginning of the new year exactly January 1. Therefore, this month, like no other, we want to do everything, not miss a good opportunity and complete the things we started in the past.

To make it easier for you to navigate, it’s better to look at the lunar calendar once again and, if you have the opportunity to plan something, it’s better to plan it according to the lunar day and the location of the Moon.

The moon will rise from 1 to 13 and from 29 to 31 December 2016. Use this time to start some business, but do not forget that there are unfavorable days in any lunar month. Already from December 14 to December 28, 2016 you can continue or complete things, since this is the time of the waning moon.

ATTENTION! MAGICAL TIME OF THE MONTH! On New Year's Eve, when it is customary to make wishes, it will already take place 3rd lunar day. It’s better to make your New Year’s wishes a little earlier: December 29 from 09:54 to December 30 09:55. That is, you will have almost 24 hours to think about how you would like to see yourself in the new year.


It is also worth considering the time of the moon without a course, when you cannot start those things whose results are important to you. Usually such cases will not end in anything, or will be abandoned, and you you're wasting your time. During these periods, it is good to start those things that you need to fail. The time of the Moon without a course is indicated in the descriptions of the days.

In December 2016 Mercury will go retrograde again. Retrograde will begin December 19th, but already a week before this date Mercury will begin to slow down greatly and slow down, so this is not the best time for shopping, preparing papers and documents, and for departures for trips. Pay special attention to the period of static Mercury: December 18 and 19, 2016: these are the most unfavorable days for such matters.

More details about money and purchases can be found in , therefore, in this issue of the calendar we will not dwell on these issues in detail. At the end of the article you will find a list of main things to do and the best days for them in December 2016. In the descriptions for each day you will find more detailed information about what time is best to start this or that business.

The calendar shows Moscow time.

Other useful articles in the Lunar calendar for December 2016 section:


♐♑ DECEMBER 1, Thursday. 3rd lunar day from 09:43.SAGITTARIUS , CAPRICORN from 11:51

Moon without course until 11:50

Symbol of the day : leopard. Try to schedule things for this day that require concentration, patience, and movement. Under the Moon, you can’t start new things without a course, but already after 12:00 good practice complex cases that are relevant to your work. You can plan long-term things.

What not to do : This day cannot be spent passively. It is also better not to promise anything, especially if the promise concerns some things in the distant future: it will be difficult to fulfill it.

♑ DECEMBER 2, Friday. 4th lunar day from 10:32.CAPRICORN

Symbol of the day : leopard, tree of paradise. Not a bad time to do some organizational work. You can seek advice from a specialist, with the exception of legal issues. For this day, you should plan the most tedious and least interesting to you, but necessary work: it will be completed on time and you won’t even notice how time passes.

Today there is a chance of receiving unexpected news, and not the most pleasant ones. The day is suitable for marriages, especially with widowers, or if the newlyweds have a large age difference. A marriage concluded today promises to be strong and long, but it will be based primarily on calculation, and not on love.

What not to do : It’s worth watching your words today; you shouldn’t give in to pessimistic thoughts, as on this day it’s easy to fall into depressive state. You cannot switch to a new job or move to a new place of residence.

♑ DECEMBER 3, Saturday. 5th lunar day from 11:14.CAPRICORN

Moon without course from 13:16

Symbol of the day : tree of paradise, unicorn. The first half of the day will be quite successful: despite the gloomy sign of Capricorn, many will be in a fairly good mood, which will affect labor productivity. However, if you do not work on this day, you can do household chores. Much will be easy. It’s better to put off general cleaning, but small housework that you don’t particularly like will be easy to do today. In the first half of the day it is good to go to holiday in the mountains. All your thoughts and desires have a chance of becoming reality, so today it is important to keep track of what you think about and what you desire. You can still go to the registry office (until 13:00).

What not to do : Today it is better not to go on romantic dates and not to look for acquaintances, despite the favorable aspect between the Moon and Venus.

