Anna Rudneva now. Anya Rudneva, husband

  • 29.11.2023

They were once incredibly popular: they had their own series on the STS channel, concerts throughout Russia - the girls even opened up for Britney Spears. The Ranetki group appeared on August 10, 2005, and broke up three years ago. According to rumors, at the peak of popularity, the team’s fees for one performance exceeded 200 thousand rubles. Copyright still belongs to the group's producer, Sergei Milnichenko, and the former soloists do not receive a single ruble. Having lost money and success, the girls built their lives anew. What it cost them, StarHit found out.


25-year-old Anya Rudneva met her second husband, 23-year-old Dmitry Belin, a long time ago - he helped her record vocals. “We worked together for about two years, I liked Dima,” Anya tells StarHit. – Our previous marriages were unsuccessful, but the main thing is that we found each other and are happy! On April 30th of this year we got married and celebrated with those closest to us at our parents’ country house. The dress was made to order for me, since I was quite advanced in my pregnancy. I'm due in mid-August." The singer has a daughter, Sonya, from her marriage to Pavel Serdyuk, an actor in the TV series “My Fair Nanny.” Despite the fact that Anna and Pavel parted rather difficultly - they clashed mostly over everyday life and parents - now the former spouses communicate normally. “We got divorced only this year, although we separated back in 2013. Now Pasha often takes Sonya to his place and loves her very much.” The family business helps Rudneva earn a living: “Dima and I are co-owners of a recording studio and media school Studio180, where we give guitar and vocal lessons. I’m also trying myself as a jewelry designer under the byAnnRudneva brand.”


25-year-old keyboardist Zhenya Ogurtsova, a wild girl, will also soon get married for the second time. She lived with her first husband, musician Pavel Averin, for three years. “They got divorced on my initiative,” the artist shares with StarHit. “There was no talk of any feelings anymore - we became just friends.” A year ago, at a concert by the vocalist of the group “Cockroaches” Dmitry Spirin, “Ranetka” met designer Anatoly Ramonov. “Tolya makes all my posters and takes care of the website - I have a punk band “Ryzhaya,” says Zhenya. – Literally one of these days we will take the application to the registry office. We want to sign on October 4, the day we met.” For the 29-year-old man, as for Zhenya, this will be the second marriage. The couple plans to do without a lavish celebration and celebrate the event in a small circle. “I feel like a real girl - Tolya carries me in her arms! We are planning to have children soon.”


Bass player, 26-year-old Lena Tretyakova, in addition to music, has been practicing kundalini yoga for several years. True, she admits that she would never have come to this if it were not for the illness. “Three years ago I first felt that it was hard for me to breathe,” Lena recalls. “The pressure jumped to 160, it turned out that there was a hypertensive crisis.” Lena turned to her sister, who has been practicing alternative medicine for many years. “The first thing she told me was ‘yoga,’” Tretyakova continues. “In four months of daily exercise, I not only lost 10 kg, but also forgot about my blood pressure problems.” The artist herself has become a guru, conducts kundalini yoga classes in Moscow, and travels to other cities with master classes. Tretyakova also plans to open her own studio.


The biggest scandal in Ranetki was the departure of singing drummer Lera Kozlova. According to the girl, producer Sergei Milnichenko was unrequitedly in love with her. Having learned that Lera had chosen someone else, he fired her from the group. Kozlova tried to start a solo career, moved to Kiev to live with her boyfriend, Quest Pistols member Nikita Goryuk, took floristry courses, made jewelry, but could not understand what exactly she needed. They broke up, and Lera returned to Moscow. “I was sure that I would never sing,” says 27-year-old Lera. – I went to church and asked God to help me understand where to move. I shared my problems with the hairdresser Arina... And later she told Vasya from 5staFamily about me. He called and offered to become part of the team. My life again consists of performing, filming, and I’m so happy!”


Producer Sergei Milnichenko married guitarist Natasha Shchelkova, they have two daughters: 3-year-old Rasskaya and 2-year-old Iva, who are like two peas in a pod. The family lives outside the city, and with them is Milnichenko’s daughter from a previous marriage, Rassveta. The house has a recording studio. “Seryozha makes custom arrangements and works on television projects,” Sergei Krylov, godfather of Milnichenko’s daughters, tells StarHit. – And not so long ago he created the group “Powder”, where Rassveta also participates. There are a total of 4 girls singing in Japanese. By the way, they are on tour now.” 25-year-old Natasha does not lag behind her 49-year-old husband. “Over the years, she has excelled in editing,” says family friend Dmitry Pryanov. – Goes to courses at Ostankino. I recently made a video for one of my songs – it turned out great!”


