You can start a thesis. A Quick Guide to Writing a Abstract

  • 20.12.2023

Some people believe that theses are just a list of the main points of the work, but this is not so. The abstract of a scientific article is actually another form of it, an independent article that should give a sufficient idea of ​​the research conducted. They are understood as logically related provisions of the article, the proof of which is given in the publication itself.

The purpose of writing an abstract is to summarize the material presented in a scientific article. Having become acquainted with the theses, the reader will conclude that it is advisable to get acquainted with the article itself. If you poorly present your article in the form of abstracts, this may discourage readers from getting acquainted with interesting materials, while even an article that is weak in content can arouse significant interest thanks to well-written abstracts.

Abstract structure

Theses have a certain structure, following which you can clearly state the essence of the problem. There are three main parts of the abstract: preamble, main part and conclusion. The preamble is preceded by information about the author of the abstract and its title, which is formatted in accordance with the requirements of a particular publication.

Preamble. This part involves an introduction to the research problem, a description of its relevance and the purpose of the study. For a common phenomenon, the traditional formulation is used, while addressing a new or rare term must begin with its brief description.


Gambling addiction is one of the important problems of school-age children.

Cyberbullying is online bullying that has reached alarming proportions in the world.

When formulating relevance and other elements, do not rewrite entire paragraphs of text that may be present in your article. In your abstract, you should draw attention to the problem, rather than trying to describe in detail its enormity or consequences.

Main part. Here it is necessary to present several main provisions of the work, which are united by the research problem. This part of the abstract should be given special attention, since it affects the essence of the study and must be presented in sufficient volume. In the case of a quantitative study, it is necessary to briefly describe the methods used, sampling parameters and main results.

First, formulate the theoretical principles on the basis of which you conducted your research. The following statements will help you with this:


…(term) represents

The main purpose (term)… is…

...(term) is characterized by signs...

Then describe the specific results of the study, for example, using the construction: “during the study it was revealed that...”.

When describing the research methods, one can note by what criteria the subjects were selected, how many stages the research consisted of, and in what form it was carried out. All this must be put into 1-2 sentences, which will not contain unnecessary details (venue and conditions, composition of groups, etc.) and insignificant words.

Sample :

The study was conducted using the method (name of the method): 30 selected students with a high level of gambling addiction were asked questions from the author’s questionnaire.

Conclusion. The last statements should represent a certain conclusion from everything given before. In the final part, you need to summarize the results of the study. This may be a generalization of the findings that you described in the previous part. Traditional constructions that lead the reader to the end of the work will help you: “research results show...”, “thus...”, etc.

Mistakes when writing abstracts

  1. A common mistake when writing abstracts is the lack of a specific structure. This approach leads to the fact that the author simply presents some part of his research in a condensed form, without indicating its key parameters, or pulls out individual provisions of the work without connecting them with each other in any way.
  2. The second mistake is excessive preamble. The authors of some theses pay too much attention to the formulation of the relevance of the topic or problem without addressing the actual research. At the same time, the scientific world is primarily interested in the results of the study.
  3. The third mistake is related to overly complex phrases. Some authors believe that an excess of special terminology will demonstrate their education and competence in this topic. But do not forget that the thesis should attract the attention of the audience to the problem you have raised. The simpler you formulate your theses, the more likely it is that your topic will be discussed. At the same time, simplicity lies not only in the understandability of sentences, but also in their brevity. Two short sentences are always easier to understand than a long construction with adverbial phrases.
  4. Another mistake arises due to the low content of the abstract. It would seem that when formulating them, the problem should arise of how to fit everything into a small volume (1-2 pages). However, the opposite also occurs, when a person does not know how to highlight the main thing. Instead of laconic phrases logically connected to each other, he presents a whole tape of text lacking the necessary precision and brevity.

Improving thesis

Not every author spends time improving their thesis, but in vain. It is through the process of correction that your work can become deeper, more accurate, and more interesting to a potential audience. People with high self-esteem often think that they have already tried hard enough and that their work is beyond praise. To get an objective assessment, invite competent people to read your abstract and the article for which it was written. You will probably receive several valuable comments that will help you see your own work from the outside, remove unnecessary things from it and make existing provisions more meaningful.