♒ DECEMBER 4, Sunday. 6th lunar day from 11:50.AQUARIUS

Symbol of the day : unicorn, bird. A rather successful day when everything you undertake will work out well, and many issues will be easily resolved. This is one of the most favorable days of the month. It's good to spend it in a friendly company or meet like-minded people. Any creative activity will bring joy, inspiration and a great charge of positive emotions. It is better to continue things started in the past.

What not to do : You shouldn’t give gifts today, because along with the gift you can give away your luck.

♒ DECEMBER 5, Monday. 7th lunar day from 12:20.AQUARIUS

Moon without course from 14:23

Symbol of the day : bird, wind rose. This day may turn out to be quite nervous and stressful: it is better not to fuss and not to schedule things to do that require large amounts of physical or mental energy. If possible, take a day off. On this day it is good to collect information that is important to you, accumulate knowledge, or simply read good literature.

What not to do : Today is not the best day for noisy companies, large parties and any special events. Financial promises will be in vain, so it is better not to believe promises and not to promise yourself.

♓ DECEMBER 6, Tuesday. 8th lunar day from 12:47.FISH

Symbol of the day : wind rose, fire. Now many of us are becoming very sensitive, as the Moon finds itself in the sign of Pisces, and also goes to conjunction with Neptune. This is not the most favorable aspect of the Moon, but you have a chance to show your creative abilities today, feel what you usually didn’t feel, train your phenomenal abilities. Today you should listen carefully to what is happening around you. It is better not to believe in vain promises. There is a risk monetary losses. Not a bad day for a marriage based on love, fidelity, and harmony.

What not to do : people on this day are quite gullible, they become absent-minded, lose their vigilance, their easy to fool. Try not to trust anyone. Don't trust your money and valuables. Today, give up alcohol, it is better not to visit noisy companies.

Favorable days of the lunar calendar

♓ DECEMBER 7, Wednesday. 9th lunar day from 13:11.FISH

Second phase of the moon from 12:04

Moon without course from 17:05

Symbol of the day : fire, bat. Unlucky day: change of lunar phase, besides, the Moon is conjunct Saturn and will be quite weak. Set aside big undertakings and things that require precision and focus. Today it will be difficult for you to concentrate on the main thing, they will constantly interfere with work, someone or something will be distracting. It’s better to be alone today, communicate only when necessary.

What not to do : You should not fall into pessimism, do your best to maintain a good mood. Today it is important not to focus on your problems, especially financial ones. Even if you have difficulties today, try to think about the good, imagine how your problems disappear how you solve them. Do not give in to the provocations of aggressive people.

♈ DECEMBER 8, Thursday. 10th lunar day from 13:34.ARIES from 13:15

Symbol of the day : bat, fountain. A good day, especially for tasks that require quick completion, related to culture and art, as well as for any creative endeavors. It’s good to delve into your immediate affairs and not make far-reaching plans. Do what needs to be done here and now.

What not to do : It is better not to communicate with unfamiliar people, and also not to attract special attention to your person. It is better not to plan or start long-term affairs. Refrain from lending money: There is little chance that they will be returned. But it is quite possible to pay off debts.

♈ DECEMBER 9, Friday, 11th lunar day from 13:57.ARIES

Symbol of the day : fountain, crown. This day may be full of surprises, it will be difficult for you to control situations, but it is better to try control your actions and emotions. If you received something on this day new unusual idea, wait a little, don’t implement it right away. On this day it is good to engage in recreational activities; when playing sports, try not to put too much stress on yourself, as it is easy to get injured. You can go on a trip, but be prepared for surprises along the way.

What not to do : the main thing today is not to overload the nervous system, and also not to make any sudden movements: you can make a hasty decision, which you will later regret. If you have started a business, don't leave it halfway.