The smallest "Ranetka", 22-year-old Nyuta, was almost ruined by the housing problem. During the tour, she purchased housing in Moscow, but did not have enough money to make repairs there. “About a year and a half ago, we even contacted the “Battle of Psychics,” Anya Baidavletova shares with StarHit. “The psychics Marilyn Kerro and Aza Petrenko helped a lot then - they removed the damage.” Nyuta now has a blog and a “Vkontakte live” program on the Russian channel
Musicbox, whose guests were Nyusha, Anita Tsoi, Anna Khilkevich and others. So she finally earned money for repairs: “Now craftsmen are working there, so my mother and I rent a house. I hope everything will be ready by the end of autumn.”

Last August, Anya Rudneva decided to start life from scratch. And she wanted to end the past in one fell swoop. The singer and actress decided to leave the Ranetki group, in which she worked for six years, and was also going to break up with her fiancé, actor Pavel Serdyuk (he is known to the general public for his role as Denis Shatalin, the ward of “my beautiful nanny” Anastasia Zavorotnyuk).

“My whole world, which I had built brick by brick, gradually collapsed. Pasha proposed to me back in the spring - right during the Ranetok concert he went up on stage, gave me a bouquet in front of the audience, and asked me to get married. But the wedding kept getting postponed; some urgent matters got in the way. And our relationship became somehow cold and strained,” Anya recalls. - Resentments and misunderstandings accumulated, none of us wanted to give in, we both stood our ground and tried to prove something to each other. As a result, we are at a dead end. And everything was bad with work. The peak of Ranetok's popularity is in the past. We were marking time, didn’t record new songs, practically stopped performing, and weren’t invited to tour. Although we worked hard from morning to night - creating our own Internet portal, these were pitiful attempts to save the group.

In addition, we earned almost nothing from this project. I realized that I was wasting precious time. I was already 21 years old, I had to hurry, do something interesting. I wanted to move on, grow, become an independent artist. The soul was yearning for freedom and broke out.” But fate immediately presented Anya with an unexpected gift - soon the girl found out that she was pregnant. “I was shocked,” admits Rudneva. - Pasha and I really wanted a child at one time, but nothing worked out. And we calmed down - it means it’s not time yet. And here everything is so complicated with us, I was seriously thinking that we had to break up - and here you are, a surprise! In complete confusion, shedding tears, she wrote a text message to Pasha: “You will become a dad.” His reaction amazed me, he called back a second later: “Hurray! This is cool! I knew!" “Yes, unlike Anya, I was expecting this,” Pavel picks up. “I have powerful intuition, and Anya complained that she felt sick and had a stomach ache.”

So this news didn’t surprise me, but made me incredibly happy.” After reflection, Anya and Pasha decided: since the Lord sends them a child and thereby gives them another chance to be together, it would be a sin not to accept this gift.

“I, of course, heard that during pregnancy women become inadequate, but I didn’t expect it to be so much. Anya either cried for no reason, then she gobbled up kilograms of candy, then she ate salt almost by the spoonful, then she became offended and declared a boycott on me. She infuriated me, pestered me, but I endured everything, didn’t lose my temper, I was surprised at myself,” Pavel laughs. “I am very grateful to Pasha for not running away from me at that time,” Anya smiles. “It was as if I recognized him again.” He’s usually so emotional, hot-tempered, it’s easy to get angry, but here he turned into a rock, stoically enduring my whims, mood swings, hysterics.”

Rudneva was also very nervous because the former producer declared war on her. At first, Sergei Milnichenko thought that Anya simply decided to show her character, and after giving birth she would return to the group. But when it became clear that she was not going to return, trouble began. “For some reason the girls regarded my departure as a betrayal and turned away from me. They began to tell journalists that I had problems in my personal life, that I was deeply depressed and, they say, the group was paying for my treatment. Complete nonsense! I was accused of leaving because of money; it was always not enough for me. Not true either! It is clear that all this was done at the suggestion of the producer, without his knowledge we could never take a step.

I couldn’t wrap my head around how people I considered family could do this to me. It was unbearably painful and bitter. I will never be able to understand and forgive them! And yet, no matter what happens in life, everything is for the better. But during that difficult period, I became convinced that there was a real man next to me. Pasha supported me very much and protected me like a lion.”

It was very important for Anya that the child be born in a legal marriage. And, being six months pregnant, she focused all her energy on preparing for the wedding. Together with her mother, she went to salons in search of a dress (the singer dreamed of a simple outfit with a corset, certainly cream-colored), chose a restaurant, and even herself and her friends decorated the hall for the celebration. The closest ones were invited to the holiday - relatives and friends, of whom there were more than forty people.

“I felt like a princess: curls on my head, long dress, heels. It was so fun! In ordinary life I don’t get out of jeans and sneakers, but at my wedding I wanted to change beyond recognition,” says Rudneva. “Anya had a fixed idea - to get married, and she had a blast: she danced until she dropped, regardless of her position,” Pasha laughs. And in the eighth month of pregnancy, the energetic girl went with her friends to St. Petersburg, where she tirelessly wandered around the city and visited museums.