Hello, Pavel Yamb is in touch again!

It’s been a long time since we discussed theory, don’t you think? Well, today I am correcting myself and bringing to your attention a very useful article on how to write a thesis statement. I will not get into the scientific jungle, but will tell you about this exclusively in practical application. I came across them at university, at scientific conferences, and, of course, while working on websites.

What it is

First of all, I want to warn you: if you think that theses are a brief point-by-point retelling of some more global text, then you are right. However, those who think that this is an independent article, only in miniature, are also right.

The word "thesis" is used in several meanings. Most often we hear about it in relation to scientific activities.

In the scientific world, abstracts of reports presented at a conference are often published in a newsletter and their value for representatives of science is quite high: such a publication is counted towards a higher scientific title.

However, this is not the only area that uses theses. If we talk about abstracts as an Internet product, they are designed to briefly describe the main topic of a site, blog or its section. In addition, in the content business, very often customers do not offer a plan, but short statements that the copywriter must reveal. So you see, this short word can hide a lot of interesting things.

Primary requirements

Thesis, like any other professionally written text, has uniform requirements. Despite the fact that some points make them similar to the essay, one should not forget: first of all, this is not a literary work, but a scientific work with all that it implies.

Ideally, we should acquire the ability to write abstracts correctly at school. However, not everyone at this age is able to understand that this is not necessary for the teacher and mom and dad, but first of all for ourselves. Therefore, let us remember:

When you need not to write, but to reveal

I started an Instagram account. I show you the life of a copywriter, I make fun of you in stories, let’s be friends! GO TO INTSAGRAM

Now let's get back to copywriting. For example, we received an order in which the customer had already formulated what the article should be about. The abstracts will be something like this:

  • What is this product?
  • Who produces it?
  • What are its features and qualities?
  • How is it different from others?
  • What are its advantages?
  • What (or who) is it best suited for?

Since we take a general scheme, we limit ourselves to questions. If the order is made by a manufacturing company, then they provide some answers in general terms to a copywriter, whose task is to skillfully describe and reveal the features of the product, brand or service.

If suddenly you receive an order, but do not know the product very well, then you can ask these questions as clarification. It is a rare customer who will refuse to respond to someone who is performing his own task. Well, or if the work with the customer did not work out, then you can find answers to the questions yourself.

Support for text construction

And finally, we will discuss what abstracts are, which are exclusively supporting material - for a report, section, website.

The main task of such theses is to formulate short, succinct statements that can subsequently be developed further.

To make it clear, I will select supporting theses directly for this article.

  • Theses are different.
  • They are widely used in the scientific field.
  • Such abstracts are a short analysis of scientific work with examples.
  • They can be based on ready-made material or vice versa: the material is compiled according to the abstract.
  • There are questions suitable for the thesis plan of a selling article.
  • The supporting thesis is the main idea that can be developed further.

With such a cheat sheet, I can present this article at any copywriting conference: now I won’t forget what I want to say.

What theses did you have to deal with? And check out this little guy in the car.

The thesis is a summary of the main results obtained during the research work. It should be noted that for scientific conferences, papers are accepted in the form of abstracts, but very strict formatting rules are observed.

The traditional view is a written page, which allows supervisors to identify the essence of the work. In this case, the author must adhere to the principle: one article - one thought. However, what should be written here is not about what results were achieved in the work. This is a kind of summing up. Free reproduction is not allowed here, only a competent approach.

A thesis is the result obtained during the work; it shows the level of preparedness of the author and his supervisor. In the abstract you need to write only what you have personally achieved or developed. If the work is done jointly, then it is necessary to indicate all participants. First of all, the manager checks the theses and makes adjustments if necessary.

So, working with abstracts consists of several sections.