♈♉ DECEMBER 10, Saturday, 12th lunar day from 14:22.ARIES , CALF from 15:40

Moon without course until 15:39

Symbol of the day : crown, heart. Afternoon ( after 16:00) suitable for marriage. Until this time, the Moon will be in the sign of Aries and will be without a course, so a marriage concluded at this time will not bring good luck. Be careful and don’t make this mistake: if you can get married after 16:00 no, then it's better reschedule it for another day. Starting any new business on the “idle moon” will not give the desired results.

What not to do : You should not start any business about which you have a vague idea. Today it is recommended to do what you know well and have already done more than once.

♉ DECEMBER 11, Sunday, 13th lunar day from 14:50. CALF

Symbol of the day: heart, ring. One of the most successful days this month, the day is also good for making decisions any money issues. It is better to fulfill any requests that you receive on this day from people close to you or colleagues. In the evening, you can attend any cultural events or prepare a nice Sunday dinner for family members and loved ones.

What not to do: Avoid any negative emotions. Although you may feel irritated in the evening, it is better not to provoke quarrels and look for the most gentle ways to resolve looming conflict situations in the family. If you do everything right, the day will be very positive and memorable.

♉♊ DECEMBER 12, Monday, 14th lunar day from 15:25.CALF , TWINS from 15:40

Moon without course until 15:39

Symbol of the day : ring, pipe. The Moon will be “idling” almost the entire day, so it’s better not to plan important things at this time, at least not the beginning of them . After 16:00 you can deal with different paper issues. It is also good to negotiate and get to know each other. Also acceptable romantic dating. It's good to collect information. It is also a good idea to look for a new job today, but it is better after 16:00, otherwise the search will not be successful.

What not to do : Do not believe unverified facts: it is better to check everything carefully. You should not transmit information that you're not sure, or sharing your doubts with others: this may be taken the wrong way.

♊ DECEMBER 13, Tuesday, 15th lunar day from 16:07.TWINS

Symbol of the day : trumpet, kite. The day is suitable for small movements and small purchases. Today can be quite a stressful day: it is one of the most negative days of the month, when you may have severe overexertion. The flow of information today will be difficult to control, so you may experience information oversaturation. If, for example, you are studying and preparing for exams, it is better not to be too busy that day, so that it does not then led to exhaustion. In addition, it will be difficult for you to remember everything that you learn about today; it will be difficult to sort everything out in your head. Take notes and don't try to grasp the immensity.

What not to do : It is better not to particularly plan important things for today, as the Moon is approaching the full moon and is affected by a malefic planet. A weak Moon can prevent you from implementing new important plans.

Lunar calendar 2016: favorable days


♊♋ DECEMBER 14, Wednesday, 16th lunar day from 17:00.TWINS , CANCER from 15:10

FULL MOON at 03:05

Moon without course until 15:09

Symbol of the day : snake, dove. The first half of the day is not very successful. This time weak moon, besides, the Moon without a course does not advise starting new things. From this day on, the Moon will begin to wane, so it’s time to spend energy and get rid of excess burden: it’s good to spend the evening in a circle close relatives or at least chat with them. Also after 16:00 you can go on a trip to bodies of water or on vacation.

What not to do : No litigation can be started. You can’t be nervous, irritated, or sort things out.

♋ DECEMBER 15, Thursday, 16th, 17th lunar day from 18:04.CANCER

Symbol of the day : dove, bunch of grapes. On this day you can expect some surprises from relatives; you may have to solve some of their problems, or you will receive news from them. You can solve any matters that require quick completion. It is better not to plan trips for this day: many unpleasant surprises await you on the road.

What not to do : This day is not suitable for solving complex financial problems; it is better not to negotiate or do paperwork, which requires special care and precision.

♋♌ DECEMBER 16, Friday, 17th lunar day.CANCER , A LION from 16:16

Moon without course until 16:15

Symbol of the day : bunch of grapes. This day is meant for rest and relaxation. It’s better not to plan important things for today. In the evening go to cinema or theater, go on a date or visit. Take your mind off your problems. Give yourself a day off. After 16:00 You can gamble or buy a lottery ticket.