Pasha immediately warned his wife that he was not ready to be present at the birth: “I don’t understand this fashion - giving birth together. In my opinion, a man has nothing to do in the maternity ward, and a woman at such a crucial moment has no time for a man; it is much easier for her alone to concentrate on this important process.”

Anya gave birth on May 17 - exactly on the birthday of her beloved grandmother. “I gave birth for a very long time - the whole day, but when I saw my daughter, the hellish torment and pain were instantly forgotten. She lay on my stomach, squealing, and I was covered by a wave of some kind of universal, unbearable love for this tiny fluffy creature, tears flowed from my eyes like a river. Pasha came to us the next day. When he took the sleeping Sonya in his arms, she suddenly opened her eyes and stared at him. He was even confused, and then shed tears. It was such a touching meeting between dad and daughter,” Anya recalls with a smile.

Although Anya and Pasha became parents very early (they are only 22 years old), they quickly adapted to their new life, the baby became the center of the universe for both.

“Pasha’s paternal instinct woke up, in my opinion, earlier than my maternal instinct,” laughs Rudneva. - He easily copes with Sonya - he can feed her, change her clothes, take her for a walk, and put her to bed. So I am completely calm when I leave them alone. Sonya is generally her father's daughter, she is very similar to Pasha - exactly the same cheeks, eyes, facial expressions, antics. And in character she is like my dad - calm, smiling, positive. She is our ray of sunshine."

After the birth of her daughter, the new mother began to experience a creative upsurge. Songs suddenly began to be written one after another (Anya, by the way, was the author of many songs of the Ranetki group), and when Sonechka was only two months old, Rudneva began studio work - she began recording her compositions.

“Everyone scared me of postpartum depression, but instead I had some incredible surge of strength, it seemed like I could move mountains. I recovered after childbirth quickly and without much effort. Although, when I was wearing Sonya, I gained as much as 18 kilograms. This is too much for me, considering that I am small, I weighed only 42 kilograms before pregnancy. I felt terribly fat and clumsy. There was such a bun - a huge belly, cheeks like a chipmunk. And after giving birth, I lost a lot of weight - there was just a lot of water in my body. While I was breastfeeding my daughter, I lost weight completely because I was on a strict diet: Sonya was allergic to almost everything.”

Pasha and Anya unanimously declare that the child not only completely changed their usual life, but also firmly united them, they now feel like a real family.

“Although the period of adjustment continues, not everything is going smoothly in our relations,” admits Rudneva. - We cannot live in peace. It happened that I was offended by Pasha, packed my things and went with Sonya to my mother. This was repeated several times, but I knew for sure that I would sulk for a couple of days, the resentment would pass and I would return. Because there is Sonya. And no matter what disagreements and quarrels we have, we must break into pieces and try very hard to save the family for the sake of our daughter. I myself grew up without a father, so I know how painful it is for a child. The little man needs both parents." “And I understand perfectly well that I can’t get away from Anya and Sonya, there’s no going back,” Pavel smiles. - If earlier only Anya twisted ropes out of me, now she and Sonya do it together.

But don't think I'm complaining. After all, I voluntarily got married and put an end to my freedom, I myself chose a woman who will nag me all my life. (Laughs.) And since Anya is my wife, I have to turn a blind eye to a lot of things. Yes, we are very different, it is difficult for us to communicate with each other, sometimes it seems that we speak different languages. But we both try to find compromises, learn to listen and hear each other.” “When we got married, to be honest, we had no idea that marriage was such a serious, everyday, difficult job,” adds Anya. - But it is important that both Pasha and I are ready to work on our relationship. And yet, in spite of everything, I feel very comfortable in the status of a married woman, I proudly introduce Pasha to everyone: “This is my husband.” Although I often catch myself thinking that my husband and I are still, essentially, children.

When we come to the children's store, we completely forget what we were going to buy for Sonya. Pasha “hangs out” in the section with cars, I can’t tear myself away from dolls and soft toys. (Laughs.) It’s so great that, thanks to Sonya, we can fall back into childhood again! She will grow, and we will gradually begin to grow up next to her. My daughter is only six months old, but I can’t wait for us to read books together, put together puzzles, sculpt from plasticine, draw, cook borscht and fry cutlets.”

While the baby is slowly growing, young parents have time to engage in creativity. Fortunately, they have enough helpers: grandmothers, grandfathers, great-grandmothers, great-grandfathers - everyone is on hand. Anya is preparing to launch her solo project, and former Star Factory graduate Alexander Kireev is helping her with production.

And Pavel is a final year student at GITIS, rehearsing his graduation performance, and writing a script together with a classmate. Occasionally he appears in TV series and television projects, but he says that an acting career does not particularly attract him; he is more interested in directing. Sometimes spouses are invited to host holidays or events. “It’s so cool to work together with your own husband! When we work together or, sitting in the kitchen, come up with something - we have an idea to do a joint performance - I feel that we are one, and this is happiness,” Anya smiles.