  1. Introduction. Usually done very briefly. The reasons for performing the work are substantiated here. For example: “This work examines the effect of genetically modified foods on the human body.”
  2. Theoretical part. Contains only the main theoretical aspects of the issue, which will allow you to have an idea of ​​the subject or object of research. What is important here is only a dry presentation of the material, no unnecessary statements, only bare facts with a mandatory link to the source of information, because all important details will be indicated in the report. The thesis involves presenting only a brief essence of the work.
  3. The main part contains an analysis of the study, but again only brief information needs to be presented.
  4. Conclusions are formulated based on the analysis obtained.
  5. Bibliography. It is also an important stage in writing a thesis. Incorrect design is very common. You should check with your instructor for writing requirements.

To make writing a thesis easy, you can follow the basic rules that must be followed when performing the work:

First of all, you should determine for which text the abstract will be written. If you are already ready for a scientific report, then it is enough to briefly outline the results of the research. The important task here is not to start retelling the report, otherwise this will be a fundamentally wrong approach to the task. Often theses are stated regarding the statement of a problem, the results of a study, or a new methodology.

  • Determine the relevance and purpose of the work.
  • Formulate the main problem to which the work is devoted.
  • Describe your opinion regarding the problem, explain why it differs from the scientific one.
  • Offer your research methodology, but first talk about the methods and principles used.
  • Draw a conclusion.

Almost everyone has heard the concept of “thesis” at least once in their life. This is one of those words whose meaning is intuitively clear. However, it is not always possible to precisely formulate what a thesis is in Russian language and literature.

What is a thesis?

This word is ambiguous and is used in different areas of life. Most often the use is associated with science and philosophy, but the term is also used in literature and music, and can also act as a proper noun.

Understanding what a thesis is in literature or any other field is not so difficult if you pay attention to the etymology of the word. It is taken from the ancient Greek language, where it is translated as “position” or “statement”. Thus, the word thesis means some key idea expressed briefly in one sentence.

This concept is especially important when annotating literature. An abstract is a summary of anything, a kind of characteristic of a work. As a rule, they are made of many theses, that is, key provisions. Such annotations are often written for scientific papers and term papers.

Thesis in logic

In science, this concept is most often associated with the description of any work, and in the field of logic this term is key to the process of justification. When it is necessary to explain a phenomenon, a person must operate with theses, which must have their own arguments.

When someone tries to prove the correctness (or incorrectness) of a certain thesis, he must strictly follow two rules. The first is that the meaning of the original statement should not change until the very end of the discussion. This often happens - trying to argue for some not very reliable thesis, a person gradually replaces it with a more accurate and strong one.

The second rule is that such statements should not allow ambiguity. Their wording must be clear so that there is no ambiguity or uncertainty. Situations often arise when the prover provides a certain argument, but it remains unclear what exactly he was trying to prove.

In logic, examples of theses are controversial expressions that encourage discussion. Classic versions are statements like “God exists” and “There are no good artists in modern art.”

TESIS system

This name was given to the electronic document management system, which is actively used in a variety of processes. It automates the management of certain business elements, such as document flow or office work.

The TESIS system was developed in Russia in 2010. Since then, it has been updated several times, with some updates occurring within the same year. Since mid-2016, the program has been included in the Unified Register.

The functionality of THESIS is related to various aspects. For example, the system is capable of managing tasks. She organizes them, controls the deadlines, and with her help you can appoint a controller and performers. All projects can be easily imported from Microsoft Project.

From the point of view of document management, the program makes it possible to create them based on existing tasks, allows easy approval, assigning clear access rights, and also has a number of attachments. THESIS is equipped with an electronic office and many different modules.

Other meanings of the word thesis

This concept can be used when analyzing bars in music. They can be divided into impact and non-impact components. The unstressed, that is, light parts, will be called arsises, and the heavy, percussive parts will be called theses.

This word is used in Hegel's philosophy. It denotes the initial stage of development of dialectics. If we are talking about linguistics, then in this case the concept appears in the phrases “theses of the verbal structure” and “theses of the nominative structure.” The concepts differ depending on whether the predicate contains a verb.

Which is proposed to be discussed, represents the results of the study or a new methodology.

Determine the purpose of the work and the relevance of the proposed topic. Briefly formulate it and write it down.