What not to do : Don’t give in to sad thoughts today. Even if things are not going the way you want. It is forbidden complain about life, to be offended by fate and people. It is not recommended to borrow money or promise anything.

♌ DECEMBER 17, Saturday, 18th lunar day.A LION

Symbol of the day : mirror. In the morning, it is better not to resolve issues related to money, and it is also undesirable to go shopping, especially if you can wait more favorable days. You can go shopping after 11:30. Today you should not take the initiative in any matters, despite the rather active day of Leo. However, you will have a desire to be in public more, to show your best side.

What not to do : You shouldn’t do any important things today that require concentration and precision. Can't show selfishness and pride.

♌ DECEMBER 18, Sunday, 19th lunar day.A LION

Moon without course from 19:55 to 20:52

Symbol of the day : spider. Satanic day, a lot of tension, there may be unreasonable aggression, be be careful with your statements, today it is easy to offend a person. The day may start quite actively, but not all things will be easy. It is better to spend this day at home, relax more, engage in creative activities, spend this day with children. If you still cannot put off important things, calculate every action down to the smallest detail so as not to commit annoying mistake.

What not to do : Postpone financial transactions, do not enter into contracts or engage in financial investments.

♍ DECEMBER 19, Monday, 20th lunar day.VIRGO

Symbol of the day : eagle. It is better to start general cleaning before the holidays on this day, and not on last days of the year. This is due to the fact that the Moon is now waning, and it will be much easier for you to get rid of excess. From 29 to 31 December The moon will wax, so cleaning done in the last days of the year will be slower and more difficult. Better the bulk of the work do it today or tomorrow, and just before the holidays just tidy up a little.

What not to do : there is a risk of becoming more arrogant and critical, so try to watch yourself when communicating with other people,

♍ DECEMBER 20, Tuesday, 21st lunar day.VIRGO

Symbol of the day : horse. The day is suitable for looking for a new job, for creating resumes and for writing any advertisements. You can travel by land. This day is perfect for tedious and meticulous work, for working with documents, databases, for various calculations. It's better to plan the start of everything after 10:30, when the negative aspect of the Moon and Saturn diverges. However, especially important things cannot be planned for this day. It is better not to travel by water.

What not to do : It’s better not to plan things that require emotional uplift and inspiration: this is a time of tedious and monotonous work.

♎ DECEMBER 21, Wednesday, 22nd lunar day.SCALES

The fourth phase of the moon from 04:55

Symbol of the day : elephant. This day is better than the previous one: the negative aspects of the Moon are behind you, you can plan acquaintances, visits cultural events. Overall, this day promises to be very positive. Things that require manifestation will work out well. diplomatic qualities, the ability to speak beautifully and present information. It is also good to educate yourself, improve your skills and knowledge. People in creative professions will be especially lucky today.

What not to do : You can’t sort things out, argue and quarrel. You can't be lazy and rest too much.

♎ DECEMBER 22, Thursday, 23rd lunar day.SCALES

Symbol of the day : crocodile. This day may be quite nervous, despite the calm and balanced day of Libra. In addition, the 23rd lunar day is considered satanic and does not promise you success. You may encounter fraud, the day may be full of surprises. There may be disputes, intrigues, showdowns. It is not recommended to borrow or lend money or take out loans.

What not to do : visit crowded places, argue over trifles, try to sort things out with partners.

♎♏ DECEMBER 23, Friday, 24th lunar day.SCALES , SCORPION from 17:33

Moon without course until 17:32

What not to do : Don’t go shopping: you won’t find the thing you need and will waste your time. It's likely that you will do unplanned purchases, which you will regret later.

♏ DECEMBER 24, Saturday, 25th lunar day.SCORPION

Symbol of the day : turtle. The symbol of the day hints that haste can be harmful; think about an important step a hundred times before taking anything. The day is perfect for scientific work, for searching for a missing item, for working with documentation related to other people's money. Today you can buy a car, arrange the purchase and sale of some complex equipment or machines.