The young Russian singer Anya Rudneva (now Serdyuk - the girl took her husband’s surname), who became famous thanks to the youth series “Ranetki”, and then as part of the group of the same name, threw a real scandal about her return to the team. The girl claims that her former colleagues behave inappropriately, that she no longer even feels respect for them, and does not even think about any return, because after everything she has learned about them, the star only wants to know her husband and future baby.

Since August 2005, when the Ranetki group was formed, Anya has become one of the most popular pop singers beloved by schoolgirls. But among the many concerts and constant tours with the group, she did not forget about her personal life - in 2008, Rudneva met Pavel Serdyuk, who became famous thanks to the series “My Fair Nanny.” Two years later, the actor proposed to the girl, to which she agreed. The young people prepared for the wedding no less effectively - they made a real reality show out of their lives, which was broadcast by one of the Internet portals.

In order to raise ratings, the bride and groom were not even embarrassed to have sex publicly, despite the fairly young age of the audience. On January 12, 2012, the wedding took place, and soon it became known that Anya was pregnant with her first child. The future 22-year-old mother posted pictures of her rounded belly on Twitter to please her fans. Rudneva has already forgotten about her work, because she left the group back in November, but other members of Ranetki are spreading rumors about her return to the stage in order to gather full houses during her performances.

It is not surprising that the singer was outraged by such actions and even wrote an obscene message on her blog: “I’m in oh...e. They've eaten too many mushrooms and are delirious. They say that I will return somewhere. Oh well! And I’m sitting in St. Petersburg, I’m fine, and I’m not going to return ANYWHERE. And I won’t even say hello. I won't stoop to your level. With people like you, it's better to be on different levels. It's a shame it took a long time to figure this out. Lately even respect has been disappearing.”

In turn, the artist’s former producer Sergei Milnichenko (who was recently given a daughter, Rasskaz, by another member of the group, Natasha) does not understand the indignation of his once ward, assuring that she is obliged to work for him for another two years. In addition, he is perplexed by the rumors that have reached him that Rudneva left Ranetki because of money and blames everything on the girl’s new entourage, which is pitting her against him and her former colleagues.

“We worked together for seven years. Everything was OK. And suddenly Anya struck a pose. If she had complaints about money, she could talk to me, but Anya did not express any complaints to me and, without explanation, announced that she was leaving. This is called: gave birth, taught, raised, but overlooked. It seems that some jackals who are now next to Anya got hooked on her ears and spun all sorts of nasty things about me and the group: “You were deceived. You've been underestimated." And a person begins to have an inadequate perception of the world. Look who was at Anya's wedding! She had never been comfortable with these people before, and she didn’t invite anyone from Ranetki. What complaints does she have against girls? Or do they owe her money too?” - portal quotes the producer.

Once upon a time the girls were friends

Now Anya is completely occupied with her family and husband

Now the girl is expecting a child and has absolutely no intention of sharing the duties of a mother with her former colleagues

Anya’s departure from the Ranetki group, with which part of her life and career was connected, was accompanied by a loud scandal. She had not liked the atmosphere that reigned within the team for a long time, the behavior of the participants and the mood with which Rudneva left Ranetki had been with her for a long time.

She stood at the very origins of the group, wrote songs for it and sang them herself, becoming one of the most popular performers among youth audiences. After leaving Ranetki, the main thing in the artist’s life became husband of Anya Rudneva actor Pavel Serdyuk, familiar to television viewers for his role as Denis Shatalin in the TV series “My Fair Nanny.”

In the photo - Anya Rudneva with her husband

At the time of leaving the group, she was pregnant, so she was more concerned about the health of her unborn daughter than sorting out relationships in the team. As soon as Pasha found out that his girlfriend was expecting a child, he immediately proposed to her, and it all looked very romantic - right during the concert, he went up on stage with a bouquet in his hands and asked Anna to become his wife. Then they played a modest wedding, to which the former “Ranetka” did not invite any of her former friends in the group.

Anya met Pavel two years earlier, and when they got married, they decided to create a real reality show based on their family life, which was broadcast on one of the Internet portals.

Anya Rudneva’s husband, despite his youth, adequately endured all the whims of his pregnant wife, although she, as he admitted, sometimes simply infuriated him. Anya says that she is very grateful to Pavel that he silently endured all her antics, and this helped her understand how reliable a person he is. Rudneva says that her husband’s paternal instinct woke up very early - even earlier than her maternal instinct. Anya Rudneva’s husband easily dealt with the baby, could feed her, change her clothes, take her for a walk, and did all this with pleasure. The daughter is very similar to her father and even her character is just as calm and smiling.