Briefly describe existing points of view on this problem. Tell us how your point of view differs from what others offer. If the abstract is dedicated to a new research methodology, tell us about existing methods and what is new about the one you are proposing. Determine its advantages and disadvantages.

Suggest the most optimal research methodology. If the abstract is written for a work devoted to research results, outline the basic principles of this methodology and the scientific hypothesis. Tell us about the methods used, principles and sampling parameters. Introduce future readers or listeners to the intermediate results, if any, and the main ones. Do it.


Theses must be logically connected to each other. Moreover, their proof may be in the text of the main work.

Abstracts should reveal the content of a larger work, but not repeat it. There is no need to rewrite the entire report, nor should you tear out random phrases from it.

Before writing a thesis, you need to deeply understand the essence of the problem that is presented in the work.

Theses differ from other scientific texts in their small volume.

Helpful advice

Theses are of two types. Some are compiled for the work of another author, others for their own work.

The thesis should be brief, but it must express a capacious and deep thought.

Claims must be substantiated. The justification is given either orally, or it is in the work.

The abstract should not contain any emotional assessments. They should be written in a dry, scientific style, but at the same time understandable. Any reader or listener should be able to understand the problem.


  • how to write a thesis

Often in the lives of not only professional scientists, but students and even schoolchildren, situations arise when they need to write the abstract of a scientific paper, report or speech. And while professionals cope with this task quite easily due to their extensive experience, students often have difficulties. This is explained by the fact that scientific theses are inherently different from traditional written works and their compilation is subject to different rules.


Do not forget that abstracts are always much smaller in scope than any scientific work. In accordance with existing rules, they should not exceed 2 printed sheets in A4 format, typed in 12 point size. Convert your outline into shorter statements, but try not to lose the main points. Reduce the volume through a variety of textual “water”, examples, lyrical digressions, etc. Your theses must be presented clearly, clearly and unambiguously. The ambiguity of the wording used is completely unacceptable.

Having composed the main part of the theses, take care of a clear statement of the goals of the work and the conclusions obtained. Having finished compiling your abstract, carefully re-read your work again and check whether all its parts are logically interconnected and whether there are any contradictions or unrelated fragments among them. If necessary, you can swap individual positions. The main thing is that the work has a clear structure and presentation. The abstract should end with a list of findings and research results.

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Undergraduate and graduate students often have to deal with such a form of scientific activity as writing abstracts. Abstracts are widely used at various conferences, public speeches, defenses, as well as for publications in scientific collections, when a full presentation of the material is impossible due to space limitations. In addition, the preparation of abstracts is often required as a preliminary step when writing a major scientific or educational work: coursework, graduation project, dissertation.


Regardless of whether you are writing on an existing work or just one that is still being prepared, the principles for composing them are approximately. Theses are short statements, each of which reveals one specific idea. They do not require a large volume and traditionally consist of no more than 2-3 printed sheets of A4 format.

Read the resulting text and think about how logical and holistic its structure is. If necessary, swap individual theses so that the main idea of ​​the work is clearly visible.

Restate the points received in your own words, using only occasional direct quotes from the original text. At the same time, remove all non-essential numbers and descriptions. You should be left with only clear, consistent main points of the original work.

If the total volume of the abstract text exceeds 3 pages, typed in 12 font, think about how you can shorten the presentation. Remove all side digressions, simplify complex and cumbersome grammatical structures. Make sure that each statement reveals only one main idea.

Complete the finished text of the abstract with a brief introduction describing the topic and work. Be sure to write a conclusion containing all the main conclusions of the study. Add a list of the main scientific sources used in preparing the study.

If you are preparing abstracts for a future lengthy paper, keep the same principle. But instead of doing an initial study of the source material, think about what main ideas you intend to present in your work. Make a kind of framework from the provisions that you intend to consider. In the introduction, formulate the tasks that you set for yourself within the framework of this study and the main methods for solving them.

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Controversial issues are resolved by identifying a statement to be proven or disproved. Properly formulated, it allows you to understand what exactly needs to be proven and select well-founded arguments.