What not to do : Today, try not to rush too much if you have planned something important for yourself. Listen to your intuition: If she tells you that something is not worth doing, it is better to follow her.

♏ DECEMBER 25, Sunday, 26th lunar day.SCORPION

Moon without course from 10:22

Symbol of the day : toad. A great day for general cleaning and big laundry before the new year. This last Sunday 2016, when you will most likely have enough time to prepare everything for the holiday if the next week is busy. It is best to spend this day alone or with your closest people. Shopping, especially for nice clothes or jewelry, can be a bad experience. It is best to do essential household chores on this day.

What not to do : Don't go shopping unless absolutely necessary. We especially do not recommend making large purchases. It is also not worth borrowing or lending money. You cannot move or exchange an apartment.

♐ DECEMBER 26, Monday, 27th lunar day.SAGITTARIUS

Symbol of the day : trident. The stress of this day can affect your overall well-being. We do not recommend going on trips, or be prepared for some problems and surprises on the road. The day is suitable for getting an education, for self-education and broadening your horizons.

What not to do : You can’t move, go abroad, but especially to the mountains, you shouldn’t make promises.

♐ DECEMBER 27, Tuesday, 28th lunar day.SAGITTARIUS

Symbol of the day : lotus. The day is not suitable for important undertakings and matters that require a lot of effort and energy. They are waiting for you on the way obstacles and disappointments. But it is quite possible to continue things started in the past that are coming to their logical conclusion. In these last days of the year, don't forget to think about yourself too. You can get information about your destination, follow signs and symbols who you will meet on this day.

What not to do : Do not perform any destructive actions. Bad time for hunting and fishing.

♐♑ DECEMBER 28, Wednesday, 29th lunar day.SAGITTARIUS , CAPRICORN from 18:13

Moon without course until 18:13

Symbol of the day : octopus. Bad day, one of the worst difficult days of the month. All the negative feelings and thoughts accumulated over the month can come to the surface, which can have negative consequences. Be restrained and attentive, limit contacts, it is better to be alone and take care of pressing matters.

What not to do : It is highly undesirable to start new projects or any new endeavors. This is a day of rest and relaxation, and postpone the start of new things to a more successful time. You can't be frank with anyone. Keep yours secrets and doubts with me. We advise you to postpone any purchases, especially large ones: they will not bring joy and may turn out to be unnecessary.

♑ DECEMBER 29, Thursday, 30th lunar day from 08:38,1st lunar day from 09:54.CAPRICORN

NEW MOON at 09:54

Symbol of the day : golden swan, lamp. Today is the New Moon, the last new moon of 2016, so this day is the best make a wish, make plans and imagine a happy future. On the 1st lunar day it is better not to start new things, but you can plan future things. Since the new moon is now in Capricorn, this is a great time to think about work, professional plans, new projects, especially if they are creative, related to art, music.

What not to do : load yourself with extra work today, get overtired and start new important things, be overly active in any area.


♑ DECEMBER 30, Friday, 2nd lunar day from 09:55.CAPRICORN

Moon without course from 11:07

Symbol of the day : cornucopia. The last days of the year and the beginning of the lunar month may not coincide a little with your plans. Today and tomorrow you can do some cleaning, but it is better if it is not a general cleaning, but an easy and unburdensome one. A more favorable time to start new business will come after 11:00. In the afternoon you can go on trips. Today is good to receive and process some information important for your work.

What not to do : indulge your desires, squander money, enter into contracts, register companies and societies, take exams, negotiate with foreigners (at least until 11:00). If you lost anything on this day (money, things), you should not regret it. This is a sign that you don’t need it and soon something will come into your life brand new.

♒ DECEMBER 31, Saturday, 3rd lunar day.AQUARIUS

Symbol of the day : leopard. This day is usually spent on the run, in a hurry, you need to have time to prepare everything, dress up, and complete important things. New Year's Eve will be held under the Moon on , so it’s best to celebrate this holiday somehow unusual, interesting, better in a circle of friends and like-minded people. From this day on, energy in the body will accumulate, so you will most likely feel some surge of strength. It’s a good idea to go in for sports and get a good night’s sleep before the holiday, which will improve your mood and well-being. will be on top.

What not to do : You shouldn’t spend this day too passively if you don’t have anything special to do. You can just workout or go for a walk. The main thing is not to sit at home all day. Now you can’t demand long-term obligations or borrow money.

(Waxing Crescent).
At 07:08 the period of the Moon without a course begins
At 10:40 the 3rd Lunar day begins.
At 11:52 the period of the Moon without a course ends
At 11:52 the Moon moves from Sagittarius into the sign of Capricorn. 2nd Lunar day continues until 10:40

The symbol is a cornucopia.
On this day, the appetite awakens, so diet has a beneficial effect. It is recommended to do prokshalana (rinsing the gastrointestinal tract according to the yogic system) in the morning. The cleansing process is helped by a bath and heavy physical activity. You can also use dry fasting or a mono-diet (eat only one food all day). Good results are obtained from cereals cooked without salt and oil. On this day, your instincts will not deceive you - you can very accurately determine by your feelings which food is good for you and which is harmful. What you want is what is useful. What you don't like is harmful. This applies not only to products, but also to people. On this day you will feel very keenly who you need to communicate with and who you shouldn’t. Do not let greed appear on this day, but on the contrary, show generosity. Give someone a gift, give away things you don't need - everything will pay off and come back in full. You can lend money. Avoid conflicts and violent outbursts of emotions. There is still no need to start new serious things; continue to think about your plans and accumulate strength to implement them. It’s good to start a cycle of physical exercises on this day or start learning new knowledge.
Divination. Only for a month.
Dreams. Dreams on these lunar days are, as a rule, not serious; you don’t need to believe them. If in a dream you cannot overcome some obstacle, then in reality you will easily overcome it.
Medically You should pay attention to the mouth, teeth, upper part of the palate.
This lunar day is especially successful for conceiving a girl and procreation. Brings abundance and fulfillment of desires, success and protection.
Those born on this lunar day will grow up prosperously.
They have a strong physical component. They do not need any special diet. Rarely are they full. They have a worldly mind. They become attached to loved ones and property. On the “good” side, this develops into devotion and thriftiness. The “bad” one can develop into greed and predatory behavior. at 10:40 the 3rd lunar day begins

The symbol is a leopard or leopard.
From this day on, a crescent moon appears in the sky. This is a period of active struggle, action and aggression. The tasks of the day are liberation from your negative emotions, from disrespect for yourself and other people, but this is also a time of confrontation with your pride and jealousy. Passivity on this day is contraindicated and even dangerous. All passive people on this day are vulnerable, they can suffer defeat and even get injured - both physical and mental. The internal energy of the body is especially strong on this day, so you will have enough strength for both self-defense and starting new things. It is advisable on this day to give yourself a lot of intense physical activity, go to the sauna, otherwise your energy, being unspent, will harm you, internal organs may suffer, and illnesses may begin. On this day they work with metals and sharpen knives. You can cut your hair (if the Moon is not in Aries). It is bad to spill oil on the third day of the Moon (this means that you slipped, went out of your way).
Divination. Don't guess.
Dreams. Dreams on this day rarely come true, but they can become a kind of test of your strength. If you suddenly pass in a dream, you can wake up and play the dream again in your imagination, so that it has the ending you want.
Medically You should pay attention to the area of ​​the back of the head and ears.
This lunar day is only good for conceiving a warrior, fighter, revolutionary or hooligan. Passion and activity will possess the person conceived on this day.
Those born on this lunar day, in the absence of strong positive aspects, especially from strong and happy planets, especially Jupiter and Venus, will not live long.
They can become good athletes, soldiers, and also succeed in any area where drive and determination are needed.

Lunar calendar for December 2016

December 1, 2016, 3 lunar day (10:39), waxing Moon in Sagittarius/Capricorn. Today is a good day to complete current affairs. Emotionality is heightened, so you can also devote this day to your own beauty and health. Fasting, cleansing and cosmetic procedures, and massages are recommended.

December 2, 2016, 4th lunar day (11:28), waxing Moon in Capricorn. Home day is favorable for strengthening family relationships. It would be nice for everyone to relax together outside the city, in nature, near a pond and a fire. Vigilance today will help you avoid unpleasant situations - don’t be afraid to play it safe.

December 3, 2016, 5th lunar day (12:08), waxing Moon in Capricorn/Aquarius. Both activity and assertiveness are shown; an elevated, joyful mood will accompany many throughout the day. Today is a great day to start new things. Try not to strain your eyes. Fasting is beneficial.

December 4, 2016, 6th lunar day (12:40), waxing Moon in Aquarius. Want to set a personal record? Use this day. Today shows, presentations and self-presentations are great. It’s good to plan your first return to work. You can go on a trip. Take care of your heart and blood vessels.

December 5, 2016, 7th lunar day (13:07), waxing Moon in Aquarius. Spend the first half of the day with your children if possible. Both going to the cinema together and poring over your homework will bring joy: today is a great day for any study.

December 6, 2016, 8th lunar day (13:28), waxing Moon in Aquarius/Pisces. Today it is best to start improving your home - all types of work are useful: from large laundry and cleaning to installing an alarm system. It is better not to organize noisy meetings and celebrations - they will be boring.

December 7, 2016, 9th lunar day (13:48), waxing Moon in Pisces. The beginning of the working day is suitable for preparing and submitting reports and completing paperwork. Spend the second half of the day in peace, and devote the evening to passive relaxation. Do not overcool: the reproductive system is vulnerable.

December 8, 2016, 10th lunar day (14:06), waxing Moon in Pisces/Aries. The day is suitable for communication and receiving guests, but it is not recommended to be too active and rush. It’s good to do household chores: decorate your home, cook new dishes. You can visit a dentist and cosmetologist.

December 9, 2016, 11th lunar day (14:24), growing Moon in Aries. Today is better to spend in solitude and silence, doing things that have long been waiting in the wings. The more conversations you have, the more energy you lose. Abstinence from sex and fasting are recommended.

December 10, 2016, 12th lunar day (14:44), waxing Moon in Aries/Taurus. Trust your intuition: today its possibilities are endless. The day is favorable for mental and creative work, but it is better not to start new things. You can go on trips and make first dates.

December 11, 2016, 13th lunar day (15:07), waxing Moon in Taurus. If there is a need, today is a good time to start repairs, reconstruction, and rearrange furniture. Lost things may be found, old friends may respond. Monitor your blood pressure and don't overwork, especially in the afternoon.

December 12, 2016, 14th lunar day (15:57), waxing Moon in Taurus/Gemini. Today, apathy, depression, and despondency may set in. The best way to resist is to look for the positive in troubles, drive away unconstructive thoughts, and do something that brings joy not only to you.

December 13, 2016, 15th lunar day (16:15), waxing Moon in Gemini. Dedicate the first half of the day to planning the upcoming lunar month. Have a fasting day, or better yet, go hungry. Avoid alcohol.

December 14, 2016, 16th lunar day (17:06), Moon in Gemini/Cancer, full moon at 03:07. The day is suitable for detailed elaboration of existing plans, delegation of tasks, meetings with older people - today it is easy to see the real picture of things. Physical activity and cleansing procedures are recommended.

December 15, 2016, 17th lunar day (18:10), waning Moon in Cancer. Today it’s good to both start work that will take a long time and significant effort, start implementing far-fetched things, and finish boring things. It is favorable to buy and sell real estate and land.

December 16, 2016, 18th lunar day (19:24), waning Moon in Cancer/Leo (16:14). Think and act positively: today any negativity, expressed or unexpressed, leads to osteochondrosis. Do not insist on your own, do not force anyone to do your will. It would be nice to take a walk in nature, go into the winter forest.

December 18, 2016, 20 lunar day (22:02), waning Moon in Leo/Virgo. Sensitivity is heightened, but feeling sorry for yourself is contraindicated: it’s easy to get stuck in this state. Do ordinary things. It’s a good evening to spend with your loved one: the atmosphere will be very romantic.

December 19, 2016, 21st lunar day (23:20), waning Moon in Virgo. Be as honest as possible with yourself and your surroundings: even the slightest lie told today will soon be revealed. Beware of viral diseases - it's easy to catch a cold. It is not advisable to eat chicken meat and eggs.

December 20, 2016, continuation of 21 lunar days, waning Moon in Virgo. Selfishness and negative emotions will do a disservice today - refrain from both. Give up tea, coffee, drink more clean water.

December 21, 2016, 22 lunar day (00:35), waning Moon in Virgo/Libra. Troubled environment. Do not show your emotions, forgive those who have not yet learned this. There is no point in starting new businesses, with the exception of short-term ones that require simple physical effort. Take care of your eyesight and monitor your blood pressure.

December 22, 2016, 23 lunar day (01:48), waning Moon in Libra. Dedicate the day to active homework. It's good to go shopping before lunch. Listen to how you feel - a headache can warn you about what you shouldn’t do.

December 23, 2016, 24th lunar day (02:59), waning Moon in Libra/Scorpio. A suitable day for concluding deals and transactions with money. It is not recommended to be greedy, but it is also not recommended to waste money. Things bought today will serve and delight you for a long time. Take care of your throat and ears: they are especially vulnerable today.

December 24, 2016, 25th lunar day (04:10), waning Moon in Scorpio. Today you can do important things, but every step must be seriously calculated. Finish everything you start: lack of scrupulousness can result in problems with the spine. It's good to fast.

December 25, 2016, 26th lunar day (05:20), waning Moon in Scorpio. The day when you just want to talk. But remember: he does not tolerate tears, complaints and regrets - the negativity shown today can poison life for the week ahead. Take care of your respiratory system.

December 26, 2016, 27th lunar day (06:28), waning Moon in Scorpio/Sagittarius. Teamwork today will be effective. It is good to collect, accumulate and analyze information. In the evening, do household chores, bake buns, bread or any other round-shaped products.

December 27, 2016, 28 lunar day (07:33), waning Moon in Sagittarius. Mood swings are possible. If you feel that you are subject to them, do physical work. It would be nice to spend more time in the fresh air: working indoors today takes energy.

December 28, 2016, 29th lunar day (08:33), waning Moon in Sagittarius/Capricorn. Critical, nervous day. Be patient and kind. Emotions can run high, and in such a state it is easy to do something that you will regret later. Diet is useful today.

December 29, 2016, 30 and 1 lunar days (09:26/09:53), Moon in Capricorn, new moon at 09:53. Day of establishing internal comfort. Spend it with your closest people. Share positive emotions, get ready for the holiday that is about to come. It's good to have a glass of wine in the evening.

December 30, 2016, 2nd lunar day (10:10), waxing Moon in Capricorn. A wonderful day for holidays, celebrations and parties. Holiday shopping will be successful - the outfit you buy today will really make you shine. The same can be said about the styling done that day.

December 31, 2016, 3rd lunar day (10:45), waxing Moon in Capricorn/Aquarius. In the first half of the day, take stock of the outgoing year, complete current affairs, and pay off debts. Dedicate the second to yourself and your loved ones - it’s better to celebrate the New Year with them, new acquaintances can be deceiving.